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12The bar graph gives a comparison of the yearly total of films available in several formats that

were rented or sold from a specific store over ten years, from 2002 to 2011.

Overall, two formats of films became more popular (DVD and Blu-ray sales) and the remaining two
became less popular (rentals and VHS sales). While DVD sales bloomed after having surpassed
rentals, which consistently declined alongside VHS sales, to become the predominant format
favoured from 2004, Blu-ray sales gradually started to gain ground in 2007.

The formats that increased in popularity are DVD and Blu-ray. The most significant growth was
observed in DVD sales: in 2002, only 45,000 DVD films were sold, which made it the least favourite
format; however, the next year this figure had more than doubled to 105,000, and by 2004 DVDs
overtook rentals becoming the most popular format ever since throughout the remainder of the
period with more than 175,000 sales. It was not until 2007 that Blu-ray films were introduced. Like
films in DVD format, there was a steady rise in Blu-ray sales, albeit at a marginal rate (roughly
2,500 of them per year, meaning that no more than around 12,500 annual sales were reached
within the 5-year period).

Rentals and VHS sales became less popular. The most favoured format at the very outset was
rentals (there were approximately 185,000, far more than DVD and VHS sales). Nevertheless,
these figures dropped constantly throughout the decade: there was a decrease seen within the
5,000-20,000 bracket each year approaching just a shy of 60,000 at the end of the period, meaning
that they fell by over 200% in the 10 years. Finally, after registering 85,000 in 2002, VHS sales
underwent a sharp reduction that neared 10,000 by 2005, year that precedes its discontinuation.

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