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Undergraduate Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of the
Department of Management
Cavite State University – Carmona Campus
Carmona, Cavite

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Management


June 2021

The researcher, Shiela Mae J. Gabriel, was born July 01, 1999 at GMA, Cavite.

She is the eldest among the three siblings of Ms. Jennifer O. Gabriel and Mr. Arman E.

Gabriel. She is currently residing at Blk 41 Lot 2 Brgy. Pulido GMA, Cavite. She

finished her primary studies at San Gabriel II Elementary School l in 2011 and completed

her high school at General Mariano Alvarez Technical Highschool year 2015.

She is working as a cashier in Zagu before and decided to pursue her studies. In

2015, she took up BS in Business Management in Cavite Satate University- Carmona

Campus. She is now on her fourth year in Bachelor of Science in Business Management

major in Marketing Management.

The researcher, Will John R. Malasaga, is 24 years old born at Sta Maria

Bulacan He is youngest among 4 siblings of Ms. Evalyn R. Malasaga and Mr. Nestor R.

Malasaga. He lives in Blk 6 Lot 12 St South City Homes Brgy. Sto. Tomas Binan,

Laguna Cavite along with her family. He completed her primary and secondary education

at Dawis Elementary School 2011 and Binan National High School and got accelerated in

PEPT in 2011. He took Bachelor of Science in Business Management in Cavite State


In 2018, he decided to stop working as Sales Promoter in Vivo to sustain his need.

August20, he decided to pursue her studies and enroll with the same university to

continue his course for he aims for a better future. Now, he is in his fourth and last year

in Business Management major in Marketing Management and completing all the

academic requirements of his program.


The researchers humbly extend their gratitude and earnest appreciation to the

several individual who continued their assistant and commitment in making the study

possible one. Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following person who gave their

selfless support to the researchers:

Ms. Jocelyn B. Siochi, thesis adviser, for the ideas in this study, for her efforts in

editing and revising the paper, and for her support and guideliness to accomplish the


Mr. Carlo Emil B. Manabo, technical critic and campus research coordinator, for

being approachable and for his ideas and also for the support during the progression of

the study;

Ms. Gretchen Macaranas, department research coordinator, for the proper

guidance reviews and for reminding the researchers on the dates to be followed during

the study;

Ms. Maria Andrea C. Francia, department chair of Management, for the review,

corrections, and suggestions, and for the improvement of the study;

Mr. Robert John R. Bayan, statistician, for the statistical analysis and for helping

the researchers in understanding the statistical part of the study;

Mr. Antonino Jose L. Bayson, English critic, for checking this manuscript;

Prof. Cristina M. Signo, campus administrator, for the reviews and suggestions

for the improvement of the study.

The researcher, Shiela Mae J. Gabriel., would also like to extend her gratitude to

her family, most especially to her parent Mr. Arman Gabriel and Mrs. Jennifer J. Gabriel

who served as his inspiration for keeping her motivated towards her dreams and to

accomplish in writing this thesis.

The researcher, Willjohn R Malasaga would like to extend his gratitude to his

parents, Mr. Nestor Malsaga and Mrs. Evalyn Malasaga for the love, care and unending

support to accomplish this thesis.

The researchers also would like to thank those persons who were not mentioned

here but have given their encouragement.

To all their relatives who supported them, the researchers are also grateful to you.

Above all, the researchers are grateful to the Lord Almighty, the giver and

provider of all the knowledge, wisdom and understanding.





Characteristic, Product Satisfaction and Customer Engagement Towards Aguinaldo
Blend Coffee in Indang, Cavite. Undergraduate Thesis. Bachelor of Science in Business
Management major in Marketing Management. Cavite State University – Carmona
Campus, Carmona, Cavite. June 2021. Adviser: Ms. Jocelyn B. Siochi.

The study aimed to determine the level of demographic characteristic in terms

age, sex, civil status; and the level of product satisfaction in terms of aroma, unique

flavor, after-taste and sweetness of Aguinaldo Blend Coffee, in Indang, Cavite; the level

of customer engagement of the participants; and the significant relationship between the

said variables.

The study focused on Aguinaldo Blend Coffee in Indang, Cavite conducted from

November 2020 to March 2021. The study employed quota, purposive and snowball

sampling to survey 150 participants who have already experienced the products. This

study used descriptive-correlational method through the use of a modified survey

questionnaire distributed online via Google Form. Weighted mean and chi-square test

were used to analyze the data.

The result of the study showed that the level of product satisfaction in terms of

aroma, unique flavor, after-taste and sweetness got a highly satisfaction by the

participants. This shows how good agunaldo blend coffe is. And also participants was

highly engaged by the product. Meaning, participants will continously repurchased the


For the relationship between the demographic profile show it has all significant

relationship except civil status. The same with product satisfacton in terms of aroma,
unique flavor and aftertaste. It clearly shows that the demographic characteristic and

production can directly affect the engagement of the consumer pf the Aguinalo blend



BIOGRAPHICAL DATA ……………………………………………………. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………… iv

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………... vi

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………............ viii

LIST OF APPENDIX TABLE ……………………………………………… x

LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………………………... xi

INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………. 1

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………... 3

Objectives of the Study ………………………………………………... 4

Hypotheses of the Study ……………………………………………….. 5

Conceptual Framework of the Study ………………………………….. 6

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………… 7

Time and Place of the Study ………………………………………….. 7

Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………………………….. 7

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………. 8


METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………… 18

Research Design ………………………………………………………. 18

Sources of Data ………………………………………………………... 18

Participants of the Study …………….………………………………… 18

Sampling Technique...... …………….………………………………… 19

Research Instrument ………………………………………………….... 19

Data Gathering ………………………………………………………… 21

Statistical Treatment of Data ………………………………………….. 21

RESULT AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………... 26


REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………. 37

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………... 40


Table Page

1 Distribution of the participants in Indang, Cavite...................……… 20

2 Descriptive interpretation for product satisfaction in unique

flavor…..............................................................................…. 23
3 Descriptive interpretation for product satisfaction in
aroma.................................................................................…. 24
4 Descriptive interpretation for product satisfaction in
aftertaste…............................................................................. 25
5 Descriptive interpretation for product satisfaction in
sweetness…............................................................................ 26
6 Descriptive interpretation of level of customer
engagement…......................................................................... 27
7 Distribution of participants according to their demographic
characteristic………………………………………………... 29
8 Level of product satisfaction of the
participants.............................................................................. 31
9 The Level of customer engagement of the
10 The relationship between the demographic characteristic and level
of customer engagement……………………………………
11 The significant relationship between Product satisfaction and
Customer engagement which revealed that all variables
have significant relationship to the customer engagement….

