Investigations On Pumping Speed and Compression Work of Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

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vacuum/volume 33/number 6Ipeges 256 to 263/l 983 0042-207X/83/06025649-09803.

Printed in Great griiain @ 1963 Pergamon Press Ctd

Investigations on pumping speed and

compression work of liquid ring vacuum pumps
U~ha S Powle and Subir Ksr, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Indian lnsfitute of Technology,
Bombay-400076. India

received 8 March 1982; in revised form 11 August 1982

Liquid ring vacuum pumps are used to create coarse vacuum. Very limited theoretical wor& has been reported
on these vacuum pumps. In the present work, an attempt is made to develop an equation for pumping speed as
e function of free eir displacement conditions, vapour pressure of the sealant liquid, pressure and index of
expansion process in the system to be evacuated end index z representing the set of operating conditions.
Analysis is cerried out for compression work for isothermal systems. Expressions are developed for the pressure
at which the compression work is maximum and its dependence on various parameters is studied. Theoretical
derivations are compared with the experimental work carried out end the dependence of index L on various
operating conditions is studied. The theoretical equations are also compared with theoretical and experimental
studies of other investigators. The analysis presented will help in understanding the performance characteristics
of these vacuum pumps.

1. Intmduetioo 2 TheQre!timl rImlyais

Liquid ring vacuum pumps are rotary positive displacement type 2.1. Pumpiug apeed of liquid ring vmuub pump Let us consider a
mechanical pumps and are used to create coarse vacuum up to leak proof system of volume Y connected to a liquid ring vacuum
2 torr. They are also used as compressors and pumps. These units pump running at constant rotational speed. Let the sealant liquid
are widely used in chemical, food and paper industries and are weil flow rate be Q, the vapour pressure ‘of the sealant Equid at the
suited for condensate pumping and for pumping liquids laden prevailing temperature t, be P, and the exhaust pressure of the
with fibrous material. Due to their minimum metallic contact, pump be Pa.
they are well-suited for handling corrosive and volatile gases. At any given set of operating conditions, the net suction pocket
They are also used as roughing and backing pumps. These pumps volume giving rise to the theoretical displacement S, of the pump
have proven their quality by their long life, low maintenance and will depend upon the volume of the suction pocket formed and the
extremely simple operation. These good characteristics outweigh internal leakage from the compression pocket to the suction
their drawbacks like high power consumption, large quantity of pocket. The volume of the suction pocket formed and the internal
cooling liquid and necessity of using special corrosion resistant leakage will depend upon the pressure Pin the pocket and as such
materials. the theoretical displacement S, will be some function of the inlet
Experimental results of previous investigators are reported on pressure P. Let the theoretical displacement of the pump S, at any
the variation of pumping speed’” for different flow rates4ss of inlet pressure P be represented by
sealant liquid, for different temperature&’ of sealant liquid and
for different exhaust pressuress for these vacuum pumps.
Chlumsky9 analysed the compression work of such vacuum
pumps assuming a constant volumetric efficiency and neglecting
the effect of vapour pressure of the liquid. Theoretical analysis for where P. is the atmospheric pressure, S,. is the theoretical
compression work assuming a suction pocket volume indepen- displacement of pump at the inlet pressure equal to P. i.e. when the
dent of inlet pressure was carried out by Powle and Kar’*‘O. The pump is handling its free air displacement S, and x is the index of
literature cited shows that not much theoretical work has been inlet pressure P. The index x will depend upon the operating
done to develop an equation for the pumping speed and conditions of the pump like flow rate of the sealant liquid,
compression work. In the present work a theoretical analysis of temperature of the sealant liquid and exhaust pressure of the
pumping speed and compression work is carried out and their pump.
dependence on various parameters is studied. The theoretical Let the pumping speed and mass flow rate at any pressure P,
derivations are also compared with the experimental investi- temperature T and density p of air in the system, be S and m
gations carried out earlier. respectively. At any pressure P in the system, the pump should

U S Pow/e end S Ker: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

extract a volume qua1 to its theoretical displacement S,.

