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Case 1:21-cv-00661-UNA Document 1 Filed 05/06/21 Page 1 of 15 PageID #: 1




Civil Action No.
The Honorable ________________________



Plaintiff Throwdown Industries Holdings, LLC (hereinafter “Throwdown” or “Plaintiff”)

files this Original Complaint for Declaratory Judgment of Patent Non-Infringement and Invalidity

against FITBENCH, LLC and FITBENCH HOLDINGS LTD LLC (hereinafter “Defendants” or

“FITBENCH”), and would respectfully show the Court as follows:


1. This is an action for declaratory judgment arising under the Federal Declaratory

Judgement Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201, 2202, and the Patent Laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C.

§ 100 et seq. Plaintiff Throwdown requests this relief because FITBENCH has threatened

Throwdown, erroneously claiming that Throwdown’s FXD Bench infringes FITBENCH’s design

and utility patents directed to workout benches.

2. Plaintiff seeks a declaration that U.S. Patent No. 10,092,791 (“the ’791 patent”),

U.S. Patent No. 10,960,256 (“the ’256 patent”) and U.S. Design Patent No. D831,762 (“the ’762

patent”) (collectively, “the patents-in-suit”) are invalid and/or not infringed by the manufacture,

use, sale, offer for sale, or importation of Throwdown’s FXD Bench, and for such other relief as

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the Court deems just and proper. Plaintiff has not before and does not now directly infringe, either

individually or jointly, or indirectly infringe any claims of the patents-in-suit.


3. Plaintiff Throwdown Industries Holdings, LLC, is organized and existing under the

laws of the State of Delaware, and has a principal place of business at 20372 Hermana Circle, Lake

Forest, CA 92630. Throwdown designs, develops and sells fitness and training products, including

the FXD Bench, alleged by FITBENCH as infringing the patents-in-suit.

4. On information and belief, Defendant FITBENCH, LLC is a limited liability

company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin with its principal place

of business at 400 Lake Bluff Dr, Oconomowoc, WI 53066-6414. On information and belief,

FITBENCH LLC is in the business of designing, developing and selling fitness and training


5. On information and belief, Defendant FITBENCH HOLDINGS LTD LLC is a

limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin with its

principal place of business at 400 Lake Bluff Dr, Oconomowoc, WI 53066-6414. On information

and belief, FITBENCH HOLDINGS LTD LLC is in the business of designing, developing and

selling fitness and training products.


6. FITBENCH and Throwdown are competitors in the fitness equipment market, and

on information and belief, both companies market to the same customers, either via a direct-to-

consumer model, or through sales to commercial fitness centers.

7. On March 19 and March 22 of 2021, Tyler Danen, Chief Executive Officer of

FITBENCH and a named inventor of the patents-in-suit, personally contacted Gregory Nigro, who

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works for Throwdown as an independent contractor, and accused the Throwdown FXD Bench of

infringing the patents owned by FITBENCH. Mr. Danen was responding to a Facebook post from

Mr. Nigro, who had posted a picture of the Throwdown FXD Bench. In his text to Mr. Nigro, Mr.

Danen stated that the Throwdown bench infringed on FITBENCH’s design and utility patents, and

stated that he would leave it up to his legal team. The text of the conversation is below:

You of all people should know how it feels to have your ideas and hard work taken
from you. Please also understand that we have multiple design and utility patents
on our benches. What you have with this Throwdown bench in my eyes is infringing
on our patents. I am leaving that up to our legal team to take a look.

The communications between FITBENCH’s Mr. Danen and Throwdown’s Mr. Nigro

(“Danen-Nigro communications”) are attached as Exhibit 1. Mr. Nigro immediately contacted

Mr. J. Gregory Barrow (“Mr. Barrow”), CEO of Throwdown, and Mr. Charles E. Joiner (“Mr.

Joiner”), President of Throwdown, and shared the Danen-Nigro communications with Mr. Barrow

and Mr. Joiner.


8. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§

1331 and 1338(a) because this action involves claims arising under the patent laws of the United

States, 35. U.S.C. § 100, et. seq., and under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§

2201 and 2202.

9. This Court has personal jurisdiction because FITBENCH has minimum contacts

with this forum as a result of business regularly conducted within the State of Delaware and within

this judicial district. Personal jurisdiction exists because, on information and belief, FITBENCH,

inter alia:

a. engages in substantial and not isolated interstate activity in this judicial district;

b. has substantial, continuous, and systematic business contacts in this judicial district;

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c. actively advertises to residents within this judicial district, and makes available

FITBENCH’s products within this judicial district. For example, FITBENCH

advertises on the Facebook web-based platform



which reaches and can be viewed by residents within this judicial district;

d. operates Internet websites, e.g., <>, that are available to and

are accessed by customers and potential customers of FITBENCH within this

judicial district;

e. allows residents of Delaware to contact FITBENCH for assistance with

FITBENCH’s products, e.g., <>

f. has purposefully and voluntarily availed itself of the privilege of conducting

business in the United States and the State of Delaware by continuously and

systematically placing goods into the stream of commerce through an established

distribution channel with the expectation that such goods will be purchased within

the United States and the State of Delaware; and

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g. sells and/or offers to sell FITBENCH’s products through retailers and distributers

(e.g., Best Buy) located within this judicial district, for example:

10. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action based on a real and

immediate controversy between FITBENCH and Throwdown regarding whether the Throwdown

FXD Bench infringes the patents-in-suit, and further whether the patents-in-suit are invalid.

