ATU Local 241 Bylaws

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Section 1

This Local Union shall be known as Amalgamated Transit Union Local Union
241, A.F.L.-C.I.O.

Section 2

The Amalgamated Transit Union (“ATU” or “International Union”), operating

under its Constitution and General Laws (“International Constitution”), was
established in order to secure and defend our rights; safeguard our interests
as working people; create an authority whose seal constitutes a certificate of
character, intelligence and skill; provide for the discussion and resolution of
problems affecting our members; and encourage conciliation and arbitration
in the settlement of all differences between labor and capital. If there is any
conflict between these By-Laws and the Constitution, the Constitution shall

Section 3

We hold it as a sacred principle as trade Unionists and members of this Local

Union to strive to place our occupation upon a higher plane of intelligence,
efficiency and skill. We further hold as a scared principle that the elected
Officers, Stewards, and all others who are entrusted to serve the membership
shall set a good example as honest, hardworking and faithful working people,
performing their duties honorably and faithfully to this organization and well
as to their respective employers.

Section 4

(a) The Officers of the Local Union shall consist of the following Executive
Officers and Executive Board Members, all of whom shall constitute the
Executive Board:

Officer Full-Time/Part-Time
President/Business Agent Full-Time
1st Vice-President Full-Time
2nd Vice-President Full-Time
3rd Vice-President Full-Time (However, the
position shall be Part-Time if
the Local Union represents
employees at only one
Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer Full-Time
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
Chicago Avenue Garage
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
Forest Glen Garage
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
Kedzie Garage
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
North Park Garage
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
103rd Street Garage
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
74th Street Garage
Transportation Executive Board Member, Part-Time
77th Street Garage
Maintenance Executive Board Member, Part-Time
North Side Garages
Maintenance Executive Board Member, Part-Time
South Side Garages
General Office Executive Board Member Part-Time
Garage Clerks Executive Board Member Part-Time
Bus Supervisor & Instruction Executive Part-Time
Board Member
PACE/ Executive Board Member Part-Time
MV Executive Board Member Part-Time

(b) The 3rd Vice-President shall represent all members in the maintenance

department at the CTA, and all members at PACE and MV Transportation.

(c) The Executive Board Members shall represent, and be elected by, the
members from the following units and locations:

Executive Board Member Unit and Location

Transportation Executive Board Chicago Avenue Garage
Member, Chicago Avenue Garage Transportation (but not Clerks,
Supervisors or Instructors)
Transportation Executive Board Forest Glen Garage Transportation
Member, Forest Glen Garage (but not Clerks, Supervisors or
Transportation Executive Board Kedzie Garage Transportation (but
Member, Kedzie Garage not Clerks, Supervisors or
Transportation Executive Board North Park Garage Transportation
Member, North Park Garage (but not Clerks, Supervisors or
Transportation Executive Board 103rd Street Garage Transportation
Member, 103rd Street Garage (but not Clerks, Supervisors or
Transportation Executive Board 74th Street Garage Transportation
Member, 74th Street Garage (but not Clerks, Supervisors or
Transportation Executive Board 77th Street Garage Transportation
Member, 77th Street Garage (but not Clerks, Supervisors or
Maintenance Executive Board Maintenance employees from Chicago
Member, North Side Garages Avenue, Forest Glen, Kedzie and
North Park Garages
Maintenance Executive Board Maintenance employees from 103rd
Member, South Side Garages Street, 74th Street and 77th Street
General Office Executive Board CTA General Office
Garage Clerks Executive Board Garage Clerks from each Garage

Bus Supervisors & Supervisors & All Bus Supervisors and Instructors
Instructors Executive Board Member from each Garage
PACE/Executive Board Member All PACE Bargaining Unit Members
MV Executive Board Member All MV Bargaining Unit Members

(d) All Officers shall faithfully and honestly discharge their duties. They
shall be fiduciaries, and act with care, loyalty and candor in handling Local
Union business. They shall manage, preserve and protect the Local Union’s
assets and funds in the best interest of the Local Union and its members. Any
Officer having a personal financial interest in any decision contemplated or in
any action taken by the Local Union shall disclose his or her interest to the
Executive Board, and refrain from voting on any such matter and from placing
his or her own personal interest above those of the Local Union and/or its
members. No Officer shall take any action that is adverse to the interests of
the Local Union, its members, or the International Union. No Officer shall
abuse his or her office in order to make any personal profit or gain for himself
or herself, or his or her friends or family.

Section 5

(a) It shall be the duty of the President/Business Agent to:

• Serve as the chief executive officer of the Local Union and exercise
general supervision over all of its affairs between meetings of the
Executive Board and membership;
• Serve as Chair and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and
of the Local Union;
• Serve as Chair of all committees and sub-committees, except as
otherwise provided for in these By-Laws;
• Ensure that notices of all regular and special meetings are posted at
each work location at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to holding
such meetings;
• Preserve order at all meetings;
• Decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the
• When chairing a meeting, not to vote on questions of debate except
in case of a tie, and then shall cast the deciding vote unless if he or
she has a conflict of interest;

• Vote in secret ballots only at the same time and along with the other
members who cast their ballots;
• Announce the result of all votes;
• Call special meetings when requested to do so on the written
application of a majority of the Executive Board, or upon the written
request of one-third or more the Local Union’s members;
• Enforce the International Constitution and these By-Laws, and see
that all Officers and committees perform their respective duties;
• Enforce all fines and penalties imposed in accordance with
provisions of these By-Laws and the International Constitution;
• Fill temporary vacancies of Officers of less than one year subject to
the approval of the majority of the Executive Board;
• Visit the different stations, garages and work locations at least once
per quarter;
• Sign all necessary and legitimate orders on the treasury for such
monies as permitted by the International Constitution and these By-
• With the approval of the Executive Board, employ any member who
is needed to provide necessary help on a project of limited duration
to efficiently conduct the work of this Local Union and pay him or her
at their lost time rate for any lost time for time spent performing
union business;
• Upon full disclosure to and Executive Board and membership
approval, contract for necessary professional services at reasonable
rates, such as services of lawyers and certified public accountants;
• Act exclusively as the chief lobbyist for the Local Union, and, at his or
her discretion obtain assistance for lobbying efforts solely from the
other Executive Board Members; and
• Perform such other duties as the Executive Board and the Local
Union may determine in compliance with these By-Laws.

(b) The President/Business Agent shall assign the 1st and 2nd Vice-
Presidents their primary work locations and other assignments in the interest
of promoting effective representation of the members, avoiding duplication or
overlapping of representation at any particular location, and minimizing
unnecessary travel time.

(c) The President/Business Agent shall be the ex-officio Trustee on the CTA
Retirement Allowance Committee. The President/Business Agent shall also

have the authority to designate alternate Trustees from the Executive Board
in the event one or more Trustees cannot attend a meeting.

(d) The President/Business Agent shall be the ex-officio Trustee on the CTA
Retirement Health Care Trust. The President/Business Agent shall have the
authority to designate alternate Trustee(s) from the Executive Board in the
event he or she cannot attend a meeting.

Section 6

(a) The 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents shall be full-time positions. The 3rd Vice-
President shall be a full-time position if the Local Union represents employees
at more than one property; however it shall be a part-time position if the
Local Union represents employees at only one property, in which case the
position will be no more than four (4) days per week.

(b) The 1st Vice-President and 2nd Vice-President shall have responsibility
for representing the Local Union and its members as assigned by the
President/Business Agent. The 3rd Vice-President shall have responsibility for
representing the Local Union and its members in the Maintenance
Department of the CTA, and PACE and MV Transportation. The three Vice-
Presidents shall work throughout the employers’ properties as directed by the
President/Business Agent.

(c) In case of the absence of the President/Business Agent or his or her

inability to continue to perform the duties of the office resulting in a vacancy,
the 1st Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President/Business
Agent. In the event that the 1st Vice-President is called to perform the duties
of the President/Business Agent, the 2nd Vice-President shall fill the office of
the 1st Vice-President.

(d) In the absence of either the President/Business Agent or the Financial &
Recording Secretary Treasurer due to illness or death, the 1st Vice-President
shall be authorized to sign checks with the remaining Officer.

(e) The 1st Vice-President shall be a trustee on the CTA Retirement

Allowance Committee.

