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In today’s lesson, I taught my students the first unit in the Get Smart Plus 3 textbook,
which is “Welcome”. The skills that I am focusing on this topic is speaking. For set induction, I
show a picture of kids with different physical appearances, and I am asking them what do they
see in the picture that I have displayed on the screen. Most of them answered they see five kids
on the screen, and then I am asking them about each kid’s physical appearances such as what
colour is their eyes or hair and does their hair straight or curly. The students reply to me very
well when I ask them some simple questions like this. After I finished asking them about the
picture, I switched to the presentation part.
During the presentation, I show a flashcard of ugly, pretty, blonde hair, brown eyes, curly
hair and purple. I ask about the picture that I have shown one by one on the screen and also make
them pronouns and spell the word correctly. After I was done drilling them with the vocabulary,
I show a substitution table of “have got” and “has got”. At first, they were silent and showing
their confused face. Then, I explain again slowly and ask them a few questions to make sure they
understand what I taught about this topic. Most of them begin to show that they understand.
During practice, I display the worksheet on the screen first, and then I give them
instructions on how to complete the worksheet. For this part, I am having a bit problem with the
audio, and the students cannot hear the video as well. Then, I took another alternative which is I
read the lyrics song for them, and they need to fill in the blank in the worksheet that I gave. Next,
after I was done reading the lyrics, I discuss the answer with the students. I pick the students
randomly, and they answered. Most of them got all correct in the worksheet.
For the production part, I gave them instructions and show a demonstration on how the
activity will goes on. When I start my demonstration, I present to them an example of what they
are going to talk since they need to include “have got” and “has got” in their speech. After I was
done giving them instructions and demonstration, I gave them 5 minutes to jots down everything
that they want to talk about themselves. After the time is ended, I call out the students randomly
and hear their speech. Most of them talk very well, but there is a bit mistake that they did, but I
correct them immediately. Then, I continued with other students, too and observed the way they
speak. As for closure, I ask them what they had learned for today’s lesson. At first, the students
seem not understand yet. Then, I recap again in a simple way to make them more understand
what they learn today and ask them again. After that, most of them be able to understand and
answer my questions. Before class ended, I shared with them the moral values for today’s lesson.
Altogether, this first-class was organized well even there is some part that I am lack, but I
deal with it well. If I could change any part for this lesson, I will change the presentation part to
an easier way, such as I show an interesting video that can make the students more understands
for this topic. Also, I will try to implement a variety of teaching techniques and fun activity for
my students.

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