TABLE 17.2 - Membership, Contributions and Benefits Granted by The Social Security System, Philippines: 1999 - 2007

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2 - Membership, Contributions and Benefits Granted by the

Social Security System, Philippines: 1999 - 2007

INDICATOR 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Membership (In Millions, as of) 21.89 23.12 24.16 24.98 25.75

Employers 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.67 0.70
Employees 18.44 18.84 19.35 19.78 20.21
Self-Employed 2.88 3.69 4.18 4.53 4.84

Total Contributions (PM) 27,125 30,321 31,371 34,188 39,420

Social Security 26,749 29,886 30,912 33,702 38,635
Employees Compensation 376 435 460 486 786

Total Benefits (PM) 28,771 33,889 39,015 40,871 42,806

Social Security 27,744 32,735 37,813 39,566 41,623
Employees Compensation 1,026 1,154 1,202 1,305 1,184

Total Number of Paid Claims (000) 1,690 1,762 1,866 1,909 1,009
Social Security 1,607 1,687 1,776 1,824 947
Employees Compensation 83 76 90 85 61

INDICATOR 2004 2005 2006 2007

Membership (In Millions, as of) 26.4 26.99 27.52 28.04

Employers 0.73 0.76 0.78 0.8
Employees 20.53 20.84 21.12 21.46
Self-Employed 5.13 5.39 5.6 5.79

Total Contributions (PM) 43936 47602 52544 61829

Social Security 43084 46715 NA 60769
Employees Compensation 852 887 910 1060

Total Benefits (PM) 44883 46270 52122 60746

Social Security 43743 45181 51052 59665
Employees Compensation 1139 1089 1070 1081

Total Number of Paid Claims (000) 1974 2094 2012 2094 a

Social Security 1902 2022 1949 2036
Employees Compensation 72 72 63 58

Notes: 1. Details may not add up to totals due to rounding.

2. Number of "Self-Employed includes "Voluntary Members".
a Includes pensioners at the beginning of the year.
NA Not available.
Source of data: Social Security System.

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