Lesson Plan 2 Egp 335

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EGP 335: Unit Plan Lesson Plan

Unit: Voting
Lesson 2: Day 9: Debate

Lesson Preparation
I. Learning Objectives
a. Students will be able to define the word perspective in their own words.
b. Students will be able to explain how different perspectives can lead to conflict
II. Standards
a. Pennsylvania Standards
i. Standard- 5.3.4.F- Explain how different perspectives can lead to conflict.
b. NCSS Themes
i. Individual Development and Identity
1. E. Identify ways family, groups, and community influence the
individual’s daily life and personal choices.
2. F. Explore factors that contribute to one’s personal identity such as
interests, capabilities, and perceptions.
3. G. Analyze a particular event to identify reasons individuals might
respond to it in different ways.
4. H. Work independently and cooperatively to accomplish different
ii. Individuals, Groups, Institutions
1. D. Identify and describe examples of tensions between and among
individuals, groups, or institutions and how belonging to more than
one group can cause internal conflicts.
2. E. Identify and describe examples of tensions between individuals
beliefs and the government policies and laws.
c. List the 21st Century Standards
i. Communication and Collaboration
1. Communicate Clearly
a. Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written
and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms
and contexts.
b. Communicate effectively in diverse environments
2. Collaborate with Others
a. Demonstrate ability to work effectively and respectively
with diverse teams.
b. Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making
necessary compromised to accomplish a common goal.
c. Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and
value the individual contributions made by each team
ii. Creativity and Innovation
1. Think creatively
a. Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as
iii. Information, Media, and Technology
1. Information literacy
a. Access and Evaluate Information
i. Access Information efficiently (time) and
effectively (sources)
ii. Evaluate information critically and competently.
2. ICT Literacy
a. Apply technology Effectively
i. Use technology as a tool to research, organize,
evaluate and communicate information.
ii. Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media
players, GPS, etc.), communication/networking
tools and social networks appropriately to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate and create information
to successfully function in a knowledge economy.

III. Academic Language

a. Perspective
i. A point of view.
1. Example- people who are raised differently than you may have a
different perspective on some topics.
b. Conflict
i. A struggle between people who have different perspectives.
1. Example- If two people do not have the same opinion on a topic, a
conflict may arise.
c. Debate
i. A conversation or argument between two groups or people who have a
different perspectives on a topic.
1. Example- Before every presidential election, there are a series of
debates where the candidates share their thought and perspectives
of different topics
d. Moderator
i. A person whose role in a debate is to ask the questions and not side with
either of the participants
1. Example- In a debate the moderator asks the questions, limits the
time of responses, and must remain neutral to each contestant.
IV. Technology, Materials, Resources
a. Student iPads
b. Students in groups of 3- person 1 (candidate 1), person 2 (candidate 2) , person 3
c. Pencils
d. Debate Graphic Organizer
e. YouTube video: start at 2:32 end at 7:30
i. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfaBRyCKRhk
f. TV screen in classroom

Instructional Delivery
V. Anticipatory Set
a. The teacher will open up with refreshing students mins about the terms they
discussed in yesterday’s lesson, “learning different perspectives”.
b. The teacher will ask the students “what does perspective mean?”
c. The teacher will ask the students how they think a difference in opinion can lead
to conflict.
d. The teacher will pull up a short clip from a presidential debate.
VI. Instructional Activities- 70 minutes
a. Before watching the video, the teacher will ask the students to take notes on the
way the debate is working
i. Ex. how the moderator is responding controlling the conversation, the time
limits, how each candidate gets to answer the question or reply to their
opponents answer, how the candidates are respecting each other etc.
b. Students will watch the video
i. 5 mins of presidential debate
ii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfaBRyCKRhk
c. After the video, the teacher will ask students to share out what they noticed about
the debate
d. Teacher will write on the board what the students say about how the debate works
e. Teacher will tell students that today they are going to be having their own mini
debates in class.
f. Students will be split up into groups of 3, two will be the candidates and one will
be the moderator.
g. The students will be assigned a topic and which viewpoint they must take on the
topic, even if they do not agree with what side they are assigned.
h. The topics are
i. Should we ban homework?
ii. Is technology good to use in classrooms?
iii. Is more than 1 recess per day necessary?
iv. Should students be allowed to bring their pets to school?
v. Should students choose what they learn in school?
i. Students will write down at least 3 arguments to support their side
i. Students will have 20 minutes to gather their arguments, can use their
iPads to research.
j. While candidates are writing their arguments, the moderator will be making
questions to ask during their debate.
k. Students will then begin their debates; they will be given 30 minutes to debate.
l. On the graphic organizer, each student will wrote down their opponents
viewpoints as they are said, and the questions being asked
m. After the debate the students will talk about what they have written down.
VII. Closure
a. Teacher will bring students back together as a class
b. The teacher will ask students to share what their topics were with the class and
one argument that each side gave
c. Teacher will ask students, “since we all made different arguments on these topics,
does that mean that your partners arguments weren’t correct? Or is it just a
difference in perspective?”
d. Teacher will call on 4-5 students to share an answer.

Meeting All Learners

VIII. Differentiation
a. The lesson will use multiple forms of information to support the needs of all
i. Visual Learners: this lesson provides videos and picture sources to show
them what they are learning to support visual learners.
ii. Auditory Learners: this lesson has videos for students to listen to, and
articles that also have an audio version so the students can follow along as
the computer reads the article to them to support auditory learners.
iii. Social Learners: this lesson has students collaborating and working with
IX. Accommodations
a. For students who are visually impaired a link with the video will be sent home for
students to watch up close
b. For students who are visually impaired, their desks will be arranged closer to the
front of the classroom.
c. For students who are have a hearing impairment, subtitles will be at the bottom of
each video.
X. Modifications
a. To accommodate students who have an IEP or Section 504 Plan, the teacher will
strategically group students based on their abilities.
b. Students with an IEP or Section 504 Plan will also be given extra time in a free
period to work to finish their graphic organizer if not completed during class time.
Meeting Objectives
XI. Assessments
a. Students ability to define perspective will be assessed through collection of the
graphic organizer and through teacher observation while students are doing the
pair-share activity.
b. Students ability to explain how different perspectives can lead to conflict will be
assessed through collection of the graphic organizer

Debate graphic organizer attached
Name: ________________________

My debate topic: _______________________________________

My group is:
Moderator: ___________________________

Candidate 1 (for):___________________________

Candidate 2 (against):__________________________

My Arguments:




My Opponents Arguments:




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