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Safety Engineering of Process Plants (CH 404)

Module I

Er. Prince George

Dept. Of Chemical Engineering
Saintgits College of Engineering
Course Objectives:
• To impart the basic concepts of industrial safety.
• To develop understanding about safety practices in industries and emergency procedures.
• To understand about chemical hazards and risks.

Expected Outcome
The students will be able to
i. Implement safety in processes.
ii. Analyze the chemical hazards in plants.
iii. Analyze the Process Reliability and Human Errors.

Text Books
1. Bhaskara Rao- “Safety in Process Plant Industries” Khanna Publications.
2. Daniel Crowl- “ Chemical Process Safety” 3rd edition, Pearson Publications
3. R.K.Jain & Sunil S Rao, Industrial Safety, Health and Environment Management Systems, Khanna Publishers
Module I

▪ Introduction to safety: Concept and importance of industrial safety.

▪ Fundamental safety tenets.
▪ Safety in the site selection and lay out.
▪ Accidents- Classification Cost of accidents.
▪ Key safe practices in chemical industry for accident prevention programme.
▪ Material safety data sheet.
▪ Work permit system
Essential Terms : To move Forward
Safety or loss prevention: the prevention of accidents through the use of appropriate technologies to identify the
hazards of a chemical plant and eliminate them before an accident occurs.

Hazard: a chemical or physical condition that has the potential to cause damage to people, property, or the

Risk: a measure of human injury, environmental damage, or economic loss in terms of both the incident likelihood and
the magnitude of the loss or injury.

Incident : An event that could or does result in unintended harm to people and /or damage to property and/or
• Near-Miss (No loss type incident)
• Accident (loss type incident)
Flixborough Disaster
Flixborough Works of Nypro Limited was designed to produce 70,000 tons per year of caprolactam, a basic
raw material for the production of nylon.

The Flixborough disaster was an explosion at a chemical plant close to the village of Flixborough England on 1 st June
• killed 28 people and seriously injured 26

• Process involved oxidation of cyclohexane with air in a series of six reactors to produce a mixture of cyclohexanol and

Before After
Flixborough Disaster
• Crack was discovered in the number 5 reactor

• Install a temporary 50 cm (20 inch) diameter pipe to

bypass the leaking reactor to allow continued
operation of the plant
The Disaster
➢ At 16:53 on Saturday 1 June 1974
▪ The temporary bypass pipe (containing cyclohexane at 150°C
and 1 MPa) ruptured, possibly as a result of a fire on a nearby 8
inch (20 cm) pipe which had been burning for nearly an hour.

• Within a minute, about 40 tonnes of the plant's 400 tonne store

of cyclohexane leaked from the pipe and formed a vapour cloud
100–200 metres in diameter.

▪ The cloud, on coming in contact with an ignition source (probably

a furnace at a nearby hydrogen production plant) exploded,
completely destroying the plant.
• Around 1,800 buildings within a mile radius of the site were
damaged. Thermal Expansion Jack-Knife
Events Leading To The Incident

• Two months before the incident, R-5 was found to be leaking.

• 6 ft. long crack had developed.

• A water hose stream was directed to the crack to cool and quench the small cyclohexane leak.
• The cooling water contained nitrates which encourage stress corrosion of certain carbon steels.
❖ Thus, by trying to relieve the situation, the quenching was actually acting as a promoter of corrosion.

• Ultimately, the reactor had to be removed from service.

• There was no experienced works manager, WM, available on site at the time of the removal of R-5.
• The previous WM, a good maintenance engineer with 25 yrs of experience, had quit because an anticipated
promotion was given to an outside person.
Events Leading To The Incident

• As there was no experienced mechanical engineer on site, those remaining decided to “fast track” or
“scratch pad” a solution for the intended by-pass.
• They sketched a full-scale by-pass line in chalk on the maintenance floor.
• No stress analyses calculations were performed on the by-pass connection.

➢ The by-pass line was quickly installed and the plant put into start-up mode.
o Shortly after start-up, the by-pass line failed causing 40,000 lbs of cylcohexane to leak into the confined
spaces of the reactor support structure.