Section 7

(a) It shall be the duty of the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer to
serve as the recording and corresponding secretary of the Local Union by,
among other acts:

• Calling the roll of Officers at all meetings of the membership and the
Executive Board;
• Producing and keeping written minutes of each meeting of the
membership, and providing or reading such minutes at the next
regular meeting for approval by the membership;
• Producing and keeping written minutes of each meeting of the
Executive Board, and providing such written minutes to the
Executive Board at its next regular meeting for its review and
• Reporting all actions of the Executive Board at the next regular
meeting of the membership;
• Making copies of the minutes of meetings of the membership and
Executive Board available for inspection to all members;
• Upon approval of any minutes, making no less than fifty (50) copies
of the approved minutes available at the next regular meeting of the
• Carrying on all correspondence;
• Seeing that all notices are placed on the bulletin boards at each work
location; and
• Making the required contributions on a timely basis related to the
Retirement and Disability Allowance Plan for Officers and Employees
of Local 241.

(b) It shall be the duty of the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer to
serve as the financial secretary and treasurer of the Local Union by, among
other acts:

• Supervising the financial affairs of the office;

• Safeguarding all Local Union funds, assets and property entrusted to
his or her care;
• Collecting and depositing the funds due to the Local Union in such
banks and/or credit unions as the Local Union shall determine;

• Recording and accounting for all dues, assessments and
administrative fees received by the Local Union;
• Maintaining an accurate roll of Local Union members, including a
record of newly initiated members, suspensions, withdrawals,
reinstatements, and deaths;
• Reviewing for proper documentation, accuracy, and reasonableness
all invoices, bills, and time sheets, and submitting same to the
Executive Board for a recommendation and to the membership for
• Paying all invoices, bills, and accounts owed by the Local Union by
checks, to be signed jointly by him or herself and the
President/Business Agent, or 1st Vice-President in accordance with
Section 6(d), Duties of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Vice-Presidents, of these By-
• Accounting for and recording all financial transactions, including
receipts and expenditures, and keeping sufficient supporting
documentation to substantiate any expenditure including for
payments made to Officers and members whether for salary, lost
time, expenses or otherwise;
• Contracting with a payroll service to handle the payroll for the Local
Union if he or she deems it advisable;
• Recording the amount of vacation taken each month by the full-time
Officers and reporting same to the membership at each regular
• Arranging for and making the most reasonable and cost effective
hotel and travel reservations for and on behalf of the Local Union and
its Officers, members and staff;
• Preparing a semi-annual audit report at the close of each six month
period ending on June 30th and December 31st of the financial
transactions and affairs of the Local Union which shall be submitted
to the International Union within seven (7) days of its completion
and a copy shall be provided to all Officers at the following meeting
of the Executive Board and made available to the membership;
• Having an audit performed by a certified public accountant on an
annual basis at the end of the Local’s fiscal year in accordance with
International Constitution, Section 38, which report in full, including
auditors’ notes and any recommendations, must be forwarded to the
International Union within seven (7) days of its completion and a
copy shall be provided to all Officers at the following meeting of the

Executive Board and made available to the membership;
• Keeping the Local Union in good standing with the International
Union and all central bodies with which the Local Union is an
affiliate, and paying all per capita taxes, assessments and monies
owed to these bodies; and
• Having no more than five-hundred dollars ($500.00) in petty cash on
hand, which may be disbursed only upon the receipt of proper
documentation substantiating the expense and upon approval of the
President/Business Agent who shall report such disbursement at the
next regular meeting of the Executive Board.

(c) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall perform the duties
of his or her office with staff assistance as appointed by the
President/Business Agent.

(d) In the absence of the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer, or his
or her inability to act, the President/Business Agent shall appoint, subject to
the approval of the Executive Board and in accordance with the International
Constitution, a qualified member to perform the duties of the Financial &
Recording Secretary Treasurer.

(e) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall be a trustee on the
CTA Retirement Allowance Committee.

Section 8

(a) The part-time Executive Board Members, subject to the direction of the
President/Business Agent, shall represent the members in their units and
locations specified in Section 4(c), Officers and Executive Board, of these By-
Laws by, among other acts:

• Organizing the members to participate in the campaigns and

activities of the Local Union;
• Handling grievances between members and management through
the collectively-bargained grievance procedure;
• Supervising the work of, consulting with, and conferring with any
Stewards in their units and locations, including by assisting in the
identification of violations of Collective Bargaining Agreements, and

the drafting of grievances;
• Responding to members’ inquiries; and
• Taking other action as necessary or assigned.

For the performance of these representational duties, a part-time Executive

Board Member shall be paid for lost time in accordance with Section 24,
Compensation and Reimbursements, of these By-Laws, but in no case shall a
part-time Executive Board Member be paid for more than one day of work per
week of lost time at his or her current rate of pay for performing these duties.

(b) The President/Business Agent may assign the part-time Executive

Board Members specific projects and duties in addition to those
representational duties described in subsection (a) above. Under these
circumstances, the part-time Executive Board Member may receive lost time
for the purpose of attending the CTA Retirement Allowance Committee
and/or the CTA Retirement Health Care Trust meetings as an alternate
trustee, assisting as a lobbyist, planning for and conducting picks, attending
labor management meetings, sitting on committees and sub-committees as
the President/Business Agent may appoint them, and attending arbitrations,
conferences and training. For the performance of these duties as assigned by
the President/Business Agent, a part-time Executive Board Member shall be
paid for lost time in accordance with Section 24, Compensation and
Reimbursements, of these By-Laws.

(c) On a form provided by the Union, part-time Executive Board Members

shall keep track on a daily basis of the time spent on all Union activities,
including those specified in Section 8(a) and (b), Part-Time Executive Board
Members, of these By-Laws. The form shall be submitted no later than
Monday at 10:00 a.m. (for work performed for the prior week) to the Financial
& Recording Secretary Treasurer. At least three (3) calendar days before the
monthly Executive Board meeting, each part-time Executive Board Member
shall prepare a detailed report which describes the representational duties he
or she performed during the month and any other projects and duties to
which he was assigned and the time spent. The report shall be made part of
the Executive Board minutes.

Section 9

(a) It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to:

 Supervise and direct the management of the Local Union.

 Safeguard the Local Union’s funds, assets and property, and ensure that
same are held and expended only for the benefit of the Local Union and
the membership and in accordance with these By-Laws, the
International Constitution, Federal and State law, and generally
accepted practices.
 Review the activities of the Officers of the Local Union to ensure that
each Officer is faithfully executing his or her duties, and acting within
the scope of his or her duties, these By-Laws, and the International
 Ensure that the Collective Bargaining Agreements to which the Local
Union is a party are being properly enforced; and
 Review and vote upon the actions and recommendations of the
Grievance Committee.

(b) The Executive Board shall meet once a month, and no less than seven
(7) days before the regular meeting of the membership.

(c) It shall be the duty of the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer to
call roll and take the minutes of the meeting. In the event of the Financial &
Recording Secretary Treasurer’s absence, the President/Business Agent shall
appoint another Officer to call roll and take the minutes of the meeting.

(d) The President/Business Agent shall provide the Executive Board with a
report of his activities, and the state of the affairs of the Local Union.

(e) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall provide to the
Executive Board a detailed, written report for the Executive Board’s review,
which shall be made part of the Executive Board minutes. The report shall
include a profit and loss statement, list of expenditures, a balance sheet, and
the amount of the monthly contributions owed to the Retirement and
Disability Allowance Plan for Officers and Employees of Local 241 and the
payment(s) made. In addition, he or she will provide a written report
containing the (1) the name(s) of every member employed by or who has
received compensation from the Local Union for the previous month, (2) the
amount of money earned by each member for that month and cumulatively
through the calendar year, (3) the purpose for employing the individual, and
(4) the expected end date of employment.

(f) The Executive Board shall carefully review each expenditure of Local
Union funds. The expenditures to be reviewed shall include, but not be
limited to, expenditures for regular office expenses and expenditures for
Officer, member and staff compensation. The Executive Board shall ensure
that each expenditure is properly documented, and is reasonable and

(g) With the exceptions noted below in this paragraph, any expenditure of
Local Union funds must be authorized as follows (1) the Executive Board
reviews the bill, invoice or other proposed expense; (2) the Executive Board
votes whether to recommend the expenditure to the membership; and (3) the
membership at its next regular meeting votes to approve the expenditure
(separate from any other expenditure or matter of business), except if there is
no quorum at that next regular meeting the recommendation of the Executive
Board shall be effective.