Appendix Page
1 Reliability Statistics of the Result of Pilot Testing using SPSS
Cronbach’s Alpha................................................................
2 Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its
Unique Flavor......................................................................
3 Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its
4 Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its
5 Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its
6 Descriptive interpretation on the level of customer engagement
towards coffee......................................................................
7 Chi-square test between age and customer
engagement.......................................................................... 46

8 Chi-square test between Sex and customer

9 Chi-square test between Civil Status and customer
10 Chi-square test between unique flavor and customer
11 Chi-square test between sweetness and customer
12 Chi-square test between aftertaste and customer
14 Chi-square test between aroma and customer 47

Appendix Page

1 Modified Survey Questionnaire……………………………………. 48

2 Original questionnaire of Bentler & Bonnett, 1980……………....... 53

3 Original Questionnaire From Ryan Finley and Chris Finley




Shiela Mae J. Gabriel

Will John R. Malasaga

An undergraduate thesis manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of

Management, Cavite State University - Carmona Campus, Carmona, Cavite in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business
Management major in Marketing Management with Contribution No. TBM-2021-02-014.
Prepared under the supervision of Ms. Jocelyn Bautista Siochi


The food and beverage industry, the industry where coffeefalls was categorized,

grew out from simple origins: as people tend to travel coming from their homes, going to

places for business agenda, they most likely have the need and want to eat and drink. It

was due to this that business minded people were encouraged to meet such demand by

providing foods and drinks. As the interest of people became diverse, the products and

services of the food and beverage sector followed (Briscoe & Tripp, n.d.) Coffee proves

to be an ideal beverage within the society. This is based on its role and functions

enhancing interaction and communication within the society. One of the most essential

reasons for the consumption of coffee by people is the need to stay refreshed and focused

for most of the time. This is an illustration on why most people prefer coffee shop that

operates on 24/7. (Lewis, 2011) Consumption of coffee is also associated with class thus,

the act of economic reason in the determination of coffee consumption (Blazey, 2009)

Product satisfaction as extent to which provided by a brand meet the expectation

of customer (Smith and Wright, 2014 ). They added that product improvement should

lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and increase in sales. Product can be

evaluated according to judgement of customer on the accumulative product benefits a

subjective feeling on quality offerings (Zeithaml, 1989 ; Dodds et al.). He added that if

the customer is satisfied with the product, then the quality is also acceptable. The

attributes of product include functional and psychological benefits attached with the

product (Ackaradejruangri 2012 ; Steenkamp, 1990). In short product satisfaction

associated with brand name influences customers evaluation toward the strenght of that

brand (Hilgenkamp & Shanteau, 2010).

Customer Engagement in today’s highly dynamic and interactive business

environment, the role of “customer engagement” (CE) in cocreating customer experience

and value is receiving increasing attention from business practitioner and academics

alike(Journal of Service reseach 14, 2011,). Customer engagement marketing defined as a

firm’s deliberate effort to motivate, empower and measure customer contrbution to

marketing functions mark as shift in marketing research and business practice (Collen

Harmling, 2017).

Generally, the findings of this study is to know the relationship of demographic

characteristic, product satisfaction and customer engagement towards Aguinaldo Blend

coffee. It will provide information how to know what are the factors that affect the

student, employee and residents of Indang, Cavite.


Statement of the Problem

This study gprovided inforrmation with the demographic profile, level of

customer engagement and level of product satisfaction of the participants towards

Aguinaldo Blend Coffee in Indang, Cavite.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following:

What is the demographic characteristic of the participants in terms of:

1. What is the demographic characteristic of the participants in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex; and

1.3. civil status?

2. What is the level of product satisfaction of the participants towards Aguinaldo Blend

coffee in terms of:

2.1. aroma;

2.2. unique flavor;

2.3. aftertaste; and

2.4. sweetness?

3. What is the level of customer engagement of the participants?

4. is there a significant relationship between the demographic characteristic of the

participants and their level of engagement towards Aguinaldo blend coffee?

4.1. age and customer engagement;

4.2. sex and customer engagement; and

4.3. civil and customer engagement?


5. Is there significant a relationship between the product satisfaction of the participant


their level of engagement towards Aguinaldo blend coffee in Indang, Cavite in terms


5.1 aroma and customer engagement;

5.2 unique flavor and customer engagement;

5.3 aftertaste and customer engagment; and

5.4 sweetness and customer engagement?

Objectives of the Study

This study provided information with regards to the customer engagement and

product quality of Aguinaldo blend coffee in Indang, Cavite.

Specifically, the study aimed to determine;

6. What is the demographic characteristic of the participants in terms of:

6.1. age;

6.2. sex; and

6.3. civil status?

7. What is the level of product satisfaction of the participants towards Aguinaldo Blend

coffee in terms of:

7.1. aroma;

7.2. unique flavor;

7.3. aftertaste; and


7.4. sweetness?

8. What is the level of customer engagement of the participants?

9. is there a significant relationship between the demographic characteristic of the

participants and their level of engagement towards Aguinaldo blend coffee?

9.1. age and customer engagement;

9.2. sex and customer engagement; and

9.3. civil and customer engagement?

5. the significant relationship between the product satisfaction of the participants and

their level of engagement towards Aguinaldo blend coffee in Indang, Cavite in terms of:

5.1 aroma and customer engagement;

5.2 unique flavor and customer engagement;

5.2 aftertaste and customer engagment; and

5.2 sweetness and customer engagement.

Hypotheses of the Study

HO1. There is no significant relationship between the demographic characteristic of

the participants and their level of engagements towards Aguinaldo blend coffee:

HO1.1 age and customer engagement;

HO1.2 sex and customer engagement;

HO1.3 civil status and customer engagement.


Ho2. There is no significant relationship between the product satisfaction of the

participant and their level of engagement towards Aguinaldo Blend coffee in Indang,

Cavite in terms of;

Ho2.1 aroma and customer engagement;

Ho2.2 unique flavor and customer engagement

Ho2.3 aftertaste and customer engagement;

Ho2.4 sweetness and customer engagement.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of the study (Fig. 1) was constructed to show the

relationship between the independent variables such demographic characteristic and the

product satisfaction to the dependent variable which is the customer engagement of the

participants towards Aguinaldo Blend coffee in Indang, Cavite.

 age
 sex
 civil status

 aroma
 unique flavor
 aftertaste
 sweetness

Figure 1. The conceptual framework of the study


Significance of the Study

The result of study may benefit the following individuals:

Business Management Students. The study may be provided with additional

information on the factors that may affect the customer engagement. It will also serve as

an avenue to understand the different demographic characteristics of customer and how to

bring satisfaction to them to further study the best quality coffee product.