❖ Within two minutes, the vapor cloud exploded.

Consequences – Lesson learned

• The main root cause of this incident was the use of cooling water with nitrates to quench cyclohexane leaks on the reactors.
• Another root cause was installing a by-pass line, or any line for that mater, without stress analysis.
• This is a recipe for disaster.
• A third root cause was management must recognize when they are vulnerable to critical manpower changes.
• More control is required to conduct good engineering practices once the plant is up and running.
• Poor location and poor construction of the control room.
• Plant was too congested at the design stage.
• Must minimize hazardous inventories
• Process hazard review required at regular intervals.
• Plant must adhere to pressure vessel regulations.
• Require emergency planning with the community.
Safety Programs
• System
• to record what needs to be done to have an outstanding safety program
• to do what needs to be done, and
• to record that the required tasks are done.
• Participants must have a positive attitude.
• This includes the willingness to do some of the thankless work that is required for success

• Participants must understand and use the fundamentals of chemical process safety in the
design, construction, and operation of their plants.

• Everyone must learn from the experience of history or be doomed to repeat it.

• Safety takes time.

• to study,
• to do the work,
• to record results (for history),
• to share experiences, and
• to train or be trained.

• Everyone (you) should take the responsibility to contribute to the safety program.
• Safety must be given importance equal to production.
Introduction to safety: Concept

The management of all operations and procedures in an industry in order to protect its employees and assets by
minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses” called the Industrial Safety

• Safety of people in their workplaces

• Protecting the environment against damage from industrial accidents
• Protecting businesses against serious losses from damage to plant and machinery
• Eliminating accidents causing work stoppage and production loss.
• Creating awareness of the good practices available for the delivery of effective safety instrumented systems
• Providing basic training in well-established techniques for engineering of safety systems
• Assisting engineers and technicians to support and participate in the safety systems activities at their work with
good background knowledge of the subject
• Being aware of what can go wrong and how to avoid it
Industrial safety is to lighten the environmental impact on the manufacturing unit and each person and the role of
the industrial safety professionals is to find leverage or opportunities for considerable improvement using practical

• Industrial safety is needed to check all the possible chances of accidents for preventing loss of life and
permanent disability of any industrial employee, any damage to machine and material.
• It is needed to eliminate accidents causing work stoppage and production loss.
• It is needed to reduce workman’s compensation, insurance rate, and all the cost of accidents.
• It is needed to achieve better morale among industrial employees.
• It is needed to increase production means to a higher standard of living.
• It is needed to prevent accidents in the industry by reducing any hazards.


•Loss of Life
▪ Direct Costs
•Permanent Disability and Distress
▪ Payment of compensation to the accident victims
•Lost Production
▪ Medical expenses incurred by the management for the injured in the accident
•Damaged Materials
❑ Indirect Costs
•Medical Cost
❑ Cost involved in the enquiry and preparation of investigation reports on
•Insurance, Compensation etc.
❑ Cost of time lost by other personnel than those involved in the accident.
❑ Cost involved in recovery and salvage of damaged equipment and cleaning
the accident area.
❑ Loss of production
❑ Loss of prestige and public confidence
❑ Degradation of morale among workers
❖ Safety starts at the design stage itself
▪ The process must operates safely at designed conditions.
▪ The various hazards involved in process are as follows.
▪ Fire hazards either inherent in the process or from external sources.
▪ Source of excessive over pressure explosion hazards.
▪ Hazards resulting from abnormally high or low temperature.
▪ Hazards created by toxic or highly corrosive materials.

▪ Give ample consideration to these things while designing.