FITBENCH has engaged in acts constituting enforcement of the patents-in-suit that represent a

clear threat that it will sue Throwdown for patent infringement based on Throwdown’s

manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale, or importation of the Throwdown FXD Bench.

11. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 for at least the reasons,

inter alia, discussed above in ¶ 8-10, which are incorporated by reference herein.


12. On October 9, 2018, U.S. Patent No. 10,092,791 (“the ’791 patent”) entitled

“Workout Bench” was issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) to

John Robert Donnelly, Tyler Steven William Danen, and David Thomas Rutledge with

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FITBENCH as the assignee. The ’791 Patent claims priority to October 26, 2016. A copy of

the ’791 Patent is attached as Exhibit 2.

13. On March 30, 2021, U.S. Patent No. 10,960,256 (“the ’256 patent”) entitled

“Multipurpose Workout and Storage Bench” was issued by the United States Patent and Trademark

Office (“USPTO”) to John Robert Donnelly, Tyler Steven William Danen, and David Thomas

Rutledge with FITBENCH as the applicant. The ’256 Patent claims priority to October 26, 2016.

A copy of the ’256 Patent is attached as Exhibit 3.

14. On October 23, 2018, U.S. Design Patent No. D831,762 (“the ’762 patent”) entitled

“Combined Workout and Storage Bench” was issued by the United States Patent and Trademark

Office (“USPTO”) to John Robert Donnelly, Tyler Steven William Danen, and David Thomas

Rutledge with FITBENCH as the assignee. The ’762 Patent claims priority to October 21, 2016.

A copy of the ’762 Patent is attached as Exhibit 4.


15. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1-14, which are

incorporated by reference as if fully restated herein.

16. Throwdown has not infringed and does not infringe, directly or indirectly, any valid

and enforceable claim of the ’791 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at

least because the Throwdown FXD Bench does not include or practice multiple claim limitations

of the ‘791 Patent, including but not limited to the following limitations of Independent Claim 1,

as italicized below:

1. A workout bench for use by a person on a support surface and for holding
a plurality of exercise items, comprising:
a rectanguloid front container and a rectanguloid rear container each
connected with two opposing rectanguloid side containers therebetween, the

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front container at least partially open at a front side thereof, the rear
container at least partially open at a rear side thereof, each side container
open at an outward, lateral side thereof, the containers each flush at top
sides thereof, bottom sides thereof, and lateral sides thereof, each container
defining an internal storage volume therein; and
a benchtop pivotally fixed with the front container and including a selectively
movable brace for holding the benchtop at one of a plurality of predefined
angular positions with respect to the top sides of the containers;
whereby the exercise items are placed into the containers and the person is
supported by the benchtop while performing exercises;
wherein each side container further includes a plurality of dumbbell supports
fixed with a back wall thereof, whereby dumbbell-type exercise items may be
supported on any of the dumbbell supports and removed from or returned to
the side container through the open lateral side thereof.
17. For the reasons set forth in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, an actual

and substantial controversy with sufficient immediacy exists between FITBENCH and

Throwdown, based on the ’791 Patent and the Throwdown FXD Bench, to warrant the issuance of

a declaratory judgment regarding whether the Throwdown FXD Bench has infringed the ’791


18. Throwdown seeks a judgment declaring that Throwdown does not directly or

indirectly infringe any asserted claims of the ’791 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine of

equivalents, and is not liable for any infringement.


19. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1-14, which are

incorporated by reference as if fully restated herein.

20. The ’791 Patent is invalid for failure to meet the conditions of patentability and/or

otherwise comply with one or more of 35 U.S.C. § 102 and 103, to the extent the claims of the

’791 Patent would have been anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102 and/or obvious under 35 U.S.C. §

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103, because the claimed inventions were known and/or obvious in view of the prior art, which

includes, but is not limited to, U.S. Patent No. 10,576,352 to Vester (Exhibit 5), Bespoke Gym

webpage from Escape Fitness

(<>) (Exhibit 6),

US20170136278A1 to Gilchrist (Exhibit 7), CA2354216C to Siaperas (Exhibit 8), and U.S.

design patents D362776 (Exhibit 9), D455,310 (Exhibit 10), and D256253 (Exhibit 11).

