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VSB2000: Sophomore Professional Development Seminar


The Nova Network is Villanova's official social and professional networking

platform. By joining the Nova Network, you will be able to network with
Villanovans in your industry or city, share career advice or gain insights from
experienced professionals, and access career development resources designed for your level of experience.

1. Create account at

2. Click “Network” from the top navigation bar on the landing page. If you have not already done so, click on
and complete the “Matching Quiz” under Curated Connections.

3. Once matching is complete, choose three alumni with whom you think you might want to connect and list
their names and title below.

Michele Paccagini : Marketing Specialist

1) _____________________________________________________________
John Duffy : Senior Financial Sales Professional and Relationship Manager
2) _____________________________________________________________

Tyler Gelfand : Risk Management Analyst

3) _____________________________________________________________

4. Click on a profile to learn about one alumnus with whom you would like to connect. Scroll down to the
“How I Can Help Section.” What are three ways in which this alumnus has offered to help that would be
of interest to you?

Informational Interviewing

Indsutry Trends
2) _______________________________________________________________

Job Shadowing
3) _______________________________________________________________
5. What are three questions you could ask him/her to learn about their career/industry/company?

How has the recent Pandemic shifted

1) _________________________________________________________________

the business dynamic in the sales industry?


What are some of the most desirable

2) _________________________________________________________________

skills to have in the sales industry?


What are the best ways to start building

3) _________________________________________________________________

and developing relationships in business?


6. Draft an introductory email that you might send to reach out to this alumnus.
Hello Mr. Duffy,

My name is Christian McCall and I am currently a Sophmore at Villanova University


who is pursuing a career in marketing and sales. I saw your profile on Nova Network
and noticed how successful and seasoned you are in the indsutry. I wanted to
reach out to you for some advice; maybe we coud set up a time to talk, I'll link my
information below.

7. From the navigation bar at the top of the page, click on “Groups.” Either scroll through the list of Groups
or use the navigation bar on the left to filter your results. What are three Groups you would like to join?

Villanovans Abroad
1) __________________________________________________________________

VSB Mentor Program

2) __________________________________________________________________

Villanovans in Consulting
3) __________________________________________________________________

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