MCQ - Section 1 Introduction To Oh

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SECTION 1 = ————SCt INTRODUCTION TO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Questions in this section cover the history of occupational health as well as some basic aspects of occupational health, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, toxicology, occupational epidemiology, occupational safety and ethical issues being faced by occupational health professionals. ES | _ SECTION 1 Ta Introduction To Occupational Health 1. The following statements of Malaysian laws are true: A, The Selangor Boiler Enact ment was one of the earliest safety and health legislation in Malaysia B. The Pesticides Act was enacted in 1953 C. The Factories and Machinery Act was enacted in 1967 D. The Employees Social Security Act was enacted in 1990 E, The Occupational Safety and Health Act was enacted in 1994 2, The following facilities were provided for plantation workers under the Rump Labour Code: A, Places of worship B. Hygienic water supply CC. Nurseries D. Labour lines E. Estate clinics The following statements are true of indi ‘Occupational Health: ‘A. Ramazzini emphasized the importance of asking about a person’s occupation in history taking, Socrates is known as the father of Occupational Medicine. Donald Hunter wrote Hunter's Textbook on Occupational Diseases. Percival Pott described scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps Paracelsus related the dose of a chemical to it's poisonous effect. luals who had made major contributions to mone 4. The role of an Occupational Physician is to A. design safe machinery. talk on health issues at the workplace. provide immunization for worker's children against Measles. carry out a noise survey. do medical surveillance. mone 5. The following statements are true of agencies related to occupational health: A. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists formulates threshold limit values (TLV). B. Work Safe Australia enforces laws related to occupational health in Australia. C, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA) enforces laws related to Occupational Health in the USA. D. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (USA) conducts research on Occupational Health. E. The Health and Safety Executive (UK) plays a role similar to that of Workers Health Unit, Ministry of Health Malaysia. 6. The following statements are true of the International Labour Organization (ILO): A. ILO is a bipartite organization. B, ILO promulgates conventions. C. ILO enforces occupational health laws internationally D. ILO introduces recommendations related to occupational health. E, ILO is part of United Nations. 3 rrr mer rrr si hi oll Bf . The following are true of indirect readin, ment agencies in Malaysia are as follows: ni The services provided by gove! | Safety and Health (DOSH) enforces laws related to A. Department of Occupational Occupational Health in Malaysia. B. Workers Health Unit, attends to the occupational Ministry of Health. Universities in Malaysia conduct Safety and Health Officer competency training, c : D. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Malaysia) awards PhD in Occupational Health. : oe E. Social Security Organization (SOCSO) provides compensation in cases of industrial accidents. | health needs of workers in the The role of an Industrial Hygienist include A. anticipation of potential health risks. recognition of health hazards. evaluation of exposure. control of health risks. conducting medical surveillance. mone The following are examples of measures to control work hazards: A. Installing a dosimeter B. Noise proofing C. Personal Protective Equipment D. Use of shock absorbers E. Installing a Hydrogen Sulphide gas detector The following are examples of hygiene control measures: A. Substituting benzene with toluene for use as solvent B. Measuring blood lead levels of workers exposed to lead C. Enclosing an area with volatile chemicals D. Local exhaust ventilation in dusty areas E. Limiting hours of exposure to noise . The following are true of direct reading, hygiene instruments: A. Sound level meter is an example B. Five gas detector is an example C. Charcoal tubes are used D. Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer is an example E. Calibration of instruments is important i ig hygiene measurement: Sampling pumps are used A. B. Filters are used C. Dosimeter is an example D. E. ). Measurement is usually available immediately Luxmeter is an example =— 13, The following statements are true : sound level meter measures noise dosimeter measures noise Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer measures heat air sampling equipment measures particulates gas detector measures gas mone» 14. Engineering methods to control safety and health risks include: job rotation. guarding, training, warning sign. general ventilation, mgoe> 15. Ergonomics improves safety. work satisfaction. health, well being. productivity. moonsp 16. An ergonomist would design good workstations. monitor blood lead level of workers. invent tools with less vibration. ensure adequate lighting at work. prescribe spectacles for workers with visual deficiency. monep 17. Ergonomic applications in designing work processes include A. workstation design B. adequate lighting C._ job analysis D. designing hand tool equipment E. _ work equipment design 18. Ergonomics is applied in A. conducting biological monitoring B. improving manual handling activity C. enhancing worker capacity D. improving workstation design E. conducting medical surveillance 19. Core knowledge needed in understanding worker capacity include anthropometry. physiology. chemistry. biomechanics. industrial psychology. eee er eee eer oo SARTO GIT ON OCU TTT money = 20. A worker's physiologic capacity is directly infl AL age. B. gender. C. genetics. D. salary E. supervision luenced by 21. With regard to a dose-response curve: The X axis represents the dose The Y axis represents the percentage o The curve is based on the lethal response only Resistant individuals respond at lower doses Sensitive individuals respond at higher doses of response moONOSD 22. Types of response in dose-response curve include effective response. lethal response. toxic response. safe response. major response. roo pD 23. Lethal response in dose-response curve is used in toxicity rating. used in exposure rating. used in hazard rating. normally described as LDSO . the basis for setting occupational health standard. OOS > 24. The following processes provide an understanding of toxicokinetics of a substance: Metabolism Absorption Elimination Distribution Disposition mooe> 25. Consequences of metabolism of xenobiotic agents are toxicant is no longer biologically active. toxicant becomes more polar. toxicant is more lipid soluble. toxic intermediate metabolites may be formed. toxic effect produced. "OO eD = 26. Exposure to vinyl chloride monomer was determined and 20 years later, the incidence of liver cancer was studied. The type of the study is @ A. prevalence study B. case-series study C. case control D. cohort study E, longitudinal study 27. A cohort study of liver cancer found the following result. Exposure to vinyl chloride Number of workers Number of liver cancer cases Yes 1000 5 No 1000) 1 000 eee aa | Findings of the study are A. the prevalence of cases in exposure group is 0.005 B._ the prevalence of new cases in non-exposure group is 0.001 C. the exposed group is four times more likely to get liver cancer as compared to non-exposed group. D. the absolute risk of getting liver cancer for the exposed group is 0.005 E._ the attributable risk of getting liver cancer for the exposed group is 0.004 28. Factors below are indicators for exposure in occupational epidemiology: A. Race Sex Occupation title Work unit Job exposure matrix mone 29. Criteria for determining the cause-effect relationship according to Hill criteria include A. consistency. biological plausibility C. specificity. D. dose response relationship. E. reversibility. 30. The following are examples of safety legislation in Malaysia: ‘A. Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel Regulations, 1970 B. Noise Exposure Regulations, 1989 C. Electric Passenger and Goods Lift Regulations, 1970, D. Employees’ Social Security Act, 1969 E. Use and Standards of Exposure to Chemicals Hazardous to Health Regulations, 2000 =—— HX. With regards to accidents and injury: ‘An accident is an undesired event that could result in harm to people ‘An accident is an undesired events which could result in loss of property Injury results from contact with energy that is above the threshold limit of the body . The degree of energy transfers determines the severity of injury An incident is an event that precedes an accident money ‘The following statements are true of accidents in the workplace: Accidents will affect productivity Immediate causes of accidents are unsafe acts and unsafe conditions Delay in production is included in insured cost Medical treatment is included in uninsured cost For every one major accident, it is estimated there are ten minor accidents moOe> 33. The following statements are true of confined space: ‘A. Itis an area that is large enough for an employee to bodily enter and perform work B. It has restricted means of entry C._Itis designed for continuous human occupancy D. Work permits are needed to enter confined space E. Personal protective equipment are needed when working in confined space 34, The following statements are true of possible hazards found in confined space: . Oxygen deficiency A B. Oxygen enrichment CC. Flammable gas D. Carbon monoxide E. Hydrogen sulphide

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