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Bariya Nilesh Chemical
4th SEM
Roll no: 18BT01025
paper Topic of review paper
Research on Non-linear Dynamic
Systems Employing Color space
A Nonlinear Integral Model of Electron
Devices for HB Circuit Analysis
Review paper:-1
1. Introduction:-
2. Non-linear science, dynamics, fractal and chaos
Grown up on the base of the research on the sub disciplines that have the
characteristics of Non-linearity. It deals with many domains such as physics, chemic,
life sciences, astronomy, and material Science and so on. The research on fractal sets
and chaos system has been the keystones of research on the non-linear systems since
its rise. Fractal has formed special discipline: fractal geometry, chaos-related
researches have involved with divaricating theory, topology, dissipation structure and

An important theoretical problem in fractal geometry is the generation of various typical

fractal sets and analysis of their structures and features, the most typical fractal sets
include Mandelbrot set, Julia set, they both come from the c kzkz + =+ 2 )()1( dynamic
system on compound plane. This article will use the method of color space to make a
qualitative analysis of these two fractal sets.

3. Color theory and color space

Color theory is a discipline about human color perception, quantitative/qualitative
measurement and analysis of color, etc To make a quantitative description of human
color perception, now some special color systems have been developed. Color systems
can be divided into two large categories:color mixing systems and color appearnce
systems. Color mixing systems make use of the calculation of the necessary color light
amplitude that can match some certain color using the light color mixing experiments.

4. Some Instances of research on fractal sets and chaos system

using color space
4.1 Compound dynamic iterative system

For Mandelbrot set, we commonly adopt the method of analysing final state figure. Most
Mandelbrot set figure is drawn by filled color in the emanative part and filled black in the
convergence part. However, the convergence part of system has more importance than
the emanative part. So here we filled black in the emanative part and filled color in the
convergence part.
4.2 Two-dimensional Poincare section plane –Hé non trajectory as example

Logistic mapping is a simple one-dimensional system that can produce chaos and is
sufficiently intentioned early in the study of chaos systems. It is used to describe the
mutation of species in the ecosystem.

Color theory and color space:-Color theory is a discipline about human

colorperception, quantitative/qualitative measurement and analysis of color, etc. The
human eyes have cone-shaped cells which caapperceive the three basic colors: Red,
Green and Blue. The human perception of brightness is decided by two kind of human
eyes cells: pole-shaped cells and cone-shaped cells, the former mainly produce dark
vision, while the latter mostly the bright vision The color composition method used in
digital computer is tricolor mixing(RGB).

5. Conclusion:-
Through the analysis we can see the great potential for applying color space to study
non-linear dynamics system. We believe that the research method of color space will be
useful in the future study of non-linear dynamics systems .
Review paper:-2
1. Introduction:-
This paper basis on technology-independent approach, which does not require complex
parameter extraction procedures, is proposed for the circuit-oriented modelling of
electron devices. It is based on the “Nonlinear Integral Model” (NIM) that is derived from
the Volterra series by applying suitable consideration valid for most types of
electrondevices.In particular, the NIM allows the large-signal dynamic response of
electron devices to be directly computed on the basis of bias- and frequency dependent
small signal admittance parameters and dc characteristics.

In this paper a technology-independent approach, which does not require complex

parameter extraction proce- dures, is proposed for the circuit-oriented modelling of
electron devices. It is based on the “Nonlinear Integral Model” (NIM) that is derived from
the Volterra series by applying suitable consideration valid for most types of electron

2. The nonlinear integral model

The difficulties related to circuit-oriented large-signal modeling of microwave electron
devices are mainly due to the simultaneous presence of nonlinear and dynamic
phenomena. By considering The most general, rigorous modeling approach for sys-
tems characterized by nonlinear dynamic phenomena is the well-known Volterra series
[34]-[38]. This approach is based on the description of the nonlinear dynamic ef- fects
by means of multi-dimensional convolution integrals which can be considered to be a
generalization of the one- dimensional convolution integral for dynamic linear sys- tems;
the nonlinear effects, in particular, are described by means of a multi-dimensional
integral polynomial repre- sentation which is analogous to the Taylor series expan- sion
for purely algebraic nonlinear systems

3. The nonlinearitegral model for hb circuit analysis

The Nonlinear Integral Model described by (6) could be used for time-domain circuit
analysis by applying con- ventional numerical integration techniques The simplicity of
identification which characterizes the Nonlinear Integral Model, makes it very suitable
for use with physical simulators in order to obtain a computation- ally efficient link
between accurate physics-based device simulations and HB circuit analysis

The Nonlinear Integral Model described by equation (1) could be used for time
domain circuit analysis by applying conventional numerical integration techniques.

which defines the Nonlinear Integral Model and consists of a single-fold

convolutionalwith respect to the voltage dynamic deviations e(7, t) = U(T) - v(t).when
microwave applications are considered, circuit analysis is more conveniently carried
out in the frequency domain by means of Harmonic-Balance(HB) techniques in equation

The accurate physics-based device simulations and performance measurements with
the results provided by Harmonic-Balance circuit analysis using the Nonlinear Integral
Model has confirmed the validity of this mathematical modeling approach.

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