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Today’s Dose of One Paper MCQS

Dated: 07-04-2021
 One Paper MCQS
 General Science
 Pakistan Affairs/Study
 World Geography

Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
1. The largest country in land size in Russia (Smallest country in
area is Vatican city also known as Holy See, Pope Francis (Born:
Argentina) is the head of the Catholic Church lived in Vatican
2.Congo River (formerly known as Zaire River crosses the Equator
Twice (length 4370 km)
3.3rd Battle of Tarain battles was fought in 1216 AD.
4.“Freedom Air” is an Airline of News Zealand.
5.One the bank of River Tigris Baghdad, Mosul (Iraq) and
Diyarbakir (Turkey) cities are constructed.

Pakistan Study
1. The Original name of Mohsin Ul Malik was Syed Mehdi Ali.
2. Syed Ameer Ali established Muslim League London in 1908.
3. 1st President of Muslim league was Sir Agha Khan.
4. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar wrote the constitution of
Muslim League: The Green Book.
5. The HQ of Muslim League was established in Lucknow.
6. Muslim League was formed in the annual session of Muslim
Educational Conference in Daccawith the proposal of
Nawab Salimullah.
7. Bengal was divided into Eastern Bengal (Muslim Bengal) and
Western Bengal (Hindu Bengal)
1. Greatest Land mountain range is Himalaya.
2. Largest Ocean is the Pacific Ocean.
3. Smallest Ocean is the Arctic Ocean.
4. Largest Gulf is the Gulf of Mexico.
5. Largest Active Volcano is Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA.
6. Rivers Carries the maximum volume of water is Amazon.
7. Largest Fresh Water Lake is Lake Superior.
8. Country with Shortest Coastline is Manaco.
9. Country with largest coastline is Canada.

General Science
1. The disease diphtheria affects the Throat in Human Body.

2. Spinach is a good source of Potassium.

3. Insulin was discovered by Dr. F.G Banting.

4. Citrus Fruits are considered rich in Vitamin C.

5. Spleen is not an endocrine gland.


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