▪ ( Material selection, Instrumentation and Control)
❖ In the past
Plant Location Factors
▪ Raw material availability
▪ Access to market 1. Raw materials availability

▪ Transport facility 2. Markets

▪ Other techno-economic considerations 3. Energy availability

❖ Present 4. Climate conditions

o Environmental consideration 5. Transportation facilities

o EIA 6. Water supply

o Industrial Licensing Procedure 7. Waste disposal

o Central/State Pollution control Boards 8. Labor supply

SITTING CRITERION 9. Taxation and legal restrictions

10. Site Characteristics
• Economic and social factors
11. Flood and fire protection
• Environmental factors
12. Community factors
• Balance

Areas to be Avoided

➢ Ecologically and or otherwise sensitive areas at least 25 km; depending on the geo-climatic conditions the requisite
distance shall have to be increased by the appropriate.
➢ Costal Areas: At least ½ km from high tide line.
➢ Flood plain of the river systems
➢ Transport/ communication system
➢ Major settlements
➢ Consider direction of growth

▪ No forest land shall be converted into non-forest activity (Ref: Forest Conservation Act 1980).
▪ No prime agricultural land shall be converted into industrial site.
▪ Land acquired shall sufficiently large to provide space for waste water treatment , reuse and solid waste management.
▪ There should be a green belt of about ½ km wide around the battery limit of the industry.
▪ For industry having odor problems the green belt shall be a kilometer wide.
▪ The green belt between two adjoining large scale industries shall be 1 km.
▪ Should maintain three ambient air quality measuring stations within 120o angle between stations.

▪ Detailed EIA need to be carried for the following projects

1. Those which can significantly alter the landscape.

2. Those involving manufacture, handling and use of hazardous materials.
3. Those which are sited near ecologically sensitive area.
4. Industries which could cumulatively cause significant environmental damage.

➢ Proper stack height as prescribed by PCB should be provided for better dispersion of pollutants over a wide area to
minimize the effects.
➢ Community buildings and townships should be built up wind of plant ½ to 1 km green belts.
➢ The selection of site for solid waste disposal should be based on soil permeability.
➢ Waste disposal areas should be planned down-wind of villages and town ships.
➢ Proper rehabilitation for people who are displaced.
➢ Proper site for parking trucks and other vehicles to avoid transportation problems.
➢ Sitting of industries on the highways should be avoided.
➢ Industries should plant trees and ensure vegetal cover in their premises.
➢ System for moral awareness and environmental management, planning and implementation of the projects.

❑ Plant layout is concerned with the spatial arrangement of processing equipment, storage vessels, their interconnecting
pipe work, workplace and warehouse.
❑ This is an important aspect in the design of chemical and process plants, since a good layout will ensure that the
plant functions correctly, safely and efficiently. (IS 8091 : 2008)
❑ Access to the plant and supply of maintenance, construction and emergency services are all affected by the plant
❑ Numerous accidents, occupational diseases, explosions, and fires are preventable if suitable measures and code of
standards are taken into consideration right from the earliest planning, design, and the initial project stage.
Overall Plot Plan
❖ It shows the whole site including the boundaries, roads, railroad, pavement, buildings, process plant areas, storage
areas, waste disposal, shipping and loading areas.

❖ Geographic and Plant Norths are marked.

❖ Equipment arrangement drawing:

▪ The piping group usually makes several viable arrangements of equipment, seeking an optimal design that
satisfies process requirements.
Plot Plans
❖ When the equipment arrangement drawings are approved, they are developed into “plot plans” by the addition of
dimensions and coordinates to locate all major items of equipment and structures.

❖ Both ‘plant north’ and true north is marked


➢ Since each plant differs in many ways and no two plant sites are exactly alike, there is no one ideal plant layout.
➢ However, proper layout in each case will include arrangement of processing areas, storage areas, and handling areas
in efficient coordination and with regard to such factors as:

1. New site development or addition to previously developed site

2. Type and quantity of products to be produced
3. Type of process and product control
❖ Guidelines
4. Operational convenience and accessibility ▪ Techniques of Fire Explosion Index and
▪ Toxicity Index
5. Economic distribution of utilities and services
▪ Dow’s Index
6. Type of buildings and building-code requirements ▪ Mond’s Index
▪ OISD- Oil Industry Safety Directorate (Codes)
7. Health and safety considerations
▪ IRI – Industrial Risk Information etc.
8. Waste-disposal requirements
9. Auxiliary equipment Allowing objective spacing distances to be taken into account at all stages

