Pujol 2004

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EarthquakeLocation Tuton'al: Graphical

Jose Pujol
CERI, The University of Memphis

INTRODUCTION An interesting but unexpected result is that in some cases

the S-P times method can be modified in such a way that the
As is well known, the problem of earthquake location is one epicentral locations can be determined fairly accurately. This
of the most basic in seismology, but because of its inherent fact can be explained in a semiquantitative way and was veri-
mathematical complexity it is difficult to present it in a way fied with actual data from an area with large lateral velocity
that gives a realistic sense of how earthquakes are located and variations. As for the hyperbola method, it is shown that it
illustrates the factors that contribute to uncertainties in the can be used to locate events with relatively small errors under
solution. For this reason it is highly desirable to be able to dis- a wide range of conditions, and that the hyperbolas can be
cuss the most essential facts regarding earthquake location computer-generated with little effort, which facilitates the
without dwelling on the mathematical aspects of the prob- application of the method.
lem. This is important when teaching the subject to under-
graduate students, to Earth science graduate students who do THE EARTHQUAKELOCATIONPROBLEM:A
not plan to become seismologists, and even to high-school GRAPHICALAPPROACH
science teachers.
One possible way of doing this is to use the fact that in a The earthquake location problem can be stated as follows:
medium with depth-dependent velocities the travel times lie given a set of arrival times and a velocity model, determine
on a surface of revolution with its minimum at the epicenter. the origin time and the coordinates of the hypocenter.
For a homogeneous medium the surface is a hyperboloid, In actual practice, earthquakes are located according to
described by a simple equation. By plotting these surfaces for the following general principles. Because the relation between
earthquakes with different hypocentral locations and origin arrival times and hypocentral coordinates and origin time is
times it is possible to present a realistic graphical discussion of not simple even for the simplest velocity model (see Equation
the most important aspects of earthquake location. As shown 2 below), earthquakes cannot be located in one step. What is
below, this approach can be used to illustrate issues such as done is to solve the location problem in an iterative way.
the nonuniqueness of the computed locations, the effect of The first iteration has these steps: estimate initial values
errors, and the advantages of using combined P- and S-wave of the hypocentral coordinates and origin time, use these ini-
information. tial values and the velocity model to compute theoretical
After this discussion it would also be desirable to intro- arrival times, compute their differences with the observed
duce techniques that students can use to estimate epicentral times, and then use these differences to get a new estimate of
locations after they have picked their own arrival times. Most the location and origin time. Each following iteration uses as
introductory seismology books describe the S-P times initial estimates those computed in the previous iteration.
method, and although it is conceptually very simple, the This iterative process stops when some condition is met.
examples given here demonstrate that its application is not There are a number of stopping conditions, but in any case
straightforward. we measure the quality of the computed location by the root-
In particular, the velocity to be used depends on the mean-square residual, defined as
event depth and epicentral distances. Furthermore, Ruff
(2001) noted that the S-P times method is not how earth-
quakes are actually located and for this reason suggested the (1)
use of a method based on the drawing of hyperbolas. This ' ;:1
method was used before the advent of the current computer-
based location programs and generally performs well. Both where T/~ is the observed arrival time for the ith station, T[
the hyperbola and the S-P times methods will be discussed is the corresponding theoretical arrival time computed in the
here, with applications to synthetic and actual data. last iteration, N is the number of stations, and the 4 in the

