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the database and design software for composite materials

I Comosite Star

Table of Contents
Foreword 0

Part I Introduction 2
1 Welcome ................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Support ................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Literature ................................................................................................................................... 2

Part II Composite Star overview 3

1 The database
................................................................................................................................... 3
2 The spreadsheet
................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Laminate results
................................................................................................................................... 5
4 The graph...................................................................................................................................
engine 5
5 Units and ...................................................................................................................................
display format 5
6 Settings ................................................................................................................................... 5

Part III Parameter and calculation 6

1 Coordinate...................................................................................................................................
systems 6
2 Fiber parameter
................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Matrix parameter
................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Ply parameter
................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Laminate...................................................................................................................................
parameter 11
6 Load parameter
................................................................................................................................... 11
7 Laminate...................................................................................................................................
results 13
Results for
the entire laminate 13
Results for
the plies in the laminate 16

Index 0

© 2008 ... MATERIAL S.A.

Introduction 2

1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Dear Composite Star user!

Despite long debugging sessions there might still be some bugs in the user interface. Please report
these bugs to us so that we can eliminate them immediately. However every single calculation
result has been cross-checked intensively by several independent methods. The calculation results
are reliable.

Composite Star is there for you. If you have any suggestions for changes, improvements, additions
or new ideas please let us know. We will try to integrate them into the software as soon as

Enjoy Composite Star!

Christian Laval

1.2 Support
If you should need help, want to report a bug or if you have any suggestion please contact us

1.3 Literature
Calculating the characteristics of composite laminates is a complex task. Composite Star is a
powerfull tool to perform this task. However you will need a basic knowledge of the Classical
Laminate Theory. The following literature will help you to get going.

in English:

Mechanics of Fibrous Composites

Carl T. Herakovich
John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 0-471-10636-4

Mechanics of Composite Materials

Robert M. Jones
Taylor & Francis
ISBN 1-56032-712-X

Composite Materials - Mechanical Behaviour and Structural Analysis

Jean-Marie Berthelot
ISBN 0-387-98426-7

in French:

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3 Comosite Star

Matériaux composites : Comportement mécanique et analyse des structures

Jean-Marie Berthelot
Tec & Doc Lavoisier
ISBN 2743007710

Matériaux composites
Daniel Gay
ISBN 286601586X

in German:

Konstruieren mit Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden

Helmut Schürmann
ISBN 3540721894

2 Composite Star overview

2.1 The database
Composite Star has a database which contains all necessary data of the fibres, matrices, plies,
laminates and loads.

Database file
The database is stored in a file. Database files have the extension CDB. Via the menu FILE you
can create, load and save a database. In the status bar at the bottom of the main Composite Star
window you can see the file name and path of the currently loaded database. It also informs you if
the data have been modified.

The file SampleData.CDB is an example database file.

Grid functionality
The data of the database can be accessed by grids. You can right click with the mouse on the grid.
A popup menu will give you the possibility to add, delete, cut, copy and paste a data record. You
can use SHIFT or CNTRL click to select several data records.

Furthermore the VIEW command let you choose which parameter are displayed in the grid.

By clicking on the column headers in the grid you can sort the records. SHIFT click allows you
sorting by multiple columns. CNTRL click turns sorting off.

By clicking and dragging the headers above the column headers you can change the layout of the

With the command SHOW IN WEB BROWSER you can display the grid in your web browser. Like
this you can print the grid. With the command SAVE GRID AS you can export the grid as tab
separated text (can be read by Excel), as HTML (can be read by a web browser or can be inserted
as table in Word) or XML.

The laminate structure table grid has additional functionality. You can select records and move
them into another position by dragging them with the mouse. You can copy and paste or move
structure records from one laminate record to another.

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Composite Star overview 4

2.2 The spreadsheet

Composite Star has s build in spreadsheet.

You can use data from the database in the spreadsheet. Simply use the function DATABASE in a
cell. The syntax is: =DATABASE("variable name", record ID) Example: The cell entry
=DATABASE("Fiber_Density", 3) returns the density of the fiber with record ID 3. The menu item
SPREADSHEET/DATABASE FUNCTION LIST displays a list of possible variables.