(h) Authorization is not required for paying recurring and regular office
expenses such as expenditures made under the lease for office space, for office
utilities, under leases for office equipment, or under contracts for landline and
wireless telephone and internet service; provided that the lease or contract
has been, as an initial matter, authorized by the Executive Board and
approved by the membership. Authorization is not required for other
reasonable and necessary office expenses, such as office supplies, which
cumulatively do not exceed Five Hundred ($500) Dollars in a month. The
Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall record each specific action
voted upon and the decision of the membership in the membership minutes.

(i) Each Officer shall provide to the Executive Board a written report which
shall detail for the period since the last Executive Board meeting the projects
to which the Officer has been assigned, the progress on each project, the
number of hours he or she spent working on each project and the specific
duties each Officer performed in each assignment. The written report shall be
made part of the Executive Board minutes.

(j) All full-time Officers shall attend all Executive Board meetings and all
four sessions of each monthly membership and special membership meeting
of the Local Union. Failure to attend without written approval of the

President/Business Agent shall automatically result in the forfeiture of the
equivalent of the full-time Executive Board Member’s day’s pay, and in
addition shall be sufficient cause for additional action to be taken by the
Officers and Executive Board.

(k) All part-time Executive Board Members shall attend all Executive Board
meetings and at least one of the four (4) sessions of the monthly membership
meetings and special membership meetings. Failure to attend without written
approval of the President/Business Agent shall automatically result in the
forfeiture of the part-time Executive Board Member’s monthly allowance, and
in addition shall be sufficient cause for additional action to be taken by the
Officers and Executive Board.

(l) Any Officer or Executive Board Member who arrives late for the start of
any Executive Board or membership meeting and/or leaves early shall not
receive pay for that portion of the meeting for which he or she is not present.
The Executive Board minutes shall reflect the names of the Executive Board
Members who arrive late or leave early and the time.

Section 10

(a) There shall be one regular monthly membership meeting of this Local
Union which shall be held in four sessions on the first Tuesday of each month
at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the same day, at a place
designated by the Executive Board.

(b) Fifty (50) Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. The fifty (50) Members shall be a cumulative total of those
members who attended any one of the four sessions of a meeting, except that
no Member shall be counted more than once even if he or she attends more
than one session of a meeting.

(c) The 10:00 am session (“charter meeting”) shall be held regardless of the
number of members present and all actions of that meeting shall be reported
to and acted upon by the subsequent sessions. Any action taken or motion
initiated at any session other than the charter meeting, whether or not a
quorum is present, shall be referred to the next monthly charter meeting for
initial action.

(d) If there is no quorum for a special or regular membership meeting, then
any matters voted upon or recommendations made by a majority vote of the
Executive Board which have been reported at the sessions shall be effective.

(e) Notice of a regular or special meeting shall be posted no less than

seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at every work location. The
notice shall contain a description of the business to be covered at the meeting,
including a general description of any expenditure of Local Union funds
and/or other financial matter, which will be voted on at the meeting.

(f) Any expenditure of Local Union funds must be authorized by vote of the
membership (unless there is no quorum, in which case the recommendation
of the Executive Board shall become effective as provided by this Section);
except, however, that such authorization is not required for certain regular
office expenses and certain expenses which cumulatively do not exceed five
hundred dollars ($500) in a month as provided by Section 9, Executive Board
Meetings, of these By-Laws.

(g) Special membership meetings may be called by a majority vote of the

Executive Board whenever a question arises affecting the membership, which
because of its importance and urgency cannot wait until the next regular
membership meeting. The meeting shall be held in four sessions at 10:00
a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the same day, at a place designated
by the Executive Board. The notice shall specify the exact nature of the issue,
which will be addressed at the meeting. The only business that can be
transacted at a special meeting is that which was stated in the call for such

Section 11

(a) No credit, debit or ATM cards shall be issued in the name of the Local
Union on behalf of any Officer, Executive Board Member or member. No
credit, debit or ATM card, shall be linked to the Local Union’s accounts or in
the Local Union’s name.

(b) The Local Union may take out a loan only upon the disclosure of the
terms of the loan, and membership authorization (unless there is no quorum

at the meeting, in which case the recommendation of the Executive Board
shall become effective as provided by Section 10, Meetings of the Membership
of these By-Laws). In the event the Local Union takes out a loan, the Financial
& Recording Secretary Treasurer must report the balance, payments made,
and interest and fees accrued monthly at the meeting of the Executive Board,
and at each regular meeting of the membership.

(c) All Officers and staff shall be properly bonded as required by

International Constitution, Section 37.1, Bonding Indemnity Department.

Section 12

(a) A member desiring to file a grievance shall fill out a grievance

investigation form and grievance within the time provided by the respective
Collective Bargaining Agreement covering the member or forfeit his or her
case. Members of the Executive Board and Stewards shall be supplied with
grievance investigation forms and grievance blanks, which they shall furnish
to members on request, or a member may go to the Local Union office and
personally file the grievance there.

(b) A member who has filed a grievance shall have the right to attend the
meetings held at each step of the collectively-bargained grievance procedure.
The member shall not be compensated by the Union for his or her lost time.

(c) The President/Business Agent, Financial & Recording Secretary

Treasurer and three Vice-Presidents shall comprise the Grievance Committee.
They shall meet no less than once per week to ensure that (a) grievance
investigation forms and grievances are properly filled out, (b) the grievances
are timely, and (c) requests for arbitration are timely made. The Grievance
Committee shall be charged with investigating and evaluating each grievance
or dispute in order to determine if there is sufficient basis for moving the
grievance to the next step of the grievance procedure, and in doing so it shall
communicate with Stewards and members if necessary to ensure that it has
the facts and documents necessary to make this determination. It shall keep
track of all grievances and disputes it considers and report its
recommendations and rationale therefor in writing at the next Executive
Board meeting.

(d) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall serve as the
secretary of the Grievance Committee. The Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer shall record onto spreadsheets or a similar software application all
grievances, including identifying information, the nature and status of the
grievances, and ensure that the grievance records are updated and that
grievances are tracked and moved efficiently throughout the grievance
procedure and timely appealed to arbitration. He or she shall report to the
membership on a monthly basis the number of outstanding grievances by year
and their general status.

(e) The Executive Board shall review and vote upon the actions and
recommendations of the Grievance Committee. These Grievance Committee
actions and Executive Board recommendations shall be carefully and
explicitly recorded in the Executive Board minutes, which shall be passed out
at every regular and special meeting of the Local.

(f) Every recommendation by the Executive Board with respect to whether

to take a grievance to arbitration shall be submitted to the membership at a
regular membership meeting. The membership shall vote on each grievance
by secret ballot and decide whether the grievance shall be denied or shall
proceed to arbitration. The ballot shall contain the grievance number, the
name of the affected person, or in the event of a class action grievance, a
description of the class affected, a short statement summarizing the grievance,
and shall state on two separate lines the following two sentences: “_____I vote
not to proceed with the grievance to arbitration. ______I vote to proceed with
the grievance to arbitration.” At the bottom of the ballot there shall be printed
in bold the following: Should the membership vote to arbitrate any
grievance, all costs incurred, including but not limited to Arbitrator’s
fees, legal fees and court reporter fees, shall be assessed to the
membership. The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer, along with at
least one other member shall tally the votes for each grievance, announce the
results of the vote before the conclusion of each session and the cumulative
results before the conclusion of the final session of the meeting and record the
results in the membership meeting minutes.

(g) It is the duty of the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer or Officer
to inform each member in writing of the status of his or her grievance. As is
reasonable a letter shall be sent to all members whose grievances are still
pending final action. This letter shall inform the member of the status of the

grievance and what further action is planned. Upon final disposition of a
member’s grievance, a letter shall be sent to the member.

(h) The President/Business Agent may settle grievances, provided that any
settlement may not amend, modify or deviate from the pertinent Collective
Bargaining Agreement except upon recommendation of the Executive Board
and approval of the membership.

Section 13

(a) All Stewards shall be lost-time positions. Stewards shall assist in the
processing and resolution of grievances, ensure that their Collective
Bargaining Agreement is being properly adhered to, report violations of the
Collective Bargaining Agreement, communicate with the Executive Board
Member from their respective area, and perform other assignments as
directed by the President/Business Agent.