However due to the formation of vapour in the suction pocket, the
actual volume entrapped per unit time is only S which is less than
S, The reduction in pumping speed can be thought of as due to
the superimposed extra leak of mass mL per unit time from the When the pressure in the system is equal to P, the temperature of
pump to the system. With this superposition of leakage mass at airinthesystemT,canbewrittenas
any inlet pressure P, the pump pumps out a mass flow rate qua1
to pS, from the system whereas the actual mass flow rate m is only
(PS, -mJ The mass flow rate m can be written as P, k;l
m=pS=pS,-m, (2) P,
Incorporating equation (1) in equation (2X one gets Equations (7), (10) and (11) can be combined to get an equation of
the mass flow rate at pressure P for any system as

m=pS=pS,. -mb

p&y L pv(,-y)
m=m, (12)
The pumping action will stop when the pressure in the system p&y)_ pk-y)’
equals to the vapour pressure of the liquid P, The mass flow rate m
will be xero at pressure P-P, and corresponding temperature
For a system always in equilibrium with the surroundings
T- T. and density p-p. in the system. Equation (3) with this
(isothermal changes in the system) the index of expansion process,
condition gives
k equals to one. For such system, equation (12) reduces to

With this value of superimposed leakage mass mL and equation of
state P=pRT where R is the molar gas constant of air, Equation (12) can be transformed into an equation for the
equation (3) takes form as pumping speed for any system by substituting m =pS, m,=pS,
and using the equation of state P=pRT as
pcx+ 1)
(5) 4
-T.- 1 s=s,
p” _ pak+p”(r-Y) x
Equation (5) is the general equation for mass flow rate at any
operating point of the pump. The pump handles its free air
displacement mass m, when the pressure and temperature in the
system are P. and Ta respectively. With this condition, qua- (14)
tion (5) becomes

C T.

T, 1 (6) For a system always in quilibrium with the surroundings,

and for such system, equation (14) reduces to
k= 1

Combining equations (5) and (6) and substituting Z for (x+ l), (15)
one gets

The volumetric efficiency of the vacuum pump at any pressure

P is defined as the ratio of the pumping speed Sat that pressure to
m= (7) the free air displacement S, of the pump. Equation (14) is
presented in Figures 1 and 2 which shows that unlike
Chlumsky’s9 assumption, the volumetric efficiency is a function of
The pressure-density relation for air in the system can be the inlet pressure P. Figure 1 presents the volumetric effkziencies
for various temperatures or vapour pressures of the sealant liquid
represented by the polytropic process equation
for a system in equilibrium with the surroundings (k= 1) and for
P an adiabatic insulated system (k = 1.4) for z = 1 i.e. for a given set of
7 = constant (8) operating conditions. The results show that the volumetric
efficiency decreases with increase in temperature or increase in
where k is the index of expansion process in the system. The vapour pressure of the sealant liquid. The results also show that
pressure and temperature relation for air in the system will be the volumetric efficiency of the pump is more in the case of
given by evacuating a system in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings
than that in the case of evacuating an insulated system. In
- = constant. (9) Figure 2, volumetric efficiency curves are presented for different
values of z and for different vapour pressures. The results show
that the volumetric efficiency depends upon the index .z which in
Initially the air in the system is at pressure P,, and temperature T, turn depends upon the set of operating conditions like the flow
The temperature Tat any pressure P in the system is given by rate of the sealant liquid Q, the temperature of the sealant liquid t,

US Pow/e end S Kar: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

TYLOIRICAL ca” 14,2-l ,P, - 110 Tar,


0 loo 200 MO LOO 500 600 700

lnlrt prrssurr PI TOW 1 -
F@re 1. Efkt of vapour pmsun of the sealant liquid and index of expansion pmccss in the system on pumping speed of the pump.

and the exhaust pressure of the pump P2. For some values of z, the
volumetric e&iency is found first to increase and then to decrease
with decrease of the inlet pressure P. The experimental results of
pumping speed by Dennis and Heppel’, Green2, Powle and
Kar’,’ exhibit a similar type of trend. The results in Figure 2 show where P2 is the exhaust pressure and n is the index of compression
that the volumetric efficiency increases with decrease in index z. process. The compression work of the pump pumping air from a
system always in equilibrium with the surroundings can be
written, using equations (IS), (16) and (17) as
2.2. Useful comprabm work of tke liquid ring vacuum pump.
The process of compression, whether it is an isothermal or a
polytropic one will depend upon the temperature of the mixture of = psa
Weomp)iso (pP”pzr
air and vapour being compressed and the temperature of the
sealant liquid. The compression work of the vacuum pump at any and
inlet pressure P, compressing air isothermally is given by

