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1st semester: yellow

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data Uses data from a variety of Uses data from Uses comprehensive
through data provided by to learn about individual formal and informal multiple measures to knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. sources to learn about make ongoing adjustments
assessments. students and guide
make adjustments to and accommodations in
selection of instructional instruction and meet instruction.
strategies to meet diverse individual identified
Using knowledge of learning needs. learning needs.
students to engage Students take ownership of
them in learning Some students may Students engage in Student engage in learning their learning by choosing
engage in learning using single lessons or through the use of Students actively utilize a from a wide range of
instructional strategies sequence of lessons that adjustments in instruction variety of instructional methods to further their
focused on the class as a include some to meet their needs. strategies and learning that are
whole. adjustments based on technologies in learning responsive to their learning
assessments. that ensure equitable needs.
access to the curriculum.
While the school does Although data from In addition to data
provide data to help us informal and formal is collected from formal and
learn about the students, used. I do tend to make the informal observations,
additional data is most adjustments during data from student work
gathered in order to instruction based on the and from the different
assess the student levels. different responses I types of testing the
This is done through a receive from students in a students complete are also
series of both formal and series of different used. These different types
informal assessments. I observations made during of data coming from the
do gather data about the lesson. I do lean different types
student levels through towards using different measurements are used to
labs (helps in knowing student interests in order make adjustments to
students math and to capture student students learning. This has
writing skills as well as attention and help them been helpful in addressing
science), the warm up at meet their learning needs. the weaknesses displayed
the beginning of class in This allows the students to during these tests by the
which I go around an relate the information I am student. This has also been
sign it as I informally providing them to a topic helpful in helping not only
assess the student they are familiar with, this find the learning gaps of
answers, this helps helps the students develop the students, but
guide me and shows if a better understanding of providing ways to address
Evidence there is a general the material and meet those needs as much as
misconception in thier learning need. possible even if
relation to the current or (4/30/2020) adjustments were needed
previous topic. I do try to be made during a
and differentiate by Data from formal and science classroom.
trying to have alternate informal observation is (4/15/21)
assignments for my IEP used during planning in
students & ELs, as well order to plan different
as providing my instructional strategies to
students with essential keep student engagement
vocabulary words that high, and to help better
they should be familiar meet their learning needs.
with for the lesson at Student engagement has
hand. (9/29/19) been much higher after
tailoring certain activities
to their needs. This has in
return shown the students
to be alot more engaged
and effective.
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, about students’ prior family contacts to expand knowledge of students and systematically uses
backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural, life understanding of students’ their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests experiences, and interest prior knowledge, cultural inform instruction. regarding students’
represented among to support student backgrounds, life cultural backgrounds,
Connecting learning students. learning. experiences, and interests prior knowledge, life
to students’ prior to connect to student experiences, and interests.
knowledge, learning.
backgrounds, life Students participate in
experiences, and single lessons or Students make Students can articulate the
interests Some students connect sequences of lessons connections between Students are actively relevance and impact of
learning activities to their related to their interests curriculum, and their prior engaged in curriculum, lessons on their lives and
own lives. and experiences. knowledge, backgrounds, which relates their prior society.
life experiences, and knowledge, experiences,
interests. and interests within and
across learning activities.