Seismological ResearchLetters January/February2004 Volume75, Number1 63

denominator is related to the fact that there are four Although the homogeneous velocity model is extremely
unknowns (three hypocentral coordinates and origin time). simple, Equation 3 is important because it can be used to
If the model velocities were close to the actual ones and approximate the travel-time surfaces that are obtained for
the arrival times were error-flee, then rms would be close to models in which the velocity varies with depth. In such a case
zero, but in reality the velocity model is only approximate the travel-time surfaces are surfaces of revolution about a ver-
and the data are affected by errors, and as a consequence rms tical axis passing through the epicenter. This fact was used by
may be significantly larger than zero. In some cases an impor- Pujol and Smalley (1990) to develop a method to determine
tant source of error is large lateral velocity variations, so that epicenters without any knowledge of the velocity model. The
the 1D velocity models generally used for earthquake loca- basic idea is to fit a quadratic surface to the observed arrival
tion are no longer adequate. Note, however; that the goal of times. Because the origin time is not known, it is estimated
location programs is to minimize rms, not the location errors, during the fitting process. Once the best-fit hyperboloid has
which remain unknown as long as each earthquake is located been determined, the coordinates of its minimum are taken
separately. Therefore, a relatively small value of rms does not as the epicentral coordinates.
always mean a correspondingly small error in location. This is Because Equation 3 can be used to represent approxi-
why the most reliable determination of earthquake locations mately arrival times in media with depth-dependent veloci-
requires the simultaneous determination of a 3D velocity ties, we can derive a number of general results by
model. consideration of figures generated using Equation 2. For
This brief introduction to the earthquake location prob- example, from Figure 1 we see that the difference
lem ignores all its mathematical aspects, which involve rather dt = t(x s, Ys) - t(Xe, Ye) for a fixed position of the epicenter and
advanced analysis techniques (e.g., Lee and Stewart, 1981). It given station coordinates (x s, Ys) is highly dependent on the
is possible, however, to gain an understanding of some of its depth of the events and the types of waves. As the depth
essential aspects using a graphical approach. To introduce it increases, dt decreases. This effect can be understood with the
assume that the Earth can be represented by a homogeneous help of Equation 2, which shows that for given values of x
medium and let a and/3 be the P- and S-wave velocities. For and y, the effect of h on t increases with h. As a consequence
simplicity we will also assume that we are dealing with epi- dt will decrease as h increases because t(x e, Ye) = h~ 5. Also note
central distances that do not exceed a few hundreds of kilo- that for a given depth, dt is larger for S waves than for P
meters. This way there is no need to be concerned with the waves. To see that, let tp and t s represent P- and S-wave travel
Earth's curvature and the problem can be stated in Cartesian times, respectively. Then, t s = (a/3)tp and dts = (a/3)dtp. These
coordinates, which will be used here. The origin of the coor- two equalities are valid for any velocity model for which the
dinate system will be some convenient, arbitrary point. ratio a / 3 is a constant.
Now consider an earthquake with hypocentral coordi- Now let us look at the earthquake location problem from
nates (Xe, ye, h) and let To be the origin time of the event. Then a different point of view, namely, consider the observed
the arrival time at a station with coordinates (x, y, 0) is given arrival times as samples of some arrival-time surface. Then
by locating an earthquake is equivalent to reconstructing a sur-
face from a finite, generally small, number of samples. The
connection between this view and the standard one is as fol-
d ~(X
X e +(Y--Ye
)2 + h2 lows. Once the hypocentral location and the origin time are
y) - + - g - Vo + found, one can generate the corresponding arrival-time sur-
face, which can be plotted together with the observations as
5=a,,3 (2) in Figure 1. Therefore, we can use these surfaces to establish
in a qualitative way what we can expect under different cir-
where d is the hypocentral distance (i.e., the distance between cumstances.
the hypocenter and the station). Equation 2 can be written as Consider for example the effect of sampling and errors in
the arrival times. Suppose that two events at depths of 5 and
50 km are recorded by stations corresponding to the dots in
t2(x,y) - (T-To) 2- al(x2+y2)+a2x+a3y+a4 (3) Figure 1. Because these stations sample the surfaces well, it
can be expected that if the velocity model were a faithful rep-
where t is travel time and the coefficients a i absorb the con- resentation of the actual velocities and the data were error-
stant terms in Equation 2 (Pujol and Smalley, 1990). These free, the events would be well located regardless of the depth.
two equations show that t(x, y) can be represented by a hyper- However, if the arrival times are affected by errors, then it is
boloid centered at (x e, Ye)" Several examples, corresponding to clear that for a given amount of error, its effect is potentially
P- and S-wave travel times for different event depths, are larger for the 50 km event, which has a dt much smaller than
shown in Figure 1. Note that the coordinates of the mini- that of the 5 km event.
mum of each hyperboloid coincide with the location of the Next we will investigate what happens when the earth-
epicenter. quakes occur outside of the network. To simplify the presen-
tation it will be assumed that the epicenter is always at the

64 SeismologicalResearchLetters Volume75, Number1 January/February2004

10 h = 5 km 10
~" 6 ~" 8

"~ 4 ---
a. ~ 4
40 , I ~ I 40 , l I I

Y O(krn)-40 -20 0
20 40 0-40 -20 0 20 4O
10 h = 25 km 16-

4 ~~r~ ~ 10

40 0-40 -20 0 20 40 40 0-40 -20 0 20 40

16 "1
14 4 h = 50 km 20

8 .___ 12

40 0-40 -20 0 20 40 40 0__40 -20 0 20 40

A F i g u r e 1. P-wave (left) and S-wave (right) travel-time surfaces for earthquakes at various depths h generated using Equation 2 with = 0. All the epicen-
ters are at the origin. For the event at 5 km the travel times for particular values of x and y are also shown (dots). When.the origin time is added to those times
they representthe arrival times that would be recorded by a seismic network.

origin of the coordinate system, that To - 0, and that the sta- To see the connection between these results and the
tions in the network have the x coordinate larger than or earthquake location problem, assume that an event is located
equal to X km. This means that the station closest to the epi- using samples from one of the surfaces shown in Figure 2A
center will be at least X km away from it. To analyze the effect and that there is some amount of error in the picking of the
of this geometry on earthquake location we will consider arrival times. If the differences Ti~ - T[ that remain after the
three events with h = 15, 17, 19 km and X = 20. event has been located are similar in magnitude to the time
The corresponding P-wave arrival-time surfaces (Figure differences between the three surfaces in Figure 2B, then the
2A) are close to each other, although they are clearly distin- computed hypocentral locations and origin time could be any
guishable. The time differences between adjacent surfaces of the three combinations (or some other) that were used to
range roughly between 0.1 and 0.2 s in absolute value, and generate the surfaces. In practice, when locating one of these
therefore it would seem that when locating the events it events one may get different results depending on the initial
would be possible to recover the three sets of hypocentral values of hypocentral coordinates and To used and/or on the
coordinates and origin times correctly. This is not necessarily mathematical techniques used to update the initial estimates
the case, however. In fact, as Figure 2B shows, it is possible to at each iteration. Therefore, Figure 2B shows that under those
modify the origin times and epicentral locations of two of the sampling conditions there will be a trade-off between hypo-
events in such a way that the three surfaces become almost central depth and epicentral location and origin time. O f
in distinguish able. course, the situation will be even worse when the velocity
To generate Figure 2B, 0.87 km and 1.74 km were added model is not well known or when 1D models are grossly inad-
to the epicentral coordinate x~ of the events at 17 km and equate, as is the case in subduction zones. In the latter case
19 km, and 0.05 s and 0.10 s, respectively, were subtracted the travel-time surfaces no longer have the azimuthal symme-
from the origin time TO. In this case most of the time differ- try seen in Figure 1 and there will not be a surface of revolu-
ences (in absolute value) between adjacent surfaces are less tion that will fit all the observations perfectly, even when the
than 0.05 s, with the largest difference less than 0.08 s. data are free from errors.

