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Purchased Wife

Chapter 1: Torture [Purchased Wife]

            Before you continue this story, I would like you to go to the important
note at the end of the book, please. So you'll know what kind of story this is.

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My hair felt like they'll be torn apart from my body.

Tears filled in my eyes and my visioned blurred. I begged her to stop but she
didn't listen. My ears hurt from her screaming. and my heart wouldn't stop racing.

I looked up in pain and cried out loud because I was terrified of the anger she had
in her eyes and voice.

Tanya was pulling my hair and dragging me across the house roaring"Because of you
my boyfriend broke up with me. My 3 years of relationship is over because of you.
You bitch! You should be thrown in a brothel and be raped by men every single day!"

Sadly, she was my cousin.

She held me up against the wall and grabbed me by the neck. Making me choke. I
cried in pain as I couldn't breathe. She was stronger than me.

Melissa came behind her and in a calm voice, she asked: "What are you doing,
Tanya?" She spoke like that seeing her daughter choking me meant nothing. Tanya
looked back at her mother, letting me go. I gasped for air as she said: "My
boyfriend broke up with me!" Turning back at me and pointing" Because of this

I dropped on the floor balling my eyes out.

She roared"He broke up with me because he saw her. He moaned Emily's name when we
had sex! And when I confronted him, he got angry and said Emily is hotter than me!"

She pulled my hair again, causing me to stand up. I screamed as I felt like she had
broken some strands directly from the roots of my head.

She screamed, "You will pay for this, Emily!" She slapped me across my face,
screaming again"It's all because of your pathetic face. Wait till they see how ugly
you can be."

She started tearing up the long simple dress that I had worn to cover my body. She
revealed the marks that they all gave me and said"Wait till a man sees what's
behind this long-ass dress. He'll kill you for being so disgusting"

I cried trying to get out from her stronghold around my neck. I begged, "I'm

Even though it wasn't my fault. I only met the guy once but even if it's not my
fault, I have to apologize. Because if I don't, they will get more violent.

I said, "I'm so sorry!" And she pushed me on the floor.

I looked down at a purple heel tapping on the floor.

I looked up, my anxiety was on level 8. I was shivering with fear. I couldn't even
mentally prepare myself for the blow.

Melissa standing there with her hands on her hips. She said, "Get up!"

I slowly got up and she slapped me for no reason. She said"This is all your fault.
Everything you do is your fault! Your parents died because of you! My brother was
killed because of your ugly ass!" And she back slapped me. Causing me to hit my
back against the clean white wall.

This was my mental torture. Because I couldn't forget them. Their dead bodies were
imprinted in my mind.

Maybe they're right. I did kill them.

Tanya grabbed my neck and choked me again. Her furious brown eyes just waited to
blow up on me and kill me right then and there. I begged for her to let me go
because I couldn't breathe. Felt like I was losing my senses slowly.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe that I was sure my face was turning

And then God sends my Angel, Curtis.

He came running and pulled Tanya away from me. He pushed me behind him and
said"Stop it! Or else!"

Tanya was scared of Curtis and his mother too. He was the perfect human being. He
loved me like a little sister and I loved him like my big brother that I never had.
He saves me from these vixens as much as he could.

He gave me his blue pocket hanky to wipe the blood on my lips that were caused by
Tanya slapping me non stop.


Everyone terrified Emily. Except for Curtis.

She wiped her blood as Tanya screamed in anger"Why do you always save her? She's
not worthy of your sympathy, Curtis! Just like she's not worthy of breathing
anymore. I want to kill her!" She tried to attack her again but Curtis pushed her
back and roared"Enough! Don't you dare take another step towards her!"
They both stopped. He wrapped an arm around Emily and took her to her room

If you call a broken mattress, sealed up broken windows and cracked walls a room,
then that was Emilys' room.

While everyone gets to live in a Pinterest type of rooms, she lived in a room with
a broken bed, cracked walls and boarded up French windows.

No heater, no cooler and no protection from rain or snow.

Curtis did help her make it a little worth living in. Like a small chest draw.
Bedsheets. Fairy lights wrapped up on her bed. A 37-inch tv that he bought for her
with his Netflix password.

But David broke that too.

Curtis placed her lightly on her bed. Careful to not hurt her.

She laid down and felt exhausted. Her head hurt, cheeks felt like they were on fire
because of the slaps, nose bloody and body painfully numb because of Tanyas kicking
with her Gucci heels.

He went into the bathroom and took out a first aid kit.

He gave her an aspirin then cleaned up her nose.

He kept repeating"I'm sorry, I wasn't home early. I would've been home all day if
dad hadn't forced me to go to this business party of his." She held his hand and
said"It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm used to this"

He looked at her"No one should be used to this, Em." and then got up. Going to the
old chest in the room and bringing her new pair of clothes

He kept it beside her and turned around.

She took off the ripped apart dress and wore the shirt and sweatpants. Saying" You
can turn around." Sitting on her bed again.

He turned around and said" Get some sleep. That's the only way the headache will go
away." She could see the pain in his brown eyes.

She thought that it was funny that Tanya and Curtis have the same eye color. The
same eye shape. But they were different. Hers had fury and he had nothing but

She lied down and he put her duvet on her small frame. That he also bought for her.

He kissed her forehead and said"Sleep, okay? I'll come to check up on you later."
She smiled at him and saw as he closed all the lights but the fairy ones and left.
Closing the door behind him.

Slowly sleep took over her.

Nightmares flooded her dreams like rain and hurricane on a beautiful sunny day.

Before sleeping every night, she would ask herself:

Why do I have to live this life?

Did I do something to piss God off that he chose to punish me like this?

Why don't I just end everything once and for all?



This was the first chapter of my second book!

Hope you liked it.

Please follow me, comment and vote.

I'll see you in the next chapter.


Love, Hope



        Chapter 2: Paralysis [Purchased Wife]

            ⚠️ TRIGGERING CONTENT ⚠️

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Anyone, please send me anyone

Lord, is there anyone?
I need someone


I couldn't move nor could I cry.

Skin slapping with mine.

Tears rolled down my cheek. But I couldn't make a sound.

Was I dreaming about sleep paralysis again?

I could feel the cold breeze on my bare skin. I was naked. I was moving.

But how?

My body was moving up and down. My head slightly tapped the headboard above. The
sound of skin slapping and the springs of mattress was all I could hear.

The smell of sweat and something butter was in the air.

Something familiar.

I felt a pinch between my legs.

What is happening?

Why was my body moving up and down? I tried to look but something was holding my
head down. The room was dark. A silhouette came above me.

A man? But who?

He came closer to my face but I still couldn't see him. I felt warm breaths on my
ear that made me feel disgusted. Like spider crawling up on my body.

"I love it when I fuck you when you're paralyzed" my eyes shot wide. I know that
voice all too well.


I felt both of my legs up in the air. Legs far apart from each other. That's when
the pain stung. The sound of panting and groaning.

What's going on?!

Finally, after trying, I could move my head up a little but at the same time, my
stomach knotted. Pain between my thighs. Pain in my core. I screamed. So much pain.

I saw David between my legs. Thrusting in me harder and harder.

Naked, I was naked. He was too. He kept groaning my name. As he worked his pace
faster and faster. I screamed in fear. But he didn't stop. I begged him"Please
stop. Please!" But he ignored. He kept thrusting me again and again and again and
again and again.

He said, "Release!" I shook my head. He again said, "Emily, release." I shook my

head hard again. I focused on not letting him win this time. He trusted harder,
making the whole bed creak.

His thrusts were harder that I cried in pain and for help. But no one listened.

He clenched my hair on top of my head. And screamed on my face. His face red. The
thin cold silver chain around his neck coming in contact with my chest.

He screamed"Fucking release!" He pulled my hair as I cried and released. Scared.

One more thrust and he groaned in so much pleasure. I felt something warm inside of
me. I hated it. I cried because I hated it.

He said, "That wasn't so fucking hard, was it?" He let go of my head" Don't forget
to change your sheets"

He got up from me and left my room.

Slowly I could feel the pain he put me through making me scream and cry.

I lied in a fetal position. Crying hard.

Nobody heard me.

I looked down between my legs and there was a huge patch of wetness. My wetness. I
touched it and it was so wet and slimy.

It came from me.

Inside of me.

I did that.

He raped me again. Like he always does.

Every time I see this nightmare, I try to win but he makes me do it.

I held myself screaming out loud.

I cried"WHY?! WHY ME?! WHY ME?!"

I felt my body shaking. Not in fear. Like someone was trying to wake me up.

"Emily! Wake up!"


Then I hear him again "Emily!"

I looked around but I don't know where that voice came from.

I woke up and I see Curtis sitting on my bed, my tiny wrists in his big hands.

He pulled me up and hugged me. I tried to breathe but I couldn't. I was shivering.

I get panic attacks almost after every nightmare I see.

I tried to say"C-can't b-brea.." He held my face and said"It was just a nightmare.
It's not real." saying short sentences to help me understand" A nightmare. Nothing
more. I'm here. I'm with you. No one is here except me and you."

I had extreme anxiety attacks whenever I'm nervous or anything like that. Never
been to the hospital because David won't allow me. So Curtis helps me.

"Breathe, Emily."

I breathed in and out my mouth and he did it with me to calm me down.

When I was finally able to breathe normally, he sighed. I asked, "How'd you know?"
He looked at my side table and there was a camera. A baby camera. That I always
keep forgetting about.

He sleeps one room away from me. I have a baby camera in my room that is always
turned on. And the monitor in Curtis' room, so he could always check up on me.

I finally breathed and broke down crying. He held me again and I cried to control
the warm streaming tears.

We lied down together and he took me in his arms. Comforting me. And whispering to
me"Nobody's gonna hurt you now. You're safe."
And sleep took over me.


She woke up early in the morning, finding Curtis gone. A note on her side table and
a glass of water.

The note said:

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(Drink. I'm at work but will take you to shop and lunch when I come back :) )

She could always count on him to make her smile.

She drank the water and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

A towel wrapped around her when she came out and David was waiting for her on her
bed. Looking around.

He looked at her and gave her a sadistic smile, as his gaze ran up and down her wet
body. His brown eyes filling with disgusting lust.

She was only wearing a white towel and clenched it as her life depended on it.

He walked towards her but before she could go back in the bathroom, he held her and
pinned her against the wall.

She began sobbing. She could feel his hardness against her stomach. As he trapped
her by the weight of his body.

He said"Listen carefully. We're having guests for dinner today. Very important
ones. You'll attend the dinner and be quiet at all times like a good girl. You
won't speak until you're spoken too. You won't look at anyone at all. Understand?"

"U-Understood, master"
The rapist of her dreams was her uncle.

(Note: Melissa is the younger sister of Emily's father. And David is her husband.
And yes, David took his wife's last name if you're getting confused❤️)

He nuzzled his nose under her jawline and smelled the scent of her rose body soap
like a psychopath.

He whispered in her ear"If I didn't have anything important to do right now, I

would've taken you right on this wall. I need to go. But soon...soon I'll take you
when no one will hear you scream ever"

She was shivering and trying to control her cries. He lightly pecked her cheek and
walked out.

She ran in the bathroom to throw up all the water in her stomach.



Hope you liked this chapter.

Please follow me, vote and comment.


Love, Hope



        Chapter 3: Ocean Eyes [Purchased Wife]

            Emily was the maid, chef, dog, and a punching bag in hell that the
Parkers call a Mansion.

She made dinner for the guests that would be arriving soon. Even with four maids in
the house, she did everything by herself.

She did everything for the upcoming guests. Cooked and cleaned.
The doorbell rang.

Emily tried to get out of the kitchen to open the door but Melissa beat her to it
and said: "Get inside now." Saying with so much venom like Emily was someone that
even a sight of her was embarrassing.

Emily walked into the kitchen just like she was told.

As soon as Melissa opened the door, a gorgeous blue-eyed and jet black hair man
stood at 6 feet tall. And beside him was a short old lady with the same eye color.

Melissa smiled and said"Please, come in. It's really nice to meet you. Liam and
Mrs. Knight."

The old lady smiled at Melissa but Liam just looked around the house.

Liam was someone that was too confident for his own good and someone who knows what
he wants and will do anything to get it. He was arrogant and rude. He knew he was
powerful. The whole New York knew.

Once Melissa had greeted Liam and his grandmother, she guided them to the living
room. Pointing at the couch.

The old lady sat on the single sofa while Liam took his place on a love seat. His
leg crossed over the other. Leaning back like the king he thought he was. His
appearance spoke nothing but power.

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He heard heels clicking and saw Tanya coming down the stairs with a big smile on
her face. Wearing a low cut cleavage revealing red dress with black heels.

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A seductive smile on her face. Her signature smile. The smile she gave to all the
men who she knew was loaded with nothing but money. No matter what their age was.
Instead of greeting the old lady first, she walked to Liam and said in a low groan"
Hello, Mr. Knight."

But Liam didn't like it. Sure she looked hot. He got up and pointed to his
grandmother with a smile" Meet my Gran."

Tanya looked at the old lady who looked up and down at her in surprise. Disgusted
at how she was dressed. But with a fake smile, she said:" Nice to meet you, child."
Tanya fake smiled as well and turned to Liam again. But she could clearly see it
written on his face that he was not interested.

Emily didn't know what was going as she was still in the kitchen.

Curtis came into the kitchen wearing a green tux with a white shirt and a smile.
Which looked so good on him.

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He inhaled the aroma of her cooking and exclaimed, "This smells so good."

Emily smiled at him and held up a pie in front of him. His eyes widened"Is that
Sheppard's pie?" She nodded and answered" I made two. The other one you can eat
alone tonight watching WWE."

He said with a fake frown" You are the best!" quickly hugging Emily and said"The
guests are here. We should go." She nodded" I'm almost done."

Curtis was a handsome man. But a perfect human being too. He had a heart while the
others didn't. He helped Emily in every he could all his life.

He even helped Emily in setting the table instead of meeting the guests first.

After they were done, they both went to the living room, where the guests were.

Curtis held Emily's hand as they went inside because he knows how anxious she gets
when meeting new people.

As they entered, all heads turned at them. David got up with a smile on his face
which was clearly fake.
He walked to Emily and wrapped an arm around her shoulder with a smile, making her
pull her hand away from Curtis. But he still stood beside her just for her sake.

Emily looked at the two figures sitting on the couch. Her lips parted as she looked
at Liam Knight. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. But he seemed
scary too.

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He wore a black three-piece suit that matched his hair. Making his eyes appear
almost ocean-like. His jet black hair set perfectly. Cleaned shaved. His light blue
eyes burning her. He flashed a smile towards her. But that smile was not innocent
or just a good gesture. It was something more. Something bad.

Liam found her really attractive too. But not in an innocent way either.

David introduced"Emily this is Mrs. Regina Knight. Liam's grandmother. Liam's

father used to work with your father and me before you were born."He pointed to the
man that couldn't take his eyes off of Emily" And that's Liam Knight."

Emily smiled at the old lady who sat there in a blue pantsuit. Her short grey hair
styled perfectly into a low bun. Wrinkles on the corner of her eyes. The same shade
as her grandson. But her eyes were soft, loving and caring. Making Emily kind of
comfortable around her.

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David pulled Emily closer to his side" And this is my niece, Emily. But she's more
like my own now." The word 'Own' had a double meaning behind it that send
goosebumps down her spine.

David was treating her like he actually cared about her as his own daughter but we
all knew that he was good at acting. Really good. An Oscar-winning performance.

He let Emily go and she walked with Curtis and sat beside him on the other love
seat across the room. Opposite of Tanya and Liam sitting together too closely.

Liam had his eyes on her the whole time. She was beautiful no doubt in that.
He noticed every little thing about her. Her brown eyes. Her long brown hair that
reached to her waist. The way she sat with h
a crossed leg over the other. Her posture was straight.

But he didn't know that his stare was giving making her almost gag and cry.

He noticed how smooth were her legs as she wore a black below the knee dress.

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But sadly he didn't know that David made her wore Tanyas dress so they wouldn't
find out what they do to her behind close doors.

They even forced her to cover up her bruises with loads of makeup.

After a while talking, they moved on to dinner.

Regina sat at the head seat of the table. On her right was Curtis, Emily, and
David. On her left was Melissa, Liam, and Tanya.

Emily kept her head down as she ate her food. Regina exclaimed, "This is the most
delicious thing I've eaten."

Emily smiled at her and before Curtis could answer, Melissa said"Thank you, Tanya
made it. She made everything."

Tanya latched herself to Liam like a bug. She was touching his shoulders, talking
to him but even a blind person could clearly see that Liam was not interested at

He had his eyes on Emily and she was not comfortable with it. Her anxiety taking
the best of her. She held Curtis's hand under the table just to keep herself sane
before she breaks down crying or runs out of screaming.

Dinner was over and they moved to the living room again.

Tanya and Liam were sitting together on the same couch. Her exposed leg crossed
over the other in view for Liam on purpose.

Emily noticed Tanya sometimes putting her hand on his thigh or his chest or his
arms. But Emily didn't care.

David looked at Emily with a smile"Why don't you go and get everyone some good
champagne?" She nodded her head and went up to the little bar they had.

She filled 6 glasses of gold bubbly champagne for everyone but herself.

She walked to them with a tray in her hand. She first serves to Regina because she
was older.

Regina took the glass with a smile, complimenting"Such a pretty girl." Emily smiled
at her and served Melissa. That was sitting next to Regina.

Melissa took the glass and smiled"Serve well,... my child." Some type of warning in
her eyes. Making her anxiety peak again. She served David and Curtis their glasses
too. Curtis thanking her and David smiling at her with lust.

When it came time to give the last two glasses to Tanya and Liam, she bent down to
give Liam his drink. Tanya saw Liam gazing at her as he forwarded his hand, taking
the glass slowly. His blue eyes not leaving hers. Not even for a second.

On purpose, Tanya spilled the drink on Emily's dress and said"Oops, Sorry, Em. I'm
a klutz." Her fake lashes smiling and batting at Liam as he took a sip of the

Liam looked down at the wet spot on the dress and her anxiety was on the highest.

Curtis got up quickly and took the tray from Emily before she drops it on the floor
and said"Why don't you change. I'll serve Tanya another glass and get a maid to
clean up. Okay?"She smiled at them all and walked upstairs.

She reached her room and broke down crying. Not because of just a spilled drink on
her dress. Because of the anxiety, she was in all day.

She had enough of everything.

She changed into her nightclothes and lied on her bed. Resting. Exhausted.

Her eyes began to close and sleep took over her with only Liam in her mind.

The way he gazed at her, she did not like it.

Tanya is a bitch!

Hope you liked this chapter.

Follow me. Vote and comment.

I'll see ya in the next chapter.


Love, Hope



        Chapter 4: She Slapped Pretty Boy [Purchased Wife]

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Melissa was beating up Emily again because she didn't like the way Liam stared at

She pulled her hair that made Emily scream and said"Whore, you tried to steal the
spotlight from my daughter. You Bitch! After everything we have done for you, you
pay us like that?! This is how you treat your own cousin!"

Tanya slapped Emily right across her left cheek"Liam Knight is mine. MINE! You
already took away my other boyfriend from me. If I hear your name once from his
mouth, I will fucking end you"

Sadly Curtis wasn't around to protect her.

David came inside the room and said: "What the hell is going on?"

Everyone stopped. Tanya explained everything to him" Liam Knight was looking at her
all day. Just her. I worked so hard to get his attention but he couldn't take his
gorgeous eyes off of that whore!" She wrapped her arms against her chest in anger.
David said"You will get your revenge... soon but not today, princess. And I need
you to lend a dress of yours to Emily and cover all her bruises"

Melissa asked, "Why?" Tanya looked at Emily disgusted" Why should I give my pretty
and expensive dresses to her?!"

David held the bridge of his nose and said"Because we're going to a charity ball
held by Harvey Ross. And Knight will be there. I need that company deal."

Harvey Ross was a great judge. A millionaire actually. He had his own firm and he
was the best friend to Emily's father. He had no one. No wife. No kids. He loved
Emily like a daughter.

After her parents' death, he wanted to adopt Emily as his daughter but David didn't
let that happen. Emily's father was a successful man and her mother was successful

They were both the owner of Parker incorporations. And her mother was the owner of
Parker charity for abandoned kids. They were good people.

Both of their wills indicated Emily to be the next owner of the company and

But they were killed when Emily was only 15. David and Melissa adopted her so when
she would turn 18 she could sign the company papers over to David. Making him the
owner of every wealth and fortune that her parents built by hard work. He wanted to
kill Emily after she signed the papers. But the will indicated even if Emily gave
away all her money and died young, all the money, everything, would go to different
charities around the globe. And David couldn't and wouldn't let that happen.

David continued"I don't want Harvey Ross to suspect anything. That's why princess,
I'll buy you more new clothes. Expensive and branded ones like Versace or Gucci."
Tanya was a greedy woman. She said"Fine. I'll just burn the dress after she wears

Emily wore a beautiful mint dress that reached below her knees. The top part
hugging her wait perfectly while the bottom was all spread out. Pairing then with
silver close toe heels.

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A soft makeup on her face. Enhancing her beauty more. Her hair in a loose updo, her
brown hair strands framing her face.
When she came out of the room Curtis jaw dropped in the perfect shape of O. He
smiled at her and she smiled back.

Melissa and Tanya looked at her in hatred and also jealousy. And David looked at
her like he wanted to jump her bones and rip it off.

He cleared his throat and said, "Let's go." Curtis stopped and said, "I'll drive
Emily in my car and all of you can go with the driver." David didn't care and he
walked out. Emily whispered, "Thank You." He smiled back.

As they were both in the car. Curtis looked at her and asked, "You okay, Emily?"
She shook her head and said"I don't know. When will this torture end?"

"Soon. I promise. When I'll be the CEO of Parker Incorporations, I promise to give
it all back to you and I will take you away from here to let you start a new life."

Emily was an educated woman. Because of Curtis. He was the one that fought for her
every time.
Fought for her school, college, and university. And she thanked him every step of
it. They only thing he couldn't do was take her away from everyone. He couldn't
because he was trapped by David too. Threatened by him too. David was more powerful
than his own son.

When they reached the party, Curtis took Emily inside while her hand grabbed his
arms tightly.

As they entered, everyone turned their heads and looked at her. She looked
stunning. But those staring eyes made her anxious that he grabbed Curtis' arm
tighter. He whispered to her"It's okay. I'm with you." And he was with her every

Liam looked at her at the opposite of the room all day. Harvey Ross whispered in
his ear"Let go. She won't fall into your trap. She's not like those other whores
you have in your bed every night."

Liam looked at Harvey and smiled"I'll have her tonight. Every girl turns into a
whore for me."

"You'll end up getting slapped by her."

"Wanna bet, Ross?"

"No need, Knight. You'll loose already"

"I won't"

"Good luck"

Emily and Curtis were talking to each other. David interrupted them and said,
"Curtis go meet people."

He looked at Emily and she nodded at Curtis. David bent down to her and said"Now
you smile and act like everything in your life is perfect. Harvey is looking for

He took her hand forcefully and wrapped it around his bicep. Causing pain in her
fingers but she masked her face with a fake bright smile.

Harvey walked to them and hugged Emily. He was an old man. But a handsome one too.
He had soft green eyes that were fatherly.

He said, "How are you, my daughter?" She smiled and said, "I'm really good, Harv."
He was also her godfather.

"It's been years since I've seen you. You've grown into a perfect young woman. Your
parents would be so proud." She could see the proudness in his eyes for her. The
look she always wanted. Instead of disgust or lust.

She smiled" Thank you."

It felt like a knife was twisting in her heart but she still remained silent.

Harvey looked at David and said"Come, I want you to meet some other people. Leave
her here. There are so many young men staring at her." He looked at Emily with a
smile and teased "I'm sure some of them would want you to dance with them too."He
chuckled and fake chuckled with him too.

David looked at her and whispered"Be a good girl and DO NOT embarrass me.
Understand?" She nodded quickly and said"Understood."

David went on with Harvey and left her behind.

She walked around looking at how happy and alive people were.

Tanya was standing in the middle of four men. But the men weren't interested in her
but what she was wearing.
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Emily shook her head at Tanya and passed through them without noticing the men. All
of their heads turned at her. They were mesmerized by how beautiful Emily was. One
of them asked, "Who is she?" Tanya refused to answer.

As Emily walked around, her gaze was on the dance floor. Smiling at old couples
that danced with love in their eyes. Some finding new love too. Wishing she could
have something like that too.

She ran into a man's chest. Before she could fall, he wrapped his arms around her.
She looked up and it was Liam Knight. She looked to her left, at Tanya as she
stared at her in anger.

She instantly removed his arms from around her waist and stood straight. He smiled
at her seductively and she kept looking at him. Getting anxious as he was gazing
for too long without uttering a word.

Tanya interrupted the moment between them and said to her"Aren't you a clumsy
She was being nice to her.

She looked at Liam and smiled at him. Batting her fake eyelashes at him. Emily
looked scared. Tanya introduced herself"I'm Tanya Parker. But we already met last
night." Liam held her hand and kissed the back of it but his gaze never leaving
Emily. And he said"I'm Liam Knight. We already met too last night."

He stared Emily up and down. Making her uncomfortable. But not once he looked at
Tanya. She lightly pushed Emily so she can stand in front of him as she was getting
jealous and no attention from him. But he didn't care. His gaze was fixed.

He held out his hand to Emily and asked: "Care to dance with me?" Tanya looked at
her. Pressurizing her to say no. But she kept quiet.

He lightly took Emily's hand in his and wrapped his other hand around her waist and
guided her to the dance floor.

He still smiled and lightly pulled her closer to himself and they began swaying to
the music.

Her small yet gorgeous hand in his and his hand around her waist.

With every step, he kept pulling her closer. He asked, "You're Emily. Right,
beautiful?" She stuttered" Y-yes. W-we met last night." He smiled" Yes, but you
left too early without even speaking a word to me."

She didn't like the way his hands caressed her back. But still, she kept quiet. Not
even a minute passed he said"Emily, would you like to be mine for the night?" Her
eyes widened. But he again said, "I have a room in this hotel and a bed, in which
you would look lovely naked on the white sheets."
She tried to push him away but he was stronger.

When she finally freed herself, she slapped him right across his face. Hard that a
thud noise was heard. Some of the people stared at them both. Liam was angry and
said"Do you know who I am? I can ruin you, Emily Parker. And    I will ruin you."

She ran from there in tears and Curtis followed her. He stopped her and asked"What
happened? Why did you slap Liam Knight?" While crying she said, "Because he tried
to get me to sleep with him." Curtis wrapped his arms around her and she cried on
his chest. He said, "Let's go home before dad finds you."

But going home, he knew was dangerous. David saw what she did. And he was not

Instead of taking her home, Curtis took her to a drive-through fast food because
she hadn't eaten anything since morning. Her favorite food was burgers with a
strawberry milkshake.

He got out of the car and said" Wait here. I'll be back in five."

While he was gone, her mind wouldn't let her be in peace. All she kept thinking was
how hard she had slapped him. And his words kept replaying in her mind

'I will ruin you, Emily Parker!'

As she had run out of the hall, she did glance at David. He was so angry at her.

When Curtis came back, she was crying in the car. He got in and asked, "Why are you
crying?" She looked at him"I know David saw me slapping that man. And I'm scared
that he won't let me go tonight. He won't stop hitting me in anger. He will kill
me, Curtis." He calmed her down and said"That's why I'm not taking you home for the
day. After eating, we're going to the company and you will sleep in my office
tonight. Just until fathers anger cools down, okay?" She nodded and wiped her

As she ate the food, he looked at her with a smile. He said, "And by the way, I
think you did well by hitting him. He earned it." He encouraged her.

Liam got slapped

What will he do next?!

See ya in the next chappy!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 5: The One With The P.I [Purchased Wife]

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After being slapped by Emily, Liam rushed out and called his private investigator,

Elijah picked up the phone and said"I can't believe that Liam Knight is calling me
today. I think I'm dreaming. Scream at me through the phone so I know I'm not

Elijah was Liam's personal P.I. He had every information from him. Any type of dirt
he needed for a successful deal.

Either, it was information about his partners so Liam could manipulate them into
signing a deal with them. Or it was about girls that Liam wanted to sleep with.

Elijah asked, "What can I do for you today?" Liam said with gritted teeth" I want
you to find everything about a girl named Emily Parker. Every single thing. Her
background. Parents. Company. What does she do or likes? Anything and everything."

He heard Elijah chuckled" She sounds important." Liam smiled" Oh, you don't wanna

"Business deal or a one night stand."


"Damn. Two in one."

Liam hated the way Elijah annoyed him but he was the man for work.

Elijah said," I know Emily a little." Liam asked," You do?"

His black Mercedes appeared in front of him. His driver got out and opened the back
door for Liam. He sat inside the car" I'm listening, Elijah. Tell me all you know."
The PI replied" Emily Parker. She's the daughter of Eva and Enzo Parker." Liam
furrowed his brows and asked, "Didn't they die 10 years ago?"

"They did. And then she was adopted by her aunt. His fathers' sister, Melissa

"Wait. Isn't David Enzo's brother?"

"No. David married Melissa and took her last name. And after the couple was
murdered in their beach house, all the will went to Melissa but she named
everything to her husband."

"Nothing for Emily."

"Emily did have more than half of the company in her name but she named them to
David on her 18th birthday."

"Anything else?"

"This is the only information I know. I'll tell you more when I find more."

"Hurry. I need everything by midnight."

"Right on it, boss man!"

Liam rolled his eyes and canceled the call. Rubbing his temples and closed his eyes
as he felt a headache about to come.

"Mr. Knight, we're home." His driver said through the mirror. Liam looked up and
got out of the car.
Liam Knight was the man with power, confidence, beauty, and so much money. But no
mental peace.

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His night was ruined by Emily.

He kept thinking to himself:

How could she just slap me in front of the whole crowd? Embarrass me like that?!
Oh, Emily Parker, you're dead meat!

The only near and dear to Liam was his grandmother. His parents were only legally
married. There was no love between and they never had time for Liam since he was a

His father lived at the end of the globe and his mother to the other end. Both of
them had an open relationship.

Liam was mostly raised by his grandmother, Regina Knight. Who still had the
authority over everything the Knights owned.

He walked to the front door of the mansion, taking off his jacket and untying his
bow tie.

His grandmother was already standing outside the door. She opened her arms and he
hugged her. He smiled and said, "I've missed you, Gran." She teased"Missed me so
much that you left me alone all today?" He smiled and said, "It was mom's order for
me to go."

She rolled her eyes and said, "She orders everyone around, don't you think?" Liam
smiled and said, "Let's not talk about her and get your blood pressure high. You
know you shouldn't be standing out in this cold, Gran."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they both walked in. He asked," So what
did you do today?"

"Nothing. Just was counting my days before I go to Heaven."

He held a light smirk on his lips for his dramatic grandmother.

"I only had one wish; that you would get married and settle down before I die but
you never listen to me."

"Why are we touching this topic again? I told you,  I don't wanna get married at

The old woman looked at him with so much sympathy for him in her blue eyes" You
cannot let that one mistake in your past destroy your future, baby."

"I'm not destroying my future. I'm keeping my future safe from being ruined."

"My child, you still haven't learned how to love. You don't know the great value of
loving someone and coming home to someone you love."

"I loved someone. She betrayed me. End of story. Getting married is not worth it."

"That was not love, baby. That was greed that she had for your money and your

"All women are greedy, Gran. I don't wanna marry anyone."

As they both sat down on the couch. His grandmother took out her phone. Liam
instantly knew what she was doing. He said"I'm not seeing anyone's picture today.
I'm tired and I'm not getting married."

He tried to push her phone away gently but she said"At least look at the girl.
She's so beautiful."

As she was about to turn the phone screen at him, he said"I don't want..." he
stopped mid-sentence.

He saw a picture of Emily smiling.

Deep inside he knew that she looked like a goddess but his anger of her slapping
him grew. He acted innocent and said, "Isn't that Emily Parker?". She giggled"yes,
she is. I like her. She's beautiful and so nice."

The picture she had of Emily was that she was smiling in that picture. That smile
reached up to her dark brown eyes.

He asked, "How did you get a picture?" Regina smiled and said"Well, I tried to ask
Melissa when we went to meet them, but she tried to change the subject. So....."
She smiled and he figured"Elijah?"

"You're not the only one with a P. I, Liam Knight."

That explained how Elijah had some information about Emily when Liam asked.

He laughed at her. She asked"So?" He answered truthfully"She's beautiful."


"I would like to meet her again."

"oh My God! Liam! This is the greatest news you've given me today."

He chuckled as Regina said," I'll send the picture to your phone." Before Liam
could protest, his phone pinged. He smiled and said," You're fast." She laughed" I
am. Now, go and get some sleep. You look like you need it badly." He kissed her
forehead and walked up the stairs to his room.

At night he was about to sleep but he got a message from Elijah.

Every little detail about her was there. Including her pictures and in every one of
them she looked gorgeous. But it was time for revenge. He had every information
about her. But no information about where she hangs out most or even her friends.

That did make Liam curious a bit about her but he ignored it. He continued to stare
at her pictures until sleep took over him.

The next day, Liam came down the stairs and his Gran was already waiting for him
for breakfast.

She smiled and he kissed her forehead. He sat beside her and she asked"Where are
you going today? It's Saturday." He smiled at her and took a bite of his eggs,
answering"I'm going to meet the Parkers again. To talk over some business. I'm
thinking about taking David's contract with Knight Enterprises." Regina raised her
brow" And?" He smiled more"And... to maybe meet Emily again." She laughed and
said"Then what are you doing? You need to go now!"

He laughed and got up. Kissing her forehead again and left.

He was honest about taking David's offer. A collaboration between Parker

Incorporation and Knight Enterprises. But he didn't tell the whole truth.
He never told his Gran that Emily will be apart of the deal as well.


I hope you liked this chappy.

What do you think Liam will do to her?

Read it in the next chapter.


Love, Hope



        Chapter 6: Sold! [Purchased Wife]

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Emily woke up.

She looked around and realized that she spent the night in Curtis's office.

She sat up on the brown leather couch where she slept on and noticed that she was
wearing Curtis' jacket.

She looked around but couldn't find Curtis.

Then she heard a snore.

She looked down and saw Curtis sleeping on the carpet floor.

She smiled and shook his shoulder.

He said in his sleep"Five more minutes." She smiled again and shook his shoulder
harder"Wake up. We need to get home."

He woke up with his sleepy brown eyes and stretched.

He sat up on the floor and looked at his watch and asked while yawning: "How about
we do breakfast and then go home?"

"Curtis, I don't wanna get beaten up."

He looked at her and said"They won't beat you up because of breakfast. We're going
because I badly need coffee." She smiled, standing up and helped him up too.

They had breakfast and then went home.

when Curtis and Emily reached home, their maid, Lucy came running to them and
said"Master Curtis, you should take her away. Master David is very angry."

Curtis asked, "Has he slept?" Lucy replied"He's been waiting for you both all
night. All of them. Take her away, now."

But they were too late. David already came out through the door and held Emily. He
choked her neck and said"You little bitch!"

Tanya and Melissa looked smilingly. While Lucy was afraid and Curtis was trying to
push his father away.

David pushed Curtis on the floor and Emily cried as he saw Curtis fall down.

David clenched her hair tightly, making her yelp in pain. He continued"You slapped
Liam Knight in front of everyone! I told you not to embarrass me! I should've
killed you the day you turned 18!"

After that, he slapped her two more times. He pulled back her hair and said"Now
listen to me very carefully, you brat! Liam Knight has called and he's coming today
to meet us because he wants to talk. You will apologize to him and you will do
whatever he says. Understand?!" He pulled her hair a little harder as she said out
loud, crying in pain"Understood."

He pushed her but Curtis caught her before she could reach the ground. She cried in
his arms as all of them walked into the house.

After crying for 10 minutes straight, he took her inside and saw his family having
breakfast. Tanya and Melissa were on their phone and David was reading news on his
Curtis hated being born in this family. He couldn't understand how can they be so
calm and enjoy their day after beating up an innocent.

He helps her upstairs to her room and gently helped her sit on the bed. He kneeled
and asked, "Are you okay?" She puts a fake smile on her lips, lying through her
teeth" I'm okay, Curtis. I'm used to it." He looked at her with sympathy in his
eyes because he knew she was lying. Before he could say anything more, she said"Can
you go? I need to change." He nodded and left.

She got up and locked her door before anyone could come in.

Especially David.

There was a blade that she had taped behind her side drawer.

She took out that blade and just looked at it and thought:

Maybe fourth time is the charm? Maybe this time it'll all be over. Maybe this time,
I'll be finally free. But I can't. I promised Curtis that I won't do it again.

She taped the blade again behind her side drawer and walked to her broken full-
length mirror.

She unzipped her dress from the side and let it fall on the ground.

She looked at her body. The marks were covered with layers and layers of makeup
that Tanya put yesterday. But at some spots, it was fading.

She unclasped her bra and pushed down her underwear. Taking the small face white
towel, she soaked the towel with makeup remover. Soaking it wet and slowly began
rubbing it on her body. The makeup getting cleaned but not the marks.

She had only cleaned her stomach and chest, staring at herself naked in the mirror.
There was not a space on her body that was not bruised.

David's bite marks. Melissa's hunter torture. Tanyas punches and slices.

Her front and back were filled with them. Even a bite mark encircled her nipple
that David gave her when he first touched her.

That was David's idea into pleasuring himself. Just like the idea when he asked her
'Understand' and she'd answer 'Understood'. It was all his twisted sadistic
pleasure. His idea of pleasure was torturing her.
Since then the bite bruises healed but the marks remained.

She cried and whispered to herself"When will this torture end?" She wore a pair of
black leggings and an oversized grey hoody that Curtis recently bought for her.

Liam rang the doorbell and David answered the door with a smile. He said, "It's
good to you see you again, Mr. Knight." Liam shook his hand and said, "David,
please call me, Liam." David smiles more and said"Come in... Liam."

They went to the living room. Liam saw Tanya, Curtis, and Melissa already sitting

Tanya smiled at him, thinking that he'd sit on the couch beside her but he sat on
the opposite side on the single sofa chair.

Tanya kept eyeing him. He gave her his beautiful smile and said"I'll get straight
to the point. I wanna marry your daughter."

Liam was a zillionaire. He had more money than Parkers. Melissa looked confused and
David roared"Why would I give you my only daughter, Knight?"

They thought that he was asking for Tanya's hand. Curtis didn't show any emotion
because he didn't care. But Tanya happily and seductively smiled at him. Even
though she had money, but she was still a gold digger. Age didn't mattered to her
as long as someone was spending money on her.

Liam smiled, "I'm not talking about Tanya." David looked at him more confused but
Liam continued"I'm talking about Emily. I wanna marry Emily. Your other daughter."

This time nobody cared except for Curtis.

Curtis said, "We are not giving her hand to you." David looked at Curtis and he
quiets down. David asked for his benefit"What's in it for us?" It was always the
benefits that he wanted for himself. Liam smiled "Partnership between Knight
Enterprises and Parker Incorporations." He added a pun with a wider smile"Till
death do us part."

Melissa protested"Shouldn't your parents or grandmother come here to ask for her
hand?" Liam smiled brighter and he saw how Tanya was staring at him with
practically heart eyes"They should but they're not the CEO of a multi-billionaire
company. Or even the head of this collaboration. I'll be the one who'll hold this
project in my hands."

Without thinking, David said"Deal! Emily is all yours." Liam smiled at him.
When Emily came inside with snacks and tea for everyone, Liam looked at her. She
looked back at Liam and he smiled like he had victory over everything.

She was about to apologize to him for slapping but he got up and strode to her. He
looked at her with a smile and whispered"You slapped me for asking you to be with
me in my bed. Let's see how many times you'll slap me when you'll be in it
forever..." he put a biscuit from the tray" my beautiful soon to be wife, Emily."

Her eyes widened as he bit the butter biscuit between his teeth and winked at her.
Walking past her.

David was happy. Partnership with Knights meant more money and getting rid of Emily
as well.

He got up and exclaimed, "Thank God I didn't kill you." She looked at Curtis as he
mouthed"I'm sorry."

She asked in a low voice"What happened?" Curtis said"He asked for your hand and
father gave it to him. You're gonna marry Liam Knight in 13 days."

A shiver went down through her body. She felt like she would faint at any moment.

Tanya was angry. She walked up to Emily and said in disgust"Why does Liam Knight
want her?! You're not even that pretty. AT ALL!"

David said"Now listen to me, whore. You will not tell Liam about anything. About
the bruises, about how you live. Nothing. You will cover your bruises every day.
Not letting anyone know. Understand?" She quickly said"Understood."

Everyone left but Curtis remained.

She kept the tray on the table without saying anything.

Curtis looked at her and said, "Say something, Em." She looked at him" Like what,
Curtis? What can I say? I'm sold to another man who wants me to be his wife because
I slapped him for taking me for my body." Her voice broke as she said, "They sold
me like a piece of gold."

She ran out from there crying her heart out.


Poor baby Emily.

I hope you like this chapter.

See ya at the next!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 7: Mr. Knight's Property [Purchased Wife]

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The next day she made up her mind. To meet Liam at his office.

She took a cab and went there.

Before she could get in the building, the guard stopped her. She said, "I'm here to
meet Liam Knight." The tall and bald guy smiled"Doll, everybody comes here to meet
Mr. Knight." He looked up and down at her"I'm afraid I can't let you in. Do you
have an appointment?" She answered slow"No."

"Then please go or I'll be forced to push you back"

She got tensed as her spine pained. She stuttered"B-b-but he knows me." He rolled
his eyes and asked"Name?" She gulped"E-Emily... Emily Parker."

He looked at her from head to toe and asked in disbelief"You're Emily Parker?" She

He opened the door for her and with a smile he said, "Please step right in, Ms.

She did but she was confused about what was going on. One minute the guard was
ready to throw her out, and the next he was letting her in gently.
The receptionist looked at her and asked with a boring tone"May I help you?" Emily
said, "I-I'm Emily Parker here to meet M-Mr. Knight?"

