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A Compact, High-Gain, High-Power, Ultrawideband

Microwave Pulse Compressor Using
Time-Reversal Techniques
Zachary B. Drikas , Member, IEEE, Bisrat D. Addissie, Victor M. Mendez, and Sanjay Raman , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Generation of high-peak-power, microwave A variety of microwave USP generators exist today, or are
ultrashort pulses (USPs) is desirable for ultrawideband described in the literature, and have benefits and limitations
communications and radar/remote sensing. A variety of depending on the application. These generators are based on
microwave USP generators exist today, or are described in the
literature, and have benefits and limitations depending on the technology ranging from anode/cathode-type methods, such as
application. A new class of pulse compressors for generating superluminal generators [10], [11] and superradiant backward
USPs using electromagnetic time-reversal (TR) techniques has wave oscillators (BWOs) [12], [13], to solid-state generators
been developed in the last decade and is the topic of this article. employing switches, such as step-recovery diodes (SRDs) [14],
This article presents a compact TR microwave pulse-compression drift SRDs [15]–[17], fast ionization dynistors [18], silicon
cavity that has ultrawide bandwidth (BW) (5–18 GHz) and
employs waveguide feeds for high-peak-power output over avalanche transistors [19], and photoconductive solid-state
the entire band. The system uses a time-reversal-based pulse switches [20], [21], which are laser-activated switches. There
compression scheme with one-bit processing (OBTR) to achieve are also pulse compression (PC) techniques, such as the
high-peak power. We present results from full-wave simulations fivefold, helically corrugated waveguide compressor shown
and measurements showing compression gain exceeding 21.2 dB, in [22]. Other types of microwave pulse compressors exist, but
22% efficiency, and measured instantaneous peak output powers
reaching 39.2 kW. These are all record results for this type of these do not produce subnanosecond or near-subnanosecond
pulse compressor. In addition, we present a new analysis of pulses.
variation in compression gain due to impulse response recording A new class of UWB pulse compressors for generating
time and BW variation, new experimental work on the effect USPs has been developed in the last decade that uses elec-
of mode stirrer position on compression gain, and a novel RF tromagnetic (EM) time-reversal (TR) techniques, and are the
switch-based technique for reducing time-sidelobes while using
OBTR. topic of this article. TR as a technique for overcoming phase
distortion in dispersive systems was first presented in [23].
Index Terms— Cavities, feeds, full-wave simulation, mode Subsequently, others showed that spatiotemporal focusing
stirrer, pulse compression (PC), time reversal (TR), ultrashort
pulse (USP), ultrawideband (UWB) signals generation and of energy using TR techniques could be achieved in both
transmission. acoustics [24]–[26] and EMs [27]. Since then, a host of
applications for TR have been explored, including overcoming
multipath effects in dispersive urban environments [28] to
I. I NTRODUCTION locating faults in power networks [29]. Focusing and ampli-
fication of EM waves at a distance using TR was shown
G ENERATION of high-peak-power, microwave ultrashort
pulses (USPs) is desirable for ultrawideband (UWB)
communications [1], [2] and radar/remote sensing [3]–[8].
in [30]–[32].
EM PC of low-power, UWB signals in a compact cavity
The term USP typically refers to optical pulses with pulse using TR techniques was first demonstrated experimentally
widths of 10 s of picoseconds or less, though the definition is in [33] to create a 130-ps pulse with a center frequency
not standardized [9]. In this article, USP refers to microwave of 5.5 GHz and 7 GHz bandwidth (BW) The same technique
pulses that have subnanosecond pulse widths. was used in a high-power experiment in a larger cavity to
create a 3.3 ns pulse with a center frequency of 1.2 GHz
Manuscript received April 30, 2020; revised May 17, 2020; accepted and 300 MHz BW [34]. A low-power TR pulse-compressor
May 25, 2020. This research was sponsored by, and conducted at, the U.S. has since been demonstrated in a planar, semi-2 D cavity
Naval Research Laboratory. (Corresponding author: Zachary B. Drikas.)
Zachary B. Drikas, Bisrat D. Addissie, and Victor M. Mendez are with using copper-plated dielectric boards as the cavity walls to
the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 USA (e-mail: again create a 130 ps pulse with a center frequency of 6- and;; victor.mendez@ 8 GHz BW [35].
Sanjay Raman is with the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Building upon the work in [33] and [34], this article
Engineering, Virginia Tech Research Center, Arlington, VA 22203 USA presents a compact, high-gain, high-power, TR microwave
(e-mail: pulse compressor that has ultrawide BW (5–18 GHz), and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at waveguide feeds for high-peak-power output capability over
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2020.3003037 the entire band. The system uses a TR-based PC scheme with
0018-9480 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


