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Boozy Botanicals Analysis & Marketing Plan

Olivia Barnes, Jessica Ibarra, Summer Keagle, Ethen Pineda

MKT 480 Spring 2021

Executive Summary

Boozy Botanicals has clear potential to be the next hot commodity in the drink mixer

market. With our analysis and marketing plan, Boozy can claim that potential and reach the

heights that it truly deserves. Upon doing our analysis, we recognized two areas that could really

help Boozy improve its profit margins and sales: increase profit margins and increase online

sales. To do this, Boozy will look for a cheaper option to source both its glass bottles and its cane

sugar. Yes, they are very important to the end product, but their costs are making it hard for

Boozy to earn the profit it rightfully deserves. To increase online sales, we suggest a renovation

of the Boozy web site, incorporating referral marketing, while also including a weekly blog to

the web site. The weekly blog will greatly help increase SEO, and also generate more visibility

for Boozy overall.

Another key contribution our marketing plan brings is to open Boozy up to more

channels. We believe that Boozy has potential for great success on Amazon considering the

connection with Wholefoods. This will be beneficial to bring more visibility to the brand,

another marketing channel, and another link that can bring you back to the web site. We’ve also

discussed in our marketing plan the benefit to not only selling Boozy Botanicals in health

conscious grocery stores, but liquor and local shops as well.

Situation Analysis:

There are many different business aspects that have been put into place by Cheryl Bisbee,

owner of Boozy Botanicals. To learn more about the business and where it stands in the industry,

we conducted an in-depth brand and marketing analysis. We researched and studied Boozy

Botanicals’ current performance, market demand and market share, industry, customer base, and

competitive position. With this information, we came to the conclusion that Boozy Botanicals is

sitting in a good position overall, but there is room for potential growth in some aspects.

We first looked into Boozy Botanicals’ current performance as a business. The

company’s products are sold through three main channels, including online consumers,

distribution, and direct to retailers. Of these channels, 50% of Boozy Botanicals’ sales revenue is

coming from its wholesale business, both to distributors and retailers. Additionally, only 15% of

sales come directly from the company’s website. After learning this, we decided that the website

has the most potential for growth, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic and the push to order

online rather than go out in person. To add on to what we knew about Boozy’s sales, we looked

into how the business’s margins were doing. According to Bisbee, some of the essential

materials used in production are very high cost. The glass bottles that Boozy’s products are

packaged in are only found in China and are very difficult for the owner to source. Additionally,

the cane sugar used in the products are from Paraguay, which can also be expensive. Although

both the glass bottles and cane sugar are important materials for an all-natural product like

Boozy Botanicals, the costs of acquiring them are bringing the sales margins down. If a different

glass bottle were used or if the owner could find a cheaper way to find pure cane sugar, it would

cut costs tremendously and bring the overall margins back up. Lastly, the profits for the business

are also a bit lower than we were expecting. Within the past five years, the profit gained each

year has been between $25,000-$75,000. Though these numbers are showing positive profits,

they would still be much higher if the sales margins were better. Overall, the biggest opportunity

for growth in this aspect would be to cut costs in order to increase margins and net profits for the


Next, we researched the market that Boozy Botanicals is a part of - the craft spirits

market. We wanted to know more about the market demand, size, and share that Boozy

Botanicals is holding. Our research shows that that global craft spirits market was recently

valued at $6.13 billion dollars (Market Research Reports & Consulting), and has the potential for

massive growth in the next couple of years. According to Grand View Research, the demand for

craft spirits is expected to grow by over 33% and will be valued at over $80 billion by 2025, as

customer preferences are starting to gear more towards experimental alcoholic beverages. This

gives Boozy Botanicals a very high chance of potentially growing at a rapid rate in the next five

years, as the company specializes in creating a unique alcohol experience for customers. Within

this massive market for craft spirits, the market share for craft cocktails has increased over 5-

10% per year according to the owner of Boozy Botanicals. With customer preferences changing

and the demand for all-natural products on the rise, Boozy Botanicals has a unique opportunity to

experience massive growth in their market share within the next few years.

We also looked into the industry that Boozy Botanicals is involved in and how much

competition is involved. Overall, the craft cocktail industry is massive and growing rapidly each

year. New brands of craft spirits and cocktails have started to flood the market with smaller

batches of premium products, and customers’ demand for these products are growing alongside

the industry. As previously mentioned, customer preferences are changing. Consumers are now

purchasing specialty or high-quality products more than ever before. Additionally, the average

customer is paying between 6-8% more for premium products than they did just a few years ago.