21. For the reasons outlined in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, an actual

and substantial controversy with sufficient immediacy exists between FITBENCH and

Throwdown, and Throwdown seeks a judgment declaring that all claims of the ’791 Patent are



22. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1-14, which are

incorporated by reference as if fully restated herein.

23. Throwdown has not infringed and does not infringe, directly or indirectly, any valid

and enforceable claim of the ’256 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at

least because the Throwdown FXD Bench does not include or practice multiple claim limitations

of the ‘256 Patent, including but not limited to the following limitations of Independent Claim 1,

as italicized below:

1. A workout bench for use by a person on a support surface and for holding
a plurality of exercise items including at least exercise weights, the workout
bench comprising:
a front container and a rear container each connected with two opposing
side containers therebetween, the side containers each comprising at least a
back wall extending along an inward, lateral side of the side container, the
front container at least partially open at a front side thereof, the rear
container at least partially open at a rear side thereof, each side container

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open at an outward, lateral side thereof, the containers each flush at top
sides thereof, bottom sides thereof, and lateral sides thereof, each container
defining an internal storage volume therein, each side container separated
from the other side container, by way of at least the back wall, such that the
internal storage volume of each side container is inaccessible from within the
internal storage volume of the other side container; and
a benchtop fixed with the front container;
whereby the exercise items are placed into the containers and the person is
supported by the benchtop while performing exercises;
wherein each side container further includes a plurality of weight supports
fixed with the back wall thereof, whereby the weight supports are configured
to support one or more of the exercise weights and the side containers are
each configured for removing of or returning of the exercise weights through
the open lateral side thereof.
24. Throwdown has not infringed and does not infringe, directly or indirectly, any valid

and enforceable claim of the ’256 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at

least because the Throwdown FXD Bench does not include or practice multiple claim limitations

of the ‘256 Patent, including but not limited to the following limitations of Independent Claim 14,

as italicized below:

14. A workout bench for use by a person on a support surface and for
holding a plurality of exercise items including at least kettle-bell type
weights, the workout bench comprising:

a front container and a rear container each connected with two opposing
back walls to define a pair of opposing side containers between the front
container and the rear container, the front container at least partially open at
a front side thereof, each side container open at both lateral sides thereof, the
containers each flush at top sides thereof, bottom sides thereof, and lateral
sides thereof, each container defining an internal storage volume therein;
a benchtop fixed with the front container;

whereby the exercise items are placed into the containers and the person is
supported by the benchtop while performing exercises;

wherein each side container further includes a kettle-bell tray pivotally fixed
with the front container and rear container, whereby each kettle-bell tray is
configured to support one or more of the kettle-bell type weights and the side

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containers are each configured for removing of or returning of the kettle-bell

type weights through the open lateral side thereof.

25. Throwdown has not infringed and does not infringe, directly or indirectly, any valid

and enforceable claim of the ’256 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at

least because the Throwdown FXD Bench does not include or practice multiple claim limitations

of the ‘256 Patent, including but not limited to the following limitations of Independent Claim 15,

as italicized below:

15. A workout bench for use by a person on a support surface and for holding
at least exercise weights, the workout bench comprising:

a front portion including at least a front container defining an internal storage

volume therein, the front container being at least partially open at a front side

a rear portion disposed opposite the front portion;

two opposing side containers disposed between the front and rear portions, the
side containers each including at least a back wall extending along an inward,
lateral side of the side container, each side container further being open along
an outward, lateral side thereof, each side container defining an internal
storage volume therein, each side container being separated from the other
side container, by way of at least the back wall, such that the internal storage
volume of each side container is inaccessible from within the internal storage
volume of the other side container; and

a benchtop fixed with at least the front portion;

whereby the person is supported by the benchtop while performing exercises;

wherein at least one of the side containers further includes a plurality of

weight supports fixed with the back wall thereof, whereby the weight supports
are configured to support one or more of the exercise weights and the side
containers are each configured for removing of or returning of the exercise
weights through the open lateral side thereof.

26. For the reasons set forth in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, an actual

and substantial controversy with sufficient immediacy exists between FITBENCH and

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Throwdown, based on the ’256 Patent and the Throwdown FXD Bench, to warrant the issuance of

a declaratory judgment regarding whether the Throwdown FXD Bench has infringed the ’256


27. Throwdown seeks a judgment declaring that Throwdown does not directly or

indirectly infringe any asserted claims of the ’256 Patent, either literally or under the doctrine of

equivalents, and is not liable for any infringement.


28. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1-14, which are

incorporated by reference as if fully restated herein.