one-bit processing to achieve high-peak power. In addition, time. Thus, the PC cavity acts as an autocorrelator for its
we present a new analysis of variation in compression gain own time-reversed impulse response. In the frequency domain,
due to impulse response recording time and BW variation, the transfer function can be described by its phasor such that
new experimental work on the effect of mode stirrer position H (ω) = |H (ω)|e− j (ω), H ∗ (ω) = |H (ω)|e j (ω), and the
on compression gain, the first-time comparison of efficiency autocorrelation process is described as
between simulated and measured results, and a novel technique
Y (ω) = H (ω)H ∗(ω) = |H (ω)|e− j (ω)|H (ω)|e j (ω)
for reducing time sidelobes while using one-bit TR (OBTR).
These contributions are useful when considering TR PC for = |H (ω)|2 . (2)
implementation of high-power USP radar. Here, at least ideally, the TR process results in a zero-phase
This article is organized as follows. Section II gives an function, which is why the TR process is often referred to
overview of TR for PC. Section III describes the design as “undoing” the phase errors caused by wave propagation
and simulation of the pulse compressor. Section IV describes in a complex (dispersive) environment.1 This TR PC process,
the fabrication and experimental results for the high-power however, only results in a few dB of compression gain [33].
PC cavity and a comparison of cavity efficiency from mea- Here, compression gain of the TR cavity, G TR , is defined as
sured and simulated results. Section V is an experimental the ratio of the peak magnitude of the cavity output signal (in
investigation of variation in compression gain due to impulse volts) to the peak magnitude of the cavity input (in volts)
response recording time and BW variation. Section VI is a in dB, as given in (3). We use the same terminology and
novel experimental investigation regarding the placement of formulation for gain as in [33]. In [34], this concept is referred
perturbers in the cavity as a gain optimization technique, to as real gain
and Section VII presents a proposed novel RF switch-based
method for reducing time sidelobes in the OBTR process. |y(t)|max
G TR = 20 log10 . (3)
Section VIII concludes, compares the pulse compressor perfor- |ah(−t)/max[h(−t)]|max
mance in this article with those in the literature and provides The goal of this article is to create a compact, high-power
a description of future work. pulse compressor. To do this, a technique called OBTR is
used. Originally applied in acoustics [36], and later applied
II. T HEORY OF UWB P ULSE C OMPRESSION U SING TR in EMs [33], OBTR applies the sign (signum) function to the
Mathematically, TR is the process of substituting a negative TR impulse before retransmitting in to the cavity, such that
time variable for a positive time variable in a general wave 
+1 for h(−t) ≥ 0
equation such that t becomes -t. Thus, the impulse response of sign[h(−t)] = (4)
any system, denoted as h(t), becomes h(−t). Using the Fourier −1 for h(−t) < 0.
transform to move to the frequency domain, h(t) becomes This can be seen in Fig. 1(b), where the decaying impulse
F {h(t)} = H (ω), and h(−t) becomes (F {h(−t)} = H )∗(ω), response is overlaid on the one-bit signal; the inset shows that
the complex conjugate of H (ω). So time reversal is also the OBTR signal has more energy per time that the original
phase conjugation. The architecture of the TR-based pulse time-reversed impulse such that the amount of extra energy is
compressor system developed in this article is shown in Fig. 1. the difference between the OB signal and the original impulse
Now, if an impulse (a USP), f (t), is amplified by a UWB response. By applying OBTR and retransmitting this “energy-
amplifier and transmitted into a dispersive cavity, and if the enhanced” signal through a wideband amplifier into the cavity,
energy in the cavity is conceptualized in terms of rays, then impulse reconstruction is still obtained at the output, but with
it can be seen, in Fig. 1(a) that some of the rays from the increased gain now calculated as
input will travel a short path to the output, some will travel
a longer route, and some will explore most of the cavity G OBTR = 20 log10 . (5)
before arriving at the output. It is the superposition in time |asign{h(−t)/max[h(−t)]}|max
of all of these rays arriving at the cavity output that becomes This technique was used in [33] and [34] to produce a
the impulse response, h(t), of the cavity. By time reversing compressed pulse in experiment having ∼20 dB gain. The
this impulse response, h(−t), and retransmitting it through reconstruction with OBTR does result in time sidelobes, which
the UWB amplifier into the cavity, the reconstructed impulse, could be detrimental to application, such as UWB radar, and
y(t), can be obtained at the output. This process is described methods for reducing these will be discussed in Section VII.
pictorially in Fig. 1(a). Due to reciprocity in this linear system,
either the input or output may be used interchangeably to III. PC C AVITY D ESIGN AND S IMULATION
retransmit. In the time domain, the PC process is described
Specific design criteria for the PC cavity are maximum
by (1) as the convolution of the impulse response, h(t), with
gain and power handling in a compact size. To this end,
its own time-reversed profile
 T our design uses UWB double-ridged waveguide as feeds in
order to provide maximum BW for both increased gain and
y(t) = h(t) ∗ ah(−t) = a h(τ )h(τ − t)dτ = υhh (1)
1 It should be noted that while TR does indeed “undo” phase dispersion,
where “*” denotes convolution, a is a scaling/amplification
its implementation in reverberant (overmoded) cavities does introduce some
factor (usually set to 1 in simulation, but is higher in mea- amplitude distortion due to the frequency response of the cavity, but this is
surement), and T is the impulse response record length in expected as not all modes will be excited.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. (a) Following the signal flow clockwise from the top left. The low-peak power impulse, f (t), is transmitted through a UWB wideband amplifier
into the dispersive cavity, and the impulse response is recorded on an oscilloscope. Then, the IR is time-reversed, normalized, and retransmitted through the
UWB amplifier into the PC cavity to obtain the reconstructed impulse. (b) Shows the OBTR signal, sign[h(−t)] that may be used in place of h(−t) to obtain
higher compression gain (in practice, the large BW that produces the “square wave” would be filtered by the PC feed to the system BW of 13 GHz).