You can also overwrite data from the database before it goes into the calculation. To do this enter
the variable name in a cell (without =). In the next cell to the right enter the number of the ply in the
laminate stack (not necessary for the loads). In the next cell to the right enter the value you would
like to set for this parameter. Example: To set the angle of ply 5 in the laminate stack to 45° use
the following cell entries: Ply_Angle | next cell to the right: 5 | next cell to the right: 45. The menu
item SPREADSHEET/DATABASE FUNCTION LIST displays a list of possible functions. To
consider the spreadsheet in the laminate calculation the USE SPREADSHEET check box on the
LAMINATE RESULTS page has to be checked.

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5 Comosite Star

2.3 Laminate results

The calculation results are displayed in the laminate results window.

On the top of this window you can choose the laminate and the load for which you want to see the

You can change the data in the corresponding ply, laminate and load table. After your finished
editing the values update the laminate result window by pressing the update button .

Right clicking on the display grids will open a popup menu. The VIEW command let you choose
which parameter are displayed in the grid.

For a description of the different parameter see paragraph "Laminate results".

2.4 The graph engine

The graph engine allows you display different graphs.

You can select the graph type as well as what parameter to display on the left side of the graph
engine window. If you change the data in corresponding ply, laminate and load table you can
update the graph by pressing the update button .

2D graphs have the following functionality:

To zoom in press the left mouse button at the top left hand corner of the area you wish to zoom in
on. With the mouse button pressed drag out the rectangle to the bottom right hand corner of the
zoom area. Releasing the mouse button will zoom in on the select area. To undo the zoom press
the left mouse button anywhere on the graph area and drag up and left.

To pan the graph click the right mouse button. With the mouse button pressed moving the mouse
will pan the graph.

2.5 Units and display format

You can set the units and display formats for each parameter individually. Press the units and
display format button to open the units and display format window. Changing settings will
immediately update the parameter in all windows.

2.6 Settings
You can save and load the current display settings (units and display formats, grid layout, ...) via
the menu FILE.

When you close Composite Star the settings of the last session will be stored in the file
CStarSettings. When you start Composite Star and the file CStarSettings exists the program will
automatically load the last session settings.

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Parameter and calculation 6

3 Parameter and calculation

3.1 Coordinate systems
Two coordinates systems are used:

1. the ply coordinate system (1, 2, 3)

1 = fiber direction
2 = in ply plane perpendicular to the fiber direction
3 = perpendicular to the ply plane (positive downward)

2. the laminate coordinate system (x, y, z)

x, y = coordinates in the laminate plane
z = perpendicular to the laminate plane (positive downward)

The angle a is the angle of the ply's fiber orientation in the laminate.

Parameter in the ply coordinate system are index with 1, 2 or 3. Parameter in the laminate
coordinate system are indexed with x, y or z.

The plies in the laminate are numbered from top to bottom:

t = laminate thickness

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t2 = thickness of ply 2
z2 = z position of the midplane of ply 2

The z coordinate of the laminate has its origin in the laminate midplane (centered between the top
and bottom surfaces) and is positive downward.

3.2 Fiber parameter

The fiber table of the database contains the following parameter:


parameter description
ID Composite Star automatically assigns each database record an
unique identification number (cannot be changed)
Name the fiber's name
Density the fiber's density
Diameter the diameter of the fiber's cross section


parameter description
E1, E2 Youngs's moduli
G12, G23 shear moduli
Nu12, Nu23 Poisson's ratios

Failure stresses/strains

parameter description
input as the strength of the fiber can be entered as ultimate stresses or as
ultimate strains
Xt, Xc ultimate stress or strain in fiber direction
(t = tension, c = compression)


parameter description
Alpha 1, 2 coefficients of thermal expansion
Beta 1, 2 coefficients of hygroscopic expansion

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Parameter and calculation 8

3.3 Matrix parameter

The matrix table of the database contains the following parameter:


parameter description
ID Composite Star automatically assigns each database record an
unique identification number (cannot be changed)
Name the matrix name
Density the matrix density


parameter description
E Youngs's moduli
G shear moduli
Nu Poisson's ratios

Failure stresses/strains

parameter description
input as the strength of the fiber can be entered as ultimate stresses or as
ultimate strains
Xt, Xc ultimate stress or strain in fiber direction
(t = tension, c = compression)
S ultimate shear stress or strain


parameter description
Alpha coefficient of thermal expansion
Beta coefficient of hygroscopic expansion

