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Sacrament of Holy Order

John 21:15 - When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter:
“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He replied to him: “Yes, Lord,
you know I have affection for you.” He said to him: “Feed my lambs.”
In the video this text was highlighted as to define what is the real essence of
work that young men & women who chose the sacrament of Holy Order. Those who
truly want to dedicate their lives in serving God and the people. It is through this
sacrament of Holy Order which they can perform their mission which Jesus Christ
entrusted them to do so. Priesthood is one channel in achieving this purpose. An
aspirant priest should devote himself in learning first, a student and be at the level of
Diaconate - he will be called a deacon or a seminary student and in the process of
becoming an ordained priest. As time goes by his position will be elevated to
presbyterate on active ministry of a particular church or diocese. Again he may be
promoted to Episcopate by which he will be a bishop and acquire the power to ordain
other bishops and priests for episcopal community.
There are five branches of this vacation:
1)hermetic life
2)consecrated virgins & widow
3)religious life
4)secular institute
5)societies of apostolic life
Those men and women who chose this vacation should follow evangelical
counsels like chastity, poverty and obedience. All of these are characteristics of Jesus’
way of living.

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