maximum power handling. The cavity has a curved inner higher power levels, though a rigid, air-core coaxial line could
geometry to promote chaotic behavior of ray trajectories for also be used. The feeds operate over the full BW of 5–18 GHz
a lower probability of trapping energy in the cavity [37]. and have a reflection coefficient (S11 ) of less than −10 dB over
Simulations were performed before fabrication to assess the the entire band.
cavity performance and determine an optimal material from For the PC simulation, a sinc impulse, sin(x)/x, with
which to fabricate the cavity. flat BW from 5–18 GHz is transmitted as the excitation
Simulations of the TR process were performed using the pulse. The pulsewidth is ∼35 ps at full-width half-maximum
full-wave EM software suite, CST Studio. The inner cavity (FWHM), Fig. 3 (top). Then, the OBTR process is performed
dimensions are 65 cm × 45 cm × 4 cm. Inner volume is as described previously, and the simulation is run for 100 ns
11,151 cm3 . This is a little less than the rectangular volume longer than needed for impulse reconstruction to get a clear
due to wall curvature and added cylindrical scatterer. The view of the peak, Fig. 3 (bottom).
height was chosen such that propagating modes can exist in The cavity was simulated with several different materials,
the vertical direction making this a full 3-D cavity, electro- specifically perfect electric conductor (PEC), aluminum, cop-
magnetically. The length and width were kept similar to those per, and silver, to assess the impact of cavity material on the
in [33], but it was verified that the cavity was electrically compression gain, Fig. 4. The ideal maximum gain for the
large using the relation specified in [38] that the characteristic PC cavity is given by the time-BW product (t × BW), which
length, L, (cubed root of the volume) of the cavity was is the product of the impulse BW (13 GHz) and the impulse
at least three times the wavelength of the lowest frequency response length (up to 1.6 μs). Thus, ideally, and given a fixed
(λ1 = 6 cm). In our design, L = 22.7 cm and = 3.7λ1 . BW, a longer impulse response recording time results in higher
The feeds are WRD500 waveguide sections that flare into gain. On the logarithmic (dB) scale, the time-BW product
hornlike apertures then gradually taper into the cavity walls. continues to increase, though at decreasing rate. This is exactly
A cylindrical scatterer (height = 4 cm and radius = 6.98 cm) is a linear increase on a linear scale. Even the PEC cavity does
placed in the cavity to block the direct path between the feeds not follow an ideal logarithmic increase in gain, however. And
[Fig. 2 (top)], which is further explained in Section IV-A. for the silver, copper, and aluminum cavities (with finite
The reflection coefficient of the feeds over the entire BW can conductivity), the gain essentially becomes flat after roughly
be seen in Fig. 2 (bottom). By using waveguide rather than 1 μs. For the PEC cavity, this is due to energy lost through
coaxial-dielectric feeds, the pulse compressor can operate at the ports. In a non-PEC (finite-conductivity cavity), Ohmic

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Tradeoff study of cavity material and impulse response length versus
compression gain.

cavity gives the lowest. The copper and silver cavities gave
the highest gain for materials that can be easily used for
fabrication. However, the gain for the aluminum cavity was
within about 1.0 dB of that for copper and silver at an
impulse response length of 1 μs and is easier to fabricate, and
thus, aluminum was chosen for cavity fabrication. The PEC
Fig. 2. PC cavity with waveguide feeds and cylindrical scatterer (top) simulation allows us to see the limits for the PC gain as we
reflection coefficient (S11 ) of the cavity feed from 5–18 GHz (bottom).
increase the conductivity of the walls of the cavity. In practice,
PEC conditions could be more closely approached by placing
the aluminum cavity in a dilution refrigerator to cool it to
temperatures below the critical temperature.


A. Cavity Fabrication and Experimental Setup
The prototype cavity (Fig. 5) was fabricated out of solid
aluminum to eliminate cavity wall deformation, as would be a
concern with thin-plate sheets. The feeds are nearly identical
to those in the simulation—WRD500 ridged waveguides with
adapter sections that transition smoothly into the cavity. The
inner dimensions of the cavity are identical to the simulation,
and its outer dimensions are 67 cm × 47 cm × 6 cm with the
lid being 1 cm thick. The inside of the cavity has curved walls
(except where connected to the lid) to promote more ergodic
scattering of the fields inside. A cylindrical scatterer centered
between the feeds improves impulse response recording time
(the time it takes the impulse response to decay to the
oscilloscope noise floor). This is because, without the scatterer,
a high amplitude early response causes difficulty in resolving
the lower amplitude decay due to limited dynamic range on
the scope. This could also be remedied by not having the feeds
Fig. 3. Cavity excitation impulse is a sinc function with flat BW
from 5–18 GHz. Pulsewidth is ∼35 ps at FWHM (top). Simulated impulse directly facing each other. Machining tolerance was 10 mils.
reconstruction in PEC cavity showing reconstructed impulse at 965 ns Modeling of surface roughness with regard to comparison with
(bottom). simulation has not yet been attempted.
The full experimental setup is shown in Fig. 6. First, the sig-
losses further contribute to a deviation from the time-BW nal is created externally (in MATLAB) and then sent to the
product gain values. In Fig. 4 it can be seen that the PEC arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). The AWG is a Keysight
cavity gives the highest compression gain values (especially at M8196A with a maximum 92 GS/s sampling rate. Next,
longer impulse response recording times), while the aluminum the USP is sent from the AWG into a wideband amplifier.

