Lep Assessments

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Documentation LEP #2

O ▫ Often shows caregiver her container (lifts it in the air to show you)
▫ Can grasp egg and put it in container
▫ Shakes container
▫ Throws container off to side out of her way when done
R ▫ Grasps container with two hands to bring closer to her
▫ Lets go with one hand to try to get object out of container (this makes
container slide away from her)
▫ Puts object in after caregiver models
▫ Can grasp object and take it back out of container
▫ Seems to enjoy shaking container so the object inside makes noise
J ▫ Puts object in his mouth (able to grasp it)
▫ Able to grasp object to take it out after caregiver has put an object inside
▫ Grasps egg and puts in his mouth
▫ Grasps object to shake the egg to make sound
Z ▫ Grasps eggs and will shake them
▫ Egg rolled away from him and he followed it (crawled)
**did not see him put egg inside the container**
L ▫ Can grasp container
▫ Shakes container to listen for sound
▫ Grasps container while looking inside to see what he hears
▫ Watches caregiver take object out of container

Documentation LEP #3

O ▫ Rock placed in front of her and another peer – she raised her arm holding the
rock to show her caregiver.
▫ Moved rock using her hands out of her way to crawl indicating she was all
done with it.
R ▫ Sat with J and looked at rock.
▫ R made sounds and growling noises at J.
▫ J made sounds back.
▫ When J got too close R turned her body around and indicated she was worried
about J being close
J ▫ J smiled when the rock was placed in front of him.
▫ Picked up the rock and shook it in front of R.
▫ J made growling sounds at R and she repeated them back to him.
▫ J rubbed his head on R and took both hands to reach for her shirt.
▫ R turned her body around after – J again rubbed his head on her back and
grasped her shirt.
Z ▫ Z crawled over to O – sat in front of her with a chewy & made a few different
▫ O crawled away – Z followed her to another place in the classroom just
watching her.
▫ L had rock and Z crawled over to him and observed him.
▫ Picked up rock when L dropped it – L reached for it with two hands close to
Z’s face – this made Z upset.
L ▫ Picked up rock – put in his mouth.
▫ Shook the rock to hear the chime sound.
▫ After dropping rock Z picked it up – L reached for it back while moving both
hands towards Z’s face.

Unit Planning Assessment/Documentation:

Does the child crawl down/up the slide? Yes or no.

O Yes
L Yes
R No
Z Yes
J Yes
Does the child climb over the side of the slide? Yes or no.

O Yes
L Yes
R No
Z Yes
J Yes

O  O was out of her element in this room which I did not expect.
 She looked around the room for a while without engaging with much.
 Found a couple books and sat in the crib to read them.
 Crawled through tunnel.
 Laid her head on the floor indicating she was tired.

L  L was in his element in the gross motor room.

 Climbed on structure (soft blocks)
 Crawled through the tunnel and stuck his face through the holes in the side.
 Pushed the wagon.
 Found a stroller that the toddlers/preschoolers use and pushed it around the
 Enjoyed spinning stroller wheels around after tipped stroller over.
 Took lots of steps towards wagons when he wanted to push one.

J  Crawled over to wagons.

 Pushed wagons around the room.
 Went to the other side of wagon to push it back the other direction.
 Crawled up the slide – couldn’t quite get himself turned around on this one like
he can the one in the classroom.

J  Pulls himself up to stand and push wagon.

 Enjoys going back and forth pushing the wagons on the hard floor.
 Needs helping to turn the wagon around.
 Feet get sweaty and slippery after a while of pushing the wagon.
 Often isn't looking at where he is going – will look at his feet or to the side.
L  Gets up to push the wagon on his own.
 When he gets stuck, he will go around and push the wagon standing up from
the other side.
 Tries to stand on the seat of the wagon.
 Goes off the hard floor onto carpet.
 Can get down from standing with the wagon on his own.
R  Sits on floor and pushes and pulls wagon.
 Seems to enjoy sitting on the hard floor and watching friends push the
O  O pulls herself up to push the wagon.
 When she gets stuck she will go to the other side of the wagon and push the
wagon back to the starting position and get back up again to push it back the
other way.
Z  Z does not stand up to engage with the wagons.
 Sits on the floor and watches children engage with the wagon.
 Observant of others using wagons.

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