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Going ahead looking at the current and future situation any specific inputs would the group like
to suggest to this organization that will add value to survival and positive growth.

ANS.1 looking at the current and future situation Apart from implementing innovative technology,
organizations will have to relook at several aspects to protect both their workforce and business.

1. Optimizing Resources: well-being of the workforce is paramount; emotional and moral support
are as important as financial support in these testing times. We must factor in a scenario where
some employees may get infected by Covid-19 and will have to go through the harrowing experience
of quarantine and recovery. Consequently, because of critical staff being unavailable, productivity
might get affected. A similar problem will crop up for employees who are forced to stay at home yet
cannot work remotely. While the organization will have to take care of such employees on priority,
shifting of tasks to other team members, to ensure timely completion will also be indispensable.
Virtualizing the systems will enable both re-tasking and transparency.

2. Stakeholder Communication: clear and transparent communication is key to organizational

success. It has become increasingly important to keep stakeholders regularly updated regarding
business performance as well as other developments in the organization. Stakeholders also need to
know about steps being taken by the organization towards dealing with the pandemic as well as
ensuring optimal productivity and revenue. Creating simulations and sharing them through
comprehensive digital dashboards help highlight important issues and anticipate better to make the
right decisions.

3. New Products and Services: keeping product/ R&D teams functioning in full gear can help in
developing new products and services which are in line with current consumer needs. Although this
can mean investment of critical resources at a sensitive time, the move can prove to be a good one
in the long run. After all, organizations that can adapt and evolve are the ones that can truly step up
the growth trajectory.

4. Digital Employee Benefits and Safety: The spotlight is already on digital and in the payments
space it plays an even bigger role in promoting safe and easy transactions. Employee benefits like
meal cards to pay for meals, groceries and other essentials can be a great help in the times of social
distancing. Virtual cards can further aid contactless delivery and protect both employees and
employers. Also, they help motivate employees and extend essential benefits at a difficult time.

Dealing with the pandemic and emerging a winner is clearly a big challenge but not an impossible
one. Looking for the right solutions and keeping a positive attitude can work wonders!
ANS.2 Looking at the current and future situation Here are some critical elements to the COVID
response strategy for organizations.

1. Establishing a Smart Finance Operating Model

The capability to operate virtually depends on deploying smart finance operating models that
leverage the power of data, technology, and talent. From the perspective of the Finance function,
this can be done by optimizing technology usage, thus freeing up the finance team to focus on more
strategic activities such as planning, analysing, etc. and making the best use of inputs from
technology to strengthen forecasting models. The building of this technology can be through
leveraging capabilities from within the organization.

2. Redesigning the Blueprint of Cost Structures

COVID-19 forced leaders to take a hard look at their cost structures and identify deep-rooted
inefficiencies that may have sneaked in. It has also put the focus on using automation. The concepts
of centralization, zero-based budgeting, outsourcing, marginal costing, and fundamental economics
has gained a new meaning in the wake of this uncertainty.

Organization should do detailed scenario planning and maintain a realistic view to recovery while
designing new cost structures. A fair and balanced conversation backed with statistics and numbers
can provide much-needed clarity in discussions with stakeholders, which is needed given the
uncertain market reality.

3. Building Transparency, Proactively

How an Organization manages relationships with key stakeholders, such as banks, rating agencies,
lenders etc., during a crisis plays a critical role, as the support of these stakeholders in any crisis is
critical. All stakeholders should be proactively informed about the ongoing efforts to manage the
financial situation. During these crucial times, transparency and frequency in communication are
vital to reassure stakeholders that the Organization has the situation under control. And for an
Organization to communicate the strength effectively and ably goes a long way in building trust and

4. Time and Cost Management

Revenues for most businesses are significantly impacted, which puts tremendous stress not just on
short-term liquidity and working capital planning but also on the longer-term financing strategy of
organizations. On the working capital front, they need to identify suppliers in the value chain who
can be their partners in the long run and support longer payment cycles and variable economic
models based on commitments.

5. Striking Balance between Long-Term and Short-Term Goals

Organization is responsible for financial stability and planning, which contributes directly to
employee wellbeing. they need to drive the right changes, especially when it comes to
transformation, scaling, data, and the digital world. They need to ensure the business is not left
behind by a narrow focus on short-term results or too much concentration on long-term goals.
Radical changes and uncertainty call for a clear-eyed and well -crafted response. With the right
talent, technology, and insights, they can successfully navigate their company through the current
crisis and help them emerge stronger.
ANS.3 Looking at the current and future situation will suggest Sodexo to provide “sustainable diet”
food servicers.

1. Now why foodservice businesses should embrace sustainable diets. They can be grouped into
three distinct areas.

• Delivering turnover growth by differentiating the product offer, enhancing brand reputation and
building customer loyalty, stimulating customer demand, and securing investment.

• Mitigating risks and increasing resilience by ensuring quality and security of supply, increasing the
integrity of supply chains, reducing regulatory risks, reducing the risks to reputation, and maintaining
the licence to operate.

• Maintaining and improving profit margins by improving staff motivation and retention, making
efficiency savings, using lower or same cost ingredients, and reframing costs.

2. How To initiate the change

• Integrate sustainable sourcing and health & nutrition across departments to make more rapid
progress on sustainable diets

• Pilot sustainable menus and, if successful, roll them out across all your outlets
• ‘Bundle’ costs: calculate the overall costs and benefits of introducing a sustainable menu, not the
cost of individual products

• Develop staff who are passionate about delivering sustainability: provide them with the space,
tools and incentives to deliver sustainable diets

• Tailor business cases for sustainable diets to the specific circumstances of your company, clients
and customers

• Horizon scan: assess the impacts of geo-political and societal shifts on the medium- and long-term
health of your company

• Remove worst offenders: choice edit/rule out ingredients that are unsustainably sourced e.g., fish
species from Marine Conservation Society’s ‘fish to avoid list’

3. Across your stakeholders

• Educate and build demand: tell customers, clients and suppliers why sustainable diets are

• Invest in sustainable supply chains

• Ask “would customers eat your food if they knew where it came from, how it was made, and what
its health and sustainability credentials were?”

• Promote your values: tell stakeholders why sustainable diets matter to you

4. Across your industry

• Share best practice, including non-commercially-competitive information about the business cases
that have worked for you

• Agree on a shared definition (or common principles) for sustainable diets to create a level playing
field when implementing them

• Collaborate for sustainable diets: go beyond zero-sum competitiveness to promote the benefits

• Advocate (to national governments) for a level playing field; a change to competition law; and
agree an industry-wide definition of sustainable diets.

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