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Writer:_Daniel Maldonado__ Peer editor:__Lorin Stansel_

Peer Editing Rhetorical Analysis Rough Draft

Manuscript Form
Check the heading, headers, and spacing of the essay. Are there any problems? Have the problems from the
earlier drafts been corrected? Explain.

The essay looks great. The only things missing is the header on the pages. On the works cited page, it needs to
include name, professors name, class (ENGL 1302. AHS), and the date.

Does the title reflect the main idea of the thesis? Has there been an improvement on this draft? Explain.

The title reflects the main idea of the essay, and there has been improvement.

Basic Structure and Organization and Introductory Paragraph

Consider the following, and mark problems on the paper:
 Is the thesis sentence clear and informative? Does it reflect the focus of the assignment?
 Does the introduction make sense? Does it include enough background information to let the reader
understand the thesis?
 Is the thesis sentence the last sentence of the introductory paragraph?
 Does the introduction follow the instructions on the yellow cards?
 What needs to be done to improve the introduction?
 Are there three body paragraphs?
 Is there a conclusion paragraph?

Have the problems from earlier drafts been resolved?

The essay is clear and the thesis makes sense.

Body Paragraphs
Consider the following, and mark problems on the paper:
 Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence? Is the topic sentence the first sentence in the
paragraph and does it identify the main idea of the paragraph and reflect the overall focus of the thesis?
How can each topic sentence be improved? Have the problems from earlier drafts been resolved?
Explain problems.
 Does each paragraph follow the instructions on the blue cards?
 Does the writer explain how these examples prove the topic sentence (and the thesis)? Explain problems.
Does the paragraph have enough information to prove the topic sentence? Have the problems from the
earlier drafts been fixed? Explain problems.
 Is there anything in the paragraph that does not support the topic sentence (information that does not
 Explain problems. Is there anything in the paragraph that doesn’t make sense? Explain problems. Have
the problems from earlier drafts been fixed? Explain problems.

Body paragraph 1: The 1st body paragraph contains a topic sentence, along with rhetorical elements
explaining how the article used was effective or persuasive. The essay follows the introductory, body, and
conclusion paragraph templates aswell. The only issue I see is that there was a first person pronoun used.
Body paragraph 2: The 2nd body paragraph incudes a rhetorical element, and follows the template provided by
the teacher. There was a punctuation issue, but everything else looked good.

Body paragraph 3: The 3rd body paragraph has a rhetorical element, follows the template aswell. Everything in
this paragraph looks good.
Elements of the Analysis
Consider the following, and mark problems on the paper:
 Does the analysis effectively and clearly evaluate the effectiveness of the article/essay? Explain.
 Is the paper effective? Explain problems.
Have the problems from earlier drafts been corrected? Explain problems.

The rhetorical elements provided in the essay effectively evaluate the articles effectiveness. Each paragraph
provides examples found in the article used, along with studies.

Consider the following, and mark problems on the paper:
 Does the conclusion summarize the main points of the analysis? Explain problems.
 Is there any new information in the conclusion? (There should not be.) Explain problems.
 Does the conclusion paragraph follow the instructions on the green cards?
Have the problems from earlier drafts been corrected? How could the conclusion be improved? Explain.

The conclusion summarizes the main points the essay was making about the article. There was a grammar issue
and run on sentence. Along with a few words that need to be replaced with a different word, but that was all.

Outside Sources
Consider the following, and mark problems on the paper:
 Is there a Works Cited page?
 Is the entry on the Works Cited page in the correct format? Explain.
 Is the Works Cited page in the correct format?
 Are the parenthetical citations in the correct format?
 Are quotations properly introduced with a complete sentence and a colon? Identify and explain each
 Are all quotations documented?
 Is there any undocumented information in the paper that looks as if it should be documented? Explain.
Do you see any other problems with the research elements in the paper? Have the problems from earlier drafts
been corrected? Explain.

The source on the works cited page is correctly formatted, but the works cited page is missing a header, name,
professors name, class, and date. I see no other problems with the rhetorical elements and no other problems
that have not already been addressed in the above.

Grammar, Sentence Structure, and Punctuation

Mark any grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation errors that you see. Look for problems in the following
areas. Circle the errors here, and mark the specific problems on the essay.
Unclear sentences subject-verb agreement errors improper subordination
fragments incoherent sentences choppy sentences
run-ons (fused and comma sentence structure errors pronoun reference errors
splice) excessive coordination pronoun agreement errors
verb case errors verb form errors improper word choice
dangling modifiers missing words beginning a sentence with a
misplaced modifiers titles punctuated incorrectly coordinating conjunction
non-parallel structure spelling errors awkward sentences
shift in person (not third person) capitalization errors slang
shift in tense hyphen errors manuscript form err
shift in voice comma errors
semicolon errors any other punctuation errors

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