Accidentally the receptionist dropped her file and said"Ms. Parker. Please
continue" She talked to her like she was scared and said, "Mr. Knight was expecting
you anyways." She smiled nervously"Please go in the lift and press the 40th floor.
He will be there waiting for you."

She stepped right in the lift and pressed the 40th-floor button just like the
receptionist said. The doors were closing and she saw the receptionist spoke
loud"Have a great day!" Making Emily all sort of confused.

The elevator was transparent that she could see the view of New York City. It was
perfect and beautiful, especially in the morning.

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Oh, how she wished she could just bask in this glory forever.

She looked up at the black screen above the rest of the floor buttons.



As the elevator went up her heart started beating ferociously.



When the bell ding, the elevator gates slide open and she stepped out.

It was a beautiful office. Gorgeous. The color palette was soft to the eyes that
made her calm a little. She looked around and no one was there. No one.

There was a big conference room on her right. She looked to her front and there was
a white pillar in the middle of the floor. On her left was a desk. Looked like an
assistant's desk.
She walked closer and there was a wall of a giant mirror. She looked at her
reflection in it and then looked around. He wasn't anywhere near.

Instantly a door opened in that mirror wall. And the handsome devil stepped right
out. She looked at him stunned. He gave her his gorgeous smile and said: "I've been
expecting you, Milli."

He gestured by curving index finger lightly, giving the hither-come in sign. Like
he ordered her to step in his office.

As she stepped in, his office was beautiful and big. His files perfectly stacked on
the bookshelves. Organized by colors.

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She looked around more and there were old records. Vintage. His office was a wall
of a giant window that contained the perfect view of Manhattan. She was astonished.

He sat on his chair and asked: "Like what you see, Milli?" He pulled out of her
trance. She looked at him and said"Emily...My name is Emily. Not Milli."

He chuckled and said"I have to give you a nickname. What kind of a husband would I
be when he doesn't give his wife a nickname? Would you prefer Em or Milli?"

She said cringing at her nicknames from his mouth"Neither." He smiled and shook his
head"You know that can't happen. Now, talk... say what you came to say because I
have more important work to do." She furrowed her brows and asked, "You knew I
would come?" He smiled"Baby, they always come."


"Why what?"

"Why do you wanna marry me? Because I slapped you?"

He shrugged playfully and said"Maybe." She apologized"I'm sorry about that... but
please don't force me into marriage just because I slapped you."

He got up from his chair, his expression serious. Buttoning up his blue suit
jacket, he walked towards and she took steps back.
He said, "Do u think I would stoop so low, Em?"

As her back pinned up against the wall behind her, he trapped her in the middle of
his arms. So close that she could feel his breathing getting uneven.

He said in a soft lusty voice"Do u know why I wanna marry you?" She looked at him
scared as he continued"Because when I first saw you, I knew that I need to make you
mine forever. And I get what I want. You're mine, Emily. Understand?" She quickly
whispered in a low and weak voice" Understood."

She was scared by the way he trapped her. Her respond made a smile spread across
his face. His gaze on her lips and he licked his bottom lip.

Little did he know that, that response is what she was used to all her life.

Both of their breathing uneven. She looked at how his pink tongue wet his bottom
lip. Her heart beating like crazy.

Her anxiety levels slowly getting on the highest point. She said"L-L-Liam?"
He leaned closer and rubbed the tip of his nose against her own. Intimidating her.

He slowly and lightly kissed on her cheek and she squirmed. She closed her eyes not
wanting to look him in the eye as he whispered: "You" then kissed below her jawline
and again whispered in her ear"Are" He looked at her as her eyes were still closed.
His touch sends an electric shiver to her body.

He took her hand and lightly kissed on her palms. She sighed and he

And suddenly, he bit the soft base of her thumb hard that caused her to hiss loud
and pull away. Her throat dry and scared of him now.

He gave her his full-blown teeth smile. But it wasn't genuine. It was taunting.

He said"There are rules. If you follow them, you'll live a happy and peaceful
life... with me. If u don't, I'll make your life a living hell. Choice is yours."

She stuttered"W-what rules?" He smiled"Patience, my darling. Everything will be

disclosed in a matter of time."

He nuzzled his nose in her neck one last time inhaling her scent and said: "Now go
and make yourself look pretty for the wedding, my love."

He opened the door behind her and lightly pushed her out. But she stumbled on the
blue carpet and fell on her butt with an oomph.
He bit his bottom lip with a smile and pushed his hands in his pockets. She looked
up at him as the doors closed.

She stood up and went home.

Later that day, the doorbell ringed. Tanya answered the door and there was a really
young postman. She smiled seductively at him and he smiled back. She asked, "Can I
help you?"

"Yes... I have a package."

"For me?"

"Are you Emily Parker?"


"Unfortunately, it's for Ms. Emily Parker."

She took the package signed on the sheet and also write down her phone number. She
winked at him and said, "Have a nice day."

She closed the door and went into the living room.

The package really did say 'To, Emily Parker'. Tanya called out loud"Mom!"

Melissa came down and she asked, "What is it?" Tanya pointed to the package and
said: "It's for that whore."

There was a card on the package as well. Melissa picked up the card and read it as
it said:

"To my soon to be granddaughter. I hope you like this.

                                            Regina Knight"

Melissa said to Tanya"Go get her." Tanya shouted"EMILY!!!!"

She looked back at her mother and said: "I'm not going upstairs just to call that
slut down."
Emily came running down and Melissa said: "You have a package from that wrinkled
face." Emily looked confused because she never gets a package. Melissa said
frustrated"Open it!"

Emily opened the package and there were four Tiffany boxes inside them.

She looked back up at Melissa because she was afraid to make a wrong step and get
beaten again.

Tanya rolled her eyes and picked up the boxes and opened it. Her jaw dropped as she
was stunned.

She showed Emily and it was diamonds. Diamond necklaces, with pairs of earrings and

Emily looked at them with more confusion and lips apart.

Melissa saw the diamonds and said to Emily"No words about this. When you get
married and Regina asks where are the diamonds, you tell her you lost them.
Understand?!" She nodded her head quick"Understood."

Tanya smiled and said"Good. Now go to your room."

She ran up the stairs to her room but she did turn around to look at them and saw
them trying on the diamonds. Giggling to each other.

She looked confused and said to herself"What's so special about diamonds?" And went
inside her room.


They stole her freaking diamond!

Those bitches!

Hope you liked this chapter.

Give it a vote and comment.


Love, Hope


        Chapter 8: Meaningless Wedding [Purchased Wife]

            Damn my foolish eyes

Cause that man's lessons had a price
Oh sweet price

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Everything Regina sent her from

every dress, every piece of jewelry either gold or diamond, Melissa and Tanya
distributed them all among themselves.

All of them one of them. Every gift filled greed in their eyes.

Tanya hates Emily more that she got to marry the most handsome male on the planet.
And why wouldn't she? Liam was voted number 1 in the youngest and sexiest playboy
CEO in Forbes magazine. He was even voted the most beautiful man in all of the USA.
And as a matter of fact, he also took pride in being dominant, gorgeous,
manipulative and powerful.

She looked at herself in the mirror naked as Tanya covered up the scars and fresh
bruises. Beating the sponge hardly on the sore spots on her body as she said:
"Daddy said that you need to learn how to cover up yourself." Emily just nodded.

Tanya left Emily after doing her makeup and hair and slowly Emily wore her so-
called wedding dress. It was a dress that David bought from the thrift store.

It had fire on it.

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It was clear that they didn't even care at all.

She looked at herself in the mirror and cringed hard.

She heard a knock on the door and said: "Come in." Curtis came in with a wedding
dress in his hand.

(picture above)

He smiled and said as he handed her the dress, "I'm not gonna let you get married
in that awfully ridiculous dress."

She smiled and went inside to wear Curtis' dress.

When she came out, he smiled at her and held her face. He said"Just a little longer
and we'll be out of New York forever. And we're not coming back, okay?" She nodded
her head with a smile because Curtis always kept his promise.

This time his promise was that they would move to LA forever.

He kissed her forehead and asked, "Can I walk you down the aisle?" She smiled and
said, "I'd love that more than... but David wants to give me away." He understood
and    nodded because he knew it was no use to fight David on that.

When it was time for the wedding, Liam kept the ceremony small. Really small that
only close friends were invited.

David walked Emily down the aisle. Her face plastered with a fake smile.

He said to her"Shut your hole at all times. Don't talk to him until he speaks to
you. And you don't deny him anything. Understand?" She nodded her head"Understood."

David handed her hand into Liam's hand with a fake smile that seems to scream 'I AM

Liam grabbed her hand in a painful way. But she still smiled in that pain.

After their fake vows and fake I do's, when they exchanged the ring, he held her
hand hard and pushed down the beautiful 8 karat diamond ring on her finger

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That she gasped in pain. The ring felt like a leash was being tied around her neck.

When it was her turn, she took the ring from David and slid that simple silver ban
ring down Liam's slender ring finger. The ring that she didn't even knew when David
bought it.

The priest said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Liam smiled at her and grabbed her face, slowly kissing her. But the kiss was not
with love or happiness, but with disgust and pain, hurting her. He pecked her lips
one last time and whispered"Tonight you're mine. And every day for the rest of your
sad life."

The reception was held in his hotel. They were so many guards because he never
wanted anyone to take pictures of her. Of any kind.

Liam had told her to remove her veil. And without the veil, she felt very
uncomfortable with her back exposed.

Every time, they would meet someone or talk to someone, he'd put his palm pressed
against her exposed skin. Sometimes, his fingers softly trailing up and down her

When it was time for them both to dance, he held her.

He took her one hand in his and the other one, he places it on his heart. He
wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest, real close.

As she wore a simple white backless gown without a veil, his hands lightly caressed
her back from the nape of her neck to the end of her waist. He pulled her closer to
his chest. His hands stopped on her back and he dug his nails on her bare skin.
Causing her to feel pain.

She hissed as she felt the sharp pain of his nails. He looked at her and
said"Smile, my love. The pain just started. You don't know the real pain you'll
feel tonight."

He was taunting her and she was petrified of him.

After attending the reception for only an hour, Liam held her wrist and took her
forcefully out of the hotel and into the car. Poor Emily couldn't say goodbye to
Curtis at all.

As they reached the mansion he said: "Make up a good excuse to Gran about where I
am and I'll reward you when I will come back, Understand?" She nodded her

As soon as she said that, he smiled at her. He leaned in and she leaned back.
When she was pinned up against the car door, he was really close to her.

Thank god, the driver couldn't see anything because of the partition

He asked her while smiling"What the fuck are you still doing here? Get the fuck
out." His smile disappeared and she got out of the car as soon as she could.

Once she got out and closed the door, the car drove past her at lightning speed.

Emily always had this fantasy. Always lived in the dream that one day someone would
marry her for love and her tortures would end forever.

Someone who would carry her inside the threshold to their home.

Someone who would treat her with respect, dignity, and love.

But that wasn't written in her fate.

She thought to herself:

My curse is to never be loved. Ever.


So she is finally in Liam's territory now.

What do you think will happen next?

Keep on ready, ya crazies!


Love, Hope

Also, follow me on @HopeCrazyReader17 on Instagram because I'm posting all about

purchased wife. What inspired me to write the story and also character inspiration.


        Chapter 9: Eight Rules [Purchased Wife]

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A new husband picks up his wife in his arms and takes her through the doorstep for
a good long happy marriage but he didn't.

He left her on the road and told her to step in alone.

She looked around. The mansion was bigger than the Parkers house.

She stood around for a while until the door opened. Regina came out and asked,
"Where's Liam?" Emily gulped and stuttered"H-he said to tell you that he will be
late." She smiled"He had some important work to do." Regina sighed and mumbled to
herself"What am I gonna do with that boy? Has to work on his wedding night?" Emily
just shrugged. Regina smiled at her with sympathy in her eyes"Come in, child. It's
freezing out there!"

Emily stepped inside the mansion for the first time ever. The color palette of the
whole building including the decorations and furniture gave her eyes a cool
peaceful feeling.

His grandmother was really nice. Sweet too. She wished she could have someone like
her in her life too.

Regina said"Why don't you go and change. I know you haven't eaten anything all
day." She smiled and continued"You know with the wedding excitements and all. I
remember when I married Liam's grandfather like it was yesterday." Regina started
giggling as she remembered her younger days and Emily couldn't help but smile at
her, wishing she could make those memories too.

Emily thought to herself:

If only she knew.

Emily smiled at her and she sent Emily to Liam's room upstairs.

She opened the door and looked at his room.

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It was a combination of black and... black.

She thought:

He must like black a lot.

She sat on his bed and noticed the black sheets were really soft silk. And with the
weather freezing outside, the sheets were really cold to the touch.

She smiled but then again her smile disappeared when she imagined him and her in
the same bed. He married her because she didn't want to be in the same bed as him
but he just couldn't have it. She purses her lips and closed her, whispering to
calm her nerves down"One... two... three... four... five... six... seven...
eight... night... ten."

She opened her eyes and sighed. Getting up from the bed and locking the door.

She walked to the suitcase that was at the foot of the bed, taking off her wedding
dress and letting it drop on the floor.

She opened the suitcase, reading to wear a hoody or warm sweater but none of the
clothes were hers. Some of them were but not the night wears.

They were short silk nightgowns that she doesn't even wear. That doesn't even cover
up her full body.

She picked one up. It was a black short silk nightgown with laces. And there was a
matching silk robe too.

She felt disgusted and kept it back inside. She searched for more but the rest was
mostly see-through.

And the one she had kept back was the only one with a long robe.

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She wore the nightgown and also the robe. Tying the ropes right around her stomach
to cover everything up.

She walked to the bathroom and washed all the makeup from her face but not her
body. She held the white sink basin and looked at herself in the mirror as the
water on her chin dripped on the sink. She could hear every drop hitting down.

She looked at her left hand and the ring felt heavy around her finger. Looking away
from her hand, she took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her
mouth, holding back the warm tears. She washed her face again and dried it with the
clean white towel near the sink.

When Emily came back down all freshen up, Regina was already waiting. Sipping on
her tea.

There was a hot plate of food on her side.

Emily sat beside and asked, "You're not eating?" Regina smiled, "I've already
eaten, my child."

Regina looked at her as she took a bite with her fork"Emily, I know sometimes Liam
can be... a handful. He has never loved someone in his life. And I'm glad that he
married you. I knew you had a pure heart from the day I saw you. He may be rude and
arrogant but he has a heart of pure gold. Even if he does not show that he cares,
but he does. He cares too much. Just be a little patient with him, okay?"

Emily nodded and wished she could tell her everything Liam did to her. How he
purchased her but she couldn't. Instead of telling the old sweet woman everything
about the devils' spawn, she bites her tongue between her teeth and started eating

It was one in the morning and he still hadn't returned home.

Emily was lying on his bed.

Everything felt new to her. She lied with her robe still on her with the ropes
still tight as she could tie.

His scent all over the sheets and his pillows. She tossed and turned to wait for
him. Even though she shouldn't, but she couldn't help herself.

She stayed awake just for him.

She looked at the clock and it was two in the morning and still no Liam.

When the clock had struck right on three, the doorknob twisted.

She got up and sat up straight surprised.

His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. The first three buttons of his
white shirt were undone and she could see his collar bones.

He smiled at her and she knew he was drunk because of his hooded blue eyes.

The lights were all off in the room. He walked inside and closed the door behind
him. Not forgetting to lock.

He took off his shirt and she could see his body because of the moonlight that
passed through the thin white curtains.

His perfect upside-down triangle back. The way he took off his shirt while his
shoulder muscles stretching made a sigh escaped her lips. A tattoo on the back of
his forearm. A single small silhouette of a bird.

Without turning, he asked"Enjoying the view, Emily?"

He turned and she could see him clearly. His blue eyes shined in the moonlight and
so did his body.

The perfect V line on his torso was sexy but not the electric blue eyes he gazed at
her with. They were scary.

She stared him from down to up.

Her gaze on his face and there was a wicked smile. His blue eyes filled with
nothing but lust and bad vibes.

He put his knee on the foot of the bed sinking in the soft mattress and crawled
towards her.

When he was near her face to face, he smiled at her and lightly rubbed the tip of
his nose against hers. Intimidating her.

He gently pressed his hand against her shoulder and slowly pushed her down flat on
the pillow.
When he was finally on top of her, she led out shivers through her breathing.

In a low lusty voice, he said"What happened, baby? You're scared when your husband
is about to fuck you but you were confident when you slapped him. Why is that?

He lightly licked his bottom lip and raised his brow waiting for a response.

He lightly raised his voice in anger and demanded through his gritted teeth "Answer
me!"She flinched and in a weak voice, she said"I'm sorry about slapping you. I
shouldn't have done that. I'm so so sorry." He chuckled and whispered in a soft
voice" Apology accepted."

He looked down at her body and saw that she had her hand against her robe ropes as
her life depended on it.

He looked back at her again and smirked.

Looking back down, he removed her trembling hands and untied her robe. The silk
fabric falling on the sides. Exposing the nightgown inside. He lightly pulled down
the shoulder of the rope as well as the spaghetti sleeve of the nightgown,   
exposing her perfect tan skin.

Only if he knew her skin wasn't at all perfect under all that makeup.

She said"Liam..." but he cut her off and said"Shh. You don't get to speak."A small
part of her was still calm with him on top. Felt like it was normal. But the rest
of her was scared of the things he will do to her. For the things, he can do to

He slowly reached for her legs and rested his waist between them. Supporting
himself with his arms beside her, trapping her in the middle.

She looked in his eyes and whispered"Please. You're drunk." Emily couldn't find any
emotion in them at all.

She could smell the bitter whiskey mixed with his own minty musk scent.    He
asked, "Remember the rules I talked to you about in my office?" She nodded"Yes." He
smiled wider" It's time for you to remember those rules. And if you do not obey any
of them, I will punish you. And that... is a promise I will not break."

He leaned in and kissed right below on the soft spot of her ear and pressed his
lips against her ear lobe"Rule number one: you will do what I say."

He then kissed on her cheek and she let out a hard sigh"Rule number two, you will
call me Master when we're alone."
He kissed her right on her collar bone "Rule number three: you will cook. Be a maid
to me and only me. You will cook for me and no one else."

He kissed on her jugular"Rule number four: you will not sleep on my bed. You'll
sleep on the floor. Besides me and beneath me."

He kissed on her neck again but this time he bit her hard causing her to let out a
whimper and a tear to fall from her eyes" Rule number five: you will not deny me of
any sexual desires, anywhere and at any time. That does depend if I have any of
them for you anymore."

He kissed on her forehead"Rule number six: you will be my escort to every gathering
and every party and you will wear whatever I tell you to wear."

She was still shaking from fear and bad anxiety. But he was too drunk to notice.

He kissed her shoulder and said"Rule number seven: you will be with me every day
and every hour. From tomorrow you'll be working as my personal assistant. And only
for me."

He lightly kissed on the center of her chest right on the start valley of her
breast making her whimper again and inhaling a gasp of air. But he continued"Rule
number eight: you will not talk to any men anywhere. If you do, there will be
serious consequences. Understand?"

She slowly nodded her head and whispered"Understood." He again said"Good girl...
now get the fuck off."

He lightly pushed her off the bed causing her to fall on the carpeted floor and
within seconds she heard him snore lightly.

He didn't even think to give her a pillow or something to cover herself with.

She tied her robe again and lied down on her side in a fetal position. Crying to
herself lowly. Making sure that he won't hear any of it.



I hope you liked this chappy!

If you did, then make sure to vote, comment, and follow me.
Tell your friends about this book.

Comment and tell me who do you think of Liam as?

Tell me who do you think of Emily as?

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I personally think Liam as Tony Mafud. Ya know. The jet black hair and blue perfect

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And Emily as Selena Gomez. Because she's pretty and she looks really innocent to
me. Just like Em.

I hope you like them as the characters.

Follow me on Instagram @HopeCrazyReader17 ͢

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Cuz I just posted something about the book. Read it only after you're done reading
the whole book because of spoiler alert.

I'll see ya in the next chappy!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 10: Broke A Rule [Purchased Wife]

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She woke early in the morning.

She looked up and he was still sleeping. She stared as the sunlight hit his face.

She thought to herself:

The devil was once an angel too

She groaned in pain because of sleeping on the floor all night.

She stood up and went inside the bathroom.

She hopped in the shower and loved the hot water hitting her back. Soothing all her
sore muscles from last night. She rubbed herself and looked down and saw her
foundation going down the drain.

After the shower, she dried up her body and looked at herself in the mirror. All
the marks exposed.

She opened her makeup pouch and took out her foundation and her moisturizer. Mixing
them both together, she started rubbing it evenly on her body. Covering the marks
up again as she whispered to herself"This is what I will be doing or the rest of my
life." Focused on covering each mark.

She got out and he was still sleeping.

Emily decided to wear her favorite blue flare dress that reached below her knees
and her hair in her natural brown loose curls.


I hated the way he slept. How can someone sleep so calmly? His rules last night
made me too frightened.

I went down and saw grandma was already up. I smiled and said"Good morning."

Her eyes sparkled when she saw me and wished me morning in return.

She was a nice old lady. Nothing like him. He is a walking devil spawn on this

I asked, "Do you know what does Liam likes for breakfast?" Regina giggled and
said"I love it. You making breakfast for him. It's sweet. He likes his eggs sunny
side up, bacon, pancakes, homemade waffles and slices of avocado."

I looked at her in confusion and said: "That's too much food for one person." She
chuckled and said"He needs energy. That poor boy always works day and night."

If I was going to make breakfast for him, I might as well do it for her too.

I asked"Is there something you particularly like?"

"I can eat anything, child. But a cup of tea in the morning is a must."

I went into the kitchen and there were 2 maids drinking coffee.

When they saw me, they instantly got up from their chairs.

I felt bad and said"You don't need to get up for me. Keep doing what you're doing.
I'm just here to make breakfast and I'll be out of the way in no time."

They both looked at each other and smiled.

I saw a boy sitting on the table eating his plate full of pancakes and watching a
cartoon on his phone.

I smiled and said, "That's adorable."

One of the made introduced herself"I'm Celeste and that is Amber." I smiled at both
of them and asked: "And who is that?" Celeste answered"My son. Rafael."

I got it by their accent that they were Latinos. Amber asked, "You want me to make
you breakfast, ma'am?"
"Call me Emily and no. I'll be making breakfast myself. Have you eaten yet?"

Both of their eyes widened as I asked them and Celeste said"We've eaten. Thank you
for the offer." I smiled at them both.

Maybe I could have friends in this house.

Both of them helped me in preparing breakfast for Liam or should I say, Master.

A couple of minutes pass and I saw them both going outside form the kitchen taking
Rafael with them.

Why were they leaving?

I looked at the entrance and saw him coming in.

I ignored and turned my back at him. Getting busy by making waffles in the waffle

His arm snaked around my stomach and he pulled me to himself. My back against his
warm hard chest. I could feel the way his chest rose up and down as he breathed.
His warm breath fanning my ear. My heart beating fast at our closeness.

He lightly started leaving trails of kisses from below my ears to my shoulders. My

body had its own reaction to him. Which was something very new to me. My eyes
closing automatically.

His touch was so soft and so soothing but it was frightening at the same time.

I whispered, "Liam, I can't work like this". He trailed his fingertips from my
shoulder to my arm and then my hand. Intertwining our fingers.

I should be uncomfortable with his touch. Uncomfortable by his closure but I

wasn't. I end up liking his touch too much for my own good.

His other hand started moving up and down my stomach and I felt something warm
underneath my right hand.    It almost felt like burning.

I pried my eyes open and saw my hands on the waffle maker. On top of the lid. I
whimper in pain and tried to pull away, but he was stronger than me. Holding me in

He whispered in my ear"What was rule number 2? You seem to forget."

I whimpered"I'm sorry, Master." Tears fell down on my cheek and I hated myself that
I let his touch take me away from reality.

He grabbed me by my waist and pushed me towards the sink.

Turned me around to himself as my burned hand was under the faucet.

I felt the cold water sting my skin and I whimpered hiding the pain on my face by
covering my mouth with my other hand. He looked at me with satisfaction on his face
and whispered in a husky voice "This is just a trailer of what I will do to you.
Break the rules and you'll find out the rest."

He stretched behind me towards the cabinet above the sink. My eyes were still moist
from the pain he had given me. He smiled and started dressing up my hand. He cupped
my face and leaned down to lightly kissed the corner of my lips like it'll make
everything better.

And just walked away.

I wiped my tears and whispered to myself:

You have been through worst than a simple hand burn. You can't cry over something
this simple.

But that was the point. I wasn't crying in pain. I was crying because I feared him.
He really was a devil spawn.


Hope you liked this chapter

Please vote, comment and follow me.

Follow me on instagram @HopeCrazyReader17


Love, Hope


        Chapter 11: Working With Devils Spawn [Purchased Wife]

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The three of us sat at the table eating breakfast. I couldn't eat with my right
hand as that bastard burned it.

Grandma looked at me concerned and asked: "What happened to your hand?" I was about
to answer but he cut me off"I have a very clumsy wife."

They both chuckled at me and I felt anger and anxiety growing inside of me.

What was my sin to get this torturous life? I felt so much hatred towards him as he
ate his food calmly, reading his emails on his phone.


After a couple of minutes, he looked at her and said: "Emily go get ready, we're
going to work." Regina looked at Liam with furrowed brows and asked: "Why does she
have to go?" He smiled and answered"Emily requested me to let her work last night.
And I said what better to let her work than be by my side. I could get to know her
better." Regina exclaimed"That's wonderful. At least she will be by your side all
day." He looked at Emily and said"Yes, all damn day. Go get ready. I'll be up in

She nodded and went upstairs. He didn't even let her eat her food properly.

After an hour of procrastinating about what to wear, she wore a high waisted light
grey pencil skirt that reached to her knees and hugged her curves perfectly and
wore a basic black shirt, tucking it inside the skirt. She left her long wavy hair
open. And put on a very light pink lip color.

He came in and smiled as she was fully dressed. He said, "I need you to give me
your ring."

He held out his hand and she asked"W-Why?" He sighed and replied sarcastically"I
don't want anyone to know I'm married to you. It's a question for my reputation."

She took off her ring. He held his hand out and looked at her. Gesturing her to
give him her ring. And she did.
Her phone started ringing. He asked, "What the hell is that noise?" She took her
phone out of her bag.

It was an old flip phone. She murmured"Curtis missed called."He snatched the phone
from her, making her flinch and asked: "What the hell is this?"

"M-My phone."

"I'm not stupid. Why do you have this?"

She remained silent.

"I'm getting you a new phone"

He threw her phone on the bed and walked in his closet to get ready.

Not even 5 minutes passed, he came out and went downstairs.

She followed him.

He kissed Regina's forehead and said: "We'll be a little late, okay?" She nodded
and smiled.

He left but when Emily was about to follow him, Regina stopped her and held her
face and said"Good luck for today. Don't be scared because Liam will be with you
all day, okay?" Emily nodded her head and Regina kissed her cheek.

If only she knew that Emily actually needed protecting from her grandson instead.

Emily truly wanted to break down in front of her because it was the first time in
years she felt a mother's love. But she didn't let herself.

She walked out of the house and Liam was waiting for her in his car.

She sat in the car and Regina waved at them and they both waved back.

He drove the car with great speed and stopped in the middle of the road. She asked,
"Why did we stop?" He took off his own wedding ring and put it in his car cup

Her heart broke. It was her fathers' ring after all.

He smiled and said, "Get out."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want anyone to think that we have some kind of relationship between us and
taking you in my car puts everyone in suspicion."

He stretched and opened the car door for her. She got out and he drove past her.
There was no car or any vehicle where he left her.

The company was 14 minutes away so she decided to go there on foot.

When she reached, she looked at her watch and she was already late. She bolted to
the elevator and pressed the 40th floor button.

When the elevator bell ding, he was standing there with his arms crossed and anger
clearly written on his face.

His suit jacket off and his white crisp shirt sleeves rolled up. Giving views of
his thick arm veins and his tattoo.

In a professional voice, he said"Ms. Parker, you're now the PA. Don't you think
you should be here before your boss?"

"I-I'm sorry,..."

He raised his brow and she added "Mr. Knight."

"I'll give this a rest.... but if this happens next time then I'm punishing you.
And I don't mean punish by only firing you."

He smirked at her and she felt like disgusting electricity roaming in her body.

Liam was a very private person. His office was built with a one-sided mirror. So he
could see everything outside but no one could look in.

He said pointing at the desk"That'll be your desk. You will get a salary, don't
worry about that."

She thought to herself:

At least I'll be working with a salary. Maybe I will have enough one day to get me
away from everything.
He punched in the code and said"The code is 1590. But I told you the code, that
doesn't mean you can come in whenever you want. Only when it's necessary."

And instantly the door of his office opened. He said"Anything you have to say or
ask me, call me in extension 40... Anything else?"

She shook her and he continued"It's 10 now. I need my coffee from the cafeteria
down. With two sugar and no milk."

She went down and got him his coffee. She couldn't hold it with her right hand.

She thanked Liam for that.

She went back up and knocked his door first and then punched in the code.


The door slides open and she walked in all the while he stared at her.

When she kept his coffee on his desk. He looked at the coffee and then at her.

He grabbed the cup and took a sip and cringed.

His voice angry and he said"Are you trying to bring hell on yourself?! Do you
really want me to punish you now? Right on your first day? This coffee is like
honey. Too much sugar."

She stuttered"B-But u said you like two sugar."

"I didn't say such thing."

She accidentally whined, "You did!" And her eyes wear wide open as she realized her

He rested his elbows on his perfect glass desk and looked at her with frustration
and said in a really calm but dangerous tone"No."


He was still dangerously calm"Get me another one. No sugar. No milk and extra
He was playing her.

She went down again and ordered another coffee but this time she kept the milk and
the sugar on the side if he needed any.

Taking his coffee to the elevator in a tray, she bumped into a guy. Thankfully, the
coffee hadn't spilled.

She looked up at him and he was a brown-haired beauty. His thick light brown hair
made you want to run your fingers through his locks.

Soft, hanging on his forehead. He smiled and ran a finger through his hair and
said"I'm sorry. I didn't see where I was going." She smiled small at him. He asked,
"Are you new here?" She nodded and said"Yes, Li... Mr. Knights PA."

His face cringed and said"Must be hard. That guy is not easy to understand." He
held out his hand and said"I'm Ivan Walker. Manager of this branch. You?"

She shook his hand. The way he smiled at her, made her a little uncomfortable.

She said"I'm Emily... Parker. Emily Parker"

"Really great to meet you, Ms. Parker."

"You too, Mr. Walker. I shall give him his coffee now."

"Can I walk you to the elevator?"

She nodded her head and he walked beside her. He pressed then button from the
elevator and it opened. She stepped in and he again pressed the 40th floor-button
for her and said"I'll see you around"

She smiled and the doors closed.

She stepped out from the elevator and again walked to his office, punching in the

As soon as the door opened, he stopped working and just stared at her and she
walked in.

She kept his coffee on his desk. He smiled as he watched her keeping the sugar and
the cream on the side. He took a sip and asked, "Why is it cold this time?"
"I-I was late. I'm sorry."

"Why were you late, Ms. Parker?"

"I met another worker."

He looked up and she took a step back. He asked with suspicious ocean blue eyes"

A whispered came out"Ivan Walker" and that name made him so angry.

Ivan was the branch manager but everyone knew that he was a player too. He had
quite a reputation in the building. But Liam had to keep him because he was really
good at what he does.

He said with gritted teeth"Get. Out."

She walked out as soon as she could and the door closed behind her.

She sat at her desk.

He looked through his one-sided mirror glass. He wanted to make her suffer so badly
but at the same time, he had this instinct to protect her from the world and



I hope you liked this chappy.

Ivan Walker is bad news!

See ya at the next!

Follow me on Instagram 


Love, Hope


        Chapter 12: Another Broken Rule [Purchased Wife]

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He called on the extension and she picked up the phone.  He said, "I need you in
right now."

She kept the phone down and walked into his office.

She asked, "You wanted to see me again?" He looked at his watch and said"it's 1.
And in an hour, everyone in this building will go out to get lunch."

He threw a file at her but she caught it.

He said"Summarize the file for me. If it's not done by 2, you don't get to have
lunch at all. Understand?" That exact word reminded her of David, her uncle. Like a
child, she shook her head in fear and said: "Understood, Mr. Knight."

She left.

This is not how she wanted to live.

She wanted to be loved. And she thought all her life someone would support her but
no one did. No one loved her or let her be loved.

When she was done summarizing in half an hour, she printed out the last paper and
closed the file. Smiling at herself for her small victory.

Liam was watching her like a hawk. He loved the way she smiled but he wasn't gonna
let that smile stay for long.

She went in and kept the file on his desk, right in the middle and in front of

He stood up and picked up the file and read through it quickly.

He looked back at her again and she had her bottom lip between her teeth. Nibbling
on it.

Without warning, he threw the papers in the bin and kept the empty file in front of
her again. He pointed at the yellow file in the table and said: "Write it again."
Her eyes widened"What was wrong with that?"

"Everything. Write it again."

Even though there was nothing wrong. The summarization was perfect. But he didn't
want it. He wanted her to work on it again.

She nodded and said"Okay. I'll do it after lunch."

"No, you'll do it now while I go out for lunch. Okay?"


"Shhh. At 4 the Italian people are coming for a deal with me. I want you to guide
them to the conference room. Understand?"


He came forward to her and closer.

He smiled and said"I like how you respond to that word. I really do. It gives me
some kind of... satisfaction."

He walked past her leaving her alone.

(Past. Emily POV)

What man wouldn't like when a woman submits to him? It is in his nature to be
dominant but that does not him all mighty or anything. It makes him a sadist.

David loved it when I used to say 'Understood' to his question. Everyone did.

Melissa, Tanya, David, and even now Liam.

But no one knew the story behind it. Except for David.
It was 10 years ago. I was 15. I just turned orphan and my uncle and aunt just
adopted me legally.

I cried myself to sleep because I missed my parents terribly that night.

It was dark and cold. I felt something crawling up my shorts.

A hand?

My brain was telling me to wake up but I kept telling it that it's a dream. Because
that night, the reality of my parents dying felt like a nightmare that wouldn't

Slowly that crawl was now on me. My private part.

My eyes pried open. Before I could get up, someone pushed me down on the mattress
again. Covering my mouth with their hand that smelled like cigarettes.

It was a huge man and he kept rubbing me over my shorts. I heard his voice"Shhhhh.
Just relax. It'll get better."


He kept rubbing and rubbing me. I hated it. I despised it.

He removed his hand from my mouth and I screamed: "Get off me!"

But sadly my 5 foot 5, 15-year-old body was too weak for this huge 6 foot, a 48-
year-old man.

He ripped my shorts and I tried to kick him with my legs.

He pinned my knees down and apart from each other.

I screamed and he slapped me across my face and said: "If you scream, I'll hurt you

That what got me terrified. I didn't scream. He began rubbing me again on my

underwear. And I couldn't help but sob and feel disgusted.

He pushed up my shirt and took my breast out of my bra. Biting my nipple hardly
with his teeth.
I screamed and he slapped me again.

He put his fingers inside my mouth and down my throat, gagging me.

I couldn't make a sound now. And I couldn't stop gagging.

He ripped apart my underwear and I was half-naked.

I felt something go up and down my slit.

I looked down and he had unzipped his pants and took out his member, rubbing it up
and down my slit.

One motion, he pushed all of himself inside me.

I screamed in pain but he pushed his two fingers down my throat, gagging me again.

I did throw up but he didn't take out his fingers.

He began thrusting me.

In and out

In and out

I was in pain. I felt like I was on fire and paralyzed. I couldn't do anything but
cry for someone to save me. But no one came.

I could hear the slapping of his skin on mine. The pain was unbearable but that man
didn't care. He kept going at it.

I heard him moan and shiver.

He took out his member quick and I saw his cum coming out through that.

His white cum all over my sheets.

He took out his fingers and I coughed out loud. He pinned me again and said"You
don't tell anyone about this! You don't mention to anyone about this. If you do,
I'll kill you myself! Understand?!"
I cried but he shook me"UNDERSTAND?!!" I cried"Understood!"

Suddenly there was a sinister smile on his face and he said: "From now on you will
say that word to me." He whispered, "Understand?" I shivered crying"Understood."

I heard his groan in pleasure.

By our closeness, I could smell that he had drowned himself in alcohol. He wreaked.

He got off of me and walked out. Leaving me alone, naked, and bleeding.

And that's how my sleep paralysis started. The nightmares started. Every time I
tried not to let him win, but every time I lost.

I could've told Melissa or Tanya, but they weren't good to me too.

The next day, they all started beating me up once I was finally theirs. Their
punching bag and their property.

(Past end)

As she was thinking about that past, she was sobbing too. She wiped her tears and
told herself"That day was worse. This is nothing compared to that. You can do the
summary again."

When he came back, he saw that she was still working on the summary. Typing on her
computer. He looked at her and said, "Do not forget the Italians at 4."

She looked and nodded.

Two hours later, she waited at the elevator.

As the bell dinged, three people came out.

Two were very old but one was young. Looked like he was in his late 20s or starting
of 30s. He looked so handsome. Tall and a muscular body. Same height as Liam. But
if it were to choose between them, Liam was more beautiful looking.

He looked at Emily and smiled. She smiled at them all and said: "Mr. Knight has
been expecting you all."
She led them all to the conference room and said: "I'll get Mr. Knight for you."

She walked back to Liam's office and said hesitantly"T-the Italians are here, Mr.
Knight." He looked up at her and said"Good."

He got up and walked up to her. Before she could go out, he held her arm and
said"You will be in the room too. I want you to take points of the meeting for me."

She nodded her head and they both walked to the conference room. With Emily one
step behind him.

Liam smiled and shook hands with them all.

She sat away from them to the end corner of the long table. Writing what Liam told

Liam was really confident. The way he presented his company to them. He was
confident in making the speech. And there was a confident smile in his face

As Liam got interested in talking to the two older men, the young guy stared at

When her gaze met his, he smiled and she lightly smiled back just as a soft

Liam noticed every little thing and that's hen the volcano inside him started

When he was dropping off the old men to the elevator, he saw Emily walking away
from them while holding a stack of files in her hands.

She accidentally dropped them and bent down to pick them.

Liam looked at the guy and he was staring at her. His eyes were on her back as she
bent down to pick up the files.

Liam could see the lust in his eyes.

The two old men went down and the young men helped Emily with the files.

She smiled and said, "Thank you for helping."

When he stood up, he lent her his hand and she held it supporting herself to stand
up too.

He smiled and asked, "I'm Max." Emily shook his hand and said"Emily."

"Pretty name."

"Thank you."

"Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me? Now? If you're free?"

Before she could say anything or do anything, she felt someone breathing down her

Her neck hair stood up getting goosebumps. Liam was standing behind her. His hard
and cold voice said, "She's already married to someone."

Max smiled and said, "I don't see a ring, Mr. Knight." Liam raised his voice a
little and said: "She's married to me."

Max's eyes widened and he said"Well, congratulations to you both. I better get

He held out his hand for Liam to shake but he looked at his hand and then looked at
him again. The rage in Liams eyes making him almost run for the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed, Liam pushed Emily to the pillar behind her. He was
angry. Rage could be seen in his eyes. He breathed like he was breathing out steams
through his nose. He said, "What the hell was that?"

"He just helpi...."

"I DONT WANT excuses from you... Why did you smile at him?"

"I didn't."

"Don't lie to me, Emily!"

"Liam, please. Someone could hear you."

He scoffed"Liam?"
"Sorry... m-master."

"I own this company and I own you, so I can yell when I want and at whoever I

He looked at her up and down and said through this gritted teeth"What the hell are
you even wearing?! I saw him staring at you as you bent down."

She cried"I didn't know, please. I'm sorry."


With a hard and loud voice, he said: "I don't like this attitude of yours."

He held her jaw not tightly but enough to cause her pain. He was still angry and
said, "You broke the rules, Emily Parker." She whimpered in pain and said"I'm
sorry. Please don't hurt me."

She held his wrist and turned to pull his hand away but he was just too strong.

He leaned in closer towards her face and said"Sorry doesn't cover for what you did.
Now, tell me how do I punish you? Shall I take you roughly right here on this very
floor? Should I beat you up till you faint?" She whimpered at his choices.

She shook her and shouted," TELL ME!!"

She cried out loud and screamed"I'm really really really sorry. Please. Please just
let me go. I'll be more careful next time. I promise!"

"Fine. But next time I won't let you go. I won't let you go without being punished.


He pushed her to the side causing her to almost fall on the ground and walked
inside his office, closing the door behind him.

She steadied herself against the pillar and was hyperventilating. She counted"1...
2... 3... 4...5..." trying to calm her panic down.


I hope you liked this chappy.

Please vote, comment, and follow me if you did.

Read my first book, Rouge Prince if ya want.

I'll see ya in the next chappy!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 13: Jealousy [Purchased Wife]

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⚠️WARNING: This chapter contains sleep paralysis & also triggering content⚠️

It had been two weeks. And over those weeks, Emily followed every rule of his with

She even wrote those rules on a piece of paper and kept it in her pocket almost
all the time.

What happened that day, his anger got her scared. Frightened to the core. She was
thankful that he hadn't asked her any rule number 5... yet.

(Rule number 5 was that Emily will not deny him any sexual desires. Just telling ya
so ya crazies don't have to go and see it again.♥️

As days passed, Emily made some friends in the building. More like kind
acquaintances. But Ivan met her every day.
She had walked into the room at night. He waited for her in his bed.

She lied on the floor like she usually does to sleep. He said"Emily?"

"Yes, master"

"Tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of the company. I've kept a dress for you in your
closet. Wear that."

"Am I gonna be your escort, master?"

"No. Don't forget to remove your ring."

"I will, master"

And he turned around to the other side.

She sighed through her mouth and closed her eyes. Pushing her hands inside the
sleeves of her sweater and curling herself into a fetal position. Trying to save
herself from the cold.

(Nightmare Emily POV)

A sound disturbs my sleep. Waking me up almost immediately.

I opened my eyes and he was sleeping with his bareback at me in his bed.

Why couldn't I move?