Coffee shop owner. The result of the study may help the coffee shop owners to

know how product satisfaction influence the customer engagement in terms of the

variables given in the study so as to further improve or enhance their businesses.

Future researchers. The result of the study may be used as reference to their

study of similar or related topic.

Consumer. The study may benefit them since the improvement of the product

will give them more quality coffee products that they may enjoy.

Time and Place of the Study

The researchers decided to gather the demographic characteristics, product

satisfaction and customer engagement towards Aguinaldo Blend coffee. The study was

documented from November 2020 to March 2021 in Indang, Cavite.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study determined and evaluated the demographic characteristics of the

participants in terms of their age, sex, and civil status. Also the participants’ product

satisfaction and engagement towards Aguinaldo Blend in terms of its unique flavor,

aroma, and sweetness were part of the study. Students, employees and residents of

Indang Cavite who have experienced drinking Aguinaldo Blend coffee were the

participants of the study.

Definition of Terms
Aguinaldo Blend Coffee. Philippines is become the fourth largest exporter of

coffee beans and when the aguinaldo blend, altura coffee with the rise of the third coffee

wave and growing focus on the origin.

Demographic Characteristic. Defined as the statistical data on age,sex, and

income of people.

Age. The length of how old the person is.

Sex. Either of two main categories (male and female) into which human

and most other living things.

Civil Status. Correspond to your family situation. It can mean being single

married, in a civil union, adopted, divorce, a member of a singlr parent family, or

any item of family ties or family with another person.

Product Satisfaction. Refers to the satisfaction of the customer towards the

the attributes of the coffee.

Unique Flavor. Refers to the flavor of the coffee that makes it different

from other coffee products

After Taste. A taste remaining in the mouth after drinking the coffee

Aroma. A distinctive typically pleasant smell


Sweetness. The quality of being sweet

Customer Engagement. It is the emotional connection between a customer and a

brand. Highly engaged customers buy more, promote more, and demonstrate

more loyalty.


This chapter presents additional information that is applicable to the present



According to Briscoe & Tripp, n.d, (2008) Coffee drinking both in-home school

and casual coffe drinking outside has turned out to be as common as practice as dining .

Various including student make coffee shop their meeting points to interact on personal

and common issue. These interaction range from social communication or meeting to

personal relationship between couples and girlfriend and boyfriend interaction. It is ideal

to note that coffee is an aspect or components for bonding as it is reflection of friendship

and togetherness among the student and other stakeholder (Balch, 2006). Coffee became

popular all over the world in the late 1700s. the economic and value of coffee is great and

many people are engaged in the coffee business. (Chapagain and Hoekstra, 2007) Coffee

is one of the popular beverages in the world. Coffee drink is assumed to be healthy

alternative to alcoholic beverages in social gathering. He also stated that coffee has been

stereotype as an adult beverages. (Hattox 2014) Coffee can considered a drink which has

different positive effects on human health. Coffeee has become a convinient and easily

available drink. ( Albo, 2017) . The potential of coffee beans when they noticed that after

the goat eat berries which is coffee bean they became energetic and did not want to sleep

at night. The kaldi reports in the monastery and made them beverage forthe monks and

keep them alert throough long hours of prayers(Ncausa 1911) Cafe is not just coffee. It is

also placed where coffee is only a pretext to obtain other experiences (Sohrabi, 2015) In

order to satisfy a customer a cup of coffee is not enough. It has to involve any senses

such as feelings, experience, culture and globalization (Sohrabi, 2015) With this, cafe has

to provide many elements that will improve customers experience of which studies found

that customer repurchased because of the quality of a coffee. (Yan, Wang and Chou,


Demographic Characteristics

Demographic are quantitable statistic of population. Demographic are also used to

identify the study of quantitable subsetswithin a given population in which characterize

that population at a specific point in time. Demographic include such factors as gende,

age ethnicity, occupation, seniority, salary levels, marital and family status. The

researcher normally includes those factors which to have explanatory value in research.

(Davis, A. & Shannon, J ,2011) have recommended to truly know the employee audience

which can be done by analyzing the employee demographics and then conducting

qualitative research--such as focus group--to explore communication needs and

preference. According to Chappelow (2019) Demographic population is use to identify

the market consumer.

Age. Consumer’s change during their life and buying products alter depending on

age stage of life. Age related factors are such as taste of food, clothing recreation and

furniture. Moreover, environment, values, lifestyle, hobbies and consumer habits evolve

during lifetime (Kotler&Armstrong, 2010)

Sex. Gender is “one of the most common segmentation criteria used by marketers

(Miguel, MJ., Capillure, FM., Perez, C. &, Bigme E, 2014).


Civil Status. Marital status is an important demographic variable but there but

there is a difference of opinion among research wether it influence purchase intention or

not (Shaini GR et. Al, 2015) .

Product Satisfaction

According to Kotller and Armstrong (2008) A product is anything that can be

offered to a market for attention, acqusition, use or consumption and might satisfy as

want or needs. This mean that product is everything that is offered to the market to get

attention, purchased, used, and which can satisfy the desire or need of consumer. Kotler

and Keller (2012) said that “satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or

dissapointment that result from comparing a product pereived performance or outcome to

expectation. Wheareas, customer satisfaction according to Jahansia et al, (2011) is “a

customer satifaction is the result of a customer’s perception to product. “Customer

satisfaction is viewed as influencing repurchasing intention and behavior, which in turns,

lead to an organization ‘s future revenue and profits. The satisfaction is considered the

most construct in Marketing ( Erevelles and Leavitt 1992) Product satisfaction plays the

vital role in Marketing because it is a good predictor of purhase behavior (Mcquitty et al.,


Unique Flavor.Good quality coffee flavour has been described as a pleasant

sensation, a balanced combination of flavour, body, and aroma in the absence of faults

(Mori et al., 2003). Flavour remains the most important consumer parameter and warrants

thorough investigation from a sensory and compositional perspective (Mori et al., 2003).

Flavour is a complex sensation which can be described as a combination of aroma, taste,

texture and mouth feel (Taylor, 1996).


Beside the aroma and taste, mouthfeel and chemesthesis are other components

that influences flavour perception and are influenced by food structure interaction

interaction with the lining of the mouth during consumption ( Taylor, 1996) These

sensation typically include properties such as crunchiness, oilliness, grittiness, viscosity

softness or hardness and also include more complex sensation created from interaction of

food components with the surface of the mouth and tongue due to chemical sensitivity of

the skin and mucous membranes to burning, tickling, prickling, and cooling sensation

(Cliff, 1994) Importantly, texture, mouthfeel and chemethesis sensation are not detected

via the olfactory system or taste receptor pathways.

