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Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section, with special direction for each part.
PART I Pictures
Questions 1 to 3
Directions: There are three items in this part. For each item , you will see a picture in your test
book and four statements about it. These statements will be spoken twice but are NOT
WRITTEN in your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement – (A),
(B), (C) or (D) – that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences

A. A boy is catching a basketball

B. Some boys’re playing basketballs
C. Some boys are running along the mainroad
D. Some boy athleetes are playing football

Choice (B) – “Some boys’re playing basketballs” – is the best answer to describe the picture.
Therefore you should mark (B) on you answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with picture number 1.
1. 2. 3.

Part II. Question and Responses

Questions 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by
four responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two
times . They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You hear
Woman : Could you help me to bring this suitcase?
You will also hear
Man :
A. Yes, it’s very heavy.
B. Sure. No problem.
C. No, this suitcase is mine.
Choice (B)- “Sure. No problem”- is the appropriate response to the question “Could you help me
to bring this suitcase?” There fore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with the question number 4.
4. Why don’t we inform the police about the robberry ?
5. What do you think she would do about the plan ?
6. Would you join us to the concert after work ?
7. Is the beverage prepared for the guests?

Part III. Short Conversations

Question: 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the
conversation twice. The conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on
your answer sheet.
You will hear
Woman : Hi, how are you today?
Man : Not so good, I have cough.
Woman : You need to see a docter, then.
Man : Don’t worry, I’ve taken some medicine.

You will read

What do you learn from the conversation?
A. The boy is going to see a doctor.
B. The boy is in a good condition.
C. The girl is going to see a doctor.
D. The boy won’t see a doctor.
Choice (D)- “The boy won’t see a doctor” –is the best answer to the question “What do you learn
from the conversation?” Therefore you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number 8.

8. What does the man do every morning?
A. Answer the phone.
B. Replies to e-mail
C. Mails the letter
D. Mails a letter
9. What’s the woman Nationality?
A. Indonesian
B. Filiphines
C. Tagalog
D. Filipino
10. What problem might the woman have with her mobile phone?
A. The screen is cracked
B. Her mobile phone has lost
C. She kept away the screen from the sharper object.
D. The woman will have to get the mobile phone repaired.
11. Where are the speakers?
A. At a department store.
B. At a post office
C. At an airport
D. At a hotel

Part IV. Short Talks

Question: 12 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two times. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is
In your test book, you will read two or more question about each short talk. Each question will
be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it
on your answer sheet.
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following announcement.
12. What problem is the speaker addressing?
A. Converence meeting schedules have been changed.
B. The demand for program is greater than the supply.
C. The guest speaker for the conference hasn’t arrived.
D. Some items have been removed from the information desk.
13. What will happen in the afternoon?
A. Guests will be to register.
B. The opening session will begin
C. More program will be available.
D. New meeting time will be announced.
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following procedure.
14. What does the text tell us about.
A. How to fry eggs.
B. How to make garnish.
C. How to make omelette.
D. How to prepare breakfast.
15. For whom is the text most likely intended?
A. Students.
B. All women.
C. Our parents.
D. Busy women.

This is the end of the listening section.

Reading Section

Questions 16 to 18 refer to the following text.

Power @Once is a company specializing in solar power and heating pemanas equipment,
we also sell hand held items like solar flashlights, chargers, mining equipment, etc. Our
vision is simple: to be the leading seller of solar systems in North West and change
people’s perspective of renewable energy so that we can save our planet for future
generation. We at Power @Once strive to be the best in our field when it comes to cost
efficient solar system and client satisfaction.

16. What is the text about ?

A. Different solar power items
B. A western mining company
C. How to change people’s perspective of energy
D. An enterprise specializing in solar power devices.
17. Based on the text, what items does do the “Power @Once ‘provide?
A. Chargers
B. Traffic lights
C. Drying equipment
D. Plumbing equipment
18. “We at Power Once strive berjuang to be the best in our field when it comes to cost
efficient solar system and client satisfaction. “ What is the closest meaning of the
underlined word?
A. Skive menghindarkan
B. Truant bolos
C. Bunk tidur
D. Endeavour berusaha keras

Questions 19 to 20 refer to the following text.

Chinese culture played a truly significant role in the development of visual art in
Indonesia although not as strong as the Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim influences
Many Chinese culture form of artistic expression were adapted and assimilated into
indigenous form. The Chinese influence was restricted in some temples for example, reveal
Chinese influence. It is identical to the original models found in mainland China. In Gianyar
Bali, strong links between the Chinese and local people are evidenced by the Chinese-style
roofing on the palace that was rebuilt at the end of the last century.
In Cirebon, China designs were copied by local ceramics and paintings. Chinese
influence also occurs in textile, furniture and household.
19. What culture is discussed above?
A. Hindu
B. Buddhist
C. Cirebon
D. Chinese

20. In What example we can see the Chinese’s influence?

A. Modern building
B. Temples
C. Churches
D. Traditional house

Questions 21 to 22 refer to the following text.

Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman was born on July 31, 1921, in Brooklyn, N.Y the fourth and last child
and first son of Sarah Ethel (Landau) and Jeno Saul Friedman. His parents were born in Carpatho-
Ruthenia of the Soviet Union. They emigrated to the U.S. in their teens, meeting in New York.
When he was a year old, his parents moved to Rahway. N.J. a small town about 20 miles from
New York City.
He was awarded a competitive scholarship to Rutgers University. He graduated from
Rutgers in 1932. He financed the rest of his college expenses by the usual mixture of waiting at
tables, clerking in a retail store, summer earnings. Shortly, however, he became interested in
In economics, he had the good fortune to be exposed to two remarkable men: Arthur F.
Burns and Homer Jones. Arthur Burns shaped his understanding of economic research, introduced
him to the highest scientific standards, and became a guiding influence on his subsequent career.
Homer Jones introduced him to rigorous economic theory, made economics exciting and relevant,
and encouraged him to go on to graduate work. On his recommendation, the Chicago Economics
Department offered him a tuition scholarship. As it happened, he was also offered a scholarship by
Brown University in Applied Mathematics, but, by that time, he had definitely transferred his
primary allegiance to economics. In 1967 he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his
achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his
demontrastion of the complexity of stabilization policy. In 1977, at age 65, he retired from the
University of Chicago after teaching there for 30 years.

21. Who influenced Milton Friedman on economic research?

A. Home Jones
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Sarah Ethel
D. Arthur F. Burns
22. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Brown University offered Milton Friedman a tuition scholarship
B. Milton Friedman was offered a scholarship by the Chicago Economics Department in
Applied Mathematics.
C. Milton Friedman was very committed in his interest and talent in economics.
D. Homer Jones shaped Milton Friedman understanding of economic research.

Questions 23 to 24 refer to the following text.

How to make white chicken curry
A. Ingredients
1. 1 small chicken, cut into pieces
2. 2 cups fresh coconut milk (or 200 ml thick coconut milk and 200ml water).
B. Grinded spices
Shallots, garlic, galangal lengkuas, lemon grass sere, cumin jinten, salt, pepper
mericq, coriander.ketumbar
C. Cooking Direction
1. Boil chicken. Allow 2 cups of broth kaldu to remain in the pot.
2. Fry the grinded spices with 2 spoons of vegetables oil.
3. Add the spices into the boiled chicken: turn to low heat until it is tender.
4. Add the coconut milk, stir, continue simmer didihkan to enhance flavor.
5. Serve your white chicken curry kari while hot.

23. What is the text about?

A. How to grind spices
B. How to fry chicken
C. How to make thick coconut milk
D. How to cook white chicken curry.
24. Why do we need to simmer after adding coconut milk?
A. To make the chicken tender
B. To get attractive color
C. To make the curry spicy
D. To enhance flavor

Questions 25 to 26 refer to the following the text.