29. The ’256 Patent is invalid for failure to meet the conditions of patentability and/or

otherwise comply with one or more of 35 U.S.C. § 102 and 103, to the extent the claims of the

’256 Patent would have been anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102 and/or obvious under 35 U.S.C. §

103, because the claimed inventions were known and/or obvious in view of the prior art, which

includes, but is not limited to, U.S. Patent No. 10,576,352 to Vester (Exhibit 5), Bespoke Gym

webpage from Escape Fitness

(<>) (Exhibit 6),

US20170136278A1 to Gilchrist (Exhibit 7), CA2354216C to Siaperas (Exhibit 8), and U.S.

design patents D362776 (Exhibit 9), D455,310 (Exhibit 10), and D256253 (Exhibit 11).

30. For the reasons outlined in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, an actual

and substantial controversy with sufficient immediacy exists between FITBENCH and

Throwdown, and Throwdown seeks a judgment declaring that all claims of the ’256 Patent are


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31. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1-14, which are

incorporated by reference as if fully restated herein.

32. Throwdown has not infringed and does not infringe, directly or indirectly, a valid

and enforceable claim of the ’762 Patent, because the Throwdown FXD Bench is not substantially

similar to the claim of the ’762 Patent, at least because the Throwdown FXD Bench (Exhibit 12)

has multiple visual features that distinguish the Throwdown FXD Bench from the ’762 Patent,

including but not limited to the following visual features of the FXD Bench: (i) prominent open

framework appearance as opposed to a box-like appearance; (ii) central cushion element has a

narrower lateral dimension than the end segments of the cushion assembly, providing the cushion

assembly a distinctive barbell shaped appearance, when viewed from the top; and (iii) the lack of

interconnected rectanguloid containers defining a box-like appearance.

33. For the reasons set forth in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, an actual

and substantial controversy with sufficient immediacy exists between FITBENCH and

Throwdown, based on the ’762 Patent and the Throwdown FXD Bench, to warrant the issuance of

a declaratory judgment regarding whether the Throwdown FXD Bench has infringed the ’762


34. Throwdown seeks a judgment declaring that Throwdown does not directly or

indirectly infringe the claim of the ’762 Patent, and is not liable for any infringement.

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35. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1-14, which are

incorporated by reference as if fully restated herein.

36. The ’762 Patent is invalid for failure to meet the conditions of patentability and/or

otherwise comply with one or more of 35 U.S.C. § 102 and 103, to the extent the claim of the ’762

Patent would have been anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102 and/or obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103,

because the claimed inventions were known and/or obvious in view of the prior art, which includes,

but is not limited to, U.S. Patent No. 10,576,352 to Vester (Exhibit 5), Bespoke Gym webpage

from Escape Fitness

(<>) (Exhibit 6),

US20170136278A1 to Gilchrist (Exhibit 7), CA2354216C to Siaperas (Exhibit 8), and U.S.

design patents D362776 (Exhibit 9), D455,310 (Exhibit 10), and D256253 (Exhibit 11).

37. For the reasons outlined in the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint, an actual

and substantial controversy with sufficient immediacy exists between FITBENCH and

Throwdown, and Throwdown seeks a judgment declaring that the claim of the ’762 Patent is



WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Throwdown respectfully requests that this Court enter:

A. A declaration that Plaintiff Throwdown has not infringed, either directly or

indirectly, any valid and enforceable claim of the utility patents-in-suit (’791 patent and ’256

Patent), either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents;

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B. A declaration that Plaintiff Throwdown has not infringed any valid and enforceable

claim of the design patent-in-suit, as not being substantially similar to the claim of the design

patent-in-suit (’762 Patent);

C. A declaration that the patents-in-suit are invalid;

D. An order enjoining Defendants FITBENCH, LLC and FITBENCH HOLDINGS

LTD LLC, and its officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and those in active concert or

participation with them from asserting infringement or instituting or continuing any action for

infringement of the patents-in-suit against Plaintiff Throwdown or the suppliers, manufacturers,

distributors, resellers, customers, or end-users of their products; and

E. Such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.


Pursuant to FED. R. CIV. P. 38, Plaintiff Throwdown hereby demands a trial by jury on all

issues so triable.

Dated: May 6, 2021 Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Tracy L. Pearson

Tracy L. Pearson (DE Bar #5652)
Rolando Diaz (DE Bar #5845)
1509 Gilpin Avenue, Ste.2
Wilmington, DE 19806
Tel: (302) 273-4249
Fax: (855) 223-8791

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Thomas M. Dunlap, pro hac vice forthcoming

Raymond Jones, pro hac vice forthcoming
Brendan Squire, pro hac vice forthcoming
Cortland Putbrese, pro hac vice forthcoming
8300 Boone Blvd., Suite 550
Vienna, Virginia 22182
(703) 777-7319 (t)
(703) 777-3656 (f)

Attorneys for Plaintiff Throwdown Industries

Holdings, LLC

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Exhibit 1
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Exhibit 2
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Exhibit 3
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Exhibit 4
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Exhibit 5
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