Case Study Jordan Yelton 25

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Case study Jordan Yelton #25

Melinda Grant
1. How does Melinda see her problem?
A- Melinda knows that the way she is teaching is the best way for the students' future.
Although the whole town thinks the scores are what is important, melinda sees the truth
Understands what is best for her students.
2. What is the role of standardized tests in schools?
The role of standardized tests is just a front. If a school has high scores, people will
Want their children to attend sed school even though it might not help their future.
Sadly standardized tests are a label and don't genuinely show the students full potential.
a. Do they provide teachers with information?
The teachers are usually handed a book and are told to teach the students all of that
Information and the students are responsible for memorizing all of it.
b. Should they?
I think teachers should be given better resources and teachers should be able to teach
The information in fun and exciting ways for the students.
3. What do you think Melinda should do?
I think Melinda should stick to what she is doing. Although the students might not score as
High as the others, they will learn and have fun. Melinda also said they way she is
Teaching will help the students retain the information throughout their whole lifes. Melinda is
Changing lives instead of worrying about how the school will look.

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