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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Counting Numbers using Objects
Students will learn to count using simple apps to help lead them to answers.
State Standards:
K.NS.7- Determine whether the number of up to ten objects in one group is more than,
less than, or equal to the number of up to ten objects in another group using matching and
counting strategies.
K.NS.4- Understand the relationship between number and quantity. Connect counting to
cardinality by demonstrating an understanding that: a. the last number said tells the number of
objects in the set (cardinality); b. the number of objects is the same regardless of their
arrangement or the order in which they are counted (conservation of number)
This is a lesson that will be taught in a Kindergarten classroom because it is the basics in
mathematics that all students should learn. By using objects, it will help more with the
understanding. The only thing that can be learned before this is learning to read and write the
numbers. The students can bring the knowledge of already being able to speak their numbers, but
counting is different. I will teach this to my students so when we move on, they are prepared to
better their math skills with more challenging things like addition and subtraction.
The students will mainly do this lesson individually, but I will eventually split them into
pairs to allow them to show a peer what they have learned. When splitting them up, I want to
make sure I split them up randomly so it will be random pairings. At the end of the partner share,
I will have one student share what their partner learned so I know they were on topic as well as
seeing if anyone needs more help with this topic.
Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets,
diagrams, textbooks, etc.)
In this lesson the materials that will be used are iPads, worksheets, pencils, blocks,
internet, and websites.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes):
I will introduce the assignment to the students by passing out the worksheets that have
the problems on in so that the students can know what to do. The first side of the page will be the
problems that the students will do with me as they watch the video. The second side will be the
side they do in groups or by themselves.
Teacher Directed (10 minutes):
This is when the students will watch a video and fill out the worksheet. They will listen to
the first 5 minutes of the video and follow along with it. The worksheet will have blank spaces
next to each number scattered around the page to fill dots in showing each number.
Collaborative (15 minutes):
After the independent work, students will go to there partners and begin to discuss. They
will talk about why they put how many objects they did. They will also explain how they did
that. If they got a different answer, they would try to solve it together.
Independent Digital (10 minutes):
This will go before the collaborative, but this is when students will flip the worksheet
over and find different images of objects. They will use the app to help them learn to count
different objects. After using the app on the iPad, students will go to the worksheet and have
numbers and take the number blocks and put them on the worksheet.
Closure (5 minutes):
At the end of the lesson, we will discuss as a class what the students learned. Each
student will talk about what their partner said so I know they listened and did what they needed.
Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
(Multimedia 1= App or website): Why this piece of multimedia? How does it support
student learning and your standards and objectives? How do you know it is of high-
quality? Evaluate this multimedia against the LORI criteria in the 406: Evaluating
Multimedia module to support your rationale. How does this multimedia choice
differentiate instruction for all learners (consider differentiation and assistive
This app will help students learn to count. It is a fun way for students to learn using simple math
as well as a fun game. This supports the objective for these students because the objective is for
students to learn simple math using different objects to help them and that’s what this app does.
It uses different ideas to help these students figure out how to count.
(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc.): Why this
piece of multimedia? How does it support student learning and your standards and
objectives? How do you know it is of high-quality? Evaluate this multimedia against the
LORI criteria in the 406: Evaluating Multimedia module to support your rationale. How
does this multimedia choice differentiate instruction for all learners (consider
differentiation and assistive technologies)?
This video will be used to help students counts. When watching the video, it was colorful and
will draw the attention of younger students. Also, it gets to the point that needs to be made. This
supports the standards because it will use a visual in the end to help students learn more.

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