Simatupang and Partners Law Firm
Simatupang and Partners Law Firm is pleased to announce that they have opened their law
practice on July 1, 2016 in 4 different cities.
New clients are welcome.
A law firm all family matters:
Real estate, estate planning; administration, traffic, personal injury,
divorce/custody/support, wills/trust, adoption and home visits.
Main office : Jalan Kebayoran 5 Bandung
Branches : Jalan Angsana Timur 456 Jakarta
Jalan Agiwiyata 688 Surabaya
Jalan Surabaya 343 Bogor
A new branch office in Semarang will open next month
25. According to the text, client who live in Surabaya can go to……….for consultation.
A. Jalan Kebayoran 5
B. Jalan Angsana Timur 456
C. Jalan Agiwiyata 688
D. Jalan Surabaya
26. From the text, we know that …
A. The law firm has six offices
B. The main office is in Jakarta
C. The office has four branch offices now
D. They will soon have a new branch office in Semarang
27. Read the following dialogue and answer the question.
Heri : Do you know where my glasses are? I think I put them on this table, but I can’t
find them this morning.
Jojo : Have you checked your room? I put them besides your calendar.
Where are the glasses now?
A. On the cupboard
B. In his room
C. On the table
D. Beside the calendar
28. Ayu : Do yout know what is Shinta’s job, Nadia?
Gita : Well, as I know she works in hospital. She assists the physician in treating the
patient in the hospital. She often works in night shift with her friends.
According to the dialogue, what is Shinta’s job?
A. She is a nurse
B. She is a doctor
C. She is a surgeon
D. She is a dentist
29. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Indra : Mr. Budiman said that we have to join extra class after school
Nando : Are you sure about it?
Indra : Absolutely. I’ve just met him.
What do they talk about ?
A. They talk about Mr. Budiman’s school.
B. They talk about extra class.
C. They talk about their school.
D. They talk about Mr. Budiman.
For questions 30 to 41, choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.
30. Anton : We have been here for almost 30 minutes but the bus has not come yet.
Joni : ……..because it is rush hour.
A. I think the bus is being repaired
B. May be it catches by the traffic jam?
C. Probably the gasoline is run out
D. I suppose it is out of order.
31. Sari : Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday but I don’t have any idea to give her gift. Any
Sinta : ……since this jewelry is good enough and cheaper that the gold.
A. Why don’t you give her a gold ring?
B. How about giving her a silver bracelet?
C. It’s better for you to buy her a big diamond.
D. You should send her the most expensive jewelry.
32. Receptionist : Horison Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you?
Arifin : Good morning….. I need them for tonight.
Receptionist : I am so sorry sir. They all have been booked.
A. Can I book a double room?
B. I want to pay the bill for my room.
C. How about reserving in my hotel?
D. Is it possible for you to stay at this hotel?
33. Anindhita : The phone is ringing. …
Komang : Okay
A. Pick up the phone, please!
B. Put on the clothes, please!
C. Open the door, please!
D. Turn off the phone, please!
34. Joko : I didn’t see Anissa in her class. Where is she now?
Badra : …… It has to be submitted tomorrow.
A. She is finishing her accounting assignment in the library.
B. She’s gone hiking to Mount Salak with her classmates.
C. She was attending the meeting of student association.
D. She is operating the new photocopy machine.
35. Wahyu : Can I get more sugar, please?
Waitress : ……
A. No, sir
B. I think that’s enough
C. You are not my master
D. All right, sir.
36. Receptionist : Cinema 21. Can I help you?
Ringgo : I would like to book… cinema 21.
A. Double bed
B. Ticket
C. Seat
D. Chair
37. Panji : What do you do every Sunday?
Dimas : ………….I always look for the good spot in order to get the big fish.
A. I enjoy fishing very much
B. I finished on the river
C. I have made a big aquarium in my house
D. My friends and I had caught the tuna
38. My mother prefers staying at home ……………….working.
A. Rather than
B. To
C. Better than
D. Then

39. Yudika: This task has been finished. What’s next?

Andrea : ……so that all the participants know about all the tasks.
A. We can go home now.
B. We would continue the other program
C. We never ask the participants to do to the next task.
D. We are going to present the entire task in front of the participants.
40. Lilo : Great! I am really surprised that you cam swim as fast as a swimmer.
Doni : ……….so I am still able to swim as fast her although I have never done the
exercise for almost a year.
A. I use all of my power
B. I used to swim here
C. I always swim every day
D. The swimming pool is shallow.
41. Fandi : Which painting will be exhibited tomorrow?
Surya : We don’t know yet; they … a team.
A. Are still selecting
B. Still selecting
C. Still be selected
D. Are still being selected
For questions 42 to 44, complete the following text with the words provide.
To : All employees
From : John Mc. Cline
Director : Personnel
Date : September,21 2016
Subject : Charitable Leave
The corporation is pleased announce a new policy which will allow employees to take paid time
off (42 )……….volunteer activities. Employees may take up to eight hours of paid leave per
month or volunteer for charity (43)…..Employees are eligible for this program if they are full
time and have been employed here for at least one year. (44)….leave must be requested in
advance; otherwise, employees will not be paid for that time. Charitable leave must also be
approved by the employee’s supervisor.

42. A. in
B. of
C. to
D. for
43. A. organization
B. organizing
C. organize
D. organizer
44. A. Portable
B. Acceptable
C. Charitable
D. Respectable
For questions 45 to 47, complete the following text with the words provided.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are now (45)……the equator and you might say that
things are heating up. We have an extraordinary evening planned for you tonight. After dinner,
there will be a fun – filled variety show on the main deck, which we call” A Taste of Vegas.”
Later you can dance the night away to the strains of our talented (46) … known band, The Ocean
Reefs, in the Neptune Nightclub. Tomorrow after we put in, you will have an entire day to
explore the magical island of Dupree. Dinner will be onboard again tomorrow evening, but you
will be on your own (47) ….LUNCH. So, let the fun begin!.

45. A. ascending
B. retreating
C. Withdrawing
D. Approaching
46. A. Internationally
B. internationality
C. international
D. internationalize

47. A. at
B. for
C. at
D. of

For questions 48 to 50, complete the following text with the words provided.
Here are some …….. (48) on how to be a successful English learner. First, don’t be…..
(49) of making mistakes. (50) …. Use opportunity to practice your English. At least, be
an optimistic person.

48. A. tips
B. clues
C. plans
D. rules
49. A. afraid
B. proud
C. brave
D. smart
50. A. Finally
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

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