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Alphabets, Basic Grammar, Basic sentence formations, verbs, adjektive, akkusatiive, nominative,
prapositions, basics Questions formation, present tense, past tense, Articles, book lessons, words,
creative framing, speaking and practicing eacgh lessons, letter writing, pronounciation, Exam


Advance of A1, Advanced Grammar, Formal and informa letter writing, focusing on speaking,verbs,
adjektives, dative, Situation Discribing, Past tense, pronounciation, Exam Preparation.


Advance of A2, Understanding over all concept while spraking, Grammar in Advanced level, focusing in
more Writing formal, informal writing. Writing comments, words, Genetive, Person can speak without
anyones help, can understand the conpet while speaking.


Advance of B2, Where individual speaking, can write in own, Advanced Grammar, Advanded speaking ,
words, Writing in formal or informal, comments writing, individual topics can be selected and write by
their own.

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