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There is a wide variety of different certificates that can be requested by the importing

country or the importer. Each certificate is requested for a variety of different reasons and is

required for many reasons. Some reasons being to establish the suitable tariff category and to

safeguard importers from crooked exporters.[ CITATION Dav18 \l 1033 ] The three certificates that

I am going to write about are certificate of origin, certificate of inspection and certificate of


A certificate of origin is a document that states in which country the good was

manufactured. This certificate includes information on the product, the destination, and the

country of export. The certificate of origin is a very important document because it helps

discover if certain merchandise is able to be imported or if it needs to be charged an import tax.

[ CITATION Ada19 \l 1033 ] Customs officers anticipate the certificate of origin to be apart from the

invoice or packing list. It also must have a notarized signature by the exported and have a stamp

from the chamber of commerce. There are two different types of certificate of origin which are

non-preferential and preferential. A non-preferential certificate of origin, which is also called an

ordinary certificate of origin, only states that the products are not eligible for a reduced tariff or

allowed a tariff-free treatment between different countries. Whereas preferential means the

complete opposite.[ CITATION Ada19 \l 1033 ]

The certificate of inspection is a document that confirms products are in good condition

at the time it was inspected. The certificate of inspection verifies if the goods are up to date with

the sales contract in consideration to the quality, quantity, tariff classification, import eligibility

and the price.[ CITATION Advil \l 1033 ] This is usually around the time prior to shipment but

sometimes a pre shipment inspection is required to be able to import goods into some developing

countries.[ CITATION Dic19 \l 1033 ] Any admin and inspection fees are usually paid by the
importer or the country in which the goods are being importer and some costs might be billed to

the buyer. Goods such as fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. are being imported you need a federal

phytosanitary inspection certificate which is issued by the United States Department of

Agriculture to indicate that the goods being shipped are free of toxic plants and pest diseases.

[ CITATION Lau19 \l 1033 ]

The certificate of manufacture is a document that is provided by the producer or

manufacturer when a commodity that has been ordered by a buyer is 100% complete. This

document is a guarantee to the buyer that the product they ordered is completed, and stored by

the producer without the product being at risk. The certificate of manufacture also notifies the

buyer if there has been any changes or alterations that have been made to the goods after the

manufacturing stage. The manufacturer is only responsible for storing the goods in the proper

conditions but is not accountable for anything that happens after the certificate has been master

file.[ CITATION Kno \l 1033 ]

Works Cited
Advanced on Trade. (April). Retrieved from What is an Inspection Certiface or Certificate of Inspection:

Barone, A. (2019, April 30). Investopedia. Retrieved from

Certificate, K. (n.d.). The Business Professor . Retrieved from Certificate of Manufacture :

Delaney, L. (2019, Decemeber 9). All About Inspection Certificates. Retrieved from Small Business:
Dictionary of International Trade. (2019, March). Retrieved from

Petersen, C. J. (2018, June 25). International Trade Blog. Retrieved from

Pierre, D. (2017). International Logistics The Management of International Trade Operations. In D.

Pierre, International Logistics The Management of International Trade Operations (p. 295).
Cicero Books.

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