10.Space available and space required

11.Roads and railroads
12.Possible future expansion
• Process units
• Tank farms
• Loading and unloading facilities
• Flares
• Power, boilers and incinerators
• Cooling towers
• Substations, large electrical switch yards
• Central control houses
• Warehouses
• Analytical laboratories
• Incoming utility metering and block systems
• Fire hoses, fixed monitors, reservoirs and emergency fire pumps
• Waste treatment areas
• Maintenance buildings and areas
• Administrative buildings

Basic Data
• Civil
• Plane Table Survey
• Extent of the plot with the overall area.
• Geographical north
• Contour Survey Map
• Level of the plot (MSL)
• Soil Survey
➢ Bearing capacity of soil, corrosion properties
• Electrical
➢ Supply voltage level, voltage required within the plant.
• Non Plant Facilities
➢ Administrative block, Canteen, Workshop, R&D, QC and Pilot Plant, Gate House, Security arrangement, Vehicle
Parking, Medical Centre, Fire Station, Staff Colony
❖ Meteorological Data ❖ Process Data
• Required to arrive at the location of the process area, • Size/ Capacity of process unit
utility, type of enclosure required for the building, • Knowledge on the type of plant.
drainage details etc. • Sequence of process flow.
• Min and Max and normal temperature during the year • Hazardous nature – inter unit distance, fire water
• Rainfall storage volume
• Intensity and direction of the wind • Overall operating philosophy – manual/automatic,
• Seismic zone batch/continuous.
• Wet and dry bulb temperature • Storage philosophy – above ground/ under ground
• Flood level • ETP capacity
❖ Data on Utilities • Type of hazards- fire hydrant system
• Source and supply point of raw water. • Number of flares
• Quality of water available
• Water consumption
• Requirement of other types of utilities.

• Statutory Requirements
Requirement of green belt, Floor area occupation, Width of the roads, Free area to be maintained, Height of steps, Floor to
floor distance, distance between units, requirements for petroleum and gas storage, fir fitting requirements, height of
chimneys etc.
❑ State Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC)
❑ Factory Inspectorate
❑ State Electricity Boards
❑ Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO)
❑ Static and Mobile Pressure Vessel Rules (SMPV)
❑ Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD)
❑ Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF)
❖ Topography and weather.
▪ Inherent hazards associated with hilly areas
▪ Emergency such as tank overflow or vessel failures
▪ Prevailing winds
▪ Precipitation , weather phenomena such as inversion (During inversion smoke and noxious vapors hang over
earths surface Donora, Pennsylvania disaster, October 27,1948)
▪ Any area that has frequent inversion lasting more than 3 to 4 days should be rejected

❖ Division of Plant into Units

• By separating the process units, the spread of fire and explosion can be prevented
• Divide plant into blocks separated by roads
• Access from all sides
• Dead-end roads should be avoided
• Properly planned
• Segregation of hazardous processes, storage and equipment's
• Separate such units from one another by fire resistant walls
• Provisions for easy isolation in case of emergency
• Access for Fire Fighting
• Roads /passage ways etc. are so maintained as to permit unobstructed access for fire fighting
• Materials Storage
• Materials susceptible to ignition and stored in open shall be at a distance not less than 10 m away from the
process or storage building
• Cylinders containing compressed gas shall never be stored near highly flammable substances, furnaces or hot
• Precautions in case of open storage
• Temperature variation and direct sun rays
• Flammable liquids • Utilities
• Quantity that can be stored (not more than 20 L of • Very important and should be located as remotely
liquids having flash point of 21oC) as possible from the operating area
• Suitable containers with close firing covers • Because during emergencies it should not affect
• Effective steps shall be taken to prevent leakage of the utilities
flammable liquids • Also, the presence of open flame and high
• Effective steps shall be taken to prevent temperature in power plants and boilers
• Fire exits • Buildings

• The travelling distance to at least on of the fire exits • Plant offices, mechanical shops, and labs should be

shall not exceed 30 m away from operating units

• In case of highly hazardous industries it is 22.5 m • Ware house and loading facilities are also should

