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Lesson Title What does the shape say?

Grade Level & Kindergarten: Math

Content Area
Lesson Students will be able to…
Objectives Students will be able to…
State K.G.2 Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in
Standards everyday situations to include two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle,
square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle) and three-dimensional shapes
(i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere).
Block Time 50 minutes
How will Students will be grouped based on a pretest we will take before our
students be lesson beings. Once I get their grades back from their pretest, I will group
them based on their grade, so I know which group needs more focus.
What data will The data from the pretest the students complete will be what they are
these grouped by.
groupings be
based on?
How will data Data will be collected by taking a Google classroom quiz at the end of our
be collected in lesson to see who has retained information and also who needs some
extra help in this subject.
this lesson?

Introduction Estimated Time: 10 minutes

We will start our lesson off by getting into our assigned groups. Once all students are in their
assigned seats, we will begin our activity. We will start out in a whole class setting and just
refresh our minds on the shapes we will be going over today. After our basic review is over, I
will then explain how our stations will work for our next few activities.
Teacher Directed Collaborative Independent Digital Content
Small Group
Estimated Time: 10 Estimated Time: 10 Estimated Time: 10 minutes
minutes minutes

In this group, students In our collaborative In this group, students will go back to their
will be working with group section, we are assigned groups and will get out their devices.
me to understand going to do a “I have, The kids will watch a video on the difference
which shapes are which Who Has” activity. In this between 2D shape and a 3D shape. They will
and how many sides activity, I will have cards watch the following video.
and vertices each for the students that
shape has. We will have the name of each
begin by drawing out shape and then another After the watch the video, they will fill out a 2D
shapes on our student will have a card and 3D shape worksheet.
whiteboards and then that has attributes of a
circling the vertices and certain shape. Once the
noting if the sides are kids find their classmate
the same length or not. with their correct shape
Throughout this and attributes, they will
activity, my goal is for pair up. When the whole
students to understand class is paired up then
telling shapes apart we will know everyone
and being able to tell has found a match and
the difference between we will start over. We
vertices and sides of a will play over a 10-
shape. minute time frame.

Closure Estimated Time: 10 minutes

We will close our lesson off by returning to our normal seating arrangement and from there
will log onto our devices and take a ‘What does the Shape say?’ quiz. My goal for students
taking this quiz is to be able to see which students has retained the most information and
which students still need guidance on the subject.

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