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3.4 Ply parameter

The ply table of the database contains the following parameter:


parameter description
ID Composite Star automatically assigns each database record an
unique identification number (cannot be changed)
Name the ply's name
Micromechanics yes: the ply's parameter are calculated by micromechanics
no: enter the ply's parameter manually
Fiber ID identification number of the fiber used in the ply
(only if Micromechanics=yes)
Fiber name name of the fiber used in the ply
(only if Micromechanics=yes)
Matrix ID identification number of the matrix used in the ply
(only if Micromechanics=yes)
Matrix name name of the matrix used in the ply
(only if Micromechanics=yes)
Fraction type the ratio fiber/matrix in the ply can be entered as fiber volume
fraction, matrix volume faction, fiber mass fraction or matrix mass
Fraction amount the amount of the fraction
Thickness the ply's thickness
(see also the thickness in laminate parameter)
Density the ply's density


parameter description
E1, E2, E3 Youngs's moduli
G12, G13, G23 shear moduli
Nu12, Nu13, Nu23 Poisson's ratios

Failure stresses/strains

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Parameter and calculation 10

parameter description
input as the strength of the ply can be entered as ultimate stresses or as
ultimate strains
Xt, Xc ultimate stress or strain in fiber direction (ply coordinate 1)
(t = tension, c = compression)
Yt, Yc ultimate stress or strain in plane perpendicular to the fiber direction
(ply coordinate 2)
(t = tension, c = compression)
Zt, Zc ultimate stress or strain out of plane (ply coordinate 3)
(t = tension, c = compression)
S in-plane ultimate shear stress or strain in the ply's 1,2 directions
R out-of-plane ultimate shear stress or strain in the ply's 1,3 directions
Q out-of-plane ultimate shear stress or strain in the ply's 2,3 directions

Failure criterion

parameter description
p12+, p12-, p22+ adaptation parameter for the Puck failure criterion
F12 adaptation parameter for the Tsai-Wu failure criterion


parameter description
EtaR, a, Ksi parameter for the Puck degradation model for failure process
calculation after first ply failure
E1, E2, G12, Nu12, n for degradation factors for the Tsai degradation model in case of inter
Xc (IFF) fiber failure (IFF)
After IFF the ply's engineering parameter are multiplied by these
degradation factors smaller than 1. Furthermore the compressive
strength of the ply is reduced to Xc*(degradtion factor for G12)^n.
E1, E2, G12, Nu12, n for degradation factors for the Tsai degradation model in case of fiber
Xc (FF) failure (FF)
After FF the ply's engineering parameter are multiplied by these
degradation factors smaller than 1. Furthermore the compressive
strength of the ply is reduced to Xc*(degradtion factor for G12)^n.


parameter description
Alpha 1, 2, 3 coefficients of thermal expansion
Beta 1, 2, 3 coefficients of hygroscopic expansion

Micromechanics options
You can choose which micromechanics theory should be used to calculate different parameters.

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Fraction calculator
This tool allows you to convert the different types of fiber or matrix fractions.

3.5 Laminate parameter

The laminate table of database contains the following parameter:

parameter description
ID Composite Star automatically assigns each database record an
unique identification number (cannot be changed)
Name the laminate's name

With the + buttons you can open or close the laminate's structure table which defines the stacking
sequence of the laminate. The structure table contain the following parameter:

parameter description
# number of the ply in the laminate stack
Ply ID the ply's unique identification number
Name the ply's name
Angle the angle of the ply's fiber direction
Thickness the ply's thickness
This is the thickness which is used for the laminate calculation.
When you create a new ply or change the ply in the laminate stack
the thickness value is copied from the ply table of the database.
After that you can change it at any time. This has no influence on the
thickness values in the database's ply table.

3.6 Load parameter

Composite Star defines constant loads and variable loads.

In general the constant load is used for thermal loads due to temperature changes (operating
temperature is different from the curing temperature) or hygroscopic loads due to moisture content
changes (matrix material absorbs moisture after curing). The variable load is used for an external
mechanical load. This allows you to answer the question "How far can I increase, under a given
constant thermal or hygroscopic load, the external load until failure occurs?". To calculate this
reserve factor the term

is used in the failure criterion equations.

