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4 What are the challenges posed by strategic information systems, and how should they be

• List and describe the management challenges posed by strategic information systems.

• Explain how to perform a strategic systems analysis.

Challenges posed by strategic information systems:

- Many strategic information systems are easily copied: competitors can retaliate and copy your
strategic systems, so that competitive advantage is not always sustainable. At first, these systems can
bring a company to the leader position in a specific field, but then it certainly faces many competitors.
- Firms need to align information technology with their business goals: Most businesses ignore
this step and they have to pay hefty price in poor performance. The more successfully a firm can align
information technology with its business goals, the more profitable it will be. Firms and managers
should understand what IT can do and how it works, take an active role in shaping its use, and
measure its impact on revenues and profits.
- Managing strategic transitions: Implementing strategic systems often requires extensive
organizational change and a transition from one sociotechnical level to another. Such changes are
called strategic transitions and are often difficult and painful to achieve
- (Not all strategic systems are profitable, and they can be expensive to build)

To perform a strategic systems analysis, managers should mention in details these following questions:

1. What is the structure of the industry in which the firm is located?

2. What are the business, firm, and industry value chains for this particular firm?
3. Have we aligned IT with our business strategy and goals?

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