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BIO 50 (LEC) – A

Cardiovascular System: Electrical Activity of the Heart Worksheet

1. The intrinsic conduction system coordinates contraction of the heart chambers by setting the

direction and speed of ___heart depolarization and action potentials___.

2. Within the intrinsic conduction system, the normal function of the AV node is to _delay

depolarization while allowing the atria to finish contracting first_.

3. Within the intrinsic conduction system, the function of the AV bundle is to _conduct

depolarization from the atria to the ventricles__.

4. Within the intrinsic conduction system, the function of the Purkinje fibers is to _allocate

action potential to the ventricle walls__.

5. A heartbeat involves action potentials from the specialized cells of the intrinsic conduction

system spreading to contractile cells and other cardiac cells.

6. In a normal ECG wave tracing, atrial repolarization is hidden by _(Combination of Q wave,

R wave, and S wave)_QRS complex___.

7. List the components of the intrinsic conduction system in the correct order of depolarization:

a) SA node

b) AV node

c) AV bundle
d) Bundle branches

e) Purkinje fibers

8. Each heartbeat involves both electrical and mechanical events. How are pacemaker cells

involved in each of these events?

The heart has specialized pacemaker cells that start the electrical sequence

of depolarization and repolarization. This property of cardiac tissue is called

inherent rhythmicity or automaticity. The electrical signal is generated by the

sinoatrial node (SA node) and spreads to the ventricular muscle. When the

electrical signal of a depolarization reaches the contractile cells, they contract.

When the repolarization signal reaches the myocardial cells, they relax. Thus,

the electrical signals cause the mechanical pumping action of the heart

In detail, pacemaker cells are involved in both electrical and mechanical

events in a way that they generate and conduct action potentials (electrical

events) that spreads to contractile cells (mechanically pumps blood). However,

they do not contribute to the contractions (mechanical events) caused by these

electrical signals. It is also important to note that pacemaker cells are the nodal

cells that reach threshold for depolarization most quickly and the establish

contraction rate of the heart which means that they can spontaneously generate

cardiac action potentials at a faster rate compared to other nodal cells.

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