Delta Chapter 17 Group Quiz 1

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Stansel 1

Lorin Stansel, Daniel Maldonado, Makayla Cegielski, Christan Touch, Elijah Harris

Professor Hugetz


2 February 2021

Chapter 17 Group Quiz Notes

Lorin Stansel: Advertisements convey what the producer wants to say, and the producer of the

advertisements has control over the message it portrays. A lot of times in political ads, people

will take information that they may or may not agree with and try to spread the word, get others

attention, and try to get people to side with them. For instance, there are political election ads

that aim at Trump and Biden. These ads can either promote them to get people to vote for them

in the election, or it can try to damage their image by spreading things that may or may not be

true, to get people to vote for the other party.

Makayla Cegielski: Advertisements have one simple intention: advertise the product or event in

a way that idolizes the item being advertised in a way that makes it appear superior to other items

and diminishes competitive companies that are advertising the same thing, sometimes using false

advertisement to do so. For example, hair product commercials are very common to pop up on

TVs or as pop-up ads on the media, advocating that their products will repair, strengthen, and

volumize your hair, as well as claiming that their products are clinically proven to work.

However, sulfates and other harsh chemicals obtained in the product will give your hair the exact

opposite after a certain time period of use. Yet of course, the advertisements will not provide
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consumers with that information, as it will decrease demand and sales of that product, resulting

in the company losing money.

Christan Touch: Advertisement is used to get people interested in a certain product, campaign, or

to attract them into something to persuade their mindset. The advertiser has all of the information

to persuade the people about it. For example, Donald Trump, he posted ads on social media such

as Facebook and Twitter stating to “Vote for Trump” or “Make America Great Again” trying to

persuade the people to re-elect him as president. Trump Campaigned to advertise his role as a

president to persuade the people to re-elect him. 

Elijah Harris: Advertisements are used to attract a person´s attention and raises the likeliness of

that person to buy the product that is being advertised. For example, Joe Biden´s ¨Unity¨

advertisement broadcasts to the public that we should all come together as a whole and not an

individual. It portrays that we are stronger together than we are on our own. This advertisement

helped Biden´s campaign tremendously by instilling a sense of hope inside of people, which led

them to vote for him in the presidential election.

Daniel Maldonado: When advertising, the conveyers tend to use something that attracts the

audience to further spread their message. For example, just last year Bernie Sanders organized a

virtual rally for campaign marketing. Sander’s crucial tactic was to use influencers, such as Jim

James, Neil Young and the Free Nationals in his rally. Not only did they perform, but James and

Young ended up giving speeches to persuade the audience to support Sanders. Courtesy of his

tactic, Sanders ended up with over four million views.

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