Review Jurnal: Perilaku Karyawan Dan Motivasi Kerja

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Mata Kuliah : Pengantar Bisnis

Tugas : Perilaku Karyawan dan Motivasi Kerja
Dosen Pembimbing : Dwi Nur’aini Ihsan SE.,MM.

Disusun Oleh :
Sagawidy Putri Mantika
NIM. 11170850000042


Review 1
Omar K Bhatti, Uzma S Aslam, Arif Hassan, Mohmed Sulaiman,(2016) “ Employee motivation an Ilamic
perspective”, Humanomics, Vol. 32 Issue: 1, pp.33-47,


“Employee Motivation and Islamic Perspective”

Omar K . Bhatti, Uzma S. Aslam, Arif Hassan and Mohamed Sulaiman

A. Introduction
In the dynamic business world of today,graining a competitive advantage is one of the
key ojectives for the success of an organization. A number of organizations recognize this
as their highest aspiration for survival in an aggressive industry. Indeed, to attain this goal
of existence,organizations rely heavily on a workforce that is effective, efficient,
dedicated and highly motivated.
Improving motivation of the workforce has always been a significant area of
concentration for practitioners and academcians. Employees with a low level of
motivation are most likely to concentrate less on their jobs, shirk their duties and
rsponsibilities deceive their supervisors and leave the organization if provided with an
another opportunity. However, employees who are motivated are more loyal, innovative
and productive, and they yield high-quality results for work that they readily engage in.
Previous studies provide an understanding of an employee’s beliefs, expectations ,
aims and objectives in life. Additionally, these stdies ssist organizations in understanding
their employee’s goalsnin both their professional and personal lives, while recognizing
the need to motivate them.
According to the author, motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is necessary to
analyze and understand motivation and behaviour in organizations. This paper aims to
provide and understanding, of employee motivation from the Islamic perspective.
The study found that that the conventional viewpoint of motivation varies from
Islamic viewpoint in regard to motivation of employees. And significantly, Islamic
spirituality, reward and punishment and justice, act more compellingly in improving
employee’s motivation
B. Methodology
Qualitative research approach was used to understand and examine the views
of the respondent. Semi-structured interviewing technique was adopted, and the
respondent were asked to share their own thoughts and understanding fo each
question provided. A sample of 13 experienced academicians and practitioners from
renowded private organizations and academic institutions from Malaysia and Pakistan
were selected for the present study.
1. Islamic values,beliefs and principles, coalesced with conventional
motivating theories, models and concepts can produce better results for
motivating muslim employees at the workplace.
2. In general, all respondents affirmed of that Islamic spirituality does
improve the overall level of motivation among Muslim employees.
3. This threat of punishment acts as a strong deterrent for a believer from
evil, immoral and impious deeds. Therefore, it can be established that
reward and punishment do assist in improving the motivational level of
muslim employees.
4. Justice appears to be a major factor for improving employee motivation. In
particular, if an organization is able to craft an environment that is fair and
unbiased, then it would naturally support the employee’s drive to excel.
C. Conclution
The study highlights that the Islamic perspective lays more weight on slamic
spiritualit, reward and punishment, and justice. These three construct appear to act
more compellingly in improving the motivation of muslim employees to succeed. Be
itin the home or at work, the muslim tends to use these principles to attain the
blessings of ALLAH (SWT) and gain rewards in both this world and the next. The
current study provides evidence that these three factrs can contribute substantially in
improving motivation among muslim employees.
D. Suggestion
The author should further explain in more detail the results of the analysis. most of the
various aspects are only explained in general without any detail about the effect on
employee performance and the variables that influence it.
E. References
In this case, the references listed so much that many sources have been loaded by the
author and has been used as a reference in making the research journal has been
prepared well by the author clearly.
Review 2

Journal of Business, Vol. 11 Iss 2 pp. 304 – 318


“The impact of employees’ status on incivility, deviant behaviour and job



Yariv Itzkovich (Kinneret Academic College Sea of Galilee, Bat Hefer, Israel

A. Introduction

`At this part the author show us about the condition that happen in the middle of our
society.Our society can’t avoid from the needs and that things makes us can survive from
live. For that, We need a path so we can comply our needs. By looking a job, People will get
a income or salary.

One the option by looking a job, It’s become an employee.Being an employee is not
easy.According this jurnal Throughout the last decades, practices of globalization have
enforced new scales of competition, altering the labor market as well as employees’
employment arrangements. Under extensive and amplified stressful conditions from the
organization viewpoint, flexible and precarious employment arrangements proliferated.

