Miss Martins Class News Letter

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Mar t in's Class News

Ter m: Spr ing | Issue 2 Dat e| Febr uar y 8 t h-12t h

This week , we w ill be st ar t ing
our ar t r enaissance pr oject s. The
st udent has alr eady picked what Remember Par ent s we ar e having our how many w ill be handed out on
t hey want t o make a sculpt ur e out valent ines exchange t his Fr iday! If you Fr iday. Thank you for helping us keep
of. would like your child t o br ing your childr en safe! If you ever have

Secondly we w ill be lear ning somet hing t o exchange you need t o any quest ions or you need help w it h

some chemist r y basics t hr ough sign up on t he schools websit e by t he sign-up please feel f r ee t o email

slime. I w ill pr ovide each st udent Wednesday. The r eason we ar e having me !

w it h t heir individual slime k it and a sign up t his year is t o make sur e we

t hey w ill be able t o t ake t heir can COVID pr ep t he Valent ines and

exper iment home af t er war ds. I

w ill be sealed in a bag w it h a
par ent lock so it won't be messy on
t he bus.

Last ly t he st udent s w ill be SAVE THE DATE STUDENTS

w r it ing poems t o someone t hat
t hey love, whet her t hat be a Welcome week ! As I
Feb. 10 t h - Valent ine's Exchange
par ent , dog, sibling or f r iend! back , I always say
For ms Due
hope you come t o class
Feb: 12t h - Valent ine's Day Par t y w it h your
all had a
Feb. 14t h - Valent ine's Day!! gr eat weekend! br ains on,

We have a f un Make sur e you all

Feb. 15t h- Pr esident s Day
ar e st aying safe
week ahead, I
Enjoy your t hr ee day weekend see
and don't for get
you on Tuesday! can't wait t o see
your mask !
you guys t his

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