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Unit 14: Paul and the Ephesians


DAYS 1-2
Choose the correct answer.
1. What happened when the seven sons of Sceva tried to cast out a
demon using Jesus’ name?
a. The possessed man ran away.
b. The demon said that it knew Jesus and Paul but not them, and
then the man who was possessed attacked them.
c. The demon immediately obeyed.
d. The demon explained politely that it was confused about who they were.

2. What major opposition to the gospel did Paul face in Ephesus?

a. Demetrius and the other silversmiths started a riot against the Christians.
b. The government of Ephesus outlawed Christianity.
c. No one wanted to hear Paul’s message.
d. The Roman emperor and his soldiers threw Paul in prison.

Answer the following question in one or two complete sentences.

3. Why did Paul consider his life to be of no value to himself?
He considered it to be of no value to himself compared to knowing Christ Jesus
because he valued finishing his life well and continuing his ministry to preach the
gospel much more than he valued his own life.

Fill in the blanks and study your Memory Verse Journal page to memorize.
count my _______
4. But I __________ life of no value to myself, so that I may _________
finish my course and the
ministry I ____________
____________ received from the Lord __________
Jesus , to __________
testify to the __________
gospel of God’s
grace (Acts 20:____
_________ 24 ).

Fill in the blanks.
Resoluteness is having the __________________
5. _________________ determination and focus to _________
stand ________
firm in your
faith and continue to follow Christ, despite _________________
__________ opposition from the world.


Fill in the blanks to define.
world is an _________________
6. The ___________ environment of ______
sin , evil, and hostility toward _______
God that is present
earth .
on the _________

Grade 4, Page 1
© 2017 Defendable Faith Institute. All rights reserved.
Unit 14: Paul and the Ephesians

DAYS 3-4
Choose the correct answer.
7. Why was the temple of Artemis so important to the Ephesians?
a. The temple was very small and cute.
b. The Ephesians were devoted to the goddess Artemis.
c. The temple was famous, and pilgrims would come to Ephesus to worship Artemis.
d. both b and c

Answer the following question in one or two complete sentences.

8. Why did Demetrius and the other silversmiths riot against the Christians?
They were devoted to Artemis, and they also earned a lot of money by selling silver
statues of the goddess. Demetrius told the silversmiths that people would dishonor
Artemis and they would lose their business because of Paul's teachings.

Fill in the blanks.
third missionary journey.
9. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus happened during Paul’s ________

Answer the following questions in one or two complete sentences each.
10. As we seek to follow Jesus, what kind of opposition will we have to stand firm against?
We will have to stand firm against opposition from the world. We also have to
stand firm against Satan, especially when he tempts us to sin.

. How do you see Jesus’ power over Satan in our event?

The sons of Sceva tried to cast out a demon using Jesus’ name, even though they
weren’t Christians, and they failed. This showed the Christians in Ephesus that only
Jesus and his followers had power over demons, so they confessed their evil
practices and burned their magic books.

Fill in the blanks.
completely __________
. God will _______________ defeat _________
Satan .

Grade 4, Page 2
© 2017 Defendable Faith Institute. All rights reserved.
Unit 14: Paul and the Ephesians

Fill in the blanks and study your Memory Verse Journal page to memorize the verse.
stadium all ______
13. Don’t you know that the runners in a __________ race , but only one receives the
Run in such a way to ______
prize? ______ win the _______
prize . Now everyone who competes
everything . However, they do it to receive a ________
exercises self-control in ____________ crown that
fade away, but we a ________
will ______ crown that will never fade away ( 1_ Corinthians 9:24-25).

Answer the following questions in one or two complete sentences each.
. How is life like a race?
Life is similar to a race because just as runners receive a prize at the end, we will
receive the prize of righteousness and eternal life if we stand firm until we die. We
will also receive rewards for the good works we have done in the Spirit.

. Can you describe why nihilism is a false idea?

Nihilism is false because God is real and death is not the end of our lives. Also, what
we do matters, because our actions affect ourselves and others, and Jesus will
reward us for the good things we have done.

Fill in the blanks.
Christians will give an account for their ________
. ____________ deeds and be ____________
rewarded for the _______
good things they
have done.


Fill in the blanks to define.
belief that _____
. Nihilism is the ________ life is _______________
meaningless and we _________
cannot know anything.

Grade 4, Page 3
© 2017 Defendable Faith Institute. All rights reserved.

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