This problems made lower income, job insecurity, lower job autonomy, and poor supervisor
support, yet data related to these relationships is still scant. The purpose of this paper was to
investigate the impact of incivility on perceived job insecurity and deviant behavior, while
comparing two separate groups of targets – targets who hold low employment status due to
their precarious employment assembly.

B. Method

This Current Jurnal using research data method based on Heilbrunn and Itzkovich’s (2015)
research data. Data for the study were gathered in 15 organizations of various types located in
Israel by students enrolled at the time of data collection in seminars on organizational
behavior in three colleges

geographically located in the north, south, and center of Israel. The students approached
working adults from different industries and occupational statuses to take part in author
research, which is mean an acceptable sampling method.

To make it easer to reader, the current jurnal will divide into three parts or three scall,

a. Working Scale

The work incivility scale (WIS) developed by Cortina et al. (2001) was used in order to
measure incivility perceptions.

b. Job Insecurity Scale

In order to measure job insecurity, the Vander Elst et al. (2014) scale was used.

c. Employee deviance scale

To measure employee deviance, the Bennett and Robinson’s (2000) organizational

workplace deviance scale was used.

C. The result of research

H1 and H2 maintained that incivility would have a positive impact on job insecurity and
employee deviance. The other three hypotheses maintained that the perception of incivility,
as well as the relationship between incivility and both job insecurity and employee deviance,
would be stronger for employees working under less favorable employment conditions. The
model’s fit indices indicated a good fit, suggesting that all five hypotheses were accepted

The Current Result tell us , showed a positive (moderate) significant coefficient between
incivility and job insecurity , and a positive (moderate) significant coefficient between
incivility and the workplace deviance facto. In total, incivility explained 12 percent of the job
insecurity variance, and 18 percent of the variance of the employee deviance construct. The
goodness of fit of the data to the model yielded good fit results. In order to evaluate the
differences in incivility perceptions between the low and high employment status holders, a t-
test was employed.
Additional SEM analysis, revealed that there is no significant coefficient between incivility
and job insecurity for employees holding high employment status. However, it was found that
incivility explains 11 percent of the variance in employee deviance for employees holding
high employment status.

Specifically, a significant positive (moderate) coefficient between incivility and deviant

behavior was found for employees possessing high employment status.

The analysis explain about the employees that has a low status. The model explain about
about 30% and 20% of job varience has employee deviciance.Specifically, a significant
positive (strong) coefficient was found between incivility and job insecurity.

Additional SEM analysis indicated that incivility explained 13 percent of the variance in the
property deviance sub-factor, but only 7 percent of the variance in the production deviance
sub-factor for employees possessing high employment status. Specifically, it was found that
incivility is significantly positively connected with the property deviance sub-factor .

D. Conclusion

This Current Journal Explain us about how the relations between employees status, behaviour
and deviance of workplace. The first hypotheses assumed a positivecorrelation between
incivility and employee deviance. The meaning is that whenperceptions of incivility increase,
targets are inclined to retaliate. This notion was theoretically presented by Anderson and
Pearson (1999) as a reciprocity principle which they defined as “tit for tat.” It is also based on
the principles of SET that postulates that individuals constantly estimate their exchange with
the organization. Once they perceive the exchange as valuable, they are likely to reciprocat

The second hypotheses assumed that incivility perceptions will enhance job insecurity
perceptions. The meaning of the positive correlation between incivility and job insecurity is
that when incivility is on the rise, employees’ perceptions of their work vulnerability (i.e. job
insecurity) increase as well. This can be explained through the top-down nature of incivility.

It is expected that uncivil behavior, which is mainly perpetrated by higher status figures,
would be perceived by employees as an alert sign concerning their ability to maintain their
rewards and specifically their emotional rewards. In turn these perceptions are formulated as
perceptions of job insecurity. This explanation is supported by the multidimensional approach
to job insecurity.
From This Statement We can know that a Higher Status Employees Have many chance to
do a deviance behavior that a low status employee. Because the higher Status employee still
have many ego and not open minded person. So they interact with other workmate hardly.
Because they were still consider their status as the higher one.


Will be better if The Author uses a simply word to write the statement on this Jurnal. Cause
many more that a word hardly to understand. This will be a problem when some reader cant
catch what tje jurnal means.


In this case, the references listed that have been made by the writer in making the research
journal have been well conceived and clearly.So we can know were the information comes


1. The arranging of this Jurnal is well and clearly.The author writes each paragraph clearly.

2. The Method that used by the author is simply to do and to understand. So they research the
data that they've been goten from every single university in Israel. The method that they do is
easily because it just need a observation and The final Selection or Test.

