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Jordan Yelton #24

Objective: To teach and inform the students about anger management. The lesson will be taught
through a presentation lecture, videos, and a worksheet activity.

Materials: Google Slides Presentation, Handout assignment on anger management.

● State objective: To teach and inform the students about anger management. The lesson
will be taught through a presentation lecture, videos, and a worksheet activity.
● Powerpoint Presentation
○ Slide one: Intro
○ Slide two: Breather.
○ Slide three: Quote.
○ Slide four: What is anger management.
○ Slide five: Do I need it?
○ Slide six: Causes
○ Slide seven- Teaching students.
○ Slides eight and nine- videos
● Handout will be passed out and completed.

● Review questions
○ What are some different ways you deal with anger?
○ What are some of the things that make you angry?
○ What causes anger in students?

● Teacher will ask if students have any questions or comments

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