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Just-in-Time Social/Ethical Lesson: An Analysis of a JIT Lesson and Presentation of a

Classroom Toolkit

Rosa M. Sarita

Colorado State University Global

OTL-504-1: Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues in 21st Century Learning

Dr. Gastrid Harrigan

May 9, 2021

An Analysis of a JIT Lesson

Educators should integrate just-in-time lessons to encourage students to be more

responsible for learning about social, ethical, and legal issues in 21st-century learning. Teachers

can use just-in-time lessons as teaching and learning strategies created to use class time learning

content to allow more focus and explanation. Just in time, lessons provided the comfort of

establishing a pre-class preparation towards what the student can learn and actively adopt new

knowledge into the prior grasp of new concepts. These mini-lessons offer significant benefits,

such as bringing a topic immediately to student's use and finish the learning on a prior time

frame. They enhance learning by increasing student productivity efficiently. Just in time, the

lesson contributes to optimizing knowledge retention to transfer learning into small chunk pieces

(Goodwin & Hubbell 2013) where it can stay for long-term memory. It is a memorable learning

experience when a student can take it and adapt it in the future.

The at glance resources provided easily accessible up to date, and comprehensive,

achievable information. It had the facility for students who couldn't attend the class or wait

around teachers to access its material with just a click; it facilitates the information in bite-size

chunk pieces and speeds up the class learning process (Goodwin & Hubbell 2013). Students

learn faster when they have it on hand and on the go and can collaborate with other peers doing

similar work anywhere in the world (NETP, 2017).


As I was in module seven, I provided a just-in-time lesson to 9th-12 graders. I put into

practice the mini-lesson on the critical thinking module five topic of fair use and copyright

compliance. Students of age 15-18 were learning how to explore technology thru a mini-

social/ethical lesson of "just-in-time" (JIT) instruction. The objective was to teach my students

vocabulary words to know the terms of copyright fair use and plagiarism. They also had to

identify the purpose and the use of each one of them and analyze infographics. As I started, my

lesson students had to define the vocabulary words in a google form, and once finished, they had

to explain each vocabulary. Students were chosen to provide a definition of all vocabulary

words. Afterward, I instructed students to go to the Weebly website and ask other students to

read the explanations on the website. Students were provided a chart to identify the purpose and

the use of each vocabulary to compare and contrast. In the third activity, students had to analyze

an infographic. They had to answer a questionnaire, and finally, take a mini-assessment

identifying which one is fairs use or copyright in a google form.

Lesson Outcome

As I was employing the lesson, students were following the rules, and once exposed to

the vocabulary words, students finally knew more clearly the concepts of the vocabulary learned.

As students were reading, two students came with an example of plagiarism and fair use, and it

motivated other students to indicate a different example of the same vocabulary. Overall, I would

say it went well and very smoothly. Students were inquisitive and concerned about copyright,

which I addressed by providing examples where students could identify similarities and



As I was teaching, students had concerns and addressed questions like, is the copyright

seal protection forever? I addressed this student's question by telling her that the seal of

protection expires and needs to be updated. Another student asked what happens if you copy a

work without permission? When I indicated the whole class about infringement, I discussed the

consequences and penalties of committing infringement. Another student asked what's the

difference between copyright and fair use? For this question, I used the second infographic on

the Weebly website, and in google classroom, students had to present a similarity and difference

in the kami app. Overall the lesson went well.


I plan to integrate the just-in-time lesson around technology issues in future lessons by

implementing activities of warm-up and pre-assessment. I would use my do nows as the warmup

session when adapting topics and designing a class to address numerous gaps concerning

integrating technology in the classroom. I would address the pre-assessment in google classroom

as a google form to seek student needs when culturally responsive teaching (Howard, n.d) and

interest to enhance learning throughout mini-lessons.

As I took into this course social, ethical issues 21st century, I will implement future

lessons by preparing a change as of September. I would establish a pre-assessment to determine

and prioritize technology among new arrivals of peers. To assess what kind of technology topic I

will have to implement to enhance the learning about the benefits and risk of each type of

technology and how to find a solution to gain a better knowledge of how to use technology.


I integrated curriculum standards of the next generation science standards that are

addressed to k-12 science content standards among crosscutting concepts and core ideas,

(Achieve,2013) and it is intended to reflect a new way to integrate computer science. Science

standards through technology serve as a model of communication. Technology can assist

students in meeting the next generation standards to promote learning opportunities, including

information in visual displays, engaging students in group discussions while using technology to

gather information from digital sources. In the future, I will use science-based technology to

serve as a helpful educational resource in the 21st-century. I would integrate the Iste Standards to

develop student strategies by adapting technological methods to relate to the interconnected

digital world and help my students become digital citizens (ISTE,2016).


In conclusion, this analysis was intended to include all components of presenting

students' how to identify fair use and copyright compliance. Students navigate many websites

without knowing the legal practices of recognizing fair use and copyright compliance protection.

To acknowledge these terms, I designed a mini-lesson where students had to understand its

purpose and use and better prepare for fair use and copyright compliance in each vocabulary



Achieve. (2013). Next Generation Science Standards.

Goodwin, B., & Hubbell, E. (2013). The 12 touchstones of good teaching: a checklist for staying

focused every day. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum


Howard, G. (n.d.). Culturally Responsive Teaching. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from


International Society for Technology in Education. (2016). Iste standards. Retrieved March 21,

2021, from

NETP. (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 national education

technology plan update. Retrieved from

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