(b) There shall be the number of Stewards from each of the following CTA
work locations, PACE and MV Transportation as listed below. Each of the
Steward positions shall be eligible for nomination and election at the same
time Executive Board nominations and election(s) take place.

CTA Work Locations

Work Location Number of Transportation Number of
Stewards Maintenance
Chicago Avenue 1 1
Forest Glenn 1 1
Kedzie 1 1
North Park 1 1
103rd Street 1 1
74th Street 1 1
77th Street 1 1
CTA General Office 1
PACE Work Locations
North Shore 1 1
Southwest 1 1
West 1 1
Transportation Steward 1
*Shall also be the Executive
Board Member.

(c) All Stewards at each work location shall work at the direction of the
President/Business Agent. Each Steward shall spend on a weekly basis no
more than the equivalent of his or her lost time for one workday.

(d) On a form provided by the Union, Stewards shall keep track on a daily
basis of the time spent on all Union activities, including those specified in
Section 13(a), Stewards, of these By-Laws. The form shall be submitted no
later than Monday at 10:00 a.m. (for work performed for the prior week) to
the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer. At least three (3) calendar
days before the monthly Executive Board meeting, each Steward shall prepare
a detailed report, which describes the duties he or she performed on behalf of
the Union during the month and the time spent. The report shall be made
part of the Executive Board minutes. All Stewards must complete any other
written reports as directed by the President/Business Agent, including
grievance investigation forms, on a timely basis and submit them to the
President/Business Agent.

(e) The Members in Good Standing from each work location and
appropriate classification shall vote for their respective Stewards.

Section 14

(a) It shall be the duty of the Warden to take charge of all regular and
special membership meetings of the Local Union and to see that no one enters
a meeting but Members in Good Standing without permission from the chair.
He or she shall keep order in the meetings and carry out the instructions of
the chair, and should he or she need assistance the chair shall appoint such
members as is necessary to aid him or her in preserving order and carrying
out the rules of the Local Union.

(b) The Warden shall be reimbursed on a lost time basis.

Section 15


(a) All committees appointed by the President/Business Agent shall make

their reports in writing to the Executive Board, and they shall furnish copies of
their reports to the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer in time to be
reviewed by the Executive Board. The reports shall be made a part of the
membership meeting minutes.

(b) Members of this Local Union shall not be allowed to constitute

themselves as committees and must receive authority from the Executive
Board to do so.

Section 16

(a) In order for a member to be eligible to be a candidate for an elected

position and to hold such elected position, the member must be a member in
Good Standing, that is, the member must have been in continuous good
standing in the Local for two (2) consecutive years prior to and including the
day of the nominations meeting; and provided further that such member must
have complied with all of the applicable qualifying provisions contained in
these By-Laws and in the International Constitution. No meeting attendance
requirement shall be applied as a condition of eligibility for any Local Union

(b) Members who have voluntarily left the service in which the
membership of this Local is engaged, or who have retired or who have been
discharged for cause found by this Local to be proper, are not eligible to run
for or be appointed to any position in this Local. No member who is
disqualified from holding office under the provisions of Section 504 of the
Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 shall be eligible to
be a candidate or hold office in this Local. An Officer who retires from the
employer during his or her term of office may complete the term. When a
member’s discharge case has been sustained under the procedure set out in
the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement for the adjudication of such
grievances or in any other adjudicatory forum, the member may no longer
hold office and must resign.

Section 17


(a) Nominations for elected positions of this Local Union shall take place at
the regular membership meeting in April, 2017 and every three years
thereafter. The Local Union shall announce at its March regular membership
meeting of the election year the date for nominations and elections, including
the date for a possible run-off election. Within seven (7) calendar days of the
March membership meeting, the Local Union shall mail to each member a
notice of the date and time(s) of the nominations meeting and election,
including the date for a possible run-off election, and the elected positions to
be filled as stated in Section 4, Officers and Executive Board, and Section 13,
Stewards, of these By-Laws. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of
nominations, notices shall also be posted and prominently displayed at each of
the work locations providing the date and time(s) of the nominations meeting
and election, including the date for a possible run-off election and the elected
positions to be filled. At the April membership meeting at which nominations
shall be made, every Member in Good Standing who has complied with the
provisions of these By-Laws and the Constitution shall have the opportunity
to nominate a candidate of his or her choice for each elected position and to
be eligible to run for an elected position.

(b) In the event no quorum is in attendance at the nominations meeting, the

Executive Board shall hold a meeting within the following week for the
purpose of receiving such nominations, provided that at least five (5) days’
notice of nominations for office must have been given to the members prior to
the holding of the nominations meeting by the Executive Board.

(c) Any Member in Good Standing shall be eligible to nominate other

Members in Good Standing for President/Business Agent, 1st Vice-President,
2nd Vice-President and Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer. The 3rd
Vice-President shall be nominated by any CTA maintenance employee who is
a Member in Good Standing from any CTA maintenance location, or any
Member in Good Standing from PACE or MV Transportation who holds
maintenance seniority at PACE or MV Transportation. Executive Board
Members shall be nominated by a Member in Good Standing from the
respective classification and work location. A Steward shall be nominated by
another Member in Good Standing from the same work location and
classification for which that Steward will be running for office.

(d) A Member in Good Standing nominated for an elected position shall not
be placed on the ballot unless the nominated individual delivers, or causes to
be delivered to the Local Union’s Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer
written acceptance of the nomination signed by him or her. Such written
nomination must be received by the Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer within two (2) calendar days of the date of the nominations
meeting, either during the nominations meeting or during the Local Union’s
regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). All persons shall be provided
a receipt by the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer.

(e) Following the close of the acceptance of nominations period, the Local
Union’s Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall ensure that the
nominated individuals are Members in Good Standing and are eligible to be
placed on the ballot, and shall proceed to prepare the ballot. Candidates’
names for the respective offices shall be placed on the ballot in alphabetical

Section 18

(a) Elections for elected positions shall take place in May every three years.
All elections for Local Union elected positions, except International
Convention Delegates, shall follow the primary system. Under the primary
system where there are two or more candidates for office, the voter shall vote
for only one. If there are three or more candidates running for the same office,
and no one candidate receives a majority of all valid votes cast, then the two
candidates with the highest number of votes shall proceed to a run-off
election. Where two or more elected positions are to be filled each position
shall be contested separately. Failing to obtain a majority on the first ballot,
the top two in each position will proceed to a run-off election. All candidates
who have qualified to be on the ballot shall be listed in alphabetical order.

(b) Any Member in Good Standing shall be eligible to vote for one candidate
to fill each of the positions of President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President,
Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer, and Delegates to the International
Convention. All maintenance employees from the CTA who are Members in
Good Standing and all Members in Good Standing from PACE and MV
Transportation who hold maintenance seniority shall be eligible to vote for
the 3rd Vice-President. A Member in Good Standing shall be eligible to vote for

the Executive Board Member and /or Steward position(s) from his or her
respective work location and/or classification.

(c) Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the election, a notice
of the upcoming election shall be mailed to each member at the member’s last
known home address and shall be prominently displayed at each of the work
locations. This notice shall specify the date, time and place of the election, the
elected positions to be filled, as well as the date of any run-off election that
may be necessary.

(d) There shall be no absentee, proxy or write-in votes and no member shall
be entitled to vote unless he or she is a Member in Good Standing and
presents him or herself personally at the polls during the scheduled voting
hours to vote.

(e) The Local may contract with an election service to handle in whole or in
part the election.

(f) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall preserve for one
year the ballots and all other records pertaining to the election.

(g) Federal law prohibits the use of any Local Union or any employer funds
to promote the candidacy of any person in a Local Union officer election. The
prohibition against the use of any Local Union funds applies to any labor
organization; the prohibition against the use of any employer funds applies to
every employer, including an employer, which is not a party to a Collective
Bargaining Agreement. This prohibition includes cash, facilities, equipment
and office supplies of the Local Union. Thus, any candidate may only solicit
contributions from ATU Local 241 members.

(h) Current Officers and Stewards must not campaign for election during
Local Union work hours.

(i) Members who have retired on pension from the active service and who
continue in good standing will be entitled to vote in the election of President,
1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President and Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer, as well as of Delegates to the International Conventions.
Pensioners shall have a choice of two polling places where they can vote on
Election Day. One polling place shall be on the north side; the other polling

place shall be on the south side. These polling places shall be identified on the
notice of election. Pensioners who appear at any other voting location on the
day of election shall be allowed to vote by challenged ballot.