Aroma. Aroma is the first cousin of taste, Infact much of what we call taste is an

intricately entwined matrix of flavor, aroma chemicals and texture or mouthfeel. In 2005

review ‘Odor/taste integration and the perception of flavor,’ in (Experemental Brain

Research 2005) Dana Small and John Prescott presented psychophysical studies showing

how other and taste are “functionally united [while] anatomically seperated.”It’s no

wonder food manufacturers are very picky about how their product smell.

Formulating any type of food or beverage involves more than just one’s sense of

taste. Says (Stephen Manheimers 2007) “You have to consider aroma, texture

(mouthfeel) and in many cases, even appearance. All of these factors contributes to the

overall sensory experience that the consumer has when he sits down to eat. Aroma in

particular is strongly linked to taste. “The taste buds can only perceive five stimuli sweet,

sour, bitter and umami that is, ‘savory’or ‘meaty’” Manheimer continue because of this, a

lot of what consumers experience when eating actually occur through their sense of

smell, not taste.


Sweetness.Human desire for sweet taste spans all ages, races, and cultures.

Throughout evolution, sweetness has had a role in human nutrition, helping to orient

feeding behavior toward foods providing both energy and essential nutrients. Infants and

young children in particular base many of their food choices on familiarity and sweet

taste. The low cost and ready availability of energy-containing sweeteners in the food

supply has led to concerns that the rising consumption of added sugars is the driving

force behind the obesity epidemic. Low-calorie sweeteners are one option for maintaining

sweet taste while reducing the energy content of children’s diets. However, their use has

led to further concerns that dissociating sweetness from energy may disrupt the balance

between taste response, appetite, and consumption patterns, especially during

development. ( Adam Drewnowski, Julie A. Mennella, Susan L. Johnson, and France

Bellisle et,.al 2012)

Aftertaste. In coffee, refers to the tastes and aromas left in the mouth after

swallowing. Compared to the other drinks, coffee flavours hang around for along time:

the aftertaste of an espresso can last up to 15 minutes (RJ Clarke and OG Vitzthum,


Strictly speaking, taste refers to what we experience on the tongue: sweet, salty, sour,

bitter, umami, and perhaps one or two others (e.g. MG Tordoff et al, 2012; CA Running

et al, 2015). When we talk about aftertaste in coffee, we are usually really talking about

the flavour - the combination of the taste and aroma. Researchers sometimes use the

terms ‘after-odour’ or ‘after-flavour’ instead, to distinguish these from aftertaste.

In this strictest sense, considering only basic tastes, the aftertaste of coffee is different to

the taste when drinking it. Different compounds have different lengths of aftertastes: for

example, caffeine leaves a longer aftertaste than quinine (EJ Leach & AC Noble, 1986).

This mean that the balance of tastes in the aftertaste will likely be different to the first


However, the biggest difference maker when it comes to aftertaste lies in the

flavour, rather than in the taste. This is the resukt of particular molecules remaining in the

mouth longer than the others after swallowing the coffee. These molecules pass into the

nasal cavity through the back of the throat, so we continue experiencing their aroma after

the bulk of the coffee has been swallowed. This called ‘Retronasal olfaction’. The act of

swallowing actually increases retronasal olfaction, as the movement of the pharynx

pushes aromas into the nasal cavity (Buettner et al, 2001).

Customer Engagement

The role of customer engagement is increasingly paramount in today’s highly

dynamic market place (Jaakkola & Alexander, 2014) It has shown that CE is regarded as

strategic imperative in enhancing business, including revenue growth (Kumar et

al.,2010), Competitiveness (Ahmad & Amin, 2012),and profitability (Verhoef et al.,

2010) In contrast relatively few studies in the marketing literature to date have examined

the conceptulaztion of CE (Jaakola & Alexander., 2014) Therefore it has been explained

by theories that have examined value co-creation and interactive experience within

marketing relationship(Jaakola&Alexander,2014) Lusch, Vargo and Tanniru (2010)

proposed this philosophy as the Service-Dominant logic of marketing. They suggested

that the theoretical lens as value co-creatve experience with firms and/or other

stakeholders (Lusch & Vargo, 2006) It is acknowledged that customer engagement plays

important role in long-term business relationships, “where other relational concepts act as

specific engagement antecedents and/or consequences” (Brodie et al., 2011, p. 6). The

importance of customer engagement for marketing decisions was stressed by Van Doorn,

Lemon, Mittal, Nass, Pick, Pirner, and Verhoef (2010), who suggested customer

engagement behavior could be a “useful framework for classifying and segmenting

customers, based on their propensity to engage and the types of engagement behaviors

they display” (Van Doorn et al., p.263). However the peculiarities of customer

engagement behavior differ in various business fields due to context-dependent nature of

this phenomenon and due to various approaches to it. There are different

conceptualizations of the customer engagement phenomenon in scientific literature.

Vivek et al. (2012) after throughout analysis of various research on this topic

distinguishes two perspectives of its interpretation: 1) from practitioners point of view

customer engagement is being understood as activities facilitating repurchase behavior

and strengthening customer commitment to a brand; 2) from academic point of view

customer engagement could be treated as a measure of intensity of participation with

organization and other customer in a mutual knowledge exchange process. Mollen and

Wilson (2010) argues that there are three main themes related to customer engagement,

i.e. mental state along with active and sustained cognitive processing; assurance of

instrumental and experiential value; emotional bonding, pleasure and satisfaction. Similar

suggestions regarding customer engagement conceptualization have been made by

Cheung, Lee, and Jin (2011). According to them there are three possible ways to treat

customer engagement, i.e. as a process, as a behavioral manifestation and as

psychological state (Cheung et al., 2011). The interpretation of engagement may vary

depending on actors, i.e., subjects (e.g. customers, students, employees) and objects (e.g.

brand, service, course, mobile application) of engagement (Brodie et al., 2011). However

the performed analysis of recent scientific literature showed that customer engagement

should be treated as a multidimensional construct and despite variety of its dimensions

identified by various researchers in different fields all of them can be grouped into three

main dimensions (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) in accordance with suggestions

made by Macey and Schneider (2008), and Brodie et al. (2011; 2013). Kim et al. (2013)

Based on Brodie et al. (2011; 2013) the consequences of customer engagement

could be customer perceived value, satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty. All of

them are the main measures of sustainable customer relationships as well. In this paper,

referring to the purpose of the research, we focus only on two of them – perceived

customer value and satisfaction. The concept of customer engagement (CE) emerged in

2006 as a sub-set of the term engagement that sought to study the customer's behavior

and emotions toward the interactions/participation with brands/services . Recently, CE

has become one of the Marketing Science Institute’s (MSI) research priorities between

2014 and 2016. (Abdelsalam H Busalim, Ab Razak Che Hussin. Noorminshah A. Iahad


Relationship between Demographic Characteristic and Customer Engagement

Age, sex, income and civil status are known as customer characteristics. These

sets as significant determinant of customer behavior, based on the findings of Johwaheer

and Mokihns (2011) Between female and male intention to repurchased product

According to Abdulla (2010) there is significant difference between single, married

customer who is married are much more likely purchased product. Varela-Neira et. Al

(2010) proved that age consumer may impact positive and negatively on emotion that

affects customer engagement.