To answer the question "How far can I change, under a given constant external load, the operating
temperature until failure occurs?" you can use the constant load for the external mechanical load
and the variable load for the hygrothermal load.

The following figure shows the constant, variable and total stress vectors together with the failure
envelop in a (s2,t12) plane of the stress space.

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Parameter and calculation 12

point 1: failure point of the vector

point 2: failure point of the total vector

point 3: failure point of the constant vector

point 4: failure point of the variable vector

The load table of the database contains the following parameter:

External const / External var

parameter description
ID Composite Star automatically assigns each database record an
unique identification number (cannot be changed)
Name the load's name
load type you can enter an external mechanical load in 3 ways
N, M forces and moments per unit length
Eps0, Kappa midplane strain and curvatures
Sigma 0, Sigma flex normalized stresses

Hygrothermal const / Hygrothermal var

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parameter description
delta T top temperature change at the top of the laminate
delta T bottom temperature change at the bottom of the laminate
delta M top moisture content change at the top of the laminate
delta M bottom moisture content change at the bottom of the laminate

The distribution of the temperature/moisture content is assumed to be linear between top and

3.7 Laminate results

The laminate results window displays results for the entire laminate as well as the
results for each ply in the laminate.

3.7.1 Results for the entire laminate

Composite Star calculates the following parameter for the laminate:


parameter description
Number of plies the number of plies in the laminate
Thickness the laminate's total thickness
Density the laminate's density
Load factor the current load factor for the variable part of the load as entered in
the upper right corner of the window


parameter description
Ex, Ey in-plane in-plane Young's moduli
Gxy in-plane in-plane shear modulus
Nuxy, Nuyx in-plane in-plane Poisson ratios
Etaxy_x, Etaxy_y, Etax_xy, in-plane coefficients of mutual influence (Lekhnitskii's coefficients)
Etay_xy in-plane
Ex, Ey flexural flexural Young's moduli
Gxy flexural flexural shear modulus
Nuxy, Nuyx flexural flexural Poisson ratios
Etaxy_x, Etaxy_y, Etax_xy, flexural coefficients of mutual influence (Lekhnitskii's coefficients)
Etay_xy flexural
Nuxz, Nuyz out-of-plane out-of-plane (through-thickness) Poisson ratios
Gxz, Gyz out-of-plane out-of-plane (through-thickness) shear moduli

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Parameter and calculation 14


parameter description
Alpha x, y, xy in-plane in-plane coefficient of thermal expansion
Alpha x, y, xy flexural flexural coefficient of thermal expansion
Beta x, y, xy in-plane in-plane coefficient of hygroscopic expansion
Beta x, y, xy flexural flexural coefficient of hygroscopic expansion
Alpha z out-of-plane out-of-plane (through-thickness) coefficient of thermal expansion
Beta z out-of-plane out-of-plane (through-thickness) coefficient of hygroscopic


parameter description
A in-plane stiffness matrix
B coupling stiffness matrix
D flexural stiffness matrix
F out-of-plane shear stiffness matrix
a in-plane compliance matrix
b coupling compliance matrix
c transposed coupling compliance matrix
d flexural compliance matrix
f out-of-plane shear compliance matrix

The above matrices build the following equations:

Note: For balanced symmetric laminates the bending-extension coupling matrix B is zero. There is
no relationship between bending and extension of the laminate. The check box at the bottom left
corner of the laminate results window allows you to set the matrix B to zero for non balanced
symmetric laminates.

N, M

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parameter description
N mechanical mechanical forces per unit length
M mechanical mechanical moments per unit length
N thermal equivalent thermal forces per unit length
M thermal equivalent thermal moments per unit length
N hygroscopic equivalent hygroscopic forces per unit length
M hygroscopic equivalent hygroscopic moments per unit length
N m+t+h mechanical + equivalent thermal + equivalent hygroscopic forces per
unit length
M m+t+h mechanical + equivalent thermal + equivalent hygroscopic moments
per unit length

The above parameter exist for the constant, the variable and total (constant+variable) load.

