Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

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Cheyanne Mckimmey

Professor Richardson
EDU 220-1005

21 March 2021

Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

I. Describe the Class. This is an 8th grade mathematics class. There

are a total of 32 students, 16 boys and 14 girls
as well as 2 special needs kids. The groups are
split up into 4 which makes 8 separate groups
total. The special needs kids are included in
these groups as well.

II. Subject/skills Mathematics

III. Objectives - Students will be able to understand

basic algebra as well as introducing
simple trigonometry and geometry.
- Students will be able to work among
their groups to solve problems and
discuss each of their own processes
when solving.
- Students will also work on problems
IV. Procedures 1. At the start of class, students will get
out all materials needed to start the
2. There will be a warmup consisting or
4-5 math problems discussed from the
last lesson.
3. Once problems are complete, they will
have a few minutes to discuss answers
with their group.
4. One student from each group will come
up and write their answers on the
5. Answers will then be discussed among
the class and we will go over any errors
that may have occurred.
6. After the warmup, we will begin the
next lesson for the day which includes
algebraic expressions.
7. A video will be watched explaining
what algebraic expressions are and how
to solve them.
8. After that, we will get into basic
problems and we will have many
different examples on how to solve
each problem.
9. I will provide examples and answer any
questions students may have during the
10. Problems will be written on the board
for students to try and solve on their
11. They will talk about their answers and
the problems among their group while I
walk around and help students.
12. We will then go over answers and see
how well students are doing.
13. After the lesson, students will have a
closure question which will include a
problem and they need to explain the
steps on how to solve.
V. Materials - Notebook/paper
- Pencil
- Pen for corrections
VI. Grouping structures - Student will work in their groups to
discuss math problems and answers.
- Groups are spread apart and consist of
4 desks put together.
- They will work together and one person
per group will come up to the board
and write answers.
VII. Modifications - Students who are stronger at math will
help students understand the topics
- Having students help others understand
will give other student the opportunity
to understand through a distinct
- The special needs students will have
the same opportunity in their groups
and will help explain their way of
solving the problem or get help from
others in their group.
VIII. Assessment - Students will be able to understand and
work on algebraic expressions with the
help of their peers.
- They will have the proper steps when
solving problems that they will be able
to review when doing their work.
- They will also have time to discuss
with their groups as well as solve
problems individually.

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