(j) Any member who is entitled to vote may challenge the conduct or
results of an election by filing a challenge within ten (10) calendar days of the
counting of the ballots with the incumbent Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer during the Local Union’s regular business hours. The Financial &
Recording Secretary Treasurer, with the assistance of Executive Board
Member(s) if necessary, shall investigate the challenges and submit the
challenges and report for a recommendation to the Executive Board, subject
to final vote by the membership.

Section 19

(a) Interim elections, if necessary, shall be conducted in accordance with

Section 14.10 of the Constitution.

Section 20

(a) In April of the same year as elections shall take place, the Executive
Board shall elect five (5) Members in Good Standing as Election
Commissioners to assist the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer with
supervising elections for elected positions held by the Local Union. If an
election service will be used by the Local Union to conduct the elections, the
Executive Board shall decide whether Election Commissioners will be

(b) Each member elected as Election Commissioner by the Executive Board

shall file his or her written acceptance within five (5) calendar days of being
elected as Election Commissioner and submit it to the Financial & Recording
Secretary Treasurer.

Section 21

(a) The voting hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., with the exception

of the 567 W. Lake Street location, which hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., West Shops will vote at Chicago Avenue Garage, 901 W. Division, which
hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the Maintenance Training
Center at 1320 E. 89th Street shall vote at the 103rd Street Garage from 7:00
a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The MV Transportation voting hours shall be from 7:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. The PACE North Shore voting hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. The PACE Southwest voting hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. The PACE West voting hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

(b) If an election service is used to conduct the election, then the number of
judges and/or clerks and their duties may be modified accordingly. If an
election service will not be used by the Local Union to conduct the elections,
then the Executive Board shall assign the judges and clerks to work on
Election Day. There shall be one judge and two clerks assigned to each polling
place at any one time.

(c) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer, with the assistance of
the Election Commissioners, shall arrange for the printing of ballots and all
other equipment and supplies that the Judges and Clerks will need for election
day, including secure ballot boxes and voting booths sufficient for all polling
locations. The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall also prepare
all forms, signs and notices for election day, including but not limited to the
Judges and Clerks sign in sheets, the checklist kit, the tally sheet, observer sign
in sheets, voting lists (showing all Members in Good Standing eligible to vote
at each polling location) and poll books and challenged ballot poll books (for
voters to sign in upon requesting a ballot) for each polling location. He or she
shall also make sure that all equipment and supplies, except for the ballots,
ballot boxes, poll books, voting lists and tally sheets are delivered to the
Election Commissioners at least three (3) days prior to the election.

(d) On election day, the A.M. Judge from each polling place shall appear at
the Local Union office at 5:30 a.m. and pick up the election equipment and
supplies, ballots, ballot box, poll books, voting lists and tally sheets for his or
her assigned polling place. Each polling place shall be provided with sufficient
ballots. If an A.M. Judge fails to report by 5:45 a.m. at the Local Union office,
another judge shall be assigned to fill the position and the employer will be
notified that he or she is not performing Local Union business that day.

(e) There shall be two Clerks at each polling place. The two A.M. Clerks

who have been assigned a polling location shall proceed directly to their
assigned polling place and arrive no later than 6:00 a.m. The Clerks shall call
the Local Union office by no later than 6:15 and notify the Local Union that
they are at the polling location. The Clerks shall prepare the polling location
for the election and set up the tables, chairs and any other equipment. They
shall also promptly clear and remove all campaign literature within one
hundred (100) feet from the polling area and set up the voting booth.

(f) The Judge from each polling place shall call the Local Union office by
6:50 a.m. to verify that the voting location is prepared to operate at 7:00 a.m.

(g) One Clerk shall have charge of the voting list. When a potential voter
approaches to vote, the first Clerk shall ask the voter for his or her name,
request identification and place an “X” in ink next to his or her name in the
membership list. The second Clerk shall have a poll book where he or she will
record the name, badge number and work location/classification of the voter,
and then have the voter sign his or her signature.

(h) The Judge shall have charge of the ballots, and shall hand to each
qualified voter who enters the polling place one (1) ballot with the Judge's
initials placed on the back of the ballot in ink. After the voter marks his ballot
in ink he or she shall hand it back to the Judge. The Judge shall deposit it in the
ballot box, and at no time shall a voter be allowed to deposit the ballot in the
box him or herself, nor shall ballot boxes be opened until the box is delivered
back to the Local Union office for counting.

(i) Challenged Ballots: Any Member in Good Standing eligible to vote and
who, because of their position may be on more than one polling list or whose
name does not appear on a list may nevertheless vote with a challenged ballot.
Examples of certain classifications, which may appear on multiple lists, may
include pool clerks, pool janitors, pool supervisors and instructors and
Executive Board Members. In order to vote, the following procedure must be

 The voter must present an ID in order to vote;

 The voter must sign in on the Challenged Voters Poll Book;
 The voter shall be handed a large envelope which he or she must fill out
with his or her name, badge number, location and reason why they are
voting on a challenged ballot;

 The voter shall be given a ballot;
 Once the voter finishes marking the ballot, the voter shall be given the
smaller envelope where the voter shall insert his or her ballot and seal
the envelope;
 The voter shall insert the smaller envelope into the larger envelope and
seal the larger envelope;
 The voter shall return the envelope to the Judge; and
 The Judge shall deposit the envelope into the ballot box.

(j) The Judge and Clerks shall prohibit all electioneering or soliciting of
votes within one hundred (100) feet of the polling place. No member will
mark another member’s ballot. No member will be allowed to vote at any
election unless he or she has a proper identification card bearing the voter’s

(k) The A.M. Judge’s shift shall end at 1:00 p.m. Before the A.M. Judge leaves
the polling location, the A.M. Judge shall:

 Tally his or her voter cards tally sheets;

 Make sure the voter cards issued match with the number of the names
on the sign in book, less any spoiled voter cards;
 Sign the tally sheet and turn it over to the P.M. Judge;
 Confirm with the P.M. judge that the count is accurate.

If there is any discrepancy or question, contact the Election Commissioners.

(l) The P.M. Judge must arrive at the designated polling location no later
than 12:45 p.m. to relieve the A.M. Judge. The P.M. Judge must call the Local
Union office by no later than 1:00 p.m. to inform the Election Commissioners
that he or she and the P.M. Clerks are present and ready to continue
conducting the election.

(m) The P.M. Judge and Clerks shall close the polls promptly at closing time.
If Members are waiting in line to vote at the time the polling location is
scheduled to close, they must be allowed to vote. However, anyone arriving
after the scheduled closing time shall not be allowed to vote.

(n) The Local Union may contract with an election service to assist with the
counting of ballots or to conduct the entire election. If an election service is
used, the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer, together with the
Election Commissioners shall work with the election service to assess the
number of judges and clerks necessary for the election and to make sure that
the ballots will be processed and counted correctly, including adapting the
ballot to conform to the needs of the election service.

(o) If the Local Union does not contract with an outside election service to
conduct the election or for the counting of the ballots, then after the polls
close, the Judge and at least one Clerk from each polling location shall take all
election equipment and supplies back to the Local Union office. From the time
the polls close through the time the ballot box and supplies are delivered to
the Local Union office, the Judge and at least one Clerk shall always have joint
custody and control of the ballot box and supplies and shall never leave the
ballot box and supplies alone or with one person. All unused ballots and
mutilated ballots, voting lists, poll books and tally sheets must be inserted
inside the ballot box without opening it, then the ballot box must be sealed
with the signatures of the P.M. Judge and Clerks from the respective location
and delivered to the Local Union office or such other site as designated by the
Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer.

(p) For their services to the Local, Election Commissioners, election judges
and clerks must document their time off for election services and shall be paid
for their lost time at their current rate of pay.

(q) Pensioners may work as Clerks during elections at the discretion of the
Executive Board.

Section 22

The regularly elected officers of this Local Union shall be installed at the
regular meeting in July every three years. Newly elected officers shall assume
the duties of their elected positions on the 1st day of July following the
election, irrespective of their installation date.

Section 23

(a) All bonds, mortgages and other securities owned by this Local Union

shall be placed in a safety deposit box in a bank and/or credit union located in
Chicago to be agreed upon by the Executive Board. Said safety deposit box
shall be under the supervision of the President/Business Agent, the Financial
& Recording Secretary Treasurer and the First Vice-President.