• Hand rails (with a minimum height of 100 cm) for be away from areas of possible danger

stairs and platforms • Building exits and stairs

• Equipment layout • Ventilation
• Two different routes of escape from any • Important when process equipment's are located indoor
point in a unit • To avoid build up of toxic concentration
• Escape chutes- for extremely hazardous • Limits of flammability: least amount of material which will
area sustain flame propagation when mixed with air.
• Ease of maintenance and house keeping
• Equipment should not be placed near
usual heights of a man
• Simpler the arrangement , safer the unit

• Firewalls
• In case of units are spaced closer than is considered safer, shielding (concrete) walls are constructed
• Dikes or fire walls around storage facility
• Flammable materials storages- fire walls to contain the entire material
• Firewalls around units processing flammable materials containing the material and prevent spread of fire
• Location of control room /Protection
• Fire water tank and fire water pump house
• Congestion in the plant site because of buildings, structures, pipelines, trees etc.
• The emergency exit gate shall be away from the main gate and always be available for use for personnel evacuation
during emergency.
• Evacuation routes should not be blocked by poor plant layout


• Arranging separation distances such that damage to adjacent plants will not occur even in the worst case;
• Provision of barriers e.g. blast walls, location in strong buildings;
• Protecting plant against damage; e.g. provision of thicker walls on vessels;
• Directing explosion relief vents away from vulnerable areas; e.g. other plants or buildings, roadways near site

• Plants/Flammable storages should be sited in the open air

• Locating all high-volume storage of flammable / toxic
material well outside process areas;
• Hazardous area classification (HAC) to designate areas for
elimination of ignition sources .
• Locating hazardous plant away from main roadways
through the site.
• Fitting remote-actuated isolation valves where high
inventories of hazardous materials may be released into
vulnerable areas.
• Provision of ditches, dykes, embankments, sloping terrain
to contain and control releases & limit safety &
environmental effects
• Accident
• An unpleasant , unexpected, unforeseen or unintended happening sometimes resulting from negligence, that
results in injury, loss, damages, etc. and is caused by a mistake or machine failure or natural disaster, or
• Danger
• A thing or situation which may cause ‘injury, loss, accident, etc.’
• Such a thing or situation is ‘dangerous’, risky.

• Slogan of Safety “Prevent Accident ,Shocks, Burns, Fires, Explosions . Save Life and Property”

• Classification of Accidents

• Four Categories

• Minor (No loss of Life) • Major (There is loss of Life)

• Moderate (Injury but no loss of life and property) • Disaster (Extensive loss of property and Life.)
Classification of Accidents

“Principal – cause and effect”

• Fires and Explosions

• Electrical Accidents
• Shocks and Flashovers
• Fires and Explosion initiated by Sparks and Short-circuit currents
• Failures and accidents in electrical plants.
• Chemical accidents and Explosions
• Emission of gases ,Fumes ,Dust ,Chemical Fluids
• Nuclear disasters, Radiation of radioactive materials
• Accidents with machines, Plant, Tools
• Human error
• Failure of plant accessory
• Process hazard (eye injury due to LASER, welding lights)
Classification of Accidents

“Principal – cause and effect”

• Falling of Objects on body

• Due to construction work
• Due to operation of the plant
• Falling of persons in pits or height
• Accidents from civil works
• During construction
• Service life of plant
• Human made accidents
• Sabotage
• Theft
• Natural disasters
OSHA Incidence Rate
OSHA incidence rate is based on cases per 100 worker years FAR is used mostly by the British chemical industry.

Fatality rate or deaths per person per year

• System is independent of the number of hours actually worked and reports only the number of fatalities expected
per person per year.
Key safe practices in chemical industry for accident prevention programme

❑ Effective housekeeping can help control or eliminate workplace hazards.
❑ Poor housekeeping practices frequently contribute to incidents.
❑ If the sight of paper, debris, clutter and spills is accepted as normal, then other more serious hazards may be taken
for granted.

❖ Housekeeping is not just cleanliness.

❖ It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly, maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards, and
removing of waste materials (e.g., paper, cardboard) and other fire hazards from work areas.
❖ It also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout of the whole workplace, aisle marking,
the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance.
❖ Good housekeeping is also a basic part of incident and fire prevention.