Seismological Research Letters January/February2004 Volume 75, Number1 65

to misidentify large-amplitude converted waves (e.g., S-to-P)
(A) as primary S waves. This is likely to happen in areas such as
12 the Mississippi embayment, where low-velocity materials
10 overlie high-velocity rocks (e.g., Pujol et al., 1998). When
three-component recordings are available this misidentifica-
.E_ 8
tion problem does not arise, but accurate identification of the
n 6 f 40 S-wave arrival may be difficult because sometimes the S wave-
forms are complicated, thus requiring considerable experi-
40 20 0 -20 -40 - ence on the part of the person picking the arrival times.
y(km) Arrivals from other waves can also be used to help con-
strain the hypocentral locations as long as their correspond-
(B) ing time surfaces have geometric properties considerably
12 different from those of the P-wave surfaces. If the hypocentral
10 distances are not too large, it may not be possible to find ori-
gin time and/or depth and epicentral shifts that will simulta-
neously merge travel-time surfaces of intrinsically different
a_ 6 types. A good example is the P head (or refracted) waves,
~ 0 4~ which propagate along a layer boundary. For the simple case
f / f ,,. ,.L
40 20 0 -20 -40 -40 of a layer over a half-space, the travel time for an event located
within the layer is given by

2 (4)
1~/( x __ Xe)2 +(Y--Ye )2 + ( 2 H _ h ) 1
052 051052
= 12
10 40 (e.g., Lee and Stewart, 1981), where H is layer thickness, a 1
/ / f /
and a 2 are the wave velocities in the layer and in the half-
40 20 0 -20 -40 -40 space, respectively, a 2 > a 1, and the other symbols are as in
Equation 2. Equation 4 can be written as
A Figure 2. (A) Three P-wave arrival-time surfaces for events with h = 15,
17, 19 km and To= O. In all cases the epicentral coordinates xe and Yeare
equal to zero and the values of xare equal to 20 km or larger. (B) Similar to ,(x,y)- D(x,y)+b (5)
the surfaces in (A) after xeand To were changed to 0.87 km and -0.05 s for
h= 17 km, and to 1.74 km and -0.10 s for h= 19 km. For h= 15 km the where a = 1/a 2, d is the epicentral distance (given by the
parameters remained unchanged. (C) S-wave arrival-time surfaces corre- square root), and b is a constant equal to the second term on
sponding to the parameters used for the surfaces in 2B. Note that in 2B the the right-hand side. Equation 5 represents a straight line in
three surfaces are almost indistinguishable, while in this figure that is not the variables t and d, and the corresponding travel-time sur-
the case, particularly for points close to the epicenter. face is a truncated cone with the vertical axis passing through
the epicenter. The cone is truncated because the head waves
So far we have referred to P-wave times. What is the exist only for distances d that exceed a critical distance that
effect of adding S-wave times? It is very significant because depends on H, h, and the two velocities. In addition, the head
they add completely new information to the problem. This waves can be distinguished from the direct P waves because of
can be seen with the help of Figure 2C, which was obtained their lower frequency content. These differences between the
by shifting the original S-wave surfaces (not shown) as the P- two types of waves should be kept in mind when the hyper-
wave surfaces were, with the result that the S-wave surfaces bola method, discussed below, is applied.
have not moved toward a single surface, particularly for the
points closest to the epicenter. Therefore, if the differences S-PTIMES EPICENTRALLOCATIONMETHOD
TwO - Tic are similar in magnitude to the time differences
seen in Figure 2B but smaller than in Figure 2C, adding S- This method is commonly discussed in introductory books,
wave information will help constrain the event locations. but because the (simple) derivation of the equation that is the
Therefore, if available, S-wave data should be used when basis of the method is generally not provided, it is given here.
locating earthquakes. Consider again a homogeneous half-space with P- and S-
It must be noted, however, that picking S-wave arrivals is wave velocities a and/3 and let d be the distance between the
not as simple as for the P waves for two reasons. First, when hypocenter and a given station. Then
only vertical-component recordings are available it is possible

66 Seismological Research Letters Volume75, Number1 January/February2004

d d tion of the three hemispheres will be the hypocenter. These
- ts = -- (6) considerations are the basis of the S-P times epicentral loca-
tion method, which is applied as follows. For each station
compute t~- tp convert it to distance multiplying by a veloc-
ity v that is appropriate for the area of interest, and draw a cir-
cle on a map using that distance as the radius. When several
t - P - I-~ - ll d - -al (-~ - -alld stations are used, the circles are expected to overlap in some
(7) common area surrounding the epicenter. To see this consider
two stations, which for simplicity will be assumed to be
so that aligned with the epicenter (Figure 3). The projection of the
two hemispheres on the surface are two circles centered at the
stations. Clearly, the epicenter is not at the intersection of the
- V(,s -,,) two circles, although it will become closer to it as the depth
decreases. If a third station is available, the position of the
with third circle is generally depicted as in Figure 3B.
The method was tested initially with actual data
recorded in the New Madrid seismic zone by stations of the
a 1 (9) PANDA portable network and with synthetic data generated
v - (a///~)- using station locations from the same network and two veloc-
ity models. One was the model used for the standard location
With the simple velocity model discussed here, the hypo- of the events. The model has an upper layer 0.65 km thick
center will be at some point on the surface of the hemisphere with low values of a and /3 (equal to 1.8 and 0.6 km/s,
with the center at the station and radius equal to d. If two sta- respectively) underlain by high- velocity rocks (a equal to
tions having hypocentral distances equal to d 1 and d 2 (not 5.95 km/s) (Pujol et al., 1997). The ratio a/~ is equal to 1.73
equal to d l) are considered, there will be two intersecting for all the layers except the first one.
hemispheres and the hypocenter will be a point along their The second model is a variation of the previous one, with
line of intersection. If a third station is available, the intersec- the same layer boundaries, without the low velocities in the