(b) Any two of the above Officers, when together, shall have access or entry
to said safety deposit box to transact business of this Local Union.

Section 24

President/Business Agent, Vice-Presidents, and Financial & Recording Secretary


(a) For the faithful performance of their duties, the President/Business

Agent, Vice-Presidents, and Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall
receive annual salaries as follows:

Officer Annual Salary

President/Business Agent The equivalent of 55 straight time hours
per week (excluding any differentials or
shift premiums) for 52 weeks multiplied
by the hourly rate for CTA Grade 11.3,
which as of January, 2015 shall be
$112,641.10 (“Annual Salary”). The
Annual Salary includes all paid vacation
and any other leave days to which the
President/Business Agent shall be
entitled to under these By-Laws and the
respective CBA, and shall be the
maximum salary and only income he or
she shall receive during each calendar
1st Vice-President and The equivalent of 48 straight time hours
2nd Vice President per week (excluding any differentials or
shift premiums) for 52 weeks multiplied
by the hourly rate for CTA Grade 11.3.
($98,304.96) (“Annual Salary”). The
Annual Salary includes all paid vacation

and any other leave days to which the
1st Vice-President and 2nd Vice-
President shall be entitled to under
these By-Laws and the respective CBA,
and shall be the maximum salary and
only income each shall receive during
each calendar year.
3 Vice-President
rd If Full-Time: The equivalent of 48
straight time hours per week (excluding
any differentials or shift premiums) for
52 weeks multiplied by the hourly rate
for CTA Grade 11.3. ($98,304.96)
(“Annual Salary”). The Annual Salary
includes all paid vacation and any other
leave days to which the 3rd Vice-
President shall be entitled to under
these By-Laws and the respective CBA,
and shall be the maximum salary and
only income he or she shall receive
during each calendar year.
If Part-Time (4 Days a Week): The
equivalent of 39 straight time hours per
week (excluding any differentials or
shift premiums) for 52 weeks multiplied
by the hourly rate for CTA Grade 11.3.
This percentage of the Annual Salary
includes all pro-rated paid vacation and
any other pro-rated leave days to which
the 3rd Vice-President shall be entitled
to under these By-Laws and the
respective CBA, and shall be the
maximum salary and only income he or
she shall receive by the Local Union
during each calendar year.
Financial & Recording Secretary The equivalent of 52 straight time hours
Treasurer per week (excluding any differentials or
shift premiums) for 52 weeks multiplied
by the hourly rate for CTA Grade 11.3
($106,497.04) (“Annual Salary”). The

Annual Salary includes all paid vacation
and any other leave days to which the
Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer shall be entitled to under
these By-Laws and the respective CBA,
and shall be the maximum salary and
only income he or she shall receive
during each calendar year.

As of 2014, CTA Grade 11.3, was $39.385/hour. The Financial & Recording
Secretary Treasurer shall calculate future salary increases beginning as of
January 1, 2015, by taking the wage rate for CTA Grade 11.3 as agreed to
between the Local Union and the CTA and as published by the CTA, and
multiplying it by the number of hours provided above for each Officer. The
Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall apply wage increases at the
same time as when the CTA bargaining unit is scheduled to receive its wage
increase and no sooner.

(b) All Full-Time Officers shall be entitled to the number of vacation days to
which he or she would be entitled pursuant to his or her pertinent Collective
Bargaining Agreement as if he or she were working at the CTA, PACE or MV
Transportation. Such Officers must report his or her use of vacation days in
writing to the President/Business Agent and the Financial & Recording
Secretary Treasurer. The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall
keep a record of all vacation use. Any unused vacation days at the end of the
year shall be forfeited. At no time shall any Officer be allowed to cash in any
unused vacation days. If the 3rd Vice-President whose employer provides
only a portion of vacation benefits due to the Vice-President’s part-time status
he or she shall be entitled to the rest of the vacation days to which he or she
would normally be entitled by the Local for his or her part-time services
provided he or she complies with the other requirements stated in this

(c) All Full-Time Officers shall be entitled to days off for leave days to which
he or she would be entitled pursuant to his or her pertinent Collective
Bargaining Agreement as if he or she were working at the CTA, PACE or MV
Transportation. Such Officers must report his or her use of leave days in
writing to the President/Business Agent and the Financial & Recording
Secretary Treasurer. The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall

keep a record of all leave days. Any unused leave days shall be forfeited. At
no time shall any Officer be allowed to cash in any unused leave day.

(d) All Full-Time Officers shall participate in health insurance and pension
benefits of their employers as provided by the pertinent Collective Bargaining
Agreement, with the Local Union picking up any share which is required of it
and would normally be paid for by the employer.

(e) An Officer who retires and serves out his or her term shall not receive
compensation for any pension benefits from the Local Union for the period of
time during his or her term after he retires.

Part-Time Executive Board Members, Stewards, and Members

(f) The Local Union shall pay Part-Time Executive Board Members,
Stewards, Wardens, Election Commissioners and Clerks, and other members
for conducting the business of the Local Union on a lost time basis consistent
with the following: (1) All lost time shall be pre-approved by the
President/Business Agent. (2) All lost time shall be paid at the member’s lost
time rate of pay. No premiums shall be paid. (3) All lost time payments shall
be only for time spent performing union business. If a member has booked off
for a day and unexpectedly finishes his union business early, he or she must
call the President/Business Agent or his designee for additional assignments.
(4) All lost time shall be paid only for time which occurs during the
employee’s regular schedule. Lost time shall not be paid for any time during
which the member is not regularly scheduled to work nor when the member
is receiving vacation, disability or other forms of pay from his or her
employer. (5) The member requesting payment for lost time must fill out a
time card documenting the hours worked, and the activities performed. The
request for lost time shall be submitted to the Executive Board for review and
recommendation, and to the regular membership meeting for approval.

All Officers, Stewards, and Members

(g) The President/Business Agent, Vice-Presidents, Financial & Recording

Secretary Treasurer, Part-Time Executive Board Members, Stewards, and
members shall receive from the Local Union no additional compensation
(including salary, wages, bonuses, tips, gratuities, loans, wage advances, in-
kind or cash gifts, or payments) or fringe benefits (including health insurance,

disability insurance, life insurance), beyond that which is specifically provided
for in this Section of the By-Laws. Any such additional compensation may
occur only by amending the By-Laws to provide for such.

Reimbursement of Expenses

(h) Travel and Lodging: The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer
shall arrange for and make the most reasonable and cost effective hotel and
travel reservations for and on behalf of all Officers, Executive Board Members,
Stewards and members.

(i) Meals and Incidentals: All Officers, Executive Board Members,

Stewards and members who travel out of the Chicago commuting area on
approved Local Union business shall be paid a per diem of seventy-five dollars
($75.00) for each overnight stay while conducting Local Union business to
cover the cost of all meals and incidentals.

(j) Mileage: All Officers, Executive Board Members, Stewards and members
who are performing work on behalf of the Local Union shall be reimbursed for
Local Union related mileage expenses they incur provided that (1) the first
trip from home to any location and the last trip to one’s home shall not be
claimed as a Local Union related mileage expense; (2) the mileage claimed
must be incurred for a legitimate and necessary Local Union related business;
(3) the cost for mileage shall be computed at the IRS standard mileage rate;
and (4) the individual must accurately and truthfully fill out an expense report
to be provided by the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer and sign it.
At no time may gas be charged to the Local in lieu of or in addition to a claim
for mileage reimbursement. In the event that more than one Local Union
representative rides together in the same vehicle, mileage may be claimed by
only the representative whose vehicle was used.

(k) Parking: All full-time Officers shall be provided monthly parking at

or close to the Local Union office. Executive Board Members and Stewards
who choose to drive to the CTA Headquarters or to any other location within
the Chicago downtown area shall not be reimbursed for the cost of parking
unless the expense was legitimate and necessary, and said expense is
approved by the membership after a recommendation by the Executive Board.

(l) Mobile Phones: The Local Union shall furnish and pay for mobile phones

and monthly usage for all full-time Officers. The mobile phones shall be used
only to conduct Local Union business. Part-time Officers and Stewards shall
be paid an amount equivalent to their monthly dues (“monthly allowance”) to
assist in covering the mobile phone expenses they incur in the performance of
their duties, provided they attend all meetings as required under Section 9,
Executive Board Meetings, of these By-Laws and complete the forms and/or
reports required under Section 8, Part-Time Executive Board Members, and
Section 13, Stewards, in a timely manner.

