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A Branch of municipal law which defines crimes, treats of

their nature and provides for their punishment.
A. Procedural Law
B. Civil Law
C. Criminal Law
D. Political Law

2. One of the following is not a characteristic of criminal law.

A. General
B. Territorial
C. Prospective
D. Retroactive

3. Criminal law is binding on all person who reside or sojourn

in the Philippines. This characteristic of criminal law is known as
A. General
B. Territorial
C. Prospective
D. Retroactive

4. One of the characteristics of criminal law is generality. Which

of the following is not an exception to the principle of
A. Treaty Stipulation
B. Laws of Preferential Application
C. Principles of Public International Law
D. None of the Above

5. One of the following person is not immune from Philippine

criminal law.
A. Sovereigns and other chief of state
B. Ambassador
C. Consuls
D. Charges d' Affaires

6. Penal laws of the Philippines are enforceable only within

its territory. This characteristic of criminal law is known as
A. General
B. Territorial
C. Prospective
D. None of the above

7. One of the following is not an exceptions to the territorial

principle of criminal law.
A. Offenses committed while on Philippine ship or airship
B. Forging or counterfeiting any coin or currency note of
the Philippines or the obligations and securities issued
by the government.
C. Crimes committed against national security and the law of
D. Crimes committed against public order.

8. Criminal law does not have any retroactive effect. This

characteristic of criminal law is known as
A. General
B. Territorial
C. Prospective

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