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Why legitimacy is important for good governance? Explain with relevant examples in the
context of Asian Countries. You can choose any particular country.



Legitimacy is the belief that the government works with policies and legislation that can
accommodate the citizens of the country.

People are empowered by those in power and can take it away from what the government allows.
Therefore, the government should be especially careful not to make decisions that are not
included in the declaration at the time of elections.This is why the declaration is important. Once
a political party is elected to power, the declaration can order the policy to be enforced. Those
who do not agree with these policies will wait for another election to justify the policies of other
political parties.This is one of the main roles of the Parlament. The opposition and the Senate are
responsible for the government to adhere to the declaration on behalf of the people.

Legitimacy is important for good governance

Determining whether a government owns legitimacy depends not on the ruler's own claims of
legal grounds, but on whether the majority of the population actually recognizes the government.
So it's not difficult to understand why legitimacy is always associated with democracy. The
concept of legitimacy shows that the foundation and foundation of government began with the
support of the people, which is the only source of information for government power.

Legitimacy is important to all governments. Legitimacy maintains political stability by

establishing the rationality of the administration and providing a reason for the existence of the
administration. As such, Weber points out that the administration calls for and creates beliefs in
the legitimacy of those who tend to maintain control.

Explainuing legitimacy in China

In the case of the People's Republic of China, the legitimacy of the Communist Party of
China(CPC) administration relied primarily on philosophies before China's reform and opening
policy began in the late 1970s. The CPC promoted Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, socialism and
communism to people through advertising machines, and adopted political movements such as
the Great Jump and the Anti-Rightist Campaign. In addition to the legitimacy of the philosophy,
there are various sources for CPC to ensure legitimacy, such as outcomes (industrial and
economic development in the 1950s) and charismatic appeal (Mao Tse-tung), but ideology is still
CPC. It was the most important component of legitimacy. However, such policies have seriously
damaged China's socio-economic development and political stability. When the situation
worsens, the ruling party will face a crisis of legitimacy. As a result, the mainstream policy of
CPC turned into economic development of class struggle and increased the legality of success in
order to recover the problems of ideological legitimacy and procedural legitimacy. Therefore,
GDP (a quantified indicator of economic development) is very important for CPC. China needs
an increase in GDP, while CPC demands legality.

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