Relationship between Product Satifaction and Customer Engagement

Features of a product used by the store to enhance strong engagement by the

consumer(Bhukya & Sing,( 2016;) Coffee satisfaction may include aroma, aftertaste,

bold flavor and sweetness Madzharo, Block, & Morrin (2015).

Aroma and Customer Engagement. According to the study of Marsh (1999)

which states that aroma helps increases the customer repeat of purchase.

Unique Flavor and Customer Engagement. Flavour remains the most important

consumer parameter thorough investigation compositional perspective of consumer Mori

et al., (2003).

Aftertaste and Customer Engagement. High-level of aftertaste is a key strategy to

increase the customer availing the product multiple times Zhong and Moon (2020)

Sweetness and Customer Engagement. It is perceived that a sweeter taste ensures

repeat purchasing habit of consumer Oden (2010).



The research design, sources of data, participants of the study, sampling

technique, research instrument, data gathering and statistical treatment of this study were

presented in this chapter.

Research Design

The study was descriptive and correlational research design. Descriptive research

design since the research identified and described the demographic characteristics, level

of product satisfaction and level of customer enagement of the participants towards

Aguinaldo Blend coffee. Correlational design was used to further determine the

significant relationship between the said variables.

Sources of Data

Data relevant to the study came from the primary and secondary sources. Primary

data came from the information sourced out from the participants using a survey

instrument. On the other hand, secondary data were from internet, articles, proposals and

other reading materials that further support the study.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were the students, employees and residents of

Indang Cavite who have experienced drinking Aguinaldo Blend coffee. Due to the health

crises the country is facing right now, the researchers opted to use online flatform such as

social media and email to communicate and interact with the participants of the study.

Table 1. Distribution of participants

(N=150) (%)
Student 50 33.33

Resident 50 33.33

Employees of 50 33.33
CvSU Indang
TOTAL 150 100

Sampling Techniques
The study utilized purposive and proportional quota sampling, and to have

prospective participants, referral or snowball technique was used. Purposive was used

since the researchers have set certain criteria in choosing the participants of the study. It

was also proportional quota sampling because the researchers have decided to include

only a total of 150 customers as the participants of the study. To have better population

sample, the 150 sample size was divided to the three (3) sectors included in the study.

Research Instrument
A modified survey questionnaire (Appendix 1) from the works of Mei (2010)

(Appendix 2) Ryan Finley and Chris Finley (1999) (Appendix 3), Teresa Fernandes and

Fabia Esteves (2016) was utilized in the study.


A gate keeper question was included in the questionnaire to determine if the

participant is qualified for the study. It consist of one (1) question, “Do you drink

Aguinaldo blend coffee?”

The first part of the instrument focuses on the demographic characteristics which

include the age, sex, and civil status of the participants. The second part consists of

questions on product satisfaction of the participants towards Aguinaldo Blend coffee in

terms of its unique flavor, after taste and aroma. The last part focuses on the level of

engagement of the participants towards Aguinaldo Blend coffee. A four-point Likert

scale was used to interpret the responses of the participants:

4 - Strongly Agree,

3 - Agree,

2 - Slightly Agree; and

1 - Disagree.

The researchers distributed the questionnire using google forms and were

answered online by the participants to avoid direct contact and physical interaction. This

is a protocol implemented by the university to lessen the chances of being infected by

Covid-19 virus.

To check the validity of the instrument, it was pilot tested in Carmona, Cavite.

The instrument was answered by 30 individuals consisting of(10) students, (10) residents,

and (10) employees who have tried Aguinaldo Blend coffee. Using Statistical Package

for the Social Science (SPSS) Cronbach’s Alpha, a value of 0.952 (Appendix Table 1)

was obtained and interpreted as valid thus, allowed the researchers to start the data


Data Gathering
The data were gathered through online survey using a modified survey instrument

which was distributed online through google form. Snowball technique was used to get

potential participants to answer the survey instrument. Researchers were always

available online to answer clarifications or questions from the respondents and also to

remove doubt and content misinterpretation. Participants were assured that all

information will be treated with high confidentiality and will only be used for research

purposes only.

After collecting the data, the researchers tallied, encoded and analyzed the

information provided by the participants.

Statistical Treatment
Descriptive statistical tools such as frequency count, percentage and weighted

mean, were used in the study. Chi-square correlation test was also used to identify the

relationship between the variables under the study.

Frequency count and percentage was used to determine the demographic

characteristic of the participants.

Weighted meanwas used to know the level of customer satisfaction towards

coffee and the level of customer engagement.

Chi-square test was likewise utilized in the study to determine the significant

relationship between the demographic characteristic of the participants and theirlevel of


engagement and the significant relationship between the product satisfaction of the

participant and their level of engagement towards Aguinaldo blend coffee in Indang,


Table 2. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its Unique Flavor

The participants are
greatly satisfied with the
3.25 – 4.00 Highly Satisfied
unique flavor of the
The participants are
satisfied with the unique
2.50 – 3.24 Satisfied
flavor of the coffee.

The participants are

slightly satisfied with
1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Satisfied
the unique flavor of the

Table 3. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its Aroma

The participants are
3.25 – 4.00 Highly Satisfied greatly satisfied with the
aroma of the coffee.

The participants are

2.50 – 3.24 Satisfied greatly satisfied with the

aroma of the coffee.

The participants are

1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Satisfied slightly satisfied with the

aroma of the coffee.

The participants are not

1.00 – 1.74 Dissatisfied satisfied with the aroma
of the coffee.

Table 4. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its Aftertaste.

The participants are

3.25 – 4.00 Highly Satisfied greatly satisfied with the

aftertaste of the coffee.

The participants are

2.50 – 3.24 Satisfied satisfied with the
aftertaste of the coffee.

The participants are

1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Satisfied slightly satisfied with the
aftertaste of the coffee.

The participants are not

1.00 – 1.74 Dissatisfied satisfied with the
aftertaste of the coffee.

Table 5. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its Sweetness

The participants are
greatly satisfied with the
3.25 – 4.00 Highly Satisfied
sweetness of the coffee.

