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Professional Development Plan

Name: Reem Abdullah Musaed Ali

Course: EPC 4406
Instructor: Dr.Nail Satoquia


Cover page……………………………………………..……1
Introduction and Justification………………………….3
Goal 1……………………………………………………………………….…4
Goale 2………………………………………………………………………..5
Goale 3…………………………………………………………………………6
)Appendix A(
)Appendix B(
)Appendix C(
Teaching philosophy……..……………………………………..12
)Appendix D(

COLLABORATION PDP2……………………………………………………………17
As a teacher, the professional development plan (PDP) is significant
because it helps me identify my weaknesses and plan to improve them.
According to[ CITATION Set21 \l 1033 ] This is one of the fundamental
theories and basic requirements of successful development. There is
more chance for a change and successful learning if the teacher knows
what will pass to them, what they are required to do, and what they can
.expect from the others around them

I am writing this PDP to improve my teaching skills, which will help me
teach my students the best way. I have several goals in this plan. First of
all, dealing with misbehavior this issue is very important because the
misbehavior student effects the other students attention in the lesson.
In addition, engage all the class in the lesson. When we engage the
student in the class the student will understand better and it will be easy
to me as a teacher evaluate their understanding of the lesson. Thirdly,
modeling the activity and show the student examples. Modeling is very
important to make sure if the students understand what they should do
.in their task
Previously stated development needs

MCT recommendation MST recommendation

1- Reem’s response to student
misbehavior was somewhat 3- One suggestion would be to give the
effective.  instructions while students were still at
2- Some students were the carpet, give one or two examples by
intellectually engaged in the modelling, then send the students to
work at the tables. 
t Target Goal 1: To Managing Learning
(aligned Goal 2: To Implementing Learning
with TP 3: To1:Implementing Learning
GoalGoal  Reem’s response to
competency student
) misbehavior was
effective. (Appendix
Goal 1 A)

1- Make class rule.
2- Use the LMS points.
3- Mute the student's

Desired time  Semester 7&8

Any support MST advice
tools to be
used to The classroom rule slide
evidence of
the success of
the action

Picture of the classroom slide.

Goal 2

Goal 3:   One suggestion
Concise would be
Goal 2: to  give
Somethe instructions
students were
while students were stillin the
intellectually engaged
the carpet. (Appendix
(Appendix B)
Action Ask student
Actions: to some
 Present read. example of
s: the work.

Use learning
Give thethrough
student play
time to
Desire   ask.
d time  Semester 7&8
frame: Solve some example with
Any Chousestudents
the students for the tasks with
Goal 3 suppor time
Desired the MST 
tframe:  Semester 7&8
neede Search and read about some strategy
d support
Any that can
about thethe
needed student's level and review
collecti my activity with her to
on making sure it not too easy
tools or too difficult.
to be
to to be
eviden of
evidence Student's work
ce of Take
the success a screen shoot of the online
thethe action
of game
Appendix( succes
)A s of
Observation ce
Feedback (after Student's opinion .
Form imple
menta Ask the students to send in the chat
tion) happy faces if they understand and
sad face
If they don’t understand.
Ask my MST about my
Science Subject EPC 3903 Practicum 3a :Course Code
: (semester 5)
Virginia International School :School Reem Abdulla :Trainee’s name
11/11/2019 :Date Dr. Samsonova MCT (mentor’s)
A B C D F Commitment to the Profession
 Reem is always looking for regular opportunities to grow professionally.

A B C D F Planning for Learning

 Reem produced a clear sequenced lesson.
 Reem provided a variety of appropriately materials and resources.
 Learning activities were matched to instructional outcomes.
 Instructions were designed to engage students and advance them through
the content.
 Aid to instruction such as a Power Point was appropriate to the learning
needs of the students.
 However, next time, more age appropriate activities need to be added.
A B C D F Managing Learning
 Standards of conduct appeared to have been established and implemented
successfully. At the beginning of the lesson, Reem went over classroom
 Reem frequently monitored student behaviour using DoJo points.
 Reem’s response to student misbehaviour was somewhat effective.
A B C D F Implementing Learning
 Some students were intellectually engaged in the lesson.
 Students were invited to explain their thinking as part of completing tasks.
 Materials and resources supported the learning goals and required
intellectual engagement, as appropriate.
 The pacing of the lesson did not provide students the time needed to be
 Reem did not make effective use of wait time when she was asking
questions with her power point.
 Discussions enabled students to talk to one another without ongoing
mediation by the teacher.
 Reem called on most students, even those who didn’t initially volunteer.
 Many students were actively engaged in the discussion.
A B C D F Assessment
See back :Comments
 Reem made the standards of work clear to students.
 Reem elicited evidence of student understanding.
 Students were not invited to assess their own work.
A B C D F Reflection on Practice
 Reem made a thoughtful and accurate assessment of the lesson’s
effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional
:Reem’s Comments
 Today Dr, Olga observe me. My class was about part of a plant. This class is
the first class in this unit. I start my lesson by play a song about a part of
the plant and ask students about the information mention in the song. This
time my class behaviour is better, and I have my control over the time I use
sticks name and behaver charts that help me too much. Then I repeat after
them and show the parts through the plastic plant. Next, I present the
PowerPoint to talk about each part and their job, Dr, Olga suggested to me
that I have to add videos to show the students the functions of the part
and I agree with her because they need something fun so they will not fell
bored. I feel bad about myself because I forgot about my last activity.

