MCT-MST Formative Report Form 2reem Abdulla

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MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Student Reem Abdulla Musaed Ali Student ID: H00330578

MCT name: Dr. Neil Satoquia Course code: EPC 4406
MST name: Ms. Michelle Walsh Placement Al Afaaq
Subject: Science: Water Cycle Date: March 11, 2021

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to
formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected
teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession


1. The lesson plan was punctually submitted. It was submitted 2 days before it was taught.

2. Still, Reem maintains her communication line open. She sends me messages on our WhatsApp
Group Chat just to make me know how she is progressing in her TP with her MST.

Areas for improvement:

Planning for Learning

1. The lesson plan is detailed.
2. The objective uses the word “identify,” which is a measurable word.

Areas for improvement:


Managing Learning

1. As always, the UAE National Anthem was played as part of the morning routine. This is a must
before anything else begins. This practice does inculcate love and respect for the pupils’ country
and national identity.
2. Again, the teacher reminded her pupils the classroom rules and all the things they have to have on
their table.
3. Days and date awareness was undertaken as part of preparation.
4. The teacher is able to manage use of technological techniques in carrying out her lesson.
5. Her voice is well-modulated.
6. Reem kept praising her pupils who did a good job.
Areas for Improvement:
Implementing Learning

1. Reem informed the class what they were going to learn.
2. A link to the video was provided.
3. A video on the water cycle was played to introduce the lesson. Then, Reem paused for a while the
video so as for the pupils to answer a question. After the question has been answered, Reem
continued to play the video and paused it again to let her pupils answer another question. In this
case, Reem employed the sectional approach to processing the viewing-listening text. Very good,

4. Reem always makes sure that her pupils understood her explanation as she always do
comprehension check with her pupils. This practice is highly commendable.
5. Her pupils were very participative.
6. Use of Nearpod, Powerpoint presentation and videos was utilized.
7. Comprehension questions were asked to pupils to process the text.

Areas for improvement:

8. Before playing the video, vocabulary development should be provided first to her pupils as it
unlocks difficulties of the pupils in terms of word meaning.


1. Based on the questions posed when the video was paused, Reem employed a variety of questions
representative of the Bloom’s Taxonomy.
2. Reem implemented comprehension checks with her pupils.
Areas for improvement:

Reflection on Practice


1. Use always the sectional approach to viewing/listening/reading whenever the text is long like the
one on water cycle.

Areas for improvement:

Action Plan (next steps):

Lesson Plan

Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Science

Trainee: Reem abdulla Topic or Theme: review water cycle

Class: 3-4 Date & Duration: 11/3/2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: time management – present clear voice – classroom management – engage student

Lesson Focus

review water cycle

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to: Identify the process of water cycle

Links to Prior Learning

Water cycle

21st Century Skills

 Communication: Students will participate in class though discuss and answering the questions
 Technology literacy: During the lesson, many programs are being used by the teacher to support
student's understanding.

Key vocabulary

Evaporation- Condensation – precipitation

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

- Misbehaved students like opening - remind them of the classroom rule.

the microphone in a noisy place and
Interrupt the teacher and the other

Resources/equipment needed

Lap top – internet – Nearpod – videos

& Time
5 min Students will: Teacher will:

Nearpod Listen to the national anthem - Welcome the students (Good

participate with the teacher to morning, welcome to the science
National do the calendar. Listen to the class)
anthem instruction.

- Play the national anthem.

- Ask student to do the calendar.

(who want help me to do the

- Remind the student what they

need in class. (in class you will
need science book)

- Present the class rules. ( Mute your

microphone – stay in a quiet

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Will mute their microphone and pay - The teacher will tell the student
attention with the teacher, following what they are going to learn in the
the instructions, and participate with lesson. (We will review the water
the teacher and answer the cycle)

- The teacher will ask the students

what they remember about the
water cycle.

- Play video about the water cycle,

ask the students to listen carefully.
(listen carefully to the video
because I will ask you some
question about it)

Differentiation activities (Support)

The teacher will answer the students question and give them feedback.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Explain more if the students need

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 min Students will Teacher will

Finish the game. - Tell the students that (we are

going to play a game are you
ready) then I will start the game.

Assessment Quiz game

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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