(N_&,== Isothermal compression work s- 1

=Pln $S
where P2 is the exhaust pressure of the pump. The compression

work of the liquid ring vacuum pump at any pressure P, Equations (18) and (19) show that for a given set of operating
compressing air polytropically is given by conditions, the compression work of the pump is zero at an inlet
pressure P equal to P2 and at an inlet pressure P equal to the
(&r&r y=Polytropic compression work s-r vapour pressure P, of the sealant liquid. The compression work

U S Pow/e end S Kar: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

1200 -

lltLanLlLu EC 20 ) 21, it=1

-lsolnERYu COYPRESElaW 1201
------ ..Dl.O.llCCOPtPRESYON
IS00 -
: PC
t 0.3


lb00 -

1200 -



600 -

400 -

I Iv p.ra2.s lir, rt,-e&c )

‘I ----- f,‘200 T,, (tsrdC I ZOO-
II p.rmo TRI

0 I I I I t I I I
0 100 200 300 LOO 500 COO 700 760

Figure 3 E&t of vapour pressure of the sealant liquid and index of

compression process on the inkt pressure PCof the pump.

Oil I I I I I 1

0 32.5 100 200 300 LOO 500 600 700 760

Inlet prrrsurr P ( Torr 1.-L index of compression process n. The curves presented in Figure 4
Fbr 2. Effect of index z on pumping speed of the pump. show that the pressure P, increases with increase in value of the
index t.
Chlumskyg analysed the compression work of mechanical
vacuum pumps in general, assuming a constant volumetric
efficiency and neglecting the effect of vapour pressure of the
will have a maximum value at an inlet pressure P, lying between
sealant liquid. The expression for pressure PCfor an adiabatic
these two extreme operating points. The inlet pressure PCat which
compression process was found to be
the compression work is maximum can be determined by
difierentiating the expressions of compression work in equations Pc=0.3P, (22)
(18) and (19) with respect to prcssurc P and setting dN_Jdp to
zero. The expressions thus obtained are If we apply Chlumsky’s analysis for the isothermal compression
process, we get an expression for pressure PCas

(20) p p2 p2
e =2.7183’
for an isothermal compression process and
The equations (22) and (23) are incorporated in Figure 3. These
results also show that the pressure P, increases with decrease in the
index of compression process n. Chlumsky’s analysis shows that
the pressure P,is a function of only exhaust pressure P2and nature
of compression process. However the present analysis shows that
for a polytropic compression process. Equations (20) and (21) are pressure P, depends upon exhaust pressure P2, vapour pressure
presented in Figures 3 and 4 for various exhaust pressures P2, P,,, index z and index of compression process n.
temperatures or vapour pressura P, and indices z for both Theoretical analysis for the compression work, assuming a
isothermal and adiabatic compression processes. Results presen- suction pocket volume independent ofinlet pressure P was carried
ted in Figure 3 show that the pressure PCincreases with increase in out by Powle and Kar ‘J~ . The expression for pressure PCfor an
exhaust pressure p2,increase in vapour pressure P, and decrease in isothermal process was given as
U S Pow/e md S Kar: Liquid ring vacuum pumps


c ‘4 -
) 1*5-

2.0 -

1.5 -


0.5 -

00 1132.5 100
1 zoo
I 300 400 SO0
I coo
I 700
I x0I


Figure 5. Pumping speed at different flow rates of sealant liquid.

0 too zoo 300 COO mo 6uo 700 760
INLZT Pnts5U(IL cc Tmr ) -c
temperature of 29°C was supplied at a flow rate of 12 1 mm-‘. In
Figure4. Effect of index t on inlet pressure Pr of the pump. order to study the effect of temperature of the sealant liquid,
sealant water at different temperatures of 29,40,50,60 and 65°C
was supplied at flow rate of 12 1 min-‘. The exhaust pressure of
the pump was maintained at 850 torr. The experimental results
are compared with the theoretical analysis made in the present
if we apply the above analysis to a polytropic compression
process, the expression for pressure P, is obtained as
A Results and discussion
Pz = Experimental results of pumping speed were compared with the