:Action Plan (next steps)

 Reem must work on the improvement of all highlighted areas of the lesson.
)Appendix B(
MCT Observation Feedback Form
Science Subject EPC 3903 Practicum 3a :Course Code
: (semester 5)
Virginia International School :School Reem Abdulla :Trainee’s name
11/11/2019 :Date Dr. Samsonova MCT (mentor’s)

A B C D F Commitment to the Profession

 Reem is always looking for regular opportunities to grow professionally.

A B C D F Planning for Learning

 Reem produced a clear sequenced lesson.
 Reem provided a variety of appropriately materials and resources.
 Learning activities were matched to instructional outcomes.
 Instructions were designed to engage students and advance them through
the content.
 Aid to instruction such as a Power Point was appropriate to the learning
needs of the students.
 However, next time, more age appropriate activities need to be added.
A B C D F Managing Learning
 Standards of conduct appeared to have been established and implemented
successfully. At the beginning of the lesson, Reem went over classroom
 Reem frequently monitored student behaviour using DoJo points.
 Reem’s response to student misbehaviour was somewhat effective.
A B C D F Implementing Learning
 Some students were intellectually engaged in the lesson.
 Students were invited to explain their thinking as part of completing tasks.
 Materials and resources supported the learning goals and required
intellectual engagement, as appropriate.
 The pacing of the lesson did not provide students the time needed to be
 Reem did not make effective use of wait time when she was asking
questions with her power point.
 Discussions enabled students to talk to one another without ongoing
mediation by the teacher.
 Reem called on most students, even those who didn’t initially volunteer.
 Many students were actively engaged in the discussion.

See back
A B C D F Assessment
 Reem made the standards of work clear to students.
 Reem elicited evidence of student understanding.
 Students were not invited to assess their own work.
A B C D F Reflection on Practice
 Reem made a thoughtful and accurate assessment of the lesson’s
effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional
:Reem’s Comments
 Today Dr, Olga observe me. My class was about part of a plant. This class is
the first class in this unit. I start my lesson by play a song about a part of
the plant and ask students about the information mention in the song. This
time my class behaviour is better, and I have my control over the time I use
sticks name and behaver charts that help me too much. Then I repeat after
them and show the parts through the plastic plant. Next, I present the
PowerPoint to talk about each part and their job, Dr, Olga suggested to me
that I have to add videos to show the students the functions of the part
and I agree with her because they need something fun so they will not fell
bored. I feel bad about myself because I forgot about my last activity.

:Action Plan (next steps)

 Reem must work on the improvement of all highlighted areas of the lesson.
)Appendix C(
MST Observation Feedback Form
Listening & Speaking Subject EPC 3903 Practicum 3a :Course Code
: (semester 5)
Virginia International School :School Reem Abdulla :Trainee’s name
Oct. 31, 2019 :Date Maarium Ibrahim MST (mentor’s)

A B C D F Commitment to the Profession

Reem is willing to learn and open to suggestions. She often looks for ways to be helpful around -
.the classroom, and takes initiative in finding creative activities for the students
Since this lesson was at the start of the day, Reem could have made an effort to arrive a bit earlier -
than usual, to set up for her lesson. Starting the day with the students by greeting them and taking
.attendance would help in setting the stage for the first lesson of the day
A B C D F Planning for Learning
.The lesson was well planned, and contains lots of details -
One suggestion would be to add more details to how you will differentiate questions. Give -
examples of what questions are intended for high achievers and what questions are intended for
.low achievers
A B C D F Managing Learning
.Soft music was played in the background to help keep students relaxed and focused -
Reem used the behaviour tracking chart by asking students to move their names if they -
.misbehaved or were off task
Reem should work on projecting her voice, and building her confidence, in order to further -
.improve on classroom management skills
A B C D F Implementing Learning
Reem taught the second half of the lesson. After the students were finished listening to the story, -
Reem asked students to go to the tables to begin their work. Students were given a worksheet
where they were asked to listen to each instruction before putting their drawing on the paper.
Instructions were clear and easy to understand, however, Reem’s voice may not have been loud
.enough for students to hear
One suggestion would be to give the instructions while students were still at the carpet, give one -
.or two examples by modelling, then send the students to work at the tables
A B C D F Assessment
.Students were observed in their ability to listen to simple instructions -
A B C D F Reflection on Practice
Reem was able to reflect on her lesson during our post-observation discussion. She immediately -
.became aware of their use of time management and discussed how she would improve it

