Sacrament of Healing

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God created humans in his own image.

God gave the first couple a beautiful

home and a purpose in living but because of disobedience to God they lost their
eternal life because of the sin they committed. But what is a sin? A sin is anything
not in harmony or contrary to God's personality, standards, ways, and will and
anything that breaks one's relationship with God. it may be a word (Job 2:10), deed (2
Cor. 12:21)or failing to do what should be done (Jas. 4:17) or in mind or heart (Pro.
21:4). Sin therefore mars man's reflection of God's likeness and glory; it makes man
and unholy, unclean impure, tarnished in a spiritual and moral sense.
According to the church there are 2 kinds of sins. The first original sin and
personal sin. Original sin is what we have inherited from our original parents because
of their disobedience to God. It is called social or structural sin hence we all die
eventually. Second, personal or actual sin, these are willful acts, doing evil, refraining
from doing good. Mortal sins are those seriously done, deliberate and if the sinner is
unrepentant, he may experience eternal separation and destined is to hell. Venial sins
may not be rejected totally but still injures the relationship with God.
Just because humans became imperfect we all sinned and need to reconcile
with God. Catholic faith instituted the sacrament of reconciliation and anointing of
the sick for the purpose of the forgiving of sins. In the sacrament of reconciliation,
confession or penance the individual is encouraged to do as what the psalmist did in
Psalm 21:4 “ For I said: O God show me favor. Heal me, for I have sinned against you.”
So why confess your sins? You do so to be free from guilt and to obtain pardon
from God, and to be able to restore good relationship with God.
Another is anointing of the sick, this is administered when a person's health is
seriously impaired due to illness or old age. The church is following what is being said
at James 5:16 “Therefore, openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one
another, so that you may be healed. Righteous man’s supplication has a powerful
effect.” So that in anointing the sick, the oil is said to be as God's medicine.
It is believed that through the sacrament of reconciliation and anointing an
individual is reconciled once again with God.

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