3. We can know the plot and the porpuse of this current jurnal. And Why did The Author
make this Jurnal. This whole statement can find in the Mind Framework that have been on
the Jurnal.

4. The Using Word that The Author Used is simply understood so the infomation will arrived
easily to the reader

6. There arent tables which showed in this current Jurnal. The finding points that we know
the imprptance things of the result of the research just writed down into paragraph.So It's
Difficult to Read the conclusion or the result from the author.

7. The mapping of the jurnal that talking about the findings of the research its still confusing.
It will be better if The author arranged the mapping with simply. And Write down the
explanation about that current mapping.
Review 3

Journal Management Research Review, Vol. 39 Issue: 12, pp.1720-1737,


Employee Voice Behavior Revisited: Its Forms and Antecedents


Shih Yung Chou

Katelin Barron

A. Introduction

Effective organizations often promote employee voice behavior because it helps foster

organizational improvements and prevent organizational harms (Crant et al., 2011; Liang et
al.,2012). In general, voice behavior refers to an employee’s “constructive change-oriented
communication intended to improve the situation” (LePine and Van Dyne, 2001, p. 326).
While it has been noted that exhibiting employee voice behavior may be risky and costly
because it may disrupt the status quo of the organization and embarrass authority (Hsiung,
2012), there is a general consensus that employee voice behavior is highly critical to the
success of the organization (Huang et al., 2005; Van Dyne et al., 2003). Indeed, prior
research has demonstrated that employee voice behavior is a much needed component to
better managerial decisions, effective problem-solving, and increased organizational learning
(e.g. Detert and Burris, 2007; Morrison and Milliken, 2000). Given the prominent role that
employee voice behavior plays in determining effective organizational functioning, scholarly
research on employee voice behavior has dramatically increased in the past two decades
(Maynes and Podsakoff, 2014). Because early research in employee voice behavior may have
failed to consider the complexity and different forms of employee voice behavior (Rusbult et
al., 1988; Withey and Cooper, 1989), the literature still has confusion concerning how
employee voice behavior may be exhibited (Maynes and Podsakoff, 2014). Given this, a
particular stream of research has attempted to conceptualize and classify different forms
employee voice behavior. For instance, Van Dyne et al. (2003) propose that

employee voice behavior can be categorized into defensive and prosocial voice.

Clearly, there is little doubt that prior research exploring forms of employee voice

behavior provides important insights into how employee voice behavior may be exhibited. It
is worth noting that the vast majority of prior research on employee voice behavior has
focused much on exploring forms of employee voice behavior using the nature of voice (e.g.
offering new ideas versus expressing concerns for existing situations), function of voice (e.g.
promotingan idea versus hindering a factor), and time orientation of voice (e.g. change the
status quo in the future versus identifying present inhibiting factors) (e.g. Gorden, 1988;
Liang et al. 2012;Maynes and Podsakoff, 2014; Van Dyne et al., 2003; Van Dyne and
LePine, 1998). Meanwhile, because employee voice behavior broadly represents the
expression of constructive suggestions,

opinions, or concerns about changing certain work-related situations (Van Dyne et al., 2003),
we contend that the message embedded in the verbal expression of employee voice behavior
regarding the potential change allows us to better understand how employee voice behavior is
exhibited. It is, however, unfortunate that little effort has been devoted to classifying forms of
employee voice behavior in accordance with the voice message embedded in employee voice
behavior. This article has two principal goals. First, this article attempts to classify
employee voice behavior using the dimensions of voice message embedded in employee
voice behavior. In particular, given that employee voice behavior reflects constructive
changeoriented verbal expression intended to improve the situation, we believe that there are
three voice message dimensions embedded in the verbal expression made by the voicing
employee: the target beneficiary of the change, the approach used for the change, and the
timing when the change should occur. Because of the critical impact of employee voice
behavior on effective organizational functioning, prior studies have focused on exploring
antecedents of employee voice behavior through the lens of individual characteristics (e.g.
Crant et al., 2011), contextual factors (e.g. Stamper and Van Dyne, 2001), social exchange
(e.g. Rees et al., 2013), psychological factors (e.g. Walumbwa and Schaubroeck, 2009), etc.
Although these studies provide useful insights into why employees engage in voice behavior,
the literature still lacks overarching theoretical underpinnings explaining antecedents of
employee voice behavior. One probable explanation is that investigating antecedents of
employee voice behavior requires a

better understanding of each of the forms of employee voice behavior determined by its voice
message dimensions. Accordingly, the second principal goal of this article is to enrich the
literature by discussing the theoretical underpinning that can be used to best explain the
antecedent of a certain form of employee voice behavior.