See back
Teaching philosophy

A collaborative class is the best learning environment. My teaching philosophy focuses on

helping the students learn and improve their skills and develop their language. My teaching
philosophy will be based on Skinner and Vygotsky's theories because I believe that group
.work improves communication skills, and these skills will help the student learn better

Classroom management
One of the essential things is classroom management because as much we have control in
our class, the student will understand better. From Skinner, we learn how to manage the
student's behavior by having rules in the classroom and applying punishment for
misbehavior. Also, there are many different ways to manage our classrooms, such as
.behavior chart and class dojo

collaborative class
all levels, including those in huge speech halls, I begin the term by having students introduce
themselves to peer classmates and work together to clarify some background knowledge
questions. This collaborative approach continues throughout the period, with many different
peer instruction activities and small group work. When the students work in groups, it will
help them improve the level because they will help each other to understand the class's

Collaboration is a working practice whereby individuals work together for a common

purpose to achieve business benefit.[ CITATION Wha21 \l 1033 ]. Collaboration is
one of the important ways to achieve the goal. According to [ CITATION Cor21 \l
1033 ] different reasons make collaboration necessary. First of all, it helps to solve a
problem. If you find any problem in your assessment, you should not stop. You must book a
meeting an appointment with your teacher as an individual to collaborate, also make a
brainstorm with your team so you can discuss the different ideas. Secondly, Collaboration
brings people closer together. When you work closely with other people, it will improve
communication skills. This skill will help you later in the future when having a job. Thirdly,
Collaboration helps people learn from each other. Everyone has a different experience and
background, so when you work with someone, you could learn from them a lot about your
work; it might be something different.
To make my PDP1 Dr.Nail gives us the instruction. He checked my classmate's work during
the class. Dr. Nail shows us how we can include the appendix in our PDP step by step (See
Appendix D). I used my MST and MCT feedback from semester 5, I oral discussion before
with them, and they suggest some strategies that could help me improve my weakness. 
(Appendix D)
Moseley, C. (2021, February 25). 7 reasons why collaboration is important. Retrieved from

Personal Development plan. (2021, February 7). Retrieved from SKILLSYOUNEED:

Setting up a Personal Development Plan (PDP). (2021, February 10). Retrieved from
Education and Traininf:

What is Collaboration? (2021, February 25). Retrieved from aiim:

This semester I had my teaching practice in AL Afaaq school with Ms. Michelle
Walch. I taught Grade 2 and 3. I taught them science according to the MOE
curriculum. My MCT, Dr. Nail, observed me two lessons. while my MST MS. Michelle
.observed me four lessons

My strengths and how they’re achieved. What are the key points you
need to remember always in order to maintain achieving those


Since I started to have teaching practice from my first semester, I learned how much
to be professional and how it could affect our work. In this semester, I did my best to
apply my MST and MCT previous advice. I followed all the instructions which my
MCT and MST provide. At the beginning of the TP, we sign the Whatsup app as a
communication tool between my MCT and MST to make contact easy. I updated my
MCT with essential things, such as my schedule and class time. I had a zoom meeting
with my MST. She shows me how to use the Teams tool to have my lesson without
.technical issues

Planning for Learning

The reason after having a well-prepared and structured lesson is planning for your
class. Before we start, our TP, Dr.Neil, provided us with a sample of a detailed plan.
On the other side, before I begin to plan, I ask my MST to provide some information
about the students, such as their level, and if we have SEN, and to have the book. I
used the first week to observe my MST and write some notes about her strategy, the
material she used, and how she engages her student. In the second week, I had my
first online class. In my class, I shared my idea for my lesson with my MST and used
.her feedback to improve the lesson plan

Implementing Learning
The PDP1 helps me a lot in this part. It's making my weakness claire for me. In my
first class, I tried to apply my comment before and try to improve. In addition, after
each class, I ask my MST her feed bake to enhance my lesson. 
I tried to use many different resources for each class to avoid my students feeling


An assessment is an essential think thing because it helps the teacher to evaluate the
student's understanding. And according to the result, they decide what they are
.going to teach or if they have to repeat something about the last class
There are many ways to use for the assessment in online learning, such as making
.quizzes and creating games. Which could decrease the stress of the test

Weaknesses and my plan to address and avoid them in the


As we know, teaching face to face is very different the online learning. In

online learning, we can improve quickly by changing the website, controlling
the student's microphones, and making the class fun. And I improve very well
In this semester because of the online education. On the other hand, I think I
will face any problem in the face to face learning.

Manging learning

I think I will have this issue because it is not easy to make the students follow
the rule. To avoid this problem, I might ask for support from my MST. I will
ask about ideas or strategies to manage the classroom.

Implementing learning

Because I have not taught for two years in school, I might have issues
engaging all the students, and I had this issue before. To avoid the problem, I
will make my class differentiated for all learners and make some fun activity
according to their level.

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