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Comenzado el domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021, 22:32

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021, 22:34
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 59 segundos
Calificación 100,00 de 100,00

Pregunta 1


Puntúa 100,00 sobre 100,00

You are going to hear an special report about face recognition and privacy. Please, listen and then answer the questions:

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1. According to the record, computers now can recognize a face in a crowd or online "

2. Facebook and LinkedIn " are the largest identity databases.

3. Recognition systems measure things like the size and position of a nose "

4. The software compares lots of images " to try to identify the person.

5. Google has now a software that recognizes faces in videos and photos "

Decide if the statements are correct or incorrect:

1. Facial recognition programs are used in police and security operations. Correct "

2. The researchers did two experiments. Incorrect "

3. In April, Facebook launched a facial recognition system to help users "tag" or list the names of people in photos. Incorrect "

4. Germany declared this face recognition software legal. Incorrect "

5. The report was written by June Simms. Correct "

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