$1 E S2


(B) Y


A Figure 3. Geometry for the S-Ptimes method for the approximate determination of epicenters. (A) d1 and d2 are the distances in Equation 8 for two different
stations (indicated by $1 and 82). The hypocenter (H) lies at the intersection of the two hemispheres. To simplify the figure it is assumed that the epicenter (E)
and the two stations are aligned. (B) Map view. The solid circles are the intersections with the surface of the hemispheres in 3A. Note that the epicenter is not
at the intersection of the circles. The dashed circle is the projection of a hemisphere corresponding to some other station.

Seismological Research Letters January/February2004 Volume75, Number1 67

v l = 8.00 km/s" h = 6.0 k m km
vz= 8.00 km/s" h = 18.0 k m

140 140

120 120 \

100 - El
\ \,
,, l

80 - \
, . ....
, 80 ..<
_ .... ~
. ~. /
/" ~ ~':
4/ - ... ,
/ , %
/ / \
[] / 1 \ / ........ . , I
D "1 I I \,
60 "~- " / i / 60- / / i ".w- - / . . . . . . ~ -
. , ;/
\... p , '/
.... . . _ ,,//' 0,,)~.~ .J ""[] " \ "-. /, I {~ i",, i- ..,..
40 - _ : ._ ,_. -,--, .\
40- ...... ---:~. i ..... /_--< "
[] ,,
[] t /" ,,, /
I-I/ 'I -/ i /
/ /" \ '
/ '1 /
' z\ , " /
_ ....... ~--'- ,,,, [] ~ / ./.. t \
20 , ,
20- -~ ........ 9 [] i / ./
, \ /
\ ' ?4'
- -. L / ]/"

--- .,. /

2'0 ,l'o a'o

" " v ...... i

0 2'0 4'0 -6'0 80 10 0 120 140km 0 loo lziO km

v = 6.50 kin/s; h = 6.0 km v = 6.50 kin/s; h = 18.0 k m

km '; i i
km / /
140 ', /
140 - / /
',, , /: i /
",, / ./ /
/ // / -"

120 ",', /
/ /
. ./
.-' 120 - ,/
/ -

/ ,/' ./ /
i/ ../ "
,, :' / . ,: / ./

i00 , r-i / / .-" 100 - ' H

: //
. /

, / / .--
/i /,
', /: / ..l" /
/ /" /
-. . /
80 "--... ,, /: // ..-- 80- /

/i/ // I/"
. / ..._ __
, / / .

[]. k, /' / .I El.

60 "'" ' '. . . . . " 60- \, 1:/' / ..

- ___ ~..,.L,'~,I ,." _

40 . . ../,,., %. - - _ _ 40-
/ /VI :. : ',',, "%. - - ~ _
/ / 5 ,/,' ': ',, "'-%
, // / .': ; , , / it '", "~'(~'-.

20 ./ ,.i7 ',,, '.,D, \ \"-.. 20 -

, .> ,,'I '~ "',. ~"k--.
/'/ / ~ \,x ~ ~-
# i ,' : i , " i I 0 : " / " ' ' " i

0 20 4'0 6'0 8'0 i 00 120 I 40

" km 0 2'0 4'0 6'0 8'0 i 00 120 140km
,i Figure 4. Top:Results of the S-Ptimes method when applied to synthetic data for two events with depths h equal to 6 and 18 km. The squares represent
stations and v1 is the velocity used to generate the circles using Equation 8. The actual epicenter is indicated by the circled dot. Bottom.Results of the hyperbola
method for the synthetic data used in the top plots. Because there are five stations, the number of hyperbolas is ten (see Equation A-IO). The velocity vwas
chosen such that the hyperbolas intersect at a common point.

upper layer and with a/fl alternating between 1.6 and 1.8. given network it will be necessary to test it with known loca-
This second model was introduced to make sure that the tions to establish the velocity (or velocities) to be used and the
results obtained were not a consequence of a constant velocity general performance of the method.
ratio. The two models will be referred to as models I and II, Let us consider first two events at depths of 6 and 18 km
respectively. The first four examples considered below corre- with the same epicenter surrounded by the five stations used
spond to synthetic data and constitute a small subset of all the to locate them (Figure 4). For this test velocity model II was
tests, but they represent a good summary of the results used to generate the synthetic data. With a velocity of 8 km/s
obtained using either synthetic or actual data. the epicenter is near the center of the area where all the circles
To apply the method one should choose a value for the overlap. Reducing the velocity reduces the overlap area, thus
velocity v in Equation 8. A rule of thumb is that v is equal to reducing the error made when estimating the epicentral loca-
8 for most crustal earthquakes (Lay and Wallace, 1995), but tion. For a velocity of 7.4 km/s the epicenter is still within the
this value is not always appropriate. In fact, it was noted that overlap area. For 7 km/s the area is significantly reduced and
the velocity to be used depends on the distance of the event close to the epicenters, but no longer within the overlap area.
to the stations and on the event depth, which means that Of course, when the epicentral location is unknown it is not
before locating events with this method using data from a possible to determine the best velocity to be used.