B. Research Methods

As a type of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), employee voice behavior is

distinct from other types of OCB (e.g. altruism, sportsmanship, courtesy, and
conscientiousness) due to its challenging nature. Specifically, it has been noted that employee
voice behavior could be disruptive and costly to the organization because it is change-
oriented and aims at challenging status quo (LePine and Van Dyne, 1998; MacKenzie et al.,
2011). Despite the perceived risks of employee voice behavior, scholars have claimed that
employee voice behavior is a much needed component of better managerial decisions,
effective problem-solving, and organizational learning (Detert and Burris, 2007; Morrison
and Milliken, 2000). Given the importance of employee voice behavior, a research stream has
particularly sought to identify consequences of employee voice behavior. For instance,
Whiting et al.’s(2008) study demonstrated that greater levels of employee voice behavior
result in higher

performance appraisal ratings. When investigating the impact of employee voice behavior on
selection decisions in employment interviews, Podsakoff et al. (2011) found that greater
degrees of employee voice behavior results in higher interviewers’ perceptions of employee
competence, overall evaluations, and salary recommendations. In Whiting et al.’s (2012)
laboratory study, it was found that performance evaluations are higher when an employee’s
voice behavior includes a solution, and when an employee’s voice behavior is constructive.
Burris (2012) focused on managerial responses to employee voice behavior and discovered
that managers view employees

who engage in challenging forms as worse performers, whereas managers endorse supportive
forms of employee voice behavior. In a meta-analysis conducted by Ng and Feldman (2012),
it was shown that greater degrees of employee voice behavior leads to higher levels of
employee in-role performance, creativity, and new ideas implementation. Holland et al.
(2013) found that employee voice behavior reduces burnout. Finally, when exploring the
relationships among managerial characteristics (i.e. access to organizational resources,
participation in decision making, and change orientation), employee voice behavior, and
employee turnover, McClean etal. (2013) revealed that employee voice behavior leads to high
levels of employee turnover when

low levels of managerial characteristics are present.

C. The Result of Reseacrh

As defined previously, employee voice behavior refers to an employee’s “constructive

change-oriented communication intended to improve the situation” (LePine and Van

Dyne,2001, p. 326). Prior research has commonly described employee voice behavior using
three main behavioral characteristics. Firstly, employee voice behavior is a discretionary
communication of ideas, suggestions, concerns, or opinions that attempts to benefit an
organizational unit or theorganization (Detert et al., 2007; Morrison, 2011; Morrison and
Milliken, 2000).

Secondly, employee voice behavior generally results in certain change actions undertaken by
the recipient (e.g. the manager or peers) (Detert et al., 2007; Tangirala and Ramanujam,
2008; Weick and Sutcliffe, 2001). Thirdly, employee voice behavior can have a focus placed
upon a past state and future ideal state (Liang et al., 2012; Van Dyne et al., 2003). In line with
the existing research, we suggest that the dimensions of voice message embedded in
employee voice behavior play an important role in determining the form of employee voice
behavior exhibited. More importantly, we derive three distinct dimensions of voice message
embedded in employee voice behavior from the three behavioral characteristics of employee
voice behavior discussed in the previous section.

First, employee voice behavior is driven by an organizational member with the intent to
change a target beneficiary’s current condition (e.g. oneself, an organizational member, an
organizational unit, and/or the entire organization). Second, because employee voice behavior
is intended for changing the current condition of a certain part and/or the entire organization,
effective voice relies partly on the voicing employee’s suggestion of a specific change
approach to be undertaken. Finally, given that employee voice behavior attempts to change
the organization’s condition positively, it can have different implementation timing
concerning when the change should occur. Taken together, we propose that employee voice
behavior can be classified using the following three distinct dimensions of voice message:
voice change beneficiary, voice change approach, and voice change time orientation.

Voice change beneficiary describes the target beneficiary who is to be affected by the

actual voice message raised by the voicing employee. Specifically, while the content of voice
message can vary dramatically (Morrison, 2011), employee voice behavior is generally
triggered by an employee’s desire to change a certain target beneficiary’s current situations.
Given the nature of self-centered and other-centered voice behavior,

we propose the following:

Proposition 1a :

An employee’s perceived quality of exchange relationship between himor

herself and the organization will have a negative impact on the degree of self-centered

voice behavior exhibited by the employee.