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Fig. 5. (a) Pulse compressor cavity is machined out of a solid block of Fig. 6. (a) Experimental setup and signal flow diagram. (b) Attenuation shunt
aluminum for rigidity to reduce perturbations due to deformation of the cavity, used to switch attenuation for low-output power when measuring impulse
as would happen with thin-plate sides. (b) Pulse compressor (dispersive cavity) response to more attenuation for high-output power when measuring OBTR
outer dimensions are 67 cm × 47 cm × 6 cm with a dual-directional coupler output signal.
on the input and an attenuation shunt on the output for increased dynamic
measurement range on the oscilloscope.
into the cavity, the impulse response due to the USP exci-
The amplifier is a Qorvo 2–18 GHz solid-state amplifier with tation is recorded from the oscilloscope, Fig. 7(b). The insets
a nominal 75 W output (100 W in saturation). The amplified in Fig. 7(b) show the detail of the excitation (top) and IR
signal is then transmitted into the pulse compressor cavity. (bottom). Fig. 7(c) shows the spectrums of the waveforms
The pulse compressor output is set up with an “attenuation in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), and the amplifier response (inset), all
shunt” such that when the initial pulse is sent, it has a low of which can be seen to have some “roll-off” as frequency
attenuation level in order to observe the small signal on the increases. This is due to the fact that the AWG, the cables,
oscilloscope. Then, when the OBTR process is complete, and the cavity have frequency responses that “roll-off” at
a higher attenuation level is selected to accommodate reading higher frequencies. In addition, the inset to Fig. 7(c) more
the high-peak output. The shunt is activated using RF switches clearly shows the frequency response of the amplifier, which
controlled by Keithly power supplies. The attenuation shunt is is negligible, compared the frequency response of the AWG.
controlled using MATLAB instrument control. The output of In addition, the phase shift of the amplifier was measured,
the cavity is recorded on a Tektronix DPO73304SX 33-GHz but it too was found to be negligible. Next, Fig. 7(d) shows
oscilloscope with 100 GS/s sampling rate. the time-reversed impulse response and the one-bit-processed
response. Initially, the OBTR signal has high-frequency con-
tent due to the discontinuities where it transitions from maxi-
B. Measurement of the Cavity Compression Gain mum to minimum, but this content will be filtered out due to
The first step in the experimental PC process is to program the narrower system BW. Performing OBTR past the impulse
the AWG with the sinc function that has 5–18 GHz of BW. response can actually lead to increased time sidelobes, but
This signal is seen in Fig. 7(a) and its spectrum is seen here, we were only interested in high-gain and high-peak
in Fig. 7(c). The AWG then sends the signal to the wideband power. Fig. 7(e) shows the long-duration, low-peak power
amplifier. After transmitting the amplified excitation signal input and the reconstructed impulse with a 1400 V peak

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Fig. 7. OBTR process and pulse reconstruction. (a) USP as programed in the AWG. (b) An amplified signal transmitted into the cavity and the to-scale
impulse response (inset shows zoomed-in signals). (c) Spectra of signals in (a) and (b). (d) TR signal and OBTR signal (filtered to 13-GHz BW) sent to
AWG. (e) Amplified OBTR signal and reconstructed impulse response showing 21.2 dB of gain and a peak output voltage of 1400 V. (f) Spectra of OBTR
and reconstructed impulse.

instantaneous voltage (both measured on the oscilloscope), with the fabricated pulse compressor, which has an efficiency
which is 39.2 kW of instantaneous peak power for this 50  using (6) of 22%. There are four ways for energy to fail to
system. Fig. 7(f) shows the spectrums of the OBTR excitation reach the output thus reducing its efficiency: 1) reflection at the
and reconstruction. The instantaneous peak voltage of the input; 2) returning to the input after one or more reflections in
long-duration input was 122.3 V. Therefore, using (5), with the the cavity; 3) leaking from the seams around the lid and feeds;
numerator being 1400 V and the denominator being 122.3 V, and 4) Ohmic losses. Reflection at the input is characterized
gives ∼21.2 dB of compression gain. This result is compared by the reflection coefficient (S11 ), though this also includes
with compression gain results from other researchers in Sec- energy that has entered the cavity and returned to the input.
tion VIII, Table I. The energy that exits at the output port is characterized
by the transmission coefficient (S21 ). The energy that enters
C. Analysis of Cavity Efficiency From Simulated and the cavity, but does not exit through either port and is not
Measured Results absorbed, has leaked out of the cavity. This quantity, when
combined with the energy lost interacting with the cavity walls
The primary figure of merit we are interested in is com-
(Ohmic losses), is characterized by absorptance, α, which is
pression gain, but analyzing how various loss mechanisms
determined as
contribute to decreased efficiency, and thus, decreased gain,
is instructive. Cavity efficiency has been discussed in [34].
α = 1 − |S11 |2 − |S21 |2 . (7)
Here, we are interested in the cavity efficiency, ηcav , which we
define as in [33] as the ratio of the total energy in the cavity Fig. 8 shows the reflectance (|S11 |2 ), transmittance (|S21 |2 ), and
output signal (the reconstructed impulse plus time sidelobes) absorptance (7) of the both the simulated and measured alu-
to the total energy in the input signal (the one-bit time-reversed minum cavities (measured S-parameters were determined on
signal) a vector network analyzer (VNA)) in order to give insight into
y(t)2 dt how much of the total energy incident on port 1 contributes to
ηcav =  t=T t=0 (6) the output signal, and thus, to the compression gain. It can be
t=0 {sign[h(−t)]} dt
seen that all of these quantities are frequency dependent such
where ηcav would mean that all the energy in the OBTR input that the cavity is more efficient for lower frequencies. This
would be converted to the high-peak USP output and its time is also apparent as there is higher absorption as frequency
sidelobes. For the simulated cavity (with aluminum conduc- increases. Here, cavity efficiency, ηcav , is equivalent to the
tivity) the calculated efficiency using (6) is 36%, compared transmittance. By summing the energy in each of the three