It was like my body was numb. I could not move at all. I could not even move my
head. I felt like jaw was wired shut. I tried to call for help but my throat hurt.
I whimpered as much as I could in pain that maybe Liam would help me. But I don't
think he could hear me.

I heard a voice. Like someone was snickering me at my struggles. Looking to my left

from the corner of my eye, there was a shadow of someone lying down beside me. I
began to move in fear but it was no use. I was trapped inside my own body. Locked
like a prisoner.

I felt a hand on my chest, squeezing my right breast. Breathing in my ear and a

groan of pleasure. I close my eyes but the squeezing on my breast got tighter and
then I heard him say"Keep your eyes open, Emily. I want you to see how I take you
behind your so-called husband."

"Open those pretty brown eyes, Emily," he said.

I felt his weight on top of me. He traced his fingertips up and down my naked
thigh. Making goosebumps appear all over my body. I shut my eyes tighter and he
growled: "I told you to open your eyes, little girl!" He pushed my legs apart and I
felt cold air down there. The air felt like a thousand tiny needles on my skin.

And then I felt a stab in my core as he pushed himself inside of me. Thrusting
harshly. Almost like tearing me apart. I screamed in pain with my jaw and eyes
still shut. Praying that maybe Liam could hear me and push this terrible man off of
me. But it was no use.

He groaned in pleasure"I can't wait to see you cum on this carpet floor." His
thrusts got harder and faster. My eyes opened and saw how he stared down at me with
his mouth apart. Enjoying himself by inflicting pain and fear on me.

It took all my willpower to not cum. Because that was all that he wanted.   

He shivered"I'm gonna cum. You do it first." I refused to. I can't let him win this
time. He was almost on the edge. And when he saw that I will not, he rubbed my clit
with his thumb to make it harder for me to resist. I tried to not give in. I was
disgusted because I was slowly losing control.

He used his index and middle finger and pressure on my clit and that's when I gave
up. Cuming just like he wanted. He groaned as I cum on his member which made him
cum inside me. The disgusting warmth inside me.

He chuckled"Why do you have to fight every time? It's not that hard." He got off me
and said"I'll see you next time. Don't tell your husband."

(End nightmare)

She clenched her eyes close and then open them again, he was gone. Looking down,
she was not naked anymore, wearing her black tights. Her heart beating fast like it
was on the verge of exploding. Sitting up, she looked at Liam and he was still
sound asleep. Taking shaky breaths in just like how Curtis taught her, she
whispered"1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10."

Liam never talked to her. Except for when he wanted something.

Grandma was the only one who would've talked to her. Emily kind of became good
friends with Celeste and little Rafael. But still, inside, she was still alone. And
she missed Curtis terribly.

The next day, Emily looked in the closet. He had bought her a backless silver
dress. Fully filled with glitter.

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She thought to herself:

This is too revealing. But if I ask him to change that, he'll scare me again.

She wore the dress, tensed that it was short and revealing but scared of
disagreeing with him.

Her back, bruises free. Because she covered them nicely. She pinned her hair up
into a messy soft updo. Leaving some hair strands to frame her face and she chose a
dark blood bold red lip color that matched the dress perfectly. And lastly, she
wore a red strap heel which he also bought for her. She didn't wear any jewelry.

As she was painting her lips, he barged in. He looked at her, stunned. The way she
looked felt like she had come out of a magazine.

He said with a smile"You dress up nicely." He was impressed by her. She lightly
smiled and said, "Thank you, master".

Over these weeks Liam had found himself a little fond of her.

She looked at him up and down. He wore a black tux that hugged his body. It seemed
like the tux was only made for him. A midnight black shirt. His shoes perfectly
polished that you could see your reflection in it.

He fixed his sleeves button as she asked: "Will I come by myself?" He looked up at
her up and down. And replied"Looking like that? No way in hell."

He took her in his car but dropped her off a block away from the company and she
walked from there.
The party was held in the company building.

She walked in and saw everyone dressed up. Looking gorgeous and having fun.

Wines and whiskeys were being served in a gold platter by the waiters.

The smell of food at the buffet. And behind each dish, a chef was standing behind
the stove. Serving people.

Emily went to the people that she was most fond of at work. Ivan, Adrian and
Savanna, and another guy.

She heard a voice"Emily!"

Ivan was calling her. Emily smiled and went to them and saw Savanna standing
between three men alone. Alcohol in everyone's hands.

She smiled at Ivan.

He was nice and caring but he played hard to get in front of women. You could say
he liked playing with women by using his charm and his looks.

Savanna said, "I want you to meet Beck." Emily smiled and shook his hand. The new
men eyed Emily up and down. His brown eyes looked totally black.

While Liam roamed around talking to everyone, Emily looked at him with a bright
smile plastered on his face but never reached up to his gorgeous blue eyes.

Ivan asked, "Can I get you a drink?"    She nodded and smiled. He tilted his head
to the bar. She went with him alone. He got her a glass of pink bubbly champagne.
She took a sip and loved the feeling of the alcohol burning her throat.

He looked at her and said"You look really beautiful. Like always." She again smiled
at him and whispered: "Thank you."

He bought his drink to his lips, his eyes never leaving hers as he took a sip.

He asked"How about... after tonight... you come with me? I'll cook you something
good." She gulped and tried to smile"I'd like that. But I can't."

"Why not? Tomorrow is Saturday and I'm sure you don't work on Saturdays."

"Come on. It'll be fun. I'd really like to spend time with you outside this
building for once."

It really intrigued her, that someone wanted to spend time with her. She smiled
brightly at him. He walked closer to her and pushed a strand of her hair behind her
ear. Smiling down at her.

Liam looked at her from afar. Smiling at Ivan. The smile on his face disappearing.

Ivan was touching her bare arms. Trailing his fingers on her perfect tan skin.

Ivan leaned closer and Emily was actually hypnotized by him.

Liam looked at her direction and he didn't like that she was standing with him. He
hated it. He hated the way he had her attention and her smile.

Ivan asked, "So, dance?" He led out his hand and she looked at him, panicked"I
shouldn't. I don't know how." He smiled and said, "You're really cute." His every
little compliment about her made her heart overwhelmed. She was new to the world of
someone liking her.

She put her small hands in his tan and big ones and he let her to the dance floor.
A couple of people were dancing too.

He pulled her closer to his front and a gasp left her lips. His eyes looking at
her. A lazy smile on his lips.

They swayed to the music. His warm palm against her bare skin. Sometimes his
fingers would trail up and down creating friction in her body. Her breathing

Liam looked at them. Not even focusing on the man talking to him. His gaze fixed on
her and he saw him lightly bending down closer to her lips.

He power walked to them. Ivan looked at him weirdly.

Emily turned around, still in Ivan's grips and her eyes widened. Liam's eyes on
Ivan's hand on her back and her hand in his.

Ivan looked at him weirdly and asked: "May we help you, Mr. Knight?"

Liam smiled and asked"Can I talk to you for a minute, Ms. Parker? It's about work."
His smile daring her to say no.
Emily nodded and removed Ivan's hands from around her.

Ivan said, "I'll meet you here when you get back, okay?" The way she nodded at him
made Liam more frustrated. He said, "I need to talk to you in my office,

She walked slowly in front of him to the elevator, but he had put his hand on her
waist and guided her inside the elevator.

As the elevator went up, he was quiet. And his silence started bugging her but she
was also afraid to ask him anything. It felt like the volcano will burst at any

When the bell dinged on the 40th floor, he held her by her wrist and dragged her in
his office. Where there was no one near and where no one could see.

He closed the door behind her and took off his coat and threw it on the couch
behind her.

Liam stood in front of her and asked in a calm dangerous voice"Why did you let him
touch you?"

Her eyes widened. She didn't think he would notice. He again said"I'm a very
impatient man, Emily. Answer me now or I'll get more upset."

As he rolled his black shirt sleeves up to his elbows, that made her more scared
and said:" I-I-I don't know, master."

"What do you mean you don't know, Emily?"

His hand on his hips.

She said, "I really don't."

"He put his filthy hands on your bare skin!" His voice got louder "On YOUR skin and
you say that you don't know?!"

"W-W-We were just dancing"

Tears formed in her eyes. He calmed himself down and said"I saw. But I still didn't
like it."
"I'm sorry. I'll stay away. I promise."

He walked closer to her and said: "Let down your hair."

She did as he said. Her wavy and long hair falling, covering her full back. He
nodded his head"Better."

He leaned closer and whispered in her ear"If I see anyone else doing what he did,
the consequence will be worse... for you."

She nodded her head and started sniffing.

His voice was calm and he stroked her cheek with his fingertips. He said"Did he
compliment you, Emily? Told you how beautiful you look. How perfect you are. Did he
look down your body? Lust in his eyes for you?"

His voice was low and soft. It scared her to the core. He brushed her finger in her
hair and held the back of her head. Closing in, his chest against hers. Toe to toe,
standing in front of her. Even his touch was scary. He said, "Did he ask you on a
date yet?"
He whispered, "Look at me."

She looked up in his blue cold eyes. Her own eyes glazed with tears with some
rolling down her cheek. With that look, he scoffed and said: "He asked you out,
didn't he?" He lightly clenched her hair in his fist and said: "Answer me."

She nodded slowly and cowardly.

He cupped her face, rage in his eyes. He was shaking with anger and said: "What did
you say to him?"


"Emily, I'm already really angry. Don't make this worse for yourself. What. Did.
You. Say. To. Him?"

She whispered, "I didn't say anything."

He cupped her face tighter, pulling her to himself. He kissed hard on her forehead,
causing her to whimper and jerk away. He looked at her and said"If I find him
touching you if I find you anywhere near him, if I find you talking to him, smiling
or laughing with him, I swear I will lose hell on you both. Understand?" She didn't
answer. He nodded her head for her and again said: "Understand?" She
Instantly there was a knock on the door. Liam looks from the one-sided mirror and
it was Adrian.

He was a tall man. Cute in a goofy way. His jokes were really funny.

Liam let Emily go and said, "Open the door." She wiped her tears and opened the

Adrian asked, "Can I talk to you for a minute, Mr. Knight?" Liam nodded. He looked
at Emily standing right beside him and smiled at her. Liam hated that more.

It was only a matter of time that everything was about to be blown up. Liam said,
"Emily, give us a moment." As she was about to go out Adrian stopped her by
grabbing her hand lightly and whispered: "Can I talk to you later?"

Emily looked at Liam and his anger shot through the roof. Liam said, "Emily, wait
outside." She did.

She didn't know what was going on behind those closed doors.

Ivan walked to Liam with a file and showed it to him"Here is the Parker Industries
formality. Things they're making a deal on. David Parker has personally sent it to
you. They're offering you to buy 40% of the company."

Liam looked interested and asked, "What if I buy the whole 100%?"

"They will go bankrupt because they don't have any other branches like us."

"I'll negotiate with them... I need at least 60%"

"It's impossible"

"Not yet...."



What do you think is gonna happen next?

Hope you liked this chapter.


Love, Hope



        Chapter 14: Ex [Purchased Wife]

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A few more weeks passed in peace. Thank god.

Emily was normally working at her desk.

She heard a bell ding and a woman came through in.

She wore a bright red dress. The sleeves were short that covered her half
shoulders. The length of her dress reached to above her knee. Showing off every
curve she had. She was tall. But her black heels made her taller. She had a black
Michael Kors bag that was hanging on her arms. A big sunglasses that framed her
face perfectly. Her perfect red lips that looked to be filled with only lip
injections. And her hair was perfect like she just came from a hairstylist.

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She looked at Emily and took off her glasses.

Her grey eyes looked like they were about to kill and said: "I'm here to see Mr.

Emily intimidated by her. She asked hesitantly"umm...Name please?"

"Jules Hugh."
She looked at the itinerary that Liam had that day.

Emily looked back up and said, "I'm afraid Ms. Hugh but you're not in the list."

She raised her brows and said, "I don't need an appointment to meet Liam."

If this was any other case, Emily would've let the women go in out of the goodness
of her heart. But we're talking about Liam Knight himself. Emily didn't want to
ruin the peace that was between them. So she said, "I'm sorry but I can't go
against his wishes."

In anger, Jules slapped her palm on the table, making Emily flinch and shouted: "I
wanna see him!"

Suddenly his door opened. He came out with his hands inside his pockets. He wasn't
wearing his suit jacket but only his blue vest with his white shirt sleeves rolled
up to his elbows. He asked, "What's going on?" Emily looked at him and she stood up
saying"Ms. Hugh wanted to see you, Mr. Knight."

Emily noticed something. Even though there was the rage on his face but his eyes
showed... sadness? Depression?

His eyes were sad as he looked at Jules.

Jules turned around and smiled at him. He asked, "May I help you, Jules?" She
smiled brightly with her pearly whites (looked fake) and said"I wanted to meet you,
Liam. It's been long."

His jaw clenched and he answered"Indeed... Let's go to my office."

He held the door for her and she went in, looking back and smiling at Emily. He
said, "Emily, cancel my other appointments."

She asked"B-But what about the Chinese market? You wanted to see them today."



He went close to her, making her scared and said with his eyes still on her and
slowly"Re-fucking-schedule the appointment. Understand?" Only a whisper and shiver
in her breath escaped"Understood, master."

He walked into his office and closed the door behind.

"What the fuck do you want Jules?"

She turned around and asked"No 'hello' sex?" He smiled sarcastically and said"Why?
Your billionaire husband not keeping you satisfied anymore?"

He sat on his chair and she said: "I got a divorce 2 weeks ago."

"And you're here because...?"

"I realized a mistake of leaving you, Liam."

He chuckled and said"Cut the bullshit, Jules. You never cared about anyone but

"I did care about you, handsome."

He shook his head slowly with a smile and said: "Not even a little bit." She
wrapped her arms against her chest like she was offended"How do you know?"

"Because evil and horny women are easier to read."

"Kiss me and you'll see how much I've missed you"

"I'd rather kiss my PA than kiss you"

They both looked at Emily through the one-sided mirror glass and instantly Liam was
in awe for her.

A light smile appeared on his face as he saw her working on her computer and as she
took her hair and closed up high away from her face.

Jules looked at him staring at her and said: "Please she's not that pretty." He
smiled at her and said"And I used to think that you were not a bitch. Guess we've
both mistaken."

"Not both. Only you. It's a matter of time baby when you'll come running."

"I hope I'll die before that time comes"

"It's just a matter of time, baby"

She smiled and left. She waved her hand at Emily and went off in the elevator.

Emily flinched as she heard glass shattering. She ran in and saw his yellow vas
shattered on the floor. She looked at him. His sleeves folded up to his arms. His
suit jacket on the floor. Glass pieces on it.

His chest heaving up and down. She was scared too.

He said"I need the Chinese in 10 minutes. If they're not here, you'll be getting

She just stared at him, frightened.

He roared "NOW!" She whimpered and ran from there. About to call.


I hated Jules to the core. She's the one that took all my hopes away. I don't
believe in love because of her and I still don't.

And yet, she manages to get under my skin.

I picked up my suit jacket and walked out, looking at Emily making calls.

Her hands were shaking. She was talking on the phone.

I took the phone and turned it off. I needed a drink. I said, "Go home."

"What about the market?"

I don't give a fuck about the market!

I said slowly"Emily. Go. Home."

She knew how angry I was. She said"Y-Yes, master." And I left.

I was in a bar.

My goal was getting drunk to forget everything that the woman put me through. That
bitch only wanted power and money.

(Flashback Liam POV)

We were university students. I saw her in my sophomore year. She had perfect blonde
hair swaying against her hips. Was it love at first sight? I don't know.

She was the one that asked me out.

We dated for 3 years till senior year.

It was the end of the last semester. I had bought a diamond ring for her. 3 years
is enough to fall in love. And I was madly in love with her.

Grandma said that she was just after my money but I shut her out.
Telling myself:

What does she know about love?

And that did backfire on me.

My definition of love is when an individual can finish other persons' every need.
And I did. I gave purpose to every need of hers. And the way she smiled in return
was everything to me.

I hid the ring in the tart I ordered for her at this really expensive restaurant. I
was nervous obviously. But she gave me the love of a woman that I've never got and
I wanted that for the rest of my life. I needed that. I needed to have that.

I saw her come through the door. Looking beautiful as always. She sat, her smile
bright wide.

She noticed I was nervous. She asked, "Are you okay?"

I just smile and nodded.

We talked, laughed. It was just like normal time. I was so sure that I wanted to
marry this woman.

When dessert came, the ring was on the top.

She looked at the ring and covered her mouth. I asked, "Do you like it?"

"I love it!"

I took the ring and cleaned it.

I walked to her and bent down on one knee. I said"Jules Hugh. I love you so much.
You've given me the love that I never had. I promise I will cherish you, respect
you, fulfill your every need. Will you marry me?"

She squealed"YES!"

I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her in front of all the people to see.


Even though I was getting flashbacks of Jules, my drunk subconscious couldn't stop
thinking about Emily.


When it was exactly 2 in the morning, Liam wasn't still back home. She kept waiting
but he hadn't come back.

She went down to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water.

It was dark.

Suddenly she felt a pair of hands on her waist, spinning her around.

Before she could scream a hand came over her mouth. It was Liam.

He snickered, "Shh it's me."

He removes his hand and lets them rest on each side of her waist. She was against
the sink. He smiled at her and she could smell scotch q over him.

She said, "Liam, you're drunk." He scrunched up his nose and asked: "Am I?" She
just looked at him. He chuckled and again said, "I am."

He then wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest and rested his
forehead against her shoulder. She said in a low voice"Let's get you to bed." He
looked back at her smiling gorgeously and said"Good idea." He held her face and
pecked her lips. Making her really confused.

He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She squealed making him laugh and
said: "Please put me down." But he ignored.
He took her up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Liam put her down on the ground and pushed her right in the bed.

He crawled on top of her. Her body was frozen and her mind blank.

Once he was all on top of her, he whispered: "What is it about you that is so
different?" He lightly pecked on her cheek and she let out a light sigh.

Slowly his lips made its way to her neck. Biting and kissing her skin. She couldn't
do anything except for feel. Her toes curled and a hard but distant moan escaped
her throat.

His kiss was a little painful but also a lot of pleasurable. He rested half of his
body weight on top of her and nuzzled his nose in her neck. Inhaling her gorgeous

She looked at him and he was snoring. He had actually passed out.

She looked at him and saw how really beautiful he was. She smiled at him and tried
to get out of his stronghold.

When she had finally got up from the bed, she went into the bathroom. Her heart
racing from the contact.

She looked at herself in the mirror and said"He's drunk. Why is your heart racing?
You've seen drunk people. You've seen Curtis, David, Tanya and Melissa drunk. Liam
is just drunk. Nothing more."

Her heart was racing. And she didn't know why.

She washed her face and her neck and got out of the bathroom.

He was standing there in front of her. Clothes changed. Wearing black sweat pants
but no shirt. His eyes were still sleepy and drunk.

He said"I told you that you can't go. Why did you leave?" He walked closer to her
that she had to put her palms against his chest and said"You should sleep. I don't
want you to pass out on the floor."

He looked down at her hand on his chest. He looked back with a really devilish
smile put his hands against hers. He walked closer, not letting her move her hands
and lightly kissed the tip of her nose and whispered: "Come with me."
He held her wrist and made his way back to his bed. Pulling her with him.

He lied down and pulled her beside him.

He hovered over her and again buried his face in her neck and his muscular arms
around her waist pulling her closer to himself. His body on top of her felt like a
cozy heater. He whispered, "Don't you dare move again."  And this time he had
finally passed out.


Hello friends!

I hope you liked this chappy!

I honestly love this scene. This scene, the urge to hold her is a pure feeling of
his ߘ

Ahhhh! Can't wait to find out more.

I'll see ya in the next chappy!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 15: She Held Me Close [Purchased Wife]

            LIAM POV

I don't think I've ever slept this comfortably. My eyes were still closed but my
mind was awake.

A light scent made my nostrils tingly and happy. And suddenly I felt that my back
was a little cold but my cheeks and chest felt warm.

I opened my eyes and looked up.

She was sleeping while holding me close to her.

I looked at my arm around her waist. My gaze falls on her neck and I saw a dark
hickey right there below her jaw. I was confused. I don't have any memory from last
night at all. But deep inside I was... happy. Weirdly content.

I looked at her again and she was beautiful. Gorgeous. Perfect. I don't know why
but I rested my palm against her cheek and she rested her whole face against my
palm while she was still sleeping.

I looked at her for a couple of minutes. Noticing every perfect feature of her
face. Her thin black eyelashes. My mark on her neck made me smile. I wished I could
just love easily again. I lightly moved my arms from around her and got up as
slowly as I could and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.


When Emily woke up, she saw he was gone. She got up instantly because she knew that
he'd get mad if he saw her sleeping in his bed.

She got up quickly. But before she could walk out, her eyes looked herself in the
mirror and she saw the hickey he gave her. She took her powder from her office bag
and applied some on the mark. Trying to hide them.

After a while, he came down. In his pajamas but still shirtless. No one was around.
He looked at her already dressed up and asked: "Where is everyone?"

She put his breakfast on the table and said: "Grandma took Celeste and the other
maid to the market."

"And you're here?"

"I woke up and she was already gone"

He noticed her neck again and said"You didn't have to cover them" He lightly smiled
to himself and looked at the glass on the table. He asked, "What is this?" She
replied, "That's carrot juice mixed with pickle juice and tomatoes."


"You were drunk last night. It'll help you with the hangover."

"I'm not drinking that."

"It'll really help you with the hangover."

He looked at her with one brow raised and drank the whole thing at once.

In the end, he groaned in disgust and she smiled a little.

She showed him a little smile and he adores it. He said, "I'm not going to work
today and neither are you."


"Because I got a meeting in a couple of hours outside the company."

"Okay, master"

"And I know grandma and the others will not come back before 10 pm."

"Okay, master."

"And I'll be back by 4."

"Yes, master."

"So I want you to be ready.

"Okay, master. But for what?"

"I wanna take you outside. For dinner. Will you go?"

She smiles a little more and said: "I'd like to, Master."

After a little pause, she asked: "C-Can I ask you something?" He looked at her and
saw how she played with the hem of her shirt.

He looked interested and she continued"Can Curtis come here? Just for an hour or
two. He's my brother and I terribly miss him. Haven't seen him since the wedding."
She was nervous as she asked him and he said: "If you promise me he'll be gone
before I come here."

Instantly her eyes lighted with sparkles and happiness. She gave a bright smile
that melted his heart mostly and in a low voice said"Thank you."

As he got ready upstairs, she texted Curtis downstairs to come over.

When he got down, she instantly stood up.

In a hurry, he said"If anyone comes asking for me, don't let them in. At all. Don't
open the door for anyone except for Curtis or me. Understand?" She nodded

He walked towards her and again said: "Be ready on 6."She nodded like a child.

He was already in a hurry that he didn't realize what he was doing as he lightly
pecked a kiss at the corner of her lips and walked past her. Causing her to be
fully frozen.

When he reached in the car and put the key in the ignition.

He realized that he had kissed her. He rested his head against the seat and mumbled
"Stupid Liam."

The thought of him actually lightly kissing her made her blush and smile.

An hour went by when the doorbell ringed.

She looked that it was Curtis.

She quickly opened the gate and hugged him hard. Happy tears falling from her eyes.

He asked, "How are you, Em?"

She took him inside the house and he sat on the couch opposite her.

She said, "I'm glad no one else came."

"No one knows I'm here. They think I'm out of town right now."

"And keep it that way. I've seen the look of greed in their eyes around Liam."
"They're like hungry wolves."

Emily laughed out loud at his statement. He smiled and said"It's good to see you
laugh... How does he treat you?"

"Okay. Better than David, Tanya, and Melissa."

"Has he done anything... bad?"

She hesitated before she answered"No."

She asked, "Would you like some coffee?" He smiled and nodded.

As she got up to make coffee, a piece of paper fell from her pocket.

Curtis picked it up and saw it said'Masters Rules'.

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He read the rules thoroughly and walked to the kitchen angrily.

He held up the piece of paper and said: "What the fuck is this?!"

She looked at him confused first because he had never used that kind of language.

When she noticed the paper he was holding, her eyes widened and she tried to snatch
the paper away but he was taller than her.

He again asked, "What the hell is this?" She stopped and looked at him.
"I'm waiting for you to respond, Em."

In a low voice, she said"His rules."

"What?! Why?"

"There are things he hates. If I don't follow them there are consequences."
He asked out loud"Consequences?!" She said answered without thinking"Yes. Like the
other times."

Her eyes widened when she said that. Curtis tried to calm himself and said"Other
times?! Em, does he beat you up?" She instantly said"NO! Never. He never raised his
hand at me."

"So what did he do?!"

"Curtis, don't worry. I'm telling you. He's better than the rest. Thousand times

"This is not right. He came to us for your hand and he's here treating you like a
servant. Not fair."

"Curtis, when has my life ever been fair?"

He knew she was right. She continued" I'd rather be here then that house where they
all live."

"You want me to talk to Liam?"


"Have you told him? About anything?"

"No. I couldn't and I won't"

"Has he seen the bruises?"

"He hasn't touched me."

Then Curtis realized"You covered it up, didn't you? You keep it covered!" She
lied"No, I don't"

He was getting really frustrated. He took her arm and pulled up her sleeve to her
elbow. He looked at her shaking his head.

She snatched back her arm and said"Curtis I have too. I don't want David to find
out. If he does, he'll come and beat me again. I can't. I escaped from that torture
an..." He cut her off"And you arrived at another one. Please let me help you."

"I can't let you. He won't let me go. Not anymore."

"Then let's run. I'll take you away far from here. You can start a new life. You
deserve it."

"Not in this life, Curtis."

He held her shoulders and said"Please, Emily. I hate myself so much that I can't
help you in any way. Because if I do it'll put you in so much danger. But Liam can.
He has power over David. He has the power to crush every one of them. Ask him for
help." A tear rolled down her cheek as he said frustrated" I CAN'T! I can't ask the
man who purchased me just because I slapped him."



Awwww she held him while sleeping. Ain't that cute? I think that's super cute ߘ

Hope you like this chapter.

Please vote, comment, and follow me.

Read my first book, Rogue Prince.

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I'll see ya guys in the next chapter!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 16: Loose Control [Purchased Wife]

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I feel so good today. For the first time, I've seen her so beautiful and so pure.

I mean.... she was beautiful before but now I can't even explain. I couldn't wait
to go back home and take her to dinner.

I'm thinking to open up to her. I'm starting to like her.

Baby steps, Liam.

Today is a date. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

I went up to my office with a smile on my face for the first time.

The doors slide open and I saw Jules. Sitting on Emily's desk.

Half naked. Wearing only black panties that don't even cover anything.

My blood boiled when I saw her. I asked, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

She got up with half an evil smile on her face and walked towards. Rested her hand
against my chest and whispered: "Something that you've craved for a long time."

Before she could kiss me, I lightly pushed her away and said: "Behave!"

She looked at me, her smile wouldn't leave her face. She said like she was
singing"You know you want me." I said sarcastically like her tone"I know I don't."

"Stop exhausting yourself by lying to your soul."

She came to me once again. Pressing her body against me as she ran her hands up and
down on my body.

Then I scoffed and the realization hit me"You want something, don't you? Something
you know no will give you except me."

Her smile grew wider and she said"I want to be the ambassador. I wanna be the new
face of Knights Enterprises."

I leaned closer to her. My lips brushing against hers. I smirked and said, "Rot in
hell, Jules." When I moved, she stopped me and said"What happened to you? What
happened to the Liam who loved me like crazy?"

I stopped and I said it"That Liam got married and has feelings for someone else?"
Her eyes widened in anger as she said"Who?!"

"Someone who gives me more love then you could ever give me."

"Don't be stupid, Liam. I loved you more."

"Yeah. Loved me more to sleep with different men when we were engaged."

"Don't be a baby. You know how important that was for me?"

"Baby? Me? Have you seen yourself, Jules? You sold your body to just get work in
modeling. Just like you're doing right now."

I pointed to her appearance. Her body was almost naked as I spoke"You're half-naked
to sell your body to me just so you can be something. You did that 6 years ago. And
you're still doing it."

She  was furious and asked, "Who is she?" I smirked and said"You'll meet her at the
gala on Friday. I'll make sure to send you the invitation."

I turned around and left. Leaving her all speechless and shocked.

(FlashBack 6 years ago. Liam POV)

I was engaged to her.

We planned our wedding together.

Everything took place. We were getting married in 9 months and I couldn't be
happier to be with her.

I asked her to move in with me and she said yes.

"This will be our room," I said to her.

She looked at me and said, "This house is small."

"I know but we're only two people. What more could we need?"

"Liam I will not stay in an apartment. I want a house."

I let out a huff of breath and said: "How about we live here for a while and then
maybe we could move in."

I wanted to do all the couple things with her. Move-in with her. Search for our new
home. Plan our wedding by ourselves without having any professionals involved. A
small wedding.

I wanted that with her but she didn't. She wanted an expensive big house with
paparazzi. Call professionals from around the world for our wedding. Have the
biggest wedding of the decade.

It was just too much.

But I still granted them. Because I didn't care about those as much as I cared for
her. All I wanted to be loved. I know that's selfish to say, but I never had that
love in my entire life.

My mother was always busy traveling. My dad was never home. I had no siblings. Just
my grandma.

I wanted more.

So I was ready to sacrifice as long as she loved me with her heart.

Two months went by when we moved together. Two months of living together. I even
got a new house for us later on.

I loved her every day. We were happy.

I know I was.

I had gone on a business trip for 3 weeks straight.

On the trip, I got notifications, photos, and videos of Jules posters over the
city. Even though I was not there.

I called her and asked, "Why are your posters all over the city?"

"Oh because I got a job. While you were away, I did some digging and saw that Gucci
needed a new face for them. And I happily just applied without thinking. And I was
selected. I'm just so happy!"

She sounded happy. But I wasn't. Not because of the posters. Because she didn't
think that she could ask me.

I said, "You never told me, Jules."

"Well... I'm telling you now."

"But it's different."

"What's different?!"

"Aren't we suppose to make decisions together?"

"Only the ones where we need too. This was my individual one."

"You could've told me."

"I don't need your permission to work or model, Liam."

I took a deep breath and said"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just stressed with all
the work I have."

"Then you should come home soon, baby... and it's okay. I understand stress."

I smiled to myself. I love her so much. I said, "I wish I could come home sooner."

"I want you too."

"I know. I need to go. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, Bye."

"Love you."

And the phone cut off. She didn't say it back.



Liam was angry at everything. And everyone.

Emily was getting ready. Excited to be going out. She had her hopes high about
Liam. As she zipped up her emerald dress

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The bedroom door busted open. She shrieked because of the sound.

She turned around and it was Liam.

Emily could see the anger in his eyes. His jaw clenched and his hands forming into
fists on his sides that made the skin on his knuckles paperwhite.

He loosened his tie and took off his jacket, rolling up his sleeves and started
walking back and forth. Muttering words under his breath that was hard for her to

And then Liam just burst. He took the vase on the side table and threw it on the
floor that the glass shattered into tiny little spiky crystals. She got scared and

She stuttered "L-Liam?" He looked at her still angry. She again asked, "Are you
He kept looking at her. More like stared at her. She could hear he breathes through
his nose as his hard chest rose up and down.

With bravery, she took a step closer to him. But he didn't move an inch. She took
another step and stopped. She looked into his eyes, concerned, and asked again"Are
you okay, Liam?"

Without a word he just walked towards her. She got so terrified that she started
taking steps back until her hip hit the dressing table behind.

Out of the blue, he threw everything off of the table with his arms that made her

She looked in his eyes. Terrified and shaking. Thinking maybe he will hit her.

But he bent down and picked her up, placing her on the dressing table making her
dress rolled up to her thighs. His body between her skinny covered up from bruises
legs. Then he grabbed her face and kissed her soft natural pink lips. Hard and
passionately. He kissed her like it was the end of the world. He lightly pulled
back her hair and started sucking on her neck. Making her moan loud.

The sensation of his tongue and lips made her toes curled. He unzipped her dress
and forcefully pulled down the straps of the dress and kissed her right above her
cleavage. This time she moaned louder. He picked her up again and threw her in his
bed like she weighed nothing.

He then crawled on top of her. His eyes never leaving the sight of her perfect
swollen pink lips. He crushed his lips on hers again. Her hands in his hair.

The moment was just perfect for both of them. It felt like the feeling of lust just
exploded out of them both.

Liam felt like she was his only breath to survive. He yanked down the dress to her
stomach. Revealing her black strapless bra on her chest. She arched her back as
Liam pinned a soft kiss on her collar bone.

Without letting her pull away, he then sat back up and pulled her on his lap. Her
both legs wrapped around him. Gripping her waist tighter as she kissed him more
passionately. Her hands in his hair making him groan louder. Before she could cup
his face, he gripped her hands.

In an instant, his face changed. Like before he was loving but now his anger came

He pushed her off of his lap and threw her on the bed. She looked at his back as he
walked away. Leaving her shocked and panting.



That was kinda hot.

Poor Liam. Ͱߥ he did have a bad past.

But don't worry Liam, you got Emilyߘ‫ڰ‬

Hope you liked this chapter.

Please comment, vote, and follow me.

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Love, Hope



        Chapter 17: She Turned Cold [Purchased Wife]

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Does the devil get scared if she dies in her dreams while the Earth burns?
She cries 'cause she's nothin' like you


I don't know why I did that. But I wanted to. How did I do that? One minute I was
angry and the next I just wanted her. And for a true moment, my anger was gone and
I felt this kind of love towards her.
Those 3 minutes we spent kissing made me so much happiness. She brings out the wild
in me. I can't control myself.

But Liam you have to. You have to control it. She could be your downfall to


Why did he do that? Why did he kiss me? I should've pushed him. But if I did, he
would've surely hurt me because of his rules.

His damn rules.

It makes me wanna cry out loud but I have to obey. I'm his slut.

I wish my life could just be easier. I wish I will find someone who'll take me away
from this torture and treat me like a human instead of a punching bag or a sex

Warm tears rolled down my cheeks.

I stood up from the bed and looked at myself. The dress off of my shoulders,
exposing my bra. My lips all were swollen. My hair all tangled.

I felt like a whore. I was ashamed of myself. I felt dirty that I gave in. I went
to the bathroom and turned on the warm water. I needed to be clean. I had to feel

I took off my clothes and stood under the showerhead. As the warm water hit me, I
feel calm but still, I wanted to cry.

I wanted to scream.

I looked down and saw all my body makeup flowing down the drain. I looked myself in
the foggy mirror in front of me in the shower. Wiping it with my palm.

My body felt exposed. My body was ugly. I was marked by a beast. And I know soon I
will be marked by another one.



It was no doubt that Liam had a cold heart. He wouldn't give her a proper bed to
sleep. No pillow or even a duvet to cover herself up from the horrible cold.

When he stepped into the room, she was lying down on the floor in a fetal position.
Her hair still wet because of her shower.

Ignoring, he lied on his bed. Right in the middle. Comfortable. His head under his
soft pillow and his body covered in a warm blanket.

He looked over at her and couldn't stop thinking about their kiss.

He thought to himself:

What is she doing to me?

STOP IT, LIAM! You don't want to get attached to her. You don't want to get
attached to anyone. You can only trust yourself and no one else in this world. Or
else everyone will know how vulnerable you can be. How weak you can be.

Two hours passed and he couldn't sleep. He couldn't take his mind off of her. Or
how she felt under his fingers. Her soft flawless skin. That's what he thought. Her
perfect pink lips as he kissed her for dear life. That kiss was messing with his

He looked over at her and saw her shivering. C ould hear her teeth clattering.

Something clicked inside him that made him get up from his bed.

He took the quilt off of his bed and put it on her. He sat down beside her. Looking
at her sleeping peacefully.

Too peaceful.

He had the urge to hold her again but he fought that too and again lied down in his

Minutes passed but her shivering wouldn't stop.

He got up from his bed again because of how his heart felt uneasy.

He touched her hand. Cold as ice. He touched her feet. They were even colder. Then
he touched her face. Cold. So damn cold.
He tried to shake her to wake her up. But she was not opening her eyes. He shook
her more but no response.

He felt like his heart will drop down to his stomach.

He shakes her shoulder again but she wouldn't respond. He called her name"Emily!"
But nothing. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Why wasn't she waking up? He picked her up in his arms bridal style.

Her hand just falls off. Hanging down. He said, "Emily, wake up." But still no

He ran out of the room, taking her in his arms. She was not responding. She was
sweating but the sweats too were cold.

He rushed down to his car and put her inside in the passenger seat. And covered her
body with a thicker blanket.

He started his car and rushed his way to the hospital. His car heater on full blast
making him sweat.

He looked at her every second but no response. He tried to wake her up but she
wasn't opening her eyes at all.

He stopped his car in front of the ER and got out.

He ran to her side and picked her up again and rushed her inside.

Doctors came running to him. He lied her on the stretcher.

The doctor asked, "What happened?" Liam was scared and he stammered"I-I don't know.
She was shivering and I thought she was cold. I put a blanket on her but she
wouldn't move. Nor open her eyes."

The doctor checked her pupils and they were not dilating. The nurse said to the
doctor"It looks like a case of hypothermia."

Liam asked, "What's that?!" The doctor replied fast" It's when the body stops
producing heat to keep itself warm during the cold season."
Liam didn't care about what they said. He only cared about her and asked: "Will she
be okay?" The doctor replied"We can't say. We have to keep her warm first."
They rushed her stretcher into the ICU.

The nurse stopped him from going inside.

He looked as two more nurses rushed in and put her in a really heated room and
covering her up with a warm blanket.

He was sacred. Terrified.


I hope Em is okay.

I hope you liked this chapter.

I hope you follow me, vote, comment, and read my other story too.

I'll see you in the next chapter.

Follow me on Instagram too 


Love, Hope



        Chapter 18: He Cared [Purchased Wife]

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Emily was kept in ICU. In a really hot room.

4 hours had gone by and she wouldn't wake up but Liam was with her every minute.

He was outside. Worrying about her.

He looked up and his grandma came running to him. He got up and she hugged him.
Crying and asking"What happened to her?"

Obviously, he couldn't tell her the truth, so he remained quiet.

The doctor came to them and he asked: "Is she okay?"

"She hasn't woken up yet and her body is still cold as ice. But if she doesn't wake
up in the next few hours, she might go into a coma forever or worse death. Let's
hope for the best."

Liam asked, "Can we see her?"

"What's your relationship with the patient?"

He hesitated first but the answered, "I'm... her husband."

The doctor led them both into the ICU. The hot room felt like his body was standing
against fire.

Regina went closer to Emily but he didn't. He stood at a good distance. Enough
distance that he couldn't even look at her face.

Regina stood beside her crying her eyes out. Liam felt guilty. No human would ever
treat another human like that. Even though he was a playful sexy billionaire in the
eyes of the world. But in his eyes, he was nothing but a broken monster. And that
day he felt that more deeply.

Half an hour passed and Regina was still beside Emily.

Liam went to his grandmother and said: "You should go."

"I don't want to. I don't want to leave you or her alone."

"I'll be fine. You should rest. And I will keep you updated if anything happens."

She rested her old wrinkly palm against his cheek and said: "Take care of her." He
smiled and said, "I will."

Not a minute passed and Regina left.

He walked towards the bed where Emily's body was lying. It looked lifeless but she
was still breathing.

He touched her hand and they were still cold. Seeing her lying there made something
inside him turn on. The feeling of guilt. The feeling of shame. He felt it deep.

He sat beside her. Gazing at her. He noticed a mark on her shoulder. But it wasn't
a mark. Looked like a bruise. He touched it and it felt rough. He'd never noticed
that mark. Ever.

Suddenly, he saw her eyes opening up. She looked at him and said in a hoarse voice"

He ran out to get the doctor.

They came in and examined her. The doctor asked, "How were you exposed to such low
temperature, Mrs. Knight?"

She glanced at Liam and he had his eyes on her. She lied"I don't know."  The doctor
asked again"Were you lying on something cold?"

Instantly Liam replied"The floor. It's a habit of hers to sleep on the floor." The
doctor looked at her again" Mrs. Knight, you should take care of yourself. New
York's cold is a monster. It's a miracle that you're up. Because if you wouldn't
be, then you would have died tonight. Take care next time."

As soon as the doctor told her that, she wished deeply in her heart that no one had
saved her. Because she felt like she was one step close to freedom.

Liam asked, "Can I take her home now?" He replied"Not now. Let us run some tests on
her and if it's all positive. Then she can go."

The tests were all positive. But she was still weak.

Liam took her to the car in a wheelchair.

Before she could get up from the chair. He picked her up making her gasp.

She looked at him stunned. But he didn't even glance at her once.  He carefully put
her in the car and strapped her in.

The ride home was long and quiet.

When they reached, he got out of the car and ran to her side. She got down by
herself and said: "I can go by myself."

But when she took a step forward, her feet gave away. And before she could fall,
he grabbed her by her waist. Without letting her stand up again, he just picked her
up again and walked inside.

She looked at him and his expression was serious. Not once he looked at her. She
said in a low voice" I can climb up myself, Liam."  But he ignored. He took her up
the stairs and into the bedroom. He lightly and gently put her on the comfy bed.
She tried to get up to lie on the floor but he pushed her back and said: "Stay

Liam covered her with a huge warm duvet of his. He asked"You hungry?" Even though
she was but she shook her head no.  But somehow he knew that she was. He said,
"I'll get you something to eat."

It was weird. Seeing him take care of her a little. I wasn't something she could
digest at all. The only person who ever took care of her was Curtis.

After sometime when he came up with a tray of food, she was already asleep.

He put his hand on her shoulder but before he could shake her to wake her up, he
stopped himself. He kept the tray of food on her side table and climbed on the
other side of the bed.

He lied on his back thinking. Lost in his thoughts, he felt the bed move.

He looked beside him and saw her facing him. In deep slumber. Safe and sound.

He looked at her and noticed another mark on her neck. But when he tried to touch
the mark, she unconsciously nuzzled in a little closer. Her face was closer to him.
Her lips make him weak. He lightly pecks her lips without letting her notice.
Gazing her for a while before sleep took over him as well.