It has been easier to use Family contacts are used Knowledge of students
life experiences in to further understand and their community is
environmental science by students prior knowledge used to inform instruction
highlighting student's past and more to further in many different ways.
actions and how those understand the students Instruction, especially in a
actions have an effect on cultural background. This science class is used in a
the environment. is utilized in the classroom way to connect to the
Students were made in many different ways. I students different
aware of consequences of have currently improved background experiences,
throwing trash on the in using life experiences and that can only happen
floor/street/park etc. for my 7/8th amd biology using knowledge of the
during the lesson about students as well. While I students’ backgrounds and
land pollution which then had to do some extra work cultures. Students, when
Evidence sparked a "will it make a to contact a few parents possible, are given choices
difference?" debate. Which and put more effort into in their learning activities
showed great passion and learning my students in order to satisfy and be
interest by the students. It more, this has helped able to meet their learning
has been more of a dramatically in making needs. This is done to not
challenge for biology and connections between the only engage the students,
7/8th science. This has curriculum and the but also to try and get
been dependent on the students backgrounds and them to engage in problem
topic which we are life experiences. (4-30- solving activities that
covering. During the 2020) discuss different
lesson about the parts of community problems.
the cell, students more There has been a bigger (4/15/21)
readily started engaging focus on not only cultural
once we started labeling backgrounds for the
the different parts of the students, but also
cell to make for a small bettering their ability to
town as opposed to just connect the topics to a real
learning what each part of life experiences. This has
he cell does. Biology has proved to play a vital role
been a little more in increasing students
challenging in terms of engagement in the
obtaining student interest classroom. Due to distance
to the topic, which makes learning it has been
me have to lean towards difficult to connect with
more exploration/inquiry the students in ways that
based instruction with the were available in a regular
lesson. (9/29/19) instructional classroom.
Students in return have
shown that when the topic
relates to something of
their interest , they are
much more willing
participants in the
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support specific to students’ family and is responsive during contexts throughout
understanding. and community. instruction to engage subject matter instruction.
Connecting subject students in relating to
matter to meaningful, Students make use of real- subject matter.
real-life contexts life connections provided Students routinely
Some students relate in single lessons or Students utilize real-life Students actively engage integrate subject matter
subject matter to real-life. sequence of lessons to connections regularly to in making and using real- into their own thinking
support understanding of develop understandings life connections to subject and make relevant
subject matter. of subject matter. matter to extend their applications of subject
understanding. matter during learning
For environmental While instruction relating Teacher relates and
science, students have to meaningful, real life includes meaningful real
been able to make real life contexts has been life contexts into planning.
connections more readily something that has been This in return has
to the topics which easier to do in my provided the students
pertain to our environmental science with ways to see how the
surroundings. Students class, I do see material being learning
were able to look for the improvement in my other can be used to make real
different sources of classes in this regard. This life connections on the
radioactive pollution near has been due to extra time regular. Whether it is in
where they live which is that I have been putting our everyday lives, or
provide by the epa into planning with whether it is a connection
website, this pushed emphasis on real world that they have made using
student interest way connections. More a memory or a past
higher than it was community experience. This in return
originally. For biology, building/improving has helped the students
students were given the related work has also improve their scores and
job of being a biome been introduced to their comprehension of
conservation biologist in students in environmental the topics in class, with
which they had to choose science, with the goal of room for improvement as
Evidence a country and discuss how having students hopefully they are still new at this
we can save the one day act as active skill. (12/01/2020)
endangered boime. As for members in their
7/8th science, I had the community. (4-30-2020)
students compare the Students, through
functions of the different different methods,
parts of the cell to a real classroom activities, and
life job/function ie the assignments are engaged
nucleus as mayor's office. in solving real world
(9/29/19) problems. One way has
proven a real success has
been getting students
involved in ways we can
improve the environment.
This has been an excellent
outlet for students to
experiment and actually
come up with career goals
when it comes to their
future. (4/15/21)
Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
Using a variety of
lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse learning needs.
strategies, resources,
learning needs.
and technologies to
meet students’
Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in Students actively engage Students take
diverse learning
in instructional strategies, single lessons or sequence instruction using in instruction and make responsibilities for using a
using resources and of lessons related to their strategies, resources, and use of a variety of wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. interests and experiences. technologies matched to targeted strategies, resources, and
their learning needs. resources, and technologies that
technologies to meet their successfully advance their
individual students needs. learning.

Virtual labs/labs are used Depending on student A broad range of

as additional instructional needs students might get strategies are used
strategy for all classes. different types of things to throughout instruction.
This allows students to help meet their learning The different types of
visualize and somewhat needs. Students who have strategies that are used do
experience the topic at a hard time concentrating vary from class to class
hand. Web quests are during class work due to and student to student.
assigned to help the loud noise levels, are The variety of strategies
students develop the provided with noise used can be from small
ability to research. blocking headphones. group instruction, being
Students are also Students also are actively able to have a partner
provided with additional using their chromebooks during an assignment,
information on their depending on the differentiated pacing etc..
google classroom in case a assignment. I also try to Teacher uses also
Evidence question does come up provide students with strategies in order for
without my being present. more group work students not to feel
The next step I feel to activities in order to help overwhelmed by the
move onto applying is to meet their learning needs. amount of work being
use culturally responsive Still currently working on given. For example,
pedagogy. (9/29/19) the use culturally certain assignments are
responsive pedagogy (4- broken down into smaller
30-2020). more manageable
A variety of resources and assignments in order to
technology have been in not have the students
use, more so now with feeling overwhelmed, and
distance learning. This has that can vary from student
put pressure not only on to student or it can be a
us instructors to learn and whole class type of
be comfortable with the adjustment just depends
use of such platforms, but on the situation.
on the students. This has (4/15/21)
in return increased
student engagement when
combined with the need
to relate the provided
platforms to a real life
context that helps the
student comprehend the
learned material. Students
get a slew of different
ways to show their
comprehension of the
subject matter online.I
have been trying to
provide and see which
platforms the students are
comfortable with in order
to get the most
participation out of my
students. (12/01/2020)
Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
Promoting critical critically. content. reflecting on multiple problems.
thinking though perspectives.
inquiry, problem
solving, and Some students respond to Students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and answer
reflection questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks questions and problems and construct questions of a wide-range of complex
and comprehension. designed to promote posed by the teacher and their own to support questions and problems,
comprehension and begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. reflect, and communicate
critical thinking in single problems of their own understandings based on
lessons or a sequence of related to the content. in depth analysis of
lessons. content learning.