With that being said, we now know that the competition for a brand like Boozy Botanicals is

higher now and growing, as well. Not only are there countless new craft cocktails entering the

market each year, but state and federal regulations are also making the industry much harder to

thrive in. On top of that, the legalization of marijuana in the United States is also causing

challenges for alcohol businesses as more people turn to smoking rather than drinking

(Linchpin). Boozy Botanicals does have the advantage that it is local to a smaller city compared

to others, which gives the business a competitive advantage over some of the competition. If the

owner is wanting to expand further, though, the branding for the products is going to need to

shift in a way that differentiates itself from other craft cocktails in order to become more

competitive. This gives the owner an opportunity to dive deep into the brand and decide which

key points need to be marketed heavily to consumers in order to drive the business in such a

competitive industry.

The next aspects we wanted to learn more about is the customer profile that Boozy

Botanicals is marketed towards. In order to reach more consumers, it is important to understand

the needs, behavior, and overall profile of the consumers that are buying this product. Of the

customer base for Boozy Botanicals, over half are women. Additionally, the age range that is

purchasing this type of product most often is between 25-34 years of age. This gives the business

an opportunity to market more towards either men or older alcohol drinkers in order to expand

the customer base. Most of the consumers that purchase a product like Boozy Botanicals are

included in the group of people that prefer healthier options when they are consumer alcoholic

beverages, and they are willing to pay more for organic drink options over others. Specifically,

the alcoholic beverage options that are positioned in grocery stores are experiencing higher sales

recently than they have before. This serves as an opportunity for Boozy Botanicals, since the

company is matching the changing customer needs and buying behavior. If this product can be

heavily positioned in grocery stores in the next few years, the business will become more

profitable and reach more customers than it already has. Despite Boozy being the brand name,

we also feel its versatility should be acted on more. This will allow the mixer to be sold to a

broader range of consumers in different market types. Being as it is a great substitute for

dressings and sugar based desserts, having this product placed next to alcohol and baking

ingredients will intrigue consumers.

Lastly, we looked into the competitive position that Boozy Botanicals holds and what

value they are giving their consumers by doing so. Boozy’s products have been recognized as an

innovation by some of its competitors, as it offers an alcoholic experience but with a modern

twist by using only all natural and organic products. On top of that, Boozy’s products are

competitively priced in order to remain a logical option to healthier customers who want to drink

alcohol, but without all of the unhealthy ingredients typical cocktail mixers contain. The overall

value the business is offering its customers is great, but it comes at a higher cost on the numbers

side of things. Boozy Botanicals is offering customers what they are looking for, but it is highly

expensive to produce. In order to win over customers in a profitable fashion, the margins on

some of the costs are still needing to be lowered.

Boozy WithCo Liber and Stirrings Addition Owl’s

Botanicals Cocktails Co Brew

Price $18 $20 $10 $7 $18 $13

Quality 7/10 8/10 6/10 6/10 7/10 7/10

Flavor Options 7 7 16 18 27 5

All Natural? Yes Yes Yes No No No

Boozy Botanicals is sitting in a pretty good position overall in the industry. The business

is following the changing of consumer preferences and is offering what the target market is

looking for. In order to take the company to the next level, though, there are some aspects of the

business that could be improved upon. The online presence of Boozy Botanicals should be

reassessed in order to attract more sales, and the margins on some of the costs need to be lowered

in order to increase profits. If incremental changes can be made to better the business, Boozy

Botanicals could have the opportunity to experience massive growth in the next few years.

Marketing Strategy:

After taking the time to do an in-depth brand analysis for Boozy Botanicals, we created a

marketing plan that we believe will help elevate the business. We have some suggestions

regarding the four P’s, website strategies, and other marketing tactics that we think will help

boost sales for Boozy Botanicals and really put the company on the map in the industry.

The Four P’s:

There are a few minor details that our team noticed when looking at the product,

placement, price, and promotions for Boozy Botanicals. Overall, what Cheryl Bisbee is doing

has been working well, but we have some added suggestions that we believe will help elevate her

business to the next level.