(m) Other Expenses: The Local Union shall reimburse Officers, Executive
Board Members, Stewards and members for other expenses not covered by
Subsections (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) in this Section if the expense was a
necessary, reasonable and properly documented expense incurred while
performing duties for the Local Union, provided that it was pre-approved by
the President/Business Agent or Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer,
and is presented to the Executive Board for their evaluation and
recommendation, and approved by the membership. No expense for
reimbursement shall be made without approval of the membership at a
regular monthly membership meeting.

(n) Expenses Reimbursed by Other Person or Organization: The Local Union

shall not reimburse any Officer, Executive Board Member, Steward or member
for any expense which has been reimbursed, or will be reimbursed, by
another person or organization, including the International Union, a benefits
plan or other entity.

Section 25

(a) In order to be a Member in Good Standing with the Local Union, the
candidate must fill out an application for Local Union membership and submit
an initiation fee of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars plus the amount for the
current month’s dues and assessments. Said application must be presented to
the Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer within thirty (30) days after
being employed. Upon request, the Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer shall allow the candidate to pay one-half the initiation fee in two
consecutive monthly payments.

(b) For CTA and PACE bargaining unit members, the monthly dues shall, as

of January 1, 2015, be $65.58 per month (which shall be inclusive of the
International Union’s per capita tax of $13.50 per month as of January 1,
2015). Starting on July 1, 2015, and continuing thereafter, for CTA and PACE
bargaining unit members, the monthly dues shall be $65.58 plus any increase
in the per capita tax implemented after January 1, 2015.

(c) For MV Transportation bargaining unit members, the monthly dues

shall be equal to the sum of the member’s hourly rate of pay for two (2) hours.

(d) For retired members, the monthly dues will be six dollars ($6.00) per

(e) Special assessments to pay for the costs of the arbitration of grievances
or disputes shall be automatically assessed on a per capita basis among all
active members.

(f) Any and further qualifications for membership in this Local shall be in
accordance with the International Constitution.

Section 26

(a) The obligations and penalties for members in arrears shall be in

accordance with the International Constitution.

Section 27

(a) In order to be a Member in Good Standing, a member must work within

a bargaining unit represented by this Local Union, as required by
International Constitution Sections 21.1, Eligibility, and 21.2, Management
and Supervisory Personnel, have submitted an application in accordance with
International Constitution Section 21.3, Membership Application, and either
have paid dues and initiation fees in whole or in part or have authorized
payroll deduction for such. Once the member becomes a Member in Good
Standing, the member shall receive a membership card. The member must
continue to pay all dues, fines and assessments on the first day of each month
for the current month.

(b) No member shall be allowed to injure the interests of a fellow-member
by undermining him or her in the workplace with regard to wages or by
falsely reporting him or her to the officials of the employer, or through any
other willful act by which the reputation or employment of any member may
be injured.

(c) Members are required to keep the Financial & Recording Secretary
Treasurer informed of any changes to their address or other contact

(d) Charges may be preferred against any member or members in writing

and in accordance with International Constitution Section 22, Charges, Trials
and Penalties, provided that the charges have been properly preferred and a
hearing is held in accordance therein. Penalties may consist of fines,
reprimands, suspension and/or expulsion and shall be decided by a vote of
the Local Union, except where a specific penalty is provided for in these Local
By-Laws or the International Constitution.

(e) Members are prohibited from selling or misusing the properties of the
Local Union, including its name, logo or service marks, or from giving such to
persons not entitled to the same.

(f) No member of this Local shall promote dances, balls, parties, sporting
events, picnics or raffles in the name of this Local Union, or cause the public to
believe they have the authority to represent the Local Union when they in fact
do not.

(g) Any member of any committee neglecting or refusing to perform the

duties of such committee shall be removed from the committee.

(h) Any member entering a meeting of this Local Union in an intoxicated

condition, unnecessarily interrupting the business of the meeting, or acting
disrespectfully to any Officer or member of this Local Union shall at the
discretion of the Local Union be subject to ejection from the meeting and shall
not be permitted to return during that session.

(i) Any and all internal differences that may arise in this Local Union shall
be settled in accordance with the International Constitution and these By-
Laws. Members are required to exhaust the procedures outlined in the

International Constitution and these By-Laws. The provisions of this
paragraph shall be subject to the provisions of the Labor Management
Reporting and Disclosure Act.

Section 28

(a) The amounts of the funeral benefit paid by this Local Union are as
follows: For a Member in Good Standing in the Local Union of less than two
years, One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars. For a Member in Good Standing
in the Local Union two years or more, Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars. In
addition, upon the death of a Member in Good Standing a floral piece shall be
sent to the bereaved family or relatives, the cost not to exceed Sixty-Five
($65.00) Dollars. No money shall be given in lieu of a floral piece.

Section 29

(a) There shall be no donations made by this Local Union, except to

affiliated organizations on strike. In order to make such donations the request
must first be referred to the Executive Board for consideration, and then read
at and approved by a majority vote at a membership meeting.

(b) All political contributions and expenditures in connection with federal,

state and local elections shall be through the COPE fund and in accordance
with the International Constitution. No political contributions and
expenditures shall be made through any other Local Union fund.

(c) The Local Union shall be allowed to make one monetary contribution of
up to Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars from the Local Union’s general fund in
any one year for the benefit of all of the Local Union affiliated sports teams
and leagues. The Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars may be divided among
any or all of the Local Union affiliated sports teams and leagues as the
Executive Board may recommend and the membership may vote. At no time
shall the Local Union give the Local Union affiliated sports teams or leagues
more than Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars whether in cash or in kind. The
Local Union shall not subsidize the teams with any additional in-kind
donations. The monetary contribution must be recommended by the
Executive Board, read to and approved by the Local Union membership at a

membership meeting and noted in the minutes.

(d) No collections, subscriptions or soliciting shall be allowed inside the

meeting hall without the consent and approval of the Local Union officers.

Section 30

(a) All Officers shall, by virtue of their elected positions, be the top
Delegates to the International Convention as follows:

Full-Time Executive Board Member Delegate No.

President/Business Agent First
Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer Second
1st Vice-President Third
2nd Vice-President Fourth
3rd Vice-President Fifth
Transportation Executive Board Member, Chicago Avenue Sixth
Transportation Executive Board Member, Forest Glen Seventh
Transportation Executive Board Member, Kedzie Garage Eighth
Transportation Executive Board Member, North Park Garage Ninth
Transportation Executive Board Member, 103rd Street Tenth
Transportation Executive Board Member, 74th Street Garage Eleventh
Transportation Executive Board Member, 77th Street Garage Twelfth
Maintenance Executive Board Member, North Side Garages Thirteenth
Maintenance Executive Board Member, South Side Garages Fourteenth
General Office Executive Board Member Fifteenth
Garage Clerks Executive Board Member Sixteenth
Bus Supervisor & Instruction Executive Board Member Seventeenth
PACE/Executive Board Member Eighteenth
MV Executive Board Member Nineteenth

(b) The ballot in any general or special election of an Officer shall state that
the Officer shall be a Delegate to the International Convention by virtue of
their office.

(c) The Local Union shall conduct elections for any additional Delegates to
which the Local Union is entitled under International Constitution Section 6.4,
Representation; LU, and for four (4) Alternate Delegates. At the regular
membership meeting in the month of April in an International Convention
year, nominations shall be held for the additional Delegate positions and the
four (4) Alternate Delegate positions. Not less than five (5) days’ notice of the
nominations meeting shall be given and the nominations shall be taken
without regard to whether the regular membership meeting has a quorum. At
the following regular membership meeting in May, the additional Delegates
and four Alternate Delegates shall be elected by secret ballot. Not less than
fifteen (15) days’ notice of the election of the additional Delegates and
Alternate Delegates shall be given, and the election shall be conducted without
regard as to whether the regular membership meeting has a quorum.
Nominations and elections shall be by Delegate position, starting with the
Twentieth Delegate and First Alternate Delegate. There shall be no meeting
attendance requirement for eligibility to run for office.

(d) The Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer shall issue to the
International Union a report with all required information regarding
Delegates prior to the International Convention.