• Effective housekeeping is an ongoing operation: it is not a one-time or hit-and-miss cleanup done occasionally.
• Periodic "panic" cleanups are costly and ineffective in reducing incidents.
Purpose of workplace housekeeping

Poor housekeeping can be a cause of incidents, such as:

•Tripping over loose objects on floors, stairs and platforms
•Being hit by falling objects
•Slipping on greasy, wet or dirty surfaces
•Striking against projecting, poorly stacked items or misplaced material
•Cutting, puncturing, or tearing the skin of hands or other parts of the body on projecting nails, wire or steel strapping.

To avoid these hazards, a workplace must "maintain" order throughout a workday. Although this effort requires a great
deal of management and planning, the benefits are many.
Elements of an effective housekeeping

• Maintenance

▪ Buildings and equipment may be the most important element of good housekeeping.
▪ keeping buildings, equipment and machinery in safe, efficient working order and in good repair.
▪ It includes maintaining sanitary facilities and regularly painting and cleaning walls.
▪ Broken windows, damaged doors, defective plumbing and broken floor surfaces can make a workplace look neglected

“A good maintenance program provides for the inspection, maintenance, upkeep and repair of tools, equipment,
machines and processes.”

• Dust and Dirt Removal

▪ Enclosures and exhaust ventilation systems may fail to collect dust, dirt and chips adequately.
▪ Vacuum cleaners are suitable for removing light dust and dirt that is not otherwise hazardous.
▪ Dampening (wetting) floors or using sweeping compounds before sweeping reduces the amount of airborne dust.
▪ Compressed air should not be used for removing dust, dirt or chips from equipment or work surfaces.
▪ Employee Facilities

▪ Facilities need to be adequate, clean and well maintained.

▪ Lockers may be necessary for storing employees' personal belongings.
▪ Washroom facilities require cleaning once or more each shift.
▪ Workers are using hazardous products, employee facilities should provide special precautions as needed such
as showers, washing facilities and change rooms.
▪ Smoking, eating or drinking in the work area should be prohibited where hazardous products are handled.
▪ The eating area should be separate from the work area and should be cleaned properly each shift.

• Surfaces
• Poor floor conditions are a leading cause of incidents so cleaning up spilled oil and other liquids at once is important.
• Allowing chips, shavings and dust to accumulate can also cause incidents.
▪ Light-coloured walls reflect light while dirty or dark-coloured walls absorb light.
▪ Contrasting colours warn of physical hazards and mark obstructions such as pillars.
▪ Paint can highlight railings, guards and other safety equipment, but should never be used as a substitute for
• Maintain Light Fixtures

• Dirty light fixtures reduce essential light levels.

• Clean light fixtures can improve lighting efficiency significantly.

▪ Aisles and Stairways

• Wide enough to accommodate people and vehicles comfortably and safely.

• Warning signs and mirrors can improve sight-lines in blind corners
• Keeping aisles and stairways clear is important.
• Should not be used for temporary "overflow" or "bottleneck" storage.
• Adequate lighting.

• Spill Control
• Stop them before they happen
• Important to clean them up immediately.
• Absorbent materials are useful for wiping up greasy, oily or other liquid spills.
• Used absorbents must be disposed of properly and safely.
• Tools and Equipment
▪ Tools require suitable fixtures with marked locations to provide an orderly arrangement.
▪ Returning tools promptly after use reduces the chance of it being misplaced or lost.
▪ Workers should regularly inspect, clean and repair all tools and take any damaged or worn tools out of service.