Product: The products that Boozy Botanicals carries in the brand are unique, diverse,

and delicious. Each syrup is healthy and organic, which the target customers are already looking

for. The one thing that we might suggest in the product section of the four P’s would be to

change the elements of the packaging. We believe that the labeling for the syrups should make

the non-alcoholic disclaimer more noticeable. This would allow the consumer to understand that

Boozy Botanicals itself is not reduced to just alcohol, but can enhance the flavoring of various

drinks, teas, salads, and desserts. We also think adding in a new CBD infused flavor would be a

great idea considering the growing cannabis market and trend of CBD products. Since Boozy

Botanicals is being sold in Denver, Colorado, the mecca for the marijuana industry in the United

States, and New Mexico, there is already an established customer base for an additional product

of this nature. Another suggestion in terms of packaging would be finding a new glass bottle


Price: The pricing for Boozy Botanicals is already great, especially since it is

competitive with other brands in the industry. One suggestion I may have is that the price be

upped a bit. The reasoning for this is because the overall costs that go into making the products

are bringing margins down a bit, so raising the price slightly would help even out the margins

and improve profits. Another reason that the price should be a bit more is due to the fact that it is

an all-natural product that is preservative free. Customer preferences have been changing within

the market, and more customers are willing to pay a higher price for something that is certified as

organic. A slightly higher price would even out the sales margin a bit, and the customer base for

Boozy Botanicals wouldn’t mind paying a dollar or two more for a healthy alcohol option.

Placement: As mentioned in the strategic analysis, customers are willing to pay 6-8%

more for alcohol products in grocery stores. We know already that the owner is focused on

getting the brand into as many grocery stores as possible, and we agree with that strategy. One

thing that we might change is the fact that she is solely focused on entering the healthier market

grocery stores, such as Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. It would be very beneficial for Boozy

Botanicals to get into Trader Joe’s but it sounds like they have not been interested as of right

now. We think that getting a shelf position in the liquor section of any type of grocery store

would be beneficial for Boozy Botanicals, seeing as customers are already willing to pay more

for organic products in regular grocery stores. It’s success in New Mexico and Colorado are

great signs for its potential national expansion but we believe focusing on the markets Boozy is

currently in is important to maintain growth. Boozy’s focus on expanding outside of Kansas City

is an ambition we agree on but dominating a territory at a time is crucial in understanding how

your customers shop for your product. Being able to sell Boozy’s syrup in every market locally

can contribute to future national growth; this begins with placing the syrup in different parts of a

grocery store to expand its market share and promote its versatility.

Promotion: Cheryl told us during our interview with her that the sales for Boozy

Botanicals are higher during the holiday season, specifically October-December. Seeing as the

gift baskets are the lowest selling product that Boozy has, we think it would be a good idea to

offer promotions on the gift baskets during other key times of the year. For example, the gift

baskets could be on sale around Memorial Day when many customers celebrate a three-day

weekend at the lake. Mother’s Day and Valentine's Day would be great opportunities as well.

Offering promotions on the gift baskets would increase the amount of brand awareness and boost

sales during optimal selling seasons other than just Christmas. The free shipping for a two bottle

purchase is another great promotion to generate sales. To expand on this type of promotion, we

believe referral marketing will contribute to customer loyalty and retention, driving sales and

conversion rates on the website.

Core Message/Slogan:

The Core Message of Boozy Botanicals is “We Make Mixology Easy.” The message is

relevant and inviting to drink enthusiasts, the only thing that would maybe be beneficial is

differentiating the syrup to reach different markets. This is part of Boozy Botanicals’ niche and is

really important to their brand, so we think it would be decisive to include that in their core

message. The factor of easy mixology is great for a relevant aspect, but to further separate from

other mixers on the market, emphasizing the versatility of the syrup is important. We could do

this by reminding the consumer that Boozy Botanicals’ syrup does not have to be defined by one

ingredient. The syrup has the potential to reach different consumption markets because of its

organic nature and can reach out from its alcohol related aspects. Something along the lines of

“Everyday Made Tasty” could entice the consumer of the syrup’s dynamic. We want to be the

Shamwow of botanical syrups.

Search Engine Strategy:

After running through HubSpot’s website grader at, we were allowed the information needed to create suggestions and provide

possible improvements to the website. Boozy Botanicals received a score of 65/100; this is not a

terrible score but there are elements of the website that can be acted on to improve this score.

HubSpot graded the website based on its performance, SEO, mobile, and security attributes; with

SEO accumulating the highest score.

Boozy Botanicals performance has been mananagable, however the website needs to be

updated to improve the performance rating. According to HubSpot, having a slow loading speed

can turn away visitors resulting in reduced conversions and sales; 79% of visitors will not

continue conducting business with a slow website (How We Improved Page Speed on, 2020). It’s important to have great website performance because it can impact

rankings in organic search, visibility on Facebook, and enhance the user experience. Ways we

can improve the website performance is by reducing page size, limiting HTTP requests, and

compressing excess space in the website code (How We Improved Page Speed on,


Boozy Botanicals search engine optimization is doing an outstanding job with appearing

in search engine results. The only improvement needed, according to the HubSpot website

grader, is the use of the meta descriptions. Meta descriptions tell people what your page is about

in the search results. However, when we Googled ‘Boozy Botanicals’, we did notice there was a

website description under the link. This error could be due to the website not being updated

since its debut, hence the meta description being unrecognizable.