(e) Delegates to the International Convention shall be paid on a lost time

basis, but in no case shall they be paid for any lost time prior to the Sunday
before the official opening of the International Convention. Additionally,
Delegates shall receive a per diem for each overnight stay at the International
Convention, and the Local Union shall arrange in advance for reasonable and
necessary travel and lodging.

(f) The Local Union shall only pay the expenses specified above for those
Members who have been elected as Delegates and attend the Convention. No
other persons, including Members and Alternate Delegates who are not called
to serve as Delegates, shall be compensated in any way by the Local Union for
attending the International Convention, and the Local Union shall not pay
them a per diem, or cover the cost of any travel or lodging expenses related to
attending the International Convention.

Section 31


(a) The Local Union shall be a member of the Chicago Federation of Labor
and Industrial Union Council and shall pay the corresponding per capita dues
to the Council on a full and timely basis.

(b) It shall be the duty of Delegates to the Chicago Federation of Labor and
Industrial Union Council to attend any and all meetings of that body when
called upon by the Chairman of delegates or ordered by the Local Union.

(c) The President/Business Agent, First Vice-President, and Financial &

Recording Secretary Treasurer shall be delegates to the Chicago Federation of
Labor and Industrial Union Council. If any of these three officers cannot
attend, and it is necessary to send a substitute, an additional delegate may be
appointed by the President/Business Agent from the Executive Board.

(d) It shall be the duty of the President/Business Agent or his or her

designee to attend all meetings of that body, to report to the Local all business
of importance transacted there, and to look after the interests of the Local
upon the floor of the Federation. The Chairman shall select, when he or she
deems it necessary, a delegate or delegates to attend said meetings to assist
him or her in the work. The Chairman shall keep in touch with the proposed
work of the Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council and,
when necessary, may send part or all of the body of delegates of the Local to
the meetings of the Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council.
The Chairman shall perform all other duties that will serve the interests of the
Local as it appears to him or her, or that he or she may be instructed to
perform by the Local. The Chairman, or his or her designee must provide a
written report on matters of importance at each meeting and have it filed in
the Local Union office.

Section 32

(a) The Local Union shall be a member of the Illinois State Federation of
Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations and shall pay the
corresponding per capita dues to the Illinois Joint Conference Board on a full
and timely basis.

(b) Delegates to the Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations Convention are selected by the Illinois Federation of

(c) Delegates to the Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of

Industrial Organizations Convention shall be authorized to attend and travel
to the convention only if the Local Union has paid all of its per capita dues to
the International Union and all Central and local affiliated bodies, has no late
bills outstanding, and it has at least Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000)
Dollars in its general fund.

Section 33

(a) The Local shall be a member of the Illinois Joint Conference Board of the
Amalgamated Transit Union and shall pay the corresponding per capita dues
to the Illinois Joint Conference Board on a full and timely basis.

(b) Delegates to the Illinois Joint Conference Board of the Amalgamated

Transit Union shall be authorized to attend and travel to the Conference Board
meeting only if the Local Union has paid the per capita dues to the
International Union and to all Central and local affiliated bodies, has no late
bills outstanding, and it has at least Five Hundred Thousand
($500,000)Dollars in its general fund.

(c) The President/Business Agent, First Vice-President and/or Financial &

Recording Secretary Treasurer shall, subject to the conditions set forth in
Section 33(b), Delegates to Illinois Joint Conference Board of the
Amalgamated Transit Union, attend all meetings of the Illinois Joint
Conference Board of the Amalgamated Transit Union. In the event the
President/Business Agent or Financial & Recording Secretary Treasurer is
unable to attend any meeting, the President/Business Agent shall appoint a
member of the Executive Board to attend the meeting as a substitute.

Section 34

(a) If the Local Union is up-to-date with its payments of all per capita dues
to the International Union and to all Central and local affiliated bodies, has no
late bills outstanding and has at least Seven Hundred Thousand ($700,000)
Dollars in its general fund, then the Local Union may set aside up to Three
Thousand ($3,000) Dollars in total per calendar year for the purpose of
offsetting members’ expenses relating to all ATU Conferences which are non-
mandatory. The Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars per year is a one-time
calendar year expense for all Conferences that may occur in a calendar year
and not for each Conference, and may be used to offset certain expenses,
including registration fees or assistance for hotel costs for members who may
wish to attend ATU Conferences, which are non-mandatory. At no time may
the Local Union authorize reimbursement for lost pay, meals, travel or other
discretionary expenses.

(b) The Local Union shall announce any ATU Conferences which are not
mandatory to the membership and invite them to attend if they wish provided
they pay for all their other expenses for which they do not receive assistance,
including travel, hotels and meals, and they take the necessary time off from
work using their own vacation time. If the Local Union approves a member to
receive a portion of the Three Thousand ($3,000) Dollars, the Member must
provide proof of attendance at the Conference by submitting a hotel bill as
proof of stay to the Executive Board for recommendation and the membership
for approval.

Section 35

(a) If any Local Union Executive Board Members or Local Union members
are invited to attend any ATU conferences or meeting for which the
International Union provides room, board and travel expenses, the Executive
Board Member or Local Union Member shall not be reimbursed for any travel
expenses or per diem by the Local Union.

Section 36

(a) Any overnight travel not specifically referred to above shall not be
authorized or paid for by the Local Union.

Section 37

(a) The Local Union shall not pay any expenses arising out of or related to
the Officers or members who sit on any employee benefit plans as trustees or
alternate Trustees, including but not limited to the CTA Retirement Allowance
Committee, the CTA Retirement Health Care Trust or the Retirement and
Disability Allowance Plan for Officers and Employees of Local 241,
Amalgamated Transit Union.

Section 38

(a) The business hours of the Local Union shall be from Monday through
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Local Union office will be closed Saturdays,
Sundays and New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Section 39

(a) When the presiding officer takes the chair, the other Officers and
members shall take their respective seats and at the sound of the gavel there
shall be general silence. The meeting shall then be considered organized.

(b) The time allowed any speaker to occupy the floor shall not exceed five
minutes, without the unanimous consent of the meeting.

(c) Any member in a meeting of this Local Union who makes use of profane
or unbecoming language, or refuses to obey the orders of the Chair, or uses
disrespectful expressions towards the Officers or members of this Local
Union, shall be ejected from the place of meeting and not allowed to enter
again at that session.

Section 40

1. Call to order by the President.

2. President or Designee Examines Members Present

3. Roll call of Officers.
4. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting.
5. Initiation of New Members
6. Communications and Bills.
7. Reports of Officers.
8. Reports of Delegates and Standing and Special Committees.
9. Unfinished Business.
10. New Business and Welfare of the Local Union.
11. Nomination and Elections.
12. Installation of Officers.
13. Receipts and Expenditures
14. Adjournment.

Section 41

(a) To amend any section of these By-Laws, the proposed changes must be
submitted in writing at a membership meeting and read at two (2) regular
membership meetings and posted, along with the present section sought to be
amended, at all work locations with notice of the meeting at which the second
reading shall occur before adoption and it shall require a two-thirds vote of
the membership in attendance and voting at the second Local Union
membership meeting to adopt.

(b) All questions not covered by these By-Laws shall be determined in

accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order.

Section 42

(a) The Local Union shall make all required contributions to the Retirement
and Disability Allowance Plan for Officers and Employees of Local 241 in
accordance with the Plan document, controlling law and legal authority, and
shall pay all professional expenses (e.g. legal fees, actuarial fees) incurred in
the administration of the Plan.

(b) The Local Union shall not pay for any expenses (such as meals or travel
expenses) the Trustees may incur related to or arising out of the

administration of the Retirement and Disability Allowance Plan.

(c) The Retirement and Disability Allowance Plan is and shall continue to
remain frozen. The plan shall be closed to new participants. Any existing
participants shall accrue no new or additional benefits to which they were not
already entitled as of September 11, 2011.

(d) The Local Union shall make a monthly contribution to the Retirement
and Disability Allowance Plan by the first day of February 2015, and by the
first day of every month thereafter. The monthly contribution shall be no less
than one third (1/3) of the minimum quarterly contribution as calculated by
the plan’s actuaries. If the plan actuaries have not timely calculated the
minimum quarterly contribution, the monthly contribution shall be no less
than one third (1/3) of the prior year’s minimum quarterly contribution as
calculated by the plan’s actuaries. Additionally, the Local Union shall ensure
that any additional amounts owed in the form of minimum quarterly
contributions are paid no later than fifteen (15) days after the end of the


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