Proposition 1b:

An employee’s perceived quality of exchange relationship between himor

herself and an organizational member will have a positive impact on the degree of

other-centered voice behavior exhibited by the employee

Extending the findings found in the literature, it is reasonable to expect that certain
dispositions and personality traits can lead to employees’ engagement in improvement-
focused and prevention-focused voice behaviors. Accordingly, we

propose the following:

Proposition 2a:

An employee’s intuitive, openness, and creative personality traits will

have a positive impact on the degree of improvement-focused voice behavior exhibited

by the employee

Proposition 2b:

An employee’s conscientious, receptive, and systematic personality traits

will have a positive impact on the degree of prevention-focused voice behavior exhibited
by the employee.

Taken the above discussion together, we propose the following:

Proposition 3a:

An employee’s short-term cultural time orientation will have a positive

impact on the degree of present-oriented voice behavior exhibited by the employee.

Proposition 3b:

An employee’s long-term cultural time orientation will have a positive

impact on the degree of future-oriented voice behavior exhibited by the employee.


In this article, we have sought to explore the dimensions of voice message that allow us to
classify employee voice behavior. Specifically, we identify three voice message dimensions
embedded in employee voice behavior: voice change beneficiary, voice change approach, and
voice change time orientation. Additionally, we discuss the theoretical perspective that can
best explain the antecedent of each of the forms of employee voice behavior. Accordingly,
this article provides important implications for

theory that may help guide future research in employee voice behavior. More importantly, we
believe that by gaining a firm understanding of the behavioral

components and forms of employee voice behavior, managers can better encourage employee
voice behavior in organizations


The author should further explain in more detail the results of the analysis. most of the
various aspects are only explained in general without any detail about the effect on employee
performance and the variables that influence it.

In this case, the references listed so much that many sources have been loaded by the author
and has been used as a reference in making the research journal has been prepared well by the
author clearly.



a. In this journal the framework of thought and hypothesis has been clearly composed so that
we can easily and understand the material to be given and discussed by the author.

b. The discussion table and illustration of the picture makes the reader more easily understand
the purpose of the anlysis results that have been done

c. The existence of a framework in the journal helps and experienced the contents of the
journal and in knowing the motivation in job satisfaction.

2. Shortage

In this journal there are still some words that are difficult to understand, because it is so
important that the information provided is easily understood by the readers and in this journal
less tables and schemes so difficult to understand.
Review 4

Jurnal pendidikan bisnis dan ekonomi (BISE),Vol. 1 No. 1, 2013

pp. 12-21


“Pengaruh sertifikasi profesi guru terhadap motivasi kerja dan kinerja guru di SMK negeri


Hesti Marwati


Kemajuan suatu bangsa tidak dapat lepas dari sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki oleh
bangsa tersebut. Baik buruknya kualitas sumber daya manusia yang ada menjadi tolok ukur
majunya perkembangan suatu bangsa.Adapun sarana yang dapat mempengaruhi baik
tidaknya kualitas sumber daya manusia dipengaruhi oleh baik tidaknya sistem pendidikan
yang ada, hal ini tentunya memerlukan upaya secara terus menerus dari pemerintah baik
daerah maupun pusat untuk menjamin terselenggaranya pendidikan yang bermutu bagi setiap
warga negaranya. Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No.2 Tahun 1989 Pasal 4 tentang tujuan
pendidikan nasional, dinyatakan bahwa pendidikan nasional bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan
kehidupan bangsa dan mengembangkan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya yaitu bertaqwa kepada
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berbudi pekerti luhur yang memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan,
kesehatan jasmani dan rohani, berkepribadian yang mantap dan mandiri serta rasa tanggung
jawab kemasyarakatan dan kebangsaan.
B.Metode penelitian

Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam jurnal ini menggunakan metode yakni metode
verifikasi,dengan menggunakan path analisya jalur koefisien jalur adalah koefisien yang tidak
memiliki satuan,dimana didalam mengambil kesimpulan dalam suatu variabel,makin besar
koefisien jalur ,maka secara relatif makin besar pengaruh yang diberikan variable ini.