The mobile performance of Boozy’s site is performing well in terms of readability and

responsive design. It’s user interface is what needs to be fixed. HubSpot recommends its mobile

version to be more mobile-friendly by improving its tap targets. These tap targets are interactive

elements like buttons and links; if they’re too close together or too small, this ruins the mobile

performance. Looking at the website on our own mobile devices, we noticed that buttons and

links were hard to differentiate as clickable. Sizing the content correctly throughout the website

will provide easier differentiation of clickable buttons.

The final element of the website that was graded was the security of the website. A

secure website is now the standard when owning a website. Having a website secured with an

SSL certificate keeps it free from vulnerabilities. An SSL certificate is a Secure Socket Layer

that provides authentication and enables an encrypted connection (Symanovich, 2019). We can

improve Boozy’s security by updating its JavaScript libraries; if left outdated, intruders can

exploit the libraries and contaminate data (Symanovich, 2019).

We believe all of these problems can be fixed by simply updating the website. We

recommend using a website builder that provides customizable templates since creating your

own website requires web-coding knowledge and can be expensive to outsource if you are

unable properly and accurately learn to code. Sites like Squarespace and Weebly offer their base

website templates for free. However, we noticed Boozy is already set up through Weebly and

will just require a new template to customize. This will not only improve the website's

performance, but creating an aesthetic that coincides with Boozy’s brand will enhance the user


To take advantage of SEO, it will be a good idea for Boozy to begin creating weekly

blogs. These blogs only need to be roughly 300 words in total, but can be about anything related

to Boozy and its products. According to HubSpot, “Brands that use blogs have 97% more links

to their website”. These blogs can be shared to various social media platforms through tools like

HubSpot. While writing these blogs, it will be important to keep using the same keywords, so

that your blog can catch Google's algorithm (Bump, 2021).

Keywords are a vital element when it comes to Google’s search engine results page. They

are used when businesses and advertisers want to display their ads in prominent positions on

Google Search (Smith, 2019). The AdWords platform runs on pay-per-click advertising so you

are only paying for the advertisement when it gets clicked on (Smith, 2019). These ads are what

you see at the top of every Google Search page with the small Ad indicator under the link. How

you promote your ad depends on the network you choose to market. The search network

promotes your ad if you have relevant keywords to what is being searched; the display network

allows advertisers to display their ads on websites that are a part of the Google network (Smith,


To begin using Google AdWords, you need to research the consumers you are wanting to

target. Understanding who your buyers are and how they are interacting with your business will

allow you to create and tailor ads to customers that will click on them. Being able to create

audience personas will allow you to know who is searching for a product like Boozy Botanicals

and how they’re searching for it (Smith, 2019). Using web-based tools like HubSpot and Google

Analytics will allow you to analyze information gathered from multiple social media platforms at

once to better understand your audience. Once you know what keywords you want to use,

conducting research on these keywords will allow you to discover cost, competition, and volume

for the search terms (Smith, 2019). When it comes to putting the advertisement online, it can be

seen as an auction more than a marketing strategy. You put bids on your keywords and this

makes the quality and relevance of your ad to be just as important as the amount of money you

bid. When entering the auction, Google looks at two critical factors to determine your rank: your

max bid and quality score (Whitney, 2020). The higher the quality score, the less amount of

money you pay for a higher ad position. Your ad rank is determined by multiplying your max bid

price with your quality score. The higher the quality score, the higher the ad rank. You can

achieve a high quality score by the relevance of your keyword to the user making the search

(Whitney, 2020). This is where the importance of your keyword research comes into play. If you

are bidding on the wrong, irrelevant keywords, you are going to spend more money for your ad

because you’ll be getting a low quality score (Whitney, 2020). Once your ad rank is determined,

that will determine how much you actually pay for the ad. This is calculated by taking the ad

rank positioned below you divided by your quality score plus one cent (Whitney, 2020).

We used to research a few keywords that felt relevant for Boozy

Botanicals and found that margarita mix and organic margarita mix produces the most clicks

and is searched for the most during the summer months, specifically in May. This information

would lead us to create an advertising campaign during the summer, more importantly May,

promoting Boozy Botanicals’ Three Pepper syrup as an organic margarita mix. Organic salad

dressing also has high search and click results and is actively searched year round. This market

would be great to target during the slower months Boozy experiences in the alcohol market.