The participants are

2.50 – 3.24 Satisfied satisfied with the

sweetness of the coffee.

The participants are

slightly satisfied with the
1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Satisfied
sweetness of the coffee.

The participants are not

1.00 – 1.74 Dissatisfied satisfied with the
sweetness of the coffee.

Table 6. Descriptive interpretation on the level of customer engagement towards coffee

The participants
demonstrate utmost
3.25 – 4.00 Highly Engaged loyalty to the product by
buying more and
promoting it.

The participants
demonstrate loyalty to the
2.50 – 3.24 Engaged
product by buying
and promoting it.
The participants
demonstrate a little
1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Engaged loyalty to the product by
buying it less often and
less likely to promote it.
The participants do not
demonstrate loyalty to the
1.00 – 1.74 Not Engaged product by buying it on
rare occasions and
do not at all promote it.


In this chapter, the discussion is provided to have a better understanding of the

results. The data collected revealed enough inferences to answer the study’s objectives.

Demographic Characteristics
The demographic characteristics of the participants which include age, sex, and

civil status were summarized and analyzed. (Table 7).

Age. The result of the study showed that majority (43%) or 64 of the participants

belong to the age range of 25-32. This shows that among the participants, those who

belong to middle age have tried the Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

Sex. Majority (61%) or 91 of the participants were males and the rest were


Civil status. Majority (77%) or 116 of the participants were single. The study

revealed that among the participants, those who are single have tried Aguinaldo Blend


Table 7. Distribution of participants according to their demographic characteristic.


(n=150) (%)

17-24 58 38.7
25-32 64 42.7
33-40 16 10.7
33-40 9 6.0

Table 7. Continued…
49-56 3 2.0
Male 91 60.7
Female 59 39.3
Civil Status
Single 116 77.3
Married 34 22.7

Level of Product Satisfaction of the Participants

Table 8 shows that the participants were highly satisfied with the product’s unique

flavor, aroma, aftertaste, and sweetness.

Table 8. Level of product satisfaction of the participants.



Unique Flavor 3.70 .50 Highly Satisfied

Aroma 3.59 .59 Highly Satisfied
Aftertaste 3.64 .50 Highly Satisfied
Sweetness 3.68 .51 Highly Satisfied

Unique flavor. The findings of this study resulted to a mean 3.70 with standard

deviation of 0.50, interpreted as highly satisfied. This means that the flavor used in

Aguinaldo Blend coffee is good. The findings revealed that the participants are greatly

satisfied with the unique flavor of the coffee (Appendix Table 2) The result was

suppported by Mori et al., (2003) Good quality coffee flavor has been described as a

pleasant sensation, a balanced combination of flavor, body, and aroma in the absence of

faults (Mori et al., 2003). Flavor remains the most important consumer parameter and

warrants thorough investigation from a sensory and compositional perspective (Mori et

al., 2003). This mean that unique flavor helps coffee to be known.

Aroma. The result showed that participants are highly satisfied with the aroma of

Aguinaldo Blend coffee as shown in its mean of 3.59 and a standard deviation of 0.59

which was interpreted as highly satisfied. This means that the participant really

aappreciate the strong smell of the coffee. The participants are greatly satisfied with the

aroma of the coffee (Appendix Table 3). The study was supported by the sudy of

Petracco (2011) saying the aroma or smell is the most important component of coffee

flavor and many generally explain taste as what they smell. Therefore aroma is a factor

that contributes to the coffee.

Aftertaste. The participants were also highly satisfied with the aftertaste of

Aguinaldo Blend coffee as shown in its mean of 3.64 and a standard deviation of 0.58.

This was interpreted as highly satisfied. In this strictest sense, considering only basic

tastes, the aftertaste of coffee is different to the taste when drinking it. The participants

are greatly satisfied with the aftertaste of the coffee (Appendix Table 4) The study was

supported by EJ Leach & AC Noble, (1986) Different compounds have different lengths

of aftertastes: for example, caffeine leaves a longer aftertaste than quinine. This mplies

that afttertaste factor affect the consumers perception of coffee.

Sweetness. The result of the study further revealed that participants were also

highly satisfied with the sweetness of Aguinaldo Blend coffee as shown in its mean of

3.68 and a standard deviation of 0.51. This was interpreted as highly satisfied. This

means that the sweetness that participant experienced is good. The participants are

greatly satisfied with the sweetness of the coffee.(Table 5) The study was supported by

Drewnowski, et,.al., (2012).Human desire for sweet taste spans all ages, races, and

cultures. Throughout evolution, sweetness has a role in human nutrition, helping to orient

feeding behavior toward foods providing both energy and essential nutrients. However,

their use has led to further concerns that dissociating sweetness from energy may disrupt

the balance between taste response, appetite, and consumption patterns, especially during


Level of Customer Engagement of the Participants

The result of the study showed that participants were highly engaged with the

product, Aguinaldo Blend coffee, shown in its mean of 3.81and a standard deviation of

0.41 (Table 9). The result of the study is in agreement to what Jaakkola and Alexander

(2014) who have said that the role of customer engagement is increasingly paramount in

today’s highly dynamic market place and crucial for every business involved in food and

beverage industry to have. Also, Kumar et al. (2010), Ahmad and Amin (2012), and

Verhoef et. al., (2010), share the same thought that customer engagement, revenue

growth, profitability, and competitiveness are regarded as strategic imperative in

enhancing business. The researchers share the same thought that it is indeed important

for the business to keep customers engaged throughout their purchase journey to develop

customer loyalty and collect valuable customer information.

Table 9 The Level of customer engagement of the participants

3.81 .41 Highly Engaged

Relationship of Demographic Characteristic and Level of Customer Engagement

The findings revealed that demographic characteristics in terms of age and sex

have significant relationship with the participants’ engagement towards the product. On

the other hand, civil status showed no significant relationship (Table 10).

Age and Customer Engagement

As to age and customer engagement, the tale showed that the p-value 0.05 was

less than 0.05 level of signficance. Therefore the hypothesis Ho 1 were rejected. This goes

shows that there is significant relationship between age and customer engagement. This

means that age affects the purchased behavior of the participants. Demographic factors

such as sex and gender affect people’s preference. According to Andreu, Bigne,

Chumpitaz and SWaen, (2006),

Sex and Customer Engagement.

For the Sex and Customer engagement the p-value 0.041 was less than 0.05 level of

significance. Therefore hypothesis Ho2 were rejected. This shows that there is significant

relationship between sex and customer engagement. According to Davis, A. and

Shannon, J.,(2011) to truly know the employeer should have analyzed the participants’

sex and better conduct qualitative research--such as focus group--to explore

communication needs and preferencs.