(I;e- 1
1 (9) : n- 1 p”P,(+!!) (5).
(25) theoretical equation (15) and values of index z were determined
n for different flow rates of the sealant liquid, different exhaust
pressures of the pump and different temperatures of the sealant
It can be seen that the equations (20) and (21), with index z = 1
reduce to equations (24) and (25) respectively. The results of the
present analysis shown in Figure 3 represent equations (24) and 4.1. Effect of Bow rate of the sealant liquid. Experimental results
(25). The plot corresponding to z= 1 in Figure 4 represents of pumping speed for different flow rates of the sealant liquid were
equation (24). compared with equation (15). The comparison is presented in
Figure 5. It can be seen that the theoretical equation (15) with
values of index z equal to 1,0.9,0.85,0.7 and 0.7 compares very
3. Experimental programme*~5*7**
well with the experimental results of pumping speed for flow rates
The experiments were conducted on a circular casing type water of 4,12,20,24 and 28 1 min- r respectively. The comparison shows
ring vacuum pump. In order to study the effect of flow rate of that the values of index z as well as the index x decrease with
sealant liquid, experiments were conducted with water at ambient increase in flow rate of the sealant liquid. Equation (1) with these
temperature of 29°C and different flow rates of 4, 1220.24 and vahres of index x shows that the ratio S,/& goes on increasing
28lmin- I. The exhaust pressure of the pump was 762 torr. The with increase in flow rate of the sealant liqu:d. With increase in
effect of exhaust pressure of the pump was studied by conducting flow rate of the sealant liquid, the internal leakage in the pump
the experiments with various exhaust pressures of 762 torr, decreases as a result of reduced clearance gaps. Consequently
850 torr, 940 torr and 1055 torr. The sealant water at ambient S,.&, increases with increase in flow rate of the sealant liquid. The

U S Pow/e and S Kar: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

shape of the pumping speed curve also indicates that in general, incorporated in Table 1 and are found to deviate from present
the volume of the suction pocket formed increases with decrease in results of P,
the inlet pressure P.
The compression process was assumed to be an isothermal one 4.2.Effect of exhaust pensure of the pump. Experimental results of
as sealant liquid was at ambient temperature of 29°C. The pumping speed for different exhaust pressures of the pump were
experimental values of isothermal compression work for different compared with equation (15). The comparison is presented in
flow rates of sealant liquid are presented in Figure6. The Figure 7. It can be seen that the theoretical equation (15) with
theoretical values of the compression work were determined using values of index t equal to 0.9,1,1.05 and 1.1 compares well with
equation (18) with the above values of the index z and are the experimental results ofpumping speed for exhaust pressures of
incorporated in Figure 6. The results show that the compression 762,8X$940 and 1055 torr respectively. The comparison shows
work increases with increase in flow rate of the sealant liquid. that the values of index z as well as the index x increase with
Table 1 presents the experimental and theoretical values of increase in exhaust pressure of the pump. Equation (1) with these
pressure f, for different tlow rates of sealant liquid. Theoretical values of index x shows that the ratio S&I,, goes on decreasing
values of pressure P, were determined using equation (20) and the with increase in exhaust pressure of the pump. With increase in
above values of the index t. The present results show that the exhaust pressure of the pump, the internal leakage increases as a
pressure P, decreases with increase in flow rate of the sealant result of increased pressure difference across the compression
liquid Values of P, based on equations (22). (23) and (24) are also pocket and the suction pocket. Consequently S,/Sr, decreases
with increase in exhaust pressure of the pump.
The compression process was assumed to be isothermal as the
Table 1 sealant liquid was at ambient temperature of 29°C. The experi-
mental values of isothermal compression work for different
Flow P, P, P, P, P, exhaust pressures of the pump are presented in Figure 8. The
rate expt theory cqu (22) qe (23) qn (24) theoretical values of compression work were determined using
(I min-‘) (torr) 0ci-r) (torr) (1oi.r) (tcrr) equation (18) with above values of index z and are incorporated in
Figure 8. The results show that the compression work decreases
4 310 282 310 with increase in exhaust pressure at low values ofinlet pressure. At
:: 290 z”B 282 310
high values of inlet pressure, the compression work is found to
:; 275 280 228 282 310
24 250 257 228 282 310 increase with increase in exhaust pressure of the pump.
28 250 260 228 282 310 Table 2 presents the experimental and theoretical values of the
pressure PC for different exhaust pressures of the pump.


