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Collegial Coaching Personal Reflection

Angél Orellana

Department of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Houston Baptist University

LTDE 5330: Professional Development/Technology Integration

Dr. Katie Alaniz

4 April 2021

Through the two tests taken through Discussion Board Forum 1, I was about to reflect

on myself and how I have changed and stayed the same over the past few years. I am

pleasantly surprised to see how I have been using my strengths to cover for my weaknesses

though I still have a ways to go in general knowledge and experience. These tests have

helped me identify where I have grown and where I need to continue working on to improve

myself overall.

According to Myers Briggs, I am an ISFJ which stands for introverted, observant,

feeling, and judging. Even though I have more recently found myself being more willing to

reach out and be with others, I have always been on the introverted side. I like to observe first

to figure out how others behave and interact before I join in.

In the work setting, I like to know what is expected out of everyone involved to feel

secure in what I am doing and how I am achieving that goal. I usually call this my “youngest

sibling sense” since, as the youngest of three, I learned a lot by observing my siblings and

making my place among them. In the workplace, this helps me find a working rhythm with

others a bit easier and drives me to find where else I can help. I enjoy working with others

and discovering how I can best support them. I have had to work on letting others support me

when I am in a leadership position or making sure that others are equipped to complete an

assignment that they are still learning about rather than completing it myself. I also have to be

carefull of new situations to not be overwhelmed by the lack of established solutions.

Sometimes, I need to work hard on synthesizing new solutions by using past scenarios and

the knowledge I have accumulated.

According to the Psychology Today test, my top intelligence type is interpersonal.

This is surprising to me since I have never gotten interpersonal so high compared to other

intelligences such as musical, intrapersonal, or even verbal-linguistic. I do see how this is

logical since, over time, I have learned how to better enjoy working with others and figuring

out how to work with them. Any time spent together is time I can use to figure out how

another person functions and what I can do to support their work. In recent years, I have also

found that I am better about articulating my thoughts and ideas for projects with others,

making collaborations less stressful. This has also assisted in other’s reactions towards me

since I can present a clear goal that they can then make a more informed response to.

By reflecting on the results of these personality tests, I have been able to see how I

have changed for the better in the last few years. I have grown more comfortable in playing to

my strengths and admitting where I need help. While I have found that I have greatly

improved on my teamwork skills, I found that I need to work on my leadership skills and,

more specifically, letting others complete tasks to better themselves.

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