Planning based on the Students are provided Students are encouraged

NGSS standards has with rubrics when to think independently of
helped in planning in necessary. This has solutions to problems or
ways to promote critical proved extremely helpful questions in which the
thinking for my lessons. due to students now teacher poses. One way
Students are given group utilizing this rubric, this students are encouraged
activities in which they provides the students to think independently is
are faced with a problem with an opportunity to by them getting asked
to solve, and are asked to assess themselves. I have open ended questions.
come up with a solution as also been allowing That has helped students
a group. This has worked students to choose a topic think critically and
particularly well with the related to a certain lesson develop their critical
pollution topic. Students for them to provide a thinking skills. Also the
Evidence researched the causes and presentation about. This addition of problems in
effects of the different has provided them with a which the students have
types of pollution, and wonderful opportunity to different ways or methods
came up with many good research an area of their in which they can solve a
ideas (some outlandish) interest while also still problem or complete a
on how to deal with the being relevant to the task has been very helpful.
problem. (9/29/19) current unit we are (4/15/21)
studying. (4-30-2020)
Students are guided
critically, especially
during the lecture parts of
the lessons in ways of
questioning. Students are
prompted in different
ways directly and
indirectly in order to
gauge and increase
students interest and
engagement in the subject
matter. Students are
asked to think crucially
not only about knowing
the material being
provided. But also for
example, in ways to solve
the problems being
presented especially in a
science classroom.
Students have shown
improvement by also
starting to pose some of
their questions during the
class, which has shown
them to be critically
thinking about the topic,
with room for
Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. activities to support based on observation of ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide
student understanding. student engagement and individual student needs assistance to students in
regular checks for for assistance, support, or mastering the concepts
Monitoring student understanding. challenge. flexibly and effectively.
learning and
adjusting instruction Students monitor their
while teaching. Some students receive Students receive Students successfully Students are able to progress in learning and
individual assistance assistance individually or participate and stay articulate their level of provide information to
during instruction. in small groups during engaged in learning understanding and use teacher that informs
instruction. activities. teacher guidance to meet adjustments in
their needs during instruction.
Student learning is I try and build on students Different adjustments are
monitored through responses during class to made constantly, whether
different methods. I go see which different during instruction or
around and informally strategy will be used or if I during planning. These
assess every warm up at need to switch the way an adjustments are being
the beginning of class to assignemnt is done during done based on formative
see how much the class. For example, and summative
students know about the students are constantly assessments. They also
topic being discussed asked to participate and based on informal
(types of questions vary). asked different questions observations during the
Also, students are pertaining to the lesson. classroom, because this
monitored through Based on the responsis I shows students
inquiry during the lecture do recieve students are experiencing their
portion of the lesson as either groups in a certian struggles in real time.
well as through student matterm, or I would go Lessons are adjusted
engagement. This helps in back and reexplain a accordingly based on
adjusting the lesson as we certain part of the lesson student answers, verbal
move along as a unit. One in order for the students and non verbal signs.
thing that has worked has to meet thier learning Whether it is engagement,
been the use of real life objective. (4-30-2020) questions asked or
connections to the topic I try to continually anything that allows me to
Evidence the moment I notice that monitor students' activity assess the student actions
students are not and progress not only to in the classroom in
relating /connecting to collect data for grades, but relation to the learning
the lesson. (9/29/19) also to see how the material. (4/15/21)
students can be helped
and assisted. Students
have shown great
improvement in being
able to identify their own
needs in terms of what
part of a certain topic they
need help
comprehending. This has
helped guide me in order
to help them meet their
learning goals, this way I
am providing assistance
in areas of need to my
students instead of
generalizing assistance to
the whole classroom.

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