Beyond Silicosis, Is The World Failing On Silica Hazards

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Beyond silicosis, is the world failing on silica hazards?

Collis and Yule1 stated in 1933, that “silica is such a body the scope of health surveillance. This definition
poison as is lead, even though it exerts its maleficent reduced the number of diseases assessed to be caused
influence, especially with regard to tuberculosis, by crystalline silica inhalation to silicosis, and the

Dirk Wiersma/Science Photo Library

mainly on the respiratory organs, through which it number of occupational contexts of interest to mining
gains access to the body”. This statement invites us to activities (and secondarily to some other occupations
question the editorial2 entitled “The world is failing on such as stonecutting). Exposure to dust in farming
silicosis” in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. As clinicians, or building activities were thus mostly forgotten in
radiologists, toxicologists, and social scientists working medical practice, research, and teachings, as well as
on health hazards related to crystalline silica exposure, prevention campaigns. The diagnostic boundaries of
we delve beyond silicosis, to learn of other dangers silicosis itself were also reduced, by excluding early Published Online
May 17, 2019
associated with silica. stages of the disease caused by silica in the lungs or in
Collis and Yule’s work directly connects to more other organs.6 Further research into the causes has thus S2213-2600(19)30174-2

recent research that has been questioning the role of neglected the possible role of silica (and some other
crystalline silica exposure for the past 20 years, not inorganic particles) in several diseases, especially other
only in silicosis but also in diseases still considered granulomatous diseases such as sarcoidosis.
idiopathic (eg connective tissue diseases, pulmonary The narrow limits of thinking on silica hazards have
alveolar proteinosis, and, as is also discussed, sarcoidosis also created inconsistencies in rules for compensation.
and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis). These diseases are For instance, systemic lupus can be compensated
mainly considered to be of unknown origin, probably as an occupational disease in the French agricultural
partly because the prevalence of the idea that there is compensation scheme, but is not admissible for salaried
a single cause for a single disease hinders the thinking workers in non-agricultural work. Although crystalline
of multiple causes. This limited thinking includes silica was classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the
diseases described as having varied prognoses and International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1997,7
clinical characteristics. An outbreak of autoimmune the manufacturing processes involving this airborne
disorders in workers with silicosis who were exposed contaminant were recognised as such only in 2017 by
to high crystalline silica content dusts warned us the EU.8 In the meantime, industry has been reluctant to
against the emergence of new sources of silica hazards.3 recognise this toxicity.9 These medicolegal and financial
During the past 20 years, analogous situations have motives explain why education on silica hazards and
supported an association between silica exposure, compensation rules must not be limited to workers and
silicosis, and other so-called idiopathic diseases.4 The employers, but widely taught in the physicians’ primary
unprecedented dynamic in therapeutic research on and ongoing training.
these disorders should now go hand in hand with The question is not do we need more evidence on
research on their causes, especially when prevention silica hazards, but what kind of evidence is missing? As
is possible. Moreover, a sociological and historical claimed in the editorial,2 robust epidemiological data
analysis can highlight how fragile and contentious the are definitely needed. Nevertheless, silica hazards have
aetiological foundation for some diseases has been. It in many respects already been described. Consequently,
is thus necessary to develop an agnotological approach5 efforts must also be made to better understand the
(ie, to study not only the production of knowledge but pathogenesis of silica-associated diseases, to discover
also the mechanisms by which doubt is produced about the precise cellular targets and inflammatory pathways
scientific evidence). linking silica, fibrosis, inflammation, and auto-immunity.
The founding definition of silicosis, formulated during Deciphering the natural history of silica-associated lung
the international conference co-organised in 1930 in diseases, beyond silicosis, might also help to better
Johannesburg by the International Labour Organisation define the classification they encompass. A 2019 study10
and the Transvaal Chamber of Mines (a powerful has highlighted the high prognostic value of mediastinal
South African employers’ trade union), narrowed lymphadenopathy on CT-scans in all-cause interstitial Vol 7 August 2019 649