Civil Sttatus and Customer Engagement

Civil status and Customer Engagement shows that p-valu 0.264 was higher than

0.05 level of significance. Therefore is Ho 3 were not rejected. This show that there is no

significant relationship between civil status and customer engagement. The result shares

the same output with the study of Mburu (2014) which states that a significant

relationship exists between various demographic factor and customer engagement such as

age, monthly income, and sex whereas marital status has no relationship with customer

engagement. Since civil status was found to have no significant relationship with the

participants engagement to the product, it can therefore be concluded that regardless of

civil status, the participants are engaged to the product.

Table 10. The relationship between the demographic characteristic and level of
customer engagement.


Age 0.041 Significant

Sex 0.005 Significant

Civil Status 0.264 Not Significant

a= significance level of 0.05

Relationship between Product Satisfaction and Customer Engagement

The result showed that a significant relationship exists between product

satisfaction and customer engagement which revealed that all variables have significant

relationship to the customer engagement (Table 11).

Table 11. Relationship between Product Satisfaction and Customer engagement


Aroma 0.001 Significant

Unique Flavor 0.038 Significant

Aftertaste 0.007 Significant

Sweetness 0.001 Significant

a= significance level of 0.05

Aroma. The result showed that there is a significant relationship between the

aroma and customer engagement shown in its p-value of .001 which is less than the

significance level 0.05, therefore Ho2.1 is rejected. This implies that the aroma of

Aguinaldo Blend coffee affects the customer engagement of the participants. The result

was supported by the study of Marques (2013) which states that aroma helps increases

the customer repeat of purchase.

Unique Flavor. The result for the level of customer satisfaction in terms of

Unique flavor and the level of customer engagement shows significant relationship.

Therefore. Ho2.2 rejected. This implies that the unique flavor affects the customer

engagement of the participants. The result was supported by the study of Mori et al.,

(2003). Flavour remains the most important consumer parameter and warrants thorough

investigation from a sensory and compositional perspective.

Aftertaste. The result for the level of customer satisfaction in terms of Aftertaste

and the level of customer engagement shows significant relationship, shown in its p-value

of 0.38 which is lower than 0.05 significance level, therefore we reject Ho2.3. This implies

that the aftertaste of the coffee affects the customer engagement of the participants. The

result was supported by the study of Zhong and Moon (2020) high-level of aftertaste is a

key to increase the customer repeat pruchase.

Sweetness. The result for the level of customer satisfaction in terms of Sweetness

and the level of customer engagement shows significant relationship. Therefore. Ho2.4

rejected. This implies that the Sweetness affects the customer engagement of the

participants. The result was supported by the study of Oden (2020) perceived that a

sweeter taste ensures repeat purchasing habit.

According to Kim and Watcher (2013) customer satisfaction with product is one

of the main factors, which influence customer intention to engage. Also, Dong Evans and

Sou (2008) stressed that in order to engage customer role clarity, perceived value and

customer satisfaction should first be improved.




The study aimed to determine and evaluate the demographic characteristic,

product satisfaction and customer engagement towards Aguinaldo Blend Coffee in

Indang, Cavite.

In particular, the study was conducted in Indang, Cavite from November 2020 to

March 2021. The study employed quota sampling technique on 150 participants. The

survey questionnaire used was modified from the works of Mei (2010), Ryan Finley and

Chris Finley (1999), Teresa Fernandes and Fabia Esteves (2016), and Kevin Kam

Fungso, Ceridwyan King and Beverly Sparks (2014). Moreover, the study was

descriptive-correlational in nature. Descriptive statistical tools such as frequency count,

percentage, and weighted mean, were used to determine the demographic characteristic

and level of customer satisfaction. While, chi square was used to determine the

significant relationship between demographic characteristic of the participants and level

of customer engagement and the significant relationship between the product satisfaction

of the participants and their level of customer engagement.

Out of 150 participants, majority were male, single, and have age ranges between

25-32 years old. Among the demographic characteristic of the participants, only civil

status was found to be not significantly related the level of the participants’ engagement.

On the other hand, unique flavor, aroma, aftertaste and sweetness were all found to have

significant relationship to the level of customer engagement.



The following conclusions were drawn based on the results of this study.

First majority of the participants were male, single, and in the age range

between 25-32. Therefore male are more likely consume coffee. With regards of

civil status single are the one buys frequently.

Second participants were highly satisfied with Aguinaldo Blend coffee in

terms of its aroma, unique flavor, sweetness and aftertaste. With this result, it can

be said that participants expressed great satisfaction with the product attributes of

the product that somehow influenced their engagement with the product.

Third, majority of the consumer was purchased regularly they are satisfied

by the taste of Aguinaldo blend coffee.

Fourth significant relationship exists between the demographic

characteristic of the participants in terms of age and sex and their level of

engagement. However, the study likewise revealed that no significant relationship

exists between civil status.

Lastly participants’ level of engagement to Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

Based from the result of the study it can be surmised that regardless of the participants’

civil status they are indeed engaged to the product.


Several recommendations were derived from the findings of the study.

First, Business management student some ideas may get to innovate product that

can bring the best taste of coffee. Focusing on the product characteristic and what are the

factors that consumer considering in purchasing to coffee.


For coffee shop owners it is recommended that they used his study as a basis to

formulate new ideas and to improved high level product for the consumer and also to

know who are the one who consume coffee frequently.

Future Researcher it can use by the business management to enhance their study and

also they can use the variable to widen the scope of the study and also they can study

about different coffee shop in certain area not only focusing to the product.

Lastly, Consumer. It is suggest to express their feedback on what they like the most to

improve tp provide better product.

Replication of the study which may include other factors of product satisfaction is

recommended. Also, to include other participants from the different places to be the

locale of the study.



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Appendix Table 1. Reliability Statistics of the Result of Pilot Testing using SPSS
Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha Based No. Of Items

On Standardized items

.952 .954 24

Appendix Table 2. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its

Unique Flavor


1. I am satisied with the uniqueness of the
coffee flavor 3.6733 .54952 HIGHLY SATISFIED

2. I am satisfied with the bold flavor of ths

coffee. 3.5733 .57167 HIGHLY SATISFIED

3. I am satisfied with the taste of a strong

3.7000 .50168 HIGHLY SATISFIED


Appendix Table 3. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its

1. I am satisfied with the aroma of the
coffee and it makes me want to pour a
3.7000 .55260 HIGHLY SATISFIED

2. I am satisffied with the dark coffee 3.4333 .59547 HIGHLY SATISFIED

3. A good coffee aroma kick to wake me 3.5933 .59185 HIGHLY SATISFIED


Appendix Table 4. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its

1. I am saisfied with the long and satisfying 3.6133 .54078 HIGHLY SATISFIED
after taste of this coffee
2. I can say that the aftertaste has a good 3.5867 .58144 HIGHLY SATISFIED
long lasting effect in my mouth
3. The aftertaste makes me want to have 3.6400 .49535 HIGHLY SATISFIED
coffee again.