68 Seismological Research Letters Volume 75, Number1 January/February2004

km Vl= 7.10 k m / s " h = 0.1 k m k m
v l = 8.00 k m / s " h = 20.0 k m
v2= 8.15 140 - v2= 9 ~ ~ Z - - ...........
140 t
120 120 -

'~< ..... 7;-:;:~-.=0-- ~ ~ i b ' - - . . ....,x\, \
I .~ - ~(';.... - ....... '::~7<<<'--'~\~\ "-
80 J+
9 ~" ---. . . . . -~\- "\ \ ..... 80 '7>, ',
.,, ,,,,
t, "
/ /, / \ , ,,,,\\, ', t\\ \
60 60 !'

" [""i ~[ ':7 40

\, I"-1 [] 1,I ,/ ; ,i '' l []
[] /

\ [] / / "'' i' [] ,/
0 i ~ / i/ i '
0 20 4'0 60' 80' 100 120 140km 0 2'0 40. . 60. . 80
. I00 120 i Okm

v = 5.95 Km/~' h 0.1 k m km
v = 7.10 k m / s " h = 20.0 km

,: ' /' ;IW
140 .... " '7 .....
\ ,),!~ i / ,
\ \ \tl ' / ,

\ /' I'l/
,/ //i/"l,;' .," /'
\ ,,,,' ,//,,,/, ,, /
120 /;i,,.,.......
,,,' /,//,,~r 120 /
t, / /
/ 7r //' / /
\, / / /" ,-
100 \, \ ,, 100 /' ,,
\ \
/ '~ 'iili",' i / ,-
/' ., "
\ \ ,;,' /
80 ,, 80 /
\ ',
\ . "' 7'
\',, '/ i
/' ,) '" k // -""
/ " 60
60 ' '

/ "?4 .i,\,,

40 ~--- /.) 40 ./
, ,,/, , I f
," ,"1 i' t/

20 -I ,/ "(,: [] 20
/ \',,", I-I

E3 / '\, / I-1 \ ,
i i i

0 2'o 40' 6'o 8'o 100 1 0 1 4' 0 k m 0 20' 40 60 80 1 0 6 120

' 1 4' 0 k m

i Figure 5. Top: Results of the S-Ptimes method when applied to two sets of synthetic data. The velocity v~ was used to generate the dashed circles under
the condition that all of them passed close to the known epicentral location. The velocity v2 was used to generate the solid circles and is equal to the inverse
of the slope of the corresponding ts- tp vs. epicentral distance curve. To draw these curves the epicentral location must be known. See the text for details. Other
symbols as in Figure 4. Bottom. Results of the hyperbola method for the synthetic data used in the top plots. For the events at 20 km depth two of the arrival
times correspond to head waves and three to direct waves. In this case it is not possible to find a common intersection point for all the hyperbolas.

If the epicenter is outside of the network the overlap area about 11 and 18 km away from the epicenters, and the value
is not well defined and the selection of the velocity is not of v2 depends on the event.
straightforward. Figure 5 shows the results for a very shallow The fact that it is possible to find a velocity for which the
event (e.g., an explosion, h = 0.1 km) and for a deeper one circles intersect at a point was observed for all the other test
(h = 20 km). The arrival times were computed using velocity cases involving events in similar distance ranges (and even
model I. The dashed circles were drawn using Equation 8 smaller) and was investigated empirically. Two things were
with velocities v 1 equal to 7.1 and 8.0 km/s chosen in such a noted. First, in each test the t s - t p vs. epicentral distance
way that all of them passed through points close to the curve (time-distance curve, for short) is a straight line. Sec-
known epicentral locations. If those locations were not ond, the velocity required for the intersection of the circles is
known, choosing the appropriate velocities would be diffi- equal to the inverse of the slope s of the time-distance curve.
cult. Interestingly, by trial and error it was found that there is For the event at 0.1 km depth all the arrivals correspond to
a velocity (indicated with v2) for which the circles intersect at head waves propagating along the bottom of the first layer,
a point almost perfectly. However, the intersection points are and in this case the time-distance curve is a straight line. In
fact, from Equations 4 and 5 we see that