C.Hasil penelitian

Berdasarkan catatan Human Development Index (HDI), fakta lain menunjukkan bahwa mutu
guru di Indonesia masih jauh dari memadai untuk melakukan perubahan yang sifatnya
mendasar seperti kurikulum berbasis kompetensi (KBK). Dari data statistik HDI terdapat
60% guru SD, 40% SLTP, SMA 43%, SMK 34% dianggap belum layak untuk mengajar di
jenjang masingmasing. Selain itu, 17,2% guru atau setara dengan 69.477 guru mengajar
bukan bidang studinya Sebagai gambaran rinci keadaankualifikasi minimal guru di Indonesia
adalah sebagai berikut: guru TK yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal
sebesar 119.470 (78,1%) dengan sebagian besar berijazah SLTA. Di tingkat SD, guru yang
tidak memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal sebesar 391.507 (34%) yang meliputi
sebanyak 378.740 orang berijazah SMA dan sebanyak 12.767 orang berijazah D1. Di tingkat
SMP, jumlah guru yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan minimal sebanyak 317.112
(71,2%) yang terdiri atas 130.753 orang berijazah D1 dan 82.788 orang berijazah D2. Begitu
juga guru tingkat SMA, terdapat 87.133 (46,6%) guru yang belum memiliki kualifikasi
pendidikan minimal yakni sebanyak 164 orang berijazah D1, 15.589 orang berijazah D2, dan
71.380 orang berijazah D3. Apabila kinerja guru dikaitkan dengan

beban mengajar minimal 24 jam sesuai yang diamanatkan Pasal 35 ayat 2 Undang-Undang

No.14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, terlihat guru sangat sulit untuk memenuhinya,

terutama guru-guru sekolah swasta di sekolah kecil yang umumnya mengajar 12-18 jam per

hari. Dalam kaitannya dengan sertifikasi guru, guru terpaksa mengajar dua bidang studi atau

mengajar di sekolah lain untuk dapat memenuhi ketentuan jam mengajar sebanyak

24 jam (, 13 Juli 2011). Keadaan tersebut berdampak pada kurang optimalnya

kinerja guru. Berbagai upaya peningkatan kualitas guru telah dilakukan. Seperti peningkatan

kemampuan/ penguasaan tentang berbagai macam strategi ataupun metode pembelajaran

melalui berbagai kegiatan (workshop, diklat, dsb), dan salah satu upaya peningkatan

kualitas guru adalah melalui program sertifikasi guru.

• Alat-Alat Motivasi

Hasibuan (2005), mengemukakanbahwa alat-alat motivasi dapat berupa:

1. Materiil insentif.

Yaitu motivasi yang diberikan itu berupa uang dan atau barang yang mempunyai

nilai pasar, dengan kata lain insentif tersebut memberikan nilai ekonomis.

Contoh : uang, kendaraan, rumah.

2. Non Materiil Insentif.

Yaitu alat motivasi yang diberikan itu berupa barang/ benda yang tidak ternilai,

jadi hanya memberikan kebanggaan atau kepuasan rohani saja.

Contoh: medali, piagam, bintang jasa.

3., Kombinasi Materiil dan Nonmateriil insentif.

Yaitu alat motivasi yang diberikan itu berupa materiil (uang dan barang) dan

nonmaterial (medali/piagam), jadi memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomis dan

kepuasan/ kebanggan rohani.

• Pengaruh Sertifikasi Profesi Guru Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Guru

Kunandar (2009) menyatakan bahwa sertifikasi profesi guru adalah proses untuk

memberikan sertifikat kepada guru yang telah memenuhi standar kualifikasi dan standar
kompetensi. Dengan demikian, dengan adanya pemberian sertifikat profesi disertai

tunjangan profesi bagi guru yang telah lulus program sertifikasi guru, maka akan

meningkatkan motivasi kerja pada diri guru tersebut. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa

program sertifikasi profesi guru yang diadakan oleh pemerintah akan berpengaruh terhadap

motivasi kerja guru.

• Kinerja

Mangkunegara (2000) menyatakan bahwa kinerja (prestasi kerja) adalah hasil

kerja secara kualitas dan kuantitas yang dicapai oleh seorang pegawai dalam

melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan tanggung jawab yang diberikan. Sedangkan

Hasibuan (2001) menyatakan bahwa kinerja (prestasi kerja) adalah suatu hasil kerja yang

dicapai seseorang dalam melaksanakan tugastugas yang dibebankan kepadanya yang

didasarkan atas kecakapan, pengalaman dan kesungguhan serta waktu.


Penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui dampak sertifikasi terhadap peningkatan
motivasi dan kinerja guru, sehingga dapat dijadikan salah satu referensi untuk me-riview
apakah program sertifikasi profesi guru efektif atau tidak. Dengan menyadari bahwa
sertifikasi berpengaruh untuk meningkatkanmotivasi kerja (59,2%) dan kinerja guru (46,7%),
maka pemerintah akan lebih meningkatkan kualitas penyelenggaraansertifikasi guru baik dari
segi persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan hasil kegiatan sehingga dapat menjaga dan mengendalikan
mutu penyelenggaraan sertifikasi profesi guru itu sendiri. Dalam dunia pendidikan, maka
hasil penelitian tentang pengaruh sertifikasi profesi terhadap motivasi dan kinerja guru

ini bisa menjadi kajian keilmiahan untuk menambah pengetahuan. Hasil dalam

penelitian ini juga bisa dijadikan bahan untuk menambah khasanah pustaka keilmuan.