Appendix Table 5. Descriptive interpretation of product satisfaction in terms of its


1. The sweetness of the coffee is just right 3.6600 .48921 HIGHLY SATISFIED
for me.
2. I am satisfied with fine sugar that they 3.6267 .49895 HIGHLY SATISFIED
3. I am satisfied with the sweetness 3.6800 .50924 HIGHLY SATISFIED

Appendix Table 6. Descriptive interpretation on the level of customer engagement towards



1. I love this Aguinaldo Blend coffee. 3.8067 .41283 HIGHLY ENGAGE

2. I am passionate about this Aguinaldo 3.6267 .52516 HIGHLY ENGAGE
3. Blend coffee.
4. I feel excited everytime I buy this 3.7000 .48811 HIGHLY ENGAGE
5. Aguinaldo Blend coffee.
6. I like to learn more about this 3.6600 .51592 HIGHLY ENGAGE
AguinaldoBlend cofee
7. The Aguinaldo Blend coffee grabs my 3.6533 .47750 HIGHLY ENGAGE

Appendix Table 6. Continued…

8. I feel concentrated when I take a sipof 3.6133 .52822 HIGHLY ENGAGE

this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.
9. When someone praises on this
Aguinaldo Blend coffee,It feels like a 3.7000 .50168 HIGHLY ENGAGE
personal compliment
10. When I talk about this Aguinaldo blend
coffee I usually say the good 3.7000 .48811 HIGHLY ENGAGE
characteristics of it.
11. When someone criticise the Aguinaldo
Blend coffee, It feels like a personal 3.7267 .49013 HIGHLY ENGAGE
12. I would recommend this Aguinaldo 3.7533 .43252 HIGHLY ENGAGE
Blend coffee to my friends.
13. I would say positive things about this 3.6867 .46540 HIGHLY ENGAGE
Aguinaldo Blend coffee.
14. I am loyal to this Aguinaldo Blend 3.7133 .49611 HIGHLY ENGAGE

Appendix Table 7. Chi-square test between age and customer engagement


Pearson Chi-Square 16.110a 8 .041

Likelihood Ratio 13.103 8 .108
Linear-by-Linear 1.040 1 .308
N of Valid Cases 150

Appendix Table 8. Chi-square test between sex and customer engagement


Pearson Chi-Square 10.779a 2 .005

Likelihood Ratio 10.926 2 .004
Linear-by-Linear 7.126 1 .008
N of Valid Cases 150

Appendix Table 9. Chi-square test between civil status and customer engagement

Value DF Asymptotic
Significance (2-

Pearson Chi-Square 2.665a 2 .264

Likelihood Ratio 3.234 2 .199
Linear-by-Linear .490 1 .484
N of Valid Cases 150

Appendix Table 10. Chi-square test between unique flavor and customer engagement


Pearson Chi-Square 13.792a 2 .001

Likelihood Ratio 13.244 2 .001
Linear-by-Linear 11.631 1 .001
N of Valid Cases 150

Appendix Table 11. Chi-square test between sweetnessand customer engagement


Pearson Chi-Square 19.606a 4 .001

Likelihood Ratio 18.254 4 .001
Linear-by-Linear 13.746 1 .000
N of Valid Cases 150

Appendix Table 12. Chi-square test between aftertasteand customer engagement


Pearson Chi-Square 9.951a 2 .007

Likelihood Ratio 9.764 2 .008
Linear-by-Linear 6.271 1 .012
N of Valid Cases 150

Appendix Table 13. Chi-square test between Aroma and customer engagement


Pearson Chi-Square 6.554a 2 .038

Likelihood Ratio 6.080 2 .048
Linear-by-Linear 4.090 1 043
N of Valid Cases 150


Appendix 1

Modified Survey Questionnaire



Dear Respondents:

We are Shiela Mae J. Gabriel and Will John R. Malasaga, a 4 th year

BSBM(Bachelor of Science in Business Management) Major in Marketing student of
Cavite State Universtity - Carmona Campus. One of the requirement of this course is to
conduct a thesis study related to the major specialization.

At present, we are working on the thesis entitled “Demographic Characteristic,

Product Satisfaction and Customer Engagement Towards Aguinaldo Blend Coffee in
Indang, Cavite”

Your cooperation in completing this questionnaire is highly appreciated. All

information would remain strictly confidential and onlybe used for research purpose.

Thank you so much and God Bless!

Part I. Demographic Characteristic

Direction:Kindly put check mark () on the space provided next to the answer of your

Have you tried drinking Aguinaldo Blend Coffee? Yes ( ) No ( )

Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )
Civil Status: Single ( ) Married ( )
Age: _____

PART II. Product Satisfaction

Direction:Please put a check () that indicates the degree to which you agree or


Slightly Agree


Strongly Agree

Product satisfaction 4 3 2 1


I am satisfied with the aroma of the coffee and it makes me want to

pour a cup.

I am satisffied with the dark coffee aroma.

A good coffee aroma kick to wake me up.


I am satisied with the uniqueness of the coffee flavor

I am satisfied with the bold flavor of ths coffee.

I am satisfied with the taste of a strong coffee


I am saisfied with thelong and satisfying after taste of this coffee

I can say that the aftertaste has a good long lasting effect in my mouth

The aftertaste makes me want to have coffee again.



The sweetness of the coffee is just right for me.

I am satisfied with fine sugar that they added

I am satisfied with the sweetness

Part III: Customer Engagement

Direction:Please put a check () that indicates the degree to which you agree or


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Agree

Customer Engagement 4 3 2 1

I love this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

I am passionate about this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

I feel excited everytime I buy this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

I like to learn more about this Aguinaldo Blend cofee.

The Aguinaldo Blend coffee grabs my attention.

I feel concentrated when I take a sip of this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

When someone praises on this Aguinaldo Blend coffee, It feels like a

personal compliment.
When I talk about this Aguinaldo blend coffee I usually say the good
characteristics of it.

When someone criticise the Aguinaldo Blend coffee, It feels like a

personal insult.
I would recommend this Aguinaldo Blend coffee to my friends.

I would say positive things about this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.

I am loyal to this Aguinaldo Blend coffee.


Appendix 2

Original questionnaire of Bentler & Bonnett, 1980


Appendix 3

Original Questionnaire From Ryan Finley and Chris Finley, 1999


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