I hope she's okayߥ

See ya in the next chapter!

Love, Hope



        Chapter 19: Jealousy 2.0 [Purchased Wife]

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Sunlight hit through the light curtains. Making him lose his sleep.

He lightly kissed her ear without thinking. He looked at her and she was sleeping.
Safe and sound.

He had her in his arms. Her back turned against him. Her body against his.

She was holding his arm that was draped around her. Slowly, she moved and pulled
himself closer to her back. Wanting more of his warmth.

Lightly he removed his arm from around her. Without letting her even flinch a
little and got up from his bed.

She lightly opened her eyes and saw him leaving. She asked, "What time is it?"

She asked because she didn't know that they were sleeping like that.

He stopped but with a harsh tone he said"8." He again said, "I'm going to work."
She nodded her head and removed the duvet from herself and said: "I'll get ready."

"No! I want you to rest all day."

"I'm better."

"Emily, that's an order."

Before she could say something, he responded: "That's final."

Liam had his breakfast downstairs.  He was reading his email but the main door
busted open.

Curtis and Tanya.

He was all worried about her but Tanya just smiled at Liam.


Curtis looked at me and asked"Where is she? Where's Em?" I pointed up the stairs
but Emily was already coming down. Slowly.

Curtis ran up the stairs and hugged her. I looked at Tanya and she smiled at me.

That wicked smile of her makes me cringe all the time.

I looked at Emily again. Tightly hugging Curtis. A big smile was printed on her
face. She looked so happy. And I hated that. Even though he was her cousin by blood
by I hated that son of a bitch hugging her. Holding her in his arms.

He helped her down the stairs and she sat opposite of me. He sat beside her.

THAT FUCKER! I've never seen cousin care for someone this much. Does he have a
feeling for her? Could happen.

He held her hand and asked, "What happened to you?" She replied"Nothing important.
Just my body temperature went down."

Tanya sat beside me. Her stares will not stop.

Emily looked at her and her smile was erased. She asked, "What are you doing here
Tanya?" Tanya replied, "I was worried about my cousin." I saw fear in Emily's eyes.
It looked like she wanted to cry.

I got up and said, "I'd like to wait and talk to you all but I have work to go to."

Curtis did not even look at me even once. He was focused on Emily.

And to be honest, jealousy did get the best of me.

I said"Emily. You should get ready. We don't wanna be late today."

Curtis asked her"You're going to work today?" Emily looked at my gaze and
Curtis tried to reason with her"Emily you can't, you're still too weak." She
assured him"I'm fine. I have to go. Got so much pending work this week."

She stared at me and got up from her seat. She started walking up the stairs and I
was right behind her. She was slow.

As she took another step, her foot slipped but I caught her before she could fall.
I picked her up in my arms. Which feels so good honestly. Having her in my arms.



Every time when Emily would take a minute more to get ready, he would've screamed
at her.

But today he sat on the bed. Patiently waiting for her.

When she came out of the closet, she wore a simple pair of black jeans. A white
dress shirt. Her hair tied up in a bun. Her face pale as a white sheet. Her lips
were all dry. Dark bags under her eyes. She looked at him and said in a faint
voice" I'm ready."

He got up.

She tried to walk out before he could, but he grabbed her by her waist. Supporting
her down the stairs. His one hand around her waist and the other holding her hand.
Their thumbs linked together.

She stared at him and he looked at her. He's always angry expression was soft. His
eyes showed that he cared for her. He took her to the car and helped her sit

When they were away from home, all she could think about was his eyes. His gentle
caring baby blue eyes towards her that felt so foreign to her.

When they reached the building, she realized that they were parked in front of the
building's main door.

She looked at him and asked, "We're going in together?" He lightly nodded and
unbuckled her seat belt for her. He got off the car and ran towards her door to
help her out.

He held her waist again like he did before and took her in slowly.
There were 4 steps of stairs in front of them. Before she could take a step up, he
grabbed her waist and picked her off the ground and walked up the stairs, and then
again he put her down.

She was really light and very short height which made it easier for him to pick her

As they walked in, everyone looked at them both. She got nervous the way everyone
was staring. But he kept his expressions hard and serious. He didn't care what
anyone was looking at.

When they stepped inside the elevator and the doors closed, she let out air through
her mouth relieved that the hard part was over. Because there was no one on the
40th floor except for them both.

He still kept holding her. She looked at him the corner of her eye and he was
standing still with his hands on her waist, she felt comfortable and uncomfortable,
both at the same time.

When they reached the 40th floor, he helped her out and sat her on her desk chair.
He looked at her and just walked away.

Hours passed. He was in the office. Not working just staring at her. She was doing
something to his heart. And he knew it. But he always thought that showing love to
other people is a great weakness.

She looked exhausted and she really was. She put down her pen which she was working
with and covered her face with her hands.

He called on her extension. She instantly picked up"Hello."He replied, "In my

office now."

She went inside and asked, "you need anything?" He nodded and said, "Sit on the
couch." She did as he said. He again said, "Wait 5 minutes and I'll need you to
summarize these files for me." She exhaled in exhaustion. The black leather couch
that she was sitting on was comfortable. It gave her a great sense of comfort that
her eyes started closing. She tried to wake herself up but in the end, she fell in
deep sleep.

He looked at her and a smile painted on his face. He got up from his chair and
walked towards her. Gazing at her sleeping peacefully. He bent down and took off
her shoes for her. Then he picked her up and set her straight on the couch.
Covering her upper body with his suit jacket. Letting her sleep peacefully.

Awwwww he picked her up and didn't care if anyone was watching.

Where is my Liam? ߘͰߘ

Hope you like this chapter.

Comment if you like Liam.

Vote this chapter if you despise Tanya, David, and Melissa.

I'll see ya at the next!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 20: Simple [Purchased Wife]

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She woke up rubbing her eyes, trying to rub the sleep away. Looking around, she was
still in the office. His office. Her eyes widened as she thought to herself:

Liam will kill for sleeping in his office. Did he leave and went home?

She sat from the couch, thinking she was alone. But she was not. He was sitting on
the floor, his back resting against the window wall, working on his laptop.

He was wearing glasses which she has never seen him wear.

He said without looking at her, typing away on his MacBook, "Hope you slept well."
He stopped and looked up at her. she asked: "What time is it?" He replied"7 pm."

She sat straight and asked, "Why didn't you wake me?" He looked back at his laptop
and said"You were sleeping. I thought that it'll be better for you to rest.
Considering what happened yesterday."

She looked at him. His tie off. Starting two buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned,
exposing his tan muscular collarbones. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his
elbows, showing off his veins and his bird tattoo.

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His long thin slender fingers working on the keyboards. His thick black brows
furrowed as he worked. His blue eyes were serious underneath those glasses. Nothing
made him more attractive.

Without looking he asked"Hungry?" She nodded.

"Good. I already ordered."

A couple of minutes later, Liam went down to get the delivery and came back up. She
looked at the food and brightly smiled to herself.

He asked, "Why are you smiling?" She looked at him and her smile left her face. She
gulped but he kept looking at her for an answer. She replied," I love
burgers."Biting her bottom lip, nervous to answer.

She sat on the floor eating quietly, with her burger in her hand. He sat opposite
her. In front of her. Her heart racing as to why was he sitting near her.

Out of the blue, he asked: "Tell me a little about yourself." Not something she
expected him to ever ask her. She stammered"L-Like What?" He shrugged and
said"Anything" She remained in silence. He again asked, "What's your favorite

"B-blue. I like blue."

After that, a comfortable silence falls between them as they devour their delicious


I'm sorry this chapter is shmall. But I wanted this chapter to be small.

Because I wanted them to have a conversation where that didn't end in a fight, or
being scare or anything kind of abuse. Just something simple.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Please vote, comment, and follow me.

Go read my other story called rogue prince.

follow me on Instagram


Love, Hope



        Chapter 21: Meet, Emily Knight [Purchased Wife]

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The next morning when Emily woke up, she went into her walk-in closet to get
dressed. Her eyes fell upon a beautiful gown. It was royal blue. All net. She
smiled as she loved touching that soft fabric.

Liam came inside and smiled as he saw her touching the gown. He asked, "You like

She flinched because she wasn't expecting him to be there. She nodded her head. He
smiled and again said"Great. You'll be wearing this tonight at the ball." She
furrowed her brows "What ball?"

"Knight Enterprises is throwing a major collab with Hans, inc. it's a charity ball.
And everyone is invited. Including your family."

She nodded"Will I be your escort as an assistant?" He smiled, shaking his head

"No..." he pauses as he gazed at her looking back at the dress and continued"my
wife." She was taken back by his sudden answer. He put his hands inside his pockets
"And don't forget to smile tonight. All the lenses will be on you for sure." then
he left.

At night, after getting ready, she looked at herself in the mirror.

A deep v line that showed a lot of her cleavage. It was backless too. A slit that
started from her thigh, showing off her gorgeous leg that was covered with makeup. 

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Obviously, she had covered every mark.

Her hairstyle in a simple sleek low ponytail. Her lips light pink with light
makeup, that enhanced her beauty perfectly.

She saw him in the mirror, standing behind her. She looked at him and asked, "Don't
you think it's too... revealing?" He shook his head with a smile"It's perfect. But
one thing is missing."  She furrowed her brows and looked down at herself, trying
to figure out what was missing.

He held out a box, he had in his hand and opened it. It revealed a thin golden
chain with a little diamond in the middle. The simplicity of the chain was

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He took it out of the box and tied it around her neck. His fingers brushing lightly
on her collar bone making her led out a shivery breath. Holding out his hand, he
asked: "Shall we?" He was wearing his wedding ring again. A light smile spread
across her face as she put her small hand in his big one.

The car drive was silent to the ball.

When they reached, and before getting out, he held up her own wedding ring and
said"Wear this." She took the ring and wore it on her ring finger. 

He took a deep breath and got out of the car. Cameras flashing at him, as he smiled
wide. Too many people were there which made Emily anxious. He turned around and saw
she was still sitting in the car. Holding out his hand, he said"Come on." He knew
that Emily was not exposed to publicity. This was second time being in front of the
camera. The first was when her parents died.

She held his hand and got out of the limo.  Hundreds of cameras flashing at her. He
held her hand and started walking on the carpet.

Bright flashlights made her uncomfortable. She held on to his arm with her other
hand too. He looked at her and smiled. She looked at him and she saw that he was
confident. His bright full bloom smile, waving at the camera. Like he had done this
before a million times before. And he has countless times.

When they were finally inside, Liam had his hand on Emily's waist the entire time.
Guiding her to wherever he walked and introducing her to whoever he talked but not
disclosing that she was his wife.... yet.

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He held her like he didn't want her to leave his side. Or wanted her to go away.

They both walked toward Mr. Han. He was a tall Japanese man. Looked in his 60s. He
looked at them both and smiled.

 She looked around, bored with their conversation about nothing but work or the
past five minutes.

At a long distance, she found Curtis in the middle of the crowd with Tanya,
Melissa, and David. He gestured her to come over and she nodded. As Liam and Han
had their conversations between them, she notices her colleagues at the ball too,
including Ivan.

She removes Liam's hand from around her waist. He stopped mid-sentence in his talk
and looked at her with furrowed brows.

Mr. Han stopped talking when he saw Liam angry. He just left.
Liam asked, "Why did you do that?" She replied, "I saw some of the guys from work."


"They will find out that we're married."

He looked past her and it was Adrian, Beck, and Ivan.

His eyes still on the crowd as he spotted Jules. Between three young men. Talking
and laughing while sipping on her wine.

He looked at Emily again, smiling, and said: "Let's dance, Emily." He took her hand
and led her to the dance floor. Where other people were dancing too.

His hand on her bareback. He took her right hand in his left and rested her palm
against his heart. As they swayed to the music, Liam lightly placed her head on his
chest and rested his chin on top of her head. Both of them moving to the music.
Swaying with the rhythm. Even she liked it.

Liam looked at the crowd and saw Jules with anger engraved on her face. Because she

He looked down at Emily again. He curled his index finger under her chin and pulled
her face up to his. Slowly leaning in and lightly placing his lips against her.
Kissing slowly, lightly but passionately. Clenching his eyes as he felt her soft
lips against his.

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Her eyes were wide open. But he still kissed her lightly and passionately.

He looked at her again and she looked at him breathlessly, her heart beating fast.
A mischievous smile that was painted boldly on his lips. His eyes fall on Jules
again and her mouth left open wide. It was a shock to her. To see Liam married to
his PA.

The camera flashed at them as they kissed.

Questions coming in like:

Who is that Liam Knight?

Is that your girlfriend or fiancé?

Is that your date or a one night stand?

He stopped and announced"I like everyone to meet my wife," he looked at Jules again
and continued with a smile"Mrs. Emily Knight."


I loved the look on her face that left her shock. But I loved it more that I kissed
Emily. Emily's eyes were still wide open by my gesture.

Maybe it's time that I should accept her. And I will show her. Tonight. I will show
her how much I'm getting fond of her. I'm afraid of rejection. But I can't spend my
life being scared if she rejects me.

I have this bad need for her. A need to love her so much.

Am I really in love with Emily?

I don't know.


Oooooooo the whole world knows now that Liam Knight is married!


Hope you liked this chapter

If you did, vote, comment and follow me!

See you in the next chappy!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 22: He Raped My Soul [Purchased Wife]

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⚠️WARNING: This chapter contains triggering content.⚠️

My skin is made of glass

But apparently it's stained
'Cause you notice all the cracks
But can't look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I'd stay far away

Liam and Emily were separated after their dance. Liam looked for her. Searching for
her because she was nowhere to be found.

He went outside and saw her kissing Ivan. Pinned against him. His blood boiled. He
was furious with everything that he went back inside.


After Liam kissed me, I was confused.

What just happened?

All the paparazzi asking questions felt like I couldn't breathe properly. All of
the people's focus and gaze was on me. As I stand there beside him while he told
the world that I was married to him.

I went outside in the cold. Alone in the driveway. Wanting some air to breathe.

From a distance, I saw Ivan coming over to me.

His eyes looked like he was half drunk. He asked, "So are you and Liam a thing?" I
looked at him confused and decided to tell the truth"No." He just exploded"Then why
the fuck did he kissed you?!"
"I don't know, Ivan."

"How dare he kissed you?!"

He raised his voice that got my heart racing. He made no sense but I remained

He came closer to me and whispered"It's you who kissed him, whore. Running around
him like a bitch."

"Ivan, you don't make sense anymore."

"I do. I know you're trying to get his money. Slut!"

I started feeling angry but I wanted to cry at the same time.

I said nothing but just turn around. I was about to walk but he grabbed my hand and
pinned me against himself. Holding my arms behind my back. He crashed his lips onto
mine. I tried to free myself but he was stronger. He tried to push his tongue
inside my mouth but I denied him access.

He forcefully tried to but I bit his tongue and ran as fast as I could inside.

When I looked at Liam I was relieved for a second. But he looked angry.

He marched over to me. Making me feel so scared.


Liam marches to her in anger.

She felt like somebody will get murdered by him today.   

He said, "Let's go home."    He held her wrist and pulled her with him.

Regina came to them both and asked: "Where are you two going?" He pulled Emily
closer to himself and wrapped his arm around her waist. With a smile, he said"Home.
Em is tired." Regina looked at Emily but Liam held her tighter and she said"Yeah, I
don't feel okay."

Regina smiled and said"Okay. Liam, look after her." He looked at Emily and
said"Don't worry grandma. I will take good care of her."
Emily knew something was wrong. And something was gonna happen.

He pulled her outside the hall and pushed her inside the car. Through his gritted
teeth he said to the driver"Drive. Now and fast."

An awkward silence between them. She looked at him as he removed his bow tie and
unbuttoned his shirt a little till his chest.

His leg shaking. His hand curling into a fist making his knuckles all white. He
looked at her in anger again but stayed silent.

When they reached home, he pulled her out of the car and inside the house.

No one was around. Her wrist hurting. She tried to free her hand but he held it
tighter. Making her whimper in pain.

Liam pinned her against the wall forcefully. His arms resting both sides of her
shoulder. His face closer to hers. Rage in his eyes. She was scared as he stared at
her but she put her head down. Her gaze on the floor.

He said, "Emily look at me." She didn't. He held her jaw and made her look at him.
Causing her face to feel pain. He said, "Why did you do it?" She groaned in pain
and said, "Liam, you're hurting me."


She cried"Liam please!"


Her tears falling as she said"Liam, please. You're hurting me."

He left her jaw and placed his hand back against the wall. He asked, "Why Emily?"
She cried"I didn't kiss him. I swear. He tried to force himself on me."

"DONT LIE TO ME!" He banged both his hands in anger against the wall behind her.
Making her scared to death. He again said, "I'll tell you what force means."
Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her upstairs. She cried and shouted to plead "LIAM!
Please no. I'm sorry. Please. Please." But he ignored.

He took her up the stairs, forcing her. She tried to pull her hand out of his grip
but he was stronger. He looked at her and said"Today you will actually know the
meaning of force. And you will never forget it for as long as you shall live."
He took her to his room and threw her in his bed, locking the door behind him.

He held her jaw again and said"This will be the night you will never forget, Emily
Parker. And this will be the night that you will regret that you were born. This
will be the night when you will remember my anger and my wrath. You will remember

He pushed her flat on the bed. Because of the slit of her dress, he placed his hips
between her legs, trapping her and pushing her arms above her head. She tried to
push him off but couldn't.

She cried and screamed, "PLEASE STOP!" He said"It's no use. We're here all alone.
No one can hear you, Emily. Save your energy. You'll need it for screaming more."

His other hand raiding her body. Making her feel disgusted.

She tried to move but he had pinned her still. Crying out loud,
she said"Liam I beg you. Please don't!"

"I'm done being good to you. I tried to but you have left me no choice. You're a
whore. You can't understand nice gestures. The only thing you understand is force.
And tonight... I will make you understand everything. I'm done giving you a free
pass for every time you make a mistake."

He again said"How did he kiss you, Emily? Was he hard or soft? It must be amazing
for you, to have a man want you so badly. Can I share?"

He kissed her hard. Pressing his lips against hers. And biting her lower lip. Her
cries muffled because of him. He let her go and she could taste her own blood. She

"Not tonight, Emily. You've crossed your limit. You've broken a rule and for that,
you'll be punished. And I will punish you all night long."

He smiled like a sadist and said"Now I've just remembered that I've never had sex
with you since we got married. Maybe tonight I should."

"Please no."

He looked down at her body and said"You do look perfect to turn any man on. Why are
you so scared, Emily? I'm your husband. I do have the right to touch my wife's
body, don't I?"

He looked at her body up and down again and said:" Or even fuck her body."
His hand slowly went up to her chest and he pulled out her breast. Making her
scream in pain and horror.    He looked back at her and grabbed it hard. Making her
scream more.

He said"Don't be scared. I'm your husband. After all...    I own you Emily and I
own your body. I own your mind and soul. Your uncle kind of sold you to me. I OWN
YOU. And I will definitely break you."

He slides down the straps of the gown off of her body leaving her in nothing but
her panties and the diamond necklace he gave her that felt like a rope around her

He kissed her neck. Biting her and sucking on the pain. Making her scream more. He
said"After today everyone will know that I own you. I will mark what belongs to

His biting began from her neck to her chest and right down to her navel. Leaving
her in nothing but pain. She cried out loud begging him to stop. But he refused.

He took off his shirt and tied her hands against the bed head railing. Leaving her
all defenseless.

He sat upon his knees and she struggles to break free. Her legs moving. He pinned
her knees against the bed mattress. His eyes burning holes on her body. She
struggled to try to get loose.

He placed his hand down on her stomach and pressed hard. Speaking with a loud
voice"Stay!" Like she was some kind of animal. But his hard voice did make her stop
moving. Her eyes were all wet. His hand went down to her stomach and then lower.

He grinned at her and said, "I'll tell you what real pain is like." Her cheeks were
all wet from crying. Her body trembling with so much fear.

He crawled on her and kissed lightly on her ear and whispered: "You're so

Her eyes widened as she started struggling to get away again. He pinned down her
hips with his hands on both sides. Causing her to whimper in pain. He
threatened"Move again... and I'll do worst things."

She stopped struggling and silence fall between them. Her body shaking with fear.
He pressed his forehead against hers. Sliding his left-hand hand down from the side
of her chest to her hips. His cold wedding finger making direct contact with her

It was slowly turning into a little bit of ecstasy for her. Her toe lightly curled
and she felt ashamed. Embarrassed at how her body reacted to his touch. Even just a
little. But he didn't want her to enjoy anything at all.

He kissed right on the skin where the neck meets her shoulder and she let out a
shivering breath. He smiled and said, "Found your soft spot." He looked right in
her eyes. But she kept her gaze down. Afraid of the men on top of her. She tried to
move her arms but they were tied down.   

He held on to her wrists with one hand and slammed the headboard above her head
with his fist. She screamed. He roared in anger" I told you not to move!" She
flinched, his voice loud in her ears.

She said in a faint voice"Please let me go."

"No" his answer hard and stern. He looked at her body. She begged"Stop looking at
me like that. Please."

"I wanna hurt you so badly right now."

He held her jaw tightly and said"I told you the day you came here. I told you there
will be consequences for your mistakes. And this is one of them."

He pulled himself closer to her face. She was scared because she knew there was a
monster on her. He said"Woman, you're nothing but a toy. Your body was only made to
play with. You're nothing but a fuck toy."

Making her cry more in pain. Hurt by his words. He said in a loud voice, thorough

He curved his finger at the hem of her panties, he pulled it down a little
revealing her bone.

But before he could pull it all down, she started crying out loud"Please please
don't! I'll take any other punishment than this. PLEASE! I BEG YOU LIAM. I BEG YOU.
Anything else but not this. Don't rape me. Please. I'll do anything. Take any other
punishment but this. PLEASE! You can beat me if you want. BUT NOT THIS!"

She turned her head to her arm and started crying more and more.

He smiled to himself. Somehow satisfied with himself and held her jaw. He said,
"Look at me." She did and he continued"You're nothing but a pathetic woman. With a
body just to be played with. Understand?!" She cried"Understood."

He pushed her face to the side and got up from her, untying her hands and leaving
her alone in the bedroom. Her cheeks were super dry with tears stains. Her eyes
swollen. Her voice and throat hurting from screaming. She looked down and her legs
wouldn't stop shaking.   

She got up and fell down on the floor.

With the help of the bed, she stood up again and with her wobbly legs, she went
inside the bathroom. She used the sink basin as her support and looked at herself
in the mirror, her body was marked in red and purple. Her eyes all black from her
ruined mascara and red from crying. Her lips all swollen with his hard kisses and

She turned on the warm steaming shower and stepped inside. Her skin burned as the
hot water touched her but it soothed her after a couple of seconds.

As she saw her cover washed down the drain and all the scars revealing, she started

She held her mouth so he couldn't hear her cry out loud. Her legs giving up, she
sat down. Curling herself.


This chapter actually does make me cry a lot. The way he gets hard on her.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Please comment, vote, and follow me.

Tell your friends if you like this story.


Love, Hope



        Chapter 23: "Our" [Purchased Wife]

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When she was done taking a shower, she looks herself in the mirror as he dried her
body with a towel.

She sniffed as she started overing up the marks again. Her tears wouldn't stop. She
wore her oversized black shirt and grey pajamas. She wiped her tears and wrapped
her wet hair into a messy low bun.

She came to the devil lying in his bed peacefully. Sleeping like he had done

She walked beside the bed and lied on the cold floor. She heard a voice"Emily, come
up and sleep." She ignored. He again said, "Emily don't make me do it again." And
that's what got her scared.

She got up from the cold floor and lied on the bed. But lied on the edge as far
from him as she could. Curling her small and thin body in a fetal position. She
felt herself being covered up with a blanket.

Under the warmth. Away from the cold. But laying closer to the devil.

The next day, the sound of people woke her up.

She got up from the bed and looked around. He was gone. She went in the closet to
get changed but all her belongings were gone. Everything.

She went out and he was there talking to a woman. She looked professional. He
looked at her and smiled saying"Good that you're awake. Get ready."

"We going somewhere?"

"We're moving. Out of this house."


"Yes. Get ready and come down in 10 minutes. I'll be in the car."

The only thought she had in her mind was how could he pretend that nothing happened
last night?
After 10 minutes of getting ready, she came out of the house and sat inside the

He looked at her. Asked, "Ready?" She gave him a single nod.  They were driving for
about 20 minutes. He asked, "You don't have any questions about our new house?"

"No, I don't really have any questions about your new house"

"You mean 'our'."

She just agreed"Hm."

He stopped the car in the middle of the road and asked: "What does that suppose to
mean?" She got scared. A whisper escaped her mouth"Nothing."

"I heard that."

She looked down and he scolded"Don't you dare look down. Look at me." She looked at
him and he again said"It's our house. Understand?" She nodded her head like a child
and said"Understood."

"Who's house is it?"


"Good girl."

And he started driving again.

When they arrived at the driveway. There was a big front gate that had the letters
"L" and "K" on it. (Liam Knight).

When they went through those gates, she couldn't believe her eyes. The grass was
greener than it gave her eyes a sense of calmness. And when she looked at the two-
floor mansion, her eyes widened.

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He stopped the car and got out. When she stepped out as well, he linked his fingers
with hers and took her inside. The house was more like a castle made of glass.

Walls and walls of windows. Big ones.

When they went in through the front door, it was breathtaking. The house was modern
from inside and out. The decorations and furniture looked expensive and unique in
their own way.

He took her inside and left her hand, letting her look around. She looked up at the
massive chandelier made out of crystals. The sunlight through the windows hitting
the crystals made them more mesmerizing and colorful.

He held her hand and took her up the transparent staircase. Into the bedroom. A
big bed in the middle. The bedroom was three times bigger than the previous one. It
had a bigger walk-in closet too.

She went inside and it was filled with every type of clothes. All hers and his too.

The house was bigger than David's.

He asked, "So, do you like it?" She looked at him and nodded but without showing
him excitement or any other expression. His smile wiped off as she got scared and
said: "I like it." He calmed down. She went inside the bathroom and there was a big
tub. A jacuzzi in the middle. And standing shower inside a full glass cubicle.

She came outside and he was dressed in a suit. He looked at her and said"Get ready.
We need to go to work." And left.

She got out of the house and started walking but a car came in front of her. He
asked, "Where are you going?" She looked at him confused. He again said, "Get in."

She was shocked because he actually stopped the car in front of the building main
door. He walked with her side by side to the elevator.

As they went up to the 40th floor there was a newspaper stand in the elevator. She
picked it up and the headline read"The Quadrillionaire Bride, Emily Parker."

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When they got out of the elevator,    Liam went to his office. She sat on her desk
reading the article about her. It wrote:
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"You're married to Liam Knight?"

She looked up and Ivan was standing there in front of her. She got up and before
she could say anything he said again. holding the newspaper with her face on
it"You're married to Liam Knight?!"

Before she could answer, she heard a voice saying"Do you have a problem with that,
Mr. Walker?

They both looked at Liam and Ivan's confidence was gone. Liam again asked, "Do you
have a problem with Emily being my wife?" Ivan shook his head negatively. Sweat
running down his forehead. Liam's calm and collected expression was scary to them
both. Liam walked towards him. He was a little taller than Ivan. He again asked,
"You got a problem with my wife?" Ivan looked at Emily then at him and said"N-No,

"Good. Cause I have a problem with you."

With a strong force, Liam landed a punch across Ivan's face. Making him fall hard
on the floor. Ivan looked up and his nose was bleeding. Emily couldn't believe what
he did. Liam looked down and said"That's for kissing my wife. Get outta my sight
before I call security and throw you out. Your ass is fired."

Ivan got up with his bleeding nose and ran as fast as he could.

Once he was in the elevator, Liam looked at Emily and shouted: "What are you
looking at?" She flinched and said"Nothing." He was about to step in but stopped
and asked"What?" She looked down and said"Nothing at all." He then walked inside.

A couple of hours had passed and Emily was busy working.

Emily looked over the elevator as the bell dinged and came in Jules.

She held the magazine in her hand with Emily's face on it and said: "Where is he?!"
This time it was a picture of Emily herself at the ball.

Jules's face was a mess. The girl was wearing jeans and a shirt that wreaked of
wine and bourbon. Her face all plain but she still had a glowing glass skin.
Her eyes black that looked like she hasn't slept. Her hair looked like that she
hadn't brushed her blonde locks since the ball.

Emily replied, "Mr.Knight is busy."

"Oh save the 'Mr' crap. I know you're married. The whole world knows."

"Ms. Hugh, he's busy."

"I don't fucking care. I want to see him. NOW!"


They both looked at him and he said"Don't you dare talk to my wife like that. I
kept quiet the day you didn't know. But not anymore. What do you want?"

"Talk to you. But privately."

Liam gestured her to get in his office. She smiled at Emily and followed him in.

Emily felt angry that why couldn't he just throw her out as he did with Ivan.
Thoughts of Jules and Liam making out in his office filled her head that made her
angry and somewhat jealous. and she couldn't figure out why.

As Liam took messed up Jules in his office, she sat on the chair. He sat at the
opposite. Taking the sight of a messed up model. Liam said, "Jules, I don't have

"Her? Your assistant. You married your fucking assistant?"



"Because I love her."

"Why is that so hard for me to believe?"

After a pause, she again said"Did you get married to her because you want to get
back at me? Do you want revenge on me for cheating on you?"

"What?! Are you hearing yourself talk?"

She scoffed and said"That's it. You married that no good piece of shit just to get
back at me for what I did to you 6 years ago"

He warned"Jules.."

"You did. You married her because you want revenge and you still love me, Liam"

It was that she was drunk. He stood up in anger and she did as well.

Liam said, "Get out before I throw you out. She wrapped her arms against her chest
and said"Nope. Not until you say that you still love me."

Her confident smile made him happier because he knew exactly what he had to do to
break her.

He stormed out from his office and to Emily's desk. She looked up and stood up
saying"Mr. Knight, can I get you anything?"

He held her face and kissed her. As hard and as passionately he could. He pulled
her by her waist against his body. Her palms resting on his chest. His one hand on
her waist and the other resting against her the back of her neck.

Emily kissed him back. She was falling over the kiss as she needed it. Her knees
giving in, but he had held her tight.

As Liam heard the sound of heels clicking, he kissed Emily harder and harder.
Making her whimper a little.

He let go and both of their lips swollen. He looked at Jules and said, "Had enough
proof?" Without saying another word she just left.

He looked at Emily, her brown eyes big in shock. His facial expression looked like
it didn't bother him that he just kissed her. But it did. His heart felt like it
melted in his chest.

With a hard voice he said"Get back to work." and left.

As hours passed, Emily couldn't work. As she went through her office files all she
could feel was his lips on hers. How she reacted. How he held her. And Liam was
enjoying it all in his office. Looking at her. Being a messed up mind. He loved it.

Why did he kiss me? Why did he say the word"Proof" after the kiss?




Did he kiss me to get back at Jules? I did saw her face at the ball, the way her
jaw was dropped.

Is he using me? That kiss is messing up with my mind. What is this human being up
to now?

He almost raped me last night and yet I feel like nothing happened much. Why did I
kiss him back!?

He mostly shows his husbandly affection in front of others only.


Liam is using me to make people jealous. I've never felt so dirty in my entire


Hope you liked this chapter!


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Love, Hope

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        Chapter 24: Cheater [Purchased Wife]

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It was around 8 at night. The time when Emily usually goes home. She turned off her
computer and walked inside the elevator.

As she walked out of the building and on the side of the road, instantly a black
shiny car stopped beside her. As the windows rolled down, she saw that it was Liam.

He asked, "Where are you going? Her brows furrowed as she answered"Home."

"I know. Why are you walking?"

"I always walk home."

"From today you won't. Get in."

Before she could even walk to the other side, she remembered how he used her for
Jules. Which made her jealous and furious.

She folded her arms against her chest and stood her ground"No." He raised his brow
and asked, "What did you just say?" Emily did strike a nerve.

He got out of the car and walked to her. He looked like he was about to eat her
alive. Her folded arms hugged herself in horror and she looked down. He said,
"Emily, get in."
She remained quiet and shook her head. He said"Don't make me wait. The consequences
will not be good."

She thought to herself:

What do I have to lose for standing up to him?

In a low voice, she said: "I'll walk home." She turned on her heels, the other way
but he caught her arm and turned her around. Liam said, "Get in the damn car." All
he got was silence from her.
His jaw tightened as he said"I swear to god Emily, if you don't get in this car on
the count of three, I will throw you over my shoulder and walk home. And all the
eyes will be on you and you'll get embarrassed." She still stood there.

He opened his car door and she smiled lightly thinking that she may have defeated
him this time. But he was getting his keys out of the ignition. He closed the car
door and locked it. Keeping his keys inside his pocket.

His jaw tightened"1" She knew he wasn't playing around"Liam, please."

"Get in the car."

"Please stop."


"Don't do it."

"You left me no choice. Fucking 3!"

He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She begged"Okay, I'll get in the
car. I swear Liam, please put me down."

"No, you wanted to test my patience. Here's your punishment. You make me so damn
angry all the damn time!" He slapped on her butt cheek hard making her hiss in

The new house was 10 minutes away. But he continued to walk with her over his
shoulder. Eyes were on her. Making her embarrassed and humiliated. She said"Liam,
please put me down. I can walk from here." He replied with a hard voice "NO!"

A couple of minutes passed and she couldn't take it anymore and she didn't care
about the consequences. She spoke out loud "Put me down!" But he ignored.

As he reached the big gate of their house, he kept walking with her over his
shoulder. Once they were inside the mansion, he threw her on the sofa and climbed
on her. Pinning her down. His face close to her. The way those ocean eyes looked at
her, she couldn't look away.

She thought:

He almost raped me last night. And here I am, pathetically gazing in his gorgeous
blue eyes.
He held her face and whispered, "Why do you make me so angry?" The silence was all
he got from her. Her pink lips tempting him. But before he could press his lips
against hers, she said: "Why did you do it?"

He looked at her. And she regretted saying anything. He looked at her and she again
asked: "Why?" He said, "Why what?"

"Why did you punch him? I mean Ivan?"

"Why shouldn't I have I?" He continued "I don't share."

He looked in her eyes and continued"You're mine. And I don't like anybody stealing
you away from me. Even Curtis."

"What about Jules?"

"What about her?"

"You like her?"

"I don't"


He got up and left.

(FlashBack Liam POV)

I was supposed to get home after a week but I couldn't wait. I wanted to see my
fiancé. I missed her too much to even stay another week without her.

I didn't tell her that I was coming at all.

I walked through the door and saw her clothes on the couch. I picked it up but
there were man's clothes too.

I heard loud moans. Her moans. The moans that I've heard numerous times.

My heart was breaking little by little as I took steps to our room. I hoped I'm
wrong and I hope I'm dreaming.
Please, God, don't make this real.

I walked into our bedroom. And saw her naked. Riding up and down on a man.
Screaming his name"FUCK DARREN!" I roared"Jules!"

She reached her orgasm and screamed louder. Looking at me over her shoulder, she
quickly got off the ma and he covered her body with the sheets. I saw the panic on
their faces.

I looked at the man and said with my gritted teeth"If you want to live, run out.

He wrapped the sheets around his waist and ran. Bumping me on the shoulder on his
way out.

I didn't close my eyes. I was afraid she'll see a tear escape. Jules said"I can
explain" I folded my arms and leaned against the door frame"Really? Would you
really like to explain why I saw you having sex with a man that's not me?"

I was angry. Anger was a small word for what I was feeling. I felt broken.
Betrayed. My chest hurts.

I walked to her and said"How long have you been cheating on me? How long have you
been with a man on our bed? How long exactly?!" She was scared of the way I spoke.
Even I surprised myself that I could talk this loud.

She covered her body and said"f-f-four months." I again asked, "Who was that man?"
She replied"Darren Huxtable. The branding manager."

"Did you sold your fucking body to get a fucking  job just to be fucking famous?"

She remained quiet.

I looked at the floor that had used condoms and condom wrappers.

I wanted to cry so badly. But I couldn't and I wouldn't. I pulled her hand and took
off her ring. Pulling her hair as she cried in pain and said"Get out of my house
and don't you ever come back to me. Ever!" I lightly pushed her away fro me and she
cried"Please, Liam. I can explain this."

"GET OUT!" I screamed and she ran.

When I finally heard the door closed, I fell down. Crying. Her ring in my hand.
Grandma's voice inside my head.
She's only with you for money. She doesn't love you, son.

She really was with me for money and fame. Why was I so blind?



Ducking hate Jules too!

Hope you liked this chapter!

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Love, Hope



        Chapter 25: The Real You [Purchased Wife]

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He woke to her sleeping on the couch in the room.

He hated the way her face was out of his reach. She looked like she was in deep
sleep. Her black eyelashes shined when the sunlight hit her face.  He got up and
closed half of the curtain to let her sleep more peacefully.

His phone vibrated and he picked it up and said"Hello?"

"Liam, it's me, Curtis."

"What do you want?"

"I wanna meet you. Right now."

"I'm busy."

"It concerns Em."

He paused and looked over at Emily: "Where do you wanna meet?"

"A bar. I'll text you the address."

"It's a little too early to drink, don't ya think?"

"Trust me you'll need a drink as well."


"Meet me in 10 minutes."


Liam took a shower and got ready.

As he was fixing his tie, Emily woke up and he saw her through the mirror. She
rubbed her eye and asked, "Where are you going?" He looked at her and noticed her
neck. The night he gave her a hickey was only a day ago and now it was gone.


He replied"Business. I'll be back in an hour. By then I want you to get ready for
work and I'll pick you up, Understand?"

"Understood, master."

"Good girl."

He then left

When Liam arrived, he saw Curtis drinking a glass of neat whiskey in his hand. He
sat beside him and said sarcastically"Don't you look fucked up." Curtis looked at
him and said to the bartender"A glass of neat scotch for my friend here please."

"I'm not your friend and I don't want it."

Curtis scoffed and said, "You'll need it when you will feel fucked up too."

The bartender served Liam his drink.

Liam said, "Shoot because I don't have time." Curtis threw the paper at him. Liam
saw it was the rules that Emily had written down. Curtis said, "How could you do

"She's my wife. I can do whatever I want."

"She's also a suffering human being."

Liam squinted his eyes and asked, "Did she put you up to this?" Curtis said"No! She
would never. I wish she did."

"So why am I here?"

"I'm tired, Liam. I'm tired of saving her alone. And I'm here to tell you she
deserves to be treated with love, respect, and delicacy."

Liam scoffed and said, "Looks like someone had a crush."

"You're disgusting. You have no idea what she has been through in her 10 years of
living in that hell what I call my parents and a home."

"She's not that fragile, Curtis."

"She's just a little touch away to be shattered completely. Do you have any idea
about the things she went through?"

"Now you're making that up to get me to treat her differently."

"No, I'm telling you this, so you can know her life and start treating her with
love and respect that she deserves."

"What could possibly happen that makes her so fragile? That bitch is lucky to have
"No, Liam. You're the lucky bastard that has her. Try getting raped every week by
your uncle."

Liam pauses and looks taken back" What?"

"That's right. David raped her. Every week. For the past 5 fucking years until I
found out and threatened to tell everyone. She's a girl that has been raped but
never been kissed.  You and David are the same. He stole her virginity and
innocence. You stole her kiss. One thing that she saved for herself. She always
saved her kiss for the right someone who she knew will make her happy and take away
her misery. But you stole that happiness from her too at your wedding day."

Liam was angry.

He rested his back on the chair and said: "I don't fucking believe you, Curtis."

"I know you wouldn't but there is proof"

Liam's lashes rise up and he asked"Proof? What proof?"

"The scars"

"What scars? I haven't seen any scars."

"All over her body that she keeps covered because she fears David. She's afraid to
the core and soon that is what's gonna break her"

"I still don't believe you, Curtis!"

"There are other marks of her being constantly hit by Tanya and Melissa, have you
saw those?"

Liam stood up shouting"I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU!" Curtis stood up and said"You want
proof? Go home and ask her. Go!" Liam drank the alcohol in one motion and marched
out in anger. Confused between what to believe and what not.

When he reached home, he shouted"Emily!" He took off his jacket and folded up his
sleeves. He again said"Emily!" But no response. He marched upstairs. Angry and

He looked at her. She was buttoning up her shirt. She said, "You're early." He held
her wrist and stood her in front of the mirror. He said, "Take off your shirt." Her
eyes widened but he was a very impatient man.
He turned her around to himself and started unbuttoning her shirt. She held his
hand and asked, "What are you doing?" He looked at her with anger and ordered: "Not
a word." A tear fell from her eyes as she smelled the strong scent of alcohol from
his mouth and she shivered saying"Please. Don't do this again. I'm sorry for
disobeying you last night!"

She thought he was gonna punish her like that day again.

He kept unbuttoning in a hurry. He took off her shirt and stared at her back in the
mirror. No bruises.

She was trembling, afraid. Her tears pouring down her cheek. He unhooked her bra
and took that off as well. But again, no bruises.

He asked, "Emily, how do you take off the makeup?" She looked at him with eyes
widened but remained quiet. Embarrassed to be standing half-naked in front of him.
He shouted"Emily!" She flinched"How do you take off the makeup?!" She shivered"T-T-
The remover."

"Where is it?"

"Above the bathroom sink."

He marched in the bathroom and bought a towel and the remover.

She covered her chest by wrapping herself with her arms. Looking down and crying.

He soaked the towel with the remover. She begged"Please. Don't do this. Just listen
to me once. Please, Liam."

She cried but he ignored.

He lightly pulled her front closer to his chest and started rubbing the makeup off
of her bareback. Looking at her back in the mirror as he rubbed the white towel
against her skin. The white towel was turning brown as the cover came off. 

As it came off, it revealed the old scars. She cried and cried for him to stop but
he ignored.

He pushed her back lightly away from his chest and looked that her arms were still
wrapped on her chest. He pulled her hand and started wiping the makeup off her
chest then on her torso. He asked, "Are there more?" She remained quiet. He again
said calmly"Are there any more, Emily?"