lung diseases, but without mentioning the possible Agricultural Research 7170-1427, Paris-Dauphine University,
causative role of mineral dust exposures in these 75775 Paris, France (CC); Rennes 1 University, Rennes, France
(AL, AB, NB, PJ, SJ, VL, ML,CP); Centre for History at Sciences Po,
mediastinal lymph nodes. An updated definition and
Sciences Po, Paris, France (P-AR)
more refined CT-scan description of the effects of silica,
discussing isolated mediastinal lymphadenopathies as †Contributed equally
an early sign of silica exposure, could therefore also help We declare no competing interests.
to evaluate the actual prevalence of silica hazards. 1 Collis EL, Yule GU. The mortality experience of an occupational group
Beyond pathogenesis and imaging considerations, exposed to silica dust, compared with that of the general population and
of an occupational group exposed to dust not containing silica.
broadening our view of silicosis will also aid under­ J Indust Hygiene 1933; 15: 395–417.
2 Editorial. The world is failing on silicosis. Lancet Respir Med 2019; 7: 283.
standing as to how a high prevalence of communicable
3 Shtraichman O, Blanc PD, Ollech J, et al. Outbreak of autoimmune disease
diseases can coexist with high mineral dust exposures in silicosis linked to artificial stone. Occupl Med (Lond) 2015; 65: 444–50.
4 Webber M, Moir W, Crowson C, et al. Post-September 11, 2001, incidence
in some African countries that contradict the of systemic autoimmune diseases in World Trade Center-exposed
epidemiological transition model. Silica hazards must firefighters and emergency medical service workers. Mayo Clin Proc 2016;
91: 23–32.
be addressed through a socioecological approach,11 5 Proctor RN, Schiebinger LL. The making and unmaking of ignorance.
embracing working conditions and living standards. Stanford University Press. Stanford; 2008.
6 Rosental P-A. Truncating a disease. The reduction of silica hazards to
More than mottos like zero tolerance, silica hazards silicosis at the 1930 International Labor Office conference on silicosis in
require multidisciplinary research, ranging from bench Johannesburg. Am J Ind Med 2015; 58: S6–14.
7 International Agency for Research on Cancer. Silica Dust, cristalline, in the
to bedside, to socioecological health inequalities, and form of quartz or cristobalite. Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic
risks to humans. World Health Organization Press: Geneva, 2012.
attentive health surveillance able to detect continuously
8 European Union. Directive (EU) 2017/2398 of the European Parliament and
renewed risks caused by this ubiquitous airborne of the Council of 12 December 2017 amending Directive 2004/37/EC on the
protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or
contaminant. mutagens at work. 2017.
PDF/?uri=CELEX:32017L2398&from=FR (accessed May 11, 2019).
9 Musu T. Revision of the Carcinogens Directive: anything happening?
*†Catherine Cavalin, †Alain Lescoat, Alice Ballerie, HesaMag 2013; 8: 21–24.
Nicolas Belhomme, Patrick Jégo, Stéphane Jouneau, 10 Khamis W, Freynet O, Sesé L, Bernaudin J, Nunes H. Prognostic impact of
mediastinal lymph nodes in interstitial lung diseases: is environmental
Valérie Lecureur, Mathieu Lederlin, Christophe Paris, exposure the offender? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019; 199: 1040–41.
Paul-André Rosental 11 Cavalin C. Exposome et sciences sociales: la promesse d’une rencontre?
Encyclopédie de l’environnement. 2018. https://www.encyclopedie-
Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Social Sciences,
National Centre for Scientific Research-National Institute for (accessed May 11, 2019).

Promoting clean air: combating fake news and denial

A fierce debate about the health effects of air pollution Ambient air quality has improved substantially over
erupted in the German media early this year. The scientific the past five decades as emission control, efficient
evidence that links ambient air pollution—in particular, combustion engines, and cleaner fossil fuels have
fine particles (PM2.5; particles smaller than 2·5 µm) and been introduced in all sectors, including energy,
nitrogen dioxide (NO2)—to disease and mortality1,2 was manufacturing, transport, and residential heating.
questioned by a small group of lung physicians and However, urban areas with heavy traffic remain hot
engineers. They called to lift the limit values of ambient spots for particulate matter and NO2 across Europe.4

particulate matter and NO2 concentrations in Europe, PM2·5, ozone, and NO2 affect the health of populations
claiming scarcity of evidence for such limits.3 Their around the globe.1 The effects start in the airways
claims—broadly covered by German mainstream media and the lung, but air pollution affects the entire
Published Online and social media—were welcomed by some politicians, body by inducing inflammatory systemic responses.5
June 17, 2019
industry organisations, and members of the general Consequently, air pollution has been associated with
S2213-2600(19)30182-1 public. NO2 emissions were a focus of this debate because increased incidence of respiratory and cardiovascular
traffic restrictions have been issued in many German cities diseases and reduced life expectancy.5 Furthermore,
as a result of non-compliance with European Union limits. adverse effects on fetal development during pregnancy,

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