Epsilon 0, Kappa

parameter description
Epsilon 0 mechanical mechanical midplane strains
Kappa mechanical mechanical curvatures
Epsilon 0 thermal equivalent thermal midplane strains
Kappa thermal equivalent thermal curvatures
Epsilon 0 hygroscopic equivalent hygroscopic midplane strains
Kappa hygroscopic equivalent hygroscopic curvatures
Epsilon 0 m+t+h mechanical + equivalent thermal + equivalent hygroscopic midplane
Kappa m+t+h mechanical + equivalent thermal + equivalent hygroscopic

The above parameter exist for the constant, the variable and total (constant+variable) load.

Sigma 0, Sigma 0 flex

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Parameter and calculation 16

parameter description
Sigma 0 mechanical mechanical normalized stresses
Sigma flex mechanical mechanical normalized flexural stresses
Sigma 0 thermal equivalent thermal normalized stresses
Sigma flex thermal equivalent thermal normalized flexural stresses
Sigma 0 hygroscopic equivalent hygroscopic normalized stresses
Sigma flex hygroscopic equivalent hygroscopic normalized flexural stresses
Sigma 0 m+t+h mechanical + equivalent thermal + equivalent hygroscopic
normalized stresses
Sigma flex m+t+h mechanical + equivalent thermal + equivalent hygroscopic
normalized flexural stresses

The above parameter exist for the constant, the variable and total (constant+variable) load.

3.7.2 Results for the plies in the laminate

Composite Star calculates the following parameter for each ply in the laminate:


parameter description
# number of the ply in the laminate stack
Name the ply's name
Angle the angle of the ply's fiber direction
Thickness the ply's thickness
Z coordinate in laminate the Z coordinate of the ply's top, middle and bottom in the laminate
Density the ply's density


parameter description
E1, E2, E3 Youngs's moduli in ply coordinates
Ex, Ey Youngs's moduli in laminate coordinates
G12, G13, G23 shear moduli in ply coordinates
Gxy shear modulus in laminate coordinates
Nu12, Nu13, Nu23 Poisson's ratios in ply coordinates
Nuxy, Nuyx Poisson's ratios in laminate coordinates
Etaxy_x, Etaxy_y, Etax_xy, coefficients of mutual influence (Lekhnitskii's coefficients) in
Etay_xy laminate coordinates

Failure stresses/strains

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parameter description
Xt, Xc ultimate stress or strain in fiber direction (ply coordinate 1)
(t = tension, c = compression)
Yt, Yc ultimate stress or strain in plane perpendicular to the fiber direction
(ply coordinate 2)
(t = tension, c = compression)
Zt, Zc ultimate stress or strain out of plane (ply coordinate 3)
(t = tension, c = compression)
S in-plane ultimate shear stress or strain in the ply's 1,2 directions
R out-of-plane ultimate shear stress or strain in the ply's 1,3 directions
Q out-of-plane ultimate shear stress or strain in the ply's 2,3 directions


parameter description
Alpha 1, 2, 3 coefficients of thermal expansion in ply coordinates
Beta 1, 2, 3 coefficients of hygroscopic expansion in ply coordinates
Alpha x, y, xy, z coefficients of thermal expansion in laminate coordinates
Beta x, y, xy, z coefficients of hygroscopic expansion in laminate coordinates


parameter description
C (ply directions) stiffness matrix in ply coordinates
S (ply directions) compliance matrix in ply coordinates
Q (ply directions) reduced stiffness matrix in ply coordinates
S reduced (ply directions) reduced compliance matrix in ply coordinates
C (laminate directions) stiffness matrix in laminate coordinates
S (laminate directions) compliance matrix in laminate coordinates
Q (laminate directions) reduced stiffness matrix in laminate coordinates
S reduced (laminate reduced compliance matrix in laminate coordinates


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Parameter and calculation 18

parameter description
T sigma transformation matrix for stresses
inv. T sigma inverse of T sigma
T epsilon transformation matrix for strains
inv. T epsilon inverse of T epsilon
T sigma reduced reduced transformation matrix for stresses
inv. T sigma reduced inverse of T sigma reduced
T epsilon reduced reduced transformation matrix for strains
inv. T epsilon reduced inverse of T epsilon reduced


parameter description
Epsilon m+t+h mechanical + thermal + hygroscopic strains
Epsilon mechanical mechanical strains
Epsilon thermal thermal strains
Epsilon hygroscopic hygroscopic strains
Epsilon thermal free free thermal strains
Epsilon hygroscopic free free hygroscopic strains