Seismological Research Letters January/February2004 Volume 75, Number1 69

17.6 km, and when this amount is subtracted from the radii
the circles intersect at the true epicentral location.
To test the semiquantitative explanation given above, the
method was applied to data from the Andean foreland in
or Argentina, where large lateral velocity variations exist (Pujol,
1992). The stations and events used (Figure 6) were selected
to create a worst-case scenario. The P- and S-wave station cor-
(11) rection pairs for the two stations on the right of the plots are
(-0.64 s,-0.97 s) and (-0.82 s,-1.23 s), respectively. For the
leftmost station the corresponding pair is (0.63 s, 1.52 s),
where c = b s - b p is the time intercept. Equation 11 can be
while for the remaining stations the P-wave corrections are
written as
between-0.19 s a n d - 0 . 0 1 s and the S-wave corrections
between 0.12 s and 0.44 s. These corrections were computed
D -v(t s -tp)-vc (12) using the joint hypocentral determination (JHD) technique.
For these events the t s - tp vs. distance curves for the stations
of Figure 6 are approximately linear. Because of the large
with v as in Equation 9. Equation 12 can be interpreted in
range of the corrections, and probably picking errors also, it
two ways. First, it is the equation of a straight line in the time
is not possible to find a single velocity for which all the circles
and distance variables. If we use Equation 9 with a = 5.95
intersect. However, when the velocity v2 and the values
(i.e., the velocity of the head waves) and a//3 = 1.73 we get
dr = vc derived from the time-distance curves are used, the
v = 8.15, which is equal to the value of v2 used in Figure 5.
circles intersect at points close to the epicenters determined as
Second, Equation 12 is also the equation of a circle on the
part of a conventional single-event location. If the event loca-
(x, y) plane when D is fixed. Therefore, unlike the situation
tions were not known it would not be possible to generate
described by Equation 8, when Equation 12 applies the cir-
time-distance curves, but using a simple trial-and-error
cles will intersect at a point on the surface, in agreement with
approach it was possible to find values v2 and dr for which all
the results shown in Figure 5. In addition, from Equation 11
the circles intersect in a small area (Figure 6). If a point in that
we see that the time that must be used to draw the circles is
area were chosen as the epicenter, then it could be used to
actually ts - t p - c, not t , - tp. Because for common values of
generate a travel-time curve from which new values of z,,2 and
a//3 the value of c will be positive, the effect of ignoring it is
dr could be derived. Therefore, it would be possible to draw
to enlarge the radii of the circles by a constant amount equal
new circles whose intersections would be closer to the actual
to vc. This explains why the points where the circles intersect
epicentral location.
is at a larger distance from the stations than the actual epicen-
ter location. For the event at 0.1 km depth the correction vc
is equal to 10.7 km, and when it is used to draw the circles
they intersect at the true epicentral location.
To introduce this method consider the following situation.
Equation 12 is valid for head waves in arbitrary layered
An explosion occurs in a chemical plant and two seismolo-
models as long as they come from the same layer. For those
gists who hear it immediately look at their chronometers and
waves the travel time vs. distance equation is similar to Equa-
record the times. The seismologists are in different parts of
tion 5, with a equal to the inverse of the velocity of the waves
the town; one of them calls the other and the two share their
and b a constant that depends on the depth of the event and
information. What can they say about the location of the
on layer thicknesses and velocities (e.g., Lee and Stewart,
explosion? Let t I and r be the two recorded times and d 1 and
d 2 the distances from the explosion to the points were it was
For the event at 20 km depth three of the arrivals corre-
recorded. Of course, the distances are not known, but the
spond to direct waves and two to head waves, but the time-
seismologists know that
distance curve is essentially a straight line. Therefore, we can
assume that these waves are fictitious head waves for which an
4 = g ( t l - To); 4 = g ( t 2 - To) (13)
equation similar to Equation 12 applies with appropriate val-
ues of v and c, which must be determined from the observa-
where V is the velocity of sound and TO is the origin time.
tions. Then what we said in the preceding paragraph applies
Subtracting the two distances gives
to this case. The velocity v2 used in Figure 5 for the 20-km-
depth event is equal to 1/s. Its large value (9.34 km/s) is indic-
ative of a deeper event. The P-wave velocities in the layer that d 1 - d 2 = V(t 1 - t2) (14)
contains the event and in the underlying layer are 6.6 and
7.3 km/s, respectively. When using Equation 9 with these The right side of Equation 14 is known. Therefore, the explo-
two velocities and a/3 = 1.73 we get v equal to 9 and 10 km/ sion occurred along a curve that satisfies the following condi-
s, which bracket v2. On the other hand, vc is equal to tion: The difference in distances from two fixed points (the

70 SeismologicalResearchLetters Volume75,Number1 January/February2004

V2 = 1 3 . 5 km/s" h=107 km; d r = 107 k m v e=14.3 km/s" h=105 km; dr=ll7 km
km km
140 140

120 120
I00 D 100

80 - ....\
[] 80
60 , '",, ... (30
\\'\'"', ,,,

40 i ... 4o

20 [] \ !] " .{ []

\\ i
~ ~.~/, i o i
0 20 4'0 60. .80 . lO0 . 120 140km 0 20 4'0 60 80 I O0 120 140 km

v 2=13.0 km/s; h=107 km; dr=lO0 km v 2=13.0 km/s" h=105 km; dr=lO0 km
km km
140 140
/ /
120 120

100 H 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

i 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140km 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140km

,i Figure 6. Top. Results of the S-Ptimes method for actual data from two events recorded in the Andean foreland in Argentina, where large lateral velocity
variations exist. The circles were obtained using Equation 12 with v2 = vand dr= vcdetermined from the slope and intercept of the ts- tpvs. epicentral distance
curves. To draw these curves the epicentral location must be known. See the text for details. Other symbols as in Figure 4. Bottom. Similar to the top plots for
the same two events with v2 and dr determined by trial and error to force all the circles to intersect in the vicinity of a common point.