Website Strategy:

To renovate Boozy’s website, we recommend updating the entire website through

website builders, like the one it’s currently operating from - Weebly. While Boozy already has a

page dedicated to each retailer that holds the product, it does need to be updated with new

information. For example, it says you can purchase Boozy Botanicals at The Bunker in Westport

when in fact the syrups are no longer currently being sold there. Other pages need to be

revamped and provide relevant information as well. YouTube videos that are embedded on the

website are no longer available - this makes the page look broken. Creating a fluid look across

the entire website with coordinating colors, fonts, and media content will enhance the user

experience and leave a better impression on visitors. From our survey, we discovered the

younger generation and Boozy’s target demographic are heavily influenced and impressed by the

aesthetics of businesses and companies they purchase from. If the website is aesthetically

pleasing to our target customers, we will have high customer retention rates.

We also would recommend incorporating elements like blogs to create a more personable

experience with consumers. Blogs will greatly help SEO, and therefore provide more visibility.

Each blog should be approximately 300 words, and be posted weekly. The blogs can be about

anything that relates to Boozy’s brand, or the market. “What benefits are there to consuming

organic ingredients?” or “ Top 5 favourite recipes to get the best out of Boozy” are a couple of

subjects to write about. Tailoring the blog posts to nationally celebrated holidays can keep the

website fresh, exciting, and relevant.

Boozy’s social media platforms, specifically Facebook and Instagram, have been doing

great with actively posting and providing new recipes during relevant times of the year but we

feel the business could get a bigger ROI if that same effort was put into the website. The website

already has many elements that are beneficial for both returning and new customers with the

recipes and images of the syrup; however, regularly updating the website with blog posts

containing relevant keywords will drive traffic and conversion rates because the visitor will be

introduced to all of the products and information available. If the use of Google AdWords is

implemented in advertising campaigns, it is important to stay as relevant as possible through

Google Search to increase Ad Rank.

Social Media Plan:

Boozys fits perfectly right in the standards of what millennials want. Millennials are more

likely to be health centric ,focused more on their bodies than previous generations. That’s why

the organic elements of Boozy can really take off in various markets. Yet, in order to truly take

advantage of that demographic, it’s important to meet millennials where they are. Taking

advantage of social media is crucial to really tap into the market necessary to take Boozy to the

next level. To do this, Boozy must take advantage of both a well created content calendar and

take advantage of a high score on a content rubric.

Content Calendar:

Content Rubric:

With Boozy’s social media plan, Boozy should look at posting at least two times per day

across Facebook and Instagram. Posting two times a day is great because it helps you always

stay atop the newsfeed, but not enough to get you “shadow banned”. Each social media platform

has its own set of rules to attain variability. Below, I have inserted details on how to be

successful on both platforms.

Facebook: Facebook has 2.27 billion monthly users, and over 1.5 billion users checking

their accounts daily (Statista). Boozy can take advantage of Facebook's main age demographic of

18-49. Facebook will be a fantastic place to post videos, and reshareable blogs. Facebook is very

business friendly, and allows for ways to link back to websites, buy from the market, and create

easy conversation between you and your potential customers. Facebook has its own analytic

pages, to help business users track their progress with the app.

Boozy will make two posts a day on Facebook. One to help create conversation, and one

to bring brand awareness. It will be important for Boozy to constantly stick on engagement so

that there is always conversation going. Boozy may also take advantage of Facebook ads so that

each post may easily obtain visibility.

Instagram: Instagram is the perfect opportunity to engage with younger millennials,

considering that the majority of active users are between 13-29 years old (AdExpresso). On

Instagram, Boozy will make one post per day with engaging content to help kickstart a

conversation with its followers. Boozy can take advantage of IGTV and the video editing

software to help share videos of recipes and such to the audience. The major differences between

Facebook use and Instagram will be engagement and hashtags. It will be imperative for Boozy to

spend between 20-30 minutes a day on engagement on Instagram. This can be engaging with

Boozys followers, but also engaging with users on similar hashtags. Creating a conversation on

the bottom of a post with someone in the same niche can do wonders.

As far as hashtags, Boozy will need to use 8-15 hashtags on the bottom of each post to

really help visibility. These hashtags should be small to medium in size (1000-100,000 posts).

This helps make sure that these are hashtags the people use, but. Boozy’s content won’t be lost in

the shuffle. I will be important for Boozy to shuffle through at least 5 different hash tag batches

per post in order to not be shadowbanned by Instagram. I have included a sample hashtag batch

down below.