She closed her eyes and nodded. Her tear slipped on her cheek and his voice getting
softer as he asked"Where?" She replied in a low whisper" Everywhere."

He unzipped her skirt from behind and let it fell on the floor.


The scars were everywhere.

On her chest, arms, legs, back, and even her neck. I linked my fingers into her
hand and looked closely at the cuts. There were cuts, scratch marks, whip marks,
and bite marks everywhere on her body. Even the fresh hickey I gave her.

Her tears still streaming down her cheek and I asked: "Why didn't you tell me?"

She looked at me as I saw her eyes glazed with tears" And say what? You wouldn't
listen. The way you treated me all these months made me sure that you won't care.
So it was no use." She shouted with her broken voice"You tried to rape me when you
found out Ivan kissed me. You did not even believe me!"

She was right. I was ignorant.

I cupped her face and said"I'm sorry. I was drunk and I got angry. I thought that
you were cheating on me. But you still could've tried telling me." She
screamed"I've tried! So many damn times, Liam!" She rubbed the tears on her cheek
"He threatened me. He told me to cover it till the day I die."

" I could've helped."

"I couldn't. I couldn't tell anyone or else they will come for me and kill me."

She was still crying. My eyes fall on her chest and she was heaving. A bite mark on
her right breast, circling her nipple. I couldn't control my anger. Felt like I
would explode any minute. I felt so sorry and guilty for the way I had treated her
these past few months. Felt guilty, disgusted with me.

My body heated up as I thought what they did to her. I said, "Emily look at me."
She looked at me with her eyes red and still glazed with tears like she was trying
to hold them back again. I said"I'm sorry. I really am. I know what I've done to
you, you will never forgive me. But I promise you this: I'll destroy them. For you.
I'll destroy them all. You do not have to be afraid now."

There was this feeling inside of me. The need to protect her and love her. The need
to be her shoulder. The need to hold her. And I did. I held her close to my body
and wrapped my arms around her. Taking her small and fragile body in my embrace.
She held me tighter and cried her eyes out on my chest.

I walked towards the bed, didn't wanted to let her go. I pulled off the sheets of
the bed and wrapped around her naked body. I pulled us down on the bed, sitting as
I held her, she said: "Liam, I'm scared." In a low gentle voice, I said"Hey, I
won't let them take you away from me. I won't. Ever."

I wanted to comfort her so badly. Like I wanted to take away all her pain.


The gentleness and softness in his voice, one that she had never heard before made
her calm a little.

He lied down flat on the bed pulling her down too and again taking her in his
embrace as she cried herself to sleep that day, he never let her go.



What do you think he will do next?

What do you think he will do to make her happy again?

What will he do to the Parkers now?

Keep on reading people!


Love, Hope


EDIT:  Okay, so y'all know that I'm editing this story and honestly I  try to read
all the comments. and most of y'all are confused about age and everything. So here
it goes. Emily's parents died the next day of her 15th birthday. And David adopted
her when she was still 15 and started raping her too. so he raped for 5 years.
meaning raped her from age 15 to 20. Curtis found out and he kind of made it
stopped. Emily is currently 25 and Liam is at the end of his 20s and like the
starting of 30s. I hope this all makes sense.
        Chapter 26: The One Who Helped [Purchased Wife]

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At night, she woke up and he was gone. She looked down at herself and she was still
wrapped inside a sheet. Naked. She took off the covers and went into the bathroom
to take a shower.

Turning on the warm water, she looked in the mirror and realized that Liam finally
knows. And she was scared to confront him. To even look at him. She looked pale
from all the crying she did earlier. Her eyes were swollen and her lips were puffy
and pink. She sighed at her appearance and got in the shower, washed all the
unwiped makeup off, debating in her head if she should cover it up again or no.

When she was clean, she got out and looked at herself again in the mirror wit all
her scars exposed. Picking up the foundation, she looked at herself again and
decided against it and walked out to the walk-in closet. Picking up a striped black
and white, full-sleeved turtleneck to wear and a pair of black tights with white

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Making her way down, she saw Liam talking on the phone. He paced around and said"I
need every bit of information about everyone. Every little detail and every little
weakness, got it?" His head turned at Emily on mid stairs as he stopped and said:
"I'll call you back." And he hung up the phone walked up the stairs. Making his way
to her.

He asked"Hungry?" She was still uncomfortable with Liam knowing everything. With
Liam seeing everything and gave him a single hesitant nod. He smiled a little and
held her hand saying"Let's go then." She tugged in his hand lightly and

"To get some food in you."

He took her to her favorite fast food. Burgers.

As she sat there waiting for him, a red tray slipped in front of her. There was a
large strawberry milkshake, cheeseburger, and large cheese fries. He sat opposite
her, a water bottle in front of him. She looked at him and asked, "You're not
eating?" He replied, "I've already eaten already."

"While you were sleeping."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were sleeping peacefully. I did not want you to lose that peace."

As he took a sip from his bottle, she stared at her food, playing with her fries.
He asked"Not hungry?"

"I don't really have an appetite right now."

Truth was, she was embarrassed. The way he stared at her naked in the morning. The
way his eyes scanned her body marks.


I could still see the marks on her body. The visible light mark on the back of her

She caught me staring and pulled down her sleeve. But that wasn't enough. Because
her naked marked body was imprinted in my mind. I couldn't get it out of my mind...
I couldn't forget how the scars on her skin felt like.


A little far, two couples entered the diner. Laughing out loud.

Emily looked past Liam and it was Tanya with another guy. Looked like she was on a
date. But Tanya saw her.

Emily pulled her head down and Liam noticed something wrong. He whispered, "You
okay?" As she looked at Liam, he saw fear-filled in her eyes. And that's when he
knew something was wrong. A word escaped her mouth like air"Tanya." And he got her
signal. He held her hand over the table and whispered"Quick, sit beside me." She
did as she was told.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in. Laying her head on his
chest. He took her left hand and rested her palm against his chest. As Tanya
approached them, he held her a little tighter and kissed on her head, making her
feel like he had covered her with a protective shield from everything evil.
Tanya looked at them, her arms around a cute guy's waist. She smiled and said"Oh My
God, Emily, and Liam. Didn't thought I'd find you guys here." Her acting was solid.

Liam smiled and answered"What a coincidence, Tanya." She looked at Emily and asked,
"Can we join?" Emily looked at Liam and he replied through his fake smile" Of

They both sat opposite each other. Tanya asked"Emily, why are you wearing a
sweater? It's not cold." Liam remained quiet. She looked at their food and again
said: "You guys haven't touched your food." She sounded like she was interrogating
them. She again asked, "You look pale, Emily. Are you okay?"

Liam answered"She's under the weather. She's been feeling sick today."

"Awww, shouldn't she stay at home?" She glared at Emily and said, "In a room?" Liam
replied, "Well she has me to take care of her." He squeezed Emily's hand lightly to
calm her more as he felt her body shivering. Tanya laughed nervously"I meant warm
and cozy, silly."

"Yeah but my wife likes to be here. In her favorite diner. With her favorite food.
To make her feel a little better."

"Poor Emily. Always sick."

He looked at her and asked"Always?"

"She always gets sick whenever she's stressed about something... or scared. Did you
not know?"

"How could I? I'm just getting to know my wife."

Every time Liam refereed Emily as his wife, Tanyas eyes filled with jealousy which
made him satisfied. Emily was quiet. She didn't even speak a word.

Liam said, "Aren't you going to introduce us to your date?" Emily looked at the guy
and Tanya said"This is Sam Daniels. His father is the founder of Daniel fabrics."

Rich man, with a background of loaded money, was always Tanyas target.

Liam spoked as he knew him"Sam, How is your father, Erwin Daniel?" The guy smiled
and said, "He's fine, thank you."
"Glad to hear it. I love that guy. I have fun doing business with him."

"Thanks, Mr?"

"Knight. Liam Knight."

Sam's eyes widened. "Knight as in Knight Enterprise?" Liam smiled"The very one."

He gulped and said, "H-how're you Mr.Knight?" Liam smiled and said"Pretty awesome."
Tanya cut them both off and said: "What are you guys doing here?" Liam looked at
Emily and kissed her hand saying"We were here on a date."


"Leaving now."

"So soon?"

"Yes, she's not feeling well. Might as well take her home."

"Hope you get well soon, Emily."

"Thank you. With my care, I know she will."

The thing about Tanya was that she wanted Liam. He's what she wanted. Rich,
handsome and the world feared by him. She wanted him. And she hated Emily for
having him.

When Emily and Liam got up, he had his arm around her waist and holding her hand
with his other hand as they walked out, supporting her.

The parking lot was empty with only his car and another car parked.

As they walked to his car, he asked: "You okay?" She nodded weakly. Not saying

He stopped in front of his car. Looking at her. He cupped her face with his palms
and kissed her. Passionately. Her hands automatically slid around his waist as she
kissed him back. He whispered against her lips"Are you sure?" she nodded and he led
her to the passenger side, opening the car door for her as well. She sat in and he
strapped her in, he said: "You don't have to be afraid as long as you have me
standing with you." And closed the car door, Emily looked at Tanya and saw her
staring at them both. Angry. Emily Understood. He kissed her to make her angry.
Because she couldn't handle Emily being happy with anyone.
As Liam sat in the car his face was like stone, emotionless. Like nothing happened.
Emily looked at him and said in a low voice"Thank you." He didn't do anything. Nor
even looked at her. He just started the car and drove off.

As they were driving home, the drive was silent. The only sound Liam could hear was
of her breathing. He looked at her and she was playing with her hands. He asked,
"What's on your mind?" She quickly said"Nothing."


"It's really nothing."

He stopped the car on the side of the road and looked at her. Her eyes widened. He
asked, "What is it?"


He raised his brow and asked again"Are you sure, Emily?" Her words shivering"I-I
am." But he knew she was lying.

He said"Emily I know there's something and if you don't tell me then you're walking
home from here. And it's an hour walk."    Instantly the car doors locked. Trapping
her in, he said"But I'm not gonna give you that option. The only choice you have is
to tell me. Here and now."

His expressions were comfortable and somewhat scary. She began speaking" How... did
you know about... me?" He exhaled through his nose and said while his eyes lightly
closed"Curtis."    Her brows furrowed because Liam finding out from Curtis was not
something she imagined. Not even in her wildest imagination. She asked in
disbelieve"He told you?"

"Yes, he told me everything."


A tear escaped her eye and drooled down her cheek. He added, "I'm glad he did."

"And if he hadn't? What would you have done? You would've kept treating me like the
same... Am I right?"

He paused for a second and gave her question a long thought before answering
truthfully and boldly"Yes, you are."    Her tears started running down more as she
said"Just let me go, Liam. Please. I wanna get away from here. From everything."
"How can you do that Emily? After everything, they did to you, and you wanna run

"I'm not strong enough to fight back. I never was."

"Now it's time to be. You need to be strong. You need to show them how brave you

She scoffed"Brave? Sitting frozen in your arms and pale in front of Tanya was not

"One step at a time, Em."

"Why're you even helping me? Why?"

He wished he could say:

Because I'm falling for you?

He just looked at her. Nothing but an uncomfortable silence between them. He chose
not to answer her question and turned the key in his ignition, starting the car
again and driving off.


The way he helped Emily with that Tanya situation ߘ


See ya in the next chapter!


Love, Hope



EDIT: A note for you all who think I    am mental in the head, the only reason why
I am impressed by Liam in this chapter is that he did not have to help her. He
could've chosen not to. But he did. He protected her. Yes, he almost raped her.
KEYWORD: Almost. But keep that in mind that he was also drunk that night. and yes
being drunk doesn't do justice to his action but try to understand their situation.

        Chapter 27: My Story [Purchased Wife]

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The drive home was silent. Not once he looked at her.

When he stopped the car, she got out. Rushing inside the house and he walked right
after her.

When she walked into their room, she noticed that all his clothes were gone. She
turned around and he was standing behind her. His hands in his jean pocket, leaning
against the door. He said"I've cleared my things. Thought that you would like some
privacy. I'll be in the room next door. Sleep well, Em." He left.

At night, when she lay on the bed, she could smell his essence off of the pillow
covers. She pulled the blanket up to her chest. Looking at the ceiling. Feeling
this weird feeling of being alone in a room without him.


I lied on the bed, in the room next to hers. The only distance between us is a

I said to myself"Liam, why are you helping her? Why are you falling for her? Why do
you wanna be with her? Why?"

Honestly, I can't stop thinking about her. I shouldn't be thinking about her. I
should be focusing on the more important stuff.

Like my work.

Okay, work. I still need to reschedule a meeting with Mr. Han. I will tell Emily to
do it tomorrow. 

No! Stop thinking about Emily. Do the reschedule yourself.

yes, tomorrow I can go to work and just call him directly. Will have to tell Emily
to summarize the file for me.
what? Stop thinking about Emily!

Tomorrow I will go to work, read the file, call Han, and also tell Emily to get the
conference room ready.


Fuck! Everything leads back to her. Every. Single. Thing. Not having her beside me
is driving me nuts.


He got annoyed with himself and got up from the bed. He came out of the room and
saw she was sitting on the floor, downstairs. Her back against the kitchen counter
and her knees against her chest, Eating.

He went downstairs and she looked at him, stopped eating. She felt like the need to
explain herself to him in a low whisper" I was hungry." He put his hands in his
pajama pockets and smiled to himself asking, "Got any more?" She pointed him to the
small pot on the stove.

He served himself the pasta she made and sat down on the floor. His back against
the kitchen island. Opposite to her.

He took a bite and said randomly"It's good." She looked at him and smiled a
little.  A comfortable silence between them. He asked"Why're you up? Other than
being hungry." She remained quiet. He again asked, "Is it because of Tanya today?"
She nodded slowly.

He stared at her, waiting for her to speak up and answer him. She said"What if
Tanya found out that you know? What if she tells David and Melissa?"

"She won't."

"How do you know?"

"Because I won't let her know."

After a long pause, he said: "How did it even start?" She looked up and said,
"Please don't make me tell you." But his face was hard and Emily knew that it was
no use to fight with him over anything.

She sighed"It all started 10 years ago"

(FlashBack EMILY POV)

I was getting ready.

It was my 15th birthday. I was excited like any teenager would be. Turning another
year old.

My parents threw me a party at our beach house. It was mesmerizing. They had
invited all my friends and every other family member. Including David and his
family. Curtis was and is my best friend since we were little but Tanya, she never
really liked me. Whenever we played, she tried to be better at everything that I
was good at. I remember putting on my favorite pink dress that dad got for me.

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As I stepped out, everyone sang happy birthday to me. I looked around as my friends
and family sang for me and I couldn't wish for anything more. Mom said, "Make a
wish, baby."

I wished for a happy life when I blew on the candles. But that wish took on a wrong

We were still at the beach house, it was the night of my birthday. I got up in the
middle of the night to the sound of a gunshot.

I was scared.

The sound was so loud that I could hear my own heart beating faster and faster. I
went outside. Being as quiet as I could and as slow as I could, I made my way to my
parents' room. I whispered"Mom?"

No answer.

I again said"Dad? Mom?"

No answer again.

I went to the bed they were laying in and tried to shake my father but he wouldn't
open his eyes.
I turned on the lights and saw my parents. A hole in their chests. Their eyes were
wide open. Holes in their pillows and all the pillow feathers on the floor. I
didn't know what was in front of me was real or not? Was I having a nightmare?
Running to my room, and the first person I called was David.

My biggest mistake ever made.

I called him. Then I called 911 too. I remember hearing ambulance sirens, police
cars from a distance. I sat in my room, looking at the floor. Their face was
printed in my brain that made me threw up on myself. And soon as I did that, I got
up and changed clothes because I felt dirty.

I wasn't in my right mind. No child ever knows what to do if her parents are shot.
Or how to react.

In a matter of minutes, I saw David busted in my room, with Melissa. He kept Curtis
and Tanya in the car. I saw Melissa crying but David wasn't. I looked out my open
door and saw the paramedics taking their body on a stretcher. I ran into my
bathroom and threw up again.

That day was the end of my life. End of my happiness and the end of my freedom.

For 3 weeks, I was in and out of police stations. Courtrooms. Morgues. I didn't
cry. I couldn't cry. It felt like I wanted to cry out loud but the tears wouldn't
come out.


Emily cried. Liam asked, "What about the abuses?"

(FlashBack EMILY POV)

Those 3 weeks, they cared for me. Comforted me.

I thought to myself:

I could make it work here. Maybe could be happy again.

I was wrong again.

When they got my custody. When I was made a permanently adopted child to them,
that's when the abuse started. But it was only Tanya and Melissa. David started
abusing me the day he raped me. I will never forget that day.

Emily's voice cracked and shivered as she spoke "A 15-year-old girl being muffled
by a 40-year-old. Crying in pain but he didn't care. Bleeding twice every week but
he still didn't care."

Liam's blood boiled as he heard her speak. He wished he could comfort her somehow,
make all that pain into a nightmare but he felt angry at himself that he couldn't.
She shivered"N-No one cares... Every time I think about it, every mark on my body
hurts, they hurt. Every time I see their faces, my body hurts. Everything hurts."

His eyes glazed as he asked, "Even mine as well?" She hesitated first but then
nodded slightly. She continued"I don't want revenge, Liam. I just want to get away
from here as fast and as far as possible. I don't want money or wealth. I just
wanna be free."

She held her face and cried. Out loud. The pain in her crying made his heart sink
to his stomach. He held her arm and pulled her to himself on the other side.
Setting her between his legs. Wrapping his arms around her. Letting her cry against
his chest.

After a while of letting her cry, he picked her up in his arms, letting her arms be
held around his neck and her head on his shoulder. Still sobbing with hiccups.

He took her upstairs to her room.

He lied her down on her bed and covered her up with the blanket. He kneeled on the
floor, removing a strand of hair from her drowned brown eyes and whispered, "Gets
some sleep, okay?" She gave him a single nod. As soon as he was about to walk away,
she held his wrist and asked: "Do you have to go?" He gave her a light smile and
answered"No, I don't have to"

Climbing in bed next to her, he took her in his arms. Letting her nuzzle her face
in his neck. Being comfortable in his warmth.

He got a glimpse of the marks on her shoulder and said"I want to see it again. Can
I?" She pressed herself flat against his body and he felt her nodding in his neck.
He lifted up her oversized sweater up to her shoulder. A light shiver escaped her
mouth. He trailed his cold fingers on her back and her body stiffed as he heard her
inhale hard.

A fresh bruise on the back of her shoulder. His mark. He trailed his finger there
but she whimpered. A soft kiss she felt on her shoulder. She looked at him in his
eyes, they were guilty. So guilty. He rested his forehead against hers.

Her breathing quickened. Their lips an inch away from each other. He leaned in more
and lightly left a peck on her lip. He looked at her again and he knew, he knew
that he wanted her badly right then and there.

He again crashed his lips on hers. Kissing her. And she let him, kissing him back.

He rolled over on top of her. Kissing her more passionately.

He pulled her down flat on her bed by pulling her legs and placing his body
between. Both of them aroused. His hands traveling up from her thigh to underneath
her sweater. The coldness of his wedding ring made her moan against his lips.

As the kiss got deeper and deeper, her back arched against him. He felt hard. He
pulled away and sat up straight. Both of them out of breath. He said breathless"No,
we shouldn't be doing his, Emily. I....should can't be doing this." He gulped.

She sat up against the headboard. She got embarrassed that she refused eye contact.
Biting her bottom lip in embarrassment. She wanted him and she knew that. He stared
at her, sitting between her legs. His breathing getting heavier and hers too.

He said, almost breathless "For fuck's sake." Being annoyed, he pulled her by the
back of her neck and kissed her again.

He whispered breathlessly as he kissed"You sure?" She wrapped her legs around his
waist as he kissed her harder. He took off his shirt and smashed his lips on hers
again. Leaving trails of wet kisses from below her ear to on her vocal. Making her
moan lightly. Feeling his hot breath on her skin. He pulled up her sweater and took
it off.

Gazing at her body even though her body was scarred but it was no doubt that she
was still beautiful. His touch made her skin ignited. Her toes curled as he crashed
his lips again on hers.

His kisses trailed from her neck to her stomach. With every wet hot kiss, he looked
at her being more and more aroused. The passion between them made him hungry for
her. He trailed his hand from her neck to her stomach,  he crashed his lips on her
harder. Linking his fingers with hers. Enjoying every little moment with her.
Pulling her arms above her head, he looked at her and kissed her again. Grinding
himself on her.

Every time he stopped, she would moan softly in his mouth.

He broke the kiss and pulled her tights down her legs. His knuckles contacted with
her thigh as he pulled them off.

He kissed her again. And as he did, he wrapped his one arm around her waist and
picked her up and placed her on his lap, her legs tighten around his waist. Her one
hand on the back of his neck and the other on his shoulder. He nuzzled his face in
her neck, sucking and kissing on the soft spot. Every kiss made her scratch his
back with her fingernails.

He moved his lips to hers again. Leaving a peck and looked at her.

The pupil of his blue eyes was dilated. His eyes were nowhere but on her lips. His
hand moved up and down on her bareback.

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Every stroke of his fingertips made her shiver.

He kissed her again but softly this time. Rolling his hips underneath her. Making
her moan slightly. Holding her almost naked body close to himself. His hands
traveling up and down her bareback. She moaned a little louder and as her head
dropped back, he kissed her neck. Giving her an immense amount of pleasure.

He grabbed lightly at the nape of her neck and pulled her face closer to his.
Pecking her lips as he rolled. Making her let out warm shivery breaths against his
lips. As the pleasure between them arose more, he let out a groan and she let out a
throaty scream. Dropping her back on the bed, he climbed between her legs, kissing
her lips again softly.

Both of them tired of the mild pleasure they shared. Their eyes were droopy. He
fell down beside her and instinctively took her in his arms. Letting her fall in
deep sleep on his chest.


Hope you liked this chapter.

Please vote, comment, and follow me for more!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 28: Little Warrior [Purchased Wife]

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The next morning, as the sunlight peeked through the curtains on her eyes, she
began to wake up. Rubbing her eyes. She sat up and her clothes were on the floor.
As she looked herself in the mirror from far, her hair was all messy.

She heard the doorknob twist and Liam entered. She pulled the sheet up to her
chest, covering her almost naked body too. He turned around. He's back in her sight
and said: "I'm going to work." His tone was hard. Like he didn't like what happened
last night.

She stammered"I-I'll get ready" her cheeks red from embarrassment and constant
blushing. He said"No, um... I wanted to talk to you bout something now."


After a pause, he spoke again"Can you cover yourself up?"


She pulled the sheets over to her shoulder.  He turned around. There were two
mirrors in the room. One was a short mirror located above the table drawers and the
other one was a full length. Located behind her.

Even though her front was covered but he could still see her scarred back.

He gazed at her. Even when she woke, she looked beautiful. His hand ached to run
them in her brown wavy hair. To clench her hair in a fist and kiss her again. Feel
her soft skin underneath his palms again. Kiss her every scars and mark.

Liam was not ever the person who wouldn't talk without making eye contact. But he
didn't look at her. He pushed his hands in his pockets, to control himself before
he runs to her and takes her again in his arms.

He cleared his throat and said, "From today you won't be working." Her heart sank.
A whispered escaped her"Why?"
"Because I forced you to work there. But it's your choice. I'm going. If you don't
come today that means you don't wanna be there anymore. I'll consider that as your
resignation... I should get going now. Bye."

He left the room in a rush. Like he didn't want to be in the same room as her
anymore but that wasn't true. She sat there. Alone.


This is it. This is my chance to do something for myself. I can't stay a coward. I
should work. Maybe this will support me in the future.

I got up as fast as I could and looked myself in the mirror, half-naked.

I was never a virgin. But my body felt loved for the first time last night. My body
felt on fire last night. His every kiss and touch was filled with love. For the
first time, I didn't look at myself with disgust. I was... glowing? Is that the
word I should choose?


She covered her bruises and put on her clothes. Looked in the mirror and nodded at
herself like she was approving everything about herself.

In the elevator going to the 40th floor of the company, she regretted it. She

Maybe this is the dumbest move you'll make, Emily Parker. Just go home.

As the elevator door slid open, there were lines of woman. Beautiful woman. All
dressed in their fancy work clothes, looked professional. Might be about 20 of

She was confused. She saw a woman, holding her file that was labeled 'Resumé'.

Were they there for Emily's job?

As the eyes looked at her, they started whispering to each other. She was the
boss's wife.

She took a deep breath and made her way past the staring eyes and made her way to
his office.

I looked at her, standing behind the one-way mirror.

What was she doing there?

I got up and went out. The whispering of the woman became louder. She looked at me,
scared. I asked, "What are you doing here?" She replied, "Here for my job."

I held her hand and took her inside and closed the door behind.

She asked, "Why are all those women out there?" I placed my hand inside my pockets
and replied: "They're here for your job."

"But I didn't resign." She stood up straight. Like she was trying to be a little
warrior and said: "I want this job."

I was happy, to be honest. Having her work for me. With me. I was not happy with
the choice I gave her this morning because I wanted her to be here. I loved seeing
her here. Everyday.

A smug spread across my face as I picked up my extension phone and said"All

interviews are over. Thank you for coming." I saw all the women outside groaning in
annoyance. And one by one they left.

She stood there, beautiful as always. If I didn't set boundaries between her and
me, I would've loved to hold her so very much. But I can't. I loved what happened
between us last night but I know she isn't happy about it. And I regret that she's
not happy.


He looked at her and sighed.

He spoke with a doubt in his heart"Are you sure, Emily?" She looked down and
answered"Yes, I am... Please don't say no."

"Not anymore. It's your choice now."

She smiled at him and he did too.

He cleared his throat and said"Take these files" pointing to the pile of files on
his desk and he continued"I want summary on them all. Okay?" She nodded her head
and left.
He looked at her. The way she turned on her computer and sat in her desk chair.

The way, she picked a file and went through it.

The way she read it all and began typing a summary on it.

It was like a peek through the curtains. A peak to a stronger Emily. A peak to
someone who's about to kick the Parkers ass.

He smiled to himself and went back to doing his work. The smile not leaving his

But he did once or twice looked up to glance at her.


Hi, guys!

Hope you liked this chapter.

Please vote, comment, and follow me!



Love, Hope



        Chapter 29: Eyes Wide [Purchased Wife]

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She was working hard. Focused on everything.

It was lunchtime, but she did not stop working.

I got up from my chair and got out of my office. She didn't even notice my
presence. I called her name"Em."No response.

She was so focused. I again said"Emily." She looked up at me and got up from her
seat. She looked at her watch and said: "I'll get your lunch." I stopped her and
said"No, I wasn't here to tell you to get lunch for me...I was... gonna ask you."

I asked, "Do you wanna have lunch with me?" She looked at me, eyes opened wide.
Like I asked her something uncomfortable.

Well, she must be, because of me.

I said, "It's okay if you don't wan../" Before I could finish, she responded: "I'd
love to."

My heart did this weird dance that I couldn't stop a smile spreading on my face. I
cleared my throat and said"I'll be out in 2. Wait for me." She nodded.

I came out and she was waiting for me by the elevator. Fidgeting with her fingers.
I asked"ready?" She nodded.

Why wasn't she saying anything?

I turned the keys in the ignition and the engine started. I asked, "Anything
particular you're craving for?" She just shrugged and shook her head.

As I drove, she kept looking out the window. Her body was stuck to the car door.
She wasn't even sitting in her seat properly. She was on the edge. The signal
turned red and I stopped the car.

As I saw pedestrians past us, I asked: "You'd like to eat Chinese food?" She

"What about Italian?"

She shrugged again.

The signal turned green and I drove. I again asked, "What about burgers?" She took
a moment before shrugging again.

I smiled to myself and drove to the fast food. I parked the car and she was the
first one to get out and walk inside.

Something is wrong and I knew it. And I'm sure that it's about what happened last

I reached inside and she was already standing in the line. I asked, "What do you
wanna eat?" She shrugged and said"Anything."

"Why don't you go take a seat and I'll get the food?"

Without answering she just walked away and slide into a booth. I watched her as she
looked out the big window on to her right.

After 10 minutes, I walked to her with a tray filled with two cheeseburgers, fries,
and two pink large shakes. I placed it in front of her and sat at the opposite
booth. Her attention wasn't on me. She didn't even notice I was sitting there.

I said"Emily." She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at me. Just as she did
the orange sun hit one side of her face. Her eyes looked like pools of honey. Her
long loose curly brown hair made me wanna push them away with my fingers. Her skin
glowed. She looked truly looked like a goddess. I'm mesmerized by her beauty. I
didn't know that I was gazing at her till she said my name"Liam?"

Why is my name just a four-letter word? I love my name on her tongue.

I cleared my throat and asked, "Shall we?" Pointing to the food. I took a bite of
my burger. She kept playing with her fries. I asked, "You're not hungry?".

"I don't feel like eating anything. That's all"

I paused for a second and said: "Look at me." She just hummed for me to speak
further but I wasn't having it. I again said, "Emily, look at me."

She took a deep breath and looked at me. But I know she wasn't. Her eyes were on my
shoulder. I said, "Emily, what is it?" She whispered"Nothing." She was lying. I
knew that because she was not looking me right in the eye when she said that word.

"It's about last night, isn't it?"

She looked at her lap and looked at me again. I got my answer that it was. She
opened her mouth to speak but my phone started ringing. I said, "We will continue
this after."
The caller ID on my phone said 'UNKNOWN'. A random number. I picked up the call.
"Hello, Liam. How's my favorite son-in-law?" I know who it was. I said back"How's
my favorite father-in-law?"

My blood boiled. He chuckled in the other line. His laugh felt like noise to my
ears. Emily looked at me with a questioned look. I looked at her and said, "What
can I do for you David?"

Emily's eyes widened. Her body grew stiff. Her eyes glazed by that name. It makes
me so frustrated with how her body reacted with his name.

"I and Melissa wanted to invite you kiddos over for dinner."

I looked at Emily as I said"Dinner? How lovely." She mouthed me"No." He said,

"Yeah, we haven't met after the wedding and we've all been missing Emily so much."


I again asked, "When?"

"Tonight. After 8."

"See you there, David."

"Can't wait."

He hung up the call.

Her body was still stiffed. She looked at me right in the eyes and asked: "Why?" I
put my hand on hers on the table and said: "It's for the best." She again asked
through her gritted teeth" How?"

"Just trust me."

She slides her hand out from undermine. And got up to leave. I followed her out of
the diner.

She walked to the car in a hurry. I called"Emily stop." She stopped in her tracks
and marched to me. I could see a tear on her cheek and she said"Why did you do
that?! I've never asked you for anything. Except for one. Just one thing. One
little thing. Why can't you do that?"
Her voice cracked as she asked, "Am I that hate-able?" My eyes widened and I
answered quick"You're not!" She shook her head at me and tried to walk away. I held
her forearm and turned her to me. I said"Just trust me. I'm doing this for you."

"Trust is earned. Not given."

"Emily, please. I'm doing this for your sake. Why can't you see that?"

"Don't ask me questions you don't wanna know."

"I do wanna know, Em."

"I don't want you too"

She pulled back her arm and walked to the car. I opened the door with the car keys
and she sat in. I sat in the driver seat. She wiped her tears on the cheek. Without
looking at me, she said"Please take me home. I need to get ready for today."



What do you think is gonna happen next?

What will happen at dinner?


Keep on reading!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 30: Everything Is Fake [Purchased Wife]

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They reached home.

She got out of the car and bolted to her room that Liam had given her for herself.
Closing the door harshly crying her eyes out.

He knocked on her door and said: "Please talk to me." He heard her muffled
cry"Please just leave me alone for a while."

A couple of hours passed by and night had fallen.

She was in her bathroom. Her black dress off of her shoulders as she covered her
scars on her shoulder and her neck.

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She didn't notice him standing behind her until she heard him through the mirror
"You shouldn't be covering them up." She turned around. He wore a round neck grey
sweatshirt with black dress pants and brown shoes. His hair perfectly styled. A
brown strapped watch around his left wrist. He looked truly sexy. His clothes
highlighted his baby blue eyes. He was clean shaved and his skin glowed.

For a second there Emily was in awe with his beauty.

He leaned against the door frame with his shoulder. His hands in both pockets and 
again said: "You shouldn't cover them." She looked at him and said in a low voice"
I have too."

"No, you don't. They should know that I know."

"I can't."

"What are you so afraid now?"

She turned around and looked herself in the mirror, continuing to cover them.

He went closer to her. Standing behind her and said, "I'm with you." She looked at
him through the mirror"I can't risk anything today."
"David said that they all missed you"

She scoffed and said"Curtis maybe. I know they're planning something. Tanya must've
told them about everything the day we met." referring to the heated conversation
between Tanya and Liam.

He stood there, watching her cover up her marks. And thought:

Is this what she did everything since we've got married?

When she was done she pulled the shoulders up. She asked, "Could you?" He nodded.
Slowly he slid up he zipper. His fingertips touching her bare skin. As he did, he
looked at her in the mirror. Eyes closed like she was feeling the touch. Her hands
clenching the edges of the sink. He closed the zipper from her waist to the nape of
her neck.

She turned around and he saw how beautiful she looked. Her dress hugged her body in
the right place. Like it was made for her.

Her brown hair that reached to her waist lose in her natural curls. Her makeup was
minimal. Showing off her beauty. But she looked worried. He looked down at her and
asked: "You okay?" Her soft pink lips twitching. She looked at him with glazed eyes
as she answered"No." Tears falling on her cheeks and she continued"Please cancel
it. It's too much to take in. Please."

She started crying. Her brown eyes drowning in her tears. He hated her seeing like
that but he was doing this for her. He wanted her to confront them with confidence,
and with him staying by her side.

He held her face and said"I know it's hard. But I swear to Emily when I say this:
this is for the best. I want you to show them how powerful you can be." She held
his wrists, while both hands on her cheek. She whispered"please." He replied"I'll
be by your side the whole night. I won't leave. I promise you that."

He pulled her into a hug and she held him tightly. Resting his chin on her
shoulder. Inhaling her strong scent.

He whispered in her ear"I'll be with you. I'll be by your side" he lightly pecked
her below her jawline to calm her down. And she did. He looked at her again and
wiped her tears off. He began saying"I'll be in the car. I'm waiting, okay?" She
nodded her head. He kissed her forehead one last time and left. She turned around
and looked at herself in the mirror. Fixing herself. She smiled at herself in the
mirror but that didn't feel beautiful to her. She looked and felt broken. Torn

As he drove, she sat looked out her window. He looked at her hands and saw her
fingers interlocked with each other. Her right-hand fingers nails digging on the
back of her left hand. Her hand white as paper.

With his one hand on the steering wheel, he took her hand that she was digging her
nails in. He held her hand and rubbed the back with his thumb over the nail mark.
He spoke"Calm down. I'm right with you." She looked at him and then looked away
without saying anything.

When they reached the house, he parked his car on the opposite side of the house.
She looked at the house, her body started shaking with fear. He got out of the car
and ran to her side. Opening the car door for her, he held out his hand. Her hands
shaking as she tried to take it.

He bent down and looked up at her"You don't have to be afraid of anything" He took
her hand and helped her out.

They crossed the road together to the big house. He looked at her and asked"Ready?"
She nodded. He wrapped her hand around his arm and said"Smile" She lightly smiled
and he smiled back.

He rang the doorbell and David opened the door. Her grip on Liam's arm tightened.
He placed his other hand on hers instantly. Not letting David notice anything.

David smiled widely and said, "I've missed you so much, Emily!" He pulled Emily
into a big hug. He shook Liam's hand and invited them both inside.

David had his hand on Emily back. Guiding her in. She kept looking at Liam for
support but David took her away.

Their house was big and beautiful. But not as big or as beautiful as Liam's.
Melissa came out, holding her arms up. Her fake teeth smile as she hugged Emily and
said: "Darling I've missed you so much."

Liam kisses on Melissa's cheek and smiled at her. Tanya entered the room. Wearing
the most slutty dress. The dress only covered her nipples. But her breast was out.
She wore a latex red dress. Reaching to only her thigh, covering her butt a little.

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She hugged Emily tightly and said, "It's good to see you cousin." She was hurting
Emily. And Liam could see how uncomfortable she was. Liam stood behind Emily and
said, "It's good to see you again, Tanya." She let Emily go and smiled at him.
Purposely, he wrapped his hand around Emily's waist.

Emily saw Curtis coming down the stairs holding a girl's hand. The woman was
beautiful. Her dark skin glowed, her white teeth smile shined and her black eyes

Emily smiled widely at Curtis as he came down to hug her. She wrapped her hands
around his neck and she whispered in his ear "I've missed you so much."

They broke the hug and Curtis introduced the women to her"Emily this is Caroline.
My girlfriend." The woman, Caroline asked Curtis"Is that her you've been telling me
about?" Curtis nodded at her and she hugged Emily. Taken her by surprise and she
said"I've heard so many great things about you. You're just like I imagined. Been
wanting you meet for so long."  Emily smiled and said, "It's so nice to meet you."
Curtis shook Liam's hand and smiled at him.

The tension in the air could be cut with the knife.

David and Melissa had their eyes on Emily. Tanya looked at Liam.

David said"Emily, this is the first time Liam has been here. Why don't show him to
your room?" Emily's eyes widened. She didn't want too. Liam smiled and said, "I'd
love too." Melissa said"Great. Be down in 10. While the table is being set up."
Liam took Emily's hand and said: "Shall we?"

They both walked up the stairs.

As they were away from the crowd. Liam's smile disappeared. He pulled Emily into a
hug. Concerned about her as he asked, "You okay?" Her body was shaking with fear.
Before she could fall on the floor, he held her tighter. And led her down the big

They stood in front of a door at the end of the hall. The door had 'Emily' written
on it. She looked at it. Confused. He turned the doorknob and they went inside. Her
room walls were pink. A bed beside a glass balcony. 

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Her room looked like every barbie teenage girl's dream.

Liam was impressed as he commented sarcastically"Nice room." He walked around and

looked at her things. Her pictures on her desk, smiling widely. He picked up the
picture and smiled.

He looked at her again and she had an expression like she didn't know what was
going on. She whispered, "This isn't my room." He looked around and asked, "What do
you mean?"

"I-I-I didn't have a proper bed....but a broken mattress on the floor. The springs
stung my back every night. T-the wall was never pink. They were gray. Dirty. There
were cracks on them and on the ceiling. 37 of them to be exact."

She walked to the table Liam was standing at and looked at the pictures to say"I
was never allowed to keep these pictures. Or see them." She marched to the balcony
and opened the door. She said"The balcony never had curtains. They were boarded up
with metals pieces so I won't escape."

She walked back to Liam. He looked at her still taking in information of she had
given him. She took the picture from his hand and said: "This was my best friend,

Emily looked at the picture as she smiled widely hopping on the back of a girl with
black hair and blue eyes. They were both laughing out loud. Emily continued"My dad
took that pic of us on my birthday. I've never seen her since."

"Why not?"

"David never allowed me too. He'd threaten me to beat me up if I even talk to her."
She looked at him and continued"Or anybody else."

They heard a bell ringing and Emily said: "That's the dinner bell."

He held her hand as they walked down the stairs.

He smiled at everyone but her face remained blank. They entered a big room. A big
table with delicious things on them.

David sat at the head seat. Melissa sat at the head seat opposite to David. Liam
sat on David's right with Emily on Liam's right. Curtis, Caroline, and Tanya sat at
David's left.

David looked at Liam with a smile and asked: "Did you like the room?" Liam smiled
and said"It felt great. She told me many memories fill in the room."

David looked at Melissa and she smiled at him. Liam looked at Curtis as his eyes
were on Emily. His eyes filled with sorry for her. Melissa asked, "How's married
life, Liam?" He looked at Emily with love in his eyes as he spoke: "I've never been
happier." Placing a kiss on her temple.
David asked, "Shall we began?" Liam looked at him and replied"Please. I'm

The dinner was an uncomfortable silence.

Tanya smiled at Emily and said"Emily! I told mum about you. I told her you weren't
feeling better the last time I saw you." Melissa smiled and said"That's right. How
are you feeling... Honey?" Emily looked at her. Stuttering to say"I-I-I-I." Liam
held her hand under the table and she grabbed a hold of his hand tightly as she
continued"I'm feeling well now. T-Thank you."

After dinner, dessert was served. David looked at Liam and said, "Can we meet in my
study in private?" Liam smiled at Curtis and asked"Keep an eye on my wife. I can't
leave her." Indicating Curtis to be by her side. Curtis replied, "I won't leave her
till you come back."

"Thank you."

Before he could get up, she held his forearm. Pleading with her eyes. He smiled and
kissed on her cheek as he whispered: "I'll be back before you know it." And went
with David.


She looked at me with her pleading eyes. I didn't want to leave but he didn't give
me a choice.

David led me into his study.

He closed the sliding doors behind me and went to the alcohol trolley to pour
himself a drink. I stood there. Wanting to punch the guy.

He looked at me as he held two glasses of scotch in a dynamic crystal glass. He

handed one to me and I took it whispering him a thank you.

He smiled and said, "So... The gorgeous billionaire is married." I chuckled at his
words and he continued"How does it feel? She's a beauty isn't she?"

The way he spoke is like she's a car that I bought.

The grip on my glass tightened as I replied with a smile "She really is."

"Is she keeping you satisfied?"

"More then you can imagine."

"What about in bed?"

"With all due respect for my wife's adopted father, that's none of your concern."

He laughed aloud and said"I know she can be very annoying sometimes. She hasn't
seen the way people work as we have. She's scared a little"

"But I will. I will show her everything. Teach her how to hold her head up with
confidence. And be by her side till death do us part"

If he's trying to figure out something then good luck to him.

I kept the scotch on his desk and looked at him. He looked at me like he was
offended and said"I'd like to drink. But I have to drive. Can't put her life in
danger. Can I?"

"Of course not."

"Well then... I shall get back to her."

"You shall."

I walked out of the room feeling so damn satisfied but at the same, I was fucking



So what's gonna happen next?