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Fig. 8. Reflectance, absorptance, and transmittance of the PC cavity as Fig. 9. Compression gain as a function of increasing excitation signal BW.
a function of frequency for simulated (left) and measured (right) aluminum Keeping the start frequency at 5 GHz, the stop frequency is varied from 5.1 to
cavities. 18 GHz in 100-MHz increments, and the PC gain is noted. Impulse response
length was 1 μs.

quantities and dividing each by the total energy measured it is

found that for the simulated cavity 26.4% is reflected, 49.4% is
absorbed, and 24.2% is transmitted, whereas for the measured
cavity 18.5% of the energy is reflected, 67.5% is absorbed
(and leaked), and only 14% is transmitted. These results
suggest that while reducing reflected energy could lead to more
energy in the cavity, and a possibility of higher compression
gain, reducing absorbed energy has the greatest potential for
increasing gain. In addition, neglecting any potential effects
due to machining tolerances that may cause design differences
between the measured and simulated cavities, the simulated Fig. 10. Compression gain as a function of decreasing excitation signal
BW. Keeping the stop frequency at 18 GHz, the start frequency is varied
cavity has more reflected power and less absorbed. This should from 5.1 GHz to 18 GHz in 100 MHz increments, and the PC gain is noted.
be expected as the simulated cavity has no seams where parts Impulse response length was 1 μs.
are joined together, meaning that not only will less energy
escape without being reflected or transmitted, but more energy
will have an opportunity to be reflected and return to port 1. even begins to decrease as the maximum frequency passes
However, even with more energy being reflected, there is still ∼16 GHz.
higher transmission, which explains the higher compression To gain insight into this “gain saturation,” a similar numer-
gain in simulation (27 dB simulated versus 21.2 dB measured) ical experiment was performed, where the excitation BW was
and suggests that reducing leakage in the measured cavity by now varied by holding the stop frequency constant at 18.0 GHz
fur will contribute to higher gain. Further evidence for leakage and, beginning with 5.0 GHz, increasing the start frequency
from the measured cavity comes from high measured electric by 100 MHz on each experiment. The results can be seen
field values (using a Narda three-axis probe) at both the input in Fig. 10. It is evident that as we increase the start frequency,
adapter interface and around the lid/cavity seam. the gain begins to reduce. This curve, however, is not the
opposite of that in Fig. 9, and in fact, the gain is negative
V. I NVESTIGATION OF THE E FFECT OF VARIATION OF IR when the BW is 17.9 to 18 GHz. This correlates well with the
R ECORDING T IME AND S IGNAL BANDWIDTH ON results from Fig. 8, which shows that absorption in the cavity is
C OMPRESSION G AIN greater at higher frequencies. These results suggest that when
The frequency dependence of the cavity power transmission, balancing increased gain and reduced pulsewidth (increased
|S21 |2 , shown in Fig. 8 also suggests that there may be an BW), it is more efficient to use a lower start frequency than
optimum spectral width beyond, which we do not achieve any a higher stop frequency for a given BW. Finally, a third
measurable increase in compression gain. Recognizing that S21 numerical experiment was undertaken wherein the BW was
is also the transfer function for this 50  system, a numerical held constant at the original 5–18 GHz BW and the impulse
investigation was undertaken to show how compression gain response record time is varied from 10 ns to 6 μs in 10 ns
changes as BW increases. Two numerical experiments were increments. This is similar to the format of the simulation
performed. In the first, sinc excitations were applied to the results presented earlier in Fig. 4. The results are shown
measured cavity transfer function beginning with an excitation in Fig. 11. The results show that (for this cavity configuration,
having 100 MHz BW from 5.0 to 5.1 GHz to obtain the cavity input power levels, and measurement resolution) there is no
impulse response. The compression gain was determined by benefit, and in some cases, a penalty for recording longer than
applying the OBTR process to the impulse response and then 1500 ns. This is because, at this IR length, the signal has
applying the OBTR signal to the transfer function again. In this decayed below the noise floor of the recording oscilloscope
manner, the gain was determined for increasing BWs up to and the OBTR process is only digitizing noise, which does
18 GHz in 100 MHz increments. The results can be seen not contribute to increased gain.
in Fig. 9 such that the maximum gain of ∼20 dB is obtained These results are important because, in this type of pulse
when the maximum frequency is 13.5 GHz. It remains so and compressor, the maximum pulse repetition frequency (PRF)

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Fig. 11. Compression gain as a function of increasing impulse response

recording time. Keeping the BW constant (5–18 GHz), the record time is
varied from 10 ns to 6 μs in 10-ns increments.

is determined by the length of the impulse response. For

example, with 1 μs impulse response, the associated PRF
is 1/1μs = 1 MHz. By knowing the maximum effective
impulse response length, one may achieve an optimal PRF
while maximizing compression gain.