#smallbatch #smallbusiness #shoplocal #organic #shopsmall #supportlocal #artisan #vegan

#natural #supportsmallbusiness #allnatural #foodie #whiskey #artisansoap #bourbon #gin #local

#selfcare #bhfyp

Following these rules and applying the content rubric are sure to bring boozy more

success on social and take advantage of the free marketing. A content rubric is a great way to

measure your post to determine if it is quality, and brings value to your page. Using this content

rubric, you should only make a post if it is to get a score of at least 11/12. Even in the world of

social media, quality is always better than quantity. If a social media account is posting just to

throw content at the wall and hope it sticks, followers can sniff that out in a heartbeat. This will

result in a loss of credibility, especially among the millennials. A content calendar is an

important way to keep track of your post, and make sure you have ideas to post for upcoming


Amazon/Other Digital Retail Sites:

Since Boozy is sold at Whole Foods and also able to be bought online for grocery pickup

on Amazon, we think it would be a great idea to be sold on the main Amazon app/website. This

should be pretty easy in terms of agreement from Amazon and process due to their current

involvement with Whole Foods and Amazon.

Influencer Marketing:

Jasper Sanders @deposithework

Jasper Sanders is a Kansas City native and self-made entrepreneur. Aftering experiencing

a knee energy that ended his college football career, Sanders was not discouraged in continuing

his love for an active lifestyle. He started his own fitness app that pays you cash back when you

workout. We believe he’s a great addition to Boozy’s marketing team because of his 1,400+

Instagram following and his awareness in nutrition. He can give Boozy the opportunity to reach a

wider customer base who care about organic, natural products.

Riley Brain @wanderingbud |

Riley Brain is the founder of a KC smoke accessory business, Wandering Bud. She

creates handmade ceramic products that accommodate smokable herbs. Brain would be an asset

to Boozy Botanicals because of her customer base. Both Boozy Botanicals and Wandering Bud

share similar consumer demographics who are interested in natural, herbal remedies. She

currently has 31.6k followers on Instagram.

April Fleming @dolores2175

April Fleming is a writer for The Pitch with her talking points being primarily food

related. She has done several pieces for the Kansas City based magazine, reviewing various

cocktails from local restaurants and beverage companies. Her experience with KC based

cocktails would be a great resource for beverage comparisons and recommendations. Fleming

even created a week-long segment featured on The Pitch’s Instagram last fall dedicated to craft

cocktails, dubbing it Craft Cocktail Week.

New2TownDENVER @new2towndenver |

Located in Denver, Colorado, New2TownDENVER is a local and travel Instagram

account dedicated to introducing “locals and newbies alike” to Denver’s best eats, treats, events,

and experiences. They promote various giveaways ranging from restaurants and small

businesses. Partnering with this account would be great in exposing Boozy Botanicals to a niche

consumer base within Denver.

Mor Zucker @thedenverear |

Consisting of another niche consumer base, The Denver Ear is a regularly updated blog

in which you can find “local secrets, weekly family-friendly event guides, holiday guides, and

special roundups of businesses and locations”. Owner Mor Zucker has been living in Colorado

for 13 years and was tired of great events and businesses being kept in the dark. These local

blogs would provide Boozy Botanicals the exposure to consumers who otherwise wouldn’t know

where to find unique products like Boozy.

Kate McLiney

Kate is a local KC native who showcases food and drinks in the local Kansas City area. She

especially focuses on women owned businesses and has a special section on her website

dedicated to raising awareness for KC women owned businesses which would be especially

helpful for Boozy Botanicals. She also does Women Owned Wednesdays. A lot of the content is

based around alcohol and mixers as well.

Sari @kcbysari

Sari highlights locally owned businesses in the KC area and focuses mostly on food and drink.

She especially focuses on local beers, breweries, etc. Boozy would benefit from this a lot being

that they are most often used as alcoholic mixers.

Brittany Burdick @kclocalevents |

Brittany focuses on a lot of different topics like local events, food, drinks, products etc. This

wide array of topics would be great for a niche brand like Boozy Botanicals. A lot of the stuff

featured on Brittanys website and instagram is very trendy, especially products. Boozy

Botanicals is a very trendy product right now due to the increase in popularity for organic

products as well as unique alcoholic drinks. She also does giveaways and focuses on holidays

like Mother’s Day which would be great for Boozy Botanicals since we feel they need to be

more involved in holidays other than just Christmas.

Barlow Gilmore @theweekendmixologist

Barlow specializes in homemade drinks and mixology and shares recipes, products, and ideas to

followers. All of these are drinks meant for people to make themselves at home which is perfect

considering Boozy’s deliverable which is making mixology easy.

Katie Thompson @kc_local

Katie specializes in sharing local Kansas City shops, foods, drinks etc. Katie is actually an

influencer that works with Made In KC. Since Boozy Botanicals is already sold in Made In KC,

it would be a great idea to have her sponsor some of Boozy’s products for Made In KC.