Find out in the next chapter


Love, Hope


        Chapter 31: 1... 2... 3... [Purchased Wife]

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All gone is here today

<u>Finding room to breathe</u><u><i>Go on beyond your way</i></u>

And see


I walked from the study to the living room and saw she was on the couch, sitting
between Melissa and Tanya. All of them laughing together except for her. Her hands
interlocked and she tapped her feet on the floor.

She looked uncomfortable and scared.

I said a little loud, lied"I'd love to stay and chat, but I got work tomorrow."
Melissa said, "Tomorrow is Saturday." I smiled and said"No rest for the wicked,
Mrs. Parker." Tanya said"Why don't you leave Emily here for the night? We've missed
her and want to catch up with her."

I looked at Emily as her eyes widened at me. Begging me no to.

I went to her and held her hand so she could stand up. I put my hand around her
waist and said: "I would but I've grown addicted to her." I looked at her and
that's when I realized that this wasn't a lie. I said again "A night without her
feels lonely." She looked at me with widened eyes.

Tanya squinted her eyes at us as I pulled Emily closer to my side and kissed on her

We said our goodbyes and left the house, walking to the car. I helped her sit and
strapped her in.

After reaching home and going past the gates, she shouted, "STOP THE CAR NOW!" I
did stop it. Looking at her in confusion. She unbuckled her seat belt and got out
of the car. Falling on the grass. I got out and ran to her side. She was on all
fours, gasping for air. She sat on her knees as I reached down to her. Her eyes
were red. Tears falling on her cheek. Her body shivering. Her chest gasping for

She said"I... I can't b-brea.." She couldn't finish her sentence. It looked like
she was having a panic attack. I held her face"Emily look at me." She looked at me.
Still couldn't breathe. I continued"You're safe. You're with me. Away from them." I
rested our foreheads together and said "You're with me. They're not here. Nor they
can hurt you."

She still had a problem breathing. I again said"Emily look at me. Listen to my
voice. Count with me... One... Two." Her body shivering as she continued"Th-
three... F-our... Fi-Fi"

"Five... Six"

"Se-Seven... Eigh-Eight"



She stopped gasping as I continued"Breathe Emily. Breathe." The counting works. I

never knew why she's used to counting most of the night or whenever I got angry,
but now I do.

She started to suck large amounts of air like her lungs were out of them and broke
into a cry and whispered"Tha-Thank You." I held her close to my chest as she cried
more. I looked down at her and she had her hand against her chest and I asked"Are
you okay?" She looked worn out as she replied"I  am fine. My chest hurts a little."
I needed to take her to the hospital. This has shocked me tremendously. I said,
"Let's go to the hospital." She looked at me and said"No. No, I'm fine."

"You just had a panic attack. And now chest pain. This is not fine. We're going.
End of discussion."

She knew she couldn't change my mind. I helped her get up but her legs were
shaking. I picked her up and helped her sit back in the car.

We drove off to the same hospital I took her last time.

I took her to the emergency room. My heart was clutching. I wasn't gonna rest till
I'd find out if she's okay. I parked the car and before she could come out, I ran
to her side to help her out. I wrapped my right hand around her waist. And held her
left hand with my left hand. Helping her so she doesn't fall. She took a step. Her
legs were weak which made her almost fall.

She whispered to me"I can walk just fine." I said in sarcasm"Sure you can."

We walked into the emergency room and waited there for a moment. We were met by the
same doctor as last time. He smiled upon us as he called out her name"Mrs. Knight."

To be honest, hearing that, sounded like music to my ears.

I did not let her hand go as we walked into the examination room. She sat on the
bed and I stood behind her.

First, the doctor felt her heartbeat with a stethoscope. He looked at her and
smiled while saying"Don't be nervous Mrs.knight. I'm just gonna check you, okay?"
But whatever he did, her heartbeat wasn't slowing down.

He again asked, "Would it be comfortable if your husband held your hand?" She
nodded lightly. I took her small hand in mine. Rubbing soft circles on her

He checked her heartbeat again and looked at me to ask"Can we talk in private?" I

nodded my head and was about to walk, but her grip on my hand was still tight. I
leaned close to her and said: "I'll be right outside, okay?" She nodded her head
and I pecked the corner of her lips. And we both went outside. Leaving her in the
room with his nurse.

He asked me"Why happened to her?"

"We were coming back from her parents' house. She was fine then. But when we
reached home, she shouted to stop the car. I did and she got out, falling on the
floor. She was having a panic attack and after that, it was chest pains."

"Has she experienced a panic attack before?"

"Not that I know off. This was her first time with me."

"Does she have any anxiety problems?"

"She does tremble a lot whenever she talks to someone new or when someone raises
their voice at her."


"Including light stressful moments?"


"We Shall go back in."

We went back inside, her face was white as a sheet. The doctor asked
her"Mrs.Knight, how many times have you experienced panic attacks before?" She
looked at me and I was waiting for her to answer. She answered"Many... Many times."

"Do you know the exact count? Or give us a round figure from when they have started

"I had my first panic attack when.... when my parents died at the age of 15."

"Almost 10 years of panic attacks. Have you went to a doctor to get it checked?"

She shook her head negatively. The doctor asked her again"Who was helping you when
you used to get the attacks?"

"M-my cousin."

"Anyone else?"

"No. Just him."

Fucking Curtis never took her to a hospital before!

The doctor looked at me and said"I'm prescribing some Xanax for her nerves for a
while. If she experiences the attack one more time, bring her here pronto." I
nodded my head at him.

I helped her get in the car again. As I buckled her in, her skin was cold. I took
off my sweatshirt and said: "Raise your arms." She did and I slid it down her tiny
body. The sweater fitting her body like a dress. (Imagine Ariana Grande in an
oversized sweater)

As we dove I looked over at her, the back of her head against the head of the seat.
Her body looked weak and tired. I asked, "Why haven't you been to the doctor
"They wouldn't let me go for a check-up."

My hands on the steering wheel tightened. I asked, "What about Curtis?"

"David wouldn't let him. He wanted to help me but David used to threaten that if he
did, then David will do something terrible to me." She continued"I used to be
afraid of Curtis at first. I thought he'd hurt me just like them. But he never
raised his hand on me. Ever. He was always polite. Always nice to me. He bought me
things without letting anyone know. Every year when the clock stroke 12 on my
birthday, he'd be the first and only person to wish me. Even gave me little
cupcakes with a candle on them. He learned to bake just for me." She giggled as she
recalled her memory with Curtis.

She giggled. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I looked at her as
her smile reached up to her eyes.

She stopped smiling and said, "But David caught that too and I made him swore to
never do that again."

I took a deep breath and said"I know I don't know the feelings you're feeling now.
I can't imagine what you've been through is horrible. You must be in pain. Just
numb the pain for a while, Emily. And when it's all done, you can let it out all at
once. Right now you need to be strong for yourself"


He helped her with her panic attacks ߘͰߘͰߘͰߘ

Hope you liked this chapter.

Please please please please comment, vote and follow me.

I'll see ya in the next chapter.


Love, Hope


        Chapter 32: Numbing The Pain [Purchased Wife]

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Liam was laying down on his bed,  his mind wouldn't stop working. And it was only
her he was thinking about. Only her.

He sighed loudly and got up. Walking, down the stairs, and saw the light above the
kitchen island turned on. Emily was sitting on one of the high chairs. He walked to
her and he looked at him with a wide smile while she took a sip from the mug in her

He gave her a confused look. He took the mug and smelled it. It was alcohol. He
sighed and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You told me to numb the pain."

She took the mug from him"So, I'm numbing the pain."

Before she could take a sip, he took the mug away and said: "You know well that I
didn't mean that." She tilted her head, squinting her eyes: "What did you mean,
Liam Knight?" He gave her a disappointed look and said"I'll tell you in the
morning. When you're sober. Let's go to bed."

He held her forearm but she yanked it back and said through her gritted teeth"You
need to stop telling me what to do. Everyone needs to stop telling me what to do.
I'm not a child."

"Well, you're acting like one, Emily."

She let out air through her nose and said"Fine after I finish my drink." Liam took
the mug he had in his hand and dropped the alcohol in the sink in front of her. He
walked back to her and said"Drink finish. Let's go."


"What did you say?"

"I said NO!"


"NOOOOOOOOOO. I'm not going to bed."

She got up from her chair and went to the sink. Bent down and took a bottle of
half-filled alcohol. She opened the lid and started drinking directly.

He held the bridge of his nose and said: "Don't make me force you." She smiled and
challenged him"I'd like to see you try." Her bottom lips between her teeth. Like
she was being turned on by something.... or someone.

Whenever he walked to her, she'd run from her spot with the bottle still in her
hand. Every time he tried to catch her she let out a scream and a giggle. Running
away from his reach.

She was getting on his nerves. He grabbed ahold of the bottle with his one hand.
But she pulled it back. He said"GIVE. ME. THE. DAMN.BOTTLE!" and pulled it with a
hard force. She let go of the bottle making him fall on the floor. His eyes
widened.    The bottle broke on the floor. Far away from their reach. She started
laughing out loud. Looking at his face. His eyebrows furrowed as he was still lying
on the floor and she started laughing louder. He looked at her like she was a crazy
person. A smile spread across his face as he heard her laugh for the first time.

Her eyes closed as she held her stomach, laughing nonstop.

He looked at her and said, "That's enough fun for one day." Before he could get up,
she straddled him. She sat on his stomach, her legs on his sides.

"Very childish... get off."

She giggled"Nope." popping the P.

"Emily get off."

A hint of playfulness was in her eyes and he loved that.

She said, "Say please first."

"Emily please get off."

He picked up his upper body and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Before she
could fall back, he wrapped his arms around her waist. She looked at him with
adoration as she said"You're really pretty" He raised his brows at her and asked,
"Did you just called me pretty?" She giggled and replied"Yes." She leaned and
kissed him on the corner of his lips and said"Really pretty."

She removed a strand of his hair from his forehead. He gazed at her as she
said"Your eyes... they're just so perfect. So blue. Reminds me of an ocean under
the sunlight."

Truth be told, Liam was enjoying drunk Emily.

She titled her head and strands of hair covered her eyes. She tried to blow them
away from her face but was unsuccessful. With his fingers, he lightly pushed her
hair behind her ear and she just smiled at him.

She leaned down, leaving a kiss on his neck and wrapping her arms around him.
Nuzzling her face in his neck. Resting her temple on his shoulders and
whispered"Absolutely gorgeous." He smiled to himself and said"Let's get you to bed.
Okay?" She nodded her head in his neck.

He got up from the floor and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands-on
the back of her thighs to keep her from falling.

He walked upstairs and into her room.  He set her on her bed and tucked her in her
duvet. He smiled at her and said"Sleep well. Cause you're in trouble tomorrow. She
grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to herself. Kissing him lightly. She
let go and said with her eyes closed"Good night."

He left the room without saying or doing anything.

He walked into his bedroom and right in the bathroom. He looked himself in the
mirror. The feeling of her kiss still lingering on his lips. He whispered to
himself"She's messing with my head."

He took off his clothes and hopped in the cold shower. Calming his heated body from
her kiss.

He put on black sweatpants and made his way out to his room, went into his closet
to get himself a shirt.

When he turned around, she was sitting on his bed.

Her clothes changed. She was wearing his zip-up hoodie. Her smooth scarred tan legs
crossed on the other. He asked"What're you doing here? Is that my hoodie?" She
smiled and nodded her head. He pointed to the door: "Emily, please go sleep in your
room." She got up and walked to him slowly.
A smile on her face as she held the zipper of his hoodie and slowly slide it down
till the end. Taking the hoody off her shoulders as she wore black lingerie. She
walked closer to him and stopped till her chest touched his. His eyes on her face.
Not moving down as he said a low voice"Emily you're drunk." She said in a soft
voice" I know."

"Why're you doing this?"

She shrugged and said, "Well that kiss made me want more."

She trailed her fingers, a fine line from his chest to his torso.

With only a finger of her each hand, she trailed her nails on his V-line and he
shivered under her touch. Not once his eyes traveled to her body. She cupped his
face with her hands. His expression still blank and she said"Take me, Liam. Right
here. Right now."

He looked at her arms and her marks weren't covered. He looked down at her body and
her scars were exposed. Which she never liked. With her fingers under his chin, she
guided him to look at her. Without breaking eye contact, he bent down, sliding his
hand on the back of her thigh and picked her up.

He lied her on his bed, his waist between her legs.

She heard the sound of the zipper and realized that he had zipped up her hoodie and
said"Sleep, Emily."

It wasn't easy for him to fight the temptation but he did.

He moved and lied down next to her, shirtless.

She trailed a pattern on his chest with her fingers and said: "We could be doing so
many things now." He removed her hand and lied her back on the other pillow,
covering her naked legs with his duvet and said"Goodnight, Emily." She smiled at
him and closed her eyes.

He lied back on his side. His left hand under his head and his right hand rested on
his chest. He looked to his left and saw her sleeping. He closed his eyes too.

And then felt the warmth against his body. He opened his eyes and saw her head
lying on his chest as she wrapped her arm around his torso.

He let out a sigh in annoyance and closed his eyes again. He heard her say"Not
comfortable." She straddled him but before he could say anything, she covered
herself and him with a duvet while being on him. Her legs resting on each side.

She lied on his chest, her hands behind his shoulders as she nuzzled her face in
his neck. Kissing him below his jawline.

She looked at him because she didn't felt his arms around her. He looked at her in
confusion. Kissing on his cheek, she wrapped his arms around her waist by herself,
and then went back to lying on her previous position.

Not even a second passed when she was finally asleep. Her left hand on his chest.
He held her hand and turned it around. He saw something peeking out from her
sleeve. He pushed the sleeve to her forearm. He saw two cuts.   

She nuzzled in his neck more and he wrapped his arms around her tightly.



see ya at the next!



Follow me


Love, Hope


        Chapter 33: An Apology [Purchased Wife]

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We fall apart as it gets dark

I'm in your arms in Central Park
There's nothing you could do or say
I can't escape the way,
I love you


I knew I was awake but I hadn't opened my eyes yet. I could feel hot air on my
face. Like someone breathing. My head was paining like a hammer was hitting me
constantly on my head. My body was comfortable and warm.

This blanket is so comfy. I could stay in this forever.

I felt a movement under me. My back felt heavy and tight.

Why is the blanket moving?

This smells good. My nose feels happy.

Why does my bed smell like Liam? Why does my body feel heated up?

I opened my eyes. My vision met a tan body. I looked up and covered my mouth before
I could wake him up. I was sleeping on him. Right on him. His thick eyelashes
sparkle under the sunlight. His jet black hair was messy against his forehead. I
had to fight the urge to touch his hair. Even sleeping he looked perfect.

I felt him move more and hugged me tighter. I loved the feeling. I couldn't help
myself but gaze at him. His beauty stunned me. I tried to get up from his hold but
he was stronger. Obviously, the strength explains from his muscles and abs.

Why does my leg feel naked?

I can literally feel a soft fabric against my leg. I touched my legs and they were

What happened to my clothes? Did we had sex? Oh god, I had sex with him.

I was panicking.

I had to get up and get out. I tried to move but couldn't. I looked around thinking
of a way out. I tried to unwrap his arms from around me but in doing so, I was met
with a pair of ocean eyes. So blue. I stopped.
He stared at me and could see a smile creep on his lips. My heart pounding like
crazy as he stared at me. I felt his fingers move my hair from my face to behind my
ear. His warm hand rested on the side of my neck. And his other hand on my waist.
He then wrapped around his arm my waist. Making me feel closer to him.

Our lips almost inches apart as he stared me in my eyes. My cheeks heated up as he

continued to stare. A shiver escaped my mouth as I felt his cold fingers in my

My hoodie? I don't have a hoodie.

Just as I was about to speak I groaned in terrible pain. Like a sledgehammer was
being pounded on the back of my head.    I swear I felt like he chuckled from his
chest as it vibrated.

He looked at me and said, "I guess this was the first time you got drunk."


"For a person who got drunk for the first time, you surely know how to drink."

"What happened last night?"

"I think you know."

His smile grew wider. Showing me his smile lines that I never knew he had. I
unconsciously smiled looking at him. He looked handsome. No, beautiful. He was

He interrupted my thoughts as he spoke: "I would love to stay like this more but I
think I speak for both of us that it's better you get off me." I stared at him as
he paused for a second and again said: "Like right now." My eyes widened. I
should've gotten up hours ago. I got up as fast as I could and ran from there. I
ran into my room as fast as I could and locked the door behind me.

I held my head walking to my bed in pain. I looked at the full length in front of

What the hell am I wearing? Am I wearing his hoodie?

I am!

I unzipped the hoodie and I was wearing lingerie under it.


Little by little the memories came to me. I tried to seduce him. I can't even look
at myself right now. I felt myself smile when I thought about how we slept last
night. I touched my lips with my fingers as I remembered the kiss.

No Emily you can't. This is Liam you're talking about Liam Knight. You're like a
charity to him. He's good to you because of what you've been through. And if he
didn't know he would've continued to treat you the same as he used to.

I shook my head like I was shaking my thoughts away and took a warm shower because
my body ached.

I got out of the shower and looked at my new phone that Liam gave me a week ago. I
absolutely loved it to be honest. It was an iPhone Xsmax. It was rose gold. And it
had a simple blue matte case. I was shocked that he remembered that I like the
color blue.

I looked at the timing on my phone and it was 10:00 am on a Saturday. It was the

I changed my clothes as fast as I could and went downstairs. He was nowhere. I got
hungry so I decide to make some breakfast.

I should thank him for last night and apologize too. I think breakfast might do the

Whenever Curtis was mad at me I used to make him breakfast to apologize. I made
oven hash browns, pancakes, eggs, and fried turkey bacon. I didn't have time to
make a lot of stuff. I even toasted some bread slices.

After I made everything, I set them on the kitchen island.

The house reeked of alcohol. I went around the island and saw there was a bottle
shattered into pieces. I did remember what happened there. And then I was reminded
again that I kissed Liam last night. I kissed him. My heart pounded. My cheeks
flushed with embarrassment that I called him pretty too.

I cleaned the glass on the floor.

As I threw them in the garbage can, I saw him coming down the stairs. He was
wearing grey sweatpants with a black full sleeve t-shirt. He had his black-framed
glasses on. I've never seen him wear them often. But when he does, he looks really
good in them.

When he saw all the food prepared he asked: "What is going on?" I walked to him.
Fiddling with my fingers. Without looking him right in the eye I replied"I made
breakfast. It's an apology and a thank you." A smile spread across his face as he
asked: "For what?" He knew it but he wanted me to say it. "Thank you for handling
my behavior last night and sorry for the trouble."

"Welcome and apology accepted."

I smiled at him as he spoke those words. He asked"Why don't we have breakfast

outside? The weather is nice." I nodded my head.

There was a small round table outside in the garden. I slide the kitchen glass door
open. When I turned around I saw plates in his hands. Taking them out, helping me.
I smiled to myself.

I took some more plates and followed him out. The table had only two chairs. Liam
sat on his chair while I served him his daily coffee.

The amount of caffeine that man drinks every day has me speechless.

I sat on the other chair and we began eating.    I took a slice of pancake and one
hash brown. I slowly took a bite and began eating. There was still so much food
left. He looked me like I was crazy. He asked, "That's all you gonna eat?" My eyes
widened as I said, "Yeah, why?" He shook his head and said"You should eat more than
that. Please." I took some eggs and a piece of bacon. He looked at me and smiled.

He smiled.

Every time I looked at him he ate like a little boy. Enjoying his breakfast as a
little kid does.
I was still on my first plate. And he was already finished. He looked at my plate
and then at me. He asked, "You're not finished?"

"I-I don't feel hungry."


I've been noticing her for the past three days. She has an appetite equal to a

She barely eats. The last meal she had was at their house. But she only ate little.
That amount couldn't even satisfy a 7-year-old child.   

I felt anger against myself. Why couldn't I notice that sooner? Why couldn't I
notice it all the day I married her? I was clearly blind with so much anger that I
couldn't notice that she needed saving? What kind of a human being am I?
What kind of a hus... Does she still consider me as her husband? Or as a monster?

The things you've done to me Jules Hugh, I'll never forgive it and I'll never make
you forget it.

I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't even saw her standing up and taking away
the dirty plates. I saw her pop the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the island
and then the table we were sitting on. I just watched her. She worked like she was
used to it. I wanted to take her out. Just us. I really wanted that.

I asked"Would you like to go out? For a walk?" I've never been so nervous to ask a
girl out. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. Her smile makes me relax
every time. She nodded.

I waited for her, not long. Just 5 minutes maybe.

She came down and she was wearing a maroon, full sleeve shirt. Dark black leggings
and black and white converse. Her hair down in her natural waves.

I asked, "Wanna take a stroll in Central Park?" She smiled and nodded.

Our walk there was silent.

We reached the opposite of Central Park. Waiting in a crowd of people. Clearly, she
didn't like it because she kept looking around. We waited till the light turned
green. I was about to walk and stopped at my tracks, looking back at her. Her face
held a worry.

Crowds of people past by us. I held out my hand and she looked at me confused.
Really confused. She looked like she was having an internal war with herself to
grab my hand or not. I bent down and grabbed her small hand and pulled her with me.
We crossed the road together. I really liked the feeling of her hands. I smiled to
myself as I could feel her hand tightened around my fingers.

Once we were in Central Park, I couldn't let her hand go. I wanted to hold it for a
little longer. And she didn't mind me.

We walked in comfortable silence in the park. Kids were running around and playing.
Old couples walking around with their canes. I looked at her and she looked at me.
Her big brown eyes make me smile. And I couldn't stop from my lips twitching into
one. She smiled small back at me.

I asked, "You wanna play 20 questions?" She asked, "What's that?"

"It's when I ask you a question and you ask me one. We both have to answer. It's
like playing a game to get to know each other."

She bit her lips in nervousness and nodded. I also added, "If there's a question
you don't wanna answer you can pass it, okay?" She sighed out relief and nodded
again. There was only one question in my mind. About the marks on her wrist, I saw
last night.

I said, "You start first."

After a pause, she asked, "What's your favorite color?"

I smiled at myself and answered"Brown." Just like her eyes.

I asked"favorite food?"

"Burgers" and she lightly giggled.

She asked"Favorite movie?"

L: "All Marvel..... favorite cartoon?"

E: "Mulan...... Favorite food?"

L: "Nothing in particular... Favorite memory?"

She stopped and I stopped with her. I whispered, "I'm sorry." I asked the wrong
question. She gave me a sad smile and said: "I do have one but it's hard to talk
about it."

"I'm really sorry. We can pass that question."

"Thank you."

I again asked, "food that you don't like?"

She scoffed and said" olives."

"How can you not like olives? How do you eat pizza then?"

She laughed and said, "I'm allergic to olives." She paused and asked"Favorite
"My gran."

I couldn't play the game anymore. My head won't let me ask other questions.

I sat on the wood bench and pulled her lightly to sit to my right. I said, "I'm
gonna ask you a serious question now." Her body tensed up. I still had her left
hand in mine. I looked at her and she stared at me. Scared.

I slightly pulled her sleeve so her forearm was in full view. There were other
bruises too. I traced my fingers in those three cuts and asked: "Did you ever hurt
yourself?" She opened her mouth to say but I cut her off"I won't let you pass this
question." She slightly nods her head. Her brown eyes glazed in tears. She bit her
bottom lip to hold in her cry. I sighed and said"I'm not gonna ask you why. But I'm
gonna ask you when was it?" She let out a whisper that I barely heard"A-a year

I saw a tear slip on her cheek. My heart broke when I heard she did that. It really
broke. I put my hand on her cheek and she leaned into my touch. Her eyes never
leaving mine. I was close to her and I said in a low voice" Promise me whatever
happens, you won't do it ever again." Another tear fell on my palm below my thumb.
She said, "I promise." I smiled a sad smile and kissed her forehead. I looked into
her eyes again and said"You promised me, Em. Don't ever break it."

I pulled back and got up. I held out my hand for her to hold. She wiped her tears
and held mine to get up. I looked down at her and asked"Shall we go for lunch? I'm

She looked down and looked back up at me. Her eyes still glazed and said"Okay."

I never had so much fun. We went to a Chinese restaurant nearby. She was still
hesitant in talking to me but it was progressing.    We talked little.

I loved spending time with her. She made me smile at all her words.


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Love, Hope



        Chapter 34: 100 Rosesߥ [Purchased Wife]


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A week passed by. Emily has wrapped me around her finger that I know she doesn't
know. And I don't mind. I really don't. Her presence makes me smile. She got my
heart racing every time she looks at me.

Right now, I'm in my office with shit loads of paper works but I can't do them. I
just gaze at her through the one glass mirror.

When David is gone for good, will she stay with me or will she ask for a legal

She'll go away. And I can't stop her. I don't have the right to.
I like having this little married life with her. I look at my wedding ring and I
can't do anything but smile at it with love. I saw her get up from her seat and go
in the elevator. Maybe she's going down to the canteen.

I saw the elevator door slide open. And walked in a postman. He had a package
wrapped in wrapping paper. Looked like a gift.
The postman looked around, really confused. I got up and walked out. Because Emily
wasn't here. The postman looked at me and asked: "Do you know Emily Parker?"

"I'm her husband"

so proud of that line

"Well, I have a package here for her."

"I'll take it."

I took the package and signed it on the datasheet. I looked at the gift and heard
the postman said: "Have a good day, mister." Without even sparing a second glance I
mumbled: "You too."

The package said, Xander Harris.

Who the fuck is Xander Harris and why is he sending my wife gifts?

I looked around thinking.

Should I open it or not?

If I did she'll be really upset. Or worst, never talk to me. There was a small card
attached to the purple silk ribbon.

I opened the card and it said:

"Dear Emily,
                                        I miss you.
Being with you is my favorite place in the world.
Seeing you is my favorite sight in the world.
Breathing you is my favorite smell in the world.
It's been 7 years and I still can't get over you. I wanna meet you but, you
stubborn women, left me the day I told you how I fell for you.

Anyway, I hope you have the happiest birthday ever. I still love you. Remember
                              Yours truly,
                                                    Xander Harris"

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Sending gifts and love cards to MY Emily!
My Emily? That came out really possessive.

I glanced at the elevator doors and saw the red number above.


She's coming up.

I debated.

Should I tell her or should I just hide it and never tell her?

I looked at the number again and it was 39.

She's almost here!

I kept the gift on her desk and ran in my office and closed the door.

I looked at her through the one-way mirror. She looked confused when she saw the
gift. I stared at her. She looked around like she was waiting for someone to come.

She looked right at me and I turned around.

Why did I turn around?

She can't see you, stupid.

I looked back at her and she smiled as she picked the gift. Jealousy ran inside my
veins. I made a mental note to get her a bigger gift.

Wait... Happy birthday? Is today her birthday and she didn't tell me? Why won't she
tell me?

I glanced at her again. She read the card. But her smile faded away.

Why was she not smiling at the card that stupid Xander wrote?

She opened the gift and there was a blue velvet box. She opened the box and her jaw
fell open.
What was in the box? I wanted to see so badly.

She picked up the gift in the box and it was a necklace. A diamond necklace. Looked
like a diamond. It was gorgeous and looked expensive too.

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I'm gonna get her a bigger and more expensive diamond chain...... or a ring, maybe?

She stared at it. Her face was distressed.

I opened my door and she hid the chain behind her back. Looking at me.

She smiled and I smiled back at her. She asked, "You wanted something?"

"Whatcha got there?"

"I don't know. A wrong package to the wrong person."

She answered quickly.

I didn't want to embarrass her so I said: "Alright, I need that Miller file in 10
minutes, okay?" She quickly nodded.

She stood there. Hiding the necklace behind her back.

Why was she lying to me? Does she love someone else?

My heart literally felt like it will break in pieces if I find out that she loves
someone else.

I went back to my office and looked at her again. She sat on her desk and started
typing on her computer.

I wish I could know what she was typing.

I then had the best idea.

All the computers in this office are connected to mine. If I could just connect
into her server.

I went back to my desk and logged in, in her server. The notepad application was
open. And I read what she typed.

It said:

"Xander, thank you so much for the wish and this gorgeous diamond necklace...

She stopped typing and My face fell.

She was thanking him. That guy?

She liked the gift. I looked at her and she continued to type

".... But I can't accept this expensive gift. It's just too much. I'm going to send
it back to you and I hope you give it to someone more worthy than me...

What the hell? No one is more worthy than her.

My heart did do a happy dance.

"...I appreciate it. Really, I do. But I can't wear it.

And with due respect please don't send me gifts ever again.

                                                    Your friend,
                                                        Emily Parker."

If I could kiss her right now, I would. She rejected the guy!


I saw her printing the paper and put the necklace and everything inside the box.
Taping it up again. I couldn't stop smiling.

Oh shit! She was coming into the office.

I got myself ready to act. I looked like I was working.

She entered and asked, "Do you mind if I take an early lunch break?" I looked at
her package and asked: "Whatcha got there?"
She shrugged"Just posting an old friend a gift"

I couldn't stop the smile creeping on my lips. I put a finger on my mouth and tried
to look more serious. I said"You can. But after lunch go straight home, okay?" She
smiled and nodded. Making her way out.

I took my phone and looked at the time.

2:00 pm

I dialed my phone and spoke"I need 100 roses delivered to 18th maple street in an

I was getting her roses for her birthday. I didn't know what she wanted. But I'm
sure I am gonna give her something she wants.


I had to post the gift back. I don't know what Xander wanted again.

Why can't he just drop everything and find himself a good girl?

I just hope Liam doesn't find out. I've been punishment free for 4 months. I don't
want that peace to be over. I'm a little happy. I'm living peacefully with Liam. I
can't let Xander swoop in and destroy everything.

I posted the box in the post office.

I went home in my car. Liam bought a new car and a driver for me. I do appreciate
him doing this for me. But I can't accept that too. I can't let anyone spend so
much on me for no reason. But I couldn't win against Liam.

When I got home, a guy was standing in front of the gate. I had to let him in.

Why was that guy holding a big bouquet of roses?

I told the guard to open the gate for him and he walked in behind the car.

I got out when the car stopped at the front door. The guy asked me"Are you, Emily

"I am."
"Happy Birthday, ma'am."

My jaw dropped. I was about to hold the bouquet when the car driver, the name is
Max, took them from my hands.

He was an old man. In his 60s and was nice too.

He smiled and said"It's pretty heavy"

I signed the datasheet and went behind the driver.

He kept the roses on the kitchen island and looked at me"Happiest birthday to you,

"Thank you, Max but you didn't have to get me these roses."

He chuckled and said, "I wish I had enough money to buy these for you but I
didn't." He took one rose out from the vase and gave it to me and I gladly took it
and he left.

I looked at those beautiful roses. The smell filled the room and a smile wouldn't
stop on my face.

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Who could it be?

Couldn't be Liam, because he didn't know.

Couldn't be Curtis, because he has a theory of what is the use of buying flowers
when they all die anyway.

Maybe Xander? No, I don't think so

Maybe Uncle Harvey?

I stared at those cherry red beautiful roses wondering who sent it. I heard the
door open and it was Liam.
Why was he smiling widely? Not that I mind. I loved his full-blown smile.

He asked, "Do you like it?"

"Like what?"

His smile disappeared and he pointed to the roses behind me and said"The roses."

"Y-you sent these?"


"I-I-I love them. I really do."

His smile appeared again. I asked"How did you know? I never told you." He stopped
smiling again and rubbed the back of his neck in nervousness as I caught him on
something. He replied"I...kinda... read the card... The Xander Harris card."

My eyes widened. I was about to say something but he cut me and said"I didn't mean
too. I'm sorry. Curiosity got the best of me."

If I wasn't shocked right now I would've laughed hard.

He said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

"You sure?"

"Yes... Thank you, Liam. I really love them."

I smiled at him and turned around to see the roses again. Smell them. He got them
for me. Nobody has ever done that for me. I smiled to myself as I touched the

I felt him breathing down my neck when he asked: "Who's Xander Harris anyway?"

I turned around and bumped into his chest. He caught me by grabbing onto my
shoulders. I looked at him in his eyes. There was love in them.

Liam would never show love to me.

Sympathy? Yes!

Love? No!

He gazed at me. A smile hooked on his lips. I noticed my hands against his chest. I
removed my hands and he let go of my shoulders but he didn't move. There was no
space between us. He looked down at me and softly asked again"Who's Xander Harris?"
I could choose to not tell him but I wanted to. I wanted to tell him everything.

I began telling him"I and Xander used to go to the same high school. He said he
liked me."

He took a deep breath and let it out like he let out steam through his nose.

Instinctively I place my hands flat against his chest and said: "But I didn't."

He calmed down. I looked him in his ocean eyes and said"He was a transfer student
from Canada and instantly he became popular. He was in all my classes. He would sit
with me. I wasn't allowed to make friends and Tanya kept an eye making sure that I
wouldn't make any. But he used to talk to me about homework and I used to help him
a little when Tanya was nowhere near me. Then he tried to talk to me. Wanting to
know everything about me. But I wouldn't tell him because of the consequences at
home. And one day, he followed to my house. He followed me to the door and kissed
me on my cheek and then he left. David found out and they all beat me up. Tanya was
angrier at me because she said I trapped the popular guy and that I was a gold
digger. she went crazy. I still couldn't forget the rage in her green eyes. Getting
the knives from the kitchen and grazing slices on my forearms when I tried to
protect my face. She didn't stop until Curtis pulled her away. I begged Xander the
next day to stop following me but he wouldn't listen. I would get beat up every
But one day he stopped and I was so thankful. But that was also the day when he
told me he loved me. And wanted me to be with him but I knew if I did the
consequences will get worse. So I begged David to change my high school. After
graduating, I'd get gifts from him on my every birthday but every piece of
expensive jewelry, Melissa and Tanya would steal them from me. That was the box you
saw in my hands. His gift to me was a diamond necklace this time. Tanya and Melissa
wouldn't steal them from me anymore and I couldn't accept a really expensive gift
so I sent it back."

Out of curiosity, he asked, "What about the diamonds Gran sent you?" I looked down
embarrassed and said, "Tanya and Melissa stole them all." He picked up my chin with
his finger and asked"Do you regret it? Sending back the gift?" A tear fell on my
cheek as I answered without thinking twice"No."

He smiled lightly and bent down to my face. He lightly pecked my lips and
said"Happy Birthday, Em."

Hope you liked this chapter!

Please vote, comment and follow me!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 35:The Cemetary    [Purchased Wife]

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⚠️WARNING: sexual content⚠️



The kiss. Oh god. We kissed. Well, I kissed her. I wanted to do more but I knew
that will take me beyond the limit.

I was currently lying in my bed. I couldn't sleep. I looked at my phone it was 2

am. I just wanted her beside me. In my arms.

I heard a knock on the door. She came inside and I rested on my elbows. Looking at
her tiny frame.

She played with her fingers like she always does when she's nervous. I asked,
"Emily, you okay?"

"I can't sleep."

"Did something happen?"

"No, I just can't sleep."

There was an awakened silence between us for a second. I asked, "You wanna sleep

"Can I?"

I removed the duvet of the other side and she slipped under it.
She was at the corner of the bed. I had my hands under my head laying on my back
and she was lying on her back. Her hands-on her stomach. She pulled her sleeves on
to her fingers. I said"Good night." She answered quickly"Good night."

I'm not gonna lie. I was aching to touch her. Have her in my arms.
I looked at the clock again and it was 3 am now. Neither of us had slept.

I looked at her and said, "Emily, I can't sleep." He looked at me and said"Oh. I'll
go. So you can sleep comfortably."


Wow, I'm loud.

She lied back down. I said, "I just can't sleep like this." The space between us
was driving me bat-shit crazy. She said, "I don't understand."

Of course, she won't.

I said, "Don't freak out." I pushed myself to her side and buried my face in her
bare neck. Her body tensed.

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I wrapped my arms around her and her body calmed. My nose nuzzled in her neck. Now
that's what I call comfort. I felt her left hand around me. Playing with my hair.

I've never been this excited to sleep in my life. And then I dozed off into the
most drunken sleep I've ever had
The bed felt cold. I opened my eyes and she was gone. I looked at the clock and it
was 5 am.

Where did she go?

I had another two hours to sleep but I wanted her. I got up. Calling out her
name"Emily?" I looked in the bathroom and she wasn't there.
I went to her room and then her bathroom. She wasn't there.
She wasn't in the house. I went out the front door, barefoot. I shouted "Emily?"

My heart began to panic.

Where is she? Did she leave me without saying anything? I went to her room again
but all her clothes were there. Even the little suitcase she bought when she moved
in with me.

Did David take her? No, he can't.

I called Curtis. He picked up the phone and his voice was still lazy"Hello?"

"Curtis is Emily there with you?"

"Emily? No. What happened?"

"I can't find her"

"What do you mean you can't find her?"

"I checked everywhere. Her phone is off"

"You sure you checked everywhere?"

"If I hadn't I would not be calling like crazy"

"True. Okay, did you look in the cemetery?"

"The what?"

"The cemetery"

"I heard you the first time"

"She must be there. She always visits her parents the next day of her birthday
because that's the day they died"


"Go check"

"Which cemetery?"

"The oldest one in New York"

"That's an hour drive away"

"You better start driving if you wanna see her"


I changed quick as I could. I won't rest until I see her. I drive an hour's drive
to the cemetery.

I passed through the cemetery at a slow speed. My eyes on the graves. I found her.
Her back lying on the headstone. Wiping her own tears.

I stopped the car and walk out as fast as I could. I practically ran to her. She
was weeping. I bent down and before she could notice I wrapped my hands around her.
Pulling her into me. I sigh a relief and said to myself"Thank god you're okay." She
lifted her head and looked at me, shocked and said: "What're you doing here?"

I looked at her in disbelief. I said"You're the one that went away in the middle of
the night without telling anyone. I should be asking you that question." I was
scolding her. She hiccuped as she said"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
I pulled her to my chest again. And she began crying out loud. I know the main
reason for her crying was not my scolding. It was because of what was behind her.

Two headstones. Placed to each other. I saw the roses from yesterday on the
headstone. She muffled"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you." She pulled away and
continued"I didn't want to wake you up"

"You should've. I wouldn't have mind. At all. You should've told me or Curtis. I
was about to file a missing report of you."

She giggled as I smiled at her. I held her face and wiped her tear and asked: "You
"I just wish that they were here. With me"

A whispered left my lips"I know, baby"

Baby? Did I just call her Baby?

I looked at her in consternation as she wiped her tears away...SHIT... I'm in love
with Emily Parker. I'm in love with the woman sitting in front of me. And I'm happy
about it. But I can't tell her now. She's crying. Maybe when the time is right.

I asked, "Wanna go home?" She nodded like a little kid.

Home? That sounds warm this time.

I helped her up and wrapped my jacket around her tiny frame. And wrapped my arms
around her shoulder. She held onto my torso and her head on my chest as we walked
out of the cemetery.

I helped her inside the car and I strapped her in too.

I held her hand until we drove home. I didn't and couldn't let her go.

When we reached home, I got out of the car and as fast as I could, I ran to her
side. Opening her door.
I love doing little things for her.

We walked inside the house and she stopped me by placing a hand on my forearm and
said"Thank you, Liam. For everything."

She tiptoed and feathered kissed me right in the corner of my lips. But I wanted
more. As she placed the kiss, I turned my head. Kissing her


I wanted to place a kiss on the corner of his lips because of all the things he's
done. Sure, he was mean at first but he still protected me from everyone. He was by
my side. He didn't have to do that but he did.

I placed a kiss on the corner of his lips but his head turned. I was kissing him.
It felt like fireworks blasted everywhere around me.

The kiss turned into a passion for fire. He bent down sliding down his hands from
my waist straight to my thighs and picked me like I weight nothing.
I couldn't stop kissing him and neither could he.

I felt something hard under me. I was on the kitchen island. Oh god.

He stepped in between my legs and kissed me again. His arms wrapping around my
waist, pulling me as close to him as possible. I had my hands on his shoulders. His
hand trailed down my thighs and then to my calves. He removed my shoes without even
breaking the kiss and then he removed my socks.

He wrapped my legs around his waist and I held as tightly as I could. I unbuttoned
his shirt. My hands were shaky but he was patient.
I had my palms lay against his hard chest and he sighed in the kiss.
My fingers trailed his collar bones and his body shiver.

His hands went under my shirt. He grabbed my hips and moved upward to my ribs.
Rising goosebumps on my body.

He held my face again and I looked at him to catch my breath as he smiled. Showing
me his perfect white teeth with those smile lines that I've always adored and
whispered in his raw husky voice" I'm so in love with you."

Did I hear him right? Did he say that he loves me? Did Liam Knight confess his love
to me?

I looked at him. I couldn't believe my ears. His smile still lingered on his lips
as he kissed me again. My heartfelt some kind of overwhelmed.
He left pecks all over my faces, making me giggle.

He once again captured my lips with his and picked me up from the island. I wrapped
my legs tightly around his waist.

Are we going to his room?

My heart was beating hard against my rib cage like it would break it.

He easily took the steps upstairs. His hands-on my butt, holding me against him as
he stared at me.
His ocean eyes felt like he was unmasking my skin and staring into my soul.

I heard the door closed as I realized that we were in his room.

He put me down and I looked up at him. His fingers linked in mine as he kissed me
and walked towards and I backward.
I felt the bed hit the back of my knee and I fell on the soft bouncy mattress. I
looked up at him as he bent down to reach my level. He was standing between my

He picked me up by wrapping one arm around my waist and he pushed me up in the

middle of the bed with himself.

He was strong no doubt.

My head lied on the pillow. He pulled me down flat by the back of my knees that I
was right under his body. My legs at his side and he was between them. Supporting
his weight by placing his hand beside my head. Staring at me.

The distance between us. I hated it. I just wanted him closer.

What am I saying?

He lowered down and he was on his elbows on the side of my head. Closer to me. His
warm breathing on my lips. His blue gaze on my lips. My eyes fell to his body on
me. His perfectly lined packs. I just wanted to touch his skin. I featherly clawed
my fingernails from the side of his V-line to his torso. Feeling his shudder.

His shirt was unbuttoned but still on his shoulders. He kept looking at me. Not
making a move.

I pushed the shoulder of the shirt off his shoulders. Heat radiating from his body.
He didn't make a move but to stare at me.