• Waste Disposal

• The regular collection, grading and sorting of scrap contribute to good housekeeping practices.
• It also makes it possible to separate materials that can be recycled from those going to waste disposal facilities.
▪ Storage
▪ Good organization of stored materials is essential for overcoming material storage problems whether on a temporary or
permanent basis.
▪ The location of the stockpiles should not interfere with work.
▪ Stored materials should allow at least one metre (or about three feet) of clear space under sprinkler heads.
▪ Flammable, combustible, toxic and other hazardous materials should be stored in approved containers in designated areas
that are appropriate for the different hazards.
▪ All requirements specified in the fire codes and the regulations of environmental and occupational health and safety agencies
Work Place Safety
❖ Self and others is primary responsibility of each employee (use helmets and safety shoes at work).
❖ Good work culture and attitude
❖ Make proper work plan.
❖ Identify various activities required for the job.
❖ Find out the likely hazards and plan for remedial measures
❖ Appropriate safety apparels for work.
❖ Check/Inspect the tools for usage.
❖ Discuss the work plan with engineer in charge /supervisor
❖ Place of work should be stable and possible risks should be avoided.
Safe Working Environment
❖ Illumination
❖ Proper artificial lightening should be provided as per IS : 3646 (part II)
❖ No glaring lights
❖ Windows providing natural lightening should be cleared regularly outside and inside
❖ Speck with supervisor on noting any malfunctions.
❖ Noise Pollutants
❖ < 85 dBA
❖ Should not exceed 90 dBA
Prevention of noise pollution
✓ Proper maintenance and lubrication
✓ Provide ear plug for workers (Regular audiometry check )
✓ Install silencers/acoustic linings and mufflers
Safe Working Environment
❖ Dust/Fumes/Gas ❖ Thermal radiation
❖ No person is allowed to enter any chamber/tank or pipe or ❖ Proper maintenance of thermal shields
other confined place where gas /vapor/fumes are likely ❖ Minimum exposure to melting and hot parts
present. ❖ Appropriate protections for workers
❖ Manhole of adequate size
❖ Work permit from competent authority of safety of the work ❖ Waste Disposal
environment. ❖ No burying of waste
❖ Harmful substances should be confined to airtight apparatus. ❖ Appropriate waste disposal measures
❖ Proper ventilation and temperature control ❖ Proper handling of toxic chemicals
❖ Adequate washing facilities and supply of good water supply. ❖ Proper clearing of pipes and drains regularly
❖ Proper sewage treatment facilities
❖ Meet norms and standards of disposal
❖ Permission to transport waste off site
Material safety data sheet

A material safety data sheet is a technical document which provides detailed and comprehensive information on a
controlled product related to:
▪ Health effects of exposure to the product
▪ Hazard evaluation related to the product’s handling, storage or use
▪ Measure to protect workers at risk of exposure
▪ Emergency procedures.

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) (formerly MSDSs or Material Safety Data Sheets)
Data sheet may be written, printed or otherwise expressed, and must meet the availability, design and content
requirements of WHMIS legislation.

• The SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health
hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.

• The information contained in the SDS must be in English (although it may be in other languages as well).
Work permit system

▪ To Provide Safe working conditions
▪ To serve as an official written record of conditions and requirement for safe execution of work.
▪ To allow and authorize the work to be carried out.
▪ To fix the responsibility of each party for the safe execution of work.
▪ To serve as a general guide and to ensure adequate preparation has been taken to make the job safe.
▪ Safe hand over from operation to maintenance

Jobs where a Permit is required include:

❑ Maintenance Work ❑ Excavation

❑ Construction and Project Work ❑ Vehicle/Mobile Equipment Entry into Hazardous Areas
❑ Alterations / Modifications ❑ Diving, Marine Construction
❑ Process Equipment Cleaning Activities ❑ Other Activities Serving the refinery operations
❑ Inspection and Condition Monitoring ❑ Non – routine work in workshops, warehouse, etc.
❑ Entry into Confined Space ❑ For all non routine jobs which are not covered by operating procedures,
mainly maintenance or repair works
Work Permit System


▪ Routine work carried in established workshops and adjacent yards with fixed boundaries.
▪ Routine material handling work in established warehouses and adjacent lay down yards with fixed boundaries.
▪ Routine office work including cleaning, servicing of office equipment, communication equipment in buildings
▪ Maintenance cold work in building outside hazardous area (other than control rooms) which does not exceed
climbing of ladder or scaffold over 2 meters.
▪ Eg: Hand tool work, revamping, servicing of air conditioners, painting etc.
▪ Visual inspection in operational areas excluding confined spaces with the verbal permission of the custodian.
▪ Work carried out by Operations Dept. personnel as part of their routine Operations, start-up and shutdown.
▪ Work carried out in areas designated as ‘permit free’ by written approval from Supdt., Safety.
Work permit system