t-a -

1-C -

I I.‘ -

s 1.2 _

E 1.0-

04 -


0.r -

0.2 -

o- 200 300 400 500 600 700 i
0 1 200 300 A00 500 500 700 760 32.5 100

Figure 6. Compression work at different flow rates of sealant liquid. Figure 7. Pumping speed at different exhaust pressures of the pump.

lJ S Pow/e and S Kar: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

00 = 12 LPM, I, = 29.C , P, ~32.5 %r,

O- P2 :I62 TY, S, L 3.07m3/min ,- TH. d 16 WITH 2 = O-9

3.6 - I-P 2 - 660 -b?r, So = 3.07m31min,- TH. Ed! I9 WITH 2 : 1.0

(r-P 2= 9&O Tow, 5, t 3.05 m3/min,- TH. Ed! 16 WITH 2 z 1.05

3.2 - o- s = 1055 Tat, Se= 3.0 m3/min,- TH. EQ? 16 WITH 7. = 1.1

2-d -

2.4 -


1.2 -

0.6 -

0 32.5 100 200 300 400 500 6w 100 800 900 l 100


Fii 8. Compression work at different exhaust pressures of pump.

43. Effect of temperature of the sealant liquid. Experimental

Table 2
results of pumping speed for different temperatures of the sealant
liquid were compared with equation (15). The comparison is
Exhaust P, PC PC PC P, presented in Figure 9. It can be seen that the theoretical equation
pressure exPt theory cqn (22) eqn (23) eqn (24)
(torr) (tom) (tom) (tom) (torr) (tom) (15) with values of index t equal to 1,1,0.9,0.8 and 0.6 compares
very well with the experimental results of pumping speed for
762 320 282 310 temperatures of sealant liquid of 29, 40, 50, 60 and 65°C
respectively. The comparison shows that the values of the index z
2 420
390 380 280 315 % as well as the index x decrease with increase in temperature of the
1055 500 440 315 422 sealant liquid. Equation (1) with these values of index x shows
that the ratio S,/t,# goes on increasing with increase in
temperature of the sealant liquid. As the temperature of the
sealant liquid increases, the internal leakage in the pump will
increase as a result of reduced viscosity of the liquid. The increase
Theoretical values of pressure P, were determined using equa- in net suction pocket volume in spite of the increased leakage at
tion (20) and above values of index t. Probably more accurate higher temperatures show that the volume of the suction pocket
values of the index I could have reduced the deviation of the formed at higher temperature is more than that at the lower
experimental results from theoretical results. The present results temperature. This shows that the thickness of the liquid ring
show that the pressure P, increases with increase in exhaust formed decreases causing an increase in volume of suction pocket
pressure of the pump. Values of P, based on equations (22), (23) formed at high temperature of the sealant liquid.
and (24) are also incorporated in Table 2. The values of F” based The compression process with the sealant liquid at 29°C was
on Chlumsky’s analysis show a considerable deviation from the assumed to be isothermal whereas the compression process with
present results. sealant liquid at 40,50,60 and 65°C was assumed to be adiabatic

U S Powie end S Ker: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

pz = 850 l&r, QS~12lPM

o &29’C, Sax307 m’/min-TH. EON 15 WITH Zsl
0 t&O°C. Sa ~3.02 m’lmin-1 H.EC!!lS WITH 2’1
A ls=500C. Sas237 m’/min-1 H. Es15 WITH z*o.s
l t,~60°C~Sa=?65 d/min-lH.E$115 WITH zxo.8
X ts =65%,Sar2Q5 m’/min-TH. EQ!l5 WITH Z=08

Figure 9. Pumping speed at di!krent temperatures of sealant liquid.

with index n equal to 1.4. Experimental values of compression the compression work decreases with increase in temperature of
work for different temperatures of the sealant liquid are presented the sealant liquid.
in Figure 10. The theoretical values of the compression work were Table 3 presents the experimental and theoretical values of
determined using equations (18) and (19) and the above values of pressure P, for different temperatures of the sealant liquid.
index t and are incorporated in Figure 10. The results show that Theoretical values of pressure PCwere determined using equations
(20) and (21) and the above values of index z. The present results
show that the pressure P, increases with increase in temperature of
the sealant liquid. The values of pres#ure P, based on Chlumsky’s
analysis and equations (24) and (25) are incorporated in Table 3.
The values of P, based on Chlumsky’s analysis show a consider-
able deviation from the present results.