My mind was foggy. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't look at him. I tugged the
belt loop of his jeans, he pushed himself down on me. His body on my mine, our
chest touching.

It felt uncomfortable being there. I was too scared to make a move. Too scared. His
gaze never left mine.

I said in a low voice" Liam..." but before I could say anything past his name, he
crashed lips on mine.

It started out as tiny little pecks. Then he slowly massaged my lips with his.
Little by little his speed increased.

Now, he kissed me hungrily and possessively.

My lungs felt like the air was being sucked out. I whimpered not breathing.
He backed away and I took long breaths and he did the same. He gulped and I saw his
Adams Apple bobbed up and down lightly. I leaned in closer and his lips almost
touching mine. Making me yearn more. I jerked my head up and kissed him again. I
held his face and tried to deepen the kiss.

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I felt his hand hold my waist and he pinned my hand beside my head. He pinned the
other hand too. Without breaking the kiss.

I was busy enjoying his lips that I didn't even know that I was helpless.

In one swift, he slides my arms straight above my head. Pinning them on the pillow
above my head. I gasped on his lips. He gripped my tiny hands with his one hand
that were pinned above my head.

His other hand went in my shirt. Warm palm against my skin. As he slides his hands
upwards on my ribs. Making me arch my back on his front.

His hand stopped under my bra and he grazed the underboob part with his thumb.
Making me shiver in pleasure.

I started imaging if he could do this to me with his thumb. Just imagine what'll he
do me with his hands.

His hand was placed on my bare skin. Between my both ribs. Massaging my torso. My
hips rolled on him. I eagerly wanted to touch him but I was helpless.

I felt my shirt riding up. His packs on my bare stomach. He released my hands and
clutched the hem of my shirt in his hands. Pulling it up.
He pulled the shirt over my head and kept it above my head. My chest heaving up and

He looked down at my body and I felt so uncomfortable. I hadn't covered my marks. I

covered myself and said"Don't stare at them, please. I know they're ugly. But...
just don't look at them."

I grabbed my shirt from above my head and placed it on my chest. Trying it to cover
myself from his gaze.

He grabbed the shirt and threw it on the ground. I gulped as he bent to my ear and
a shiver ran down my spine and I felt his lips press flat on them. He spoke, "You
don't ever need to hide them. You're so beautiful." He placed a soft kiss behind my
ear and I let out moan. He kissed me again. His big palms on my cheek as he said"I
love everything about you... Everything. You shouldn't be hiding them."

He crashed his lips again and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The hair on the
nape of his neck was between my fingers. They were soft and healthy. I loved
playing with them.

He sat on his knees between my legs and I groaned at the sudden loose of contact
from him. I wanted him back on me.

His cold fingers trailed from the side of my chest to beneath my navel. The traced
the line of my jeans with his fingers. And I sighed heavenly.

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He kissed right on my right rib to the middle of both my ribs.

Making me mewl lightly.

From there I felt his warm tongue on my skin. His warm wet tongue made my mind

From there he trailed his tongue, making a strained line to my navel. Making me
moan. His eyes on me the whole time. And from there he continued the same thing
until he reached the button of my jeans.

He kissed right on my navel again and I moaned his name"Liam" He unbuttoned the
metal. I sucked in a deep breath. He looked at me and said, "Emily, breathe." I let
out a huge cloud of air.

I could hear him unzipping my jeans. He tugged on them and pulled them down my leg
and on the floor. My face heated up. I was almost naked in front of him.

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He came back up to me and kissed my forehead followed by my nose which made me

smile and then my lips.
He left a trail of feather kissed down my jaw to my neck. And I felt him suck the
skin on the sensitive part where the neck meets the shoulder. I moaned harder. He
kept sucking, kissing and licking that part. Tormenting me. I tried to hold back my
moans but I couldn't. My body wanted me to moan as loud as I could.

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He pulled down the strap of my bra on my upper arm and trailed sideways kisses till
he reached my shoulder. He slightly moved down to my collar bone and lightly bit
the bone that made me gasp in pleasure.

He kissed me again and bit my lips lightly and kept sucking on my bottom lip and I
moaned in his mouth.

As I moaned my back arched. He grabbed the nape of my neck and kissed me


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His hand snake behind my back and I felt him unclasp the hook of my bra.

He took down the straps. Until only the cups were remaining on me. Shielding me
from him.

But I spoke too soon.

My bra was off and he threw that on the floor with so much force that I heard it
hit the door lightly.

I shrieked when I felt his hand tug on the fabric of my underwear and he slid them
off as well.

I was bare naked in front of him. Under him. I felt exposed. I wanted to cover
myself so badly.

I shielded my body from him again and removed my arms again and grunted: "What did
I say about loving your everything?"
It sounded more like an angry sassy remark.

He planted both legs to his side making me wrapped him in between them.

He looked down at my body and then at me. My stomach felt like it was knotted and I
knew he's the only one that could release it.

He kissed me right between my breasts and plunged my left breast in his mouth.
Sucking on my hard nipple. Making me gasping for air as the pleasure took over my
body. He sucked on them hard. He stopped and I saw that my pink nipples were red.
He did the same to my right one and I felt like the feeling intensified.

I was moaning loud.

I felt his fingers on my stomach moving down and down. Right at my womanhood.

He pushed his finger right on my sensitive clit. And slowly rubbed little circles
on it.

Like the speed of a snail.

I want him to go faster and faster but he didn't. He kissed me again and I let a
moan"Please. Faster" I was gasping for air.

His middle finger rubbed circles faster and faster. Panting. Moaning. I was on the
edge for my pleasure when he removed his hand and I groaned.

But before I could look at him, I felt him going deep down between my legs.

My legs above his shoulder and his head between them. He kissed the sensitive flesh
of my inner thigh. Biting them lightly.

I felt his warm tongue gave me a stroke on my wet fold. I gasped.

I wanted that more.

He kissed and sucked that little bean and I was a moaning mess. My moans were loud
and I didn't care. I wanted to scream a moan with his given pleasure. He swirled on
the clit with the tip of his tongue and I screamed.

So close. I was so close to getting my treat but he stopped. Again.

I whispered, my throat dry from the moans"Why do you do that?" He smiled widely and
said"Because I'm not done with you. I want my way with you. And this is just the
first step."

I felt his long middle finger insert in me. I shrieked. It was painful first but I
was bursting with sudden pleasure. He slides his index finger as well and waited
until I'm comfortable with him. He lightly pumps me.

In and out.

In and out.

I only felt his one finger inside me, his index finger. He stopped. He curved his
finger inside me and I screamed moan out loud. That was my best spot. I whispered,
"Keep doing that."

He pumped me with his finger curved and I felt my eyes roll at the back of my head.
Pleasure bursting in me. He re-treated his finger and I whined: "Please don't."

I was getting frustrated. So frustrated. I sat on my elbows and he looked at me.

His blue eyes darkening on me.

If I was not frustrated I would've been so embarrassed but I wanted him. I

said"Please don't stop. Let me...." I was shut by his kiss on me.
He gripped my elbows and I fall back against the soft bed. He hovered on me and
said, "Good pleasure comes in patience."

My head fell back and I sighed. It's no use fighting him.

I felt something poking my slit.

I looked up and he was naked too. Fully. He was hard, long and thick.

Will that even fit me?

He teased my clit with his tip. I let out a moan and after that, I let out a scream
as he entered me. It was a little painful. He moved it out and slammed back into me
again and I soon felt nothing but pleasure. He continued doing that to me slowly.
Letting me adjust to everything.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, slamming him into me more. And my toes curled.

He cursed looked at me. Concerned. He removed my hair from my eyes. And asked"You
okay? Are you hurt?" Like he was in a panic.
He wiped my cheeks. Was I crying? I shook my head and started sniffling. My eyes
blurred with tears. I whispered, "I'm fine." He looked sad and he asked, "Why are
you crying?" A tear slide down to my ear and I said with a cracked voice"My body
never felt so much love. Nor it ever felt so wanted by someone. This is the first
time I'm not crying in pain."

With David's rape, I used to be so disgusted by everything and cried in pain. Liam
is the first man to touch me as he craved for me. Wanted me. He made me cry in
pleasure. So much pleasure.

He smiled at me and kissed me.

I felt him slam hard into me. I whispered"Faster." And that's when he obliged. He
rode me faster and faster and faster.

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I was on the edge. He kissed me hard and I screamed in his mouth. My body released
and light from his pleasure. He stopped and I catch my breath for a second but he
continued to slam me again. Harder and harder.

The vein in his neck popping and so was his Adams Apple. I hissed more and screamed
out loud. I let myself be a little greedy and licked his Adams Apple. My warm
tongue flat on his vocal. That he let out a shivered moan.

With a couple of more slams from him and screams from me, I came. And so did he. I
screamed louder and he groaned louder.

I saw little sweats on his forehead and wiped them off from him with my hand.

He dropped on my body, in between my breast as he tried to catch his breath. He

kissed my collarbone and then kissed me.

Pulling out. He went into the bathroom and came back with a small wet towel. He
cleaned my thigh. And I let him. I was too tired to even be embarrassed.

He lied down beside me. But before I could close my eyes, I felt him picked me and
set my body right on his. I was straddling his hips and my head in the crook of his
neck. I felt the blanket on my bareback. I liked his position but my body was
stiff. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed on my cheek and said"Sleep.
This must've taken a lot of energy."

Sleep took over me in a matter of seconds.


Hehehehe hehehehe

Your welcome!

Pleased vote and comment.

Love, Hope



        Chapter 36: The Plan [Purchased Wife]

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I woke up early in the morning, he was still sleeping. I was on him. I could feel
the warmth of skin under me. Everywhere.

I shuffled to get up but he groaned a little. I smiled at his sleeping figure. His
jet black hair a hot mess. A few strands on his thick brows that made him appear so
gorgeous. I removed the strands from his forehead and ran my fingers in his hair.

I felt a pair of strong arms grabbing me and turning me over. I let out a small
shriek. He was hovering over me. His blue eyes did not appear to be sleeping. I
asked in my pathetic small whisper"When did you wake up?" He smiled and replied,
"An hour ago."

His eyes trailed to my lips and I knew his intentions right then and there. He
captured my lips, softly. My eyes closed on their own. My palms resting against his
chest. He leaned closer and kissed my neck earning a low moan from me.

Before he could kiss me again, his phone started ringing. He grabbed it from his
side table and let out a breath of exhaustion and said"I need to pick this up. I'll
be back." He lightly kissed the bridge of my nose and moved off me.

He was wearing his sweatpants while I wore nothing.

I looked at my clothes and they were gone. All of my things were gone. I saw a
shirt on the floor. His shirt and I put it on and made my way to my room, to take a
shower and get ready for work. I was feeling happy today. I heard a knock on the
door and Liam said"Emily I need to go to work now. Take your time and I'll see you
there, okay?"


He was gone. I wonder what was so important.

I closed the facet of the shower and wore my work clothes.

I chose to not have any breakfast today because I didn't have the appetite. I made
my way to the office with the car that Liam kept for me.

I went up the 40th floor. I saw Liam's door ajar. I got confused. Liam never had
his door open at all.

I went in and saw all the files scattered everywhere on his desk. Really really

His tie was loose and his hair messy. He ran his fingers through his hair which
cause those little strands to brush against his eyebrows. He didn't even notice me.
He held the bridge of his nose and sighed in frustration. I asked, "You okay?" His
blue eyes glowed and sparkled like gemstones. If that was even possible. A full
smile played on his lips. I couldn't stop the smile that crept on my lips too. His
smile was contagious.

He walked towards me and nuzzled his nose in my neck. Leaving a kiss on the vein.
He smiled at me and said, "I am now." His hand flat on my stomach and he lightly
pushed me. Closing the door and trapping me between him and it. He pecked my lips,
looked at me, and kissed me again.

His arms wrapped around my waist, trying to pull me closer as much as he can. My
chest pushed into his. The burning desire wanted last night to happen again.

I was again pinned against the door. His arm above my head and other unbuttoning
the first two buttons of my blouse. Exposing just the starting of my cleavage. I
whispered"We shouldn't. Not here." He licked his lips and said, "You would let me
do it at home... again?" A mischievous smirk on his lips. My cheeks were red
because of embarrassment. He kissed me again and said, "You should go or I won't
even think twice what to do next."

I squealed and ran from the room as fast as I could. Hearing a chuckled behind me
as I closed the door behind me. I smiled to myself. Even though his office was a
one-sided mirror, I could still feel him staring at me.
Adrian came up and gave me a file. A disgusted look on his face as he said"Boss,
wanted to see this file. Give it to him." I nodded and he marched away.

I looked at the file and it was written 'Parker Incorporations' I looked inside and
it had all its partnerships, profits, grossing, Charts marked up. A line went down
from the left of the page to the right.

In the end, there was a contract. I read it carefully. Liam was planning to buy 90%
of the company. Meaning 10% remains for David which I knew will never be enough for

I went inside his office without knocking or asking. I held up the file with
confusion on my face. He looked at the files in my hands and said: "I can explain."
He made me come to him with just curling his finger.

I stood in front of him and he pulled me, straddling him on his chair. I wrapped my
hand around his neck to balance myself. He pushed my hair behind my ear and said:
"Ask away."

"You're planning to buy 90%. 10% will be nothing left for David. He will go crazy.
And if he messes that up, then he'll go bankrupt, including Tanya and Melissa.
Everything will be taken from him."

"I know. And I want that."

I looked at him. He pecked my lips and said"You and I both know that company was
never meant to be his. It was all yours. He had only 20% of the share because your
father loved him too much like his brother in law. But being the greedy son of a
bitch and bastard he his, he stole it from you. That's why I'm gonna steal it back.
Legally, I've taken advice from my private lawyer and they told me that it'll be a
hard rollercoaster for me but it's worth it. David will give it all to me because
if he doesn't, his company will run to the ground"

He opens the file and points the arrow going down. "See this?" I nodded and he
continued"That's the company profit for the last three years. Even Curtis can't do
anything about it. I've spoken to him and he doesn't mind. I bought all the
partners of the company with his help. Everyone is at my side. Once I buy the 90%
and the company profits, David will get his profits too. And the greedy bastard
will give me more if I ask for more. Every time David hears the word money or see
how successful he's being, he'll make a quick decision without thinking. Once I
have all the 100%, I'll leave him with nothing and return everything to its
rightful heir, you." He kissed my cheek and I said: "Won't he go bankrupt?" He
nodded and said"He will but I can pay for him. Letting him only keep his Mansion
and his cars. But nothing else. I'm even buying the shelter that your mother
owned... I'm gonna give everything back to you. I promise."

"What about Curtis? He's always nice to me."

"Well, after the company is bought, I'll provide shelter to Curtis for about 7
months. It'll take time because David will try to prove to the court. Make some
cases against me. The trial will go on for a long time but not long enough. After
the company is yours, you can do anything ad everything. And I'll help you in every

"What about Tanya?"

"She did hurt you a lot. She'll be in prison for trying to kill you or abuse
harassment. Whatever the lawyers find suitable."

I smiled at him and said, "I don't really care about the company but the shelter my
mom found."

He smiled and kissed me again and I didn't hold back. I kissed him too.

He pulled back and smiled at me and I shy smiled at him too. He spoke"Let's go away
for a while. Just me and you. What'd you think?"


"There's this island in Fiji. Private. I bought it three years ago but I've only
been there once"

I nodded"Okay"

He again kissed me and I giggled.

"How about we go home now and start packing?"


Liam is getting sneaky ߧ

Hope you liked this chapter!

Please vote, comment and follow me!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 37: Proposed    [Purchased Wife]

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No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes


I was coming out of the office hand in hand with Liam Knight. He looked at me every
second with feelings of love.

We got home and before I could even step in the house, he picks me up in his arms.
One hand behind my knees and the other behind my back. He cradled me. He was
smiling. Happy. We were happy. So happy.

He laid me down on our couch and hovered over me. Pecking my lips. He said, "I love
you, Emily Parker." I again smiled brighter at him. I pushed myself and kissed him.
In between kisses, he said, "I have something for you." His ocean eyes were shining
like how the sun spreads its rays on the ocean.

He kneeled down on his knee holding my hands in his big ones.

A huge full smile on his face. His smile lines perfectly in view. He said"I'm so
sorry for the way I treated you. I don't how did you tolerate it all. I don't know
how did you not go crazy living with me. You're not the woman for me. You're better
than me and you deserve better but I'm too greedy to let the best thing that has
ever happened to me go away. I can't let you go now. I love you so much."

Tears were glazing on his eyes. He took out a box from his jacket pocket and opened
it. I gasped. It was a rose diamond ring and it the most beautiful ring I saw.

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He said"I've been carrying this for about a week now. And I think the time has

He held my left hand with his right. And the ring in the ring box in his left. He
looked at me in my eyes and said"when we got married it wasn't out of love. It
never was. I hate myself for that. But now it is. My love for you is endless. An
infinity. Emily Parker, will you renew our vows with me? This time love for each
other. To have and to hold you forever even death can't do us part." He waited for
my answer.

How can I let him spend his life with me? I'm not worthy of this man. He doesn't
deserve to love someone tainted like me.

I kissed him and he looked at me again. I was crying. He asked, "Are you not
happy?" I replied with a cracked voice" I'm happy. So happy. I've never had someone
to call mine." His smiled disappeared and he looked at me in confusion. He could
sense something was wrong. I continued"But I can't be with you anymore". His eyes
widened and his voice cracked"No, please don't say that. Emily doesn't do this."

I saw a tear fell on his cheek. The great Liam Knight was crying in front of me. I
wiped his tear and said"I'm doing this for you. And you only. I'm doing this
because I love you too much that I know I'm strong enough to do this."

"Please don't. I love you."

"I know. But you can't have me. I'm tainted, Liam. My soul, my body, my heart.
Everything is tainted."

I got up from the couch because I couldn't be near him anymore.

He held around my waist and rested his head on my stomach. I could hear him crying
and whispering"please don't leave me. I can't be without you."

I started crying more and more. He pulled me down on the couch again. His head in
my lap and he cried uttering words nonstop"Please please please please please

I had to do it. For him only. I said, "I'm doing this for you, Liam."

He looked at me and I saw anger"No you're not. You're not doing this for me. If you
did you would stay."

"You think I don't want too?"

"Then stay. Be mine. Be with me. Let me be yours in return. Please, Emily. I love
you too much to let you go"

Tears wouldn't stop in both of our eyes. He said through his gritted teeth"If
you're gonna leave me then give me a reason. I need a reason. A solid reason." He
emphasized on solid.

I cried more and said"I have so many. But the main reason is you can't be with
something as dirty as me. As broken as me. As scared as me. As tainted as me. You
need a strong woman beside you. Who'd give you so much love and take care of you?
Who'd give you anything you ask."

"I don't want that woman. I want you. Emily, all my life it's been a climb. I've
climbed so much. To the peak of the mountains. But alone. People saw me as the
perfect man who got everything but nobody looked close to see how broken that man
was. How shattered, cruel, angry and heartless this man was. And I continued to be
that man that everyone saw. But you came into my life. You broke the walls I've
spent years building around my heart. You unlocked the cage around without even a
I have everything but love. All my life I've longed for a women's love. My mother
couldn't care less for me. I saw only pity for me in Grans' eyes. But you did. So
much. Without even questioning. I'd rather have you and give up everything. You
gave me so much love and I feel like a complete man. Please don't take it away.
I'll be nothing but broken again without you. Please, Emily."

He crashed his lips and I could taste the salty tears on his lips. He was
shivering. My heart broke. He whispered with his lips still on mine"Please be mine.
Please. I only want you and nothing else. I need you."

It was true and I needed him too. I nodded my head like a child. He looked at me
confused and I laughed saying"I'll be yours, Liam Knight. Even death can't do us

He pulled me into him. Wrapping his arms around me tightly so I wouldn't go away

He kissed me again and whispered, "Thank you." I smiled at this silly man who cried
to have me in his life. He kept kissing me. I wiped his tears and he wiped mine.

He held the ring again and laughed"I've been everywhere searching for a ring for
you. But nothing could overcome your beauty." I giggled as he took out my old one
and put on the new one. He kissed me again. I looked at that beautiful ring that
was too beautiful for me.

He said, "We can get a bigger diamond one if you like." I shook my head and
said"This ring holds your love for me. I wouldn't change it for the world." He
kissed me again and again. He couldn't stop and I didn't want him too. He said, "I
love you so much." I finally answered this time"I love you too."
The surprise in his eyes made him wanna kiss me again.

All that crying made us so tired. For Fiji, we planned to go after our vows. As our
honeymoon, because we never got to do that.

I was in his shirt. We were lying on the bed.

My head on his chest as he played with my left-hand fingers. Rolling the engagement
ring around.

I heard him chuckling. I looked up at him and he smiled and said: "Who would've
thought that I'd find happiness and love."

I kissed him hard as he did as well. I said"I love you, Liam Knight. So much."


She loves me. But there was one thing in my mind.

I played with her hands and asked"Emily..... what if one day..... I have nothing
left. No big mansions, no money, no name or fame. And we lived in an apartment.
What would you do?"

She smiled at me and said"I'll live with you on the streets. But only if I have
you." she kissed me and lied her head back on my chest

Is this what real love feels like?

Not caring about anything but the person?

I shouldn't be comparing but Jules hated the idea if we had nothing left and here,
this woman is willing to live on the streets with me.

I looked down as she craned her neck up to look at me with a smile and said"I wanna
give you something." She got up without an answer from me and walked down to the
walk-in closet. I sat up in confusion, curious about what she was doing.

I really liked the view of her wearing my blue shirt with no pants and I think no
underwear as well, making me smile.

She took something out from the dresser and hid it behind her, walking back to me.
She sat on the bed, kneeled, with a smile that makes me so happy. She said with a
deep breath"I know it's not what a girl does... like give the guy a ring. But I've
wanted to do this for so long and I think this is the best thing I'll do for myself
and my dad." She couldn't stop smiling at me. Her eyes were tearing up but her
smile wouldn't leave her lips.

She showed me what she had in her hand and it was a ring. A simple silver band
ring. I looked at her all confused as she explained"It was my fathers. The last I
have of them. My mom told that the only reason why this ring is so special is
because there's 'forever, my love' engraved inside it." She gave me the ring and I
looked. I saw the words in italic and it looked so unique. So beautiful.

Looking back at her, she took the ring and said"You proposed to me with a different
ring today because you said that this time it's all for real. Our love is real,
Liam. And I don't wanna see that ring around your finger that David bought. That he
picked. I want you to wear my fathers ring. Will you?" I smiled"Of course. I'd
never say no." She wiped her tear and took my hand, removing my old ring and she
asked with laughter"Liam Knight... will you be mine?" I chuckled"Forever, my love."

She slid the ring down my finger and jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck
and kissing me non-stop.

I can never let her go. I need her for eternity.



I hope you liked this chappy!

Vote it for Liam's love for Emily and also I made aesthetics.

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Love, Hope


        Chapter 38: Renewed Vows [Purchased Wife]

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It took us a month to prepare everything. Everyone was shocked when we sent them
the invitations to our vow renewal. But Regina wasn't. She was happy.

She took me shopping for my gorgeous wedding dress that I couldn't wait to show

I looked myself in the mirror with my wedding dress on. I couldn't believe the
woman standing in front of me. She was happy. Confident. Stronger beside a man like
him. My nails were nude pink and I had my engagement ring on my hand only.    The
simple diamond necklace that Liam gave me. My make up was minimal as per Liam's
request because he liked me to be simple. 

I fixed my long veil on my head and saw Curtis through my mirror. He wore a shocked
look. His hands covering his mouth.

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He said, "You look like an angel." I smiled brighter at him. He continued"I've

always dreamt of the day to see you happy. Always. And it's finally here that I
have to keep myself away from pinching my arm because I don't want this dream to

Before he could say more I hugged him and said"Thank you for everything. I wouldn't
have survived without you." He kissed my forehead and said, "Let's get you to your

I held on to his arm and I had my red roses in my right hand.

The music began playing and the doors opened for me to walk down the aisle.

I walked slowly trying not to fall. His eyes on me. His smile was wide as he looked
me with love and adoration. I saw him wipe his tear before it could fall on his
cheeks. When I was close to him, Curtis kissed my cheek and left me. Liam grabbed
my hand to led me onto the stage.

I glanced back to David, Melissa, and Tanya sitting together while Curtis sat
beside them too.

David had a fake smile but Tanya and Melissa had scowls on their faces and for the
first time in my life I wasn't scared of them. I had my man beside me to hold me
and to protect me from them.

The priest said our vows and urged Liam to speak his speech to me.

He said"I, Liam Knight promise to love you, protect you, cherish you and respect
you as we both shall live. I will keep you away from the bad and give you only
good. I promise not to let a tear roll down on your cheek. I promise you to keep
happy as I take my last breath in his world."

The priest says "Do you, Liam Knight, Take Emily Parker as your wife. To have and
to hold until death do you part?" He stared me in my eyes as he spoke: "I
definitely do." I giggled. The priest again asked"Do you Emily Parker, Take Liam
Knight as your husband. To have and to hold you till death do you apart?" I said
out loud "I do" making Liam chuckle.

"I pronounce you man and wife. Again. Liam, you may kiss your bride... again."

He held my face and said, "I thought he'd never ask." I smiled as he kissed me
deeply in front of everyone. He whispered on my lips"I love you." And pecked me

After the wedding, Liam couldn't wait to take me home.

Before I could step through the doors, he picked me up, Bridal took me in the

Our laugh wouldn't stop.

He looked at me and my laugh died as he said"I love your laugh"

"And I love you."

His eyes were a shade darker than usual. He took me up the stair to our room.

He put me down and whispered in my ear"You don't know how much I love you, Mrs.
Knight. Let me just show you."

A shiver ran down my spine. My veil was already in the car. He pulled me to his
chest leaving a long kiss on my forehead as his hands slowly unzipped my dress from
behind. I took a long breath and I felt his lips slowly on my cheeks them on my

He pulled the sleeves down my arms and I felt the dress dropping on the floor. He
hissed as he saw what I wore under it.

I wore a nude pink see-through strapless bra and see-through panties with flowers
laced on it.

I was only all for him. I wore it all for him.

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead on my shoulder as he whispered: "Are you
trying to kill me?" I just bit my lip and smiled to myself.

He trailed kisses right on my sensitive neck vein as well as suck on it. Making me
moan and whimper. He looked at me as I tried to push off his tux jacket off.

He just stared at me daring me with his eyes. I unbuttoned his shirt as well.

I trailed my fingertips from his shoulders to his v-line.

As I reached the button of his dress pants and tried to open it, he gripped my
wrists, making me gasp and say"Tonight it's only about you, baby." His eyes held a
promise that tonight I was in deep trouble.

He walked me back to the bed and I fell on my back. My hair splattered on the soft
silk sheet that felt cold against my naked skin.

He stood there as he looked at me with a smile and whispered: "You are perfect in
every way."

His words made my toes curled. I felt his knuckles on my cheek as he slid them down
to my neck to my collarbone, then my stomach and my inner thighs. I heard his
groan"Absolutely fucking perfect."

He lowered and I pushed myself up trying to get away from him.

I know he'd torture me. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me under him and said:
"Don't tease me." I giggled as he crashed his lips on me. Hovering on top of me.
Kissing me breathless. I felt his hand caressed my thigh with his knuckles and he
pushed my legs apart. Resting his body between them. I could feel him under my thin
layer of pink nude panties.

He moved his hips on me and I moaned in his mouth. He lightly sucked my bottom lip
as he kept grinding on me. My breathing quickened. He slid his hands down the curve
of my body slowly, torturing me like he was trying to memorize every curve of mine.

He sucked on the soft spot on my neck and lightly squeezed my left breast. Making
me pant in ecstasy.

His hands lightly went under my bottom and he squeezed both my cheeks hard, earning
a yelp from me. He chuckled and said, "That's payback for teasing me."

I rolled over and straddled him with my new found confidence.

I found shock in his eyes but he recovered with a playful smirk on his face. My
hands flat against his chest.

He got back up, wrapping his hands around me and kissed me again.

I cupped his face and began pepper kissing his jugular. And I could feel him

He took my left hand and kissed three times on those self-inflicted lines and said:
"I love you so much."

I could hear that all day long.

I'm on his hardness. Lightly grinding on him. He let out a grunt and traveled his
hands from my stomach to my chest squeezing both my breast at the same time. I let
out a loud moan.

If I didn't hand my palms on his shoulder to balance myself I would've had fallen.

His hands rested on my knees and he slid them up to my thigh and then squeezing my
ass again. My eyes closed at his touch until I felt a hard smack on one of my
buttcheek. He said hard"Eyes on me, Emily."

Without even breaking a little eye contact he trailed his fingers tips up my back
and unhooked my bra. I wore a strapless bra that as he unhooked, it fell between
us. I was half exposed.
He threw the nude pink bra on the floor and squeezed my breast again. Stroking his
thumbs lightly on my hard buds. I dare not close my eyes and I dare not to moan by
biting my bottom lip.

He pinched the buds and I bit my lips harder and he was angry at me that he smacked
me on my butt again and said: "You don't get to hold your moans or your screams,


He smiled, pleased with my answer.

In one swift motion, I was under him again. My hands pinned to my sides. He gazed
at me with a smile playing on his lips. The things he was imagining to do to me, I
wouldn't want to know because I knew I was going to find out sooner or later.

He attacked my neck and whispered in my ear"Is it okay if I mark you a little?" I

smiled at his question and nodded my head. He sucked on my neck. Sucking, biting,
and kissing my soft skin. I let out a whimper every time he bit. A moan every time
he sucked and a mewl every time he kissed.

He went to my collar bone and sucked my bone.

He turned me on my stomach leaving trailed of kisses down my marked spine. I felt

his warm tongue on the nape of my neck that made a straight line to my waist.
Making me grabbed the silk bedsheets hard and letting out big moans.

He grabbed my hips from both sides and pulled my lower body up in the air and my
upper body laid flat in the bed. My left cheek exposed to him. He kissed my cheek

He tucked in my underwear and pulled them down my legs. I was finally naked.

I hear his belt unbuckling. I knew I was in trouble as my body trembled. He

stretched over me and I could feel his length on my ass. He pushed my arms above my
head. His palms placed on each back of my hand. Keeping me in place and trapped.

I felt him enter me. Just the tip. He stopped looking at me. I wanted to go deeper.
I waited but he did not move. I pushed myself back on him that he was in me fully.
A moan escaped my mouth. He left me to go and pulled out. Turning me over my back
again and said"I'm the one who controls everything. Not you." My face flushed.

He got up and went to his closet to see him bringing a red tie. I looked at him in
He pulled my hands above my head and tied my wrist to the bed above my head. I
struggled but he was stronger. My heart beating so fast.

The last time he did this to me was that day when I begged him not to.

He sat between my legs and placed a palm flat on my stomach. He knew I was not
comfortable and said"Take a deep breath. Calm down. It's me, Emily." I did as he

He lightly kissed on my cheek and whispered"I'm not gonna repeat that day. Calm
down. Baby, it's me." I looked into his eyes and I saw love for myself. That day I
saw hatred.

He held my cheek and said, "If you're uncomfortable I can remove it." I shook my
head and he looked at me again making sure I was okay.

I kissed his cheek and smiled at him"I love you."He smiled and said, "I love you

He left a sweet kiss on my lips and then he was back in business.

He kissed right on my sternum and made way to the valley of my breast. I let out a
breathy moan.

He sucked on my right nipple while his hand played with the other one. Sucking it
hard. My back arched and I let out a loud moan. He gave the same attention to my
other breast.

He went down to my stomach and licked hard on my navel. Knots were forming again.

He went down and kissed on my female area. His finger testing how wet I was.

When he was satisfied, he slowly massaged my clit. I shiver. Slowly working the tip
of his index finger as he stared at my reactions.

I was slowly building up and he stopped. I let out a frustrated cry"Please don't!"

He hovered over me with a smile and said: "Don't what?"

"Don't stop"

"Stop what?"
He was playing with me. Torturing me.

I said"Please don't stop. Keep doing it."

He widely showing me his perfect white teeth and said: "Keep doing what?" I saw his
eyebrow raised. I said, "Keep doing what you were doing."

"Emily, I need precise words."

He was having fun watching me beg him. I said, "I need you to touch me, Liam."


I looked at him, my face heating up and he again asked: "Where do you want me to
touch you?" I stayed silent.

He squeezed my breast and asked"Here?" He trailed his fingers down to my waist and
grabbed my butt asking"Here?" He slowly trailed his fingers to my sex and slide
length in my wet fold asking"Here?" Slightly rubbing it.

I nodded my head and said"Right there. Please." He stopped and asked, "How badly do
you want it?"

I couldn't believe this man.

He again asked, "How really bad do you want it?" My breathing quickened. He leaned
to my face, our lips inches apart, and said: "How badly do you want it, Emily?" I
screamed"Real bad. I want it badly. So badly."

He chuckled and said"You need to show me" Without a second thought I captured his
lips with mine. Kissing him with everything I had. My heart, my soul, my hunger, my
Everything was in that kiss. Showing him how badly I wanted him. Needed him.

I could feel him smile into the kiss. And he lightly again rubbed down there. On my
sensitive clit. His pace was faster making my toes curl and my back arch. I moaned
his name"Liam." Again and again. His pace going tad faster but he didn't stop.

I was on the brink of my pleasure but he didn't stop. He kept going. Doing what I
needed him to do.

I let out a scream and a cry as I was filled with pleasure and pure ecstasy. Pure
bliss. But he still didn't stop.
I screamed his name and he kept going and going. I was about to come and he kept
going. But before I could he said, "Don't you dare do it now." I cried"Please." He
said a hard"No!" He stopped and I needed to release. He said, "If you release, you
will regret it". I didn't.

He untied my hands. And message my wrists for me. He crawled down my body. Blow on
my swollen bud and I flinched. He held my legs and pulled me towards him. The back
of my thighs feeling his shoulder and my feet right on his spine. He blew on me
again and I gasped. This was just too much.

He crashed his lips on my clit and sucked it between his soft lips. I screamed
again and again. But he didn't stop. My toes digging into his back but he didn't
stop. I felt his long middle finger inside of my opening. Pumping me. I cried out
loud. Screamed at the top of my lungs as he kept pumping me. He curved his fingers
inside of me and I screamed more.

I screamed"Please! Let me!" He said"Not yet" I needed my sweet release. But he kept
pumping me with his curved finger and kept sucking my clit with his lips.

Tears formed in my eyes because of the pleasure.

I screamed the loudest one last time and he stopped. He hovered onto me. I was
exhausted. My throat dry. My breathing quickened. My heart beating fast. I was

He put his palm right on my heart, feeling it beating faster because of his

Smiling, feeling satisfied with himself. He wiped my tears and kissed me. I wrapped
my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Tasting myself on him.

Slowly I felt him sliding himself in me. His full length inside me. I moaned aloud.
His forehead against mine and my heels digging in his waist. I wanted him more now.

His thrust was slow first has he kissed me as well.

He picked me up and turned me around on all fours. Pushing my temple in my pillow

and holding my hips high in the air. Parting my legs. He slid up my hands above my
head, his palm resting on the back of my hand and his fingers interlacing with

I grabbed his fingers tightly as he slid into me again with force. He bent down and
kissed my cheek and then my left hip.

He kept thrusting me. His thrusts were hard and fast. He groaned and I moaned. He
kept doing it. Kept thrusting. I begged"Please!"
He chuckled and said"Do it" I got my sweet release and felt my wetness dripping
down my inner thigh.

He watched me for a good minute and again thrust inside me. Faster and harder.
Kissing my shoulder blades and making me screams again.

After two more thrusts, something warm exploded inside of me. He waited. I felt him
twitch inside of me. He pulled out and I felt more wetness drip down my thigh.

I was tired. Exhausted. I dropped flatly on the bed and he dropped on me. Catching
our breath.

He went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel for me. Cleaning my legs and my sex.

He turned off the light and hopped in beside me while I was still trying to catch
my breath.

He picked up his white shirt from the floor and put it in me. Closing every button.
He then picked me up and straddle me on me.

My face buried in his neck. I couldn't believe we did that. I let it out in one
breath" That was amazing." He laughed and said, "There's more to come."

He kissed me and played with my left-hand fingers. Unintentionally he asked, "Would

you want to have children with me?" I picked myself and looked at him and he
repeated himself"Will have children with me?" I smiled wide and kissed him and he
chuckled. Wrapping his arms around my waist. Pulling as close to him as he could. I
said"I would love to have children with only you, Liam Knight. Only you."

I kissed his nose and he laughed.

I was so happy. That I didn't know that I was crying. He wiped my tears and asked,
"Why're you crying?" I laughed and said"I'm so happy. Really happy."

He pulled me down flat on his body and kissed my forehead saying"I love you, Emily



Hot hot hot

Hope you liked this chapter.

Who else loves that Megan Markle gif? It's just so damn dreamy ߘ

Please comment, vote and follow me. Let's get this story to 1k

I love you guys


Love, Hope



        Chapter 39: Honeymoon [Purchased Wife]

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I was so happy. Really happy.

I woke up to my husband sleeping under me. I smiled at his sleeping form. His messy
hair. Thick strands of hair on his brows. His lips full plump.

I kissed him on his chest and worked my way to his neck. Kissing slowly. Hearing a
groan from him.

I kissed his lips and he looked at me smiling with one sleepy eye open and said in
his deep husky sexy voice" I could get used to this every day." I giggled and
kissed him again. He kissed me back.

He asked, "So are you ready for Fiji?" I nodded my head and said, "I'll go anywhere
with you." He smiled and said, "We'll be leaving in 3 hours."

I pecked his lips and got up from him. Making my way out of the room.

Before I could turn the doorknob, he grabbed my waist and pulled my back against
his chest.
He whispered, "Where are you going?" He nibbles on my neck making me giggle and I
replied"To pack and make breakfast. You must be starving." He whispered"Famished.
But not for food."

He unbuttoned the shirt quickly. My back still on his front. Sliding his hand from
my stomach, he rubbed my core. Making me moan. My head falling back to his shoulder
as he kept rubbing me.

He slid his middle finger inside me and rubbed me with his thumb at the same time.

He stopped and turned me around and pinned me against the door. Picking me up and
wrapping my legs around his waist and he slid his length inside of me and thrust me
as I screamed his name again.

After an hour of everything, he finally lets me go. I made breakfast for us. And
after that, we packed.

I was excited to get away from here as I've always wanted. And I couldn't wait for
it to be with him.

We drove down to the airport but instead of taking a right turn, he took left. I
knew that led to a private airport.

He stopped his car on the runway and I see a plane with his company logo on it.

Of course, he has a private plane. Why wouldn't he?

I looked at him and he smiled at me.

He held my hand and took me into his lavish private jet. I was nervous. He asked,
"You okay?" I nodded and said, "I haven't been in an airplane before." He smiled
wider and said, "I guess I'm thankful I'm here for your first time."

He sat beside me and buckled me to the sofa and himself as well. Wrapping his arm
around my shoulder. Leaning my temple on his chest.

He kissed my hair and said, "It's gonna be a 6-hour flight."I nodded my head.

I don't know when I slept.

I woke up with kisses on my cheek and he whispered"We're here. Look out the
window." I was on his lap.
I got up and looked to see a beautiful small island surrounded by a very blue

He owned this island.

When the plane landed, he took me to the car waiting for us.

After a 12 minutes drive to the bungalow he owned, we got out.

I was still outside admiring the view while he kept our bags inside the house.

I felt his arms snaked around my stomach and he rested his chin on my shoulder.
Kissing the spot below my ear and asked: "Do you like it?" I nodded my head and
said, "I love it".

After a pause, he said, "Is this a dream?" I smiled and said, "If it is, don't wake
me up please." He chuckled and kissed my cheek and said"Do you see a great future
with me? Because that's all I see now. I see children running on the sand while I
have you in my arms. Kissing you and telling you how much I love you."

He pressed his lips to my ear and whispered: "I love you." I smile shyly at his
gesture and said: "I love you too."

He asked, "Do you wanna go swimming?" I nodded my head.

We went inside.

He changed into his blue bathing shorts. His body was on full display. He caught me
staring and said"Go change. I'll be waiting."

He kissed my forehead and went out. I saw him going out and into the ocean swimming
to a distance. I wore the green olive bathing suit that I bought when I went to
wedding shopping.

I haven't been exactly covering up my bruises for a long time.

I wore the bathing suit and looked myself in the mirror. I didn't cover up my
bruises nor my scars. I stared at myself for quite a bit. Tears prickled my eyes.

I shook my head and went into the bathroom and covered my marks.

I know he doesn't like me covering them up but I've caught him staring at them for
a second whenever I'm naked.

Who would like these marks anyway?

He only tells me so I don't have to feel bad about myself. But I feel bad for him.
He's stuck with broken women.

I wore my suit again. I looked at myself this and I was pleased with what I saw. My
skin looked the same tone and glow. He defo will think I'm sexy now.

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I went outside. My bare feet feeling the warm sand. The sun was not there anymore.

I stood there, looking at him. Swimming. I smiled. He looked at me and gave me a

wide big smile that I've loved so much. He looked down and his face turned into a
scowl. Wiping my smile too.

He swam to me and my heart beats ferociously. That scowl meant that he wasn't

Was I showing too much skin? Didn't he like me like this? Did he not want me to be
wearing a suit? Should I covered myself up again? Why is he angry?

By the time I stopped overthinking, he was standing in front of me. He was clearly
angry at something or me.

He looked down because I couldn't bring myself to look in his eyes.

I felt his curved index finger under my chin and softly pull my head up. I dare
still not stare in his eyes. He ordered, "Look at me." I shook my head. A tear fell
in my cheek because I felt scared.

He again said, "Emily, look at me." I did and his eyes were angry. Rage.

He said through his gritted teeth"How many times do I have to say it? I hate it
when you cover your body up. I hate that you need to cover them up." I whimper"I
can't bear you looking at them. I've caught you staring at them."

His eyes were soft and he smiled sweetly saying"I look at them because they remind
me of how perfect you are." I shook my head and said, "They remind you of how
fragile I am."

