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AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing

- We are practicing our reading skills.

Describe (D):
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?

In order to ensure that my students practicing reading skills, I create a full lesson with activities to help
them understand the concept.

During the Introduction, I started with morning routine then I start review the words of the
week. I have put some sentences that help students to practice reading.
- Maria Montessori believed that children learn best when they possess background knowledge
about a subject.

During the active engagement, I started the lesson by used pre assessment, I asked students to
look at the picture and find the words. After that, I read for the students a story then I asked
them some questions relate to the story.

- With distance learning, interaction and relationships become difficult between students, but in
this activity, I asked the students questions so that the answer would be collective, and all
students could turn on the microphone to make them feel that they were in the classroom.
- Waldorf classrooms include a great deal of storytelling, fantasy, make-believe play, art, drama
and crafts. and I used the story in this lesson to support the learning outcomes and students
have fun during learning.

During my formative assessment I used differentiation. I created 3 formative assessment and I

put each student in their level.

What did the students do?

During the introduction, students were interacting with me and most of the time when I called
their name they would respond and answer my questions. During the active engagement,
students were excited to answer the story questions and they answer together. During the
formative assessment, each student did the assessment that dependence on the level and group
in which he\she is in. Then they share results in a chat box.

Analyze (A):
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?

I used prior knowledge when I review the words and I let them put it in the sentence. In addition,
I used in the assessment when I let them match the words

How well did you engage the students?

I engage students when I asked them to answer story questions and interact with another’s.
Also, when I ask some of them to read the sentence in the morning routine. This method helps
the students to interact with each other and at the same time keep the class organized.

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?

in my opinion, the students were able to understand the learning outcome because I used
pictures and online games activates. Pictures help students to understand the concept and help
them understand the new words. In addition, the online activity help students to implement
what they learn during the lesson.

Appraise (A):
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?
80% of the students will be able to read and understand the story with the help of pictures.

Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?

I think that next time, I will participation students through a motivational system, I should create a good
positive reinforcement by use programs or a new method. In addition, I will prove my presence in the
school by presenting some information that I have learned through my academic career and in order to
benefit the school.

What are the implications for your professional practice?

Positive reinforcement helps students become motivated and compete with each other. As for
proving my presence in the school, this strengthens my personality and strengthens the
relationship between me and the school. These qualities make me a professional teacher and
help me build confidence in me.

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