Unit 5 Templateac

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Anna Crews
EDUC 204

Lesson Title: Helping Verbs

Students will be able to “show perfect verb tenses, continuous/progressive verb tenses and
passive voice.”
Students will be able to help show tense, show questions, negatives, and positivizes as well as
form grammatically correct sentences.
State Standards: Standard 3, 3.1, 5.1, and 10.1.
Context: I am teaching this particular lesson because I notice how often helping verbs are used,
and are necessary. Before this lesson, comes nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adverbs. Students will
bring previous knowledge of verbs for this lesson, helping verbs help a sentence, but to fully
understand how, you must know what a verb is. After this sentence in the larger unit comes
writing short stories, and more grammatically correct sentences, as well as conjunctions. In
order to prepare students for the next lesson topic, we are teaching the foundation of writing
Data: Students will be grouped based heterogeneously, with students who have knowledge on
the topic and students who are struggling with the topic. The hypothetical data will be collected
based on how students did with the pervious unit. Data will be collected in this lesson through
my personal teacher directed small group and sheet handouts, and will be used when grouping
for the next unit.
Materials: YouTube/computers, projector, pens, pencils, computers, worksheets, whiteboard,
whiteboard markers, and tables/chairs for rotation stations.
Detailed paragraphs from here on down.
Introduction (30 minutes): Students will be taught what a helping verb it, and how it
differs from a verb itself. A verb is “a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and
forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.” There are
only 23 helping verbs, which is why this topic would be a short lesson, a helping verb “A helping
verb (also known as an auxiliary verb) is used with a main verb to help express the main verb's
tense, mood, or voice. The main helping verbs are "to be," "to have," and "to do." They appear
in the following forms: To Be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been, will be. To Have: has, have,
had, having, will have.”
Teacher Directed (10 minutes): In the teacher directed small group, the teacher will
answer any questions students have about helping verbs. The teacher will then use whiteboards
with the students to practice how to use helping verbs with a in a sentence, and ask each student
in the group to come up with their own sentence, containing a helping verb.
Collaborative (10 minutes): Students will complete a worksheet that has all helping verbs
listed, and 15 sentences with breaks in the sentences where a helping verb would go. Students
will then talk with their group and decide which helping verb goes where.
Independent Digital (10 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nFEz9fVHqc
students will watch and evaluate this video, to help better understand what a helping verb is.
Then quietly communicate among their group.
Closure (10 (ish) minutes): The closure of this lesson will be the teacher writing out
correct and incorrect sentences containing helping verbs, and have the whole class shout out
answers to the sentences, deeming it right or wrong. The teacher will also be able to evaluate
the class this way by seeing which students struggle, and how many students struggle. The
teacher could also do this by conducting a Kahoot game, and instead of writing the sentences
on the whiteboard, write them in the game. This way, the teacher could analyze each student
more and see data from the Kahoot.
(Multimedia 1= YouTube Video): This is a piece of multimedia because it combines
different content forms. It supports student learning because it provides a different way
of teaching my standard, while still getting the point across in a helpful-fun way. I know
this video is high quality, because I have watched it. This multimedia choice helps most
learners, and is accessible to all.
(Multimedia 2= Kahoot.): This is a piece of multimedia because it uses different
interactive content. It supports student learning and standard objectives in review form.
This is high quality because the teacher is able to edit and create their own
slides/questions. This multimedia choice differentiates instruction for all learners
because it allows each student to make their own choices based on their knowledge, and
will be accessible through classroom technology.

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