Work permit system


o Job scope o Decontamination By Draining, Purging, Cleaning.
o Equipment details
o Requirement of tools, tackles or lifting machine o Isolation- Physical By Valves (Single/Double), Slip Plating,
o Risk & hazard analysis Blinding, Disconnection.
o Requirement of personal protective equipment
o Trained personnel o Isolation- Energy By Electrical Fuse Removal, Tagging And
o Communication with all concerned Lock Out Mechanical, Steam Or Pneumatic Isolation,
Cathodic Protection Or Radioactive Source .

o Access Or Approach - Scoffold, Ladder, Platform ,Gas Test.

o Communication Of Residual Hazards & PPE to be Used.
Work permit system
Work permit system
o Issue by operation or owner of the area o End of the shift or as specified in permit
o Sr. Engr., Engr., Supervisor, foreman o Extension after each expiry of validity / shift
o Acceptance by concerned maintenance mechanical, electrical, civil change
o Sr. Engr., Engr., Supervisor, foreman o Extension for maximum two times
o Electrical for isolation
o Electrical engr., Foreman HAND BACK
o Safety o Maintenance has to certify that work is finished

o Sr. Supervisor, engr., Supervisor, inspector (completion of job)

SUPERVISION o Housekeeping of the area / equipment

o By maintenance foreman / group leader o Restoration of energy

o By operation or area owner supervisor o Restoration of physical isolation

o By area operator / filling station foreman o Remove barrication / road closure

o Safety inspector / safety engineer o Cancellation of permit

o By supdt. / Manager o Recording of actual work done

Work permit system



o Green permit
o Red permit
o Yellow form
o White form
o Other Authorizations.
o e.g.: Vehicle Safety Certificate, Electrical Isolation Tag etc.
Work permit system


o Follow safe maintenance procedure and work permit o All precautions mentioned in cold work
procedure o Keep all combustible away from hot work
o Use proper tools o Contain sparks at source
o Use proper PPE-helmet, boots, hand gloves, goggles or o Keep fire extinguisher and fire hose ready
specific required PPE o Keep welding or cutting set at safe distance
o Use proper scaffold or ladder or platform for approach o Periodic gas test
o Use proper lifting machine o Fire watch if required
o Barricade area if required
Work permit system


❑ Confined Space
o A “confined space” is any chamber, tank, manhole, vat, silo, pit, pipe, flue or any other enclosed space,
o In which:
o Dangerous gases, vapours or fumes are liable to be present to such an extent as to involve risk of fire or explosion.
o The supply of air is inadequate,
o or is likely to be reduced to be inadequate, for sustaining life;
o or there is a risk of engulfment by material.


o All precautions mentioned in cold work o Ensure adequate ventilation & illumination (24v DC)
o Provide communication system o Ensure ELCB is used for portable power tools
o Prepare rescue plan and keep rescue stand by o Come out if you feel uncomfortable
o Periodic / continuous gas test
Work permit system

Working in confined spaces is more hazardous than working in other workplaces

o The entrances/exits of confined spaces might not allow the entrant to
evacuate effectively
o Flood or collapse of free-flowing material;
o Self-rescue by entrant is more difficult;
o Rescue of the victim is more difficult.
o The interior configuration of a confined space often restricts the movement
of people or equipment within it;
o Natural ventilation alone is often not sufficient to maintain breathable
quality air because the interior configuration of some confined spaces does
not allow air movement to circulate;
o Conditions can change very quickly;
o Work activities may introduce hazards not present initially.
Work permit system

o All precautions mentioned in cold work

o Use manual tool before using power tool
o Barricade area or road closure
o Provide shoring
o Provide warning signs & lights
o Provide proper access
o Keep excavated soil away from edge
o Provide fire extinguisher
Work permit system
❑ A pump was being dismantled for repair. When the cover was removed, hot oil, above its auto-ignition
temperature, came out and caught fire.

➢ Three men were killed, and the plant was destroyed.

➢ Examination of the wreckage after the fire showed that the pump suction valve was open and the
drain valve shut

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