It was seen in [33] that at many mode-stirrer positions,
Fig. 12. Compression Gain over 200 different stirrer positions. Mode stirrer
the gain of the cavity approached a mean of ∼17 dB, but there is automatically controlled using MATLAB and a stepper motor such that
were several positions where the gain was significantly higher the entire PC process is accomplished through automated equipment control.
(the highest was 19.6 dB). The mode stirrer is a thin piece Gain is seen to vary from 17.6 to 19.7 dB with a mean of 18.9 dB. Inset:
Single-paddle mode stirrer attached to the shaft below the lid.
of metal which, when rotated, provides a different internal
geometry (thus different boundary conditions) with equivalent
volume. The results from [33] show that cavity geometry can
be an important factor regarding increasing compression gain.
In addition, statistical models exist in the literature describing
the quality factor of overmoded cavities as a function of the
position of a geometry altering mode stirrer [39], [40] and
consequently of a changing transfer function from one port
to another. This can lead to variations in compression gain,
which can be optimized. To investigate this phenomenon in
relation to this PC cavity, a single-paddle mode stirrer was
added to the cavity. The mode stirrer is controlled by a stepper
motor, as seen in Fig. 12, and PC measurements were taken
for 200 different stirrer positions. The results are also plotted
in Fig. 12.
The 200 different stirrer positions produced a maximum
gain of 19.7 dB and a minimum gain of 17.6 dB with a mean
of 18.9 dB. This shows 2 dB of compression gain variation
overall positions. However, this maximum value of 19.7 dB
is 1.5 dB less than the 21.2 dB for an empty cavity, due to
nonoptimal stirrer location and position, and additional Ohmic
losses from the added surface area of the stirrer paddle. These
results alone are indeterminate as to whether the mode stirrer
absolutely reduces the gain beyond the ability of a stirrer Fig. 13. Compression gain over 200 different stirrer positions at new stirrer
to optimize it to a higher value, or whether the stirrer is location. Gain is seen to vary from 17.6 to 21 dB with a mean of 19.6 dB.
simply placed in a poor position, or whether additional mode
stirrers are required for more variability in modifying the wave
propagation. In [33], a similar maximum gain of 19.6 dB was stirrer paddle position, the mode stirrer was moved to a new
achieved; however, the mean gain was lower at 17 dB with a location, and the experiment with 200 stirrer positions was
minimum gain of 14.6 dB (a variance of 5 dB), and they did repeated. The results are shown in Fig. 13. A maximum
not report data for a cavity with no stirrer. compression gain of 21 dB was obtained, which is 1.3 dB
In order to investigate whether the mode-stirrer location higher than that achieved with the mode stirrer at the previous
is significant regarding compression gain increase over mode location. This suggests that not only is cavity geometry an

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Fig. 15. Excitation impulse, OBTR reconstructed impulse from simulated

aluminum cavity, OBTR reconstructed impulse from simulated PEC cavity,
and TR reconstructed impulse from simulated PEC cavity (top). Time side-
lobes for all cases in top (bottom left). Zoomed-in view of reconstructed
impulse for all cases in top (bottom right).

normalized OBTR reconstructed impulse. The yellow signal

is the original impulse that was generated in MATLAB and
Fig. 14. Original waveform, excitation waveform, and reconstructed wave-
form seen overlaid on each other (top) from the measured cavity. There is
sent to the AWG. This has some significant features that differ
good fidelity between the reconstructed impulse and the excitation impulse, from the excitation impulse that was sent from the AWG to the
but there are certain features of the original impulse sent to the AWG that cavity input, but there is decent fidelity between the excitation
differ (bottom).
impulse and the reconstructed impulse.
In a TR pulse compressor where there were no losses in the
walls (e.g., PEC in simulation or supercooled/superconducting
important factor in compression gain, but that a single-mode
in practice), the compressor would reconstruct the original
stirrer at a single location does not provide enough variability
excitation impulse plus any distortion from information lost
to find the “best” configuration for the “highest” compression
at the transmitting port due to energy being reflected by
gain. It should be noted that no analytical solution exists for
the cavity and returning to the port (i.e., not transmitted to
the optimal geometry or stirrer position. In [41], a model
the receiving port). These distortions are referred to as time
was developed that predicts the statistics of the signal-to-noise
sidelobes and are described in [36] and [42], and elsewhere,
(SNR) ratio of the reconstructed signal as a nonperturbative
and are referred to in part as noise in [41].
receiver is moved around the cavity, but here, with each
For a real-world experiment on a fabricated cavity (or even
rotation of the stirrer, the modal weights of the transfer
a simulation with finite conductivity), the situation is not ideal.
function change. Thus, due to the wave-chaotic nature of the
Now, Ohmic loss (and leakage, for a real experiment) further
cavity, it is not possible to predict the optimal placement of
degrades the fidelity of the impulse response. This degradation
the stirrer. However, we discuss a potential method of finding
in either the lossless or lossy scenario comes in the form of
this optimal placement in Section VIII.
further time-sidelobe distortion in the reconstructed impulse.
But for a regular TR process, the time sidelobes are minimal
VII. C AVITY I NPUT–O UTPUT F IDELITY AND compared with those created by the OBTR process. Fig. 15
T IME -S IDELOBE R EDUCTION shows impulse reconstructions completed numerically using
If we view the entire OBTR as an amplification process as our transfer function method for both a PEC cavity and an
in [32] and [34], then it is natural to compare the fidelity of the aluminum cavity. It can be seen that as both signal processing
“amplified” impulse to the unamplified impulse. Fig. 14 shows (one-bit processing) and conductivity are added, and time
the original impulse, a normalized excitation impulse, and a sidelobes increase as all of these processes introduce phase