Sebenernya jurnal ini sudah bagus tetapi didalam jurnal ini sulit dipahami oleh pembaca
karena kurang nya tabel-tabel yang tidak dicantum kan didalam nya lebih baik nya ditulis
agar pembaca lebih mengerti dan paham maksud jurnal itu.

F.Daftar pusaka

Dalam daftar pusaka tidak ada masalah karena pada bagian ini telah dicantumkan oelh
penulis mengenai sumber-sumber yang menjadi referensi bagi penulis dalam menyusun
jurnal ini.
G.Review mahasiswa


Adanya kerangka berfikir dalam jurnal membuat kita lebih mudah memahami isi jurnal
tersebut serta dalam mengetahui hubungan antar beban kerj, motivasi dan kepuasan dalam


Kurang nya tabel-tabel yang sulitnya dipahami oleh pembaca sehingga pembaca kurang
mengerti isi jurnal tersebut
Review 5




Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Serta Kinerja
Karyawan Pada Sub Sektor Industri Pengolahan Kayu Skala Menengah Di Jawa Timur


H.Teman Koesmono


Salah satu masalah nasional yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia saat ini adalah penanganan
terhadap rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia. Jumlah sumber daya manusia yang besar
apabila dapat didayagunakan secara efektif dan efisien akan bermanfaat untuk menunjang
gerak lajunya pembangunan nasional yang berkelanjutan. Melimpahnya sumber daya
manusia yang ada saat ini mengharuskan berfikir secara seksama yaitu bagaimana dapat
memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia secara optimal. Agar di masyarakat tersedia sumber
daya manusia yang handal diperlukan pendidikan yang berkualitas, penyediaan berbagai
fasilitas sosial, lapangan pekerjaan yang memadai. Kelemahan dalam penyediaan berbagai
fasilitas tersebut akan menyebabkan keresahan sosial yang akan berdampak kepada
keamanan masyarakat. Saat ini kemampuan sumber daya manusia masih rendah baik dilihat
dari kemampuan intelektualnya maupun keterampilan teknis yang dimilikinya. Persoalan
yang ada adalah bagaimana dapat menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang dapat
menghasilkan kinerja yang optimal sehingga tujuan perusahaan dapat tercapai. Produktivitas
kerja merupakan tuntutan utama bagi perusahaan agar kelangsungan hidup atau
operasionalnya dapat terjamin. Produktivitas suatu badan usaha dapat memberikan kontribusi
kepada pemerintah daerah maupun pusat, artinya dari

produktivitas regional maupun nasional, dapat menunjang perekonomian baik secara makro
maupun mikro. Mengenai produktivitas kerja menjadi masalah nasional pula, karena
produktivitas tenaga kerja Indonesia masih memprihatinkan.

Banyak hal yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja, untuk itu perusahaan harus
berusaha menjamin agar faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan produktivitas tenaga kerja dapat
dipenuhi secara maksimal. Kualitas sumber daya manusia akan terpenuhi apabila kepuasan
kerja sebagai unsur yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja dapat tercipta dengan sempurna.
Membahas kepuasan kerja tidak akan terlepas dengan adanya faktor-faktor yang dapat
mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja seseorang. Dalam perusahaan manufacturing, produktivitas
individu maupun kelompok sangat mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan hal ini disebabkan oleh
adanya proses pengolahan bahan baku menjadi produk jadi. Mengingat permasalahannya
sangat komplek sekali, maka pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses produksi harus cermat
dalam mengamati sumber daya yang ada. Banyak hal yang dapat mempengaruhi
produktivitas kerja, sehingga pengusaha harus menjaga faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh
terhadap kinerja dapat terpenuhi secara maksimal.

B.Metode Penilitian

Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah dan rumusan masalah yang ada karakteristik masalah
yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini dapat dikalsifikasikan sebagai penelitian dengan hipotesis.
Peneliti melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian terhadap faktafakta yang terjadi saat ini dari suatu
populsi pekerja dari perusahaan pengoahan kayu berskala meneengah. Penelitian ini akan
menyajikan sampai sejauh mana pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja dan
motivasi serta kinerja karyawan. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data interval, yang
dinyatakan dalam angkaangka mulai dari skala yang terkecil sampai dengan yang terbesar
dan mempunyai jarak yang sama antara angka yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Sedangkan
sumber data yang digunakan adalah bersifat primer dengan cara menyebarkan kuisioner
kepada responden. Variable yang digunakan adalah : a. Variabel Independent: Budaya
organisasi b. Variabel Dependent: Motivasi, Kepuasan Kerja, Kinerja.

