Episode 1: (Ask by Being Light Hearted) (Someone Says #Goodchristian)

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Episode 1

Chris: Hey guys, Chris here.

Jesse: And I’m Jesse.

Chris: Welcome in to the FIRST episode of the brand new PureXHeart Podcast!...

Jesse: And you might be wondering… who ARE these guys?

Chris: What IS PXH?

Jesse: And why do a Podcast AND a Youtube channel?

Chris: All good questions, and we’re gonna break it down today. When I started this brand back in
September 2019, I wanted to talk about christian albums all that led to the Change the Culture
movement we started on YouTube this past fall, and we are just getting started. This new Podcast is
gonna let us dive deeper, and have a big conversation on the topics side of things. The YouTube channel
will still keep going, looking at album and movie reviews, which will look a little different now stay
tuned. But this podcast we will be looking at an assortment of issues and ideas.

(Ask by being light hearted) Chris: And jesse what are some of those ideas??

Jesse: For those of you who read your Bible all the way thru every year, (someone says #goodchristian)
do you ever come across a passage that strikes as odd or out of place? A TOTAL ‘what are THOSE’ and
‘what does that even mean’ verses?

Chris: Those of you who are into comic books and hero-achetype films, do you see or wonder how that
shapes your worldview, and how you see struggle in normal life, especially as followers of Christ?

Jesse: Well, THAT’S what this show is about.

Chris: LET’S…


-Theme Plays-

Chris’ intro to himself and why he began PXH.

Chris: Before we get into the fun the serious and the weird I wanted to spend the first episode as a way
to introduce who the main people are behind the mics. So starting with myself if you guys don't know
who I am. I'm Chris the creator, operator, design lead, leader, editor yadda yadda.

Jesse: in other words he's a lot of stuff

Chris: Which I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

Back to the topic at hand i am technically a college dropout college was just too expensive. And I say this
as an encouragement to those that feel like they can't do anything career wise because society says you
need a degree. But here I am no degree and have a brand that has a young company that is just getting
started. Which is something I never dreamed about. Yet I thank God for it. I used to want to plant a
church in a urban city and use it as a way to help trafficking victims, drug addicts (actual drugs to porn),
runaway teens, suffering families etc you name it recover. Which is what the church should be. Yes I
believe in preaching the bible admittedly and being rich in the word and spirit but if we aren't loving
those suffering then what are we? nothing.

Though as time went on God has changed my heart to something deeper. See for those of you who
know me then you know that I'm not the most outgoing person. And those of you who don't then

Pure Heart. Yes it used to be called pure heart started with our first video back in October 2019. Though
the idea came out with Hillsong United People album which I love. That album got released in late April
and I just wanted to talk more about that album so I believe that was the moment that got really started
to blossom this idea of starting a YouTube channel because it got me thinking that not a lot of people
talk about worship or christian albums on YouTube and if they did then the audio was awful, the channel
recent release was 2 years or so ago, or the album that was released was by a christian band that
doesn't like being called a christian band. (topic for another day).

So the YouTube channel was thought about and fun fact I was originally going to call the channel
purespective which I liked it because it had the meaning or perspective but it sounded christiany if I'm
not mistaken I have the original logo so if this episode becomes a success and people ask for it I may
release it out for the world to see and if you guys like it then maybe #shirtidea. Which speaking of first
logos I also have the first variant of the pure heart logo.

But reason why I changed it is because it didn't roll off the tongue as easy and for those of you who are
thinking welll why didn't you call it Chris Review or something like that. And that all started when I was
watching a YouTube video on branding and it really reshaped my mind because I was stumped. Though
that video I was like I need to think bigger picture. This is a brand not just a name. It needs to be catchy
but stick with the viewer so Pure Heart was born and got to me thinking what is the pure heart. To some
it means to not do evil and be great. Though throughout the bible the pure at heart is the one who is
after God! So that's why our first moto and statement is to Go All in With Jesus.

Introduce Shout-outs

Shout-out moment (Choice Bites)

Chris: Now you guys have heard this guy in the intro and we just did a Shout-out of his YouTube channel
(get close to mic) which you guys should totally subscribe too hint hint nudge nudge but I'll let him tell
you guys who is (announcer voice) Mr. Jesse Fleming

Jesse: Wow, thank you Chris! I am Jesse Fleming, and I proudly serve as the Social Member Brand
Ambassador for PXH. If you see an advert on Facebook or Instagram, most likely the bleeding behind
that are mine! Chris keeps me busy putting out some awesome material on YouTube, and I’m honored
to co-chair these discussions here on the Podcast. This is more than just “another thing” to kill time, or
put energies toward during year 2 of the Pandemic, it’s the lifeblood of two best friends. We want to
make Jesus the center of it all, and this Podcast is how we are gonna be doing it next.

A little bit about myself, when I was 16, my youth pastor’s brother was an intern for a national Christian
radio show called Sound of Light. They broadcasted out of an office beside the pregnancy center on
California Avenue in Spartanburg. I was invited to come help answer phone calls with my younger
brother and a friend. TobyMac was there for an interview that evening, and that was it. I was in love
with Christian entertainment from there. The next summer, I was interning at Sound of Light, putting
labels on mail-outs, praying with people during the show and running errands during the week. It was a
great time of learning and growing. Sound of Light was sold later that year, and I began volunteering for
Hangar Radio Z in Spartanburg the Spring following. I found out during that time that the morning show
host and host of HisRadioZ on Saturday evenings, Britt Dillard, actually founded Sound of Light, back in
his late high school days. It put a vision in my mind during that time to start my own radio show.

Faith Xtreme was launched in May 2009 and lasted until December 2011. I interviewed the directors of
some Christian films, some Christian bands including Rush of Fools and Mandisa, and had the time of my
life and relish those memories. However, pride and selfishness took a hold and I began a full rush into
pornography and exploring sexuality. I ended up leaving my home and moving to Kentucky to get
counseling at Pure Life Ministries in May of 2013, graduating by December. I wouldn’t trade that time
for anything because it revealed to me the Father’s true love for all of us. He created us just the way we
are, but loves us too much to leave us there. He comes as the hound of heaven, rescuing his beloved
from many terrors, trials, and snares.

I moved back to South Carolina in September 2019, and eventually found my way to my current full time
job as a security guard for a company, and am now a supervisor. I met my best friend, and the founder,
creator and mastermind of everything PXH, Chris Brundage, in March of 2020. If there’s a major plus to
that year, that would be mine. I’m glad to be on this journey and we’re both glad to dig deep into
whatever path the Lord opens up thru this Podcast.

-Introduction of Spiritual Sauna Moments-

-Sauna Moment-

-Outro Sauna Moment-

Chris: …. Now for next week’s gameplan!

Jesse: Yes, this first week was a lot of word vomit about ourselves, but next time we will take a look at
PXH itself.

Chris: We’re gonna see the importance of the “X” and this Change the Culture movement we are in the
midst of.

Jesse: But until next time…

Chris: Go all in with Jesus and Change the Culture… BOOM…


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