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ULS RPG Spectrometer Specific

Qualification Curriculum
This curriculum is specific to Molecular Spectroscopy systems, and is the platform-Specific qualification
curriculum that follows from the ULS RPG Core Qualification Curriculum. This qualification curriculum
covers FT-IR and Raman (and eventually UV and NIR) for Thermo Scientific products.

Each candidate qualification service representative seeking certification on a ULS RPG qualification
platform must successfully complete all phases and elements described by the Core curriculum and by
this Specific curriculum.
RPG owns and administers the eLearning content, while the Training, Mentoring and Certification (TMC)
group administers all aspects of TFU including access to the eLearning content, which is based on the
fulfillment of the product training prerequisites.
Final certification hinges on the ability of the candidate qualification service representative to
demonstrate competency to an authorized Qualification Mentor during a mentoring session.

Certification Expectations
Each of the two phases in this progression is a prerequisite for the next phase; prerequisites must be
fulfilled before progression may occur.
Prerequisites and expectations for product training are administered by the appropriate owner group.
The qualification eLearning modules do not duplicate the product training. Candidate qualification
service representatives are expected to use the skills obtained in product training courses to augment
and support the development of their qualification skills.
The two eLearning modules listed below are accessed in Thermo Fisher University (external dealers
should ask for special access). Module run times are also listed. The time to complete these eLearning
modules is approximately ten minutes. Additional time must be planned by the individual candidate
qualification service representatives to allow for:
 Prioritization of module completion with other service representative responsibilities
 Breaks between modules

 Pausing during modules
o Modules contain text and/or imagery on each slide, which are accompanied by audio
narration that provides additional information and clarity to accompany the slide
o Additional time may need to be allowed to review both types of content to facilitate
proper assimilation of all the information.
 Notation of questions for clarification of concepts during the Qualification Mentoring phase
Questions from candidate qualification service representatives during the Qualification Mentoring phase
are encouraged and answers will be provided. However, if the nature of the questions are fundamental
and are clearly addressed in the modules, the Qualification Mentors will invite the candidate
qualification service representatives to revisit the corresponding eLearning module(s).
Candidate qualification service representatives will be allowed to participate in the Qualification
Mentoring phase only after they have completed all other phases and elements. The Qualification
Mentoring phase is the final step in achieving certification to conduct ULS RPG qualifications at
customer sites.
The successful completion of the Qualification Mentoring phase is the key to obtaining certification.

Specific Certification Phases

1. Software & Hardware IQ & OQ Overview eLearning module
2. Instrument Setup
Refer to the ULS RPG Core Qualification Curriculum for details (this corresponds to Phases 6 & 7 therein).

eLearning Module Links for Dealers

Access the modules sequentially:

Module 1 – RPG Molecular Spectrometer Qualification Curriculum:

Module 2 – Software & Hardware Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification:

Module 3 – Instrument Setup:

Module 4 – Next Steps:

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