C.Hasil Penelitian

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari metode yang dilakukan oleh penulis, yakni metode
verifikasi dengan menggunakan variabel-variabel tertentu dalam aplikasi dalam analisis
metode tersebut. Penulis menggunakan beberapa permisalan sebagai berikut.

1. Uji Kenormalan Data Untuk menunjukkan bahwa data berdistribusi normal atau tidak.
Dapat dilihat dari nilai C.R atau Z Value. Nilai C.R tersebut dibandingkan dengan nilai Z
table ά = 0.05 (± 1.96). Semua variabel yang ada ( Budaya organisasi, Motivasi, Kepuasan
kerja, Kinerja) memenuhi kenormalan karena Z value < Z table.Sedangkan pengujian
multivariate diperoleh Z = 1.005 < Z table, dapat dikatakan bahwa data tersebut berdistribusi
multivariate normal.

2. Uji Multivariate Outlier Jarak mahalanobis berada pada rentang 30.814 dan 39.830,
sementara perhitungan Chi-Square table dengan α = (0.05) dengan derajat bebas 4 (jumlah
variabel) adalah 40.11. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat data
outlier secara multivariate karena semua nilai jarak Mahalanobis lebih kecil dar χ² table.

3. Uji Multikolinearitas Determinant of sample covariance matrix = 78.775, nilai yang

dihasilkan jauh sekali dari nol, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam data yang ada tidak
terjadi kasus multikolinearitas atau singgularitas.
4. Hubungan Kausalitas antar Variabel Melalui pengamatan terhadap nilai C.R yang identik
dengan uji – t dalam regresi dibandingkan dengan t table ± 1.96 menggambarkan semua
koefisien signifikan.


Berdasarkan analisis yang telah diuraikan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Budaya organisasi
berpengaruh terhadap Motivasi dan Kepuasan kerja serta Kinerja pada karyawan industri
pengolahan kayu skala menengah di Jawa Timur dapat diterima. Keempat variabel tersebut
merupakan faktor-faktor dalam perilaku organisasi yang harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus
bagi semua pihak yang terkait dengan proses produksi. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan
informasi pada manajemen dalam mengelola Sumber daya manusia, artinya bahwa mengelola
Sumber daya manusia tidak terlepas dari faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerjanya.
Pada prinsipnya tujuan mengelola Sumber daya manusia adalah untuk mencapai
kesejahteraan bersama antara perusahaan dan semua karyawan yang terlibat dengan aktivitas
perusahaan. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan pada perusahaan yang

sejenis tetapi berskala besar dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Budaya organisasi
berpengaruh terhadap Motivasi dan Kepuasan kerja serta Kinerja karyawan

berlaku pula bagi perusahaan yang berskala besar. Hal ini perlu dilakukan karena

kemungkinan yang terjadi adalah adanya perbedaan pengaruh motivasi terhadap Kepuasan
kerja karyawan antara perusahaan skala menegah dan besar, disamping itu apakah ada
perbedaan kepuasan kerja dan kinerja antara perusahaan skala menengah dan besar.

Penulis seharusnya lebih menjelaskan lebih detail terhadap hasil analisis tersebut.
kebanyakan berbagai aspek hanya dijelaskan secara general tanpa adanya hal yang mendetail
tentang pengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan beserta variabel yang mempengaruhinya.

F.Daftar Pustaka

Dalam hal ini, referensi-referensi yang dicantumkan yang telah dijadikan acuan dalam
membuat jurnal penelitian tersebut telah disusun dengan baik oleh si penulis dengan jelas.



a.Dalam jurnal ini kerangka pemikiran dan hipotesis telah disusun dengan jelas sehingga kita
dengan mudah dan memahami materi yang akan diberikan dan dibahas oleh si penulis.

b.Pembahasan tabel beserta ilustrasi gambar membuat pembaca semakin mudah dalam
memahami maksud dari hasil anlysis yang telah dilakukan

c.Adanya kerangka berpikir dalam jurnal membantu dan mengalami isi jurnal tersebut serta
dalam mengetahui motivasi dalam kepuasan kerja.


a.Dalam jurnal ini masih ada beberapa kata yang sulit untuk dipahami, karena hal ini sangat
penting agar informasi yang diberikan mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca.

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