Referral Marketing:

Referral marketing is a marketing strategy that is conducted by a business to get their

name out in an efficient manner. This type of marketing relies on established consumers to

spread knowledge of the business they frequent through word-of-mouth (Platini, 2021). There

are many benefits of referral marketing because of the technological advances we have been

accustomed to in the past few decades. Some benefits include increasing sales, improving

business exposure, saving expenses, increasing customer loyalty and retention, and receiving

better customer engagement (Platini, 2021).

From referral marketing, our main objectives would be to acquire new customers,

increase customer loyalty, and retain existing customers (Platini, 2021). We believe a referral

marketing strategy will benefit Boozy Botanicals because of the convenience this strategy

provides. Being a local brand, Boozy Botanicals should look towards a referral marketing

strategy since 65% of new business comes from referrals (Platini, 2021). Not only will Boozy

Botanicals expand their name in the community, but it is also noted that customers are 4x more

likely to buy from businesses they were referred to from a friend (Marketing Schools, 2020). ‘

Google My Business is a free service that could enhance the word-of-mouth marketing

strategy. It is a way to promote business on Google Search and will help Boozy Botanicals

connect with customers, post updates, and observe consumer interactions (Google, 2021a).

Creating a Google Business Profile allows you to respond to reviews, post photos of product or

special offers, and add/edit business details (Google, 2021a). Google My Business also makes it

easy for you to manage your business on-the-go by providing an application that is readily

available on both iPhone App and Google Play stores (Google, 2021a). Whenever you type in a

product or business on Google and see their reviews and pictures of their product, you are seeing

the business’s Google Business Profile. It’s also worth noting that the average business is found

in around one thousand searches per month, with 84% of these coming from discovery searches

(Murphy, 2019).

Google Analytics and Mailchimp are web-based marketing tools that can help you

produce and analyze your referral campaigns (Xplenty, 2021). You can use Mailchimp to

improve your email campaigns through automated and personalized emails (Xplenty, 2021).

Mailchimp reports the way your receivers interact with emails sent; this includes the amount of

emails sent, if they were delivered or bounced, and if they were opened, forwarded, or

unsubscribed. The reports can also provide you with information and analytics that describe

which campaigns were successful and why (Xplenty, 2021). Google Analytics is able to tell you

how visitors are engaging with your website; you are able to identify what is working and what

is not (Google, 2021b).

Boozy Botanicals can incorporate referral marketing by sending out emails to their

existing customers and simply ask them to refer the mixer to their friends and acquaintances.

Before doing so, it would be important to ask your customers what kind of rewards they would

appreciate for referring their circle to your business. Knowing what to reward your customers

with would not only show them that they are appreciated but also prove credibility. Ways to hear

back from your customer base can involve emailing a survey with options of rewards and

analyzing the results or creating a blog where customers can leave their preferences in real time.

Rewards can consist of reduced shipping fees and discount codes. There are many software tools

that can be integrated with one another to perform different tasks in improving these campaigns.

Deciding on your marketing tools and learning how to make them work together will provide

you with better results in marketing efforts. Also be sure to have a goal in mind when creating

your referral campaign so you know when your campaign is staying on the right track (Mosley,


Wholesale Sales and Distribution Partners

Business to business sales, commonly referred to as B2B, refers to companies who sell

their product or services to other businesses. This is different from business to consumer, B2C,

by employing a business to sell and place your product (MacDonald, 2021). It is more difficult

than ever for small businesses to improve their B2B sales independently. According to Steven

MacDonald of, only 29% of buyers want to talk to a salesperson to learn about

a new product. Focusing on closing the seller and buyer relationship gap will increase your

chances of closing a deal. MacDonald also states that 68% of buyers feel more positive about a

brand after consuming content from it (MacDonald, 2021). To increase B2B sales, Bisbee should

keep an online portfolio on deck. Your portfolio can consist of your website or social media

profiles. This is why it’s important for Boozy to add and integrate more media onto their website

as well as creating a Google My Business to have a Google Search presence. A professional,

appropriate online presence will let the buyer know Boozy is serious about the business; a run-

down website is not attractive, especially now when creating an attractive website is easier than


Sales Promotion

Sales promotions are beneficial to a business no matter the size. It is a chance companies

take in hopes of increasing revenue or to encourage the use of a product or service (WordStream,

2021). You can use Google Ads to track sales promotions or promote them for free through

social media platforms. There are many elements that are needed to create an effective sales

promotion including interesting imagery, emotional appeal, and relevant content (WordStream,


Benefits of creating sales promotions is the minimized risk, profitability, customer

retention, and increased sales cycle (WordStream, 2021). Creating a sense of urgency and a call

to action is a great way to keep audiences engaged and activate dormant customers

(WordStream, 2021). Boozy Botanicals already introduces itself to a new website visitor with a

‘Free Shipping’ sales promotion prompt when entering the site. If you buy two bottles of syrup,

you will receive free shipping. This is a great way to sell more product while making the

consumer feel as if they are benefiting from a deal. The only downside to this prompt is the

bland text and text box it appears as. If there was an image of two bottles of the syrup that the

sales promotion is trying to sell with a color scheme, that would entice the buyer to act on it.