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Fig. 17. Impulse response when p-i-n-diode switch was closed for 990 ns
Fig. 16. Diagram of switch state for OBTR sidelobe reduction. During out of 1000 ns showing more energy than the impulse response with no p-i-
the interrogation run, switch becomes reflective after forward switching time, n-diode switch open the for the whole 1000 ns.
tswF . During the reconstruction run it remains reflective for the reverse
switching time, tsw R , and becomes 50  for the last period of length tswF .

error, and thus, “imperfect” constructive interference at the

Time sidelobes are, thus, an inherent feature of the TR
PC process, and it is useful to discuss methods for reducing
them, especially if these waveforms are to be used for radar
applications as high time sidelobes can adversely affect radar
detection thresholds. Time-sidelobe reduction using iterative
time reversal was first introduced in acoustics in [43] and
then in EMs in [44]. The procedure begins by subtracting the
original impulse from the initial reconstructed impulse. This
signal is called the “sidelobe signal.” As described in [45],
this sidelobe signal is time-reversed and retransmitted into the
cavity, and the response is then subtracted from the previous
IR. This new IR has, thus, had sidelobe-causing amplitude
information removed, and the new reconstructed signal will
now have lower time sidelobes. This iterative process can
be repeated indefinitely to further reduce the time sidelobes.
However, this process only works well for non-OBTR signals
because of the loss amplitude information inherent in applying
the one-bit process on each iteration. Fig. 18. Time-sidelobe reduction is evident in the inset (bottom) during the
For OBTR signals, other methods must be used. Using an 990 ns period where the switch was closed, and the reconstruction begins
after this time. Reconstruction truncation due to p-i-n diode switch is also
innovative approach not previously published in the literature, evident, and peak power should be 10s of kW, not 10s of W.
we placed a fast, reflective p-i-n-diode switch on the cavity
input (before the dual-directional coupler in Fig. 6) such that
after the original impulse is transmitted the switch closes after and

10 ns. This serves to increase the energy in the recorded 0 t < tsw R
impulse response, potentially leading to increasing the gain. yIR (t) = (9)
h 1 (t) ∗ a f (t) t ≥ tsw F
Then, after recording the impulse response and performing
OBTR, we transmit the signal from the output port back to where h 1 (t) is the impulse response of the cavity terminated
the switch-enabled input port such that the fast RF switch with matching 50  loads, h 2 (t) is impulse response of the
opens after 990 ns (for a 1 μs recording time) just in time for cavity with port 1 terminated with a short (reflective) and
the impulse to reconstruct, but with virtually no sidelobes due port 2 still 50 , tsw F is the switch time of the fast switch,
to the fact that the port was reflective for the first 990 ns. and tsw R is the IR recording time minus tsw F . Fig. 17 shows
Fig. 16 shows a diagram of this process, which can be that more energy was able to be stored in the cavity, thus
further described by defining yIR (t) to be the recorded impulse leading to a higher-energy impulse response (31.1 pJ of total
response and yTR (t) to be the reconstructed impulse such that energy for the “higher-Q” scenario with switch closed, and
in the ideal case 13.5 pJ for the “lower-Q” cavity with switch open). This
larger impulse response could potentially lead to higher gain,
 but as will be explained, a higher gain was not seen in this
h 1 (t) ∗ a f (t) t < tsw F implementation. The time sidelobes were indeed eliminated
yIR (t) = (8)
h 2 (t) ∗ a f (t) t ≥ tsw R as expected, Fig. 18. However, an unforeseen consequence of