recording sites) to any point on the curve is constant. This is earthquake recorded at a number of stations. Any two sta-
the definition of a hyperbola. Although a hyperbola has two tions and the hypocenter define a plane on which we can
branches, it would be easy to determine which one is relevant apply the results discussed for the explosion. For each station
because one of the two recorded times will generally be pair there are thus a plane through the hypocenter and an
smaller than the other. If they were the same, then the explo- associated hyperbola that satisfies an equation similar to
sion would be along a straight line perpendicular to the line Equation 14 with v replaced by a, and with the hypocenter
joining the two recording sites. Once the appropriate branch located at the point were all the hyperbolas meet (there may
has been identified, it can be drawn on a map. A person driv- be other points were some hyperbolas meet).
ing along the hyperbola would eventually find the explosion If the hyperbolas are projected onto the surface of the
site. If the explosion was recorded at three sites, then the cor- Earth their projections will also be hyperbolas (although with
responding times could be combined to generate three hyper- different equations) and their intersection at depth will
bolas, and their common intersection would be the location project onto the event epicenter. If the event depth is much
of the explosion. smaller than the epicentral distances a common velocity
We can apply these ideas to the problem of earthquake likely will make all the surface hyperbolas intersect near a
location. Consider again a homogeneous medium and an common point, but this is unlikely to happen for smaller epi-

Seismological Research Letters January/February2004 Volume 75, Number1 71

central distances, in which case there will be an area around a point that is about 20 km to the southeast of the epicenters
the epicenter where all the hyperbolas become close to each shown in Figure 6. The relation between the epicenter and
other. the intersection point is similar to that seen in Figure 5 for the
The hyperbola method was used by Mohorovieid (1915) event at 20 km. Using smaller numbers of hyperbolas does
and was considered a practical epicentral location method not improve the results significantly.
until the advent of the current computer-based methods. For
example, Ben-Menahem and Bfith (1960) implemented an CONCLUSIONS
analytical method whose geometric counterpart is the hyper-
bola method, and Husebye (ca. 1965) developed a graphical This tutorial shows that the earthquake location problem can
method based on the use of computer-generated sets of be introduced using a simple graphical approach that allows a
hyperbolas. Here we test the method with the data used to realistic discussion of questions such as the trade-off between
test the S-P times method. The construction of the hyperbo- depth and origin time and/or epicentral location, the effect of
las is described in the Appendix. The selection of the velocity errors, and the advantages of using S-wave or head-wave
was guided by the condition that the hyperbolas intersect at a arrivals in addition to the traditional P-wave arrivals. Also
common point. To avoid bias, the true epicentral location discussed are two approximate epicentral location methods:
was assumed as unknown and was shown only after the veloc- the popular S-P times method, and the other based on the
ity for a given event was selected. For the five stations used in construction of hyperbolas and that requires only P-wave
the tests there are ten possible different hyperbolas (see Equa- arrival times.
tion A-10), all of which were used. The analysis of synthetic and actual data helped establish
For the two events within the network (Figure 4) the cor- general conditions under which the two methods can be
responding hyperbolas have a common point of intersection, expected to provide reasonably good epicentral estimates. For
which coincides with the epicentral location, although in the S-P times method it was found that for events outside of
some other tests it was found that instead of a common point the network it is sometimes possible to locate the epicenter
there is a relatively small area where every hyperbola intersects with considerable accuracy. For events inside the network the
at least another one, with the epicenter roughly at the center hyperbola method was found to perform very well. Both
of the area. This situation was found for station distributions methods require velocity factors to convert times to distances,
like that shown in Figure 4. and to obtain the best results it is necessary to do a trial-and-
The hyperbolas for the event at 0.1 km depth in Figure 5 error search for the best velocities. For this reason it is conve-
intersect at a point almost coincident with the epicenter for a nient to be able to generate the circles and hyperbolas with a
velocity of 5.95 km/s. This precision in the velocity may appear computer, particularly the latter, which are difficult to draw
excessive, but a change in velocity as small as 0.15 km/s is manually. By computerizing the process it is possible to locate
enough to produce some hyperbolas that are considerably far epicenters with errors of a few kilometers, particularly if the
from the common intersection. As noted in the previous sec- two methods are used together.
tion, for this event all the arrivals correspond to head waves In summary, these methods provide good teaching tools
refracted at the bottom of the first layer and travel with a veloc- and produce epicentral locations that are adequate for
ity of 5.95 km/s. projects that require only approximate results. Therefore,
The event at 20 km depth in Figure 5 is interesting they can be used as part of a comprehensive program of earth-
because it shows that in some cases it is not possible to make quake education involving undergraduates or high-school
all the hyperbolas intersect in the vicinity of a point. Also in students interested in projects such as the U.S. Educational
this case a small change (0.1 km/s) in the velocity used has an Seismology Network initiative (http://www.indiana.edu/
appreciable effect on the hyperbolas. The reason for the fail- ~usesn/about.htmt). El
ure of the method is that three of the arrivals correspond to
direct waves and two to head waves, so that the basic hypoth- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
esis of the method that all the waves are of the same type is
violated. If this situation occurs with an actual event, one This work was supported by the State of Tennessee Centers of
should inspect the seismograms and select the station pairs Excellence Program. CERI contribution No. 467. I thank S.
that include similar types of waves. When only the three sta- Hough and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive
tions with direct waves were used, another type of problem comments.
occurred, namely, two quite different intersection points, cor-
responding to close values of velocity, were found. Therefore, REFERENCES
in this case the method does not give a reliable location, but a
positive aspect of it is that this fact can be established from Ben-Menahem, A. and M. Bfith (1960). A method for determination of
the results obtained. epicenters of near earthquakes, Geafisica Pura e Applicata 46,
The method was also tested with the data from the
Husebye, E. (ca. 1965). A rapid, graphical method for epicenter loca-
Andean foreland. In this case, using a velocity of about tion (unpublished), Seismological Institute, Uppsala, Sweden.
10.5 km/s, most of the hyperbolas intersect in the vicinity of