Another way to gain customer interest is through social media giveaways; it is also a fun

way to start online conversation. Social media giveaways can increase your account following,

boost brand awareness, drive engagement, and assist in promoting new products through word of

mouth (Barker, 2021). It’s best to promote giveaways on the social media platform your

customer base primarily uses as there will be a better chance the post gets as many shares as

possible. Giveaway requirements are the most important part of the contest. Requiring

contestants to follow, comment, like, save to archive, and post on a story is what boosts your

media through online algorithms - incorporating a relevant hashtag will also increase

engagement on the post (Barker, 2021). A hashtag will make it easier to follow customer

engagement and will allow you to take notes and make any changes necessary for future


With nearly 6,300 followers and an average of 100-120 likes per post, Instagram seems to

be Boozy Botanicals’ medium between its customers. We can promote two major giveaways

during the year. One at the beginning of summer with the prize being two bottles of the Three

Pepper syrup since we learned that organic margarita mix has its most searched quotes during

the month of May. The second giveaway can be another two bottles of a different flavor during

the holiday season in the fall/winter since we know that, that is when Boozy Botanicals sees

most of its sales. To make up for the rest of the year, we can rely on referral marketing to

promote the syrup to other markets like organic salad dressing and tea enhancements. We can

send out promotions around smaller nationally celebrated days like Valentine’s Day and

Mother’s Day. Letting customers know their business is appreciated through small tokens of

appreciation like 10% coupons or free shipping incentives will increase customer loyalty and


Optimizing Overall Promotional Spend

Google Analytics, Mailchimp and HubSpot are going to save Boozy Botanicals the most

money while providing Bisbee with the services needed to promote and expand Boozy’s online

profile. Google has a great marketing ecosystem that is relatively free, with the exception of

bidding on AdWords. It is 100% free to track website traffic on Google Analytics and the free

versions of Mailchimp and HubSpot CRM. These free versions are great to start your online

marketing because they do not overwhelm you with numbers and reference codes that are known

in traditional website tracking and optimization (Mailchimp, 2020). Social media advertisements

operate in the same manner as AdWords; both involve bidding systems (WebFX, Inc., 2021) - a

pay-per-click system.

Promotional Video


All your Google My Business questions, answered. (2021). Google.

Barker, S. (2021, March 19). How to Run a Social Media Giveaway to Increase Your Reach.

Shane Barker.

Bump, P. “31 Business Blogging Stats You Need to Know in 2021.” HubSpot Blog, 4 Feb.


“Craft Spirits Market Size Worth $80.43 Billion By 2025: CAGR: 33.4%.” Market Research

Reports & Consulting,



Google. (2021a). All your Google My Business questions, answered.

Google. (2021b). Get a complete view. Google Marketing Platform.

Gotter, A. “The 29 Instagram Statistics You Need to Know in 2021.” AdEspresso, 21 Apr. 2021,

How We Improved Page Speed on (2020, May 6). HubSpot.


Mailchimp. (2020, October 22). HubSpot vs. Mailchimp: A Marketing Platform Comparison.

Mosley, M. (2021, April 29). Referral Marketing 101: Complete Guide to Referral Programs.

Referral Rock.


Platini, J. (2021, January 22). A Comprehensive Guide to Referral Marketing in 2021. Retainful.

Smith, B. (2019, October 8). Google Ads 101 - The Complete Guide That Takes You From Zero

to Hero. AdEspresso.

Symanovich, S. (2019, December 17). What is an SSL certificate? Norton.


Tankovska, H. “Facebook MAU Worldwide 2020.” Statista, 2 Feb. 2021,


Team Linchpin, et al. “Alcohol Industry Challenges & Opportunities In 2021.” Linchpin SEO, 11

Mar. 2021,


Whitney, M. (2020, October 2). Does Google Ads Work? (Spoiler Alert: YES). WordStream.

Xplenty. (2021). Integrate MailChimp to Google My Business.

WordStream. (2021, April 23). 15 Insanely Effective Sales Promotion Examples To Win More


WebFX, Inc. (2021, May 1). How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Instagram?




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