The above parameter can be displayed

- in ply directions 1, 2, 12 and in laminate directions x, y, xy
- for the constant, the variable and total (constant+variable) load
- for the top, middle or bottom of the ply


parameter description
Sigma m+t+h mechanical + thermal + hygroscopic stresses
Sigma mechanical mechanical stresses
Sigma thermal thermal stresses
Sigma hygroscopic hygroscopic stresses

The above parameter can be displayed

- in ply directions 1, 2, 12 and in laminate directions x, y, xy
- for the constant, the variable and total (constant+variable) load
- for the top, middle or bottom of the ply

Failure results

On the bottom of the window you can choose:

- different failure criteria (not all failure criteria can predict failure modes, fracture angles or wedge

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19 Comosite Star

- which plane in the ply should be considered for the calculation of the critical plies and failure
process (Don't confuse this option with the top, middle, bottom check box options in the VIEW
window. They only influence the display. This option however influence the critical ply and failure
process calculation. To see results correctly make sure that the ply plane selected in the
calculation option is also check in the view option.)

parameter description
Effort effort of the total stress vector (constant + variable) = 1/Rf
constant + Rf * variable failure result for the constant and variable stress vector (point 1 in
the figure beneath)
constant alone failure result for the constant stress vector alone (point 3 in the figure
variable alone failure result for the variable stress vector alone (point 4 in the figure
total alone failure result for the total stress vector alone (point 2 in the figure

The failure results consists of the following parameter:

parameter description
Rf reserve factor
1/Rf inverse of the reserve factor
mode failure mode
critical X marks the critical plies in the laminate
fracture angle fracture plane angle for inter fiber failure (Puck Action Plane
Criterion only)
wedge X marks plies that can cause catastrophic wedge effects (fracture
plane angle > 30°) (Puck Action Plane Criterion only)

The failure results can be displayed for the top, middle or bottom of the ply.

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Parameter and calculation 20

point 1: failure point of the vector

point 2: failure point of the total vector

point 3: failure point of the constant vector

point 4: failure point of the variable vector

Failure process calculation, degradation and the load factor

You can choose 3 different calculation modes with the CALCULATE UNTIL selection box at the
bottom of the window:

first failure In failure results you can see when and where the first failure (inter
fiber failure or fiber failure) occurs. There is no calculation of the
failure process i.e. subsequent failures after the first failure. This is
the fastest calculation mode.
first fiber failure After the first failure subsequent failures are calculated by increasing
the variable part of the load step by step and degrading the failed
plies until the first fiber failure occurs. They are displayed in the
FAILURE PROCESS tab. This calculation mode is much more time
consuming specially for laminates with a large number of plies.
last ply failed The calculation of the failure process continues until all plies have
fiber failure. This calculation mode is the most time consuming.

The selection box FAILURE PROCESS at the bottom of the window allows you to choose how the

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failure process is calculated. You can choose between the theories and degradation models of
Tsai and Puck. The failure process calculation is of course also influenced by the choice of the
failure criterion and the considered planes (see failure results above).

In the upper right corner of the window you can enter a load factor (SHOW LAMINATE AT LAOD
FACTOR). The variable part of the used load is multiplied with this load factor. If no failure process
is calculated (CALCULATE UNTIL: FIRST FAILURE) the strains and stresses in the plies as well
as the failure results for the intact laminate are recalculated according to the load factor. If the
the laminate properties as well as the distribution of the strains and stresses in the laminate
changes after the first failure due to the degradation of the failed plies. This means that the
laminate is different for each load bigger than the first failure load. The load factor allows you to
display the changed laminate for any load.

Failure process parameter

parameter description
# number of the failure
Load factor the load factor at which the failure occurs
Ply # the laminate stack position of the ply where the failure occurs
Ply name the name of the ply where the failure occurs
Ply angle the angle of the ply where the failure occurs
Mode the failure mode
Positions the position(s) in the ply where the failure occurs (bottom, middle,
Wedge X marks plies that can cause catastrophic wedge effects (fracture
plane angle > 30°) (Puck Action Plane Criterion only)

Degradation parameter
This tab show you by which factor the engineering constants of the different plies are reduced. The
factors are all 1 for a load factor smaller than the first failure laod. Beyond the first failure laod the
plies are degraded after they failed.

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