72 SeismologicalResearchLetters Volume75,Number1 January/February2004

Johnson, R., E Kiokemeister, and E. Wolk (1978). Calculus with Ana- Pujol, J., A. Johnston, J.-M. Chiu, and Y.-T. Yang (1997). Refinement
lytic Geometry, Allyn and Bacon. of thrust faulting models for the central New Madrid seismic zone,
Lay, T. and T. Wallace (1995). Modern Global Seismology, Academic Engineering Geology 46, 281-298.
Press. Pujol, J. and R. Smalley (1990). A preliminary earthquake location
Lee, W. and S. Stewart (1981). Principles and Applications of method based on a hyperbolic approximation to travel times, Bul-
Microearthquake Networks, Academic Press. letin of the Seismological Society of America 80, 1,629-1,642.
Mohorovieid, A. (1915). Die bestimmung des epizentrum eines nahbe- Ruff, L. (2001). How to locate earthquakes, Seismological Research Let-
bens, Gerl. Beitr. z. Geophys. 14, 199-205. ters 72, 197.
Pujol, J. (1992). Joint hypocentral location in media with lateral veloc-
ity variations and interpretation of the station corrections, Physics
of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 75, 7-24.
Pujol, J., R. Herrmann, S.-C. Chiu, and J.-M. Chiu (1998). Con-
strained joint location of New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes, The University o f M e m p h i s
Seismological Research Letters 69, 56-68. Memphis, T N 3 8 1 5 2

Construction of the Hyperbolas
Refer to Figure A-1. The east and north directions are used to Operating and isolating the square root on the right side gives
define a local Cartesian coordinate system (x, y), with the sta-
tion coordinates referring to this system. The points A and B
1 1 .,/ ,2
represent stations and are the foci of the hyperbola. For arbi- --2 cx' - 1 - +_- ~ e 2 + y' . (A-4)
a a
trary locations of the foci the equation of the hyperbola is
complicated. For this reason, before constructing the hyper-
bolas the following transformations are assumed to have been Squaring again and additional simple operations give
performed (in practice they are not performed). First the ori-
gin O is translated to O; which is a point equidistant from A p2 p2
x y
= 1; b 2 -- C2 -- a 2 (A-5)
and B. Then the axes are rotated in such a way that the new x a2 b2
axis is along a line through A and B. Therefore, the new y is
perpendicular to that line. Let x' and y' indicate the new axes.
(after Johnson et al., 1978).
In this system the coordinates of A and B will be written as
Using Equation A-5 written as
(-c, 0) and (c, 0), respectively, which means that c is half of
the distance between the stations. Let
~. a2 ) 1 (A-6)
IPAI - I P B I - +2 a (A-1)

where the vertical bars indicate the distance between pairs of we can generate pairs (x', y') for x' > 0. Then these values can
points, P is a generic point with coordinates (x', y'), and 2a is be used to generate the pairs (x', -y'). These operations gener-
a constant equal to the right side of Equation 14 with an ate the branch of the hyperbola corresponding to positive val-
appropriate velocity. In component form Equation A-1 ues of x', which is the desired branch if a > 0. If a < 0 use the
becomes points (-x', y').
Once the points on the appropriate branch of the hyper-
~/(X t +6)2 + y , 2 _ ~ / ( X t _ g ) 2 + y ,2 --_+2a . bola have been found, it is necessary to express them in the
original coordinate system. This is done as follows. Let (Xo,,
Yo') be the coordinates of the point O' in the original system,
Now let d = x' + c and e -- x' - c, move the second term on the computed using
left of Equation A-2 to the right, divide both sides by 2a, and
square them. This gives
(Xl+X2) (Yl +Y2)
Xo' = ~ ; Yo' - ~ (A-7)
2 2
1 (d 2 + y t 2 ) _ l + 1_(#2 4 y,2 ) + _ ~1 e 2 + y,2 . (A-3)
4a 2 4a 2 - a where (Xl, Yl) and (x2, Y2) are the coordinates of the two sta-
tions. Let 0 be the angle between the segment A B and the x

Seismological ResearchLetters January/February2004 Volume75, Number1 73

axis. Then the points (x, y) that belong to the hyperbola are 5-4, 5-3, 5-2, 5-1 (4)
obtained using 4-3, 4-2, 4-1 (3)
3-2,3-1 (2)
x - cos Ox" + sin Oy" + x o, (A-8) 2-1 (1)

where the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of

combinations. This shows that the total number is equal to
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - 10. By extension we see that for N stations
y - -sinOx' + cosOy' + Y o " (A-9) the number of combinations, and thus hyperbolas, is given by

Finally let us derive the number of different hyperbolas

that can be generated when there are Nstations. For example, M-I+2+3+'"+(N-1)-Zi- X-1
21 N(N- 1) (A-IO)
let N be 5 and label the stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The possible i=1
two-station combinations are




\ East
I /

II / /
I /
I /
I /
I /

A Figure A-1. Geometry for the derivation of the equation of the hyperbola. The xand yaxes constitute a local Cartesian coordinate system; A and B indicate
station locations. The two branches of the hyperbola satisfy the equalities in the upper left corner. To construct the hyperbolas their equations are derived in a
rotated coordinate system centered at the point O' (equidistant from A and B) with the x axis aligned with A and B.

74 Seismological Research Letters Volume75, Number1 January/February2004

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