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using a p-i-n-diode switch was that the impulse reconstruction, achieve a higher gain compared with the empty cavity. How-
being of high amplitude, caused the p-i-n-diode switch to ever, this mode stirrer has only one parameter, the rotational
behave as a p-i-n diode limiter, thus causing the reconstruction angle, to vary in order to optimize the cavity geometry for
to be truncated, Fig. 18. This technique suggests other non- higher gain. In future work, the design, fabrication, and mea-
p-i-n-diode-based reflective fast switches may be successfully surement of a multiparameter, configurable geometry using an
used to increase the amount of energy in the recorded impulse array of multiple independent mode stirrers will be explored.
response as well as reduce time sidelobes resulting from the It is unclear what practical guidelines will be developed, but
OBTR process. we believe that using a genetic algorithm to optimize the
positions of several stirrers is a viable course of the research,
provided that the increase in the surface area does not negate
the increase in gain.
This article presents a methodology for optimizing a cavity In addition, a novel technique was introduced for increasing
for maximal performance, i.e., maximum gain, and highest compression gain using fast RF switches on the input in order
peak output power for a given volume and material and to better store the energy in the cavity after the impulse has
the reduced time sidelobes in the OBTR process. Several entered the cavity on the impulse response recording part of
techniques are applied in this article, including high-power the PC process. We have implemented this technique for the
design, analysis of efficiency, internal geometry optimization, first time with p-i-n diode switches. This was successful in
investigation of variation in gain to due to variation in the increasing the cavity quality factor and providing a higher
impulse response recording time and signal BW, and sidelobe energy-recorded impulse response, but upon applying the
reduction in OBTR. OBTR procedure and retransmitting, the high-peak power at
Consequently, a new design for a compact, high power the output (incident on the p-i-n diode switch) caused the p-i-
pulse-compression cavity that operates with an instantaneous n-diode switch to act as a p-i-n diode limiter, thus not allowing
BW of 13 GHz (5–18 GHz) has been presented. Results from full-impulse reconstruction to be achieved. However, other
both full-wave simulations and measurements from a fabri- fast RF switches exist, such as MEMs and MMIC switches,
cated cavity are shown. With an “empty, ” unoptimized cavity and their use will be investigated in the future. It is also
21.2 dB of compression gain was obtained using a 100 W demonstrated in this article that this technique can be used to
peak-power sinc impulse function to get 39.2 kW instanta- eliminate time sidelobes in the OBTR impulse reconstructions
neous peak power output was shown. This is also the highest as well.
reported gain and peak output power for a pulse compressor
of this type. This empty cavity is currently inefficient with an ACKNOWLEDGMENT
efficiency of about 22%, though this is higher efficiency than
other similar pulse compressors. This research was sponsored by, and conducted at, the U.S.
For TR pulse compressors, the peak output power is propor- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA.
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Bisrat D. Addissie received the B.S., M.S., and Sanjay Raman (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S.
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the degree (Hons.) from the Georgia Institute of Tech-
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, nology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 1987, and the M.S.
in 2010, 2015, and 2017, respectively. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan
He joined as an RF Engineering Contractor with at Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in 1993 and
the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, 1998, respectively, all in electrical engineering.
DC, USA, in 2017. His research interests include From 1987 to 1992, he was a Nuclear Trained
statistical electromagnetics and electromagnetic time Submarine Officer with the U.S. Naval Research
reversal. Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA. In 1998,
he joined the Faculty with the Bradley Depart-
ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vir-
ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, and
Virginia Tech Research Center—Arlington, Arlington, VA, USA. He also
served as Associate Vice President, Virginia Tech National Capital Region,
and as the President and CEO of the Virginia Tech Applied Research
Corporation, Blacksburg, VA, USA. He is currently serving as Dean of
engineering with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA,
where he is also a Professor of electrical and computer engineering. He is
also a Founding Member with the VT Multifunctional Integrated Circuits
and Systems Research Group. From 2007 to 2013, he served as a Pro-
gram Manager with the Microsystems Technology Office, Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Arlington, VA, USA, responsible for
major research and development programs in the areas of high-speed
electronics, adaptive RF/mixed-signal integrated circuits, RF microelectro-
mechanical (MEMS), and 3-D/heterogeneous integration technologies. His
research interests include RF/microwave/millimeter-wave integrated circuits
Victor M. Mendez received the B.S. degree in elec- and antennas, high-speed/mixed-signal ICs, interconnects and packaging,
trical engineering from George Mason University, RF MEMS/nanoelectromechanical devices, and integrated wireless commu-
Fairfax, VA, USA, in 2009, and the M.S. degree in nications and sensor microsystems.
electrical engineering from The George Washington Dr. Raman is an Elected Member of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Tech-
University, Washington, DC, USA, in 2012. niques Society Administrative Committee. He received the 1996–1997 Armed
He has also coauthored on various technical Forces Communications and Electronics Association Postgraduate Fellowship.
articles published in the IEEE A NTENNAS AND He was a recipient of the 2000 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
W IRELESS P ROPAGATION L ETTERS . His research and Engineers (1999 NSF CAREER Award), the Virginia Tech College
focuses on high-power microwave (HPM) effects of Engineering Outstanding New Assistant Professor Award in 2000, and
on electronics, metamaterials for electronic warfare the 2007 Virginia Tech College of Engineering Faculty Fellow. In 2013,
(EW) and counter-directed energy weapons (CDEW) he received the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service for
applications, and signal processing techniques for EW applications. his service at DARPA. He has served on the Technical Program Committee of
Mr. Mendez has presented his research at the annual symposium the IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium. He also served as
of the Directed Energy Professional Society, American Electromagnetics the Technical Program Co-Chair for the 2014 International Microwave Sym-
(AMEREM) conference, and the Union Internationale de Radio-Scientifique posium. He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS

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