44. Comparison with experimental results of other investigators.

The experimental results presented by Dennis and Heppel’,
Green’ and Magnal13 show that the sealant liquids used had
vapour pressures P, of Ql2.5 and 65 torr respectively. However
the conditions of tests like flow rates and temperatures of the
sealant liquid and exhaust pressures of the pumps were not
reported. Figure 11 presents the comparison of these experimental
results of pumping speed with the theoretical equation (15) and
with the above values of vapour pressures. It can be seen that the
theoretical equation (15) with values of the index t equal to 0.8,

Table 3

Tunp of P, P, P,
st!akmt expt theory C!tlunsky 2,s (24). (25).
(“C) (tori) (IOrr) (torr) (torr)

29 355 34o+w (20) 315-w (23) 340--cqn (24)

40 350 33O-cqn (21) 255-eqn (22) 33O-cqn (25)
50 370 37-n (21) 25-n (22) 37O-cqn (25)
60 405 415-cqn (21) 255-eqn (22) 43O-cqn (25)
65 448 435-cqn (21) 255-cqn (22) 465-cqn (25)
m IO. Compression work at different temperatures of sealant liquid

U S Pow/e end S KN: Liquid ring vacuum pumps

(2) The volume of the suction pocket formed increases with

decrease in inlet pressure P.
(3) Pumping speed or volumetric efficiency of the pump
increases with decrease in the index z. Index z decreases with
increase in flow rate and increase in temperature of the sealant
liquid. The index z increases with increase in exhaust pressure of
the pump.
(4) The pressure P, at which the compression work is maximum
decreases with increase in flow rate of the sealant liquid whereas
the pressure P, increases with increase in exhaust pressure and
increase in temperature of the sealant liquid.
Based on the theoretical analysis presented, some more
conclusions are drawn:
(1) The volumetric efficiency or pumping speed of the pump in
the case of evacuating an isothermal system is more than that in
the case of evacuating an adiabatic or an insulated system.
(2) The pressure P, at which compression work is maximum
decreases with increase in the index of compression process n.
The theoretical and experimental investigations and their
analysis presented here will be helpful in understanding the
behaviour of these vacuum pumps under different operating
X-O.0 AND P.-OSTm,

6. References
'N T M Dennis and T A Hcppell, Vacuum System Design, pp 14-16.
Chapman and Hall, London (1968).
0 PO I I , I I I ’ G F A Green, Liquid ring vacuum pump, Brirish ChemiccllEngng end
125 65 65 200 300 brn 500 600 700 761 Process Technology. 16. 37 (January 1971).
lnlct prcsrurr P ( Ton I_ 3 K Magna& Chem Et&, O&346 (i972).
* U S Powlc and S Kar. Proc First NQI Conf Iadustrial ‘liibology:IIT,
Figure 11. Comparison of equation for pumping speed with previous Madras (December 1974).
investigator’s work. ’ U S Powle and S Kar, Proc Seuenth Nat ConjPluid Mechanics end Fluid
Power, 1.56-70, Baroda (November 1977).
6 Hick Hargreavcs and Co Ltd. Mechanical World and Engineering
Record, 143(3526), 201-202 (May 1963).
0.85 and 1.0 compares well with the experimental results of Dennis ‘IU S Powle and S Kar. Proc Sixth Not Co&Fluid Mechanics and Fluid
and Heppel, Green and Magna11 respectively. Power. IIT, Kanpur (Decenther 1975). d
’ U S Powlc and S Kar, Proc All India Seminar on Fans, Blowers and
Compressors,pp 52-56. The Institution of Engineers (India), Poona Local
5. corlcluaions Centrc (December 1977).
9 V Chlumsky, Liquid Piston Comprasors and Vacuum Pumps, Vacuum
Based on the theoretical and experimental investigations the Pumas. Becirrrocatina and Rotarv Comaressors, pp 287-291 and
following conclusions are drawn : pp 4%423. ‘SNTL, ” Publishers of Technical Literature, Prague,
Czechoslovakia (1965).
(1) Theoretical equations for pumping speed compare well with lo U S Powle and S Kar, Experimental and analytical investigations of
the present experimental investigations as well as with the liquid ring vacuum pump, Proc Fifth Nat ConfFluid Mechanics and Fluid
experimental results of other investigators. Power. VIII, Bombay (Daccmber 1974).


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