"I swear they never did. They remind me of how strong my wife is. How much she has

"My body is ugly."

"It's not! You're perfect, gorgeous and beautiful. Everything about you is perfect.
I love your body and you so much. You don't have to cover them up from anyone.
Especially not for me."

I stared in his eyes, he was honest.

He kissed me softly and said, "Go wash it off and then come back to me, okay?"

I nodded my head and went inside. I wiped the makeup as much as I could and went
back out again.

He looked at me and gave me a full-blown smile.

He walked towards me and bent down to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

I screamed and laughed like an idiot.

He was taking me towards the ocean. I struggled to get away but he was stronger. He
splashed me in the water. And laughed out loud.

I laughed and splashed water at him.

We were playing like little children. His laugh was just perfect. He was truly a
perfect man.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. A smile still on his lips. He
said"Jump." I jumped and he wrapped my legs around his hips.

He kissed me and I said, "To think that almost a year ago I was crying and begging
you to let me be."

He chuckled and said"Sorry I was a douche back then." He looked down and said"I
know you still can't forgive me for what I did to you. And I know I'm not
forgivable. Just now I'm really sorry."

I put both hands on his cheek and lift his head up kissing him with all the love I
have for him. And I say"I forgave you a long time ago. I love you and that's what
only matters, Liam."


Hope you liked this chapter!

Please comment, vote and follow me!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 40: The One Where We Lost [Purchased Wife]

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They were back in New York and back in their house. Living in their old little

Liam had to fly to Boston for work.

She was helping him pack his stuff. He snaked his arms around her and said: "You
could still go with me as my assistant." She smiled and said"I'd like to stay here.
Just promise me you'll come back soon."

"I promise."

Emily's heart was not at ease at him going away. She felt like something will
happen if he goes away. He was going away for almost a week.

He rolled his cabin bag out the front door and his driver took it from him.

He ran back into the house and kissed her hard and said: "How am I gonna live
without you for a week?" He kissed her again and she said"Look forward to coming
back to me. That'll make you come back early."
"Good idea."

He kissed her again and said"I love you. Call me every night, understand?"


He kissed her one last time and pecked her cheek before going

Liam was talking to her almost every day for 3 days straight. Even in his heart, he
felt uneasy leaving her behind.

6 days went by very lonely for both of them. Sure, they talked every night but that
still wasn't enough.

When he was gonna come back, that day was his birthday.

She decided to make him his favorite food and cake for him. She baked three pies.
One for Curtis as well.

He was gonna come back that day and she was excited to see him.

Instantly all the lights went off in the house. She gasped and thought it was
Liam's doing.

She smiled and said, "Liam please don't do this." No answer.

She felt the warmth behind her. Like someone was present. Her breathing quickened.
She felt a kiss on her ear and a voice"Hello, Emily."

She knew that voice. The voice she's been trying to get away from. The voice of the
devil himself.

Tears formed in her eyes. Arms snaked around her stomach, holding her in a tight
grip. Disgusting kisses trailed on her neck. She couldn't talk. Couldn't move. Her
body hurt because she was stiff.

She started crying"Please let me go" His hand roamed on her stomach disgustingly.

She was pushed on the floor. Hitting her head on the corner of the kitchen island.
She cried in pain. A kick she felt on her stomach. Making her cry more. A heavy
weighted body hovered on her. She could smell alcohol on him.

She begged, "Please let me go, David." He muffled her mouth. His hands shamelessly
roamed her body.

He said, "Why would I let go of such a good piece of meat?" She could see his face
in the night darkness.

She kneed him between his legs and he cried out in pain. She removed him and stood
to run away but he held her ankle and she fell down again. A hard loud slap against
her cheek and she cried more.

He held her shirt collar and tore it apart. She kicked and thrashed but he was so
strong than her.

She screamed and cried. But he did not stop. He shouted, "Stop moving or I'll shoot
you, bitch!" She froze but that didn't stop her from crying more.

She heard the lock of a gun and aimed at her forehead. The cold metal running a
shiver down her spine.

He got up from the floor and shouted: "Stand up!" She cried more.

He shouted again"STAND THE FUCK UP!" She did as he told her. A sadistic smile on
his face.

He aimed her and said, "Remove your clothes." She froze.

shaky hands, she did as she was told. She removed the tore shirt off her shoulder.
She unzipped her midi skirt and it fell on the floor.

He said"Fuck" under his breath.

She could see his bulge forming in his blue denim jeans. She cried more.

Without removing the gun he said"Taking everything off." She stood there. Not
moving. Not breathing. So scared.

She heard a gunshot and the wall glass behind him shattered. He had shot through
the glass.

He said, "The next bullet will be in your head." She unclasped her bra. And pushed
down her panties. Standing bare naked in front of his disgusting form.

He coed"No so strong without Liam now, are ya!" She covered her chest with her arm
and crossed her legs. Trying to hide from is a disgusting gaze. She prayed for Liam
to get home early. He began shattering everything in the kitchen. Throwing the
glasses on the floor.

The glass grazing her calves making her cry more and more. He threw the food she
made on the floor. Shattering everything completely. The cake on the floor that she
made just for Liam. He even kicked the cake around with his shoe.

After destroying the whole kitchen he said: "If you tell anyone about this I'm
gonna shoot you next." He ran from there. He left.

She walked to the stairs, blood running down her feet from her calves. She sat
naked on the cold stairs. Bringing her knees to her chest and her chin resting on
her knee. She was in a shocking state. Tears coming down her cheek.


I couldn't wait to see her.

Today was my birthday and I knew she must've done something for me. Which excited
me more.

I got home and all the lights were off.

Is she not home?

I went through the door and saw the house messy. Like there were signs of some kind
of struggle.

I called her name"Emily!" No answer.

My heart pounded in my chest.

Where is she?

I looked at the food on the floor. And even fabric. Her clothes. Her clothes were
on the floor. Her shirt was tore. Tears glazed my eyes as I saw drops of blood on
the floor. I ran my fingers in my hair and called her again"Emily!"

No answer.
There were shoe marks with what seemed like chocolate.

I called her phone and I could hear her phone ring in the house. I again

I turned around and she was on the stairs. Naked. Dry tears on her cheek. Her face
looked blank. Lifeless. Her calves and feet were bloody.

I ran to her and touched her. She didn't move or looked at me. My tears ran down my
cheek. My Emily was not responding.

I turned her face towards mine. And asked, "What happened?" She whispered

My anger shot up. But I was more worried about why wasn't she responding to
anything. I shook her hard and she looked at me shocked.

A breath escaped her lips" Liam." Her tears rolled down her cheek again.

She looked like she just realized that I was here. She started crying. I took off
my jacket and wrapped it around her. And held her to my chest. She cried out loud
on my chest.

I held her face and looked at her. I asked, "Did he touch you?" My body shaking
from rage. She cried and nodded her head. Her cheek was swollen. I saw a bruise
forming on her stomach. I couldn't bring myself to speak again but I had too"Did h-
he g-get...." I couldn't even speak. I again tried to say"D-did he tried to rape
you?" She nodded her head again. I was shaking more.

I felt hot in this newfound rage that I didn't even know I had. I again said, "Did
he take advantage of you?" She shook her head negative and I let out a sigh. I will
get that bastard. I don't care about my plans. I will kill him.

She suddenly heads a breathing problem. She was shaking. I held her face and
said"Look at me. Count with me... 1...2"

"T-t-t-three... f-four... fi-fi"


" e-e"

"Eight... nine"

She stopped shaking and cried more.

My gaze fell between her legs and I saw blood between them.

She followed my gaze down to her body and her breathing hitched. I ran up the
stairs and got my large sweater and threw some of her clothes in a bag I could

I ran down to her and slipped the sweater on her tiny slim body. It fit her like a
dress, reaching below her knee. I picked her up in my arms and ran out of the house
and put her in my car.

I drive to the hospital looking at her again. My blue sweater was covered in blood
from the bottom. And my car seat too but I didn't care.

She started screaming in pain. Clutching her stomach.

This was not good.

I stopped at the emergency door and picked her up and ran in the hospital.

Her screams were heard but the doctors. My white suit shirt was already bloody.

The doctors came running with a stretcher. I laid her down on it and he held my
hand with her small ones and cried in pain more and more.

They took her into the examination room and the nurse stopped me. I took off my
jacket and loosened my tie and rolled up my sleeves. Blood all over my shirt.

I sat in the chair my head in my hands and tears rolled down my cheek as I couldn't
calm myself. I was angry. I saw red.

I called David. He picked up the phone and I said"You have made the biggest mistake
in your life. Watch your back, David Parker. I'm coming for you in ways that you
couldn't even imagine."

Before he could speak I canceled the call and waited for my baby.

2 hours passed and no one said anything.

I saw the doors open and they were bringing her on a stretcher. Change of clothes.
Drips on her hand. Her calves were dressed.

The main doctor came to me and asked"We've tried everything but we could not save
it. The fetus. There was a two-month-old fetus in your wife. I'm sorry." I asked,
"Can I see her?"

"He's under anesthesia. But she'll wake in an hour or two. I recommend meeting her
when she awakes".

My heart hurt so bad.

A fetus.

A baby.

Our baby.

My child.

My baby was gone.

I called Curtis. He picked up the phone with his cheery voice. I said, "David
attacked Emily."


"I'm in the hospital"

"Is she okay?"

"We lost the baby"

"I'll be there as soon as possible"

I waited an hour until Curtis arrived. He ran to me and said, "Where is she?"

"In her room. Unconscious"

"How did it all happen?"

"I don't know. I came home from the airport and she was naked on the stairs.


He ran his hands through his brown hair. And rubbed his palms on his face. He
asked, "Can we see her?"

"The doctor told me not too"

"You okay, man?"

"I'll be fine. I'm going to the bathroom"

I went to the bathrooms and locked myself in a stall. I cried.

Why does everything in my life have to go bad? Why did you fucking do to earn this?
What is her fault that she had to suffer?!!

After 5 minutes I came out and Curtis was talking to the doctor.

They looked at me and I knew there was no good news. Curtis said, "I think you
should sit down for this." I did and he sat beside me. His hand on my shoulder.
Like he was holding me before I fall.

The doctor said"It's a miscarriage. The wound on her stomach looked like someone
kicked her with incredible force. And because of that, the internal wall in her
stomach is badly bruised. Some internal bruises were old but this one was bad.
Really bad. It may have caused your wife's chances to not be pregnant again. And if
she does get pregnant then the birth of the child could lead her to sudden death.
I'm sorry, Mr. Knight."

I couldn't have children with her anymore. And I can't put her life in danger.

The doctor went away and I told Curtis"Get the lawyers ready. We're taking our
action against him. I don't care what happens. We're doing it." He nods.

I waited patiently for her to wake up.

It was already morning and I had sent Curtis home. I haven't changed from my blood
white shirt. I haven't eaten. I haven't done anything except to wait for her. They
wouldn't even let me see her.

A nurse went running in her room and I did too. She was gaining conscious.
She looked bad. Really bad. Her face was swollen. Eye bags under her eyes. She
looked like she was in pain.

The nurse checked her. Emily's brown eyes were on me the whole time.

The nurse went out and Emily broke down. Crying. I ran to her and sat beside her
kissing her cheek and trying to calm her with comfortable words.

She stopped crying for a while after.

The doctor came in and he told Emily everything he told me. She was shocked to know
that she was pregnant.

When the doctor left she cried again and said"I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect it."

I held her face"It's okay. It's not your fault. None of it is." She cried more. I
said"You need to be strong for a while. It's our turn. We're bringing that man down
and sending him away and out of our lives I promise you, they all will be gone



Imma bout to cry


Hope you liked this chapter

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me!


Love, Hope


        Chapter 41: The One Where We Won [Purchased Wife]

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Liam called Elijah to find everything more about David and his family and he did
give Liam all the information they needed. Very valuable that's not very easy to

They had taken pictures of Emily's bruises as evidence for the court.

They all sat seated in the courtroom. Emily between Curtis and Liam. Liam holding
her hand the entire time. And David, Melissa, Tanya and their lawyer on the other

The lawyer that was with them, was a close friend of Liam's that had agreed to help
him when he told him everything. And also he was known as the best lawyer in New

The lawyer stood up, closing his jacket.

He said"Bad people do sin. Grown-up people are bad. Taking advantage of young ones
is bad. That's why we have laws in this world. Laws that everyone should follow.
But some don't. And that's why we are here. Ladies and gentlemen of the court and
Jury. We are here for several laws that have been broken. These laws include sexual
harassment, rape of a minor, physical abuse, foeticide, blackmail, verbal abuse,
mental abuse and lastly threats. My client, Emily Knight has been the victim of all
these crimes caused by the Parker family. That includes her aunt Melissa Parker,
her uncle David Parker and her cousin Tanya Parker"

The judge asked, "What about Curtis Parker?"

The lawyer smiled and said"He's one of the good ones. I call forth my client Curtis
Parker to the stand."

Curtis walked and sat beside the judge. The lawyer asked, "Why haven't you, Curtis
Parker when you knew the life Emily has been living why didn't you called child
services or anyone?" Curtis said"Because I was threatened by my own father and
mother. What if I do anything, they'll do something bad to me and attack her."

The lawyer looked at the judge and said: "The threats keep on coming, your honor."
He looked at Curtis and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Parker." Curtis stepped
down and met David's angry glare. The lawyer spoke up"Now I would like to present
some evidence against the criminals."
He submitted pictures of Emily's bruises, threats that she had recorded for them,
her and Curtis's statement against her being raped and a video where David raped
her when she was a teenager.

Only the audio of the video was played in front of the court.

Everyone could hear Emily's screams, cries and pleads and David's moans.

Liam held on to her tighter. Angry when she heard her teenage screams. Emily tried
to hold back her tears. The horrifying audio.

The judge looked at the lawyer on David's side and said: "Do you have anything to

But their lawyer just stayed there quiet.

Only because Liam had paid their lawyer triple to not to fight back.

The lawyer again said, "They have been even accused of 2 murders."

Emily looked up and shocked. She looked at Liam and he whispered: "I'm so sorry."

The lawyer continued"On October 3. Emily's parents were killed on her birthday.
Shot in the chest. Both of them. Done by someone professional. A hitman. That was
found dead later that day in his apartment shot in the head. The transaction was
made in his account of 12 million dollars by an anonymous. The case back then was
closed due to David Parker wanting to close it forever. Thankfully, the hitman had
a piece of voice evidence in his bank box."

He played the voice and it was David saying"Kill that son of a bitch".

The case evidence was so strong that even their lawyer couldn't defend them.

The judge banged her hammer on the wood plate beneath. And said, "The court will be
resumed in 30 minutes as the jury decides their decisions."

Emily cried in Liam's arms as he comforted her.

After 30 minutes an old lady stood up and she part of the jury. She said"The
decision had been made. In terms of breaking the laws like rape, harassment, all
types of abuse, threats, and killing of a fetus, and three murders, the jury finds
David Parker, Melissa Parker, and Tanya Parker guilty as charged."
Armed policemen cuffed them and took them.

The judge told her decision"David Parker and Melissa Parker you have been sentenced
to prison for the rest of your life and to give up everything you have. No bail for
you is allowed. And Melissa Parker you have a restraining order. You can't be 500
feet near Liam Knight and Emily Knight. If you are, the court will take you away
too. The case is now closed"

Before they could take them away, Liam stood up and looked in David's brown eyes.
Anger filled in them.

He looked at Melissa and she was crying in fear. Liam smiled at them and punched
David hard that he fell on the floor and fainted. He said, "That's for making me
hold back for a long time".

He looked back at Emily staring at him in shock. Her jaw dropped and he said"I had
too. Needed too."

He kissed Emily and whispered"Happy Freedom, baby." She smiled at him and
whisper"Thank you."He hugged her tightly.

Curtis was broke about his parents but he was happy that they were gone.

The Judge again banged her hammer and said: "In this case of Tanya Parker, the Jury
decides that she would be sentenced to prison for 5 months and after that, Curtis
Parker will be made her legal guardian."

A cop came and handcuffed Tanya's hands behind her back.

She said out loud"I'll be back for you Emily! I'll be back for your fucking head!"

But the cop took her away.

Emily felt so damn free that day that she couldn't even describe.


I know this is a short chapter but it's a good one too.





Love, Hope



        Chapter 42: Adoption [Purchased Wife]

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6 months passed by. Emily was happy as well as Liam. Curtis got the company. Parker
Incorporations and Knight Enterprises held a strong friendship between them. Taking
them to the clouds.

Emily kept the shelter.

Every day she would visit the shelter.

There was one thing missing in their life. A child. They so badly wanted one.

But they couldn't because of Emily's problem. And Liam knew that he didn't want a
child if it meant putting Emily's life in danger. Ever.

But his heart did need one.

Emily stormed into the door as Liam was getting ready for his meeting in his

He looked at her shocked and asked: "Are you okay?" Her breathing quick and heavy
like she ran from something.
He sat her on his chair behind his desk and gave her a glass of water.

She drank water. He asked, "What happened?" She smiled and said, "I came here from
the shelter."

"Did you ran all the way here?"

"Yes. I couldn't wait to ask you something"


He bent down on the floor, his palm in her thigh. She tried to speak but was

He smiled and said, "Breath, Emily, Breathe." She laughed.

After a couple of seconds, She asked"How do you feel about adoption? How do you
feel about adopting a child?" He furrowed his brows" What?"

"There is this 5-year-old boy. He just came into the shelter. His name is Oliver
White. He's a victim of child abuse. A dead father and a drug addict mother. Child
services took him when the neighbors heard his scream"

"That's awful."

"I know. I met that boy today and I swear, I looked at myself in him Liam"

She took out her phone and showed the picture of the boy smiling wide. His green
eyes and auburn hair. She said"Please."

Liam slightly smiled at the boy.

But that smile disappeared and he replied"Can we talk about this at home? I have a
very important meeting to attend."

"Liam, this conversation is more important than some stupid meeting.

"Emily, can I just have some time to think this through. Please?"

She nodded her head in disappointment.

He didn't come home all day.

It was 2 am in the morning and he was still not home.

She was worried. He wouldn't pick up his phone and no one knew where he was.
She waited for him all night on the stairs.

The door opened and he came in. Tired. Dark circles under his eyes. His face pales
like he hasn't eaten all day.

He saw her sitting on the stairs and she asked"Hungry?" He nodded his head.

She warmed up the food for him as he sat on the kitchen island. An annoying silence
between them. She kept the plate of heated food on the counter for him and he
started eating.

She filled a glass of water for himself kept that on the island too. And waited for
him to finish.

He could feel her playing with her fingers and her gaze on him the entire time.

He put his fork down and said"You don't need to stand for me to finish my food. You
can talk."

He began eating and she said, "I wanted to talk about adoption."


"No, listen to me. I can't get pregnant. And even if I did no one is sure if I
survive. you know it. Why not adopt a child? You want it and I want it. What's the

"There isn't none"

She went around the island to him and held his face and said: "Then why are you

He rested his forehead against her chest and said"I've been thinking about adopting
for quite a while," he pushed back"But I didn't know how'd you take it. I kept
quiet. I do wanna have a child with you, Emily. Give him all the love in the world
that I or you, we never got.... until we found each other. The love of a mother and
father I never got and yours were taken away. Are you ready for that?"

She smiled and said"100 times yes. I do want that with you, Liam."
He smiled and said, "I guess we're adopting him then."

She put her hands in her mouth because she couldn't believe what he said.

He got up from the chair and said with a smile"Emily, we are adopting a child."

She hugged him tight and said"Thank you. I love you so much." He chuckled and said,
"I love you too."

Both of them feeling a wave of relief that they needed

The next day, they went to the shelter.

Children running and playing with each other as the supervisors tried to control

Emily smiled and Liam looked at her. He followed her gaze to a little boy sitting
alone and playing with play dough.

His silky auburn hair and green eyes sparkled as he made the shapes. He but his
bottom lip as he was so touched. His dimples are so evident.

She looked at Liam and he smiled at her.

They walked to the boy and sat in front of him.

He stopped playing with the dough and his cheeks were red like he was really shy

Emily and asked"Hi, Oliver. Remember me?" He nodded his head lightly but did not
utter a single word.

The supervisor came behind the boy and told him"Oliver, go play outside." The boy
looked at Liam and Liam smiled at him.

He ran out of the door and ran to the swing set.

The supervisor's name was Miranda. As it said in her tag.

Emily smiled and introduced her to Liam"Miranda this is my husband, Liam Knight."
Liam shook his hand with the women and the women sat on the bench where Oliver was
sitting previously.

She said, "What can I do for you today, Mrs. Knight?" Emily smiled widely and said,
"We're here to adopt Oliver."

Miranda smiled and said"That's great news. He's really a good kid. Calm and
collected. he has really good manners."

Liam asked, "What happened though?" Miranda sighed and said"Father died when he was
born. Mixed with some bad people. His birth mother got into drugs. And because of
that, that kid got physically abused a lot. She was a drug dealer too. Left the kid
alone at home for almost 14 hours every day. One night, she was beating him up and
the neighbors heard his cries so they called child services. And then the police
took her and she got sentenced to 8 years in jail. And the judges took away all the
custody and put him here. It's a really cruel world out there, Mr. Knight."

Liam spoke unconsciously"It really is."

The did adopt Oliver in the end.



Hope you liked this chapter!

They adopted! I'm so happy!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 43: Oliver Knight [Purchased Wife]

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They bought Oliver home.

He was scared of being adopted by them. He really was.

Emily and Liam even decorated a new room for him. He was a quiet child. I never
really talked much.

They were all eating dinner.

Liam and Emily tried to make conversations with him. Emily asked, "So Oliver, what
do you like in food?" He looked at her and said"Anything."

Emily looked at Liam and he cleared his throat asking"Do you like sports, Oliver?"
He didn't answer.

Emily tucked the boy in his bed and kissed his forehead saying"Good night, Olly."
He hummed in response.

They couldn't get through the child. He wouldn't show them any emotion.

It was late at night, Emily walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

She saw the fridge open and saw Oliver's tiny body trying to take out the leftover

She called his name"Oliver?" He looked at her shocked and accidentally broke the
water glass dropping it on the floor.

He closed the fridge and Emily walked to him. He ran from there. Fast as his small
legs carried him. Hiding behind the staircase.

She heard him crying out loud. She went to him. And he pushed himself into the
corner begging her not to hit him. He cried"Please don't hit me. I'm sorry for
being bad."

Emily tried to reach him but he pushed himself in the corner more. Crushing himself
more. Screaming more.

She said in a sweet voice" Olly, I will never hurt you" He stopped crying. She held
out her hand and said: "Come with me." He held her finger with his tiny hand. And
she picked him up resting him on her hip waking to the couch.
He cried nonstop on her chest. She wipes his tears and asked, "What were you doing
in the fridge?" He replied hiccuping"I-I was hungry. This is the usual time I eat


He nodded his little head. His green eyes were all wet. She smiled at him and
asked"How about we eat dinner together? Would you like that? Even I'm hungry."

He nodded his little head and she again asked: "Will you tell me a little about
yourself?" He nodded his head again.

She kissed his cheek and carried him to the kitchen island. Setting him.

She warmed the food for him and herself. And they both eat together. Laughing. He
was finally opening up to her. Like a flower does in the sunlight.

He loved airplanes and his dreams were to be a pilot. Emily chuckled when he
imitated an airplane engine. Laughing at his action. He made her laugh so hard.

Liam came downstairs because of the voice. In his sweatpants only. His hair was

Oliver stopped and looked at him and ran behind Emily.

Liam asked, "What is going on?" Emily laughed and said, "Oliver told me he loved

She eyed him and Liam played along. He asked"Really?"

Liam kneeled on the floor where he saw Oliver hiding behind Emily's leg. And said,
"You know I own an airplane?"

He looked at Emily and smiled. Liam sat on the floor with his legs crossed and
Emily did as well.

Oliver was still standing. He was trying to stay away from Liam.

Emily looked at him and asked, "Wanna sit with me?" He looked at her and nodded.

She sat him on his lap as Liam looked at Emily and smiled. Loving the progress they
Liam said, "I even know how to fly one."

Oliver's eyes widened. He exclaimed, "Are you a pilot?" Liam chuckled"You can say."
A long wow was heard from his mouth making both Liam and Emily laugh out loud.

They went into their bedroom with Oliver. Listening to him telling them his
imaginations. Things he likes. Vegetable he hates. His favorite toy if he could
have any. His favorite snacks.

And soon they all fell asleep.

Emily was the first one to wake up in the morning. She looked at Liam and Oliver
sleeping. Oliver spread across Liam's chest.

She took her phone a shot a picture of them. Loving the view that she had.

She made airplane shaped pancakes for everyone.

She said out loud"Breakfast!"

Liam came down the stairs while holding Oliver's tiny hands.

Emily laughed as she saw the little boy rubbed away the sleep in his eyes.

Liam picked him up and set him on the island stool and sat beside him.

Emily served normal pancakes to Liam but airplanes shaped to Oliver.

Oliver's small laughs and giggles filled the house

Oliver smiled and he said shyly"Thanks....... mom"

He was uncomfortable.

Emily said"Olly you don't have to call me mom if you're not comfortable. You can
call us by our names. That's okay." He shook his head and said, "No, I like mom and

Liam looked at Emily smiling widely.

They even enrolled Oliver in Elementary school.

As they looked at him going behind the gates on his first day, they couldn't stop
smiling at him.

Liam wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his chest and
asked"Whatcha thinking?" She replied"I love this kid so much. He's a good boy. And
him calling me mom is just an amazing feeling. Do you think?" She looked up at him
and he smiled nodding his head and kissing her temple. He said"I like being a dad.
Even he isn't our own, but I know he's gonna get the love like one. I love him,
Em... and you."



Love, Hope



        Chapter 44: Our Little Happiness [Purchased Wife]

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It was Thanksgiving day.

Oliver's first thanksgiving.

It's been 4 months since they've adopted him.

Liam waited for Oliver outside his school. Leaning on the car.

Mothers and teachers looking at him up and down.

The bell rang and Oliver runs over to Liam hugging him tightly as his little arms

Liam said, "How was school today?" He showed him his golden stars stickers on the
collar of his shirt and Liam chuckled.
Single Mothers who were picking up their kid were drooling over Liam.

Liam gave them a simple smile and they smiled back at him.

They got home and Oliver ran to Emily hugging her. Showing her his stars that he
got. Liam kissed Emily.

She said, "Get changed we have guests coming over here in about two hours."

Emily was making a feast for everyone.

As Emily worked in the kitchen, Oliver sat on the stairs staring at her as she

Liam sat beside Oliver and asked, "What are you staring at?" He smiled and said,
"Mom won't let me have a cornbread."

Liam chuckled and picked him up. Tiptoeing to the island where she kept a basket of

Before Liam could grab the bread, Emily said: "Not before dinner."
Without even turning around.

Liam was shocked.

How could she know?

She turned around with a smile on her face. Her hands on her hips as she asked:
"Who was planning to steal it?"

Oliver and Liam pointed to each other making her giggle.

She took the bread and split it in half. Giving one to Liam and the other to

Liam kissed her and asked, "How did you know?" She shrugged"Motherly and wife
instincts." Making him chuckle.

Hours later, she set the food on the table. Liam's jaw dropped there was just so
much food.

He asked, "Are you sure?" She smiled sheepishly and said"I couldn't hold myself.
It's his first." Oliver said, "This looks, great mom!." Making them laugh.

Shortly after, guests arrived.

Emily has invited Liams grandmother, Curtis, and his fiancé.

Curtis arrived and Emily saw Tanya as well.

Liam held on to Oliver and whispered to Emily"Why is she here?" Emily smiles and
said, "I couldn't let her spend her thanksgiving alone."

"Do you remember what she did you?"

"I do. And I want that all behind me now"

Tanya was shy and embarrassed by meeting them all.

This was the first time Emily saw Tanya like this. She smiled at Emily and Emily
hugged her.

She was taken back by her hug but wrapped her arms around her as well.

Curtis was happy by seeing 5 pies on the table. His favorite.

Emily put the turkey right in the middle. Handing Liam the big knife as he cut the
turkey for everyone.

Emily looked around her table. Smiles, laughter, her son, Liam. It was just a happy

Liam sat at the head seat. Emily sat on his right followed by their son, and
Regina. Curtis sat on Liam's left, followed by Tanya and his fiancé.

Liam couldn't believe that he finally got the love that he always wished for. The
love he always needed.

Everyone loved Oliver. Curtis played with him. Gran loved him a lot.

After the thanksgiving dinner, everyone sat on the couch.

Talking, laughing. Emily stood up and Liam looked at her confused.

Everyone quiet down for her to speak. She smiled and said"This thanksgiving I'm
grateful for everyone in this room. My husband. My son. Grandma. Curtis. Noah and
even you Tanya."

Tanya shot up to look at her and tears formed in her eyes. She mouthed"Thank you."

Emily smiled and continued saying"I'm also grateful for one more thing."

She looked and held out her hand.

He took her hand and got up. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he smiled
down at her.

She kissed him and said, "I can't wait to be a family of four with you now."

His smile disappeared. Everyone sat their shock.

Emily laughed and said, "I'm pregnant."

Liam hugged her and everyone got up to congratulate her. Liam asked, "How long?" 
She smiled and replied"2 months. I just confirmed today that everything is fine
with me. My uterus is perfectly healing." He hugged her again.

Tanya asked"Emily can I talk to you alone for a second?" Emily smiled and nodded.
Liam looked at her pleading with his eye not to go. But she did.

They both went out of the house, out the backyard garden.

Tanya kneeled down in front of her and cried"I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry."

Emily kneeled holding her face shocked. Tanya's eyes were red from crying. Emily
smiled and said, "I forgave you the day David went to prison."

"I'm so sorry. When I went to prison, I had a lot of time to think about so many
things. What I did to you is not forgivable."

Emily hugged her, calming her down"It's okay. You were just under the influence of
bad people."

Emily's tears rolled down her cheek. She looked at Tanya and said"You're one of the
good ones. Don't ruin your future. Please. Have you thought about what you wanna
do?" She nodded her head" I was thinking to go back to university. Finish my law

"That's wonderful."

"But I don't have anyone's support. Curtis says that he will but he doesn't mean

"Well, you have mine. All the way. I'll support you through everything and
anything. But promise me one thing. You will never break my trust in you. And you
will stand up on your feet. Known as Tanya Parker; the lawyer who wronged the wrong
people. Not the daughter of David Parker. Promise me that.

She hugged her tightly whispering"Thank you. Thank you."

After a couple of hours, everyone was gone.

Emily looked herself in the mirror. Most of her bruises were slowly fading.

She lifted up her shirt and touched her stomach. Smiling at it.

She looked up and saw Liam in the mirror with a frown on his face. She turned
around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure about this, baby?"

"About what?"

"Having a child."

"Why? Are you not?"

"I'm happy that I get to have a child with you."


"But......... I'm more afraid to lose you. I can't lose you, Emily."

"You won't. The doctor said that everything is fine with me. My stomach is perfect
from inside. And that we have a greater chance to give birth to a baby. Our baby,

She was glowing with happiness and he didn't want to shatter it. He held her close
and kissed her.




2 more chapters lefts until the end of the story!!!


Love, Hope



        Chapter 45: He Thought We Will Leave [Purchased Wife]

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My heart was uneasy.

I looked at the clock and it was 1 in the morning.

I got up and went to get a glass of water down the stairs.

I came back up and saw the lights on. I could see it under from the under crack on
his door.

I went inside his room and saw him all dressed up. Packing things in his little
trolly that he bought home with him.

I asked, "Oli, what are you doing?"

He stopped and turned around to look at me. His eyes were red.

Why was he crying?

He said"I'm getting ready to go back"

"Go back where, honey?"

"Back to the orphanage."


I felt Liams hands on my shoulder from behind.

Liam asked, "Oliver, why are you going back there?"

He shrugged and said"Because mommy will have another baby. I've learned it from the
orphanage and sometimes the adopted parents give children back there."

Emily kneeled in front of him and said: "Who told you that?"

"Gracie. A girl in the orphanage. Her sister was adopted and then the parents got a
new boy. So, they gave her back"


Tears were in her eyes.

She held onto his tiny shoulders. Liam kneeled beside her. She said"Oliver, you're
my son. My Oli. And there's no power in the world that could make me send you back.
You're not Oliver White anymore. You're Oliver Knight. Our son. And we're your
parents. You understand that?"

He started crying and said, "I thought you guys will give me away."

Liam wiped his thick tears and said"Oliver we would never do that. We love you too

Emily looked in his eyes and said"I'm your mother. Okay, Oli? And the next baby,
boy or girl will be your brother or sister and you will protect the baby. You
understand me. Like a brother, you'll protect it from everything bad. Okay? Would
you like to be a brother, baby?"

He nodded his head quickly and wiped his tears asking"You promise that you won't
give me away?" Emily said, "I would die than give you away."

Emily pulled his tiny body on to her chest. Hugging him tightly.

Liam hugged both of them.

After all the hugging and telling him that he will stay with them forever, he slept
with a smile on his face.

Emily walked into their room. And Liam was already in bed waiting for her.

She climbed on him, straddling him and lying on his chest.

He cupped her face and asked, "You okay?"

She broke into a cry and rubbed her chest saying"My heart hurts. He thought we'll
give him away. That I'll give him away. I would never do that."

"Baby, I know. We would never. We love him"

"I really do."

He wiped her tears on her cheek and said"I can't wait, honestly. I can't wait to be
a father again. I can't wait to see them both grow up into someone beautiful. And I
promise I'll give them the love of a father that I never had and I know you'll do
that too. Give them the love of a mother that we could never have"

She smiled and hugged him. Her head in his chest and his arms wrapped around her.
He kissed on top of her head and spoke"The nightmare is over. It's time to live
with happiness". She smiled and said"I love you"

"And I love you"

He kissed her again.


Poor Olly
He thought that they'll send him back ߥ

Hope you like this chapter

Please vote, comment and follow me


Love, Hope



        Chapter 46: Baby Girl [Purchased Wife]

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7 months.

I've never been so happy.

I was healthy, our baby was healthy. Olly was excited about his new baby brother or
sister. And Liam was going out of his mind. He even took loads of time off work and
painted the baby room and build the furniture by himself.

We could've gotten a professional but he refused straight up.

I helped him in some days.

He even bought an airplane bed for Olly and painted it all himself and Olly helped.

If I knew that my life would be this perfect even after the struggles, I'd take
that any day.

Olly would sit beside me and ask me if I could show him my stomach. And I don't
deny. I would be on my phone and listen to him talking to the baby inside me.
I love his little talks. He'd always end up saying that he'd always protect the
baby girl.

That's right, we were having a baby girl.

Liam was more excited then I was. He'd start calling her princess even when she
isn't born yet.

He'd always come tired from work but will never forget to lift up my shirt and kiss
my stomach.

I'm telling you, that man was going crazy with happiness.

Not gonna lie, I was too.

What I have is perfect for me.

I was on the bed and Liam was sleeping beside me.

My heart was uneasy. I've been having a contraction for the past 4 hours.

Liam was up all night with me. And then he accidentally fell asleep. He was tired.

And then I felt wet.

My water broke!

I screamed in pain waking up Liam.

He got up and I said, "THE BABY IS COMING!"

We had this plan we made over a month ago. And the plan was, he'd have to run into
the room and get Oliver. Then he'd have to come back and get the bag we already
kept ready.

I looked at him and he ran out and after seconds, he came back in with Oliver
wearing a jacket over his pajamas.

I held my hands and called Oliver to myself.

He ran to me and asked, "Are you okay, Mommy?" I rested my head against his little
shoulder and said: "Hold mommy's hand, baby." He did just that.

He was strong, and he was really good. I love him so much!

Liam ran to me wearing a shirt and a jacket over his own pajama.

He had the baby bag on his shoulder.

He wrapped a warm shawl around me and helped me up.

Olly knew how to open the car door. Liam gave Olly his keys and said: "Go open the
car door and strap yourself in the back seat, Okay?" He nodded and ran from there
as fast as he could.

He was also a two time champion in a race in his school.

Liam picked me up and my eyes fell to my bedsheets.

They were really wet.

I kept breathing in and out because of the damn pain.

I said, "Hurry!"

He ran down the stairs but carefully.

When we got to the car, Olly was already strapped in the backseat. I said, "Liam, I
wanna sit with Olly, Please."

Liam kept me in the back seat right beside Olly.

I held his little hand and Liam asked"Olly. keys." He handed Liam his car keys and
Liam ran to the driver seat and put the key in the ignition.

I screamed in pain which had Olly a little startled.

He kept comforting me"It's gonna be okay, momma." He kissed my sweaty cheek and
wrapped his little arms around me.

In about 3 minutes we were at the hospital.

Liam ran out to my door and helped me out. He looked at Olly and said, "Get the

Olly got the bag and we ran in the emergency room.

Nurses came running to me with a wheelchair and Liam set me down on there.

Olly held the arm of the chair and ran with me to where the nurse was taking us.

Liam had already called Curtis.

I looked up and he was standing there with a smile.

I said to him"Curtis, take care of Olly."

Curtis picked up Olly and kept him to himself.

Liam ran in with me to the pregnancy room.

The nurses put me in the bed and I had my legs apart.

They covered my bottom with a clean white sheet.

I screamed in pain again.

This was a big one.

The doctor came running and sat down by my legs.

She put her fingers in and said"You're ready to give birth. Push, Emily."

And yes, the doctor was a she because Liam couldn't stand a man putting his finger
in me.

I pushed and Liam held my hand tightly. Whispering sweet words, encouraging me.

But most of it was a blur.

"Push Emily! I can see the head." The doctor said.

I pushed hard again and she said"Two more push, Emily."

I pushed the hardest this time and I felt like something just came out of me with
full force.

Then I heard the sound of a baby crying.

I looked at Liam all sweaty and exhausted.

He looked at me with so much happiness. He kissed my sweaty forehead and said: "You
did it, baby." I smiled at him.

He left my hand and the nurse gave the baby to him.

Oh, she was beautiful. Her eyes were just like Liams. The same sea blue shade as
her father.

He held the little baby in his arms and just smiled at her lovingly.

He whispered to her"Welcome to this world."

I looked at him and slowly exhausted sleep took over me in no time.

Slowly, I opened my eyes.

I was in my hospital room again.

I saw Liam on the sofa, sleeping with Olly on his lap.

I looked at my side and there she was. My child.

The nurse came into the room, waking up Liam.

He picked Olly up and set him down on the sofa. Letting him sleep.

The nurse checked my vitals and then went back out again.

Our baby cooed.

Liam picked her up and I gave him space in my bed.

He lied down beside me and gave the baby to me. He put his arm around my shoulder
and slowly pulled me to his side.

The baby opened her eyes and she was beautiful.

She had pure black fuzz on her head. She was just like her father. Beautiful.

"Mommy." I looked from the baby to Olly, rubbing his sleep away from his eyes.

I smiled and said, "Come here."

He came to me and Liam picked him up, setting him on his lap. And I said, "You
wanna hold your baby sister?" He hesitated but then nodded his head.

I slowly gave the baby to Olly, making sure he supports her head. But Liam had his
hands under Olly. Helping him.

Holding her with him.

He smiled at the baby and said: "She's pretty." I and Liam chuckled.

Liam looked at me and asked, "What do we name her?"

Honestly, I and Liam didn't decide the name.

We had agreed to name her when we see her in our arms.

I looked at her and a name just popped in my mind.

I asked"What about Isabella? Bella for short."

He smiled and asked"Isabella?" I nodded. He looked at her and said again"I love

He kissed the baby's cheek and whispered her name to her"Isabella Knight."

I reset my head on his shoulder and there was a knock on the door.
The door opened and it was Curtis with Caroline and Tanya.

Caroline smiled and held up her professional camera and said"Smile."

We all smiled and I felt like crying with love.

My family. The family of four.

Me, Liam, Olly, and little Isabella. I couldn't ask for anything more.

••••• The End •••••

I hope you liked this last chapter of this story.

Thank you to everyone for hopping on in this journey with me. The journey of
Emily's depressed life to being blessed with love.

Also, read my new story called:

Who Killed Blue Jones?

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Thank you!

Love, Hope


        IMPORTANT NOTE [Purchased Wife]

            If you have reached the end of the story and loved it, thank you so
much. I really appreciate it.
Today, I got my first hate PM(personal message)

I'm not saying anything about the person who wrote to me that PM. I wanna just
point out that I'm not forcing you to read this story. It's your choice whether you
wanna read or not. But I won't tolerate this type of PM for my hard work.

I've said in the description what the story is like. Yes, it's extreme, but that
doesn't give anyone the right to send me that PM.

If you're one of the people who can't stand this type of story, just don't comment
or send this type of PM or even fucking vote. Just respectfully don't continue the
story and take it off your library.

Some people cannot stand the content that exists in this story. And I fully respect
those people. It's okay if you can't stand it.

But this PM that I got actually makes me confirm that I'm not the only author this
person could send this type of msg too.

Yes, this story consists of rape, torture and bad words. And some extreme scenes
too. But this is something I wanna put out to tell you that some girls, women, men
or little boys goes through their lives. If it doesn't make you comfortable, don't

And sometimes these type of PM actually lowers an authors confidence and love for

I hope you all understand what I'm trying to say.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story.

Please check out my other works❤️

Love, Hope


UPDATE: The person who PM me. We have come to a certain understanding. So, I had to
remove the picture to be respectful. Thank you so much guys for your support.

I really appreciate you❤️٥️֢ߒ

        Question❓ [Purchased Wife]

            Hey, guys!

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Well... here's the question I wanted to ask you, my lovely readers.

Do you think this book has potential? Potential like... what if I unpublish this
book and re-write it. All of it.

Or! Should I publish the same book with improvised chapters? Or should I just let
the original be?

I've got some idea for improvisation but I'm scared that I'll ruin it.

Comment here if you think I should unpublish and improvise.

Comment here if you think I should publish another book with only improvise chapter
and let the original stay published too.

Comment here if you think I should just let the book be and edit my grammar
mistakes and not make another version.

Thank you so much for reading. Please comment and help me get things straight.


Love, Hope



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